The Brussels Post, 1897-2-19, Page 8TURE This trouble does not get the attention itshould, Sona look on it simply as an ineonveuienae which they mush endure but which requires no spece irtt attention. This is where the great mioteke is made ; many a man is today enduring that "inconvenience" who might have been entirely eured of the trouble if ho had taken it in time and treated it properly. THE BRUSSELS POST e. M. Weimer shipped a oar of cattle from A. CAR of acne has been received by Brussels this week. Messrs, Wilton & Turnbull, Hones Fair on Thursday, March •nth. Wu, Ross, M1I1 street, received a car of I Dont forget it, as ie will be a sweeper. Manitoba liour on Wednesday, Menne, BAEaEn & VANEITONE shipped 3 Le our County Connellreport last weep cars of Nits mud 2 oars of oats this week, we stated that the Revenge coat per in. Vona ears or lumber were shipped dur- mate per day in the House of Refuge ing the past week by L. MoDouttld 1S' Co„ was $15.75, and average weekly expenee Walton. 1 $110.60 ; lb should have been 151e. and Seinen geode are coming to the front.. 51.101 respectively, Read the advertisements in Tet Poem Dtnlr.-T'hnreday of last week John, told save money thereby, the 8 menthe nld son of Thee. leueollbal, TpesiAx the Best Huron Livelier+ Com. of Lainblon Mills, died of wetter on the nlieelonere meet in Breeeels and or„auieeif brain, The inteemeut was made on for the work of the year. Saturday. her, and Mrs. lineehtel'e 3 cane of emit from the Enterprise many friends here sympathise with them DOyou wear kL Truss Werke have gone from Bruseule this in 1110 lose of their little boy. week. Brussels salt leads. Tun budding poets entail many a Hilary ME0000. (erne & Doles shipped a ear thrust from the senor. In the Religious of 01ttle o1 Monday and will send 1 oar Telescope this turn of the tables is given. of live hogs Eastward on Friday, "Your ewes; are very good, Mins," sold Sr. VALEXIINE'e Day was last Sunday. the editor in hie kindest tone, "but we The old and ogee greatly enjoyed custom oan't po eibly use them, our columns are of the day has about passed away. overorowded." "Can't you leave oat RLn rn PETTEY, of Hensel!, WAS in town some of that staff yon publish muter the on Wednesday looking after a ]hand heed of "editorial 3" su0ge0ted the poet - engine for that enterprising village. 000, "it Is very dull readitlg," And Nle Cossne r Yong Docwo.--If he advises Tuts week Mugu. M0Cl0ll81d, of I3el• editor sighed, God Liver Oil we reeommond Wompolo'e grave, and Sturdy, of Goderich township, LAunn:n AND ITIS CAarNnT.---We have Tasteless Preparation. You 0au't taste are auditing, the County accounts at made afra000111ente by which snbseribes the oil ; all you taste is wild cherry, and Gnderie.h, to the Weekly Globe tend Tun POST many that's good. What you get is flesh and A 0021(0 race for 3 year-old colts will be receive the handsome new picture of strength. Cures coughs, colds and on the peog1aul for the Queen's Birthday Premier Laurier, sitting at his Connell wastive diseases. JAS, Fox, - _._ in Brussels. The distance will bee mile, board, eurroundod by his cabinet, ou the 3 m Chemist and Druggist. 2 in 3 for a $100 purse, A largo uumber same terns as are offered by the Globo, of entries are expected. The pictures are taken from photographs THE Poor carts aWarded the lontraet and are reproduced in tints. This very. soerritrax EXTENSION W. G.'& n, for the County printing for 1807, the de. desirable picture is not sold for less than -- Veils being arranged with the Warden 50 cents per copy, but we can supply it to Trains Vara Brussels Station, North and P. Holt at the Co, Clore's office, eubsoribere at the low figure of 133 cents, and South, as follows: Goderich, last Tuesday afternoon. Sample copiee may be seen at this office, Game soma. Goma Seam, Wm. Wiiton, owing to illdlemlth, has or will be mailed to subscribers on receipt Espress 71s..zu I Mixed 0:441(,m disposed of hie confectionery and fruit of the pride. The Globe is note 16 pages Hexedc'lT p.w.. Mail 10102 pin business to W. J. McCracken and J. Crich every week, the