The Brussels Post, 1897-2-26, Page 6t1Je 1115$C1$ Z$f --IS PUB tellED--- EVERY FRIDAY MORNING (fu time for the early malls) at "The Lost" Stettin Pubilshing house, Tun88Enitr ST., B0ra8OLI, ONT. T000ra or sunnen080108.-0118 dollar a year, in aiivanee. Theldate to which every su serihe ptillnus paid denoted by the date AnvorrrunNO IlATEs.—'Phe following rates will be charged to those !rho advertise by the year --'� BYACM I 1 rli. 1 O m0.'T8 m0 One Column 800.00 I _ 520.001530.00 Half 90.00 e0009.00 Quarter 20.00 1' 00 a.00 bichth_ ...12.00 1.00 Eight cents per line for first insertion, and three cents per line for each subsequent in- sertion. All advertisements measured as Nonpareil-12lines to the inch, 13usinese Cards, eight lines and under, 50 per annum. Advertisements without specific dire°. Mons, will be inserted until forbid, and charged accordingly. Instructions to (Mange or dlseontinu0 an advertisement must be left at the counting room of Tan Posm not later than Tuesday of each week This is imperative. W. Editor and Proprietor. "The result lila beet!," he replied, "to Strengthen matters 111at30tally in tl0 Camp, its people looked on things 2(e being Owned be transient, but wheu good sme e Hite the Go0derhame went in, it strength- ened confidence greatly," Mr, 0000000 was asked to say something about his own partioular interests out there, and he replied :—"I have an inter• to shake hands with et1'auger0 and melte est in several properties, but it is in the them book to worship. Iron Colt Mining Company, of which I Yours truly, am secretary, that I pin my faith 188 Otte Mins A. Dr. PONALn. of the big mines of the (tamp. 01 all the PUrlstnonth, Yt,, Jau. 15, 1807. practleal mining men who have visited the camp and seen the Colt, not ono hae [tJltt►aclinee N< gess said anything adverse to it," .__-_— Asked es to its Iooatlon, he explained Proceedings have been taken at Oagoode grethat it is the is Neatens extension oP the Hell to unseat Oxford county Oonnoh110r8 ownednColumbia and Ifomines,is w T.Beahanan and J. S. Cuthbert for g its wn Chicago development, tvhioh is alleged irregularities is their election. pdoing largely. ydevelopment, ani is dsla by An investigation of the 80oonnts of severalevg proThe Iron Colt is reovvedo• Cllehi011 Forsythe, of the O. P. 11. freighb prominent 1000 its Montreal, To' department in London reveille 11 shortage Tonto, Winnipeg and Roseland, including such wen as Wm. Mackenzie, of the To. of $260. Mr, Forsythe lute been missing Nieto Street Railway ; Charles E. L. for a weep. Porteous, associated with Messrs. Mao. John McGuire, a 16 -year-old student of keneie end Ross, in their Street Rahway Ottawa university, has been missing enterprises ; Geo. H. Campbell, Winni- since Feb. 7t11. He is tall and fair, with peg ; T. G. Holt, Montreal ; and W. A. small eyes and a thin face. He comes Campbell end P. Burns, of Roseland." from Worcester, Mass, Regarding the development of the Iron For the pasb three years J, M. Roue. Goll up to date, the speaker said :—.000 Beau, of Purls, Frame, lila made a Con. main shaft is now dawn 75 feet, and we tribution of 50 frauoa a year to the poor of Canada. This year the Government applied into reducing the debt. It has been decided to erect a suitable tablet to John Cabot in the Provincial Building, Nova Scotia, but this will not prevent the erection of a more eoetly and imposing lnonnment in Cape Bretoo. A St. Catherine!' mannfaatory is ship- ping bioyoles to Paris. Canadian mann• facturers can hold their own with the world if they are given a proper educa- tion and cheap raw materail to work. The Nova Scotia House of Assembly passed a bill appointing Jely 1st a public' holiday. This is the first time since Confederation that Dominion Day has been recognized io Nova Scotia as a legal holiday. An agitation is on foot in Montreal to provide better feeilities for crossing the St. Lawrence, either by building m new bridge or by improving the present Victoria bridge. Government aid is wanted for either project. As the afternoon train was palling out from the Grand Trunk station at Gelb the other clay, a thrilling sight wan witnessed by a number who were in that vicinity. Shortly before the train arrived an in- dividual, whose appearance bespoke that