HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-2-19, Page 4New Advertisements.
Lboal-12. McGregor,
To rent -Wm. Pollard.
Pink Pills -••Dr. William.
Settlors' Trains --G, T. R.
1%uptnre-Deadman A'igOttll.
When In doubt llioliinnon & do.
Wood wanted --Ronald Fire Engin
0.10. cid en nll)n1rS teams. XR a
receiving any proUMceiol themselves in � Flax Mills . Farms 1
au ' :there, save by the resent postal
lrtv, are forced to contribute to the ad. 1
vantage of other manufacturers n and Sale Farming
rm•t1 i ng Stock' z c.i
interests by the customs ditties on type, (�1 1 L d J4 4 Stock 't �w+
printing presses, printing ]n iehiuery o£
all kinds, type furniture, paper, Ink,
stereotype plates, newspaper cuts ; to TO CLOSE AN ESTATE.
Engine short, absolutely every product that
enters into the manufacture of a news-
FRIDAY, FEE, 19, 1897.
Douxomo Parliament will meet ou
Thursday, March lith. It will be a very
important session in Comedian history.
Cube asks for Iudepoudenoe and it is
said Spain will grant tins on condition
of the Cubans bowing to the supremacy
of the Spaniards. Cuba appears to doubt
the good faith of their taskmaster and
wants the United States to act as arbi-
trator for them.
HON. efetoetex Foonolt, Minister of Agri-
culture has reduced the fee to be paid for
veterinary certificates for stock sent to
the United States, from 82 for each car.
ti$cate to 26 cents for a single animal up
to eight, and for that utunber and up-
wards, in one shipment, the fee ie not to
exceed 82. This, the Canadian Farmers'
Advocate Kaye, "will be satisfactory to
shippers, and is a good illustration of the
wisdom of having for Minister of Agri.
culture a practical fernier, and one who
is in touoh with the men engaged in the
Tut country merchants are loudly
complaining of competition from the
city department stores. Some of these
very grumblers run no ad. in their local
paper. How do they expect to keep the
trade at home ? The city merchant,"
says the Brockville Times, "advertises
tend keeps on advertising and hammering
away at the public mind with facts and
prices and qualities until be makes an
impreseion and sells his wares." That
the departmental stores have demoral-
ized the old mercantile system is ouly
too true and it is quite as true that we
must recognize them as an iustitntign of
the future as well as the present. The
way to fight them is with their own
weapons : strictly cash payments, liberal
advertising and keeping in stock what
the people are likely to want. -Kincar-
dine Review.
Tun following legal opinion, coining
from the source it does, should bear con-
siderable weight. "Charles Fitzpatrick,
Solicitor -General of Canada, who sail-
ed for home) on February 1850, has tak-
en the opinion of Edward Blake, M. P.,
in regard to the appeals of the Manitoba
Government from the decision of the
Privy Council in the matter of the Mani-
toba school dispute, Mr. Blake expresses
the opinion that it i3 a complete misap-
prehension to think that the Privy Clone-
orderedthe discontinued schools to be
restored, and is further of the opinion
that the Federal Government have no
power to deal with the taxes of Manitoba
or to allocate any money to Catholic or
Separate schools. An amicable agree.
meat ou the lines of the proposal of the
Manitoba Government, he thinks, would
be much more advantageous from every
point of view to tho Catholic minority
than any Remedial Bill could possibly
be. r. Walton, Q. C., the leading adviser
of the leacling Catholic bodies in England,
concurs in the opinion given by Mr,
A. Minister's Story.
For [rive Months be web helpless and En,
duped Agentetnc ['lois-Coned neither
ltlxr 1'19
Not. Fit Doris Without Aid -
He '10119 Itew 110 pound 0 ('Inc.
From the Tfleonburg Observer.