best paper of the kind and has gone out of business. We hope published in Canada. The price of THE Mr. Wiltou'o health will improve. Poem and the Globe is only $1,50 a year C. F. -Last week W. G, Collins or. in advance, or inoludiug the picture, 332051ialAN-WrILLIA.IIS,-Il] Listowel, on ganized a Council of Chosen Friends at $1 65. Old subscribers as well as new the 11th ine4, at the Methodist "r" Chesley with a membership of 31. Peo- can have the picture for 15 cents, We chnroh, by Rev. Dr, Williams, father A chiefs anran g ye takin' notes, pea said he could not su000sd there but will send THE POST and weekly Globe 3 of the bride, Mies Eva Williams to dn' faith he'll prent it. W. G. has no such word as "fail" in his months, on a trial trip, with pintos in- Mr, John Stoneman, of Mitchell. - dictionary. He is in Tara this week. eluded, for 50 cents in adya006. 0200005 -GALLEY, -At the residence of �Bnusarss market leads. Try ft. - a BRUSSELS LEADS. -E. C. Coleman, of PATnoNe ON INDUSTRY. -00 Tuesday of Mr. J. Golley, Wingham, by Rev. eafnrth, was present at the dairymen's last week the County Association of W. Lowe, Mr. T. Cassels, of hast Assessors 1i1N,10101 IS on hie round=. meeting in Brantford, in the interests of Patrols of Industry mut in Clinton. Wawanoeh, to. Miss 3, Golley, Morris, "Mmoutmenene" this (Friday) ere,ing, the Balt business. He distributed amain- There was nota large attendance. The OLvun-Mo>••EATe. -At the residence of Wool wanted at the Fire Engine ber of packages of butter mod cheese salt, following resolutions were unanimously the bride's mother, on Feb, 17111, by Works, Brussels, to give the members an opportunity to pes'ed :--That we as Patrons assembled Rev. Mr. Andersons of Wroxeter, 15 mere secures the Liberal Cabinet prove by testing it for themselves, that at our gunnel County melting, held in Mr, Geo. Clear, of Brussels, to Miss offered by Toronto Globe, there is no better dairy salt in the world Clinton, call tee attention of the Tariff Agnes, daughter of Mrs. Geo. H. JAMES IRELAND shipped a Dar of live than that sold by the Canada Salt As• Commission for the Dominion that they Moffatt, of Morris. hogs to Hamilton last week. sociatiou. These partioular brands of are expeoted to fulfil the pledgee made to — THE ice harvest began on Wedn(eday salt are manufactured at Brussels, and the people when in Opposition, and re - of this week. Quality is said to be ee0,1 have acquired an enviable reputation. quest that they et once proceed to pence Uv2Ns. In Ehma, on Feb. 10111 Margmret, TREASURER Rxo,xx has some bellutitnl FOURTH DIvo-rag Comer. -The regular on N,. fr list cern, veal oil, all wire for beloved wife of Chas. Ovans, aged 40 Chinese primroses in bloom at hie green• sittings of the Fourth Division Court fencing perlelses, all farming implements years and 8 months. houses. was held in Brussels on Wednesday and binder twine, loo the abolition of WALaeii.-Io Tuenberry, on Feb. 10th, W. IimmLoron's horse had a little runs• morning of this week before Judge Doyle. the Senate, and the abolition of the the wife of John Walker, aged 67 way in town on Thursday morning. No Owing to the light docket, which wile as maintenance of Government House and years. serious damage done. follows, the seosion cane brief :-d'IeCal• free passes to members of Parliament, Glue.- At the Brunawielc House, Wing. Excuastoss will run to Manitoba and num vs, Holland-Aotion on account ; Otfioers were elected as foliates '-On. ham, on Feb. 6th, Mrs. Gray, relict the Northwest every Tuesday during the judgment for plaintiff. Campbell vs. Pres., John Govan look, Seaforth ; 0. V. of the late Wm, Gray, London, aged months of Marcie and April. Sharp et al-Gerniebee after judgment ; Prete„ B. S. Phillipe, Hansa!' ; Cor. -Sao., 83 years. Rum AND RAMSAY maize a great team. judgment for primary creditor against W. S. Lawrence, Clinton ; auditors, R. XNEc3 year At Lambton Mills, on Feb. Hear them at the Sons of Scotland con- garnishee for $100. Craig vs. Young et Common, Seaforth, J. W. Yeo, Holmes. 