The Brussels Post, 1897-2-19, Page 11.
Vol. 24, No, 82
inthistrine classes Of ((1111 OW11 D0131111M11
are asedng our Il 100013 end Munches;
to bell; remove the cenditione that are
making it impneeible for 0.11 honeeli num
in hi:Moose toeltty to make a living for
hirnsedf and fansily. Will this ory be
heard et tho Doming finattiontt of our yen.
l'31(111311(133 10 1 IVIII our chnrchen
face Wm waled and commeeeial problem,
or give 041 answer to the question how a
business Man trielay can be honest and
yet Make monoy
Dr. Solwym 11.1. 0310 time diem:toe of the
Geologieel Survey of Onamela, pet himself
on record last Tburssday at the Mining
Couvention held et Montreal ati being
the ohampiosi greenhorn of 3897. With
gold and other veil:lel:1e minerals cropping
out of the ground nearly all over British
Columbia and pert oe Ontario, and halal.
rads of preesticatl minors Miming out
thomends of tons of .gold muerte and do.
aiming thee them mines mo minim the
richest of the world, and yet in the face
of thoeo Meat 111111 learned old fossil pro -
210110120d their judgment a fallacy and
Canacla only 041 agricultctral country.
Suoli pretensions lute too long passed
in Canada for wisdom. We have suffer-
ed immeasurably in the pest from such
incompetent, impeacticable, eballow heed-
ed egotists. Prof. John Macorn, the
Dominion botanist, who has traversed
every part of those vast regions, clear
through to the Pacific Coast, hae been
telling the country for tweety yeare that
Coenala posseesed nutold millious in her
mitierale 1111(1 120311 118 well as in her fide
foreet and troth but we are juel: beginniog
to realize the truthfulness of his estim.
At the meeting 01 1318 alanini of Knox
College a few days ago 001110 very radical
ideas on Scripture interpretation were
expressed somewhat freely by the young
or element in the ministry end discussed
cautiously by their elders. It is oortain
our °heretics must soon re write their
articles of belief and harmonize them
with the more intelligent beliefs of Christ-
ian scholers of the present oenbnry, or
suffer grievously for their superstitious
voneratioefor the written interpretations
of Biblical truths prodncocl two and three
hundred years ago. The accumulated
knowledge of the page centuries that line
been bequeathed to us, added to the riper,
broader scholarship and better acquaint-
ance with Bible lands and times, certain-
ly ought to emtble the devout elergymon
of to -day to take up the Bible and read it
in the light of present knowledge without
being considered guilty of heterodoxy,
sacrilege 01 0(10110111 But the churches
have a written creecl and a written epee,
ahlem and the United Status have a (mit-
ten constitution and both the ohurelies
and the republic are afraid to touch what
their fathers wrote. Tho minister have
no less courage or greater cowardice than
have the statesmen,
Lady Aberdeen invited a number of
prom representatives to Mean Hall on
the afternoon of Foie 1st and had it very
pleasant 011111 W1111 them about the mtg.
gestem theotyn out by Doe lexeollency to
the National Gouuell of Women for the
formation of the Victorian Order of
Holm Holpon, as 1110 1111181. fitting mete
eer ill (21 313811 the women of Canada could
meek line Iffejostyet diamond jubilee.
Ilor Witeellehey as very. much in earnest
stand, the matter and le greatly pleueed
at the favorable receptiou her proposal
hes met with from the prom end the pub.
130. She 131121 180,210,213 imineuee 1)11(0-
1) 00 of lettere of approval of the scheme
aud some material ageistanee, one lady
0110101013(1 0, cheque for $100, and many
othere (firedog :smaller slims, A. gyatify..
Mg feature is the filtered taken in the
matter by the medical profession, many
of whom have volunteered three advice
and amistanee. In the course of her
oonverseeion Her Excellency :mid that
her scheme was 812111 largel,y in embryo,
but that she hope to get it formulated
arid sterted on a praotioal battle aftee the
public meeting hold in the Normal.
school, Ottawa, on the 101:11 inst. Her
idea is that an appeal elioald be made to
the public spirit of the country, and a
fund ereeted which would place the
order on. a sound fineemiel basis at once,
and enable 11 11) offer a her remuneration
to suitable nurses, who would be appoint-
ed to epeemly settled districts, eepecially
io tho Northwest. 01 113 not proposed to
alletint nurses in the cities, tied it Is ex.
pected that the district, epplying to the
Central Committee would pay ono.lutlf of
the salary of the "310I1I0 helper," which
would mean about $100 to $.125 11. Year
to the district. The necessary traieiug
01 1110 home helper could bo best obtain
cd through the nesistance of the hospi-
tals, anal Lady Aberdeen said that she
felt stemmed of the henety co operation of
the Montreal and Toronto Maternity
nospitals, Loud she had no doubt that
other instinitions would assist.