be was a typical hobo, appeared near the station, Ile loitered carelessly nronnd for some time, and ae the train approach. ed proceeded a short distance down the track. The traits pulled oat ata lively rate, and those whose attention was still centred upon the man noticed him step to one side, preentnably to let the train pass. In another instant, however, they naw a sight that prodnoed horror to 811. The fellow lowered hie head, and, with an athletic dart, dove in between the fast revolving wheels, and in another second was seen riding beneath the coach. The act wee a most dangerous one, and those who ;witnessed it expected that the fellow bad attempted Weide. The train, how- ever, soon bore him into the distance, his perilous feat bad been successful, but the speotstore to -day have a most vivid im- pression of the hobo's adventures. THE BRUSSELS POST PE%20, 1891 lint the weather beim; inclement 1 have not been able to go en far. I have attended the Presbyterian 01100011 shale coming hero ; the Beate are all free and where are unknown, The nn minister seems to shonldor all the roe. poueibilities. if one hesitsA30 at taking a sant he is at hand to shote yon one and always makes it a point to be at the door w2( nn 55181 n C S t ,1( .p Ida thing a o 1 p� �d ra OO �� aE6� 4 (, to t ril' lata t n n F \1'401 t your Ideal; tbw may brbig jou wealth lfrtte JOHN WNnll, 0., Cu N , 18 3 Patent Astor' nays S f33 of two hundred inventions wanted, uITOr have purchased a large machineryplan to8 _ —._ ___._..:___,_ cross -cut• We have had solid ore all the way down, cold no property in the camp British Columbia Mines as seen 112(0 had a better showing for the work byrl no. F. McCrea. done. From indications those connected with it expect the Iron Colt will soon be one of the big shipping mines of the The Montreal Herald of Feb. 17th, 0amp." "Is development work being generally pushed in the mines surrounding Rose- land ?"t "Yea, I think so," he replied. "Of course, you know it tastes time to open up mines, brit where They are honestly worked people aro sure to get returns. Some people buy stock and expeot to get returns in short time, but that is un- reasonable. People should not go into it as a gambling nporetion, but should be prepared to wait a while. There will no ink down to 17e or 200 feet, and then Fare: John Ferguson McCrea, an cid resident of Montreal, who now calls Roseland, B. C., his home. is on a visit to the city at the present time and is a guest at the Windsor Hotel. He is one of the many Eastern Canadians who have recently be- come interested in the great mineral wealth of British Columbia, and besides, he has found time in the multiplicity of bis duties to de some good things fn the real esta'e lies. When -a Herald reporter be a large number of shtppora ad- approaohed lir. McCrae wdoubt with the object 01 obtaining the latest news about the doh the present list this year," mining development in British Columbia, RAILWAY a2OILls'ICO. he was diffident about saying anything «What about railway facilities ?" at the present time, as he Paid he had practically stolen away from Roseland for a few days. His brother, Rev. Dr. Mc• Crag, of Collingwood, Ont., and other of his friends being in the city, lends color to the report that Mr. rlIcCtae will not return to Roseland alone. !lir. McCrea informed the Herald that "The C. P. R. have purchased the steamers on the Columbia River, and ere working hard to be able to cope with the traffic going on during the early Spring, but the one great public work necessary is the immediate construction of the Crow's Nest Pass Railway. We will soon have a daily service from Revelstoke he was principally interea_ted in the Ross- to Train to connect with the Columbia land district, but that he bad interests and Western Railway to Roseland. In in the Skean and Boundary districts as the meantime the United States gets a well. big share of trade which the opening of "Aes resident agent it Roseland of the the Crow's Nest Pose Railway would re - Montreal syndicate, I can tell you that tato for Canada and build up our wan - reel estate is very active and everytlling try, especially the great Northwest. I points to a big rush in the Spring. Asa am a Canadian, first, last and all the mining