HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-2-26, Page 3FEB. 20,1897 THE BRi'JSSELS POST
T07771 Directory.
INizevrrt,e Cnanolt,--Sabbath Seeviaee
at 11 a m and 7:00 p. m. Sunday Soho°
at 2:30 p m, Rav, John Rose, B A
ST, J 00N'H OHO 000,—Sltbbath Services
at 11 a In and 7 p m. Sunday Sellout
at 2:30 p. in, Rev, A. H. Griffin, Lnoum
1111erlronror Cnunou,—Sabbath Services
at 10;30 a in and 7:00 p m. Sunday
School at 2:30 p m. Rev. S, J. Allin,
pseto r.
BOMMAN CATuoato Cnoacl2.—Sabba4h
Service third Sunday in every month, et
10:30 a in. Rov Joseph Kennedy,
Semen= An ze.--Service at 7 end 11
a In and 3 and B p m on Sunday and
every evening in the week at 8 o'clock, at
the barrecks.
Onn YELLOWS' Lonen every Thursday
evening, in Graham's biook.
MAsonzo Lonos Tuesday at or before
full moon, in Garfield bleak.
A 0 U W Loose on the 3rd
Friday evening of eaob month, in Blas.
hill'H block.
0 O le Loots 2nd and last Tuesday
evenings of each month, in Blaehill's
• I 0 F,'2nd and last Friday in Odd
Fellows' Hall.
L 0 L let Monday in every month
in Oraege„Hall.
SONS or SCOTLAND, let and 8rd Tees.
days of each mouth, in Odd Fellows'
K. 0. T. Ill. LODGE, 2n0 and 4th Tees.
clays of each month, in Odd Fellow's Hall.
Canadian Order of Chosen Friends, let
and 8rd "Mondays of each month iu Bins•
hill's Hall.
A 0 Iv, let and 3rd Mondays of each
month inalio's dd Fellow's Hall.
Honra CIRCLE, and and Ot
h l ride even.
ings in Blashill's Hall.
Poor Orrtcs,—Office hours from 8 lb.
M. to 0:30 p. m.
I'm not teetiu' whin red lips are pantie
oloee by,
I'hile I did my full duty
By Annie, nia beauty,
I An' we're soon to be wed, for I axed he
the day,
An' elle sold "This is itfarolt, thin oomes
A,prll, thin Il y.--
'1'hree months, to he daolnt--an' thin,
dearest Mike,
Any day ye nnty lllco,u
Mnonouxce n.
IosTITt.r ' — Lh' v
br r
a in
Holmes' block, will be open from 0 to 8
o'clock p. in. Wednesdays and 3;80 to 5
and 0 to 8 Saturdays. Mies aMIinnie ?de -
Naughton, Librarian.
Tower Comeaxo.—W. FI. herr, Reeve ;
Geo. Backer, Geo. Thomson, R. Lea-
therdelo and R. G. Wilson, Councillors ;
F. S. Scott, Clerk; Thomas Kelly,
Treasurer ; R, Ilingaton, Assessor and J.
T. Ross, ColIeetor. Board meets the ist
iilonday in each month,
Scnoon Bo,tnn.--A.. Koenig, (obeir-
man,) IL C. Russ, J. G. Skene, Jae.
Turnbull, A. Cousley and F. Van.
stole. Seo.-Treas., IL. K. Ross.
Meetings 2nd Friday evening in each
POOLIo Smoot. TiAcnsne,-3. H. Gam.
erou, Principal, Leon Jaokeon, Miss
Downey and Bliss Ritchie.
Beano or 1lsatern —Reeve Kerr, Clerk
Scott, A. Stewart, T. Farrow and Wm.
Jewitt. Dr. Moiaughton, Medical
Health Oillier.
"Oh, ship ahoy 1" rang out the cry ;
"Oh, give no water or we die 1"
A voice came o'er the waters far,
"Just drop your bucket where you are."