T13o Rev, C. H. Bael[hus is a resident
of Baybant township, Elgin County, Ont„
and there is probably no person in the
County who is bettor known or more
highly esteemed. He is a minister of the
United Brethren Church. Ile also farms
quite extensively, superintending the
work and doing quite a share of it him.
self despite his advanced ago.. But he
was not always able to exert himself as
he eau to -day, RR a few years ago he nn•
derwont an illness that many feared
would terminate his life. Toa reporter
who recently had a conversation with
him the rev, gentleman gave the par-
ticulars of his illuese and Dura, with per-
mission to make the statement public.
The story as told by Rev, Mr. Backhoe
is eubstautielly as follows :-About three
years ago he was taken ill and the doctor
who was called in pronounced his trouble
an attach of la grippe. He did not appeal
to get any better and a second doctor was
called in, but with no more satisfactory
results, so far ae a renewal of health was
concerned. Following the la grippe pains
of an excruciating nature located them-
selves in his body. Ile grew weaker and
weaker until at last he was perfectly
helpless. He could not sit down nor rise
from a sitting posture without assistance
and when with this assistance he gained
his feet he could hobble but a few steps,
when he was obliged to be put in a chair
again. For five mouths these agonizing
pains were endured. Bet at t relief so
long delayed came, A friend uurged him
to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. lee
yielded to the advice and had not been
taking them long when the longed for
relief was noticed coming. He could
move more easily and the stiffness and
pains began to leave his joints, He con-
tinued the use of the pills for some time
longer and the cure was complete. See.
lug Mr. Baokhus now ie world be diffi-
cult to think of him as the crippled and
helpless man of those painful days. Mr.
Backhus is now past his 80th year, but
es he said, "by the aid of Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills I am es able as those ten years
younger. You can readily judge of this
when I tell you I laid forty rods of rail
fence this year. I am glad to add my
testimony in favor of Dr. Williams' Pink
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills strike al the
root of the disease, driving it from the
system and restoring the patient tohealth hoes and premises ennuooted therewith,be o'clock ill the efterunon, at J &J Living -
and strength. In cases of paralysis, J¢mes sero to troill tnetanid Vllil ge of vua, stows Flan MM.
In consequence of the death of the late I4fr. John Livingston, of the firm of
Livingston, Flax•Millore, of Baden, Listowel null elsewhere, and in order to wind up
the partnership estate, there will be sold by Public Anetiun the fallowing properties
on the days and at the times and places hereienfter spooliied,
At the City of Stratford At, the Town of Palmerston
On MONDAY, MAROH 8th, 1887, at
ou5 o'eleek lu the afternoon, at J & JLiving-
stones Flax Afi11,
P51in100, Orr, -One frame ilax mill and the
laude and premises anuooetod therewith, be -
leg lots Nos 405, 456,480 and 484, 05 ehOwu on
Robinson's) survey of Lots 48,40 and 17 is the
lot OoneOeelot of the Township of South
1241500p0 but now 10 rho Oit'tof Str'atforll
with the other buildings eituate tb creole, ane{
the theins, boiler, eontch10g enives, brakes
nod other machinery on the premises, In.
eluding the shov els, forks nod other like im-
plem0uta used is the premises,
At the 1i/flags of Tavistock
On TUESDAY, MARCR 8110, at ops
o'cIOsk le the afternoon, at J & J Living-
stou's Flax 11111,
PARCEL 1. -The new frame flex still and the
lands and premises oonoeeted therewith,
beiug part of the west half or Lot 35. in the
13410 Concession of East Lorca, ht the 000005
of Oxford, 005010nfug two am es 10005 or lase,
with the Meier builtlives situate thereon, and
the engine, better, sordelilug knives, brakes
and other machinery on the premises, W-
aterline the shovels, forks and other like im-
plements used in the promises.
At the 019owmi of Seaforth
one o'clock in the afternoon, at J & J Liviog•
stones Flax Mill.
Penc1L L -The brick flax hili cud the
lands and 19701110 0 connected therewith,
being Block Letter "A" in Powanlook's sur-
vey 01 part of the Town 01 Sonforth, with the
other buildings situate thereon, cud x110 en-
gine, boiler, scutchtng knives, brakes and
other machinery ou thepromises, .ivcleding
Elie shovels, Molts and other like implements
used in the premises.
