The Brussels Post, 1897-2-19, Page 6•
CTt Nnustls „Int meets of (Meade. Oilta0i0 and Quebec,
-.-- 10 140310D-'
lin time for the early mails) at
°The, Post" Stearn ralllisidng house,
Tunenennx ST,, Bltue9ELe, ONT.
Teats or SVnacan?TION.-0010 dollar a
eubeeio rlption Is paid istdenoteod which
on the address label.
Anveniain80 RATrss.-»The following rates
will be oheread to those who adyer0ise by
the year:—
Vann1 1xA. I amo' I 9mo
One oo)emn geetto —$
seCo "V00 '� 0.00
Qua n 20.00 12.00 8.m0
Quarter i 19 e0 !!{ 800 0.00
IRightb. .._. LL
Hight cents per lino for first Insertion, and
three emits per line for each anbaoqueut in.
eartion. 411 advertisements measured as
Nonpareil -1e lluea to the inch,
Business Cards, Dight hues a nd under, 85
per annum.
Advertieenlonts witiannt apeelfic dirge -
Mous, will be inserted until forbid, and
cbarge[1 accordingly.
Instructions to oboes° or dieoontteae an
advertisement must be left at tbe counting
o each week This is imperative. urr not later than Tuesday
W. 3E1. 1..E11.1.1,
Editor andPropriotor.
has not been hr0aght to a ooaalusion, but
several additional awards Have been.
made by the arbitrators.
TUN nntmnn 'T5An10.
There has bean no improvement in the
oondition of the lnmben trade. The
monetary 0tringenoy and business de.
in the United
Stats during 18on which 0v
6,contcontrary to general
expeetotion, oontineed during the past
year, and the sawn lumber trade cense-
quenbly remetned dopresoed. I am glad
to be able to state, however, that there is
an inore4sing demand for our timber nod
lumber, in the Engliab market. It is
satisfactory to know that, notwibhstand-
ing the adverse condition of the lumber
trade, the receipts from the woods and
forests have canaiderably exceeded the
eotimeted revenue.
ECAs .13412110.
The Legislature was formally opened
at Toronto on Wednesday, Feb. 10th.
Hon. 141r. Kirkpatrick being in England,
whither he had gone for medical treat-
ment, his place was taken by Col. Sir
Casimir Growski, A. D. 0. to the Queen.
Air. Speaker and Gentlemen of the
Legislative Assembly :
In consequence of the temporary
absence of the Lieutenset•Governer,
the Icon. George Airey 10irkpetriok, the
GovernOr•Generel in council has been
pleased to appoiot me administrator of
the Government. After the arrival of
His Honor in England, it was learned
that he was suffering from a severe ill -
nese. This intelligence was received
throughout the Province with deep re-
gret. I am greatly pleased to be able to
state that his health is improving, and
also to express the hope that he will soon
return to the discharge of his publio
duties, fully restored to his former health.
It is a subject of congratulation that
since your last meeting her Most Gra.
eious Majesty has entered upon, and is
now approaching the oompletion of the
sixtieth year of her fllustrioue reign.
Our interest in the event is enhauced by
the consideration that her reign has been
the longest and happiest, and moat pro-
gressive in the annals of the empire. An
address to Her Majesty upon an event so
gratifying to all her loving subjects in
this Province, and expressive of your
loyalty and attachment, will be snbniit-
ted for your consideration.
day a ditiloult surgical operation was per.
formed on henry Bone, of Goderioh
township, who same to the *louse envie-
sly for this purpose. It would be it good
idea if the County could set apart a ward
in the Irotwe for operntiouo of 0 like
nature, There are more or lees of them
to be performed and medlool then could
then fit it up to suit their requirements,
Tho work of the inetrouotor iu road -
making, for whose appointment provision
was made last session, has been vigorous.
1y purened, and I aro pleased to learn
has, during the past year, been received
with a large measure of publio approval.
01101 ef1NIN0 INDUSTRY.