A.slced what her idea was with respect
to the size of 1210 111011 to be raised, she
laughingly said 1.1(311 1110 fund could not
be too large. One of the pressmen sug-
gested thee an endowment faud of one
million dollars would only 100110 about
ono donee for every family in Canted%
and Lady Aberdeen said she would like
the subsoription to the fond to be as
general as possible, and that she hoped
to receive a large number of small sub-
scriptions of ono clollar or more to show
that the woineu of Canada mitered heart
ily into the matter. 01 38 hoped fleet the
order will take practical shape immedi-
ately eud the first instalment of home
helpers Med011 on their errands of mercy
in a few months.
Ifine Mr. Lander has heartily appeov•
011 of the scheme and attended the meet.
ing on the 10th, at which His Exeolloncy
wag also present.
Our To onto Letter.
Tho Ontierin Government had an 0.110-
picions opening for the present season
and Premier Hardy will need babe 011 tho
alert to sullein the popular 0011ddenCe
reposed in his gifted predecessor. Some
important legislation is ponding teal some
important questions will corns before the
House that will try the backboue of the
Never in Celled% gime the struggle
for responsible Gover11ine01 ended, bas
any Government had Moll an opportun-
ity to immortalize itself as is presented to
the Laurier 031b100110.11(1y, Backed by
an overwhelming majority of the elector.
ate and the confidence of the best
elemente of every political and semi.
political party in tho Dominion, and with
the mother -land ready to draw Moser iu
the Imperial embrace this stalwart son
that peeps so tenaciously the illustrious
heirlooms-bonor, dignity, heroism -that
111100 distinguished tho Anglo-Saxon for
eenberies past, the gifted statesmen
forming that Cabbiot who have entered
it with claim battle and brilliant records
We trust will meet tho demaucls of the
With ttli the unfriendlinese thee has
repeatedly been maulfested at Washing-
ton towards Ottnadie there is nut much
clothis botwhat the Battle open, honest
way that Canada is now approaching the
Waeltington aubhoribies will be fruitful of
very beneficielrosnits. The olcl way of
eetaliation, of blow for blow, there now
take thee, may bo very gratifyiug to per.
verso human nature, best it is nob State
craft or good 001l1.11100 001100, frieed•
ly conference without any airs or con-
cealed weapons under the cloak sea:seeded
at Winnipeg in euffing 0, six years' duel,
and it is more than lilsely thee 11 similae
peace mission se Washington may end n.
1.100111)1 )10(11' war of teriffs, Sir Richatcl
Oartwrighles pone ithilitiee and unbend-
ing ietegrity may safely bo trusted on
011011 an embessage to uphold Canadian
honor, and yet 1210111 003111 ehivalrous gen-
enmity any proposition for mom amintble
Mteruational relations between the two
great csouutrios upon this; continents.;
Sometimes when reading American
and English journals we become indig.
nant at the phertemoual amount of un-
perdoneble ignorance concerning Canticle,
we see clispleyed by men high in position,
But Cenadian ignorance of Clemade is
abouts geeat. Ono Province knows but
very little 111)03)1. 1.110 other% even its neer-
est neighbor, and Cleve is but veey little
sympathy existing beteveme any two of
them A genuine Comeelian sentiment is
impoesible (seder sects dem matames,
national sentiment only grows out of
national admiention, and nittional eel.
miretion is ably possible for us what all
the wealth, importance and imperil pos.
sibilities 01 1110 various; members of our
great Confederation of States are cleaely
barn:stood Mel justly osbiniated. tot us
get aciatutinted.
The cell for help from fae off, plague.
tatiolven, gaming India and from suffer.
ing Armenia ie meeting With a generous
response from every part of the Domin.
icie, This is praigeworthy and just what
would bo expected from ebbe:Ames, hoapit
table Canada. 33111 1110 bornmereial mid
W viaqi 40 in.
A 1111011 veterhetry will soon hang out
1138 ishiegle Weigh:me
The local helmsmen 111100 11 traok 011 the
Heath Bratesii or the r1v1,1'.
...Alias Garfield," 2.21e, the property of
G. 13, Roo, has been sold to 14 DOGMA
gentle:lute for 31. good figure.
Simon Merrifield, who has no effidently
led the town band for U 111b0P of yearn,
has been compelled by contineed 331.
