HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-2-26, Page 44 T -11 TIT.q POqT entenalreetla-rneellthligteliere771WitheittnietneeteethentrillernMORMAZIerteitthrteaneraZaMtneeleiteletatAlatressegerire New Advertisements TWD MUM TO LIVE. MEDAL CA,RDS. • Tenney -Jae, Fox. Looal-W. F. Stewart, Local -W. J, McOraelten. Licenses--Jno, R. Miller, Pink Pille-Dr. Williams, Attrition sale -F. S. Scott. Bargalue-MoKinnon a: Co, New gootia-Stnith & MoLaren. Brussels Leriudry-A.. B. Soott. We the prioe-J, Ferguson & Co. Better oolor-Deadinan & MaCell. gbt 36russ415 erst FRIDAY, FEB. 26, 1897. Morris Council Meeting.. The Council met pursuant to aajourn• meet in the Connell room on Feb. 15h, 1897. Members all present ; Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and passed. Tenders for the township printing were received from the Blyth, Brussels and Wingham papers. Moved by M. Cardiff, seconded by Thos. Coae, that the tender of the Winghain Advance for $21.75 be acceptea.-Carried. The Auditors' report was then presented and examined by the Council, aud on motion of Wui. Ithister, seconded by Geo. Kirk- by, was accepted as being satisfactory. Mr. Black requested the use of the Town Hall for a Public school entertain- ment to be bola ou the 213rd Febreary. Ou motion of Thos. Code, seconded by 111. Cardiff, the request onir. Black was granted, Plan and specifications for the rebuild. fug of Armstrong's bridge were presented. Moved by M. Cardiff, seconded by Wm. Isbister that said plan be adopted and that we call for tenders for rebuilding said bridge, tenders to be opened at the Tarn Hall On March 8th, plan and. speci. &aliens to be seen at the residence of the Reeve. -Carried. Application was made by Mr. .McClel- hrl and others asking to have Mrs. Crooke. of Belgrave, and her two daugh- ters placed in the House of Refuge, as they are in destitute circumstances. Moved by Wm. Isbister, seconded by Geo. Kirkby, that the request of Mr. Mc- Clelland be granted and that the Reeve be instructed to issue the necessarypapers the same to be placed in the hands of Mr. Code and Mr. McClelland in order to carry out said request at their earliest convenience. -Carried. Moved by Thos. Code, seeraided by Geo. Kirkby that the Reeve and Treasurer be authorized to borrow 31,500 to meet cur- rent expenses. Carried. On motion. of Geo. Kirkby, seconded by Wm. Isbister the following accounts were ordered to be paid, 'OZ. :-A. E. Bradwin, printing ballots, 32 50 ; W. II. Kerr, notices of contract on East Bound- ary, 75 cents; Grey Council, settlement up to date on East Boundary, 316.02; Geo, McCall, tile araM moat road, 32.- 50 ; Robt. Warwick, cleaning out ditch, 34.00; Robt. Maguire, repairing bridge, 31.50 ; M. Black, Auditor's salary, 30.00 ; Allan Cochrane, do., 38.00 ; no. Ainsley, plan and specifications for Armstrong's bridge, 310.00 ; IV. S. McKercher, insur- ance on Hall, 90 casts; Jno. Mooney, re• fund of Jas. Bailie's taxes, 87 cents ; T. S. Brandon, Treasurer's salary, $100.00 D. Vanalstiue, work on Weet Boundary, 75 cente. On motion of 'M. Cardiff, seconded by Thos. Code the Council then to meet agaio on the 81.11 March next. W. Wee, Clerk. wootit. S. Rattan shot a line fox the other day, milking the third one for this Winter. 