1113), John, infant eon of Thomas cert Friday evening of next week. al -Action on promissory note ; adjourn- Ville ; Sentinel, J. Stewart, Kintail ; B:neabtei, aged 8 months. AUCTION sale hills printed at THE Pose ed until next Oourt. Representative to G. Board, J. Gowen• with neatness and dispatch. A free PRESS AssoortroON,-The election of lock, AvoTIO 1' s to x Es_ notice given in THE POST with every set officers resulted as follows :-President, of bills. Major 7. B. 'McLean, Montreal ; Vice- - LA nHIITE is still cutting a wide swath President, Robt. Holmes, New Ere,TUESDAY, Fe, 23rde-Farm etoslc. in and around Brussels and but few Clinton ; Second Vice President, W. S. Business Locals. South half Lot 21, Oon. 2, Morris. Sale households have escaped an unwelcome unreserved, at 1 o'clock. A K. McAllis- Dinn A. Cooper, Strafford; Sea Trees., ter, Prop., Geo, Birkby, Auc. visit from ft. john A. Coo er, Oouadian 1reasu 05, g p Tuomen FEn.23rdSoFarm, farm stook, THE Committee in the matter of cloy- . E.'Toronto ; Assistant . Tor nryTroaso m. t- Surfs Y implements, &o., at South Half Lot 25, fag up the affairs of the.McIntosh & hie. A. E. U. Committee, Toronto. Execu• Con. 6, Morris. Sale oommenoesat 12.30 Taggart anti's met in G. F. Blair's office five Committee, W, Ireland, Jos. Clarke, p p on Thursday afternoon of this weal. 3. S. William, D. MoGillicoddy', A, G. dandy, g o'clock, John McCrae, assignee ; F. S. AenaaoEarosTsare bein made for the t Scott, auctioneer. p TempleforMthe Summer excursion was aleft oto rmnnsDAY, FED, 25tH. -Farm stools, im• production of "'Phe of tame" inY Brussels in the near future, It is an ex. these gentlemen, t I 'elements, &o„ at Lot 15, Con. 16, Grey. Salo enreserved at 12 o'olc.81 Peter Mo- cellent entertainment and takes well Barrusns A', -We ob•erva by the d Y p Intosh, ,o, F. wberever given. Evening Record, of Roseland, that the D pp Fiume, FEB.p2(lth.s Fa, Delo.n stock, Jm• 110101oc Mutual Fire Insurance Go. Scotchmen of that place had a big time p nlemeats, &w, at Lot 11, Con. 10, Grey. Directors for this year are Edward Bryan, in celebrating Robert Burns' anniversary. h Oslo unreserved at 1 o'clock. Robert Robt. Scott, Jas. Edgar, Wm. Douglas, Supper was served at the Grand Union SaleMenu, prop, ; Geo. Kirkby, 000. Wm, lloKereher, Bud John R. Miller. Hotel, with John Ferguson Mo0rae, a' TUESDAY, March 2nd: Lot 13, con, 4, At a subsequent meeting of the Board formerly of Bruges's, in the obair. The best Grey. Farm 510011, implements, &m, Jno. R. Miller was ohoaeo President ; report says :- Mr. 'McCras made a model Robt. Swett, Vice•Pree. ; and W. S. chairman and Rept the meeting in good 11 sold Y SmSalith,nresery Propriat etress, S. So. m. Mrtt, Luo Owen McKeraher, Sec.•Trensurer, order with an amount of taut that show. LEGAL. -Gerry vs, Sharp. -This was a ed the shrewd, canny, Scotch blood in garnishee after judgment ou a judgment his veins. Iu heart stirring senteuoes he a vss�ax s MA-Tu2 TdSS over 20 years old. Judgment was reser- proposed the usual loyal and patriotic B I wed by His Honor judge Doyle ou the toast.., and when it came to "The Queen, 73 76 gaeation of the right to premed on a gentlemen" every man was as prompt on p p 80 judgment over 27 years old, and was hie feet as when the Scots Greys went W h 20 25 finally disposed of in Chambers. Verdict into action in that memorable charge 38 30 for plaintiff, with costs, G. F. Blair for where the slogan ory was "Scotland for- 64 55 plff. and W. M. Sinclair for deft. Gil. ever." 15 17 lies & Smith ve. Lang. -This ceasegarni• House or REP OSI. -Last Friday the p p 10 11 abes use in which judgment was reserved House of Refuge Committee met at Clin- r 32 00 in whioh the County was garnishee. It ton, in the Council Ohamber. All the 4 00 4 60 was a fight between the plaintiff and a members, Mesere. Melee, Mooney and ( ) 25 number of order holders. Verdict for i Torrance, were in attendance. The for: the beat 0 7 00 pili. for full 00100111. 0. F. Blair for . mer was chosen Chairman for the year. d 2 0 S 5 pill. and W. Proudfoot for order bolder. A contrast will be let for a pig and pout- I' Brussels. 