HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-2-19, Page 5f } 1 FEB 19,1.897 TFf r;.T15`Pr.� 0 l: ! year farmer scribe can settle your own (Inr,l , „• r(1!buildingof1'eeidellaee,and you had bet- instrnmente:—The 1Whuhanted urnl»ellon the a hie ter lee vetlloee who are 111110oun1 of smolt g,it.11, 11,11R1041 br0on, olarlcaet, IOW. 1 lly primate -Hues alone. 11,r(+ iunurluli n v' I' 1 1 e ae.eemeesi w�eseer astmcce ossa mteesmscecrmevr::settnies- m.Wevzsea m erits„,sr urs() sr„ememeeertse eterecenese eut:citz.awnxaxs P T eresurrerascerese emetic Tjisi xxt nCelvs, Pat)fretrmvos-els . 011118011 1(14110111, --We glean the f011ow• ing figures from the annual report of the Moleeworth cheese Notary for 1800 ;— Total receipts, $20,480,01 oheeeo mauu• factures, 050,228 11)0. ; Imo, of milk re- oeived, 3,7130,008 Ibo, ; everoge lbs. milk to lb. cheese, 10,40 ; average prioo for semen, 8,21o. ; oast of drawing mills, 40o, per 1,000 lbs„ er $1,710,70 ; paid patrons for 180111, 0'04,507.55 ' total expenditure (including $52.06 wash on hand) 020,480.. 34, ]3 or(Lwlch. FAI1IIIIIO' 1NAT180Ta.—Everybody in- terested in Agrieulturo is invited to et. tend the three see01000 of East Huron Ferment' Institute, to be bald in the 1'broetere' ITall, Fordwioh, a1 Wednes• day, 24th inst., beginning et 10 a. m„ 1 and 7.30 p. tn. A musical program of first -Mace merit will be added to the evetliug'e erosion. The speakers expeot• ed and topics dioouseed will be as fol- lows :—J no, 0. alorrieon, "Common sense in farming" ; L. Patton, "Butter. making on rho farm" ; Jas. MoEwiug, "Necessity of systematic and thorough work" ; L. Burrell, "Superstitions of the farm" ; Alex. Gardiner, "Hog raising for profit" ; L. Patton, "How to divide money among patrons of uheeae factorise equitably." Mrs. Bowden has gone to Sebringville. Miss B. Pollard is visiting her sister in Hamilton. Wm. Pattun's health shows a little im- provement. Aaron Pennbaker, of Tlespeler, is visit- ing in this village. The yard at our saw mill to being rapidly tilled with logs now. Geo. Morgan, of New Durham, spent a few days this week with friends here. Rev. R. Paul will preach in the Metho• dist church here next Sabbath eveuing. 1t i0 D. Bokmioree intention, we believe, to still live as ea retired farmer and secure u teuaut for hie farm. Jno. Patterson has rented a grist mill nem; Alliston and will mOve there with hie family iu a few weeks. Morris Walker, of Hansell, and George, of IIamiltou, spent a few days with their parents et the parsonage here. 44 Mile.'. Township Council oli Saturday, March 6th. Reeve Strachan has been a victim of an attack of la grippe. Mrs. Henry Ball has been ill with la grippe during the past week. Anotion sites have been having quite a boom in Grey township this Winter. Special evangelistic services are in pro- gress in the Bethel Methodist church, conducted by the pastors, Reeds. Messrs. Walker and Trimble. We are sorry to hear that Miss Annie Smith's health does not improve as rap. idly as is desirable but we hope a change for the better will soon set it. County Councillor 'Melee was elected Chairman Of the House of Refuge Com- mittee for 1807. It is one of the moat important committees in nauneetien with the County Council's operations. Mrs. W. H. Hutchinson, 5111 eon„ who has been poorly for several menthe, hae been quite seriously ill during the past three weeks. The trouble appears to bo in the heart. Mrs. Mitchinson is 71 years of age. If good wishes of many friends will ttid toward oohvalosetice she should soon be better. 