I rejoice to know that bhe past year
has been one of growing nativity in min-
ing affairs. Furnaces tor smelting iron,
nickel, and copper ores, and mills for m-
iming and refitting gold ores and for the
treatment of other minerals have bean
steadily operated, The known limits of
the gold -bearing country have boon
widened in different direotions by the
enterprising spirit of prosp0ators, and the
work of developing carried on in several
now localities encourages the hope that
in the year upon which we have entered,
eapital directed by experience will find
useful and profitable employment. In-
deed our province offers to investors, ex-
plorers and miners attraotions scarcely
equalled elsewhere, and I am gratified to
know that the mineral wealth is 081e1v-
ing the earnest attention of our own
Amendments to the mining laws, the
necessity of which have been suggested
by the experience of unusually active
operations 1n the past year, will be sub.
witted for your consideration, and in
other ways you will be asked to give the
mining industry generousencouragemeut.
Your consideration will be asked to 0
measure to set apart certain of the wild
lands of the Crown for the use of the
University of Toronto, the proceeds of
which shall be applied towards making
further provisiou for instruction in
mechanics, engineering, mineralogy and
geology, and for the eucoerugement of
scientific investigations and discoveries in
connection with the undeveloped mineral
resources of this province.
A 0111012 NIA7..
The first day of June next will he the
100th anniversary of the meeting of the
Parliament of Upper Canada in the
present capital of the Province. During
all the intervening years the Province
bas steadily advanced in wealth and
population, and many of the institutions
which, in its early history, were i00om•
plate in their organization and limited in
their operations, have been greatly en.
larged and improved under the beneficent
influence of that form of Government
which we so happily enjoy,
I congratulate you upon lash year's
bountiful harvest of nearly all the staple
crops of the Province, and further upon
the advance in the pri09e of some of
Yon will regret exceedingly to iMeet
that the inhabitants of some parte of
India! are suffering from famine and the
plague, and that local r000000ee are in-
adequate to meet the emergency. I eon.
Sdeut)y rely upon year generous dispo•
sition to grant such aid for the relief of
our afflicted fellow -subjects as the cir-
cumstances appear to demand, and the
means at your disposal will permit.
PE01I001AL 1105808.
Judgment hue recently been given by
the Supreme Court of Canada on the
ease submitted between the Governments
of Canada and of, the Provinces, for the
determination of their rights, respective•
ly, in the publio fisheries. It affords me
much satisfaction to bo able to inform
you that the rights of the provineea are
much greater than has been hitherto
recognized by the Government of Canada,
not only in the fisheries of the iuland
waters, brit also in those of the great
lakes and rivers. An appeal and a cross•
appeal have been made to her Majesty in
her Privy Council. The neoeseities of
the case require that a bill upon the sub•
ject shell he considered by you during
the present seeeiou.
Gem. Brown and Robb. Uintah pat fn
their stools of ioe last week.
J. R. Williams has bought the mould•
ing and pieture frame bnsiuess of J. A.
Rev. J. H. Hazelwood, of Paris. has
been visiting hie brother, G. H. Hazel.
wood, South of this village,
Sergent Fred, J. Green, of Regina, N.
W. T., who has been visiting hie unole,
Henry Perkine, left on Saturday for
Dundalk, previous to taking his depar.
tare for N. W. T.
The Gorrie Vidette of last week ear 1
The announcement of the death of John
Spotton, of Orange Hill, on Thursday
morning of last week, was received not
ooly with astonishment but with pro-
found regret, Mr. Spotton came to How-
lett about 25 years ago and was nue of
the most highly respected citizens in the
township. He had only been sick a few
days and was up the morning of his
death and ordered his breakfast, Saying
he would lie down while it was prepared.
He died about 0 o'clock on 'Thursday
morning and his remains were interred
in the Gerrie cemetery un Saturday and
notwithstanding the disagreeable weather
ib was one of tbe largest funerals over
held in the township. Doomed was 0,
Conservative in politics. Ile teas a con-
sistent member of the Methodist church.
He leaves a sorrowing widow and family
of five children :—A. Spotton, B. A., who
is now attending the Toronto University,
Mrs. Abe Strong, of the 0th con., and
Emily, Lorisa end Ethel, who aro at
home with their mother. Tho bereaved
family have the sympathy of the entire
community in the loss of a loving hus-
band and kind father.