11011311) to resign. his position..
A. teem of horsee belonging to 11.11 East
WaWanoall fanner ran limey 111(1 .111 their
mei 0111) collided with 21 waterworks
hydrant. nones 3110 wheelhouse and stmeele
ecl it. A. 11010 hyclrent was p111111 at once.
The committee appointed to work tip a
flax 111133 (1)01 at the (enemies hotel and
mganieed with the following offieere 2
Chnieman, Amos Tipling ; See., W. J,
11en01e00031, Committees wore appointed
to mama the farmers; for stocic. IL 18
recommended to capibaliee the company
at $7,500, 50 per cont. to be paid cm, and
balauce to remain as unpaid stools ; 8 per
cent, on shares will be guaranteed to
shareholdere and profits over and above
We to be given to the flax growers.
II. 1V. 0, ellevise Dean. -Last week's
Advance speedo 0.8 follows of the decease
of /1 former well known resident :-On
Saturday morniug the residents of Wing -
ham wore startled at the lead newts of the
&Mb of Beery William Chrietien Moyer,
which event cesourrecl 111 3110 home in thel-
gary, N. W. T., on Friday, Fob. 5411,
after a moath's 11111005 01 Banff, 33. C.,
whither he had gone to enclinvor to re.
Lemmata. II. W. 0, Meyer Was( born in
1845 at Harpinthey, near Seaforth, 01 1.1)0
homestead of his father, Ludwig G.
Meyer, who eamo to this country from
Germany, where the family was very
highly connected, Deceased attended
the home public schools and neberwercle
Gocleriele High school, and Was then
artioled with the firm M Hamilton of
which Ridge Burton was the heae. He
was 0(11111110d as a solicitor and °ailed to
the bar at the Michaelmas term iu 1808.
Then he commenced praoticing with J.
H. Benson at Seetorth, ender the firm
na10e of Benson ee Meyer. In 1875 de.
oeased located in Wingliam, having joined
with Messrs. Garrote Radenhnrst. The
latter In a short time severed his 000118(1,
tion with the firni, and then ia a year or
so Mr. Meyer started ou his 01011 0400001.
Business becoming boo heavy for him he
formed a partnership 10111 111 L,
son, 33. A. Honors fell thick and fast to
Mr. Meyer in municipal affairs, and ho
served his fellow citizens faithfully and
Well OA Reeve and Mayor for several
yeere, If Harry Moyer oonld bo induced
to stand for office he tscould be °looted by
acclemation, Buell was his popularity.
Largely through his untiring energy (111(1
self-saorifiee the 0. P. R. Company was
induced to build the road to Wingtmen,
Itrussels School Hoard. and the town is in debt to him for mealy
other aete of a nature that tended to
make 11. grow and prosper. in 1801 the
The regular meeting of the Public Dominion Government created hins a.Q.
School Board was held in the Council C. Thinking there was a good opening
Chamber on. Friday evenitm last. All in the young and growing city of Calgary,
the members present except W. F. Van- deceased severed his oonneetioa with
stone. Mr.
Diokiuson011 Augnst let, 1898, and open -
The miutitet 01 1110 last regular and ed au office there in conjunction with H.
speoial meethigs were read and passed. Symonds, formerly of Toronto. In the
Accounts of Stewed ce Ritchie, making far West he MIS honored by being Mooted
bleekboards 330.40; and W. Yuill, 7oi to the office of High Chief 11110(181 of the
oords wood, at $1.134 per cord, $04 47, I. 0. F. for tho Northwest territories, a
were road. Moved by A. Cousley, second. positioti which, by his abilities, he was
Oct by J. G. Rene thee above accounts be eminently (mallard to 1111. He wee mar -
paid. Caeried. . ried to a claughtee of Hon, A. M. Ross
Moved by J. G. Skone, seconded by D. 0.041 the union was blessed by the birth of
C. Ross that the Chairman and A. Coos- them danghters. hers. Meyer died here
ley be a oommittee to look after the in- from the effects of e paralytio stroke.
Wrests 01 1.1(0 Board by endeavoring to He 1000 3111 Episcopalian and an turdent
swine a grant from the Governmenb mud Conservative. 7110 00100100 wore brought
au equivalent thereto from the County to Seelorth for ititerinent in the limpet: -
for the continuation elms attouding the hey cemetery, where 1110 father mid
school. Gerrie& mother aro buried. The funeral was
Moved by 3. G. Rene, seconded by Jas. a:index:teal by the A. F. el A. M., and a
Turnbull that rho Board accept the offer number of the brethrea of Winghatti
of the Connell to supply a earetakee for went to pay the last sad respects to one
the school for ono year for the sum of who had proved himself fnend to mauy
0100. Carried.
and who was never loth to extend a band
The Board then adjourned. to lift a needy one out of any difficulty.