131uevst.lee- Norm in Denim is. not improving very fast, Rev. R. Pani was visiting at Jos. Pugh's last week. Mrs. Barkley is visiting at R. G. Case- more's at p080001. Mrs. George McDonald was visiting in Molesworth last week. Miss Etta Coed, of Trowbridge, is visit• ing in Blnevale et present. Misses Daisy Moss and Maggie Stewart were visiting on the 1st line last week. Mr. and Mrs. 'ruraibt, of Wingham, were visiting at T. B. Scott's on Tuesday. A large number of both young and old attended the box social at Aar. Jenkins on Tuesday night. Robt. Maxwell has been laid up with inflammation of the bowels. We hope ho will soon be 0. K. Rev. Mr, West, who hae supplied the Presbyterian pulpit the hast two Sabbaths leaves for Unionville on Thursday. The contract for the new butter making plant for Bluevelef5Otcry, including a 12 horse power engine and 2 separators, has been let to Richardson ce Webster, of St. Marys, for the euro of $1200. Batter malting will commence on April let, end likely ren to June. Tho oontract for en ice house was let to A. Messer and A. Patterson supplies the ice. 1Lisito Web. A. McDonald has disposed of his Dry goods business in this place to H. Mot 'Kenzie R Co., of Stratford. A. series of Temperance meetinge con- ducted by the "Imperial Trio" wore ear- riod on on McDonald's Elan last week and attracted considerable interest, Wm. Donegan, hackman, 1100 (01101) 1111. to himself al life partner iu the person of Miss Elizabeth Partridge. Tho happy event tools place on the 25111 ult. The Globe Manhfaoturing Go., of Walkorville, has been awarded the con• tract for seating the note Christ charoh in this town. The pews will bo of oak, with American white quartered oak ends. The design is ohurohly, and thohmtclemhio seate•will bo in keeping with thebeaotiful etruOture, Robert Livingstone left on Tuesday of last week on a trip to the Coast. no will spend some time at Wiuuipeg and ab Roseland, Foss and 13 0., mid will thou go on to Seattle, whore hie brother lives, and Whore 111s father is spending the Wintoe,, Iso expects to return With Mr, Living. elope, sr„ next Spring. Since the above was put on Lho typo Mr, Livingston was killed by falling off the train umar Sault Ste. Marie, The following letter was road at the laat liteetiug�+ of the Gouucil and a copy directed to bo forwarded to Mee, 3308(1 h. aupt 1--Conoeil Chamber, Listowel, Out, —Mre. Broithaupt, Waldeck, Berlin ; Dear Madam,—Ata full mooting of our Council, hold on the 8111 inst., there were many expressions of sympathy by the members for yon and your family in the sacs beeeavetnen6 that hae befallen yon by the very sudden death of your much reepeeted and esteemed eon, Carl, and ant h•egnested to convey to yon and yo fatally the heartfelt sympathy of t Connell, for we are matured that not nl 7010 and yon, faellily have lost ono v (lilt: to you, but the people also, amo whom lie lived and labored have lost whose noble exael]plo 1vas most benefits and oleve tfug to the whole eommnnity, Most 011100x017 youre, T, W, Scott, Mayor, ry : Nort1 er Berme.