4 If so, are yon wearing the best, and have you the proper .fitting one? We not only have in stook the very best Trnesee made but we know how to Ob them properly, If your Trues ie hurting you or does not feel comfortable,' cone to us and we can Rive yen a proper fitting fine. We have ,11,0 in stook a fine line of Rubber Goods, including Syringes, Hot Water Bottles, Bandages, eco. DEADMAN MoCALL, Druggists, Optioiane and Booksellers. S242XDILRD BANE OF C3g.Nr ..Dr , 'X'.et.33x,x sxa=x1( 1.1172. HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO ASSETS, (Seven Million Dollars) , $7,000,000 CAPITAL (A therieed) • - - $2,000,000 Agencies in ail principal points in Ontario, Quebec, 3lfanitoba, Utlited States r0 England, �t'i!'fr�°StribeS Bawer. er> . A General Banking Busineoe Traneaotsd, Farmers' Notes Discounted, Drafts Issued and Colleotione made on all points. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, Interest allowed on deposits of $1.00 and upwards from dal of deposit to ditto of withdrawal and compounded half yearly, SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE COLLECTION ON FARMERS' SALE NOTED. Every facility afforded Customers living at a distance, 3, A. STEWART Murosen. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. 'ot�11 'l.clha (terns, MHZ,R.xa. Sotttss,-In Grey, on Feb. 16tH, the wife of ]lir. Le.wie Steins of a dauehter. PETIIIE.-In Eimn, ou Feb. 1)th, 1807, the wife of Mr. Chas. Petrie of a daugh- ter, LuDIET.-In Wiogham, 00 Fob. OtI1, the wife of Mr. Robt. Lediet of a Son. MARxZxara7. axes_ Leen herrings for sale at Jas. Ballan• vne s grocer . urrs made to order at M. Richardson's. Oiled est lase 111 town. Fon any, well built cotters o to Jos. Walker, carriage maker, Brussels. Rooms or dwelling to rent over m store. . 0. Riaharde. GET your bugs repaired, trimmed or new topped ab Jas. Walker's Brussels. Do not forget we repair rubbers boots andshoes a eap and durably. I. 0. Richards. SEs the new steel boggy dash at Jae. Walker's shop. Also a patent top, the e9 011t. Some men's felt boots on hand et which o,i be so r at a bargain. '. 0. Rioherds, A xuunxn of well bred Black Minorca roosters for sale. Apply to Leslie Herr, ruses s. WANTED, -Roll butter, 130. ' dried a . plea, 3o. Any quantity. G. E. Kum, inR am. KAnn's Clover Root, the great Blood - Purifier gives freshness and olearness to the complexion and mires constipation. 25 cls, 50 ots and $1.00. Sold by James Fox, Druggist, Brussels. SHtaoi'a cure is sold On a guarantee. It cures incipient oonsumption. It is fie ooughours. my rine cent a ase, o as., 6 els. and $1.00. old by James Fox, Druggist, ruses s. CwrronTAnLE brick residence with every convenience, furnace, &o„ for sale or to rent. Immediate possession given. For farther particulars apply to Mrs. R, Walker, Turnberry street, Brussels. CAPTAIN Sweeney, U. S. A., San Diego, Cal., says :•-"Shiloh'e . Catarrh Reinedy is the first medicine I have ever found that would do me any good," Price 60 oente, Sold by Jas. Fox. druggist, Buis. eels. Ino saw -filing for 25o. each time after the first time if no one tiles between times, and I charge accordingly if eaw gets damaged. Wood taken In payment if delivered at the time the deal is made. Titov. McGnnoon. Tim hardest saws. warranted full set withoub breaking, its I hare n new, safe and fust way of setting saws, Saws that are in fine order gime in exchange for eIWs thee are mit of order by paying the difference, T. McGregor, saw filer, Brno. eels, Queen St., Ease. O,utosre.--Any one desiring carpets will do well to call et the Brussels Wool. knead Ore engines or other fire appllanoeo, en Mill before buying elsewhere, a5 they by Js. I!'. Wardner for the Montreal These, we understand, Mr. Ronald will have the largest assortment 1(T samples syndicate. The Montreal syndioate has dlenose of to the several towns and oibias time shown in this locality, ranging in sold over 120 of the 800 lots it originally with whom he is at urea, fie negotiating. pC1La°Anfrom 30e. to0eeur$1.00. 