HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-2-26, Page 8When you are passing Deadman te Mo-
OttWs Dreg Store, take to look at
their Show Window and see
the cliffsreuee between
Butter Without Butter Color
Butter With Butter Oolor,
You will at nnoe deeide that everyone
who entices Butter should Use a good
Better Color, especially at tide season of
the year.
That nicely Colored Better you see in
our window wee tattered by
DeWitt's Jersey
Butter Dolor,
Ask for DeWitt's Ilea take no
Druggists, Opticians and Booksellers.
Trains leave Brnesols Station, North
and South, es follows:
Gaeta Sorcrer. GOING SMITH,
bxuieaaa 7.21 a.m. I mixed 0:4.1 man
1U7 pea. I emit. mete pen
I'Dtni tcbs 31: tin
A ehiel's melting ye Merin' notes,
Am' faith he'll prent it.
Bersseee market leads.
THE Posil aivee the news.
Is your subscription paid to THE ?'e?
BRUHMLB Council next Monday evsn.
line the Owe. in Tees Pose every
ilLEssite. BARRER & VANSTONE are ship-
ping a oar of pork.
TUESDAY'S and Wednesday's stet ins
made the roads heavy.
HOME Fair on Thursday of next week.
Don't forget it. Marsh 4th.
THERE were 16 commercial bravellere
in Brussels on Tuesday of this week.
BRUSSELS flax mill expects to corn date
the handling of 1.896 flax crop next week.
READ as interesting account of gold
mining in British Columbia on page 6 of
this issue.
ARENT BROS. sawmill is iinning Isil
blast. They have e. big stock of both logs
and beetling.
Town Hall, Friday evening, March kb.
Go and h
Tem estate of D. G. Hogg, according to
Assignee Scott's statement, has paid liee
cents on the dollar.
.A. OAR of live hoes was forwarded from
Brussels on Thursday of this week by
Messrs. Beaker & Vanstone,
FRED. 13. Hoaowr, representing Miss
Margaret Stuart Clark, B. I., a Phila-
delphia elocutionist and interpreter, was
in town on Wednesday.
SEVERAL Brusselites attended the
hockey metal at Seeforth on Thursday
of last week, when the local team defeat.
ed a club from the Forest city.
phased the lime store house at the G. T.
11. yard from D. A. Lowry and will
utilize it for the storage of coal.
M. Wresoe shipped a car of cattle and
Messrs. Clegg ,a Barnes a ma of hop
tiering the past week. Few stations but
Brneaele as a shipping point for stook
and graie.
A very interestine report of the Flowick
District Sabbath School Convention, for
which we are indebted to the Editor of
the Fordwieh Reeord, arrived too late
for this issue. It will appear next week.
BRUSSELs Town Band has secured the
services of Miss Margaret Stuart Clark,
-le, L, for a high Mass entertainment in
the Town Hall here Friday evening of
next week. Miss Clark has first -Mass
testimonials as an elocutionist and inter-
preter of Character.
THE Walkerton Telescope in informed
on what It regards as good authority,
that Henry Cargill is shortly to become
partner in the Teeswater private bank. '
Mr. Smith will remain as Manager pro.
aiding he is paid a salary of $1,500 tr, year,
otherwise he will strike fur the Roseland
gold fields.
FOR tweuty years past ministers and •
doctors have Rent their returns of re•
gistrations of births, deaths aud mar-
riages to the clerk free of postage.
Postmaster General Muloolt's reoeut de.
Maim' regueling matte': which may go
through the mails free outs off this
privilege, and in future all registration
sent throne) the melte will have to pay
ARM linonse.-11Irs. 111. A, Coulter,
teacher of the primary department in the
pebile sehnne Seaford), and formerly of
Bruesels, met with a painful smoident on
'.11'nesdev 111411 01 last week. She was
returning home about eleven o'ulook, and
when in front of eV. W. Hoffman's she
Slipped and fell, breaking her right arm
et the wrist. Mre. Coulter was alone at
the time, and although for a time she was
nnable to Hee, she got home, and not
thinking the injury 1004 80 serous, she
Passed the night without having the in-
jured member dressed. The Huey is a
most peinfill one, meds more so by the
delay in having it attended to. It will
be some time before she will be able to
resume her duties at school.
Levente Ann His CABINET.—WO lis
made arraneements by which subscribers
to the Weekly Globe and Tun Pose, may
receive the handsome new pietnre of
Premier Leerier, sitting at his Couneil
hoard, surrounded by his cabinet, on the
same terms as are offeree by the Globe.
