HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-2-12, Page 88
Jost Received,
That are Lovely,
TIiat will .Please
• --AT—
Druggists, Opticians and Booksellers,
Trains leave Brussels Station, North
and South, as follows:
Goma scums, Go1NG Now's.
Sapiens 7:21 a,m. I Mixed 0:44 a.m
Bazad ......... er57 p.m. .Mail 12:02 p.m
T.o.cltt 11e1 tcizuu.
A chief's amang ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it,
A LAUNDRY ie talked of for Brussel.,
THE Pooe emulation continues to grew,
Foment Division Court on Wednead.ty
of next week.
15 cENTs Secures the Liberal Cabinet
effered by Torouto Globe.
BatseeLS School Board will meet on
Friday evening of this week.
Woos oontinuee to come to town not.
withstanding the pitch holes.
Mn. McIioo, who pnrohased the Pelee
stock has removed it to Atwood we un.ler-
OvEn $150 was paid Thursday of last
week by horse buyers to get hold of ani-
mals that suited them.
Ries AND RAISSAY make a great team.
Hear them at the Sons of Sootlaud con-
cert Friday evening of next week.
AUCTION sale bills printed at THE Poer
With neatness and dispateh, A free
notice given in THE Pon wi'h every set
of bine.
JACK Faowr social next Menday evet'ing
nnder the auspices of the Epworth
League of the Methodist church. Go
and see what it is like.
Near monthly Horse Fair will be held
on Thuredey, March 4111, and will be a
regular 'metier. It is said several
Manitoba buyers will be present in addl.
Mon to the newel quota.
WILL. STEWART took a bath that was
not on the program the other day while
working at the gate of the mill race.
The ice gave way and down he went, re.
oeiving a thorough wetting.
AT the annual meeting of Brussels
Driving Park Association, held at the
American Hotel, the old Board of Direct-
ors was re-elected. It was decided to
arrange for a program of races on the
Queen's Birthday, for which liberal
purses will be offered.
"THF, MAPLE 1.04,11r."—The Canadian
iIome Journal for February is of special
interest to Canadians, containing among
many other bright features a halftone
portrait and sketch of Alexander Muir,
ae welt as his popular patriotic song,
"The Maple Leaf Forever," words and
music oomplete. Sample copy 10 cents,
yearly subscription 91,00, which will be
received at this office.
THE 12TH IN BRUs0EL5.—At the annual
meeting of 6120 County Orange Lodge,
held in Wingbam last week, it was de-
cided to hold the next celebration of July
12111 in Brussels. A big day is expected.
The following are the (Jo. officers for
1897 :—•W. C. M., John Dane, jr„ Ger-
rie ; W. D. 111., John Wilford, Blyth ;
W. Chap., H. Perkins, Gerrie ; W. Rec,•
Sec. W. J. ' f
I' t
au Wing
ham Y W. Fin. -
Sao,, J.
Brussels ueseis ; W. Trees.,
W J. Greer, Corrie W. D. of C., Ben,
Gerry, Brussels ; W, Lecturers, R.
Owens, Belgrave, and W. McKee, Ford.
FAIOIERS' INSTITUTE.—. Supplementary
meetings of East Huron Farmers' Insti-
tute will be held at Fordtvich on Wed.
nearby, 24th inst. t Belgrave, on Thurs-
day, 25th ; and Leadbory on Friday,
20111, Three sessions will be held each
day, oomrrtenoing at 10 a. on., 1 and 7.80
p. 3n. Interesting addresses are expect,
ed from Jno, C. Morrison, L. Patton,
Jae. TYIeEwing, M. Burrell, A. Gardiner
and °there. At each evening session a
musical program will add to the pleasure
of the audience. The above meetings,
together with those held at Brussels,
Ethel, Wroxeter and Bluevale a month
ago, should reach the large proportion of
f:timers in the East Riding of Huron.
Ben ACCIDENT.—Last Friday evening
while Harry Brewer, artist, was in the
act of lalling a flash light picture at the
residence of Jno. Hill, 10th eon,, Grey,
his left hand received the force of the ex•
plosiv., and the result wee a badly shat•
tar -td forefinger on his left 11nud and the
splitting open of his thumb, Mr, Hill
drove Mr. 13rewer to Brengel/I and a phy.
eieian Wee speedily sought, who removed
the first and second joints of the injured
linger and bound up the hand, Mr.