1 -That] eligible half purchased and is well pleased. The sum Mr. Ronald. who hila been engaged in the of 1127,000 i5 now here in the Bank of care lot situate on the Southern portion of Turnberry street, Bruseele, will be die' pnsed of below cost. Very easy terms. Write for particulate to JOHN HARGREAVES, 174 Queen et. West, Toronto. Fall Wheat • • • • Spring wheat Barley........ ......... Peas Peas (large) Oats Butter, tuba and rolls ,.. Eggs per dozen Floor per barrel.. ..... Potatoes per bag Hay per ton. Hides trirnmed.... ...... Hides rough Salt per bbl., retail..... Sheep skins,eaob ...... Lamb skins mole Apples per bbl Hogs, Live Dressed Hogs A Timex Fon Eveareonr.-What is it ? I thought yon knew 1 The neat, uni- formed, sweet strained end popular Sera. photic Band, composed of skilled S. A. musicians and vocalists, with brass and string instruments, fie command of Adjutant Archibald, assisted by Band• meat will in future be purchased by the mailer I{eele•, will make their second Winner instead of the pound, a refriger. visit and hold a melletlnelt musical ntor being nailed into requisition in the try house, 20x50 feet, either flame or contract, tenders to be received up to March 25th. Commissioner Aivaley will prepare the ueceesaey plans. J. Irwin received the contract for supplying gra• caries to the House of Refuge and the melee in the S. A. barracks, Bruseele, on Tuesday, Feb. 23rd, at 8 p. m. Come and hear their nese and rioh music, their fresh and original songs. A grand time guaranteed. Admission, 10 cents only, Thie is e. Ohanee of a life time. Be sure and tante it In. Summer months. The orchard on the farm will be improved by the addition of grafts, and a vigorous effort put forth bo get the farm in good working shape 0o as to yield the largest possible revenue. SALE or Tun R110.wn FIRE ENGINE ROaeh2ND -The Roseland weekly Alfa. Wools, -For same time past it has been rumored that a change in the ownership er, of Feb. 4th, says :-Saturday was a of thio old and wt•Ileo1ablished business r•ed•letter day in the history of file real would shortly be made, and we are now estate market in ltoesland. The Mout- in a position to say that an absolute stile real syndicate, through John F. Ma0rae, of the business has been completed and sold 04 Iota on Thompson aVenue to a the new proprietor, in the person of E. focal eyndioate oeg,tnlzed by Weeks, Hen• IL Thomas, of Norwich, Oxford County, nedy & Co. The aggregate prise was lees taken possession. The sale includes something over $20,000. 1t was the larg- est real estate transaction which has taken place in ltossland since the per. chase of 800 lots in the original town site the „hope and land adjoining, with the engineer's house and parer lob "0" at the rear, bat does not include the manufaa- Montreal for the third payment on the 800 lots and the fourth and lase payment will soon be made. Ie has turned out to be one of the most suooeasful real estate deals ever made on the Pacific Dost. The loeal syndicate whirls has pnrcilsed the Thompson avenue '•110 propose to make it a business etree and to that end will do the necessary grit iing, build side• walks and put up a number of buildings. The new cable street railway line will be utilized for this new venture. It is eon, tended that the bueinese district of the town must be enlarged -that Columbia avenue is already full and that people will eagerly seek some new district Where mote are cheaper and rents not so high, Thompson avenue runs East and West along the bottom of the hill South of Co. latnbin avenue. It passes just North of the eleotrin light pleat and is reached by Spokane et St, Paul streets, manufaoto a of fire engines for the past 30 years, over 19 of which have been spent in this village, will now retire to a well•earned rest and will oontinue to re. Ride in town, at least for a time. The beehives, we understand, will still be known as the "Ronald Fire Engine Works," as that name has beoorllo a household word at least to thefire engine purchasing public of Ibis Dominion. We extend a °ordiel and hearty welcome to the new prnprietor, wishing him every sucoe5s and feeling sure that under his direction and guidance the bunineee will enter upon a neW eta of prosperity and that the "Ronald" steamer will ever maintain the eminent position which it has eo long enjoyed. Mr. Thomas will at mace set to work on several engines with an enlarged staff of workman. He is asking for a supply of wood for the Werke, as may bo seen by advt. in an. other column. "I111 mini OWN LAWYEll." A foto more good. hustling, experienced canvassers wanted for this popular law book. It sells like hot cakes and every purchase' says 31 is the beat he has ever seen. Write to W. 1.1. Auger, 28 Ulster 01., Toronto, Ontario, Only $1.00. Nncw B&icoe .