And then they dipped and drank their 1111
Of water fresh from mead and hill ;
And then they knew they sailed upon
The broad mouth of the Amazon,
O'er tossing wastes we sail and cry,
"00, give us water or we die 1"
On high, relentless waves we roll
Through avid climates for the soul ;
'Heath pitiless skies we pant for breath
Smit with the thirst that drags to death,
And fail, while faint for fountaice far,
To drop our buckets where we are.
Oh, ship ahoy 1 you're sailing on
The broad mouth of the Amazon,
Whose mighty ourrent flows and singe
Of mountain streams and inland springs
Of night-Iclseed morning's dewy balm,
Of nature'e place in the earth or star—
Just drop your bucket where you are.
Seek not for freeber founts afar,
Just drop your Musket where you are ;
And while the ship right onward leaps
Uplift it front exhaustless deeps ;
Parch not your life with dry despair,
The stream of hope flows everywhere.
So, under every sky and star,
Just drop your bucket where you are.
Swate Annie Carroll, she blushed an' she
Whin I up on' axed her to be my dear
'Till I thought "Tie all up wid ye, Mich -
eel, me boy ;
If ye want to win Annie ye'il have to
Manners smiler
An' looks nater,
For what ere ye, Mike, but a big rough
Fit to wrietle an' fight ; but for love-
balk—.ye loon,
Ys're abonb as touch fib RS a hyppypo•
(0h, these swats, stylish gyurls, how
their precious tears shame us.)
Thin 1 Bayo, "Annie darlin'
I don't feel like quar'iin
Wid yes, 'cause your love doesn't eomo
at hue likiu',
I'm nicer at ales, Rare, exoipt when I'm
Some sort of a blow,
An' I know well—I know
Snob a swate, tinder creature as you
oanlane; love me,
Bain' millions an' millions of milee tar
above inc,
But, oh, don't you be oryin'—ib busts me
moat o'uel
Tbongle ache tear in your beautiful eyee
is ab jewel."
Here I put mo rough hand, friendly -like,
on bar shoaldher,
An' it comforted hoe ; 00 a wee thrifle
I grow, an' in wan little jiffy I'd placed
Me arm in the small of her Rigout waist,
An' thin I was dyin'
Her lipe to bo thryin',
For I sae she'd clear left off her heart•
breakin' oryln',
Whirl elle looked up 00 sly,
Wid a tearin 110110 eye,
But a dozen laughs baole of the tears
aakin' why
The yonng woman from Beaton was at
r the labia 10 a railroa,t restaurant in the
far Went and when elle essayed to out the
steak with wllleh ohs had been Femme,
elle discovered that what oho needed Luce
a higher education In nthletion. After
four of live ipell'eotnel nitempte to disseet
10 she called in the waiter :
"Can't you,” oho asked, "give me a bit
of steak whlol is oharaoterizod by hes
tenanity of tissue."
The waiter staggered and a cowboy
across the table looked np.
"1 didn't quite hetet, mum," said the
waiter, banding forward with hie hand to
his ear.
"1 said," and there was a shade of an-
noyance in her tone, "that I desired a
portion of stank in which the cohere:me
of the molecules was not so apparent,"
"Oh," ebamnlevsd the waiter, and he
stood fixed with his month open in
The yonng woman became embarrassed.
"Here," snorted the gallant cowboy
coming to the rescue, with a sounding
wheats on the table, "git a move on you ;
what the lady tante is a piece of meat
that ain't so tough, she 0004 etlok her
party teeth into it, see 1" and the young
women actually smiled as the waiter
berried away.
The family pledge hung on the wall,
And on it you could see
The name of mamma, and Mary Jane,
And Oharl]e—that is me.
VOe did not dare to ask papa
To write upon it too,
So we left a space for him to fill ;
'Twee alt we dared to do.
He paw our pledge no soon as he
Cornu in the door that night ;
And when we saw him read it,
It put ns in a fright.
He did not say a word to us
About that pledge at all,
But oft we saw him look ab it
Hanging open the wall.
And every night when be came home
He shopped and read It through.
We all kept still about its words
Although we knew them theougb.
Four weeks bad passed, and then one
When pa came home to tea.
He took the pledge down from its nail
And then he turned to me.