To the three daughters, the Meters and
brother, the sympathy of the deceased's
legion of friends and acgmaintanoes is
The Executive of the Ancient Otter of
United Workmen finished their deliber-
ations Tuesday afternoon, end Wednes•
day morning at 9 o'clock the delegates to
the Grand Lodge 03 01110010 met in the
Confederation Life bu11d1n. Tneaday
morning the Executive received the re.
ports of the various committees, 1.110 (11001.
important one being that on the Mate of
the Order. This showed thet the mein.
bership had inereased about 8,000 during
the past yeae, tend is now in round num•
berg thirty thousand, The matteni that
mine in for most disown:ion from the Ex.
mutters was the guest:10u of secession
from the Snprome Lodge. Before this
came in, however, J. G, Tete, the Sti•
preme Master WorIrm'
en of Lincoln, ele.
break% end W. S. Rebeen, Supreme
Overseer, of Texas, addressed the Emma.
ties on the sebjeat of the proposed seem.
8100. The tenor of their remarks Wee
that, white they admitted that the On-
tario Grand Lodge W118 determined to
%mode as far as its finaneial operatione
were csoneerned, they hoped that the On.
tario Lodge would Mill anntinue in free
bernal relatione with the Butweine Lodge.
This is practically what the Executive
proposes to do, and a report was present-
ed to the meeting Wodnescley vermin.
mending tbat the Grand Lodge separate
from the Supreme Lodge in all finanaiel
intermit% but Mill eetain 110 fraternal
rehttione, What these latter Will ooesiat
01 10 to be arrived at by the general meet.
ing, The Executive also ooneideree 880.
oral plans for a graded system of 11.00000.,
ments, and also for a reeerve fund, (01111
those Will be submitted to the oorseider•
Mien of the Grand Lodge.
• ee
The Ontario Legislature voted 60,000
for the elief of the gutter:ire from the
famine in LAM,
Fire Tuesday morning did mine $200
000 cla:»age ho bite building end stook of
Sanderson, Pommy 30 Co's. wholeattle
paint werehouse on Adelaide street, west,
Termite, and a fire et 68 York etreeb, in
the promisee of the Toronto Sterage Co.,
did Manage to nearly 1.310 031,1118 OIGO0G.
Connoil met last Monday.
A, wedding is on the MOB next week.
Prank 13011 is On the Mak list with la
Miss Minnie Sellers is visiting, frieude
in Myth.
Bennet Farrow is home for a time
from Wiertnn,
J. Claswink and wife, Of Winnipeg, are
visiting at Ed. Rosman's,
Welter Sylitme, of G0(1001011; its visiting,
at Joseph Seller% let 000.
Mrs. J. R. Miller has been quite ill
with an attack of la grippe.
Mrs. James Ireland, fird line, le visit,
ing friends in Hellet this week.
Joseph Bowman has purchased a 2,04
flyer from Duman Campbell, 1st line,
Robb. Turvey hue returned from his
vied to Imelsnow, Ripley end leineerdine.
Mrs. Geo, W. Tinny is on the sick
liot ite prevent. Miss Mary is also Migh6.
ly iedieposerl.
Wet. Youth is drawing insole logs to
Wingham melting three trips in two :Jaye,
clistenee of 1.2 m1108.
The reblitors have done their work in
oonneotion with the menkripal accounts
01 43113 townehip for 1890.
Mrs, A. Gerson (widow) of lith line,
1)013 (0 0000o 00111 wood bee 011 Thurechey
01 32(01 week, when by the kindnem of her
friends tee cords of wood were split and
'piled mutely 103 1101' dooe.
A, jolly time was Spent tie the residence
of Goo. ?teethe, 5131 (Inc of Tuesday
evening of this weak, at a, patty gathered
there. Tho host, and hoeteee did all in
their power to add bo the pleasure of the
Eteretteeneeteme-The visual anneal en-
tertainment under the mumbles of the
yonng people of S, S. No. 11, will be held
in the Townehip Hall on Tneeday
23rd inet. A. good program or read -
i0(18, reettations, dialogees, vocal and ita
strumental megic its being prepared.
Adtniesion, 10 ciente. Doors open at 7,
program et 8.
Allan Spate lo slowly improving in
he: 111 II
1. e Wok a drive to Bruseels la
Richard Armstrong is getting n
timber to repttir his been in Grey 111 3.