At the Village of Blyth
one o'odeek 10 the efteru0on, 013 & J Living
stows Flax Mill,
Pelmet, L -Ons frame flax mill mild the
lands mud premises cooeeoted therewith,
beteg cont posed of Lots 107, 188, 189, 1110, 1x1,
102, 109,104,195, 100,107, 199, 190, 900, 201, 402,
200, 204, 205, 200, 207, 209, 0009, 210 and 211 in
Belly's sur vey, being subdivision of Lot No
1, in the 3511 Concession of the Township of
Morris, but now in the Village of Blyth, as
shown Gummi) made by A. Bey, P L S, with
the other buildings site ate thereon, and rho
nugine, holler, soutching kuives, brakes and
other masni¢ery on the premises, including
the shovels, forks and other like implements
used in the premises
At time Village of Brussels
On FRIDAY, MARCH 12th, at one
o'clock in the afternoon, at 3 & J Lit'ing-
etau's Flax Mill.
PARo0L 1: Oae frame ilea mill and the
On MONDAY, MAIIOE 15111, nit one
&etr ek in the afternoon, at 3 & J Ltviag•
stnn's Flax 00111,
Peuo1L l, -One farm (metalnine 145 acres
wore or lase, being parley In the Township
of Wannest, to the county of Perth, end part-
ly is tete Town of Palmerston, In the Coaute
of Wellington, being composed Of the south
half of the south half 0f the north half of
Lot 18. in the 10011 Oouoessiou of the 'howls.
elate of Wallace and Lots Nos 9,5, 0, 9, 10 and
11 on the south aide of Young sweet and
Peet of.Lot No 18 on Queen street,. in the
said Town of Palmerston, on whish is situate
a frame dwelling house with ltltehon Onion.
ode and enuk barn and straw shod,
3'enoon It -Ono now Irame Ilex mill and
the lands end promises comae°, od therewith
being Lot No 7, on tllo easterly, side of queen
street, 111 the Town of Palmeretou, eontain-
ing two mime more or less, Otherwise Itnowq
as The Flax Mill Lob, with the otbee build-
ings situate thereon, and the engine, boiler,
matching lfuives brekes and other nen chiu.
oly on the promises, incladlug the shovels,
forks and other Lilco implements used in the
At the Village of Linwood
On TUESDAY, MARCI3 1011, at one
o'olook In the afternoon, 00 the Flax Mill.
Pene1L I. Ons ilex mill with the lauds
and premises connected theve,vltn, being
Leta No 10 and 17 and the South hall of Lot
el Mitten ou the South aide of 14105 street in
the Village of Linwood, is the County of
part of the survey 00 tmut L008 he Village ofI 2e mid tl5 in Weight's
as shown on map filed an the 115gi5try 011103
and also Lots -NO 21 stud tel in the 001115 slue
Vey with the other bn tidings situate tersou,
and the oeglue, boiler, metalling la1iv03,
brakes, and other machinery on the pram -
lees, including the shovels, forks, and other
like implements used in the promisee,
At Wellesley Tillage
ono o'clock in the neterueon, at J & J Living-
stcn'a Flax Mill,
19010111. L -Ono frame Flax 10111 and the
lands un11 premises connected therewith,
00105 part of Lot No 10 in the 20,13 Oonoeo-
aloe in the Easton 8ectlou of the Township
of Wellesley i5 the County of Waterloo ,con-
tenting three acres more Or leas, with the
other buildings 611uate thereon =ION) ou-
gfuo, boiler, sent010105 kui000, braless, and
other machinery on the premises, including
the shovels, Pores Fwd 0 then like implements
need on the promises,
P.utooL 11.-000 farm containing 100 acres
more or leas, being the leper pert of Lot No
13 in the Mrd Couoession of the Eastern see-
ewtion of the Township of Wellesley, in the
County of Waterloo, and 0 emelt parcel of 2
acres being part of Lot 13 ill rue Second
Concession Lasto•n Section of the said
Township. On this farm are ere00ed one
frame dwelling house end a frame barn.