The pictures are taken room photographs
and are reproduced in its. This very
desirable platen° is not. -old for less than
60 cents per copy, but V s San aupply 1110
subsoribers at the low Num of 15 ranee,
Sample copies may he seen at this offioe,
or will be mailed to subscriber's em receipt
Of the priori, The Globe ie now 10 pages
every weelc, the best payer of the kind
published in Canada. The price of Tim
Pon end the Globe 15 only $L50 a year
n advanee, Or inolucleng the pietere,
$1.65. enbeeribers act well es net,
cell have the picture for 16 cents, We
will mend Tan Pose and weekly Globe 11
Menthe, on a trial trip, With picture in.
eluded, for 50 eente 311 advancle.
THERE was no service in St. John's
church lest liebbeth,
TUESDAY the tea Meters were in 11 10
great shape owing to the free tee party
giveu et Councillor Thomeon'e groovy.
AUCTIoN sale of the 2, 6 a, Livingston
flax mill at Brussels and the 08 mere tarn
adjoining the town takeseplaee on Friday
afternoon, Margit 12th.
Willa is 11 11161 tune loves mere titan
life; hates more than death ; the miser
spends ; the spendthrift 5.1155 ; and each
man carries to hats grave
WletT about the Greed Trunk putting
on the ?etre train on the W. G. 1 13, 7
The bugbear ttbout snow blockades this
Winter never Oanie to pass,
Tuts week Messrs. lectelter & Vanstone
shipped 2 oars of peas and 2 care of oats
Iran Breesule. They ere cerrying thous.
feuds of beetle's of old oats waiting on a
rise in the market.
Trimmer morning Mnyfrici, second
daughter of Rev, S. J. Allin, was quite
seriously scalded by the upsetting of a tin
of water from the stove on her as she was
seated on the floor near by. She it get.
111131 11000 nicely however.
Tne Serephatio eland was here on
Tnesdny and gave one of their fine pro.
grams both on the street and ia the bar-
racks. They have a vary happy way of
soundly:: the Gospel Trumpet iu the
midst of their vocal and instrumental
selections, The rough weather militated
somewhat against the attendance.
LAUNDRY zy 13eussees.—This week A. E.
Stott has opened 050 51. laundry in Brus•
eels and hereafter one oitizens will be
able to have their work clone in real oily
style at home. The ewasbee washes"
will be Ideated in the cottage immediate-
ly West of Wilhian,s livery, Williams'Thomas
street, Mild the proprietor, who is a prate.
deal man, guarantees satisfaction and
solicits the patronage of Brusselitee jo
supporting a home industry. This is
Theln.--Monday morning Willie, intent
son of tbe late William Bright, died at 0.
Zilliases, Brussels, where Mrs. Bright
was visiting, she and Mrs. Zilliax being
sieters. The baby had bean ailing for
some time with some trouble in its head,
whioh developed into quick .consumption,
resulting in his decease at the age of 9
months and 26 days. Funeral took place
on Tuesday afternoon at, Listowel, where
Dlr. Bright was buried last December.
The remains were taken to that town
Tuesday forenoon after a short funeral
service. Mrs. Bright is deeply sympa-
thized with in her double bereavement.
THE Mnearsectnes.—There was a large
audience in attendance at the Town Hall
last Friday evening to hear Messrs. Melt
and Ramsay in their fun -making pro.
gram. Both gentlemen have appeared
here before on different occasions separ-
ate, but when it came to doubling them
up they were Teenier than ever. The
program consisted of the following in ed.
dition to numerous enoores :—Overture,
Mrs. W. E. Iearnsay ; "Time Is Money,"
and the "X Rays," Messre. Rich and
Ramsay ; recitation, W. E. Ramsay ;
"It Hurts" and "The Blow it near killed
Father." W. E. Rameay ; "The Irish
Miners" and effiary Ann Refused Me,"
Harry Rich ; musical selection, "The
Yale Two -Step," Mrs. W. E. Ramsay;
the comedy burlesque from the Opera of
the "Shop Girl," "The Two Orfuns" and
"The Lone Fisherman," Messrs. Rich
and Ramsay ; "The Laundry Girls" and
"The Swell and Crossing Sweeper," Mes-
srs. Rich and Ramsey ; "Its Very
Handy" and "The 16th Oentury Days,"
Harry Rioh ; "Our 'Appy 'Ome" and
',Madness," W. E. Ramsay ; "The Two
Thieves," from the Opera of "Erminie,"
Meeers. Rich and &unsay ; faros comedy,
"Done 00 Both Sides,"—Otto Shultzter•
holesdoffin, Harry Rich—Dennis Mal-
cahey, W. E. Ramsay—replete with
laughable situations and a broadsword
combat on horseback. The Merrymalters
come here under the auspices of the Sons
of Scotland, whom Brueselites have to
thank for more than one good entertain-
ment, Chief Donald Stewart was obeir•
man. Mrs. Ramsay as neoompanist and
pianist 00310 6.. 1. The receipts amounted
to about e70.00.