Gee, Losery and wife, of 1381113301
83)0311 (310 past week vieiting Mende o
1110 13(33 line.
The young people of the neighborboo
imam a few ;dements home the oche
evening et the residence of Ed, Brom
4111 line, tripping the lighb fauteetio to
Next Tuesday afternoon the farm an
amen stoat of the Williem Barrio estat
Oth line, will be offerecl for stele by 11. S
Scott in behalf of John MoOrao, the as
L. Pepper and Eli Sellers had a roue
fng old woodhee on Tnealey afternoon o
last week. Aboat 311 cords of wood wo.
out in tie hours by 18 men. Beet the
Browntown boys if 3100 can,
A new bank barn, 48x50 feet, with stone
stabling, will be built by 1083)00301 Jno.
ft. Ma Clegg, of Gorrie, will do
the mason work and G. Heaney, of Blue -
vale, the framing and oarpentsring.
Dougald Taylor, and hie sister.irelaw,
Miss Maggie Caldbiok, left for the Weet
last Saturday morning, They stayed in
Toronto ontil Tuesday when Miss Eliza
Budd, 9cd line, joined them and they pro•
°aortae in company Westward. 1
1410110,0,3 T. Miller received a kiok From
one of the horses in the amble on Wed.
0801111y of last weals on the left leg. The
blow knocked him against a poet 1031301)0E1G his eye, tend his right ankle suffered
quite a severe strain. He ill doing well.
Mimes Mamie Cald b end Ellett Budd
left this weak for Manitoba, They will
be meal] (1)100011 in Morris and the Eben.
met. League have lost a worthy member
in Bliss Caldbiek but we liope that our
loss may be the gain of some Christian
society in the far West.
The Daily 1108600(100 of Fremont, Ohio,
of Feb. 11th 00.310 of a son of James
Sharp, 6th line, Morris s-joeeph Sharp,
an expert elm:Moine, who for several
yeare wag in charge of the Robinson
Street Oar lino et Toledo, has Arrived in
the oily and taken charge 01 1118 work of
putting in an eleatrio light system for
the Creager e3, L. 111 00. Co.
Hyttattlar...-Tbe residence of Mrs. Goo,
H. Moffatt was filled last Wednesday
evening with a very happy aeronomy,
numbering 01,0111 160, to winless the
tying of the matrimonial hoe; between
'Miss Agnes, the estimable daughter of
the hostess, and George Olvar, of Brus-
sels. Rev. Mr. Anderson, of eVroseter,
officiated, the ceremony being performed
at Ci easier:lc. Miss MoVety, of Morrie,
was the bridesmaid and Peter Moffatt,
brother to the bride, supported the groom.
The wedding gifts bespoke the popularity
of the 0001011(1.10(1 parties. A. sumptuous
repast was served, to which ample justice
was done by all present. The evening
was pleasantly spent in musio, song,
social chat and tripping the light fantas•
tie. Many hearty oongratulatiobe and
good wishes were esteemed to lila Olvar
and hie bride foe a happy and prosperous
liie, in wbieh Pose jolt's. 01 10 said
that Pete 30 on the list now sure.
The trial of Wm. J, Hammond for
st wife murder iv in program at Brame
et Four bemired '301)1311 families from
he 13001108 Ayres are expected to 5111103(11111111110(),1in the Spring, 10
0, The eistnitohn. Diary Ai:etiolation re-
n pert that; $127,26i worth of butter and
802,000 worth of cheese were exported
d lust yea's.
✓ So meny robberies have taken ;gem in
1', Montreal lately that a 01100111,3 guard has
e, been pleoed on the banks mid broker's
d offinee by the police.
e 0. D. Warren wee elected President of
. the Trader' Bank, in succession to Wm.
Bell, who resigned on account of ill-
A 111331100013111g3112003 800100 from Ridge.f town 03 11 1,o,' being turned out on the
street by 1118 1-010,121(113vsbile 811510010(1
from 'Miens:nit)ion of the boweite the
exposure musing his death.
Mr. Davies, the Minister of Marine
and Fisheries:, has reoeived word from
his agent, who is St. John's NMI,
stating that bo had secured the steamer
Diana for the expedition to Hodson Bay,
which is to 110sent out by the Govern•
04001 61130 Spring,
(131415011 refit:glee.
Cetera clean News.
They have 11 ghost mare at Kingston
A. number of changes in the immigra.
tion ofnaials are reported.