- -IVo blink the use. eo in, zy op ions awl Nwinette ; solo, Snowball JOn0tog ; elight ng !bloom of this disoeeslon bas probably of lumd, Wavdown Beebe 1 song and neo remelted a climax, 00 therefore decline to ()barna, "Oh 1 My Baby," Bro. Gardiner ; fitl 00nRin4e it. Ideh jig, Shinbone Watkins ; solo and ober,,., "Hear Dem Bells " W d lit: V4,01 pa. The 'metabolite of the llax mill went strike on Wednesday of leg wee They want higher wages, Henry Wilson is very poorly at preeon we are hurry to report, Ile fell in tl woodshed about et weals ago and hu himself severely, A supplementary meeting of the Nort Perth harmers' Institute will be held i the Agricultural ('fall, Atwood, on Me clay, Martel 1st, 1807, at 1;30 P. m. The Jilpworah League of Christian Br cleaver Society of the Methodist chore will bold au At Home in the town hall o the 22,12, inst., when an excellent pro gram will be given, and bee emitted, The Baptiet Sunday school scholar bad their annual sleigh ride after whirl they returnees to the oharah where splendid ]unoh was awaiting them. To over, they operated for home, delighte with the day'e outing. W. D. Mitchell left Thursday mornin of hast week for the Roseland gold field although it is probable he will assist i the ofTiuos of his brothar•in-iew, Am Thomson, in New Denver. B. C., when he is engaged in the mining busines along with J. K. Richmond, son of Geo Riolhmoncl, 12th eon. of ilium. MAITLAND FACTO0Y BarouT—The an. nual meeting of the patrons of the Malt - and faotory was held Feb. 6(1]. The Seo,.Treaeurer'e report showed 1110 buei• ee0 of the peat season as follows :— Mills received, 008,137 lbs, ; cheese man. featured, 83,000 lbs,; average pounds nilk to Ib, cheese for season, 10.86 ; swage price pairs Inc season, 8,470. ; mannfactnfmg rate, 1.15e. The auditor's sport is as follows :—Total receipts, 7,85.46 ; paid to patrons, $5,860,72 ; aid nannfaotorer, 0000.77 ; drawing Mk, insurance, Rao„ $203,07. John 0. .Ilacott, Samuel Smits] and John B. 01011 were appointed as managing mom• ittee for 1807. J. R. Hammond was e appointed Sec.-Treas., J. W. Rowland, alosman, and T. J. 11foCoort, auditor. V. A. Tindall was appointed a delegate attend the Harrieton meeting. Teeoees I,Nr.—At the meeting of the ireotors of the Eltna Cheese and Butter o. Saturday, Thos. G. Ball0n0yne's oder for the whey for the currant year $4.25 per ton of ohoeeo. This is 25 tits per ton Cheese better than was re. ived of Gomer Green last year. The veral milk hemline routes were let as Howe ;--John Climie'e tender for 80o. r 100 lbs. of chase, for the gravel roars use wee accepted. Thos. Shearer, 4th 1e, 30o. per cwt. John Aitobeson, side. ad between lots 20 and 21 and 611 con. est to gravel road, 1380. per cwt. Robt. evert, 611] line east and blind line, 180. mid Hall, 6111 line west 22o. Wm, illeo, 8th line west, 20}o. H. McNichol, 1 lino, east, 17.11. The hauling season from April let, 1111 Deo, 1st, 1897, in- 10]ve. An agreement was also made 111 the haulers that during the butter - airing season they shall return the ire mill; to the patrons desiring it. 011 11. 1, 10 rt h n 1. 11 • h a d 0 a, Amo n ra P 1 R m to d C to at co 00 00 fo pe ro lit ro tv St N 111 8tl is oh wi m sk Onset 11lbt•c)OI0. Miss L. Murdock, of Lutecium, is visit• ing at Mrs. A. Browo's. Miss Grigg, of Belgrave, is visiting her cousin, Miss Ida Reddate. Mrs. V. Steles, who has been quite i11, is improving we are glad to state, We are sorry to hear of the sudden ill. nese of Wm. Perrie and hope for aspeedy recovery. Miss Aggie McNair, Mies Lizzie and Dan. McDougall were visiting friends at Constance last week. The annual meeting of Knox church was held on Wednesday of this week and was fairly well attended. Miss Maggie Knight returned home Friday after an enjoyable visit with friends at Exeter and London. The flax mill was shut down a row days this week owing to so many of the hands being laid up with la grippe, Jas. W. Knight, of London, formerly of this plane, has gone to Africa, where ho has