People We Kriow.
H. W. Farrow was in town last Sab-
Mrs. Huh McMartin has been lea up
with le grippe.
Len. Downing has been off duty from
an attack of la grippe
J. T. Ross and Mrs. A. Currie were at
London this week on a business Mitt,
Dr. and Mrs. Graham have gone to
New York, leaving Toronto last week.
Dr. Holmes, the genial Co. Treasurer,
was in town on Tuesday on a business
Bliss Eliza Roddielc is away at Teron.
to this week attending the millinery
Ince Smith, carriage maker, Who was
off duty from la grippe, is able to resume
work again.
Dan. McDonald, of Wiarton, was in
town for a few days owing to the illness
of hie mother, Mrs. Robt, Kerr.
JohneWilbee is still under the doetor's
cam, suffering from sciatica. He hos
been laid up for nearly two months.
J. A,. Creighton spent last Sunday in
Guelph, with his son E. le., on his way
borne from Toronto, where he was at.
teudiug the Greed Lodge of the A., 0. U.
Principe] Cameron was in Luelcnow
over Sunday owing to the serious illness
of his mother from pneumonia. She is
reported considerably better now we are
pleased to state;
tie W. Burgess, son of Samuel Burgess,
of Brussels, who has been 0. P. R. agent
at Garden River, Algoma, for several
years, has taken a position at Match.
wood, Michigan.
Arthur Wake, who has been visiting ab
Owen Sound for 350500 weeks, has Suiten a
eithetion ns painter iu the Palmerston
Carriage Werke. He is a good hand at
the business and we wish him suortese.
Mrs. A. Reid Ints been dangerously ill
during the past week and with consider.
able difficulty was able to get home from
Toronto, whither she had gone to commit
ft Specialist regarding her eyes, We hope
she will soon be restored to good health,
Wisdeo Mills, Que., suffered severely
from live.
The Hamilton Speotabor has let con•
tracts for It, handsome new building.
A number of men employed on the
sewerage works at London streak for
better pay,
The Provincial estimates of Nova,
Scotia were submitted to the Legfelature.
The revenue for the year is estimated at
$850,069, and the expenditure at 0855,.
Business Locals,
I A, 1 LASE Huron herring cheap at 111e-
LAME herrings for seta at Jae, Bellan•
tyns'e grocery,
Rooms or dwelling to rent over my
1 store, I. 0. Richards.
Do not forget we repair rubbers, boot)
and ehoes cheep and durnbly.
I. C. Richards.
Some men's felt boob) on bend yet
which will be sold at a hargein,
1. 0, Richards.
PAIR of new bob sleighs to exuhange for
wood or lumber. Good ohence. Jas.
Walker, carriage milker.
NEW stook of envelopes to hand at Tine
Pose Publishing House. Get your busi-
ness card sainted on 500 of them. Price
less then retell rate.
W, le, Serweite has now completed
repeire at the Netional Roller Mille
which will enable him to guarantee
antisfaotion, Manitoba, flour always on
KAntes Clover Root, the groat Blood.
Purifier gives freshness and alearnese to
the complexion and omen annetipation.
25 ole, 50 ole and $1.00. Sold by James
Fos, Druggist, Brunie's.
Snmon's mire is sold on a gnarantee,
It oures incipient oonatunption. It is
the best cough cure. Only One cent a
doge. 26 dee 50 ots. and $1.00. Sold by
James Fox, Druggiete Brussels.
COUPORTADLE brick residenee with every
oonvenience, furnace, rem, for sale or to
Immediate possession given.
For further partienlers apply to Mrs, B.
Walker, Turnherry street, Brussels.
CAPTAIN Sweeney, TT. S. A., San Diego,
Cal., says :—"Shilob's Catarrh Remedy
is the fast medicine I have ever found
that would do me any good." Price 60
oents. Sold by Jas. Fox. druggist, 13rus.