320 worth of uew hooks have been ordered for the Public Library from New York and Toronto. Wesley Ballantyne, while playing in front of bis father's store, emathed one of the large plata glass panes in the window. It will cost about 3'd5 to replace the glass. Wm. Whelpton, wife and little boy, of Milton, North Dakota, were guests of John Graham and wife. Mr. Whelpton foemerly resided near Ethel, Grey town- ship. T. M. Wilson is at present preaohiog at South River, Muskoka, as a student supply from Knox College, Toronto, where he is studying for the foreign mission field. Geo. Hamilton has resigned the pre. centorehip of the Presbyterian church choir after many years' faithful and ate ceptable service. Mrs. D. M. Lineham, (nee Miss Mamie Harvey.) has been °boson choir leader. That mischievous little rascal, Cupid, is responsible for the event which oc. cleared at the home of Andrew Newbig. ging, Oth son., on the evening of the 17th itet., which cemented the bunde between his estimable daughter, Mies Mary, and Robt. J. 15arrell, a well -torte young farmer of the 8th con, The matrimonial knot was tied at 6 p. in. by Rev. IVm. Cooper, 5. A., le the presence of about 100 invited gueete, mostly relatives of the oontractine couple. The wedding march NUB played hy Mies Miunie Robertson, of Atwood, The bride was charmingly gowned in cream cathmere, trimmed with puesumentrie 0,01 spangled net, and carried in hor hand hound el roses and smilax. She MO 11Sted by her cousin, Mins Nellie Newbigging, who was attired in cream cashmere, trimmed with silk ribbon, and worn roses anti hyaninths. J. A. Farrell, !if the Stratford Baeinees Col leee, pporthd hi:, brother, the groom, through the tryiog ordeal. A 7 ern/dorm Wedding dior,0r 11-4, 000 110 the dining room, to wilielt !Le Oil jeetiee. The bride was w,r 5501 recipi,nt many morel and wetly rift, .t(o,tlio! her eideerti in the conorniniiy. '1 emM” was spent in games, music. 111il“.:11,2 aillr0tful oocial amusements. The yoorig couple will take up liouse,Maping rai the farm on the 8511 con., recently purchtteed by alr. Farrell. Their friends are unanimons in their good wishes for Lilo future of the happy couple. Perth Oottnty. The Orange lodges of the county have decided to oelebrate the 12th in Mitchell this year. The Liberal -Conservative Association of South Petah will hold a convention at Mitchell on Meech 10t1; Inc the 0100tion of officers and the selection of a aerial. date. A. number of prominent Liberal. Conservative M P's, have consented to be present and deliver addreesee, THAT WAS WHAT A DOCTOR TOLD DAVID mouP,r51, The Remarkable Experience of one 5100 Was 1)11 15)1' Veen -Six (1051018 'treated 1110) W11110111 ',tenni' e Owes Ws Renewed Wahl) lo lug a Friend's Advice. From the Ottawa Journal, David Moore le a well.knowo and mach esteemed fernier living in the county 05 Carleton, some six miles from the village of Riolimonci. Mr. Moore has been an invalid for some years, and pliyeloiane failed to agree tee to his eiltnent. Not only this, but their treatment failed to re. store him to health. Mr. Moore gives the following aceoutit of his Illness aud eventual restoration to health. He says : -My nest illness came ou me when I was 00 years of age. Prior to that 1 bad always been a strong, healthy than. I had a bad cough and wae growing weak and in bad health generally. I went to North Gower to consult a dootor, who, after examining me, said, Mr• Moore, I am very sorry be tell you that your ease le very serious, so mural eo that I doubt if you eau live two months. He said my trouble was a oombination of asthma and bronohitis, and he gave me some medi. eine and some leaves to smoke, which he said might relieve me. I took neither, because I felt quite sure I had neither trouble he sail, and that be did not understand my case. Two days later I went to Ottawa and consulted one of the most prominent playsioians there. He gave a thorough examination and. pro- nounced try ailment heart trouble and said I was liable in my present condition to drop dead at any inomeet, 5 decided to remain in the city for some time and undergo his treatment. He wrote a few lines on a piece of paper giving my name and place of residence and trouble, to carry in my pocket in ease I should die seddenly. I did not seem to be getting any better under the treatment and finally left the city, determined to con. snit a doctor nearer home. 5 wee again examined and the idea that I had heart disease was scouted, the doctor saying there was many a man following the plow whose heart was in a worse shape than mine. I remained under the treat. 