employment. Mre. Knight will remain in Oranbrook for a time. Among the patients laid up with la grippe are Mre. D. B. McRae, Mise Annie Steele, Miss Tilde McRae, Alrs. C. Seel and Jas. Cameron. We hope they will all soon be oonvaloeaenb. Miss Ella MoLaohlan leaves next week for Grenfell, Aesiniboia, where she hath been engaged as teacher. Miss MaLaoh. lau has been very successful in her pro. feesion here and we feel auto she will do excellent work in the West. We are afraid our friend, "The Great I Am," in )est week's 02111011 of Tice Pose has hit wide of the mark and has now oressed sticks with one who 00u take a hint when it i, s meant For Clem alt11on h theydo mind their g t Kehr owe busi- ness. No, I haven't been sleeping for years, friend, es yen no doubt understand by Ibis time, and if in our male and difficulties your sympathy represents that of any community, that conmanity must value their sentimental feelings at a very low estimate indeed; You stake good all your opportunitiee and we will attend to ours, and besides we don't thinly you require leap year 0110(1050 anyway. Now, friend, although your imagination has led you to 0111011 you are a hard striker, we are still living and think your pressure of steam is much worse (if not louder) than your blow, so don't "bite off more than you can chew." Wo are not seeking after newspaper glory but when we want to reply to any item in a new0papor wo visit the editor's 0a00tum and find out with when we are dealing. We don't jump al oonolusioee, and h90 01)11111 yon ehould loop to the game. Probably in the preeen1 age of inventio00 yon are something now. It is bard to keep track of all these new fads. As one of Scotland's poste on 0 certain occasion oxprea0od himoelf, we think aptly applies to you : 011 1 wad sone power the gif(fe girl 110 To see outset's as others see no, It wad free mOnie a blunder free us And foolish notion ; %Vbat airs in dross an' gait wad lea'o US And e'en devotion 1 We are hot out working for the good el our health, nor lfsteuing to "babble" about new residences, only come again, friend, and sign your name and we will de the eam0. In the meantime you and 3'V,t.1 rest. Rov, Mr, Muir, of Brtioofleld, will preach on Sabbath morning and evening mixt in Dnff'e church, Walton. It is the anniversary. Al the tea meeting on Monday evening following Rev, Mr, Muir, Rev, Mr, Wessman, G. I'', Blair and W, 1- . Kerr are expeoted to deliver addreesoe. Good m11910, Miseionlry services will be held next Smldey in each of the Methodist church- es on the Walton nironit, Rev. Wm. Norton will 118810t the pastor by deliver• ering eu addreee at Walton ollurmb in the afternoon and also preaching in the mnrniug at Bethel. Rev, J, 0. 1Vestmau will preach in the morning at I?rovidenee. ltz el•Ei 11 op. Bosun 01 HNADr•u,—Beard of health /net 1, Royal hotel, Seaferth, on Mon- day, Feb. 1st. Members all preeenb. Only one 1000 of death from diphtheria wile reported for the year. No deaths from other infections diseases in oases reported, The Secretary was author- ized to call the Medical Nene' attention to report all infectious diseases and have the residences of such placarded in ac- cordance to law• Also to notify all School Beanie to Moen closets, by first May, and w0118 during vacation. PAadlane' INATITU z,—A meeting of East Huron Farmers' Institute will be held in Jones' Hall, Leadbury, on Friday, 26th inst. Sessions at 10 a. m., 1 p. m. end 7.80 p. m. The program will 00neist of addressee by des. Rinohley on "Bees"; L. Burrell, "Superstitions of the Farm" ; Tae. elnEwing, "Why we should ander• drain" ; L. Patton, "Dairying as com- pared with other branches of Farnnieg" ; L. Barrell, "Ethics of the Market" ; Jas. McEwing, "Necessity of systematic and thorough Work" ; L. Patton, "EIow to divide money among patrons of obeeee factories equitably; ' A tiiret•olans mesio. al program will also be acleed to the eveuing'e proceedings. There should be a large attendance. Coretem MINU'1'es.