Brewer, although somewhat incapacitat-
ed, is attending to the duties of his studio
as usual. It was a fortunate thing that
the resulte of the accident wore not more
MAarSTERIAL,—Last Monday forenoon
Pelton was broupitt before Magie-
tralee 112eGrae and 1' raoban, in the
Council Chamber, Brun• els, charged by a
wholesale house With 1 'tad in the re.
ntoval of goods from hie Otnrein Brussels,
prior to hie a'eignment. The trial con.
tinued Monday, Tuesday and toward the
Mose of the afternoon on Wednesday,
during which time some 15 or 15 wit-
nee8e5 wens examined, After hearing all
the evidence Barrister Blida for the de.
fence and Barrister Sinclair for the
prnssotltion addressed the Bench at con•
siderable length, Their Worehipe deoid'
ed that a Dasa was not made ont and eon.
eegdently diemieead it. There was a
farge attendonoe of epeotators at the
*belong onions.
Tom Pose loud a pleasant (tall from Co
Connolllor Miller, of Wroxeter, on Wed
ueedny ttftet•noon,.
TIM 1), 1), G. M. le expeetnd to pity it
official vieit to St. Joan's Mat -mute Lod(;
Brussels, next month.
linen the "Merry Makers" in the Tow
Hall on Friday evening of next week
Plan of reserved Beate at Fox's] den
Lan Tuesday morning e horse rues
took Waco between Smith ee dleLaren'e
speedy pacer "Barney," and John Scatt'e
fleet.foote.i oheetnat from Libitum!,
After three Wale over )itoh.holee and
all "Barney" was declared the winter,bs
Mas" le the name of a new Fashion
Magazine which has lately made its ap•
pearence. 1t is published in New York
and is edited by May Menton, an author-
ity ou dress designs and other matters
pertaining to the world of fashion. The
subscription price 1,151 a yen', 10a. per
copy, Address Modes Publishing Go.,
132 White sorest, New York.
C. 0. P.—The membere of Court Prin•
cess Aletiandrallo. 24, wits hold a speoial
meeting in their Hall, Brussels, on Tues.
day evening, Feb. Kith, at 8.30 o'clock.
13 ro. Garman, Superintendent of Organ i•
zatio0, will bo present to give au address.
All Foresters are cordially invited to et -
tend, as an interesting meet105 is ex.
pealed. S. Patna C. R.
BIG ):SALE.—.By the column advertise-
ment appearing in this isms of Tam POST,
it will bis seen that the J. & J. Livingston
firm purpose offering their flax mills,
farms, barna, and other property for side
by publio auction on the dates named,
This is being done owing to the decease
of John Livingston, for the purpose of
dividing the estate, which is a big one.
The ilruoeele property, including mill,
'house and lot, and 98 acre farm lying
immediately West of the corporation,
will be offered for sale on Friday, March
JUST Eh:ICBrn—If you 500 a Brussels
youth with hie optic to mourning ; hie
proboscis spread over a large portion of
his fans ; or a zigzag trail from his ear
Southeasterly across his faoe, it is not
proof that he is an honorary member of
the Corbett -Fitzsimmons Society, but
merely indicates that the above mention-
ed tattooing is received in the prelimi-
nary sliirmiehee in the newly organized
hockey dub, We don't see why hockey,
well played, should not be about as good
for the medical fraternity, as prize fight-
ing or Canada's national game—lacrosse.
Tne Exeter Advents says :—It will be
sad news to many here to learn of the
death of Miss Harriet 311. A. Rogers, who
died of consumption at her Volae in
Brussels. It will be remembered that
Miss Rogers held the position of milliner
with Mre, D. Spicer about five years ago,
and after remaining here for two seasons
accepted a sial ar position with Mentz.
Merner & Wing, at Zurich, at which
place she remained until about two
months ago, when she was compelled,
owing to her declining health, to resign
her situation. Miss Rogers made many
warm friends while here who will be
deeply rained to bear of her death.
A TREAT Foto Evamnonr.—What is it ?
