HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-2-26, Page 5Frac 26.1.'.07
'ts rt Pth 5,
train os WO..
The wheel boys of S. S. No, 4, G
thought till very lately that they
the of ampiona at phoyine font -ball,
to titmice their teem appear better that
rackety wits, had it put in print to the of -
foot that the team of No. 10, Morrie,
were afraid to play to match with them.
This, however, wag entirely wrong, and
11 won proved on Saturday, Feb, 20th, for
the Maitlends of No. 10 Nand the team
of No. 4 in 0 distressed state and not
having the onaraoo to appear as they hart
been thoroughly boa ten in the proueding
THEP.„USf:ls�It`� PO's
ati4V,r3t'Cn�r)k�rASR¢i4yt�s � A'tlarmr�l;t;67 a5.'* w'rt:•^R.Y1r@6,d,OC�^^n rtrtmy:�.1wdS Jr.:WdaRb'A''`JWI't�fy:Ei�571r'1Qr1^.7:Sr[iltl,w+rem.. vry
The milk route on the 1211, con. in
oouuootinn with Ethel oheeso Citatory was
let fat 18117 so .7, Dougherty at dei Dente
per hundred the whey to bo returned.
ray,'As E. 1 MciA.rthur, sou and daughter,
were driving into Brussels last Friday
ye” leveeing their horse rant away owing to
and the breekiug of a WIGS. Tho oaaupants
at it of the antter were unceremoniously
dumped and and after breaking the
the ham ran to the American hotel
where it weir captured with a out on one
of its hind lege. Tho wonder le that 112x,
McArthur and the two others were not
eeri0usly injured by the upseb, bet with
the exception of a few Irreales and
suratoltes, they were not =oh the worse
of their tumble. New shafts and repairs
to the deal were rendered n00eooary by
the fracas.
Befe reeve>.
Samuel Walsh ie again in this viohilty
with his steamer and grain oruehort
Mrs. Crooks and two daughters go to
the Iionse of Refuge frotn here shortly.
Henry 0. Owens and II. McLean in-
tend going out to the Northwest shortly.
Bebop Baldwin, of London, confirmed
n large class bore on Sabbath, 2106 lost.
Sidney Farrier has purohn'ed a team
of horses to take beck to his farm in
Ohne, Snolrrider, we hear, lute secured a
position on the Wingbam Journal as 0s.
Instant editor..
Henry Edwards returned from Credit.
on Inst Thursday after to fortnight's visit
among friends there,
Stewart Magee, of Wingham, and Mies
McKellar were married at Wm. Geddes'
residence by Rev. Mr. Hall. They left on
the aftoruoon train South for a wedding
ton r.
451 rep tort.
Monthly Horse Pair at L'rucsels on
Thursday of next week.
Rev. J. P. Westimtn preaohed in the
Methodist church, Brussels, last Sabbath
Several Waltoriians ettencled the Sons
of Scotland coucert at Brussels last Fri-
day evening.
Rev. Mr. lligley, of Blyth, will oonduot
the servle° in St. George's &larch next
Sabbath afternoon,
MoDoneld I3ros. saw mill started work
last Monday. They have a great yard
full of logs this Winter.
Rev. Mr. Weir, who has been holding
eervioee in the American Presbyterian
church here for several months past, has
1011 for his home in Pennsylvi1uie.
The Missionary services on the Walton
circuit, Methodist churches, last Sabbath,
were of a suoceesful ohareoter• Rev, W.
Norton, of Brussels, assisted the pastor
and slid iris part well.
Anniversary sermons of every interest.
ing character were preached in Duff's
chetah last Sabbttth by Rev. 11Ir, Muir, of
BraeeIeld. Monday evening the annual
toa•moeting wits held end after a enwptu-
One repast the patter, Rev. 11 Forrest,
took the chair. Short, spicy addresses
were made by Jas. Smillie, A. Gardiner,
D. 7ttpLaughlin, Rev, Mr. Weetman and
Rev, Dlr. Muir, The aheir of the ohoroll
supplied a choice renewal program and
the flairnoial rosette amounted to the re•
epectahle sum of 602.
rstnes t•ooic.