—Council met in Toner' Hotel, Leadbury, on Monday, kith ay own Beebe d', Co. ; "OW Save the Gagmen," rJC'ter sob°rt•ea COUNCIA ]1eari50, Mentes of meeting of Connell held in MaDcntald's Hall, Bloovale, on Monday, Feb, Nth, 1807, Members all present. Reeve in the chair. Cemmunioalions were read from Strut. ford Bridge Co„ W. 0. T. Tr., and the Mark of Morrie lownahip. All filed. The auditor's report was laid before the Coannil for Sinai audit. Gemmill—•➢ioegrove---That the Audit. ors' report be read and adopted. 'Carried, Orciolcahank — Gemmill — That the clerk be instructed to get 100 weirs of ab• street printed and that the auditors be paid the sure 01 310.00 web. Carried. Musgrove — Copeland — That Mr, Cruicksinnk expend 52:.00 in wood for E. Farley, in charity, Carried, Gemmill—Moegrove—That a farther grant of $5.00 be expended under the lir• eotion of Thenae Netterfield for E. Far- ley. Carried, Gemmill—Cruiokshanlce—That BvIaw No. 5, 1887, be read three tunes and pass- ed.—•Carried, efosgrove—Gemmill—That the clerk be instructed to write the township en- gineer re award Hastings drain. Carried, Crniekehanke--Gemmill---That no dogs he streak off top list except the parties 000essed apply to have them struck off at the 0onrt of Revision. Carried. Gemmill—lfoegrove--That R,bt, Mit. obeli be paid 94 for sheep ]tilled by dogs. Oarriecl. Gemonil--Copeland—That all partite wanting a change of path-mastee should give notice to some of the members before the next meeting. .Carried, Moegrove—Copeland—That our Statute Labor Beale be the same as last year. Carried. The following accounts were passed and amounts Tented :—John Burgess, nalury,510 ; John Burgess, postage and tationery, $12 ; John Bargees, reeistra. 'on of births, marriages and deaths, 18.20 ; Peter MoLareu, balance salary, 20 ; Peter McLaren, postage and eta. onery, 07 ; Dougles Frazer, auditor's Mary, 010 ; Alex. AloEwan, auditor's Feb., members of Council and treasurer $ all present. Bends of the treasurer re- $ oeived end accepted ; Auditor's report t1 received from audilors and accepted as e correct, showing balanoe from general funds, $1,223,83, and invested in wort• gages, $12,700.00 ; balance of munioipal funds on head to invest in first mort- gages, $1,882.00 ; liabilities to township of Grey for outlet for drain, $200, The Olerk was instructed to have copy of abstract published in Expositor and Sim. Acoonnte were passed and paid for Troasarer's ealary, oherity, auditors' fees, Engineer's fees, &o., $112.42. 'Coon• oil adjourned to meet in Jones' Hotel on Monday, 10111 March, at 2 o'clock, p. re. 113r;1ter]r: v-te. The postoflioe investigation here is called off in the meantime, Robs, Armstrong, 4111 line, Morris, in• tends going to Dakota next month on a business trip. Ohne. McClelland is emu this week et Goderi011 attending to his duties as County Auditor. Educational sermons will be preached OD tlhe B0lgravo circuit next Sabbath, Feb. 2lst, by the Rev. A. K. McKibben, 13. A., of Wroxeter. Bri011 oh0roh,10:30; Sunshine, 2:110 ; Belgrave, 0:80. Rev. E. A. Shaw gees to Wroxeter that day. FAutltnas' INSTITUTE' Under the ane• picas of the Bast Huron lrnrmers' Insti- tute three sesoions will be held in the Foresters' Mall, Belgrave, on Thursday, 25111 inst., beginning et 10 a,1u., 1 and 7.80 p.m. Among the topics to be die- anssod will be the following :—"Profit; on the farm," by John 0. 