I thought yon knew 1 The neat, uni-
formed, sweet strained and popular Sera.
phatio Band, composed of skilled S. A.
musicians and voceli'te, with brass and
string instruments, in command of
Adjutant Archibald, assieted by Band-
master Keeler, will mune their second
visit and hold a mellefluent mnsioal
melee in the S. A. bee:nobs, Brussels, on
Tuesday, Feb. 23rd, at S p, m. Come
and hear their new and rich music, their
fresh aid original songs. A grand time
guaranteed. Admission, 10 cents only. OmanThis is Oman of a life time. Be aura
and take it in,
HUnoN MEDICAL AssociaxtoN.—The an-
nual meeting of the association was held
in the Town Ball, Seaforth, on Feb. Srct
when the following members were pres-
ent : Dr. Shaw, Pres. ; Dr. Turnbull,
Seo. ; Drs. ;tIoKtty, Burrows, Bethune,
McGinnis, Seaforth ; Smithery, l3ayfield •
McKenzie, Moncton ; Graham, Brussels ;
Taylor, Goderloh. Interesting papers
were reed by Drs. McKenzie and Grayson,
which provoked splendid discussion. A
resolution was passed by the aseo0iation
and presented to Dr. Grisham, of Brus-
sels, who le leaving the county to practice
in the oily, eulogising him for the creat
interest he has always taken in the as.
eooietion, being one of the first members,
and regretting his departure from the
The offsars foryear
Y a next
elected as follows :—Pres., Dr, 1\IoKay ;
V ico•Pres., Dr. Stanbary ; Sec. -T reas.,
Dr. McoGinnie. The next meeting of the
asenoietiot will be held at the House of
Refuge, Clinton, in April when many in.
terestiug cases will be presented.
Cecil Rhodoe is a hearty supporter of
the Salvation Army and he has made
Gen. Booth en offer of lead in Rhodesia
10 for the Army's nes.
Lodge Pnblio worship et the usual hours in
the Methodist (Metall next Sunday,
u Merging subject, "A roan who died well,"
evening eub}ecb, "A than wlto lived well,"
g e speeisl dienonree to young sten.
Rev. 1). Millar, formerly of Brussels,
has tendered his resignation of the Pres.
byterian ohurolt at Gob000uk. .1 faro•
well Imolai in the form of a supper and
eutertainment, was tendered Mr, and
Wire, Millar on the U ocoaeio) their
t E tar
leaving, Dr. Laurie read a beautifully
worded address to 31r. mud 1llre, It'Iillar
stud Mee. Bain presented them with a
well•fllled purse. Mr. Millar made a
feeling reply.
Philip Embnry—the third of the name
--whose Oogn0men Wets a hieloriacel one
its Methodism, died at Belleville Friday
night at the home of his eon•in-law, after
a weelt'e illness. Deceased, who was in
his eeventydnurth year, woe a grand.
nephew of the Philip Fiinbu•y who
brought Methodism to the United States,
and whose widow, in nompany with
Barbara Heek, introduced Methodism
into Canada. He wee born in Rlchtuond
township, and after many yea' e pageed
in fainting, he removed to Napttnee,
ivhero lie wits for some time town clerk.
Two years ego he retnoved to 13ellevilln.
One son end one daughter survive him.
A meeting of the executive of the Genie.
rich District Epworth League was held
in Clinton to arrange a program for the
next Oonvention, which will be held in
the Methodist church, Seaforth, en Tuee•
day, March 1011. There were present
Revs. J, Edge, S. Bond, J. W. Andrews,
W. J. Ford, R. Holmes, president ; H,
Foster and A. T, Cooper. The morning
session will be devoted to the Consider.
alien of Sabbath school topics, the after.
noon to League subjects, and the evening
to both Sabbath school and League mat-
ters. Rev, A. 0. Crews will be present
and will deliver a couple of addresses,
Business Locals.
Lairs herrings for sale at Jas. Dalian.
tyne'e grocery.
Suns made to order at ill. Riehardeon'e.
Cheapest place in town.
Fon dandy, well built cutters go to Jas.
Walker, carriage maker, Brussels.
Rooms or dwelling to rent over my
store. I. 0. Richards.
Gtt'r your buggy repaired, trimmed or
new leaned at ,las. Walker's, Brussels.
Do ",n i.,"oat the "epeir rubbers, boobs
and shoes sheep end durably.
I. C. Richards.
SEE the new steel buggy dash at Jas.
Walker's shop. Alec a patent tap, the
beet ont.
Some men's felt boots on hand yet
wbioh will be sold at a bargain.