I no saw.flling for 25o. each time after
the Bret time if no one files between
times, and I shares accordingly if saw
gets damaged. Wood Wien in payment
if delivered at the time the deal is made.
Taos. MeGeneon.
Tan hardest saws warranted full set
without breaking, as I have a new, Bale
and fast way of setting saws. Saws that
are in tine order given in exchange for
saws that are not of order by paying the
diffet•enes. T. McGregor, saw filer, T3rus-
eels, Queen Sb., East.
OARPETS.—Any one desiring carpets
will do well to call at the Brussels Wool.
en Mill before buying elsewhere' as they
hove elm largest assortment ofsamples
ever 1n thilocality, ranging in
price front line. to 01.00. Howe 6 Co.
Mammy Oremeep.—Thet eligible half
mere lot situate on the Southern portion of
Turnberry street, Brussels, will be dia-
pnsed of below cost. Very easy terms.
Write for partionlars to JOHN HARGREAvEs,
174 Queen et. West, Toronto.
10170 OWE LAWYER."
.A. few more good. hustling, experienced
canvassers wanted for this popular hay
book. It sells like hob cakes and every
purchaser says it is the best be has ever
seen. 'Write to W. FL Anger, 28 Meter
St„, Toronto, Ontario. Only 01.00.
Ood Liver Oil we recommend Wompole's
Tasteless Preparation. Yon can't taste
the oil ; all you taste is wild oherry, and
that's good. What you get is flesh end
strength. Ceres sloughs, oolde and
wastive diseases. JAS. Fox.
3 m Chemist end Druggist.
NEW BAXERY.—FIRVing purchased the
business and good will of N. Blaokmore,
I am now in possession and prepared to
attend to the wants of the public. We
will have constantly on hand a first.olass
supply of bread, buns, cakes and pnstry.
Bread delivered daily to all mats of the
town. Orders promptly attended to.
Tbe patronage of the people of Brussels
anclIsurroe tiding country solioited. Satis-
faction guaranteed. W. A. Omen.
Cnetatulia,ra Ne viese.
The Waterloo Board of Trade held its
anneal banquet.
A home for the aged poor is being
agitated at Guelph.
The Hamilton Police Atilletio Associ.
ation has decided to disband.
Mayor Henry Smith, of Ohatham, hes
entered a third action against the Planet
for libel.
J. A. Armstrong, of Meeictine Hat, has
been elected President of the Orange
Grand Lodge of the Northwest Terri-
Hamilton Times ; Mrs. Truman, 31
grape widow, who resided et Na. 56 Jones
street, coninsunioated to the polies the
other day, that her aunt, Mrs. Flynn, of
Loggia House, Dundee, Scotland, has
died, leaving over :625,000 to be dirtrittut•
ed amongst a few reletives. Mrs. Ten -
man said diet her solicitor, W. A. H.
Duff, received the good news that she
would fall heir to a very large slice of the
fortune. Mrs. Truman may go to Soot.
land to attend to the mabter. The for•
tondo woman le said to be a daughter of
an English earl. She has received $60 a
month from relatives in the old land for
years. She got into trouble some time
ago, and an effort was made to stop the
allowance by other relatives, but their
efforts were not successful. Mrs. Tru-
man does nob live with her husband, who
is now in Syracuse, 35.31.
TiELLY.—In Elma, on Feb. 10th, the wife
of Mr. William Roily of a son.
OTLXINSON.—In Blinn, on Feb. 14th, the
wife of lier, W. J. Gilitinson of a son.
CAMPHELL.—in Atwood, on Feb. 1211, the
wile of Mr. Robert Campbell of a
son (still born),
Ttatennete—In Brussels, on Feb. 19th,
the wife of Mr. James Turnbull of e
Wednesday, Feb. 17th, at the resi-
dence of the bride's 'father, by Rev.
Wm, Cooper, B. A., Miss Mary,
daughter of llir. Andrew NewhiggIng,
to Mr. Robert J. Farrell, both of
BALLIIMT;;E—Tnolixecti..-21.t the residence
of the hide's parents, on Wedeesdity,
Feb, 3011, by Rev. A. Grant, Mr,
John Ballantyne, of Atwood, to Mies
Mabel Thomson, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Hugh Thomson, Stretford
• Reed.
MeGem—MeXemtn.—On Feb, 17th, alt
the residence of the brideig unele,
Mr. John Geddee, by Rev. W. T.