100 noses under cultivation, 15 acme in Yell
&t the Village of Baden
spinal troubles, locomotor ataxia, sciatica,
rheumatism, erysipelas. scrofulous
troubles, etc., these pills are superior to
all other treatment. They are also a
specific for the troubles which matte the
lives of so many women a bltrclen, and
speedily restore the rich glow of health to
pale and sallow cheeks. Men broken
down by overwork, worry or excesses,
will fiuc`l in Pink Pills a certain cure.
Sold by all dealers or sent by mail post-
paid, at 50c, a box, or six boxes for 82.50,
by addressing the Dr. Williams' Medicine
Company, Brockville, Ont., or Schenec-
tady, N. Y. Beware of imitations and
substitutes alleged to he 'just as good."
Remarkable Testimonials
Atwood, Sept. 28th, 1500
J. 1t1, MuLeod, Goderich
Dear Sir, -I beg to apologize for not
Tun Pose. is not very much struck on writing you sooner to thank you for the
the proposed move of the Postmaster
General in reference to the re-imposi•
tion of postage on newspapers. He said,
in addressing the Press Association the
other day in Toronto, that the expense of
the free carriage of even the legitimate
newspapers had grown tee great to be
continued. ITe instanced the fact that
for a recent Clhrist:nes edition in a large
city, a request had been made for 1,800
sacks, in addition to the usual number.
These sacks each held some four bushels
of matter, which represented as much as
five box cars loaded with grain. It was
stated that Toronto alone took advantage
of the free postal facilities to the extent
of 8,000 publications -many clearly en•
titter/ to no such pricilcge." If there is m
gross injustice as far as the city press is
concerned we don't see why tho country
press should be made suffer far it. We
are of the opinion that the Canadian
Press Association should be some guide home. My husband joule with me in
to Ilon. Sir, Mulnek in deciding this tendering yon our sincere thanks.
question of postage. We believe the As-
Gratefully yours,MRS. hetet{ STEVEN.
sociatlon should have appointed a Cam- sold by •1„s, lynx, lhwggbt, 1lr0sseels,
mittee to confer with the Postmaster
General on this irilportaut matter. Tho
following resolution was passed on motion
of Mr, R,5.. Sccoutled by Mr. MoCiilli•
caddy, of the Goderich Signal1-"Re•
solved, That this association as a hotly
take no anion in regard to the Post.
master Goneral'e proposition to re -impose
postal rates, except to send a copy of this
resolution to every pnblisbor in Canada,
suggesting that should this question comp
before Parliament, each Parliamentary
representative should he asked to insist
upon the reduction or abolition of the
Cnstotns duties on publishers materials
as a 080808ary correlative to the ro•impo•
Oiiion of postage" "That, whereas the
removal of postage of newspapers fifteen
years ago was nob solicited by publishers,
that value was given to the community
ea the time of the reduction of newspaper
prices, and that since that the scale of
newspaper expenditures has been graded
to the existing conditions; and, whereas
the fiscal system of this country recog-
nizes the promotion of home interests,
and that newspaper publishers without
marvelous caro effected through you. In
December, 1808, I injured my knee. Two
weeps thereafter I was obliged to have
the doctor. I doctored all winter. From
the 1st of May, 1804, I was confined to
my bed for seven weeps. I had no•rest
day or night 1 the pain was intense. I
got so thin, and became quite helpless.
The doctors Siad a consultation over me,
and said if they could save the leg I could
never have the use of my knee again.
An operation frightened me and it was
then my husband took me to Goderich
in a very helpless condition. I took your
System Renovator for my system and to
build me up, and applied E..1.IMfcLen-
nan's Liniment as recommended, which
yon kindly applied when I eoaldn't do it
myself, I remained at my brother -in-
laws in Goderich for 5 weeks. In about
a week I was able to walk with a staff.
The Renovator gave me en excellent
appetite and 1 gained considerably in
weight as well as in strength, My knee
is quite supple and es well as ever It was:
It gives me unbounded pleasure to state
that I have been able to attend to my
own houeehold duties ever since I same
Cod Liver Oil !