I. C. Richards.
A NUMBER of well bred Blaok Minorca
rooetere for Bale. Apply to Leslie Kerr,
WANTze.—Rall batter, 180. ; dried cep.
plea, 80. Any quantity. G. .5.Iilxa,
20 CORDS of 22 inch stove wood wanted
for Methodist church, Brussels. Beech
or maple body wood. For further par-
tioulare apply to R. Leatberdale, Brus-
As I expect to leave Brussels by the
1001 or 15th of January all accounts
meet be paid by that date or they will be
placed in other hands for oolleotion. I.
0. RICltanne.
SHtoon'a Cure, the great cough and
croup ours, is in great donated. Pocket
size contains twenty.five doses ; only 25
Dente. Children love it. Sold by Jae.
Fox, druggiet, Brussels,
IbA1L's Clover Root will purify your
, blood, clear your complexion, regulate
your bowels and mate your head Wear as
a bell, 25 ch., 80 ate. and 5100. Sold
by ,las. Fox, druggist, Brussels.
Thanking the publio for their generone
support in the past we atilt a oentinnanee
of the same and will aim to give the beet
valve for their stoney to be obtained in
the county. I. 0. Rinbterds,
ANY one wanting their saws to out feet
and eBay had better bring them to me, as
I have the most complete outfit of latest,
new, improved saw tools. T. McGregor,
saw filer, Brussels, Queen St., East.
COMMUTABLE brick rosidenoe with every
convenience, furnace, &c., for sale or to
rent, Immedine possession given.
For furtber partienlars apply Y
to Mrs.
Walker Turnberry street,
THE hardest caws warranted full set
without breaking, as I have a new, safe
and fast way of Betting saws. Saws that
are in fine order given in exchange for
saws that are oat of order by paying the
difference. 'T. McGregor, saw filer, lime.
eels, Queen SL, ,Cast.
OAePETe.—Any one deeiriog carpets
will do well to call at the Brussels Wool.
en Mill before buying elsewhere, ae they
have the largest assortment of samples
ever shown in this locality, ranging in
price from 80e, to $1.00. Howe de Co.
Demme O1ttonen.—That eligible half
acre lot situate on the Southern portion of
Turnberry street, Brussels, will be die•
pesed of below cost. Very may terms.
Write for particulars to Joust HAnOneayes,
1.74 Queen et. West, Toronto.
Nine. T. S. Rewraps, Chattanooga,
Tenn., says, "Shiloh's Vitalizer "saved
my life." I consider it the beet remedy
for a debilitaod system I ever used,"
For dyspepsia, liver or kidney trouble it
excels, Price 75 ole. Sold by Jae. Fox.
CONSULT YOUtt D'ocron.—If he edvises
Cod Liver Oil we recommend Wompolo'e
Tasteleee Preparation. You can't taste
the nil ; all you taste is wild cherry, and
that's good, What you get is flesh and
strength. Ceras coughs, colds and
wastive diseases, JAS. POE.
9 m Chemist and Druggist.
NEW B,1RERy,—Flaving purchased the
business and good will of N. Blaolcmore,
I am now in possession and prepared to
attend to the wonte of the nubile. We
will have conetantly on hand a first-class
supply of broad, buns, cakes and pastry.
Dread delivered daily to all parts of the
town. Ordere promptly attended to.
The patronage of the people of Brussels
andjeurronndingoountrysolioited, Satis-
faction guaranteed, W. A. Onion.
Do NOT Ootao'outn Wright's Liver and
Stomach Pille with the numerous cheap
purgative pills that only riot on the
bowele, Wright's Liver and Stomach
Pills are given to you as a treatment
with full directions of how and when to
use them, The cost ie 50 cents a box,
One bar mares. Ask Jas. Fox, druggist,
Brunie, shout them and get a circular.
Don't Headache Powdere Will relieve
that violent headaohe in lees tiros than it•
takes you to read this, They are info,
susooesfnl, sure. 25 cents a box.
Oil elRl1II CliIMliS.
Next Sabbath Rev. Richard Pant will
preach on the Walton circuit.
Rev. John Ross has been appointed by
the Senate an examiner in Knox College.
Rev. R. Pani preached at the Nile last
Sabbath owing to the illness of Rev. J.
W. Pring.
Next Sabbath Rev. Jno, Ross will be.
gin a neriee of seri-none in Melville oharoh
on "Christ's Seven sayings on the Grose."
It may be news to come that the read-
ing circle of the Galt Methodiet cherob
Epworth League is the third largest in
the Dominion. Winnipeg ranks first,
with London second.