Ha, of Belgrave, Mr. Stewerb Me•
Gee, of Wawanosh, to Miae Aggie
MoKellar, of Werke
FEB 26, 1897
ST.INDel RD Beil.NIC OF a1.,ArdiRd.
ASSETS, • • (Seven Million Dollars) •07,000,000
CAPITAL (Authorized) $2,000,000
rtgertoiee in all prinoipal points in Ontario, Quebec, Llanitoba, United States rt .81191ml,
glefFgeSIMig DiilleVaLfe
A General Banking Business Transacted, Fanners' Rotas Discounted.
Drafts Termed and Collections made on all points.
Interest, allowed on deposits of $1.00 and upwards from dot of deposit to date of
withdrawal and compounded half yearly.
Every facility afforded Customers living at a dieLanoe.
BUM:Cr.—In Brussels, on Monday, Feb.
22nd, 1897, Willie, infant son
William and Christina Bright, aged
9 months and 20 days. Farm in the Township of Morris
GOLIGIITLY.—In Monkton, on Feb. 16th,
Mein Golightly, aged 76 years and 7
Ponmenem).—In Elma, on Saturday,
Feb. 13th, 1897, the infant ohild of
Wm. Porterfield.
Poeoca.—In Wingham, on Monday, Feb.
15th, Martha, daughter of George
and Margaret P0000lc, aged 30 yeers,
7 months end 18 days.
FRIDAY, FEB. MIL—Farm stock'hit-
plements, tem, at Lot 11, Con, 10, Grey.
Sale unreserved at 1 o'clock. Rubert
?denary, prop.; Geo. Kirkby, auo.
TUESDAY, Marob 2n5. --Lot 16, eon. 4,
Grey, Farm stock, implementa, 60.
Sale unreserveci, at 1 p. m. Mrs. Owen
Smith, Proprietress, 10. S. Scott, Inc.
WEIMEsDAY, March 10.—Farm stook.
Lob 24, Con. 7, Grey. Sale at 1 p. m.
Robt. McKelvey, Prop., F. B. Scott, Atm,
FRIDAY, Blaroh 1211L—Lot 8, Con. 16,
Grey. Farm stock, implemente,
Sate unreserved, at 1 p. m. Peter
Watson, Prop., Geo. Kirkby, Auc.
raeweretscsmmis mer_es.mmeemmis,
Fall Wheat 73 75
Spring wheat 80
Barley........ 20 20
Peas 38 39
Peas (large) 54 55
Oats 15 17
Butter, tube and rolls 10 11
Egge per dozen 12 00
Flour per Mare). 4 00 4 50
Potatoes (per beg) 25
Hay per ton. ..... ....., 7 00 8 00
Hides trimmed ...... 5
Hides rough 4
Salt per bbl., retail 1 00 00
Sheep skins, each 50
Lamb skins each 15 40
Apples per bbl 50
Hogs, Live 4 00 4 10
Dressed Flogs 4 00 5 00
DAIRY alAURETS.— Liverpool — Cheese
dull ; demand poor ; finest American
white and colored, (Sept.) 58e0(1. Battu
—Finest U. S., 905 ; good, 56s. New
York—Butter lower ; State dairy, 10o to
18a; do. creamery, 13e to 18o ; Western
creamery, 13e to 190 ; do. faotory, 7e to
18o ; Elgins, 19o. Cheese firm ; State
large, 9c to laio ; do. small, 90 to 12.33o ;
part skims, 50 to clic ; full skims, 3u 10
Tun Arm Tertne.—A, cable from Mes-
eta. SiMOUS, SIIIIttleWOrth 6 Go., Liver.
pool, to Arthur R. Fowler, Portland,
says :—Prices show a slight decline on
lest quotations. The market is steady
for good fruit, but poor and wasty fruit
is a glut et weakening prices. The
market is glutted wftli fruit in bad eon.
dition ; prioes are lower in oonsequenee.
Unless the condition improves we fear
the large arrivals will break the market.
Shipments from bare this week to Liver-
pool were 9,916 barrels, and to Bristol,
1,537 barrels.