country I believe British Colum- time, and am 801(008 10 see Canadians bis is the greatest in the world, and not. foremost in that country. I expect to withstanding there have been a few wild-' see a large immigration not only from cot sebemes put up, the weary bas a 1 the Old Country, but from the United great future. I believe there will bei States. Many Americans have expressed more development generally in Canada 'their intention of becoming naturalized, during the next ten years than theca hes having been greatly impressed with the been in the past twenty years, on aecountj laws and iustitntions of our country. of the mining w881th which is now being ! The lawfulness of Rosslaud has become developed. A great number of people in I proverbial, anti the people are determined this p,rt of the country have 00 cog• to maintain the rood name it has acquir- mene0rat0 idea of the value of the coun- try, and should beeome better acquainted with it. I do not ask them to buy stocks in mines, but I would like to see Canedi• ens have a greater appreciation of their own country and profit by its wealth, in. stead of allowing tho people of the United States to maintain control of that portion of the country, "The people of this section of Canada," continued Mr. McCrae, "hardly appreoi• ate the business methods which are of necessity adopted at the present time in the IVoot. To do things successfully one must be on the ground and be prepared to act quickly and promptly." Asked as to the stability of some of the enterprises now before the country, Mr. McCrae said : "There are Rome proper. ties beim: stocked and floated at the pre- sent time, and the probabilities are that many of these companies will have to be reorganized and put on a good business basis. However, the men who go in honestly to develop the resources of the country bate not hid a eingle failure. People Mould of course use caution in ed, unsullied. Some people who have gone out there have been disappointed, having expected too much, but them who have gone into legitimate business are doing very well." Mr. McCaw will spend a few days in the city, and return to Roseland about the first of next month. iN 'OLE VIRGINNY. The following letter appeared in last week's St. Marys' Journal :— Since my last letter we have experieno- ed a southern winter here, an ice storm followed by a light fall of snow, probably half an inch. It was amusing, too. Every person who could for love or money get a cutter was out flying' around in good shape. Every cutter had at least half a dozen heed sleighs attached. Devoted mothers were out with their children drawing tbem around ou hand sleighs, and those who were not the fortunate posse80or0 of eo l e e sleighs used rocking horses, or in feet going ' ro t tl a muting business" anything wfth runners on. It was a 3L'. M(Crae was than requested to tell g 01 o t re ular side above with brass band thrown \ about the present situation of affairs in Roseland, "The population at the pre- sent," he said, "is between 6,000 and 7,- 000, and is rapidly inereaeing. The business portion is much crowded, build. ing lots being held nt from 33,500 to 37,. 500 per lot 0n Columbia Avenue, which is the principal business street. These lots are 30 by 100 feet in extent. Two years ago they could be bought at from $50 to 3100 a lot. As an instance of how money is made in real estate, a man 11o0ght two lots in February a year ago, 10r $75 a lot, on a side street, for which he now gets $125 a monlil ground rent, The Montreal syndicate which I repre- sent bought 812 late, being every unsold lot in the original town site of Roseland, which have been sold very rapidly nt a good advance!, 26 lots were sold to J. R. Miller, of Montreal, and 64 lots on Thompson Avenue to a Roseland and Toronto syndicate. They propose malt- ing Thompson Avenue a business street to relieve the congestion on Columbia Avenue." In answer to a 011081i0n as to the pos. Bible extension of the town site, Mr. llo• Orae explained that tho property above it f0 owned by the Nelson and Fort Shep. herd Railway, which is now in litigation. As to the Mese of buildings at present in existence, he said they were meetly frame 0tru010rea, but they are starting to build a butter elms of houses 011 the Montreal syndicate's property. At first the people were living on disputed land in "silaehe," but now they are taking their families there to live, and are building good, sob stantial reaideneea, more so since the eta• bllity of the various mining outerprises haus become 08tabiished. O8EA7.