Isann McKay, of Niagara,is visiting
hie home here this week,
Misses L. llloLachlen and Lizzie Dro-
nes rare attending the millinery openings
at Toronto this week,
Misses Ellie and Lizzie Ennis purpose
leaving for Neopttwa, Man., in the course
of a oeupin of weeks.
David Brown, whe has been visiting
his friends here for the past two months,
]eaves for hie home in Dakota this weelr.
The 0. I;, of Knox church raised a
suns of money and forwarded it to the
relief fond for the India famine last week.
Aet ExoLANATIUN, Bditor PoeT,—Rind-
ly afford apace in your valuable paper for
the following statements, which I find it
absolutely necessary to make Firet—
I wish it distinctly understood that I
have taken no part whatever in the com-
position, in the writing or iu the pnblioa•
tion of any items or lettere that have ap•
peered in the Inst four issues of your
paper. Second—That I have in my pos-
session a letter, from the writer of the
long "epistle" in last week's POST in
which he definitely Oates that no part of
that letter refers in any way to me.
Third—That I am not engaged here to
dabble in any kind of paste but simply
to attend to the ditties of my profession.
I make these statements to show that
there is no Motion between myself and
anyone, whetherteaohere or ratepayers,
whom I have met this year and that S
consider them all my personal friends
and trust that they will always remota
such. Thanking you for your space,
I am, Yours respectfully,
R. J. OoLonovs,
Council meeting on Saturday, Maroh
A great many people are down with
the grippe.
Bri,eeele Horse Fair on Thursday of
next week.
Mise Geared/1 Manley is visiting
friends in Stratford.
Mrs. Owen Smith line leased her farm
for a term to Abram Gook.
Miss Sarah A. Kelly bas been renow-
ingold acquaintances on the lath con.
this week,
Alex. McIntosh, Molesworth, i0 build•
ing a new brick dwelling on his plane in
the township of Grey.
The gang of men Mr. Querengesser had
taking logs out of his bash had to Deese
operations on amount of lack of frost.
The regular service lit Bethel appoint•
mon) will bo held every Sunday evening
while the special services are going on.
This week Demuth Taylor leaves for a
holiday visit to Essex County with John
Wilson and family and other old friends,
Mrs T. Bielby, eb n
d daughter, Y tt tor.
F, ,
n, .
00 hove been
,trader the t '
enffeein q feotn la grippe and lung troubles
We hope the$• will e0on be convalescent
La grippe line bone king; of the castle
in many homes in Grey township during
the peat month, bit) the majority of those
effected have either ro0oveeod oe nee hi a
fair way toward it.
0. Mae was awarded the unbend for
the u01v brick union echool house to be
erected on the 18th poo, His tender wen
x$087. The work will be peooeeclod with
en soon as pessibl0.
Mise Ella McLachlan, 12)11 dome left
on Monday of this week Cor her new posi-
tion an teaehee at Grenfell, Aseivabola.
Miss ivlotaohlan i0 a eueo000 at teaching
the young idea and we wish her good
luck in her new location.
Jas, Saint has disposed of hie pacing
mare, Bela 0., to Beattie 13roo., of this
The C. P. R. Co, had a gang of men
building a new wooden bridge over the
North branch of the river in Wingham,
John Meyer, of Victoria, 13. C., wart in
town hast week. D'Ir. Meyer came East
with the remains of his tette brother, H,
W. 0. Meyer.
Two of the Rife brothers, of Walkerton,
piano tuners, have signed with the town
band here. They are experts on many
different musitai instruments, and as
bandsmen play olarione)s,
frank Mitchell, aged about 12 years,
sou of Wm. Mitchell, while skating on
Monday evening fell on his elbow and
knocked the cap oil it. The break is a
very bad one, but it is hoped may not
rernit in a stiff arm,
Mi -s Martha P0000k, second danghter
of Geo. Pocock, of Turnberry, who has
been re0iding in town for some time past,
was found dead in bed on Monday morn-
ing of hast week. Deceased lead been in
extremely delicate health for some time,
but her death in Ibis sad manner was a
great shook to the family.