'merit of this doctor for a long time bet got no better. Then my case was made worse by an attack 01 la grippe, which 1051 behind it a terrible pain in my nook and shoulders. This became eo severe that I could not raise my head from my pillow without putting my baud under it and lifting it up. I doctored on until I was trying my Sixth doctor, and instead of getting better was getting worse. The last dootor I had advised me to wait until the heat of Summer was over when he would blister me for the pains in my neck and shoulders, which be felt sure would relieve it. I was on my way to Richmond to undergo this blistering when I met Geo, Argue, of North Gower, who told ma of the wonderful cure Dr. Williams' Piuk Pills had wrought in him, I went to Riehmond, but instead of 50505 50 the dootor'a I bought some Pink Pills and reteveed home and began using them. Before I had finished my second box there wee no mom to doubt that they were helping me. I kept on taking the Pink Pills, and my malady, which the doctoes had failed to succese. folly diagno..e, was rapidly leaving me. The pain also left my neck and shoulders, and after a couple of months treatment I became strong and healthy. I am now in my 77th year and thank God that I am able to Go about with a feeling of good health. I still continue taking the pills oacasionallyi feeling sure that for a person of my age they are an excellent tonic. After the failure of so much medical treatment I feel surethat nothing else than Pink Pills oeuld have restored roe to my present condition." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills create new blood, build up the nerves, and thus drive disease from the system. In hun- dreds of oases they lave cured after all other remedies had failed, thus establish - Mg the Wain) that they are a marvel among the triumphs of modern medical antennae. The genuine Pink Pills ars sold only in boxes, bearing the full trade mark, "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People." Protect yourself from impo- sition by refusing any pill that does not bear the registered trade mark around the box. Lord and Lady Aberdeen called on .President and Mre. Cleveland in Wesh• teethe. The High Oonrt of the Canadian Order of Foresters is in Elusion at Niagara Lient.-Governor Kirkpatrick has al- most entirely reriovered. Re will spend a few weeks in Brighton before returning to Canada. License District OF TOTE East Riding of Huron, To the Tavern -keepers and Others whom it may Concern. N071C15 is hereby given that Application for Licenses for the sale of liquor in the EAST RID1113 IW HURON for the License year 1017.08, which common- ees tim 1st day of May 0,0 5, will be re- oelvtal by the undersigned hoot the preseub Mite up to Thursday, April 1st, 1807, inolusivo. Applionots meet furnish the 11alle0 of two good and suilleient gureties as bondsmen at Ilio 1100 05 making applica- tion. Any applicant foe it new license moat furnish a, aertificato signed by a majority of the electors eutitled to veto ab elections for the Legislative Assembly in the Polling Sub. DR/18km in whish tho preiniges sought to be Meeneed Inc situated, end the said majority Mnst include at least ontothird of the said elootore, who aro at the time of such