TORONTO, Feb. M.—Market quiet ;
flour very quiet ; prices not quotably
changed ; straight rollers quoted at 03.-
75. Bran quiet ; quoted outside, west at
07, and shorts at 08.50 to $9. Wheat
quiet •, holders a little more oonfident
and offerings in consequence not so liber-
al ; white nominal, at 700 and red at 740,
Fort William, and is quoted at 870, 1151(1.
land. Buckwheat inactive ; oar lots
quoted at 25e to 26o, outside. Barley
tweedy • No. 1 quoted at 310 and No. 2,
27o •, 1150. 3, extra, 25o, and No, 3, et 310
to 22o. Oats unchanged ; Bales of white
at 18o, west, and at 1Sc east. Peas
steady ; sales at 300 north and west and
at 40e on Midland. Corn unchanged ;
new quoted at 1933o to 200 west. Rye
dull ; fair offerings ; sales at 840 east.
Oatmeal quiet ; prioesmischanged ; car
lots, e2,80 to 02.00,
cerds, 4 feet Ion a, Hof t or hard, for nosh.
BONALA 10I1110 Bleeffetle
rpo RENT.—LOT 39, IN THE
ele 01,1 Concession of Township of Grey,
700 toms, 80 sores cleared ; good buildings;
sgdooft aonfclvv.41.waktmei;evycl.toWill hermit -
824 wiLtasm POLLARD, Ebb el P.0
pogo will be paid Inc 8,000 or 4,1100
etude of cord wood, either soft Or bard, to be
delivered ilia Winter at the ENTERPRISE
BALT W010150, Brunets.
2011 Rotate of T, T. OOLIIMAN.
and 10 BOMB of firet.elase lace adlein•
in g Minnie's, for sale. There le 4 small bane
ham and a young orchard of 233 acres, Would
make aline fruit tram or market garden.
Proprietor has &fair dairy blisineeS in Mi-
na:Mon, Poseessfon given at once. Will be
sold at 4 150' prime Pm batboy unrticulan
apply so the premises to 0300, 1101053, Pro.
'Prieto; Brussels 10, C. 00.4
F. 8, 800tt bag recedved instrttetions
to eon 111 publio auctign at tho WARE.
1100109 Ile
Benumb onSTIWrairLekilleA•148M4a18'enliN,311111,11a8tb0"
oednelt 'p. nt„ 110 following property ;-1
top buggy,1 stutter, 1 light trotting sleigh, 1
set deuble bainose, now,010100, 2 light lap
rugs, 1 got iron harrows,I lawn mower, alai
a lob of household furniture, eta, Terms
made kneeen at time of sale.
P. 8, SCOTT, Anotioneor,
Under and by virtue of a power of sale con-
tained in a mortgage dated the 01i1 day of
Anvil, MB, mule by Prauois J. McCaughey
as MortallgOr in the corporation of the
County of Huron and which was assigned by
anion -loot 00 11111015040 dated the let 11350 55
july,1800, and both ofwhleh win be produc-
ed at the time of sale, there will be offered
for male by Public Auction at the WHOM%
HOTEL IN THE TOWN OF B311108161,0, on
T1118,115Y, the 9110 day of 10350018, 18e7,
at the hour of 12 o'e I oak, noon, bites, certain
earn complains Clo sou ith half of Lot num-
ber Twenty in the Seyonth Conoenelon of the
Township of Morris, in 1,110 CORR ty of 1100,10,
captaining 100 acres inero or lam, being the
farm lately in oceimation by Frauds J.111,3-
CI4TIrefarm consists 01 130 acmes of good clear-
ed land fairly fenced and the balance is in
hardwood bush with some swamp.
The faun he thereon a small frame house
and a frame barn and shod. III is situated
about 05 miles from the Two of BrusseIS iu
a good farming maiden.
Trums,-10 nor cent. 00511 and tho balance
in 80 days, if desired by the purchaser a por-
tion of the our/Masa 01011513 0153' remain as a
Mat mortgage for a term of years. Terms
in Other respeots made known at sale mut
meanwhile may be ascertained on 51191104 -
Hon to P. 0. 000217, Bailiff, Brussels, or to
the undersigned.
0011212511 & 61515,
Solicitors for Assignee, Berlin, Ont.
Dated Feb. 0)6,1857. 81-4
or to rent, Lot 10, Oen, 0, Grey.
For particulars apply to
28- T. MOORE, Brussels.
manneiNED has several good Farms Inc
sale and to rent, easy terms, lo Townships
01 Kerrie and Grey. S. SCOTT, Brussels
pear Brussels. 100 sores being Lot 7,
Oon. 0, Grey township, Good buildiogs and
orchard, well watered., suiteble for mixed or
dairy fanning. Poosession given next March.