1)0 or rine.
Simnel Love talks of taking a trip to
Michigan and 8ilnuesota next Spring.
Harry and Willie Fear have returned
from a pleasure trip to relatives et 111.
The 00ntra01 for the now wood-ehee at
Button's school was awarded to Wm.
Jaolcson for 627.00.
Mrs, Crooks and two daughters of Bel -
grave, will become inmates of the County
House of Refuge at Clinton.
George Parker and wife have both been
quite ill. Their infant died and 3000
buried last Sabbath afternoon.
Mortiaites will turn out to Brussels
Horse fair next Thursday in full fordo.
So look out for us and our borses.
Tenders are caked for the rebuilding
of Armstrong's bridge, 5th line. The re-
newing of this strnoture will put the
township in good shape ns far as bridges
are concerned.
James Spoir, 6th line, hue pneehaaed n
young thorn' bred Berkshire boar from
Jas. Durance, of MoKillop. Mr, Speir
takes it great interest in good stook, and
he says the new purchase is a dandy.
The printing contract for this town-
ship for 1807 was awarded to the Wing -
ham Advance for 1$24,76, This is lass
than cvas f.,rmerly paid for the 200 copies
of the Voters' list, 6 divisions; for Moe.
Mre. Win. Jackson, S. M. Fear, and
Robt, Skelton have been on the sink list.
La grippe was the trouble with the for-
mer and latter and Mr. Fear 110d 11 battle
with pleurisy and infamotation of the
Tho school entertainment which was to
have taken place last Tuesday evening et
the Morris Township Hall, is postponed
until Wedneedey evening of next week,
March Ord, owing to the storm. .A, line
program will be presented.
ICA est.o ve' Fal .
W. E. Binning, Recorder, represented
Listowel lodge at the Grand Lodge A. 0.
U. W., in Toronto, last week.
A cheque for $1,000 to cover the bene.
fioiary of the Into J. E. Brook, was hand.
ed to the widow by the Independent
Order of Foresters.
Mr. Cooper left on Tuesday to pursue
a course of study. During his absence
Rev. Mr. Goldsmith, of Toronto, will
preaoli, oleo Rev, Dr. Campbell, e former
pastor of linos church. Mr. Cooper o0•
cupied his own pulpit on Sunday,
Fire Inspector Howe, from the 'Gilder -
writer's Association, was in towu last
week and made a test of our fire prot00e
Hon service, with the following result
Alarm given at 0.51 a. tit, ; hose reel out
NE 0.53 ; steam up atwaterworkset0.52e;
one hydrant throwing watee at 0.54.
Steam up in engine at 0.00 and pumping
at 10.08. The test, the understand, was
considered highly satisfactory.
Jae Grieve, ex -M. P., was palled to
Ottawa by the IIon, Mr. Sifton, Minister
of the Interior, and offered a position in
the Immigration Department. Mr.
Grieve accepted the offer, He will begin
wont at once and for the present his field
will be among the miming communities
in IFIiohigan. As he is a praotioal farm.
er himself, and is well acquainted with
the condition of the Northwest, having
spent some time there two years ago, 110
will bo just the right man in the right
pinoe. This appointmout of course
merino Mr. Grieve's withdrawal from
— n
The question of the day—have you
had the grippe 7
Mr. McDonald has sold ont his store
buein0es hue to W. IIutohieon. Mao.
will be in tbo store for n, year as man•
ager. We wish Walter anomie. IIe is
well and favorably known in this neigh.
The Belnner° Literary Society i0 still
to the front. Next Wednesday evening
Shore is to1 t
t a changeusual
from the el
u t
Two two irides are chosen and
judges will be appointed to dooido which
side will procl1oe the benne program.
Bohnoro line again euffered severely by
fire. Lent Saturday morning, about 8
o'olaolr, the saw -mills were discovered to
be on lire. Tho alarm was at 0000 given
and although most of the villagers were
soon on the spot nothing] wag saved but e
small chopper that had lute) bean set np.