You have probably been advised
by your Physician to take Cod Liver
Oil. This is the season when the
taking of this lbosh•produoing Oil is
most desirable. If the Pure Ood
in taste
' co d'saa
Livor Oil tecreates t 1 {,
for you just try the home Health
Emulsion and you will find that die.
agreeable taste hidden. This Emul-
sion contains 50% of the Pure Oil so
you have a much ebronger Emulsion
than is usually found. It is pleasant
to take and certain in its action.
Deadman & McCall,
Druggists, Optiolane sad Booksellere,
33R 1SSELS, 01112,
eselolniog one half nerd, \yea flet al Is sur-
vey, with the other buildiege situate thereon
and the engine, boiler, Imtolliug ltniv ea,
brakes and other 01 0011111017 onn the premises
mchuling the shovels fork, end other like
implements used in tfne pre uroa.
F•ARCRL 11.-0010 Mune dwelling bongo null
the lands oom,oeted the e.wlth, being the
east half of Villege Lot .ro 100, on James
street, ie the said Village, containing one
111th of OM a005 moire cr less.
PAROTL I11.-058 farm 0outainiug 98 (0180
Lot No 3n Iv being
e Oth Oonsessl�u of tof northo cin
ship of Monis, with the frame dwelling
boons, stable, barn, storehouse, ria, situate
thereon ; 24 acres of fall wheat now in the
At the Town of Listowel
one o'clock in the afternoon, at 3 & J Living-
stou'e Flax Mill.
PA11,01L 1.-008 farm containing 00 aeras
north half of being27,thesouth1st 40 acres of
the Township of Elmo, in to County of
Porth and the south 20 acres of the north
half of Lot 28, in the 1st Couosssion of the
said Township on whish aro a frame dwelliog
and kitchen and a frame bank barn.
PAnc1L II. Ono farm containing 100 acres
10005 or 1000, known as the AleMillau Parm,
being Lot No 38, in the 1st Oooaessiou of the
Township of Wilhitee,in the 0ounty of Porte,
on which ere a frame house with kitchen,
and a barn and straw shod ; 80 acres under
ream. TIL Farm stock end implemontt
now in or epee the above mentioned farms.
P010001. 1V. -One frame 11ax mill and the
lauds end 1105101008 convected therewith,
being parts of to north halves of bots 30
and 34, he the 1st Coneessio0 of the Township
of Elms, containing 75 fierce more or less,
With 111 oto or bnildiogs o145nte thereon, and
the engine, boiler, witching knives, brakes
and other machinery en the premises, 1n.
eluding the shovels, forks and other like im-
plements used in the premises.
Peaces V. -Thee parcel of land on which
fa situate the residence of the Into John Liv-
ingston, fronting on Main street in the VII -
Inge of Listowel, being prvet of Lots 33 awl 54,
on which lends are situate the large two-
story brick dwelling house occupied by the
late John Livingston, with stable belonging
thereto, oleo a frame dwelling bowie situate
ou to scum preelie58, and froniting on----
Pnaalr, VL-7wc brick dwelling /meths
with kitchens attached and the lands con-
nected tborowibh,
Pelmet, I: one farm containing 340 aores
more or lass Wittig Lot No 10 ou the Noath
side of Snider's Bond ill the Township of
Wilmot in tb8 County of Waterloo and plots
of Lot No 14 on the North side of Snide•'s
Bead in the said Township. On this parcel
is situate the large two storey bride rase
deuce of James Livingston, Neg. M. P. On
tb15 parcel is also situate a brick lilax 31111
which with the other buildings situate on
the sail parcel, with the e0gine, boiler,
soutching kknives, brakes, and other mat -
Mary used 10 the Flax busioose will be Bold
with this parcel, All except about 15 mans
in good state of c¢ltivattou, 100 acres in
fall wheat.
r'e1800L II. -One farm containing 75 acres
more or lees, belug part ofLot 15onthe
South side of Snider's Road, in the 1'owusuip
of Wilmot, on which are erected a brink
dwelling 110500 and frame bank bare. 24
acres in fall wheat.