The Howtck Sund:ev schen! Convention
will be held in the Methodist church,
Fordwioh, on Tuesday, Feb, 10111. An
excellent program to being prepared and
it ie espeaed that title will be one of the
beet Conventions held yet.
Dr, Bnehanan, ,t missionary of the
Canada Presbyterian oharoh in Central
India, and at present home on furlough,
ie expected to deliver a missionary ed.
dress in the Presbyterian ehnroh, Sen.
forth, on Monday evening, Feb, 150.
Dr. Buchanan on his return to India,
will begin mission work among the
Blink', a tribe of India's millions not yet
reached by the Gnepel,
The Christian Endeavors Society wag
sixteen years old Tuesday of last week,
end meetings in celebration of that event
were held in all parts of the world.
Seeretaey Baer states that the enrolment
of Young People's Snoietiee of Christian
Endeavor is now 130.237, with a member-
ship of 2,174,220. In addition there are
1,875 junior societies, having 154,250
members enrolled. The mai who or-
ganized the Christian .Endeavor sieve.
Ment in Portland, Ma„ on Feb. 21d,1881,
wee the Rev, Francis E. Clark, D, D.
He to now in India, General Secretary
Baer of the 0, E. Society, dailies the re.
ports that. have wide circulation that next Convention will be taken from San
Francine and given to Chicago.
STt1NDa1RD •Baia' OF Cr4X0'LDt.2,
T-H.�Z,SSSx19 5P'72.
ASSETS, (Seven Million Dollars) $7,000,000
CAPITAL (Authorized) •• • 52,000,000
Agencies in all principal pointe its Ontario, Quohec, Manitoba, United States d(Englan d,
ear -65t gin S' Beait'air.
A General Banking Business Tranaaoted• Ferman' Notes Disoountsd.
Drafts to se to
t d and
le '
Col ot t
made on all points.
Interest allowed on deposits of $1.00 and upwards from dot of deposit to date of
withdrawal and compounded half yearly,
Every faoility afforded Customers living at a dietancn.
J. A. STEWART M.t71emaR,
m.runr ae>amocam,rwmmassaam m.ne .,y ugr m wa,uvm.smq
ilerueos of all kinds made to order and PUBLIC SALE
guaranteed collage and fine harness a
speclaty. I. 0. Richards. —OF—
The new Central Methodist ohuroh, to
be erected in St. Thomas, will with its
furnishings, coat 915,000. Taunter aid
Crossley, the evangelists, have made u
donation of 51,000 each towards the
eonebrnolion of the new ohuroh.
>B0am1y _
Lows.—In Grey, on Feb. 8th, the wife of
Mr. Jno. Lowe of a son, (still born,)
TAntN.—In Goderiob, on Feb. 8th, the
wife of Mr. John Tamin of 0. son.
Wn.Looats,—In East Wawanosh, on Jaen.
ary 28th, the wife of Mr, John Wil.
liana of a dangitter.
CLAUS.—In Morris, on Jan. 30th, the
wife of Mr. Wm. Clark, township
clerk, of a daughter.
ENNrs.—Iu Neepawa, on January 27th,
the wife of Mr. R. 0. Ennio of a son.
SEmxu,—In L+'Ima, on Jan. 29th, the wife
of Mr. Dave Seller, of a son.
MIDDLETON -In Mina, on January 20th,
the wife of Ilir. Alex, Middleton, jr.,
of a dangltter.
MCBeIN.—In Mildmay, on Jan. 28th, the
wife of Rev. 3, H, McBain, 13. A., of
a eon.
LUCAS—BRoct usnttoE.—At the residence
of the bride's parents, on Feb, 3rd,
by Rev, W. J. Waddell, Mr. Cyrus
Luoae, of Elma, to Miss Lydia
Brooltenebire, of Stephen.
limo's t—HAynrmox.—In Elma, ou Thera
day, Feb. 4th, 01 the home of the
bride's parents, by Rev. William
Cooper, B. A., Mies Beatrice, daugh.
ter of Mr, and Mrs. John B. Hamil•
ton, 10 Mr. Wm. Hunter, both of
ATTCT20N SASes,ti�•�
WEDNESDAY, VEIL 17th.—Farm stock,
implements, ,to., at South Half Lot 29,
Oon. 8, Morrie. Sale unreserved at 1
o'clock, Geo. Kirkby, auc, ; Albert Oar.
ter, prop.
TUESDAY, Feb. 2Brd:—Farm stools.