Lucliuo w.
Among the other measures to ba sub-
mitted for ydur oonsideretien will be a
bill relating to the immigration and care
of indigent ohildren ; a hill further to
improve the liquor li0enee laws ; a hill to
reduce the number of oouneilloes is small
towns ; a bill to consolidate and amend
the acts relating to unorganized districts ;
a bill to consolidate and improve the
Joint Stook Companies' Act ; a bill re-
lating to loan corporations ; a bill to
make further provision respecting women
and chilli.en employed in shops ; a bill
making provisions for the establishment
of a technical school ; and a bill respech•
ing the audit of municipal accounts,
101200300ATINO THE LANs.
Progress has been, made during the
past year in coneollu,iting the publio
laws of the Province, a nd it Is hoped the
work of consolidation may be completed
during the session.
The reports of the various departments
of the public service for the past year
will be laid before you at an early day.
The publio accounts of the Province,
showing the receipts and expenditures
of the past year, will also bo promptly
laid before you.
The estimates for the current year
have been prepared with as strict regard
to economy as is consistent with the ell.
Oie00y of tete public service,
anted— n Idea \Alto can twn>r
Lf H w gime almpio
thug t0 wo0l03
revteet year Neese thea may brlag you
OEllDB30 Vn0N�$8rt40080
The Luoknow Curling Club is cham-
pion for both the Western and Ontario
Tankard distrieta.
Willis Huffman, son of John Huffman,
of this village, had his leg broken in two
plaoee by some bricks falling ou it. The
accident 000urred at Riveredale.
The roads between Luoknow and
Blank -horse are now in an almost im-
passable condition, owing to the deep and
dangerous pitch holes which dot its sur-
Rev. R. Ii. Hall has received a unani-
mous invitation to remain a fourth year
on the Asbtleld cirouft, London Confer-
ence. He has accepted the invitation,
subjeot to the Stationing committee.
A resolution will be moved at the
Patron Grand Association Convention by
Mr. Valens, of Rimose, Grand Auditor,
to change the time of meeting from
February to September, Toronto to be
the meeting place as at present,
Tho members of Walter Treleaven's
class in the Methodist church, together
with a number of other church members,
assembled at that gentleman's residence
and presented Mr. Treleaven with n
beautiful mantle cloak, accompanied by
a neatly worded address.
Under date, t 7th, J as Hutchison
has written , r ' i 1? 1 eller from
Dryden, R tiny 0: t e r D tot, to the
Part Elgin T e g 11$ f ever is now
raging at Dr 'tf 31111 are being
started u Jahn i cLeod, of
Lucknow,took 1)17.0{ land last
Fall in Van ,. al th arm of the
lake, and started ope:1 one of his
claims, when he was offered $11.0,000 for
one quarter of it. A Company treat
Winutpeg ie operating a claim just op.
posite A. R. Hutohieon's house. The
Hutohisona have several mining claims
on their lots. R. Hutchison is getting
$40 0 month with surveyors. There are
two stores now at Dryden, and half of
the lots are taken up. Altogether the
outlook is bright and the settlers full of
The retail merchants of Ottawa are
petitioning the Dominion Government
for the right of garnishee against the sal-
aries of civil servants.
Mull of life's misery is due to indi-
gestion ; for who can be happy with a
pain in his stomach ? As a corrective
and strengthener of the ailmentary
organs, Ayet'e Pills are invaluable, their
use being always attended with marked
Mrs. Robb. Campbell had the mis-
fortune to fall down stairs, receiving
serione injuries. She ie under the
doctor's Dare.
A number of Atwoodites drove to Lis-
towel the other evening to be initiated
into the mysteries of Oddfellowahip.
Why nob organize a lodge here ?
The annual meeting of the Atwood
Branch of the Upper Canada Tract So-
ciety was held in the Presbyterian
¢(lurch. Rev, Dr. Moffat addressed the
meeting. The old officers were reap-
pointed. The attendance was not large.