applb cation residents within the said Polling Sub. 0151515, E0. R. MILIIR,R, IN81,11=011, Jelled:Atm, Feb, 220, 1897. JA. MoNA.UGIITOlq, M. D. . s. 0,2,, Rtibiburell, 01.0. P. 8.01. Residenee and aloe iu Wilson's Blooli, coriwr of UM and Taruberry Ste. M. A.RM WI`110 N , M. I). . s'slalen Surgon, A.000001104., ole. i Graduate of Torooto U Overlay Medical. reoulty. Member of College of Physialaus tied Surgeous, Out. Orrtes-Next door to McDonald & Co„hWalton Ont. OR. F. H. KALBFLFJSWI, 811Y0TOIAN, StIRGROR AND ACCOCC11111,111, SUCCESSOR TO DR. W. GRAHAM, BRUSSELS, - ONTARIO. lat Clem flonor Graduate of the pniversi- tios of 'prinityf rortnitn, Queen's (Riogston), and of 'realty Moaned College 1 Fellow of Trinity Madinat College and member 01 000 College of Physielaus and Surgeons of Ontar• 10. Post Gradmite Course 10 Detroit and Cot= %°i141.. EAPVI,V.hgeduni:61T1Ufi dia- eaeaeoi Women. t.e'Consultittion'in Eng- lish anti Oarmau. Telephone at residence. 7ri;i7MWRIT, MU= WILL RUN SETTLERS' TRAINS TORONTO EVERY TUESDAY LUitING ltEarc12, and, April AT 9.00 r. 00 (should standout Lutetium 015017 To Manitoba and the Canadian North-West A Colonist Sleeper will be attnehed to Pee. iflo 11xpress due to leave 'rorouto at 12:30 p, tn, (0oon) on Genie dates. For fall information apply to J. N. KENDALL., G. T. R. Agent, Brussels. Sale of Flax Mills, Farms, Farming Stock, &c., TO CLOSE AN ESTATE. In consequence of the death of the late Mr. John Livingston, of the firm of S. & 5. Livingston, Flax -Millers, of Badeu, Listowel and elsewhere, and in order to wind up the partnership estate, there will be sold by Public Auction the following properties on the clays and at the timee and places hereinafter specified, viz. At the City of Stratford At the Town of Palmerston On MONDAY, MARCII 8th, 1897, al oee o'clock in the afternoon, at 1 & 5 Living- ston's Flax Mill. PARCRL Ono. -Ono frame flax milt and the lauds and premises collimated therewith, be- ing lots Nos 465, 466,183 and 484, ag shown on Robinson's survev of Loth 15,40 and 47 in the 1st Coucession of the Township of South Eitethope, but now in the City of Stretford, with the other buildings animus thereon,and Mei engine, boiler, scotching knives, beak oe and other itiachiuery on the prie00ses,111. eluding the shovels, forks and other like hr.- plemeots used in the premises, At the Vilhzge of Tavistook On TUESDAY, MA.RCE1 051. at oue o'clock in the afterucou, at 5155 Liviug- ston's Flax Mill. PanCi 1.-T11e new frame flax mill and the lauds and premises eonnected therewith, being part 00 000 west half 05 7,00 35 lotus 13111 Concession of Bast Zona, in the County of Oxford, eontatoiug twO awes more or loss, with the other buildings situate thereon, and the eneine, boiler, scotching knives, brakes and other machinery on the premises, in- cluding the shovels, forks and other like im- plements used in the promises. A.t the Town of Seafortli On WEDNESDAY, MARCH 10th, at One ecloak in the afternouo, at J.& J sten% Flax Mill, PARC13L brick' flax mill and the Noes and premises eolltoehol therewith, being Bleak Letter °A" in Mwanloult's snr- vey 1 part of the Tom of , onfarill ,with the other buildings situate the on, and the en- gine, boiler, sou Whit g bre WS luld ithot machinery ou the or, including the shovels, 1011(0 03, 01 at r 11,:e implements used in the premises. At the Village of Blyth On THURSDAY, MA110 II 1151i, at one &cloth in the taterueon, atJ &J Living- ston's Sias Mill. PA01050 1,-1100 trams )lax mIll and the lands and premises oonueeted therewith, being oomposed of Lots 187, 180, 189, 100, 101, 100,105,104,105, 101097, 198, 190 200 901, 909, 201,001, 205,206,207, 208, 209, 210 aud 211 in Kelly's survey, being