South half Lot 21, Con, 2, Morris. Sale
uureeerved, at 1 o'olook. A K. MoAllis-
ter, Prop., Geo, Kirkby, Ana.
TUESDAY, March 2nd,—Lot 13, eon. 4,
Grey. Farm stock, implements. &o.
Sale unreserved, at 1 p. m, Mrs. Owen
Smith, Proprietress, F. S. Scott, Auo.
:ze u mseemm Sa:ARt Swims,
Fall Wheat 78
Spring wheat 80
Barley._ „ .. 20
Peas 88
Pees (large) 54
Oats 15
Batter, tubs and rolls .,, 10
Eggs per dozen .., 15
Flour per barrel4 00
Potatoes (per bag) 25
Hay per ton- 7 00
Hidos trimmed 5
Hides lough .. 4
Salt per bbl., retail 1 00
Sheep skins, each 50
Lamb skins eaoh 15
Apples per bbl 50
Hogs, Live 4 00
Dressed flogs 4 00
4 50
8 00
4 10
5 00
Vl large suns, private funds, to loan on
goon Dtm'tga ge, Easy terms and very law
interest. S everal good Terme also for sal°.
Apply to A. aUNTbllt, Brussels.
T-'OUASE W3%ORof hoIi. W9NTED.—
vumhcY urs each tiny. Aelt tit
THE P001',
tvagan, now ashen' Hood cart for sale at
a bn•gain, Apply to a, CCTJSLliY,
z,01 10, eint
f'T.I,0110,11011 street Brussels, on which
10 a roomy wall, stable, 50. Terms.
entry, Apply to It, A DAM 8, Lend°shore', ar
F, S, 800'11, Brussels, 27.1
1,8 BY given that I will not bold myself
responsible for au yl debts oontraotediumy
name without my written order,
Ttlel,Feb, 151,1807,
prio0 will be paid for 0,000 or 4,1010
oerds of cord wood, either soft or ltartl, to bo
delivered this Winter Its the ENTERPRISE
SALT WOBSS,lltuseele,
2011 Betato of T. T. COLEMAN.
P.. 10010 of the nndereigned, LAt15, Con. S,
Morrie, on J.an, 22nd, a Yorkshire White Now,
Auy information heeding to bar recovery
will he thankfully received.
TH08, klTLLI1118,
20.15 Sunshine P. 0,
Bpd 10 n0065 se Brst'elasn land nzljalu•
in llrussele, for sale, There is a small bank
barn and to young orchard of 2i acres, Would
mate a Ono fruit farm or Market garcleu,
Proprietor bee afair dairy bueinose in eon.
uo°tion. Possession given at onoo. Will be
sold tot a low price, For further particulars
apply on the pronieee to 81110,110BB, Pro•.
0010100,13i'ueeeie P. 0. 20.4
R residence for sale, corner oftueen an
Turubo'ry Itetreste Brussels, erected last
year. there are oii Rio necessary convon•
ienoes on the premises such at Drat -class
°eller, hard and molt water, wood she el, stable
with stone foundation, &o, Furnace inhouse,
There it 1 aero of hod, Will moil ata rear
savable figure and on good terns as I. intend
removing from town, lfor further partteu•
tars apply to 33. A. LOW1t'2'd
27.11 l'reprfetaiy Bruteolo,
Farm in the Township of Morris
Under and by vi ilea of a power of sole oon-
tained in a mortgage dated the 7rd day of
A Aril, 1990, made by T'r000ie .7, 7(loOangboy
as Wortlagar to the Corporation o1 the
County of Huron and wbiob wag assigned by
ago! oilman t of mortgage dated the Set, day of
July, 1890, and both of which will be produc-
ed at the time of sale, therm will be olfered
for sale b Pnblio Anetion at the QUEEN'S
Tuesday, the 001, day of March, 18111,
at the hour of 12 o'clock, noon, that certain
farm Oom11'ieing the south half Of Lot num-
bar Twenty
of Mn ortis, In 1,h County of Huron,
Pum lately in 00 ouo0Otlti more
ylFrancis bethe
(l auehey,
The farm consists of 00 aoree 0food clear-
ed land fairly folioed and the balance is in
hardwood bush with Rano swathe.
andna fratm--e bare amid ellen. It all fie t situated
about 51 1101006 from the Town of preemie in
a toorl leaning section.