The opera hones and St. Lawrence
Hall, Port Hope, were damaged by Ere,
The Bishop of Huron has issued an
appettl on behalf of the Indite famine
Dr. Thompson and Mr. Ferris have
been unseated from the Niegare Fells
South Commie
Mrs. Thos. Carter, of Whitevale, who
waa severely buened the other day, died
from her injaries.
Geo. Roach, El. Hamilton teamster, was
killed near Burlington by a load of furni•
tura falling on hirn.
John Gilson, of London Township, WM
eleoted President of the East Middlesex
Liberal Association.
The Frontereto County Liberal Assoc/.
Mien met at Kingston. President liclo•
Callum was remleeted.
Major-General Monegomery Moore has
been sworn in as Adrainisteator, to rads
during Lord Aberdeen's trip to Tennes-
Dere Frederick Bantle of Brantford,
wee crushed to death by a freight train
in attempting to moss the railway near
the Market street etation.
The Toronto Globe bag investigated
the subject of school examinetions, end
131103- 112(1.12 there 111:0 fewer exarnituttions
toelay thee there were 20 years age,
when Dr. Ryerson was at the head of
the Eduaation Department.
The work of inspeoting the berried
westeen block of the Parliament build-
ings for the purposes: of meeting ti tem.
porary roof has begun. Tho statement
thol the private papers of Hon. L, 31.
Davies bad been destroyed turns out to
be ince:meet. Generally spealcing, no
public doennionts of any vein were de.
The minuet meeting of the Reform
Association of South Huron as theneti•
toted for Provinobtl purpose% Was held
at Heneall on Feb, Oth, Despite the
" tremelYiwet and unfavorable, weather
and the :tenon imp080ale:3 state of the
roads, there was It large attends:hoe, near-
ly every menicipality in the riding being
repreeented, and many baying driven
long distances to be preeent, thus show.
ing 11182, 1.110 Liberals of thie etaunoh old
riding have in them the right hind of
grit. Geo. MoRwen, of Hensall, WWI re.
eleeted President ; F. Kibler, ot Zurich,
Vice -Prete T. Prager, Bentiefield, Same.
limy; Geo, Barnwell, Exeter. Tram.
Chairmen cut local organizere were also
elected for each municipality. The
meeting 10310 0. most latemonioue and en.
tbusiastie atm, end was adctreeeed by the
officers and the Meal alleirmen and by
the representatiVe of the oonstitueney,
y. Mol,ean, 111, F, Pe and
John Molefillan, who repregents
a portion of the onstitneney in the
Dominion Paeliement. Resolutions am
proving of the policy of the Dominion
and Ontario Governments were paused.
Rev, Fr. MaCabe is the new incum-
bent in 11011. 0, elitireh at Sealorth.
He will have charge of Bramels church
Wednesday evening of last week Rev.
3110, Roes gave a moot interesting review
of the ditionssions which took place at the
rrrneiron.gathering at Knox College, To -
As the result of studying a Bible that
be found in his room at the i3bor3ovanSturtevant
House, on Broadway, New York, Mr.
Aklyame, a high caste Japanese, became
a 00130001 (10 the Obristien religion.
Rev, S. 3. Mlle will prom% Missionary
sermons next Sunday at Centralia. Rev.
R. Paul will preach in the Methodist
chetah here in the morning and Rev, Mr.
West:nee, of Waite% will conduot the
evening nervicm.
Everybody be on the look -out for the
arrival of the Seraphaties Braes Band on
Tuesday, Feb. 28rd, and be early at the
5, A, barracks to enjoy the mellifluent
musical melee. Admission only 10 cents,
children 6 oents.
We are exceedingly sorry to know that
1380. W. Rigsby, of Blyth, is not improv-
ing in health very muoh. He bas gone,
on the advice of his physioians, to Clifton
Springs, New York, to see if the change
will be beneficial.
Rev, Mr. Spurgeon, when he met Rev,
Dr. Onylor, of New York, for the first
time and found that he was hard of batw-
ing, exclaimed :-"Be of good oheer,
brother, there is not much in this gab•
bling world 1111101 30 worth bactriog,"
On behalf of 1720 00(10010(1 comrades in
India, there will be held in the S. A.
barracks special ref:mien:try meetings all
rimy Sunday, Feb. 21a1. Colleetione on
behalf 01 1118 India eamine fond, Come
prepared to give to this noble soheme.
A very interesting and profiteble dis•
course to young men was preaohed in the
Methodist church last Sabbath evening
by the p110100 011 Daniel. The main cll.
visions of the subject were (1) Daniel's
oenstant recognition of God ; (2) His
religious habits ; (9) His fidelity to prin.