14Torrison ; "Why we should nnderdrain," James MoEwin0 ; "Maintaining the fertility of the farm," L. Patton ; "Cthioe of the market," L, Borrill ; "Necessity of eyetematio and thorough worst," James lvlolwin; "Butter malting on the farm,' L. Patton ; "Superstitions of the farm," L. Burrill. A good musical program will also be given at the evening session. Every farmer should be preeent. Ie WAS Gns0T,—Tho concert given here a short time ago by the Canadian Con- cert Co. was a grand entertainment, and although the inclemency of the weather prevented a large attendance, the various performers aognitted themselves just ace well as profeseiouale. The first part of the program was A 1 and the second de- partment, in wbinh 5 burned oork artists supplied the talent, elioited rounds of ale. phase and roars of langhter. Program was as follows 1-0009, "Ten Pins," Orchestra ; solo, "Happy Days," (with a violin abligato), Mrs, J. Ritchie • male quartette, "I am Wandering Down," J. Ritchie, H. L. Jnakeon, L. Jackson anc1 D. Stewart ; duett, "I )ruoty a 13001c," Miss A. Stewart and Mrs, J. R(t011i0 ; trio, Messrs. Bell, Lawrence and Jackson ; solo, "Highlandreau's Toast," Miss A. Stewart ; olnrionet solo, H. L. Jaoksotl ; march, "On Parade," Oro11es1re ; male quartette, Messrs, Ritchie, Jaalceou, Stewart and Taolceon ; violin eelo, "Mooking Bird," H. L. Jack. eon ; Sootoh song, "The Land 0' the Leal," Miss A. Stewart ; solo, "Maggie the Owe aro in the Clover," Mrs. Rite (Mitt ;cleat, "The Village Bell," Kisses A. and M. Stewart ; march and ohoruo, "Rastus on Parade," by the 5 colored gentlemen ; "The Whistling Coon," Waydown Beebe ; olog denote, Shinbone Watkins ; musical specialties, by y.Bro. a e.5. salary, $10 ; Wm. McPherson, attending audit, $2 ; E. Parley, charity, $7.00 ; Robert Mitchell, sheep 1101e2, $4 ; Henry Irwin, ditch on Elowioll Boundary, $1.50. Crniokehaok-.Moegrove — That this meeting do now adjourn to 01001 /gain in McDonald's Hall, Blnevale, on Monday Marob 511), at 10 a. m. Carried. Sone Seems, Clerk. Jae. Dinsmore and wife, the oldest and most respected pioneers of Blaushard, celebrated their golden wedding last week. The presents were numerous and many of them costly, Hon. B. J. F'lynu, Premier of Quebec Province, has been cruelly tried in fatni, ly afflictions of lute. About 6 mouths ago he lost one of bis slaughters, aged 14, and Thureday another, daughter, aged 16, snoeumbed to peritonitis. MEDICAL CARDS. T A. MoNAUGHrTON, M. D. el • 0, M..11. R. 0.P., Edhtbm'gb, M. C. P. 8. Ont. Residence and office in Wilson's Block, corner of )11(11 and TO1•nberry Sts, . ARMSTRONG, M. D. e." iii• i'liysiolan, S111r9000, A000neher, eta, Graduate of Toronto University 141edioal Faculty. Member of College of 1'hysioions and 911reeous, Out. O1FIOI,-101St door to McDonald & Go„ Walton Out. DR. F. H. KALRFLEISCH 011101011171, 001(08001 AND ,100011010800, SUCCESSOR TO DR. W: GRAHAM, BRUSSELS, - ONTARIO. 1st Class licoor Graduate of the Universi- tiesof Trinity (Toronto), Queen's (Kingston), and of Trinity afedioal College ; Fellow of Trinity Medical Collegeend member of the College of Phyehotane end Surgeons of Ontar. io. Post Graduate Course in Detroit and Chicago, 1800. Special attention paid to dia. eases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, and dis- easesof Women, 0 'consultation in Eng- lish and Gorman, Telephone at reeideuee, ,4411g IL NA a.' WILL RUN SETTLERS' TRAIN S'I'OFIN TO EVERYYl l 't ERY Y ,• March DC11ING and April 11.1111'. 