-t'Iaving purchased the business and good will of N. Blackmore, I am now in possession and peel:mud to attend to the Wants of the public. We will have constantly on hand a first-class supply of bread, hula, oelcea And pastry. Bread delivered daily to all parts 0f the town. Orders promptly attended to, The patronage of the people of Bruesolo andi5urro0nding country eel ieited, $at3a• faction guaranteed. W. A. Gabel. 1 00 50 15 50 4 00 4 00 8 00 5i 00 40 4 10 5 00 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. 11 OUSE WORK WANTED.-- A uumber of hours each clay. Ask at THE POST. .1 CIURD WOOD WANTED. -100 'V cords, 4 feet long,soft or hard, Inc eneb. IIONALD if /RD ENGINE WOR1i8. `P"OR SALE OR TO LET, - le Lot 01, Mil etreet,Bru5e01s, on Which is a roomy dwellug. well, Stable, 80. 'Terme easy, Apply to ht. ADAMS, Londeeboro', or 10, ti. S001'r, Brussels, 274 U RENT. --LOT 19, IN THE 5111 Concession of Township of Grey, 100 110110,1, 80 acres cleared-; good buildings; good orchard and well. watered. Will be rent. 811 Inc a term of y01100, A>p]qq to net WILLIAM POLLARD, Ethel P.0 OOD WANTED.-11A.RKET Y V piano win be paid for 0,000 of 4,000 001,10 of 01.114i wood, eliber soft e• card, to be ,lelivored s Wlntsr at rho EN'PEItP10ISE. SALT W01t30, Brussels. 200 Relate 01 T. T. COLEMAN. CM OFORTABLE RESIDE NOE and 10 aurae of first•claOO land adjoin• in Brussels, for sale, There is a omallbanli barn and a yourft orchard of 21 aurae Would Inak° a fine fruit- harm or market garden. Proprietor bas afnir dairy busttise in oeu- noetion. Possession given at mace. Will be sold at a loW price. For further particulars apply on the premises to OEO, 1001311, Pro. prig tor, Brunets P. 0. 204 VINE TWO STORY BRIO1 .L restdeuoe fors ala corner of usOn and Tur•uberry , streete,Brussels, emoted lase year. Thee are all the ue005000y oonven. Pinatas 011 the premises such as tlreb•ohtas dollar, hard and sett water, wood shed, stable with stnnofoundation, dm. Furnace inhonso. There is 3 acre of land. Will ae11 at a x011• tenable figure and on g004 terms as I Intend removingfrom town. For farther 1>artlou- leu applto D, A. LO W1L2,, 274f - 1 roprictor, D lt05010. PUBLIC SALE Farm in the Township of Morris Under and by virtue of n power of sale con- tained In a mortgage dated the era div of Apr) 1, 1800, made by lanais J, McGaughey ns Mortgagor to the Corporation of the County of Huron and which woe assigned by assignment of mortgage dated tee 1st day of July, 3000, and both of which will be produc- ed at the time of 0010, there will be o1Tered for sale by Public Auchan at the 21:1117N'S 110''1111, IN THE TOWN 010 BRUSSELS, o11 Tuesday, the 13113 ds7 oe March, 0537, at the 11ou,' el 12 n'e look,110011, that certain farm comprising the smith half of Lot emu- benT of Morln ris, to G! a Count} iof Huroa of n, cnutaleing 105 nares more or less, being the farm lately lit oec0patlou by Francis J. ole• Caugbey, The farm consists of 8o acres of good clear- ed hand fairly fe,004 nod the balance is in hardwood bush with some swltinl>. Tim farm has thereon a sm111l frame house and a frame barn and shod. It is situ god about 01 tulles from the Town of Brussels !n a good framing sec tion. Tennra-10 per °cut. cash and the balance in 80 days,if desired by the purchaser a por- tion of the ptu•oh ase motley may remail as IF first mortgage for a term of years. Terms in other respec yyts made known at sale and tiou to B'.8 way he ascertained ljruesels;l olr to the undersigned. MILLA1t & SIMS, Solicitors for Assignee, Berlin' Ont. Dated Fob. 6th, 1807. 