• DEVELOPHEN1. Reverting t0 the subject of the develop• merit now going on, Mr. MoOrao said :— "There will be an euormou0 addition to the ehipment of ore during the, coming Beason, now that the railway facilities have been inaroased. Besides, two syn. (Beate(' are considering the building of smelters( to acoommodete the output of ore," "What effeot has the sale of the War Eagle mine had ?" Mr. McCrea was asked. in. An old settler told me it was the best sleighing they bad bad in eight years. It is really amusing to see - the darkies when a little snow falle. They are poli. Lively afraid of it and wrap raga enough nronnd their lent to protect them from a Northwest blizzard. If one were at all nervous 11 would frighten one to be going along the street and hear the derides driving their tnulee. You at first hear a confused jabber in a tenor key, then a burst of bass, and 0x• emit to sae a fire eu1i00 at ,your bsuls, or au escaped mad man, but niter a hurried glance around, then a more careful sernt- iny, followed by a similar explosion at the next corner, you discover the cause of your alarm, The educational advantages in the South ate far behind ours. The school houses are a onrioeily to allorthener, being mere shanties and so smell that I dare not venture into them. The teacher takes up his position in the centro of the room along with the store, while the pupils arrange themselves around the outside. Some Northtnees who have been here about a year told me that 00 fur they had been unable to gain admit. tante to the public schoole, and have been forced to tine private achoole at the rate of one dollar per head per week. There 10, however, so far es the school houses are eon00reed, one 0xoeption, and that is the Catholic school, They have a really fine 0011001, thanks to the generosity of a rioh old lady who left several thousand (loners for the endowment of a school for their benefit. - - There is one thing I have learned since coming here, and that is that we in Can. oda don't know how to get np a really good, iirat.0lase, up•tmdate rain storm. One has to come here to the it. I really blink it can rain more here in ten min• utas than it rloee 11p home in one hour. It simply pours in every sense of the Wm, The planting season i0 at hand here, In foot around the hospital, onions, pars seip0, etc., era kept growing ail the year round, Truck farming is the chief style followed here and two crops per year are Mead, I intended to have gone down to visit at one of the plantatiene 'ere this Remarkable '!'est iilaolilals Atwood, crpt. 28th, 1896 J. M. McLeod, Goderiuh Dear Sir,—I beg to apologize for not writing you sooner to 1hauls you for the marvelous cure effected throneh you. In December, 1893, I injured my knee. Two weeks thereafter I was obliged to have the doctor. I doctored all wither. From the let of May, 1894, I was confined to my bed for seven weeks. I bad no rest day or night ;, the pain woe intense. I got so thin, and became quite helpless. The dootors had a consultation over me, and said if they could save the leg I could never balls the use of my knee again. An operation frightened me and it wee then my husband took me to Goderiob in a very helpless condition. I took your System Renovator for my system and bo build me up, and applied E. A. MoLen• non's Liniment as recommended, which you kindly applied when I couldn't do it myself. I remained at my brother -in- laws in 00000(0ll for o weeks. In about a week 1' was able to walk with a staff. The Renovator gave me an excellent appetite and I gained oonsiderably in weight as well as in strength. lily knee is quite supple and as well as ever it was. It gives me unbounded pleasure to state that I have been able to attend to my own household ditties ever since I came bone. My husband joins with me in tendering yon ear sincere thanks, Gratefully y121100, MRs, SA5108 STEVEN. Sold by Jas, Pox, Druggist, Brussels, D OAIt FOR BERVIOE.