sub -division of Lot No 1.ln the 2111 Coneession of the Township of Morris, MR now in the Village of Myth, as shown 00 100.5 made by A. Bay, 77,2.551015 the other buildings situate thereon, and the engine, boiler,souteldog kuives, brakes and other machinery on the premises, iuelurling tin shovels, forks and other like implements used in the premises. At the Tillage of Brussels On FRIDAY, MARCH 1215, at one o'clock in the afternoon, al 5 &5 Living- ston's Flax 20111. PARCEL 1,-01.10 frame flit 01111 and the lands dud premises ooneeeted therewith, be- ing Lot No 442, on the corner of Mug and James streets in the said Village of Brussels, oontainion ono half acre, Wentherall's eur- vsy,ovIth the other huiidiugs situate thereon and the engine, boiler, scutthing knives. brakes end other machinery 011 1120 premises, including 1110 shovelbi, forks and other like implotoeute alai in the promises. einem, 11.-0 De frame dwelling house mud the lauds eollueeted therewith, being the oast half of Village Lot No 150, on James street, in the said Village, containing one nith of an nem more 01 1000, PARCEL ITI.-One from containing 08 acres more or lune, being competed of north half Lot No 20,in the Oth Concession of the 'lowoo. ship of Morrie, with the frame dwelling house, stable , barn, storehouse ole., situate tlhoti, ere1oan ; 24 acres of full wheat' now In the g At lite Town or Listowel On SATURDAY, ritniviti 18h1r, 15 ono o'clook 10 the afternoon, at J & 5 Liriea• stou's Flex MM. CAncuin 1. -One 50,10 containing 00 acres more or lees, being the south 40 acres of the north half of Lut 27, in the 10t Coueessimi of tho Sowniblp of Blinn, 10 the County of Perth, and the south 20 acres of 1110 north half of Lot 28, in the 1st Comeession of the on ;a Township os which 110flame dwelling and kitchen and 08,0010 bank barn. 1211101(0 01-0(10 Win containing 100 notes more er less, known as the MeAlit tau Farm, being Lot No ne, in the lat Coneension of the Township of Wallow, in the Comity of Perth , on which are a frame house 0)15580, end a balm and straw shod ; 50 acres teeter tultivation, PArtoor. IlL-Fartn stook end implements now in or upon the above mentioned farms, Patient, IV, -One Mune flax mill and the Louis 01101 51 au (see oommeted therewith, being ports of the berth helves of Lots 03 aml 81, io Lbs liit Concession of the 'amenable of 151nnt, etintaitting 76 acres 111000 00 loss, With th Mb er 4,011121 0450 situate MI °roan, MO the cmglue, boiler, seutehillit knives, brakes an51 other machinery on the pratnisee, in- cluding the shovels, forks and other like ini- plementn 'need In the Menthe& PARCEL V. -That nitreel of land on which is situate the residence oC the late johO Liv- ingston, trotiting on Maio street in the Vil- lage of Lietowel, being part of 1008 110 andel, tui which lauds are situate the large tWo- elory brick dwelling house oeetipiett by the late John Livingstonrwith stable belonging thereto, (deo a frame dwelling hOnee Minato on the came premises, aud Routing on -- street, P.thoint V1 -7,0o briok dwelling heutxte With kitehent attaehed and the haunt tom ratted therewith.. On MONDAY, MARCH 15th, at one o'clock in the afterneou, at 2055Liviug- ston's Flax Mill. PACCRI, I.