81.4 REAL ESTATE. 100 ACBE FARM FOR SALE or to rent, Lot 10, Con, 0, Grey, For pur•tioulars apply to 28- T. MOORE, Brussels. I'ARMS FOR SALE. -THE UN- DEn0I0NED hoe several good Farms for said andto rent, easy terms, in Townships of Morris and Grey. 1 S. SOOTT,1ruee0fs VIVE AORES OF WELL FEN- • oEn land for sale in the Village of Oranl>rnok nu which are good buildings. Also a good buggy, nutter and set of single harness. A bargain will bo nlferod, For fur- ther particulars apply to ,10:11N MCINTOSH, 27-13 Ora ubrook. GOOD FARMI FOR )ALE near Brussels. Great bargain, Lot 7, Con, 0, Gray township, Good buildings and molter 0, well watered, suitable for mixed or dairy forming. Possession given next March. Apply to W. H. HERR, PosT Publishing House, Brussels, or to THOMAS HERITAGE, 'Londou West, FARMS FOR SALE. - 200 cores-Cmleisting of Lots 18 on the 7111 and 8111 Concessions. Township of Grey, be- ing 1. mile 1001', the Village of Ethel and 03 miles from Brnsele. 40 acres of Fall 1011001 sown and about 80 acres ander prase ; 00 acres o]oured on each. Perms of payment easy. A. McEFLVEY, M, D•, o• Brussels, rilARM FOR SALE. -THE UN- ▪ DEEa1GNPn has a 100 acre farm for sale in Mash Waw"tesh, 12th con., 23 milds from Wiugbum. Good bank barn,00x00 feet, gond flame bowie, °reum'd, 'eocee, &o. School house on 0crner of lot. Possession at once, Will he sold ehoap if Anld soon. Terms reasonable. A poly for particulars to WM, 0LEGG, Whlghainn ; ,TOS. 01E31G, Brume's, or10. L. DICKINSON, Wiugo am, -1410R SALE ,-A VALUABLE 100 tore farm 1n Morris Township, 2 miles from Brussels, known as the "Barre Farm" Good bank barn, good brielt house, good orchard, in every ro0osot a choice farm. Also a large Quantity of turnips, clover, flay, straw and oats. 'For all particulars apply to to G JsnN, M0 `, BOULAIaAE, .of the Village of 13 russels, or p Dated at Brussels, Jan, 20th, 1807. JOHN 3101111AR, G. F. BLAIR, 1'AE11I 1011 SALE, -150 ACRES Cousietiug of the South d and South d of the North d of Lot 00, Oon 2, East Wawa - nosh. This le an excellent stoup farm, being well supplied with good spring water, Ibis situated about 8 mi10e front the thrivtug, Vil• Inge cf Bly0b. A largo part of it Is under grata Buildings and fences aro in it fair state of repair. Rasy terms of payment will be given. For all inio'inabiou apply to 11-tf 0,1. BLAI10, Barrister, Brussels. ' PLENDID FARM FOR SALE Township of Oroy 100 nt acres, must lLot ie sold an. b once in order to oloso estate of deceased Om - et. The lot is nearly all &eared, with good buildings, emplo water supply, large or- chard, 71 miles 21Om Cn1nbre011, it under -good cultivation aucl is a very doshabie e'pro- lty indeed, Apply to ItI00IA 11.11 MIT- CHELL, Brussels P. 0, ; JOHN `dITC ; TILL,, on tete promises; or A. f3UN1'lilt, Brussels, Dated Sept, 191h, 1805, GOOD FARM,FOR SALE IN the Towntulp of Grey. In order to close an estate the West half of Lot 24, Oon, 7, Township of Orey, 60 sores, is offered for immodiatesate. On the premises area good frame dwelling with kitchen, Ste., also two frame barns, good Witter, orchard, deo., and 1s one to the Village of Et1101. Soil Is of the beet 0001 feral 11 well fenced. Apply to AJAX, MCKELVII'Y, PI, F7„ Ilrnsoolt 1 WM. Mo1311LVJ' Y, JalnestoW u ; or A,11UNTER, Brussels, VALUABLE FARMS FOR SALE. The eligible 200 Im'e fa- rm, composed of lots lemad 17 in tba]Ott, 00n,, bray towuahip, Buren Co., and 00 101.00, part of lots 10 mud 17, 11th eon„ belonging to the Robert Brown estate, is offered fol' sale to wind up es tato. On the drat 1'4)13113a good Stena house and largo bank baro, ueee00ary outbuildings, ox - abate, dee, Farm well watered, Well feuded and in goad state of cultivation, About 00 soros of blab, 4e of w111uh i5 hardwood, On the GO aorofarm there is n horse and barn, °rehard, and about 8 aors of bush, h'ar'ms sold Jointly or separately to suit purchaser. Pooeessiongiven in the Fall, Varna aro 0u• ly amilt from the village of Oranbroolp Where aro 00boo1, cllurohee, poet-sblloe, steres, &o„ and 03 miles to the thriving roar- 1101 town llrnnale, 