T. Fletcher is laid up with la grippe.
Miss; Ellis bag gone to Eseanata,„ Mich,
Mies Templeton is cm the Mak list
G, Grebe], of Mitchell, is holidaying
in Brussels.
Mrs. Peal boo been on the siok list
with la srippe.
Mrs. H. leforton, of Seafortb, is visiting
he- mother 10 town.
Mies Annie Clark, of Seaforth, le visit.
ing Miss Lizzie Semple.
Mies McCallum, of Oobourg, is the
guest of Mrs. J. A. SMwart.
Ce 14. Deadman 100,0 101 Loudon on
Thursday on (11)01010000 trip.
Angus Smith has been appointed oper.
ator ab the Wingham Jtmotion.
Miss Enema Ilingston, of Grand
Rapids, Michigan, ie visiting in Brussels,
N. B. Gerry and wife and Miss Therm,
Gerry Sundayed with relatives in Sea,
forth last Sabbetb.
Mies Currie, of Seaforth, is enjoying a
holiday visit with her grandmother, Mrs,
Mooney, Mill sbreet.
biro, H. itIeBitin, of Toronto, 30 111 town
waiting on her mother, Mee. Robe Kerr,
who is dengerously 111,
Lest W881.8 Robe RO8a, maohinist, left
Brueeels for Britieh Colombia, where he
has seamed a good sit:melon.
S. Plum has bean elected Recorder Of
Brussels Council of Chosen Friends, in
the place of A. l(cenig, resigned,
Mrs."). B. alOore has goue to Milton
and 1(4414, where she will spend 11 few
weeks with relatives and friends.
13arrieter Blair will be Chairman at the
school entertaininent in Mortis Township
Hall, Tuesday evening of next week.
3110. McKenzie, who has been in Luck -
DOW for 00111e time, has resumed his psi -
tion in Jas. Fox' drug store, Brussels.
E. P. Paulin and wife, of Winghatn,
and Miss °aerie leanuie, of Dube/pod,
were the games of Jae. Fox mid wife that
10501). Rohl was called to Larnbton
last week to attend the funeral 03 1130
granason, son of Thos. lenechtel, former-
ly of Brum&
Wo are sorry to hear 03 12110 wisdom in. re
disposition of Registrat A. L. Gibsote of d
Goderiele His many friends ere anxious I
about Me mtge.
George Olvar and Mimi Moffatt were E0
united in marriage on Wednesday even. et
ing 01 11110 week. A large number from b
this Ineality attended,
leering the pest week Mrs. Robt. Mo. p
Naughton hail been quite ill. Mies Liz. is
ole Maleaughton and Min Mary Mo. 10
Naughton bave also been 011 the slok list, w
X. Jacknoe was off duty on Wedneschty it
and Thursday from touch of bo
ecenethi ng la grippe. Prin. 0
eipal Camerae Molted atter Mr. Jetek. at
Dr. Sloan, of Toronto, haa depitted 00
reaming practice in Huron, and hag
rented a Ileums at Seaforth, which he will
°campy before the tot of April. IIe has
many warm Mende who will be Wad 10
310(4 him beak.
110)11 180030 A. JCrx'nig and W. Blashill
attend the High Court 03 13)1. Canoe
(lien Order of Foresters at Niagara. The
farmer rep's:tents Brussels Court and 341 r,
Blaebill attends in the intereets of Wel.
tort O. 0. P,
It is said 123)01 01018 $15,000,000 10 Me'
ly to be distributed to the Bird family
through the 138001185 02 a relative 30 Eng-
land. John Bird, Brussels, expects it
million end a lawyer ix looking up the
eam. We hope the good netva 30 true.
Superintendent of Organizasioe Gar-
tang.paist a, visit to Court Princess Alex -
amine, Brusseis, last Tuesdey evening
and gave an intereeting, address on var-
ious phases of the Order, especially the
83o30 ftna Funeral Benefit department.
Rev. 13. J. Allin gave one of hie ankles
a oraelc with the age while splitting wooct
one day this week. Fortunately the axe
had nob been !sharpened for 8 or 10 years
so did nothing more than a nasty
bruise, rendering locomotion a little
Colin IloArber is home from 11.0teland
after an enjoyable skirmish among the
gold mines. Colin has invested in the
precious metale and breuglit samples of
the ore batik with him. elcArter 10
quite enthusiastic over Roseland and will
go busk aftee a holiday among his many
friends hem.
F. S. Scott, W. Grover, C. Mlles
and other Brussels Odd Fellows,
Rem ana. Jones and 10, N.
Barrett attended the funeral of
the late Robe Livingston, who
was killed by falling off a train near
Senit Ste, iVlarle, while en route to Rose-
land, at Listowel en Thursday of this
Additional Local News.