-005 farm containing 85 times moth or lase, being partly in the Township of Wallitee, in the County of Perth, and pail. ly in the Town of Palmerston, in the Comity of Wellhigton, being composed of Um south half of the booth half 02 1110 north half of Lot 18 in 0(10 10111 Concession of the Town - Slily a Wallace and Lots Nos 3,5, 0, 0, 10 and 11 on the south side of Young street and part of bet 650 10. on Queen strebt, in the (1124 10(50 of Palmerston, so whlIi ig situate fraliol dwelling house with kitchen ottani- ed, aud bank barn and stra‘v toed. PAnonr, It. -One WIN frame liax mill and the lauds end preiniseS oellinieled therewith being Lot No San the easterly side of Queue street, in the Town of Palmerston, °outlin- ing two nores more or loss, otherwise knowo as The Flax Mill Lot, with the other build- ings situate tlleroon, and the eugine, boner, seutehiug kuives, brakes and other =tato. ery on she promises, including the sLOVele, forks and other like impletuents used in the premises. At the Village of Linwood On TUESDAY, MARCH 10111, at one o'clock In the afternoon, at the Plat MM. PARCEL .1,-0 DB lbrx mill with the lands and premises connected therewith, being Lots 510 10 and 17 and the Sou th half et Lot eighteen ou the Smith side of Ring street iu the Village or Linwood, iu the County or Waterloo, and Lots 1811 and 25 in 'Wright's part of the survey of the Pillage of Linwood. as shown on reap Med iu the Registry (Moo and also Lots No 01 mut 02111 the ammo stir. Vey with the other buildings situate thereon, and the eognie, boiler, scotching knives, brakes, and other machluory ou the prom- ises, including the shovels, forks, and other like 1105100110010 10051 in the premises. At 'Wellesley Village ON WEDNESDAY, MA.11CH 17th, at ono n'elook In the afternoon, at J & J Living- ston% Flax Mill, PARCEL 1-0210 finale 1,111X Mill inotl the lends and premises 00 11110010d therewith, being part of Lot No 18 in the 2nd 000550 - sloe in the Hilda% Section 0( 1110 Townehip of Wellesley in the County of Waterloo,con. tabling three nobs more or lessovilli the other buildiugs situate thereon and the en- gine, boiler, soutehiug knives, brakes, and other machinery on the premises, inoludiug the shovels, forks anti other likeimplements. 00051 on the premises. Dimon, 1t. -One farm containing 100 &ems more or less, being the host part of Lut No 13 in the ere Concession of the Bantam Bee - Lion of the 'Ousvoship of Wellesley, in the Comity of Waterloo, and a small wool of 2 soros being part Of Lot 18 in the Sewed Concestiou Eastern Section of the said Township. Ou this farm aro eroded one frame dwelling house and a frame harm 300 acres under cultivation, 15 acres in fith wheat. At the Village of Baden ON TITURSDAY,MARCH 15th, at one o'clock in the afternoon, at .1 dr. LiVillg• ston's Flax Ann. ranonb L -One farts containing 840 acres more or less, being Lot No 15 ou the North side of Seiderin Road 10 0)30 Township of Wilmot in the County of Waterloo and parts of Lot No 14 on the North side of Snider's Road ln the said Township. Cu this parcel is situate the largo two storey brick reel. donee of James Livingston, lbsg„.11, P. On this panel is also Situate a 15,101, Flax lam lvbioli with the other buildings situate on the said parcel, with the engine, boiler, =itching knives, brakes, ,ad other mach- inery 11130t1 in the Flax buezness win he sold with this parcel. All except about 18 alreS inlane/heat. 111101110Z 100 MOMS 111 2,tOcuu°ds r7.ts-On0er a 18,01rin containing 75 0,0000 more or less, beieg part of Lot 15 on the s001.0 side 01 Suider'e Road, in the Townehip of Wilmot, ou which aro erected a briok dwelling house and frame bunk barn. 21 mires In fall wheat, l'iatoan 11I.-15athe stook and implcinents now in or upou the above mentioned farm. 201050 4, -Lots Nos 40, 48,41 end10 ou the Bruit side of Foundry street as showo 00 (4115 plan of the Village of Baden, on which are situate two briok ono and a half storey dwelling homes and a bakery, athlete on Lot 42, TERMS: Teo per cent. is to be paid clown at tho time of male, The purchasers of W111 be Mildred 10 pay 40 per cent. in addl. tion in obtaining their conveyance, The balance to be payable in 0118 and two years, teeth interest at 5 per omit. to be seoured by mortgage upon the premises. Tho plIrellasore of forms 8114 bo roottired to pay 00 per omit 108155110000yn.obolt.uti01101010,11; 0talpitalr arnint's... 1 '21111,12101110 with 1(11015505 0,15 0 per eget to be soeured by 11101 1gage 00 1110 'maniacs. The yardmen of farm stook , impleinents eta. meet pay in oath for 0)! (((1055110850 11,11105 110,00. 