"Go get the pen and ink my boy,
And let me fall that space,
It looks so bars"—he slowly said,
A queer look on his face,
And' then mamma sat down and oried
(She snid it was for joy)
And MaryYna
Jena etre acted some too
c boy 1
And papa said he did not drink
Since the first night, when we
Had hung t
tut pledge upon
Where he our names could ase
And over shwa that space was filled
Mamma said so tonight,
Though dark may be our little room
One corner's always bright.
Three new dolls eat on three little chairs,
Waiting for Christmas Day ;
And they wondered, when elle saw them,
What the little girl would say.
They hoped Chet the nursery life was gay,
And they hoped that they would Lind
The little girl often played with dolls ;
And they hoped that she was kind.
Near by sat an old doll neatly dressed
In a new frock, bleak and real ;
She smiled tat the French dolls—"As to
Don't feel afraid," else said.
The new dolls turned their waxen heads,
And looked with a haughty etare,
As if they never had seen before
That a atoll was sitting there,
"Ole, we're not in the least 1afraid," said
"We are quite too fine and new ;
But perhaps yourself will find that now
She will eoarcely cure for you.'
The old doll spool her head and smiled ;
She smiled, although she knew
Her plaster nose was almost gone,
And her cheeks were faded, too.
And now it was day ; in oanee the child,
And there all gay and bright
Sat three new dolls in little ohaire—
It was a lovely sight.
She praised their curls, and noticed, too,
How finely they were dressed,
But the old doll all the while was held
Clasped close against her breast.
Figs and Thistles.
Borrowing books and not returning
is theft.
Nothing is truer than that God loves a
heroic soul.
The able bodied man who will not work
deserves to starve.
The habit of exaggeration grows upon
those who indulge in it.
The great majority of lies result from
moral weakness and oowardioe.
Prayer is one of the mightiest and
most uplifting farces in the universe.
You may deceive the world, and even
yourself, but you cannot deceive God.
It is nob right to be generoas with your
friends at the expense of your creditors.
Self-oonesit often leads men to put
themselves into very humiliating posi-
All laws that melee it possible for one
man to take advantage of another are
radically wrong and vieious.
Travel is very helpful to the man who
has eenee enough to use the opportunities
tbab it offere for increase of knowledge.
When an army is 000lrontiug the enemy
it lige down upon its arms ; so should
Christians do in the presence of foreseen
Mamma, I want some' raisins. lilaln-
ma—Well, take a handful. Won't you
get them for me, mamma ? your hand ie
bigger'n mine.
The Christian's search of a happy life
lies not so muob iu the personal enjoy.
meet of religion as in the active service.
for the Met -stele The one is not to be
despised—the other cannot be overloolte,
exospt at the peril of the soul.
"Oh, doctor, I have sent 'tor you,
though I confess that I have not the
slightest faith in modern medical
science." "Oh, that doesn't matter. A
mule has no faith in a veterinary surgeon,
yet lee gets oared all the same."
Tony Dotson, a oelored sport, of Wind -
sou, was Lined $5 and oasts for disturbing
revival services, IIe oarriod n razor and
auk of whisky.
The entering wedge of a fatal com-
plaint is often et slight cold, whish a dose
or two of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral might
helve cured at the ootnmeneement,
Therefore it is advisable to have this
prompt and sore remedy always on hand
to moot an em008000y.
Mrs. Silver, a domeetio ab a Brampton
hotel, lens been arrested on a charge of
abdnotieg the 12.year.old adopted slaugh-
ter of James Day, of Chalk Lake, away
from school last January. The child was
taken to hoe mother, a Mre, Anderson,
who is a gook in a hotel here, it is said
the Days have had the eitifd from in.
fancy, but have no release fron the
SIX MONTHS' 1701111.
The Toronto Globe givee the following
list of worsts accomplished by the Liberal
Government sines its 1100098]00 to power
last July
Settlement of the Manitoba Retool
question—Bending for six years.
"Arrangement for the removal of the
quarantine restrictions on Canadian
mettle entering the United States.