Besides tate ordinary caw -mill maoltinery
and saw0 there were in the building a
plainer, a indite press, te elm of stones for
chopping, about 1$200 worth of maple
squares ma a quantity of dressed pint
/umber, The cause of the fire 10 tnt-
known as )kir. Edwards, who had been
running the mill einne New Yeats, took
the ordinary precaution of pouring Water
Amounting to $104,367,72, was offered for sale last week'
iu Toronto, in quantities to suit the Retail Trade. Our
Buyer was on hand early to take advantage of the Great
Bargains that were offered. It required lots of nerve and
plenty of money to buy in sufficiently large quantities to
get the Lowest Prices and the Largest Discounts. Our
Buyer was well fortified with both diose requisites and
Bought very Largely and got some startling Bargains.
We expect the Goods here this week and ready for inspec-
tion on Friday, 26th Inst., Colne early and often
if you want Bargains,
Further particulars and price
,mm .w axnvszueanrm
list next week.
We Supply rervtlii n ... , 1t,,
in front of the fireplace at 11. o'elook the
night before, The mill was insured for
about $1,000._
The Farmers' Instituto held here last ire 'h,Y"I^=-Bz"—
Saturday afternoon and evening proved n `
splendid emcees. Although the weather
was unfavorable both meetings were
largely attended. Messrs. Smith, Mo -
Ewing cud Burrell addressed the farmers
in the afternoon and a lively discussion
took place after each lecture, which
showed the farmers to be deeply interest-
ed in the subjects. The evening meeting
was enlivened with vocal and lustre -
mental music by local talent.
God Livor HlI !
You have probably been advised
by your Physician to take Clod Liver
Oil. This is the season when the
taking of this flesh-produoing Oil is
ntost desirable. If the Pure Ood
Liver Oil is too disagreeable in taste
for you just try the biome Health
Emulsion and you will Lind that dis-
agreeable taste hidden. This Emul-
sion contains 60% of the Pure Oil so
700 11009 a much stronger Emulsion
than is usually found. It hi pleasant
to take and certain in its action.
Deadman teff. IVlcOal I,
Druggists, Opticians and Booksellers,
I wish to acquaint thio good
people of 131•ussels and locality
with the filet that ]. have opened
up a Laundry in town,
One Door West of
Williams' Livery,
Where 4
V I will bo pleased to attend
to the wants of the public in
first-class style.
Specialty ,naclo of Collars,
Cuffs, Shirts, Ladies' Waists and
Lace Curtains, and Satisfaction
Guaranteed. Prices Moderate. •
Your esteemed Patrona o is
solicited in supporting a local
Tell your Neighbor.
'111; COM EN
-- -UP'
and NI
' Edo ,
We don't wish for a m.ornent to
leave the impression that we want all the trade but
we do claim that it will pay
In the said Townships to come in and inspect
our stock and learn prices,
Ir e��� god dols' CIA?
We have put in the knife to such an extent
that profits FOR 60 DAYS will be
no consideration. Also in
Ladies' Fur Coat and Capes,
We are bound to clear thele all out.
Grocery Department.
25 lbs Granulated Sugar for $1 00
28 lbs Coffee <t 1 Q0 -
We have the best 25 cent Japan Tea in the trade.
Wishing all a Prosoeroas year,
Y'our's, 6-e.,
Importer, S eafor°th,
Successful selling follows careful and keen buying.
We wish to impress on you the fact that our
,/y. New Dress Goods, New Prints,
New Corsets, Gloves and Hosiery, New Flannelettes,. Cot-
tons and Cottouades, New Towellings and Table Linens, •
were Bought Right.
The Prices never Were so much 111 you Favor,
BOOTS1 ` A 1
l� We show a very- fine and complete
assortment of' Boots de Shoes for
Men, Women, Misses, Youths
and Children.
Re��y �0 2�4' C,OIVIIi�.
It's an acknowledged d ed
fact that
we carry the largest stock of Readyinade Clothing, all kinds,
This season the stock is large and prices Lower than ever
We will have the latest in, JW3m's Hats neat 7veelx, look at them, before
ow Bay,