50,00,011013500 01011011o'jl'elllt 011 e.jopt'ova endorsed notes for amount. rosteesion of the faring 40 0,0 tv00000 Wads after eompletioe Itt eurehase, Teettee- eien of the Flax Mills "Mine given on the 15151 3111‘40er1, 11Y"Iotms aioll candidata of sale Will be made known 01 0110 nate or may be ob. tattled on 0,11111)00.01011 10 JAMS LIVING- 8T0N, At, 2,, Baden, or ea to the Listowel nrovortion to MIL, JOHN LIVINGSTON, Bxeoutor, Lietowel, or kicetiltalint, 0851011,, 000 81(165 CRIOBLMAN, Toronth, and 01028,11411WIC65& itItANICS,ieoroute, no,toet 281110 115,1507 JAMES LIVINCISTON, 13ttats. FEB. 20, 1607 010102 f'„ff•):e•f Strictly One _Price. Always the Lowest fl T ; You know that wo keep a Dry Goods Store in Brussels, what you want to know is something special about the store from day to clay and week to week. PRICE is the ever present thought in all business transactions and we use this space to tell you ae plainly and truthfully as we can of special prices in your favor. During the past wo have been fortunate in securing the following lots at prices that enable us to offer them to you at such low figures. TI' 2 pieces 10 inch )31ack Brilliant Figured Lustres, good patterns, worth 87io, for 20e. 1 piece 40 inch Black Cashmere, extra fine and heavy, real value 55c, for 40c. • 5 pieces 40 inch Dress Tweeds, good patterns, worth regular- 60c, for 880. 15 pieces 'best 82 inch Flannelette, regular price Se, our price 6e. 12 only -Ladies' German made Mantles, all this season's goods, clearing at j of regular prices. 5 pieces Fine Beaver Mantling, our regular 0..25 line in Brown, Pawn, Navy and Black, special price 80c. 25 only Ladies' Wool Shawls, clearing at of regular price. 3 pieces 18 inch fine and heavy Pure Linen Toweling, not- worth a copper less than 10c, reduced to Sc. IT'S THE PFiqt0E We are constantly on the search for Bargains for our Custom- ers, we're never satisfied when we are selling you goods at regular prices, anybody could do that, and we want to clo better than all others. Keep on reading our newspaper talk, it is the only way we have of telling you what we are doing. 39 er son Dry Goods and Groceries. We are showing a full line of-lpro' BO TS, SHOES, SLIPPERS, RUBBERS, which we are prepared to sell at prices that defy competition. In Men's lines WO have just received some exceptionally good value in Ox Blood, Chocolate, and. Dong. Bals., that we are sure will suit the Eye, Feet and Pocket. Our stock of Ladies', Misses and Children's is up to date in Style and Quality. Call, and see our Gents' Fancy Slippers. Wo have a few Boys' Long Boots that you can have at Cost. Pi 1 f D RIPS SEWED PIIEE OF °HOGE. I „f1,2t 7 ` . ,ID:11 C. .1021024,43 510101, ,---4174IIRSITA7" Uzillbrurazt • Previous to our Annual Stook Taking we )lave decided to offer Special Bargains in all lines of - Hats, Caps, Furs, Furnishinc,s, Readymade Suits and Overcoats. Wo have a nice range of Fur Muffs, Collars and Boas that IVO will let go very cheap. Also in. Fur Caps, Ooats and Capes if there is anything to suit you the prices eannot fail to meet with yen). appr o val. A few pairs of Felt Boots to bo cleared out Cheap. If you want a good bargain come in and see what we can do for you. February Standard Fashion Sheets and Patterns to hand. A. Strachan.