38., (Should enlllelant bnsineos offer) To Manitoba and the Canadian North-West A Colonist Sleeper will be attached to Pao, filo Exprsee due to leave Toronto at 12:80 p m, (aeons ou those dates, Fol full information apply to J. IV. KENDALL, G. T. B. Agent, Bressels, €ti coming to hand at-•_ ods M) And the public will find it to their advantage to call and see them, Our Grocery Department is Noted for fresh, well assorted goods thatLLa ways please, J. G. Skene. Hal IN OU T At to whe her you' aro buyi hg Goode Cheap enough try this store. I Comparison of prices you are paying elsewhere with doom wbioh we charge may open your eyes to 1110 Money Saving oppoitunhiem Mentes open to you at this more. duet now our TM* ECK- S X44 761 Ie an affair in Muth our Ouotocnere are taking great intermit. If you went to get eoquaintod with the eters we feel like saying that this is the best time we know of. We shall be glad bo weleome you among our lies of patrons. PRICES SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES, Ralelne, good quality, 5 lbs. for 25c. Fresh Corn Starch, best made, regular price 300., trade sale pries 50. A few more Vegetable Diehes ]oft. These are made of the best Iron.etone China, fancy pattern, round, nneevered, in throe sizes, regular price 150, 200 and 250 each, trade sale prioo 3.0o, 12}e and 15o eaolt, Special line Laundry Soap, 5 Baro for 10o. Brown Teapots, small size, new shape, regular price 25o, trade sale price 15e. Factory Cotton, yard wide, regular prioo 4e and 50, trade eale priee 3}o, Toweling, 20 booties wide, fancy border in rod and blue, heavy make, regular price 8c, trade sale prioo So. Blaok Brocade Drees Goods, good pat- terno,42 inches wide, fast -black and guar' enteed acid proof, good value 40o, but cheaper et our trade sale price 25e, Ginghams, new colors, new petterne, warranted not to fade, 01(10 10 give eatie- faction, 5e a yard, Men's Extra heavy Park Colored Flannelette Top Shirts with collar attae11• ed, in red, brown and blue Amalie, one of the best wearing Shirts we have had, ve. gular priee 70c, trade sale price 50e, What Winter Goods we have left will be oleo -red out during the next few days of this great sale. Now goods are coming to hand daily and we are nhaltingpreperationo for great- ly Inoreaeed sales during the present and following months. We told yon eome time ago about our Big Purchase of 001- tonade. If yon require Cottonede let no ahow you what we are doing. Follow up our "ade." every week. We never make a statement we cannot fulfill. Fiber Interlining 15 cents a yard. IVEcEINITON& Goa, o 13LYTII. We Supply Evervt hi ,gn _.,,,,vs, IN THE HARDWARE, TINWARE, FURNACE and STOVE{ LINE. TO THE evNsu and OF THE TOWNSHIPS OF rris We don't wish for a moment to leave the impression that we want all the trade but We do claim that it will pay EVE Y FAMILY In the said Townships to come in and inspect our -stock and learn prices. I� Uell' au Boys' C1oi1i!iig We have put in the knife to such an extent that profits FOR 60 DAYS will be no consideration. Also in Ladies' Fax Coasts aid Capes, We are bound to clear them all out. Grocery Department. 26 lbs Granulated Sugar for $1 00 2S lbs Coffee rt 1 00 Wo have the best 25 cent Japan Tea in the trade, WV'ashi i t,bl cs .P1'osp01.011s year, ro UPS, 5'e., B. '+ ■ GUNN, Importer, Seaforth.