"Lard reduction '
e dt ctio nu
ho Duet of print,
Ing Dominion Meek notes.
"Revisiou of the mail contracts and
general reelection of expenditure in the
Post - e
Post -office cs Dn arhnent.
of for a com-
plete chain of cold storage from the rail.
way stations in Canada through the ship.
ping porta to the English market. Three
hundred creameries will leave cold.
storage chambers ; the railways will pro-
vide refrigerator oars from their doors to
the largecentres whore cold storage ware-
houses are built or will be built, and at
the great shipping points arrangements
hays.been made to provide cold storage
until the produets are pput on the steam-
ship services to the chief ports in ilug•
The above speaks for itself and is a
proof of the capacity of the statesmen
now at the head of the Government in
Canada 10 manage the affairs of thscoun-
try in a businese•like manner.
Huron County.
Mtntcrroue EecAta,—Miss MoMath, of
Dungannon, met with an awideut of a
decidedly unpleasant nature, and hod a
marvellnas esoepe from heina killed.
Going into the yard for a pail 01 water,
the top of the well gave way, allowing
her to fall to the bottom, a distance of
40 feet ; there were eight feet of water
in the well, and elle went straight down,
Doming again to the surface of the water,
when she managed to catch a brace that
was holding the well in position. In
this uncomfortable position, and with
the 10y water ;Milling her through and
throegh, she managed to retain her hold
for about half an boor, when her mother,
noticing her absence, Dame out to look
for her, and was horrified to see her 01
the bottom of the well. She ran at ones
for assistance, and as there was only a
curb at the top of the well, it took some
time to get ropes and ladders, eo that
when rescued site was in a pitiable con.
dition. Fortunately ole sustained no
injury in her Fall.
The students of Manitoba College have
contributed 382.05 to the Indian relief
Tile proceeds of the charity concert
in the Opera IIouee, Hamilton, amount-
ed to $500.
The Noelon men have replaced the olcl
board of directors of the St. Catharines
C Niagara Central Railway who resign-
A petition is being circulated in. Chat-
ham proteeting ngainet the law which
forbids a man to carry a gnu in the oloae
season of quail,]
The Ottawa City Counail has decided
to ask permission from the Ontario
Legislature to raise $75,000 for extending
water matins and $55,000 for new tire ap.
plianoes, without submitting by-laws to
the people.
Mayor Pingree, of Detroit, has interest.
ed hhnaelf on behalf of Anna Onttelle,
the Canadian girl from near Quebec, who
was arrested in Toronto, in company
with Gaston Peleesier, the fraudulent
boardinghouse keeper, and will send her
That the blood should perform its vital
functions, it is absolutely necessary it
should not only be pure bat riot in life.
giving elements. These results are best
effected by the use of that well-known
etandard blood•puriller, Ayer's Sareepar-
James Quinn is on trial for setting
fire to Mr. Hall's barn in Guelph town -
;ship. The other day a omnpanion of
Quinn'e named Bushy confeseod bhab be
was wibb Quinn when the barn was fired,
bet said Qninu did it. Now Quint,
swears that Busby did the deed iu his
SyTtem nonovator
—000 01011015—•
For Impute, Weak and Impoverished
Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpita-
tion of theHort, Liver Complaint, Neur-
algia, Loss of Memory, Btouahitis, Oon.
snmption, Gall Stenos, Jaundice, Kidney
and 'Urinary Diocese, St. Vitus' Denote
Female Ieeegnlaritiee and General De.
Prop, and Manufacturer.
Sold Ay ilme,ll'ox•1lrisgglet, etruseets.
est forte•- '
ash Day
makes clothes
sweet, clean, 0
white, with
the, least
able lastingi
and cleansing
properties make
economical and 1,
est for 4i
Every Da
SIN rer
"Every season, from the time I
was two years old, 1 suffered dread-
fully from erysipelas, which kept
growing worse until my hands were
almost useless. The bones softened
so that they would bend, and several
of my lingers aro now crooked from
this cause. On my
!hand 1 carry large
scars, which, but for
Sarsaparilla, would
be sores, provided 1
Ives tolive and able
to carry anything.
bottles t to
g of
Sarsaparilla Cured me, so
t • ,: i l:a•,-o l:ac1 no return of tho
,"Cr I.:ore than twenty years.