Plsants.-10 per cent, cash anti the balance
in 5O daye,if desired by the pntehasor a par -
tion of the purchase money may remain as a
list eueragage for a terns of years. 'Terme
iu other respects made known at sale and
meanwhile may ascertained on applica-
tion to F. 8. SCOTT, Bailiff, Bruoaols, or to
the Undersigned.
Solicitors for Assignee, Merlin, Ont,
Dated Yob. Mb, 1597. 014
or to rent Lot 19, Con,8, Grey.
For partleulars apply to
2.8. T. 81001815, Brussels,
DERSIGNED Be triaipsalo a,USY ems, good
of teforris and Grey. F S. SOOTT,Brussals
ORD land for sale in the Village of
Cranbrooh on which are good buildings.
Also a good buggy, nutter and sot of tingle
harness, a bargain will be 00'st'ed, For far-
tber particulars apply to
27• t1 Craubroott,
near Brussels. Greet bargain. Lot 7,
Con. e, Grey townehhp. Geodr buildings and
orohar d, well watered, suitable for mixed or
dairy Pawling. Possession given next March.
es9 H.
PORT Publishing H•uler to HITAE,
London West,
and Otto Oot:eeteinno, 'Oowoel fpaeres—Consistinofs of GrIt oney, he ben
ing 1 mile trans the Village of Ethel and 51
miles from Brussels. 40 aeon of Vali wheat
sown and about 8o aures under grate ; 90
0000115 010000d on each. Perms of payment
easy. A, Mc1ELVEY, 111, D.,
O4- .____---- Brussels,
—ice name of good farm land at
d for sale al n low prison. 1VThelp olperoffer.
y fe
North East 3 Seo,10, Ttvp. 11, Hauge 4, East.
There is to house ou the promises and some
breaking done. For full particulars as to
prloe, title, &a„ write or apply to
G. F. BLAIR or W. 51. 011510101,
20.11 Brussels, 0,11,
A- 100 acre farm in Morris TOwneloip,'J
miles from Brussels, known les the ,Barrie
Good bank nlc ant
, g
link hon
good (minted, in every respect achoice nn
Also a large
quantity al l part ,s, ,' sap p yit
straw and oats, For all ago 0dart apply to
JOHN MOORAE of the Village of Brussels, or
to G. 10', BLArn.
Name at Brussels, Jan, 20111,1897,
.70004 ioroCEAE,
▪ Consisting of the Routh 1 anti Routh 1
of the North 1 of Lot 50, Cou 2, Last Wawa -
nosh, This is an excellent stock feral, beteg
well impelled withood spring water. Itis
situated !Motet 8 miles from the thriving 'Vil-
lage of Blyth. A largo part Of lb is under
grass, Buildings and teeaes are in a fair
state of repair. Easy terms of payment will
be 1.given. (4 FpBLAII, uBanistlei',lyto
(. That excellent farm, Lot 15, Oen, 8,
Township of e3goy, 100 nares, must be sold ab
01000 i0 01'der to 01050 estate of deceasedown-
er. The/obis nearly nit aleerel, with gond
11 Ample
fromt Crasil;'ialo lis R nater
good cultivation end 1e a very desirable pro•
llorty indeed, Apply to 10St)lfAItt) MIT-
CHELL, Preemie 1', 0, 1 JOHN 1.41'201' ELL,
011 um promisee ; or A. HUNTER, Brussels,
Dated Sept, 101,1t,1098,
Um Township of Grey. In order to
7,'1'ow Township of Grey,, 50 acoee an estate the Wed res, lof e nffer'erdfor
immediate sale, 00 tbo premises aro a good
Name dwelling with ltiteltsl,. &a•, also two
frame barns, gond water, orchard, &u., and le
Close to the village of Ethel, Soil is of the
batt rod farm] is well !01,005. Apply to
Jamctstowu " orA.Brussels
Brite els,
The eligible 200 nom farm , composed of
lots 10 lad 17 In the loth con., Grey township,
Huron Co„ and 50 [cores, part of tote 10 and
17, Ilth eon„ belonnging to the Robert Brown
estate, 18 olloratl fur sale t0 wind eg oetato,
Po the 00001 fermi is a good stone Mouse and
largo bank bare, neeoeoary outbeildiuge, 00.
oha0;d, ,to, Parra wolf weberod, troll fenced
sed iu good state of Outtivattoe. About 00
aurae of bush, 42 of which is hardwood. Ou
the 00 acre farm there is s. hone(' ,Rud barn,
ora hard, and about 8aura oi bush, Parma
sold jointly or separately to snit. purchaser.