—THE Lot 20, Con, "Undersigned,, ris, 5510ill lthoiserviee On o'' bred im- proved White Yorkshire Boar "6oleetod;" bred from J.E. Brothcur's sweepstakes sow at Chiang° Fair, Terms, 81.00 82( bo paid at iifliecessarya Pedigrprivilege ee may bof soon on application. 11013T. 1,7201101. fes'RMd' SELS � P nu. I with to inform the people of Brussels and onrronnding district that I have pine abased the Pump Business of JAMES BELL and will be found ready bo attend to all Wants in either now Worst Or repairs at moderate prices. No better Pump in the marltot. Order left at my shop et residence oe at P. SCOTT'S shop will be promptly lodked after. t `Ordere taken for the Digging of Wells and Cietorne. Weil Satisfied 8th Reif?) Hams Vigor "Near':: forty years ago, after en(1111 hf t't';L3 or sickness, 111y hair 2.nraett grssy. 1 begat! using.Ay'er's 31al0 1'tgo', and was so well satis- fied with the results that I have never tried any other kind of dress - mg, It requires only au occasional appli- cation of AYER'S flair Vigor to keep my hair of good color, to remove h4� r ts"s dandruff, to heal itching humors, and prevent the hair from falling out, I never hesi- tate to recommend 41'er's medicines to soy friends."—Mrs. Fi., 1I. IIAlo11T, AVOW, Nebr. A We ken in stock and supply everything in Goal and Wood Stoves, Either Parlor, Box or Cook First-class Furnaces From best Canadian Manufacturers, and Warranted to work properly. TINWARE' OF ALL KINDS. Plumbing promptly attended to at Reasonable Rates. Lamp Goods, Lanterns, &c. Orders Taken for Coal, WLT Stove and !ur^7ucce Men, Brussels. Prepared by Pr. J.0..Ayer fi 00,, Lowell, Maes. fake Ayer's Sarsaparilla for the Complexion, White Stai1A iiaam i !ROYAL 10A1L ii'l'i3,131011iiNti. • Between New York and Liverpool, via Queenstown, every Wednesday. As the atnomers of 11110 line carry only a strictly limited number in the rrnsm and 0E00ED canto accommodations, intending passengers are reminded that an early ap- plication for berths is usoossary at this sea- son. For plans, rates, eta.,2(p111V to W. H. Kerr, Agent, Brossela. 25 std., 50 ole. and $1,00 Bottle. one omit a dose. Established 1871. The Policy Contract issued by this Association is perfection itself, UNCONDITIONAL, ACCUMULATIVE, AND .AUTOMATICALLY NON -FORFEITABLE. It leaves nothing further to be desired. Tates and full infor- mation furnished on application. Y1f a n2( Ti n2(, Agent, Brussels. It ie sold on a guaranteo by all druggists. It curse Incipient Consumption and is the beet Cough and Croup Cure. Sold. 11y .1.05. BOX, Itl'nenlsi', Brussels, 18 CFIUSLEY9 Real Estate & Lean Agent, - Brussels. Money to Loan on Farm Secur- ity at the Lowest Bate of Interest. Money Loaned on Notes and good Notes Discounted. Sale Notes a Specialty. Fire cg Life Insurance Written. Special Attention given to CONVEYANCING. AA COUSL.EY 9 Oftice over DBRTnian se oCall's Store, Wanted—An rak° 01 mpe• tbiugtog00(001? Protect soar ideas; theyy may bring you woalth. Wrlto g 11N WEDDERD0RN 8: CO, Pateent Attar• Isere, 1 flet or two hundred inventions W�at¢ Wanted. offer D 0 CHASE'S 25 THE ORIGINAL KIDNEY PILL THE ONLY KIDNEY•LIVER PILLS 25 FILLS T. 8020000, Afnnnger Stnnd.,rd h(,,',',. Brad. ford, Ont., 0098, Cl uses I.:Mum..tiver Pi1W tire grand medicine for the Kidneys and Liver, W. P. CAmu"a rIA Ji1Caol stn Turmtn, re. rre00n 100 TI t ° d (1100, any�v, Chase's 1 ills out tike magic for the n brf of lientl.$1011v. hila a r. nick Green, , and c t .lips[ n ti Id r, , y ht.rc, or by awl on t, S V ti/iir r c°,r t i rraasI seeeeeetei, PATES es CO. MILL STREET, . BRUSSELS. 45 LOSIBAto Si. 1ak1810, tele The undersigned has opened out a Large and well Assorted Stock of IN THE BRICK BLOCK Opposite the American Hotel, Brussels, Where may be found the latest and best Styles in Parlor and Bedroom Suites, Sideboards, Tables, Lounges, Sofas, Chairs, Mattresses, &c. Picture Framing promptly attended to. Curtain Poles and Window Blinds supplied. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Give 7110 ca call, 1,:4X L _-r..I C B ��I111CIil In connection with the store a well ordered Undertak- ing Department will be kept where a large stook of Cas- kets, Coffins and Undertakers" Supplies will always be found at Moderate Charges, First-class Hearse. Cavity azul Arterial E obaltning CARDIFF & WALKER.