Peewee, III. -Farm stock and implomouts
now Ill or upon the above mentioned farm.
0511101E 4. -Lets Noe 42, 43, 44 and 45 on the
East side of Foundry street as shown 001 the
peau Of the Village of Baden, on which ora
sponte two brink one and a half storey
dwelling houses and a battery, situate on
Lot 02,
Ten per ooub. is to be paid down at the
time of sale. The purchasers of Flash/Ole
Will be required to pay 40 per cent. in addi-
tion in obtaining their eoovoyanoo. The
balance to be paychle in one and two yam's,
with interest at 5 per Mout. to be Seemed
by mortgage 111,011 the premises,
The purchasers of farms will be required
to pay 30 per clout in addition on completion
of the sale, The balance payable in four
equal Retinal installments with interest at
5 per Dant to be secured by motgage ou the
The purchasers of farm stook ,ianplemouts
etc., must pity in emelt for all purchases
under 80,00. For puroliases over $5,00, they
will have nine mouths' credit, en approved
endorsed notes for 'mount.
Possession Of 1110 farms 10 be given one
week after completion of purchase, Posses-
sion of the Flax Mille will be given on the
15th Snly next.
Further terms mud conditions of sale will
be made known at th0 sale, or may be ob-
tained on application to JAMES LIVING-
STON, M, P„ Baden, or ea to the Lisbotvol
Properties to 0010, JOPIN LIVINGSTON,
Executor, Listowel, 00MoCA1Pelre, 08LE1t,
11001(119 & CI114EL11AS Toronto, and
Bated Fob. 11911,1807.
Under the 005picee of Camp Ben Lomond Sons of Scotland,
• B11,UJ8SELS,
Marry hick!
L Ramsay,
Have been secured and the evenings program will be replete with the Latest Selee-
tions, Vocal and Instrumental, Novel Acts, Lovely Stage Settings, Elegant Ward-
robe, Amusing Sketches, and Laughable Comedies 3m., which are entirely original
and given by the "MERRYMAKERS" only.
Doors open at 7 ; Concert Commences at 8 o'clock.
Admission : 15c., 25c. and 85e.
est Slice Nods, i11 Tow
We are
showing a full line ofd'---
which we are prepared to sell at prices that defy competition. la
Moll's lines we have ,just received some exceptionally good value in
Ox Blood, Chocolate, and Dong. Bans., that we are sure will suit the
Eye, Feet and Pocket. Our stock of Ladies', Misses and Children's
is up to elate in Style and Quality. Call and see our Gents' Fancy
Slippers. We have a few i3oys' Long Boots that you can have at
LINO. Oa `e0
Previous to our Annual Stock Taking we have decided to offer
Special Bargains_ in all lines of-
Hats, Caps, Furs, Furnishings,
Readymade Suits and Overcoats.
Wo have a nice range of Fur Muffs, Collars and Boas that we
will let go very cheap. Also in Fur Caps, Coats and Capes if there
is anything to suit you the prices cannot fall to meet with your
A few pairs of Felt Boots to bo cleared out Cbeap.
If you want a good bargain come in and see what we can do
for you.
February Standard Fashion Sheets and Patterns to hand.
at l ac
Now, Stylish, Spnnts' Goocis
Arriving daily which for neatness ancl durabil-
ity cannot be surpassed, and best of all the
Prices are
Thanking you for your support in the past we ask a
continuance of the same and will guarantee you still better
value. Our motto is "Good Goods at Low Prices."
A few Felt Boots and Winter Goods o11 hand which
will be sold at a Bargain.
:gam .4 ea4 ,tns
Promptly attended to in Boots;Shoes and - Rubbers, I
T. C. RI10: ARDS.
We still continue to manufacture Light and Heavy
Harness, which for price and durability cannot be surpass-
ed. Collars and Fine harness a specialty. Whips, Trunks,
Satchels and everything found in a first-class Harness Shop
to be found with us.
.liepctirns ire Flcr°rzess and Collars Pr^omptUzi
attended to.
Sign, Large Scotch Collar.