1'oe fulbber particulars 115,10 110300, forms, &o„ apply to AON08 BROWN, 13.1t11153131U0Wee Executors 1Vair Oraubrock 1'.0, 1!]:B 19, 1897 fRll3.t ;iU 'ti \1//2i Will You Venture To try a Medicine which we can highly recommence fon that Cough or Cold or will you take something which some. body said somebody oleo maid ? It doesn't really make any difference to us because 0125 sleek of Drugs and Modioines is so complete that we can supply all demands, but then 0 we know that a bottle of our Syrup of White Pine and Tar will effect a Ci1Pe within a short time and at loss edit why 001 take our word and try it. 135a. pays for a bottle of Sum Cure -not a bottle of Doubtfulness. But if you ask for ]toy particular Medicine Isere you get it, We newer offer suggestions nor substitutes unless request- ed to do so. Don't forget Om name -Fox's Syrup of White Pine and Tar AT Fox's Drag Eton, VETERINARY. T D. WARWICK, e1' • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, Is prepared to treat all diseases of domesticated animals 10 a com- to tveterinary nt manlier. ,l ntistry a Calls par romptlyntirmp b tended to, Ofilso and Infirmary -four doors north of bridge •Paruberry st„ Brunets. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, 1>b e Solicitor and Conveyancer, Collec- tions made. Olnoe-Vanstone'e Block, Bina - eels. 21-8111 YV141. SINOLAIR, • Solicitor Uouveyauoor,Notary rub. sic, dec. Oflioo-banstore's Block, 1 door north of Central Hotel, Private Funds to Loan. m. 0-. OAMERON, (Farm.ely of Cameron, Hole & Oamoron,) Barrister and Solicitor, Goderich, Out. Olieo-Hamtltou St., Opposite Col- borne Hotel. !^t F. BLAIR, BARRISTER, V.• Solicitor, &a, (tato of Gnrrow & Proudfoot'e Oiuoe, Goderiall.) 001110 over Gillies & Smith's Bank, Brussels. Money to Loan. 47 AUCTIONEERS. GEORGE KIRKBY, Licensed Auottoneer, Sales 000000t 50 on reasonable urine, Tarns and farm stock aeleolalty, Orders left at Tyra PORT P ubliohing House,Brn ssels, or sent to Walton P. 0., will receive prompt attention, ib S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION - .L• EMI, WM sell for hotter prices, to bettor men, in 090 time and less charges than any other Atie'tionesr in East Huron Or ho won't (Margo anytichng. Dates and orders eau always be an -mewl at this °Moe or by personal sl>pliml ti on . fAPT• J. STRETTON, VV Who has had 26 years experience as 1(0 Auottoneer, but who had to quit owing to ill health, has again taken out license and is prepared to conduct sales at reasonable terms. Satlefaetion guaranteed, Dates may be arranged at' Tun Poe Publishing House. JAS. S'1'REY"ION, 10.03 Auotioneor. Ancient Order of United Workmen, This old and prosperous Fraternal Aesoe Mimi numbering 100,000 members are pro senting to the pubiio their popular and aeon• omiond rates to worthy to en, at the very low rata of about 88,00 per 31,000 per 11.111111113. Tho "Workmen" Promptly Pay Beath (21811110 and expect a large increase to its members 11010 that those Amo1ieml Line Companies don't seam satisfactory to Can- adians. 11013T, ARMSTRONG, M. W. ; W. H. 10.101110, Recorder ; J. A, O10EIG2ITON,Finaucior, BUSINESS CADS. MoORAOKEN, r't . Issnt'orolMarrtagoLioan0O8• Cglob at uie Gro00ry, lurubeery street, Brnsols, 1LN. BARREArtfet'ITIT, Toneot'lal Sloop -Next door Boil to of A. ch 11 McKay & O o'u cutting hardware 510118. Ladfee'audob1to1snoair cuttlug a apooialty BRUSSELS POST OFFICE Savings Ban& takes Deposita from $1.00 to .51,800 slid allewe 01 per cent, interest. T. HARROW, 07•1m Postmaster, ROBERT CUNNINGHAM 11(50133500, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH, T. PLETCHER t886 01 of Marriage Licenses, OsoxcE Aa' JE1Y0+LILY Sr01111. .lareNo Witness Required. T. FLETCHER, Brussels LEX• IiUNli,, Clark of tbo lfillrth Division Cour do, Huron. Co0veyuvoer, Notary Public Land, Loan and Insure nee Agent, Funds invested and to loan_ Colleotione hada Of11oo 11 Orebanl'e 11 look, 13 resettle 1108. A: HAW .N5, Wilt glVS Menne t a Penileeither 00 piano or organ, at h10 Mesta Rm, 0 the poet•oJlanBrunelle Voaailassnus also emu. ft' ageyears q rs experie ee ip teaching, Term