E. L. or O. L. O1El0ERs.—The follow-
ing officers of the le, L. of 0. E. were
elected for the first half of 1807, viz :—
Pres., Mise Ida Parker ; let Viee•Pre0.,
R. B. Hamilton ; end Vice•Pres., E.
Turnbull ; Ord Vioe-Pres., Nellie Hamil-
ton ; 4th, Edith Barrie • Seo., HIM
Hastings ; Treae., Bland Harris ; Organ•
let, Nellie Hamilton ; Editors of Lan.
tern, Miss Laura Turnbull and Will.
It will be satisfactory to you to learn
that the claims of the Govornmeet of
Canada against this province for repay-
ment of certain annuities, heretofore
to In s,
that t
paid t Got•er I
under the Robinson t
reat aud for ad-
ditional and increased annuities, which
it le alleeed may hereafter become pay-
able, have, upon emend, been disallowed
by the judicial committee of the Privy
Since your last s00oion, the same tri-
bunal has also given lodgment on appeal
in the ease formerly submitted to the
Supreme Court of Canada, respecting the
powers of the Parliament of Canada, and
of the Provincial Legislatures, respect-
ively, as to the right to prohibit the man-
ufacture, gale and importation or intoxi.
eating liquors. A espy of the judgment
will be laid before yon.
Increased interest has been manifested
during the past year in the new settle-
ments in Algoma, on Rainy River, at
Temisoamingus,and at and near Dryden,
on Wabigoon Lake, and considerable
farm land kae been taken up by actual
or intending settlers, You will be asked
to appropriate a reasonable sum for the
purpose of aiding, in the colonization of
those new eettloments.
00En1a•ONTARIO AND 130211211021 dn,1TTRA•
The arbitration between the Govern --
D. Cantelon has got through re.pa013-
ing his apples at Toronto,
Tyndall Brae. delivered a cow to J.
Hearne for export, that turned the scales
at 1626. This
is good weightht tor a grade
Harvey Jackson, son of Iaaao Jaokson,
has started a paper at Bnrl1'0 palls, to be
known as the Beacon. Ile is a graduate
of the New Era.
Mayor Holmes had the honor of being
unanhnously elected av let vice -vest -
dent of the Canadian Prase Association
for the current year.
Harland Bros. have deoidsd to ennoab•
trate their attention on, their stores in
the Bri011 Wools, 'and will, therefore, re.
move their hardware stook from the store
occupied by them in the McKay bloolc,
This store has been rented by W. D.
Voir, stationer, who will tlin0 hove mach
finer and more 00000021008 1300141008
than be has been oaoupying.
Bourg or Rumen. —Andrew Webster,
of Colborne, was added to the inmates
on Tuesday of last week. Tie happened
to get his leg benison and as soon as he is
over thie misfortune 0xpeet8 to regime
his employment, Quite a number of the
inmates are laid up with complaints of
one nature or another. Leet July a man
named Hall absconded from the Bouso,
He has been hanging around Crediton
and asked Stephen Cloonail for 088iebance
down there, whore he wa0 arrested a few
days ago and committed to jail for
twenty Jaye for absoonding, '.Cho other
Undersigned will keep for Barytes on
proved White Morris,the
Boar “Set etetml,"
bred from 5.15.13rethonr's sweepstakes 5030
at Ohioano Pair. Terme 41.00 to be paid
at the time of service with p010)18ge of re-
turning if necessary. Pedigree may be seen
on application, ROBT. NIOROLL.
11n000010580 will Iroap for service on
Lot e0, Coe 0, Morris, tbo thoro'-bred Large
ttuglish Berkshire Boar, Captain JOhn,"
Bis mother is a full sister to the 1st prize
r 8111 be
Pedigree t
s Pair,
at the World's g
— 1A0 to
�e Paid [i 21 application. Tonus e
0lluld at time of service with privilege of
returning if n000s0ary.
14.0111 JAS. SrHIIt, Proprietor,
"Since childhood, I have been
atllictoil with scrofulous boils itnd
sores, which caused me terl'ible
suffering. Physicians were linable
to help Inc, and I only grew worse
lender their care.