I o'
seemed d to reach ] the
I a pr 5 tt.nt neo of it has
In. 4c• c':::' -..O. C. DAVIS,
Ay11'3'3 PILLS Promote Oood Digestion
e °Ja1 a ne Js
D. FRAIN hits opened a Har-
ness Shop in the building Nortel
of the Leckie Block, Brussels,
where 11e is prepared to turn out
Light and Heavy Harness and
attend promptly to repairing.
Blankets, Sleigh Bells, Whips,
tke., kept in stock.
I am prepared to attend to all orders for
Carriage Triinming, Repairing, cmc.
Good work and Moderate enlarges.
.r i2i, Brussels,
Certain in PCs e,roats and never blisters,
Iteadproofe below,
Dox BS, Carman, Henderson Co., Ill., 000.21,'10.
Dr, R. J. 0,100ALL bo.
Dear Sirs -Plano send me ono of your Rome
Deeps and oblige, Itoxs used a great deal or your
Kandnhl a Smola Coro with good moose • 11 is a
wonderful modtoine. 10000 bad a mare that Lad
na Oooalt South, and five bottles cured Lar. I
loop a bottle on band all tie time,
Yours truly. Ones, Powaa.
Or, D, J. Itnsnae. Co. 04.11101t,ilio., .d.00. '00,
Dear Stra-1 have nod several bottles ofour
Spavin Cure" with manammo. I
thank it
the boot Liniment z aver used, baro ,v -
I +cues!,ono curb, ono Rlnod Fnavtra nod latnu2
1 aero Bono ennvtnd. Have m000meudad it to
n ad Ie of nay Li100epValle mush pleased b7ta
and loop St, Devp.kr,
S. P. O. Dna 913.
rap Salo by all Pragglels, or address
Dg.. D. J. I[PNDADt 00.11{D t\ 3:,
000000600 FALL0, 0T,
British Columbia
Red Cedar Shingles
Asn• —
.ol'tli Shorter
Nile and Cedar
Brussels Planing Mills )
Also Doom and Sash of all Pat
terns on hand or made to order
at Short Notion.
Estimates Furnished for ail'
kinds of Buildings, tihn'aman•
ship and Material Guaranteed. 1
. & P. A.ME N T. '
Any Amount of Money to Loan
on Farm or Village Pro.
perty at
6 & 61- Per Cent., Yearly.
Straight Loans with privilege of
repaying when required.
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Division Court Clerk, Brussels.
The undersigned has open-
ed up a`Butcher Shop in the
Where he willkeep"eonstant-
ly on hand a supply of the
Best Meats Procurable, sold
at reasonable prices. A share
of public patronage solicited.
S. 7yPn aiaLrti rhusRu
Meat:delivered lo all parts
of the towel.
Io G. Richardson
Is prepared to do all kinds of
work in bis lino.
Good Workmanship and
Good Fits Guaranteed;.
Suits made for $4 anti upwards..
"Shop over 11eflowan's Store.
The undersigned are prepared to ntteteii
to all branches of Painting, including
Mouse, Sign, Carriage and
Ornamental Work.
Paper Han.giug, Ralsomining itnf
Decorating neatly and prompt-
ly looked after at mod-
. crate Prices.
We make a Specialty of Manufaotnrielg
and placing in position
First -Class Awnings,
Orders left at our Paint Shop,.
formerly used by Messrs. Boddie:,
& Wake, will be attender! to withdispatch.
Paper Hanging Orders may be
left with Messrs..Dcadmau & Me -
f3MiPL lB O
.. �s�. .1 u..fL `�.'+t�c."'%oyJxi.=�C^1D f Loi+�'��vii'•"Va WC ��up�—.� lG.
Ne` r. Stook
rine Stook of�..
Bibles, Hymn .Books,
Photo. and Scrap Albums..
soul Ilarg air,
Comb & Brush Cases,
Shaving Sets, &o.