Annly to W. H. 1L1111.1., Pons! Publishing
Hon se,13 reseals, or to 10001148 TIERIT,W,S,
London Weet,,
neres—Consisting of Lots 18 on the 711
and 8111 Concessions, Township of Gray, be-
ing 1 mile from the Village of Ethel ao,1e5
miles from Brussels. 40 acres of Fall wheat
1301Y11 anti abort 80 sons under grass ; 00
arms eleared on each. Perms of payment
easy. A, llicKHLVEY, 05, D.,
14- Brussels.
—100 neves of gond farm land at
.Sdpfig gsfitueel 1,1,8 flaollwo spf,i1gOlf W1011.1neippeg,o, pies property
North Rest 33.Sse,10, Two, 11, Range 4, East.
There is a house 00 165 premises and some
breaking done. For full particulars as to
price, title, write or apply to
G.F. BLAIR or W. H. 10E1016,
2.0.10 Brussels, Ont.
AR11SIGNED has a 100 140r0 f141•M for
sale in East Wawanoth, 12th con„ 2a miles
from Wingb am. Good bank barn, 50x50 feet,
good !fame house, orchard, finless, &a
School house on corner of lot, POPE/0500M
at once. Will bo sold cheap 1(sold soon.
Terme re a sellable, Apply for particulars to
IVAL CLEGG, Windfall]; ;me. (11LItGG,
Brussels, or 111, L. DIGKINSON, Wingham.
-se 100 acre farm In Morris Township, 2
miles teem Brussels, knOwn us the "Barrio
Farm," Good bank barn, good brick house,
good orchard, in every respeot a choice farm.
Also a Jorge quantity of turnips, clover,
straw mid oats, For ell particulars apply to
Jong MoOnAn, 00 1150 Village of li ru Gaels, or
to G. 11, 130111,
Dated 01 Drum's, Zan. 20611, 1807.
0.10. BLAIR,
A. Consisting of the South a end South a
00 310 North a of Lot 138, Oso 2, East Wawa -
nosh. 'This is an excellent stock hum, being
well supplied with good spring water. It le
situated about 8 ranee from the thriving Vit.
lime cf Blyth. A large part of it ls under
grass. Buildings and fences are in a fair
state of repair. Easy terms of payment will
be given. For all information apply to
11-tt G. X'. BLAIR, Barrister, Brussels,
That excellent farm, Lot 111, Gott. 0,
Township of Grey, 100 dues, 11311St 1/0 Wad at
once) in oiler to close estate of deceased own-
er. The lot fa nearly all cleared, with good
buildings, ample water supnly, largo or
oliard, 133 miles from Critnbrook, is under
good cultivation and is 5, very desirable pro-
perty indeed, Apply to RICCA RD MIT.
0111911212, Brussels P. 0. ; JOHN MITCHELL,
on the premises ; or A. HUNTElt, brussels.
Dated Sept. 131141000,
ilio Township of Croy. In order" to
close an estate the West half of Lot 24, Con,
7, Township of Grey, 50 aoree, is olTered for
immediate sale. On the premien ales good
frame dwelling with kftehnu, 65„ also two
frame barns, good Water, °milord, 61s, and is
lose b,,1110 Village of Ethel, Soil is of the
best and farm is well fenced, Apply to
ALnx, etoElerreeiier, M.D., Brussels l 1000,
MoRtILVEY, Jamestown ; or A. 1,13.135101016,
'no eligible 200 nom finD1, composed of
lots 15 and 17 in the 10th eon„ Grey townShip.
Huron 0o. and 50 acme, part of Mtn 10 and
17, 11.51 co;),, belonging to the Robert bcaa
estate, is offeeed tor sale bo 'wind up estate,
On the last farm is 11. good Stene house and
huge bank barn, necessary outbeildiege,
011110d, As, Farm well watered, well fenced
and in aged stake of cultivation. /Went 50
54158 01 web, 42 Of withal is hardwood, Ou
the 00 aoro fent there is a house end barn,
orehard, and abssit 8 acme Of bash, Fauns
sold Jointly or separately bo Suit purchaser,
Peligoadoil given 111 the PC411011 ate on.
ly a mile ,from elm village of Oranbreok,
whore aro school, churches, pest-ollioe,
stores, 60,, and 853 miles to tut thriving Mar-
ket town Brussels. Vor further pm:Coulee:1i
as to Taloa, 101010, 65., apply 10
AGNES 1131 0 WN,
S 0 W14, Bee( atm.