A WERTZ= exchange says that a pram
tioal revivalist requested all in the oon•
gregetion who gaid their debts to rise.
The teeing was general. After they bad
taken their seats a call was made for
them who didn't pay their debts to rise.
One solitary individual arose and ex.
Maimed that he was au editor and could
not, because the rest of the congregation
were owing him their subsoriptione.
"Seem Here" a gray peeing stallion
from Carsonville, Aria., owned by Geo.
Harvey, has been brought to Brussels
and placed in the betide of R. Roach for
trainiog. "81001 Hal" has a record of
24 ; bele 5 years old and has (July been
treeked one seasoe. This makes Mr.
Reath's string number five uotv and all
are good ones and likely to make a great
showing in 1897. Roach 10 0. great hand
with the ribboue.
Soaxere-The "jack Frost" social held
On Monday evening last, in the Methodist
sohool room, was a K100880. Decorations
representing snow, frost, Winter :sports
and Winter manes made the entertein•
merit room cheerful and inviting, while
the young 11113180 01 the League were flit-
ting to and fro clad in Emmy white
costumes, with smiles and ear:quadrates"
for everybody. Many of them must have
worked like beavers in order to present
so attractive an entertainment. Special
praise is due Mimi Norton and Mies
Minnie Moore for their painstaking
efforts in training the girls and boyo who
Molt part, and who all did so well. The
following W10 the program, which Has
rendered in two parts, under the efficient
chairmanship of Reg. Fletcber 1 -Open-
ing hymn, ',Scatter seeds of Kindness" ;
prayer by the pastor ; eJack Frost song,"
Beatrice Howe, Barbera McKelvey,
Fertile Allin, Frames Clollins, Ella Funs -
ton, Pearl Lowey and Carrie lisfoOrack.
en ; recitation, "The Hockey Song,"
Arthur Allin ; barmoniaa seleetion,
T. Bird ; reading, "Skater and Wolves,"
Miss aloore ; song, "Jovial Farmer Boy,"
Peed. Gilpin ; reoitation,"Bread Crusts,"
Ella Funston ; solo, "The Old Piano,"
Mise Letitia Hill ; violin Beleation, T.
Rands ; song, "Snow Flake," Eva Mo-
Oraoken, Nora Kendall and Sadie Max.
welt 1 instrumentel quartette, Misses
Smith and brother ; "Five Eskimo
here" Herrn Ainley, Earl Bather, Harry
Beaker, liable Lowry and Merton
Howe ; boys song, ',Jingle Bells," Fred.
Gilpin, Cleve. Atli, Leslie Kerr and
Hilton Hunter. The proceeds amounted
to nearly 617.00.
IRON Roseland Miner, of
Feb, 4th, mays of the Iron Colt gold mine,
of which Company J. F. MoCree, of
Brussels, is a, Director, also Secretary-
Treasarer :-There is a genie showing
just now at the Iron Colt. Some days
0.330 an exceenttion 10110 started for the
new machinery plant to be put in. The
rook and debris were out ttWay for genie
detail:se on the North and Northwest of
the old shaft 80 thee suitable foundatione
could be Beamed. This led to the dim
emery that the whole of the hillside at
that point is included one very wide
ledge, very much as is the 01108 with the
Kootenay vein in the East side of Colem•
bin hill. The abaft which boa been mink
on tbe Iron 0031 11118 evidently failed to
reveal anything like the true extent of the
are body whieb must exist here. This
ore body lies to the Worth and West of
the shaft, end 01411 malty be tapped by a
orossout from the bottom of the shaft.
It is doubtful if eny Mengel' seldom
allowing has ever been Been in the camp
than Ghat (2 0(0 Elb001 ale Iron Colt,
he clean ore lies in a wide, ooturntet
am 0003 0)1(001 as it did when the first
imovery was 1010(50 00 the Orown Point.
11 can be abet out in bloats es big Res a.
0030 Inettente and is of fine, olose grained
/ave. It fa impossible to see just how
idtb the 0110 10, but this will be shown
y a, few shots which ere to he put in cie
nee, The purport of W. A, Clempbell,
resident and manager of the Company,
bo 0Ontinn0 Molting the abaft to the
0.foot level and then rim a erosecet to -
mei the big 088 chute mat thus discover
o exact extent. A. lot of the ore bat(
en brought down to the dike of Mr.
ernpbell and anybody Will be weloomed
1316 roin5 who wo:66 to 6 t
see's pupils in his absence.
and see the hie ote body new exposied.