At length, I began
to take
Sarsaparilla, a n d
very soon grew bet-
ter. .Atter using
half a dozen bottles
I was completely
cured, so that I have not bad a boil
or pimple on any part of my body
for the last twelve years. I can
cordially recommend Ayer's Sarsa-
parilla as the very best blood -portlier
in existence." — G. T. Rr:1Yn tRT,
Myersviile, Texas.
FgB. 19, 1897
We kee in stook and supply everything ill
Coal and Wood Stoves,
±either Parlor, Box or Cook
First-class Furnaces
From best Canadian Manufacturers, and
Warranted to work properly.
Plumbing promptly attended to at Reasonable Rates.
Lamp Goods, Lanterns, &c.
Orders Taken for Coal.
Stove and Furnace Men., .Br ussels.
I wish to inform the people of 1301100018
and snrronnding distriat that I have pur-
chased the Pump Businoee et JAMES
BELL and will he touud ready to attend
to all wants in either new work or repairs
at moderate prices.
No bottler Pump in the market.
Order left at my shop or reeideneo fir
at P. SCOTT'S shop will be promptly
looked after.
te'Ordore taken for the Digging of
Wells and Oisterne.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral cures Coughs and Colds
White Max Line.
0211,21, 11,011, ST1),tMMlilFi.
Bot,venn New Port[ and Liverpool, via
Q00on020wn, nvory Wednesday,
Go232e1' Groom.,
As the Stonulera of this line carry only a
etrlotly limited 51101ber in file FIRST and l
F'EOOND OAUIN u00¢n11110dnt10ne, 1111.1110102
p11080500009 are reminded that au early ap
pli1atinn for l^ertbv is unoes.,.ry at this ewe
nu. For plans, rates, eto„ apply to
W. H. Kerr,
Agent, Brussels.
An Agreeable Laxative and NHRVI3 TONIC.
Sold by Druggists or Pont by Mail. 265., 600„
and 01.00 per package. Samples free.
The for the Teeth anTOOTH atlo, 1300
Sold by JAS. 1-e0, Brassier, Brussels.
Real Estate & Loan
Agent, - Brussels.
Money to Loan on Plum Secur-
ity at the Lowest Rate
of Interest.
Money Loaned on Notes and
good Notes Discounted. Sale
Notes a Specialty.
Fire eg Life insurance Written.
Special Attention given to
Office over Deea US cts ScCall's Store,
Wanted—An Idea Nbo can 1111871
or 00104 siege¢
thing to patent?
Prote¢6 oonr idcos• the may brine you wealth.
white JOHN W0D10RRB.or 4 e0. Putout 4tttr•
list oP tw hundred Inventions wuutOU� otter
®",",;o CHASE'S
O Y1i. S
T. 318380on, Manager tit t i r 111. t Iloe .
ford, Ont„ says, CI axe S Ki I M 1 •r P111r urn a
grand medicine for the Kidney, and Liv,r.
\V, if. CAaanu 1,3 BoOnoi St„'far er ro.
5pr08001411 Mont re 1 Ston t Chase'sPills art
like nib's for :It. r Val 0111140..a..11,, Otos, i• 1:04
afd ampulion. 0,3,1 vrrrrel„ re, or by a:,[e oa
r pt 01. 00X0, 3' CCPiAIU,30 (, fiA i f 9 R 20.
4e 451402,2 ST, itn50 i0, 007,
The Policy Contract issued by this Association is perfection itself,
It leaves nothing further to bo desired. Bates and full infor-
mation furnished 011 application.
W. E. 11B, Agen c, Brussels.
The undersigned has opened out a Large
and well Assorted Stock of
Opposite the American Hotel, Brussels!
Where may be found the latest ancl best Styles in
Parlor and Bedroom Suites,
Sideboards, Tables, Lounges,
Sofas, Chairs, Mattrasses, &c.
Picture Framing promptly attended to. Curtain Poles
and Winslow Blinds supplied.
Satisfaction Guaranteed. Give nee ca call.
B11tle1hiain Dear
In connection with the stole a \yell ordered Undertak-
ing Department will be kept where aolarge stook of Cas-
kets, Coins and Undertakers' Supplies will always be
found at Moderate Charges,
First-class Hearse. Cavity and Arterial Embalming