Cranbeer k 310
TH1 BEST tows,
THE MOST I11I10001.0
'....seesseelejeee:e s
Of body and peace of
mind it is tleemeetey Oast it Tense should
be well fitting, perfect in shnpe 301141 Dim-
ple in adjustment. The 'Wetmore Silver
Truss tills all these requit•ements,15
embodies the Incest improvements and
is soientiflually the best. But we have
all makes of Trusses end can supply any
style desired at the Lowest possible price.
We guarantee a perfect fit in every mute
or money cheerfully refunded.
We also teary a well assorted stook
of Rubber Goode :-2 quart Combination
Water Bottle and Potintnin Syringe,
51.241; 3 quart Combination Water Bottle
and Fountain Syringe, 01,50 ; Niue Rub-
ber Syringe, 2 pipes, 50e. ; Robber
Syringe, continuous flow, 01.00; Ice Buge
ab 50o, ; Atomizers from 750. up.
rex, s Drug Store,
el • Honor Graduate of the Ontario
Veterinary College, is prepared to treat all
dimness of domesticated animals in a com-
petent; planner. Particular attention paid
to veteetuary doe tistry. Calls promptly at-
tended to, 60105 and Infirmary—Four doors
north of bridge 41urnberry et, Brussels.
• Solicitor and Conveyancer. Callao -
dons made. office—VanstoutesBleca, Brae -
eels. 21-1111
VI' • solicitor, Oonveyancer ,Notary
440. Odloe—Vanstone's Block, 1 door
north of Central Hotel. Private Puede to
ivr C-. CAMERON,
• (Formerly of Gameron, Holt &
Comeron,) Barrister and Rodeltor, Onderich,
Cut, Offiee—Haufiltou St„ Opposite Col-
borne Hotel,
• Solicitor, 60. (late of Garrow &
Proudfoot's 011ioe, Gorlorieb,) Odic° over
Gillies & Sruitlx's B an k, Bruseels.
Money to Loan. 47
Licensed Auctioneer. Sales conduct
ed. on reasonable terms. Farms and farm
ttoeka specialty. Orders lefb at TEM POST
PublishingHou se, Bre sada, or 58111 10 Walton
P. 0., will receive prompt attention,
Tr S. SCOTT 6.8 6.215 AUCTION -
mons, wilt Boll for better prices, to
bettor Dien, in 804 time and lass shares
lei' any her Auctioneer In East Buren
or he won't charge anything. Dates and .
orders emu alwaye be arranged at this office
00 113' Dors °nal 1011li0atie5
Who has had 25 years oxperi emu 05 010
Auetioneer, but who had to quit owing to ill
health, hoe again taken out license and is
prepared to oonduct sales at reasonable
terms. Satisfaction guaranteed. Dates may
10 arranged at Tun POST 1°,I111118111114'; House.
18-tf Auctioneer,
Ancient, Order of United Worlmen.
This old and prosperous Fraternal A AS013
ation lumbering 850,000 members are pro
gen tiug to the public their popular and eciou-
°mica' rates to worthy man, at the very low
rate of about $8,00 per 5,1,000 per annum.
The "Workmen" Promptly Pay Heath
Claims and expect 5 largo increase to its
members 11010 that those American Lino
Companies don't:mem satisfauLory Le Can -
15013T. ARMSTRONG, M.W. ; W.11, 11731111,
n0001402; J. A. 0111310.01110N,Vinancier.
• /sourer ofiffarrittge Lioonses,
at hie Grocery, Tun) borry„stroot. Bettssels,
_Lei,. Tonsorial Artiiiir Shop —?Text door
eolith of A. ele letaletsy es Co's hardware store.
Ledies'aucl ohildrons hair cutting a speolalty
Savings Bette takes Deposits from
elm to $1,000 and ellosve di per cent.
interest. T, FARROW,
87.3m Postumeter.
Issue, of Marriage Lkenees,
OPPICE AT JowlsY Strome.
terns Withees Required.
T. FLETCHER, Brussels
Clerk of the Fourth Division 0011r
Co. Huron. Convoyanaer, Notary Public
Lancl, Loan and tnearn Dee Agent, Pundit
invested and to loan Oolleetlees made
°Moo in (3rnli,t,,'o 1 look, Brusaels ,
38. Will eye leBIMPS lie pupils blebs]: on
piano of organ, at hie Mode ltomn, opposite
the post -office, Brussels. Vocal Menem' ,ilss
given. Tee years expeelence 111 teaehing.
Teems nauclorate,