Possession given M the li'ali, Farms tum on -
1y a mile lscnn tib village of Oranbrool,,
Wham aro oboe!, churches, post -officio,
stone, &e,, and83 miles to the thriving tnar-
kettown Brunette lior briber ptertlo0htre ,17,O,aj, A. ]oIAWIiINS,
as to mien, terms, &o., apply t° ei
win give lessons tonettiIs t1for o.
AGNES BROWN, piano or oraau, at his kfuVie Boost, opposite
he post-el/foe,
algaJOIIN gleam T0 pews ox ree 10 teething.
Oranbrbolc P.O. Terms mndorato,
RI'iB 12, 1897
WI1 You V Bailee
To try a Medicine which we can
highly recommend for that Cough or Cold
or will you take something which some-
body said somebody else used ?
It doesn't really make any difference
to us bnnituee our stock ut Drugs and
Modioiuee is so complete that We meal
supply all domande, but then if WO know
that a bottle of our Syrup of White Pine
and Tar will effect a cure within a abort
time and at loss cost wlty not take our
word anti try it. 25e. pays for a bottle of
Sure Onre—not a bottle of Doubtfulness.
I30 if you ask for any particular
Medicine hero yon get it. We never offer
suggestions nor substitutes unions request-
ed to 110 so.
Don't forget the name—Fox's Syrup
of White Piuo and Tar
Poz's Digs Store,
• Honor Graduate of elle Ontario
Veterinary College, is prepared to treat all
diseases of domesticated animals in to eom-
potent manner. Particular attention paid
to veterinary dentistry. Calle promptly 01.
tsutlecl to. OOlce and Insanely—four doors
north of bridge 't,urnberry at., Brussels.
.Lbua Soliolter and OOnv oyanoor. Colleo-
tious made. OOloe—Vanetono's Block, Brus-
sels. 21-8m
• solicitor, Conveyancer ,Netm•yPub-
lle, &e, 0111eo—Vaustouo's Bloelq 1 door
north of Oentral Hotel, Private Ponds to
13. • (Formerly of Cameron, Bolt R;
ban Cron,) Barrister and Solicitor, Gcttericlr,
Out. Odlee—Hamilton 8t:, Opposite Col-
borne Hotel.
Molieito', .be. (Into ut Garrow &
Proud/no is Ot1ee, Goderich.) OBioe over
Gilldos & Smith's Bank, Brussels,
Money t0 Loan. 47
Licensed Auctioneer. Sa1ee conduct
ed on 1'eesonable tame. Farms and farm
stooks specialty. Orders left et TEE Poar
P ubli thing Houso,13ruseole, or sentto Walton
P.O., will receive prompt attention,
e tam, will soli for bolter prices, to
better moa in ass time and less charges
than any other Auctioneer in Last Huron
or he won't charge anything. Dates and
orders can always be arranged at this oBioo
or by pars oval application .
v Who has had25 y041.58xp0Y]e1Me tie an
Auctioneer, but who had to quit owing to ill
health, bus again taken out license and is
prepared to conduct sales at reasonable
terms. Sat,efaotion anagen toed. Dates natty
be arranged at Tun Pon Publiebine House.
15•tf Anetioueer.
Atoka Order of lied workmen,
This old and prosperous Fraternal Aetoo
anon numbering 550,000 members are pre
senting to the nubile their popular and aeon- •
omical rates to 'worthy teen, 01 Otto vary ]ow
roto of about 38.00 nor $,1,000 per annum.
The "Workmen" Promptly Pay Beath
claims and expect a largo increase to its
members now that those American Lino
Companies don't deem satisfactory to Can-
110137. A10M8T010NG M,W, ; NV, 11. REI11,
Recorder; J. A. O1tEIG'HTON,Financier,
. IeouroroferevriageLfoenses, Ofitoo
at his Grocery, Turnberry street, Brussels.
Tonsorial Artist. 810010—Next door
eolith of A. kf. McKay & Co's hardware store.
Ladle s' and uhildrous hair nutting a epooialty
Saviege Bank takes Deposita from
$1.00 00 31,000 and allows 9�y per cont.
i utercet. T, FARROW,
07.Otn Po0tmaster.
1NsnoAN0E, ,
1115081 of Marriage Licenses,
u No
Witness Required.
T. FLETCHER, Bgnseele
Clerk of the F'ollrtb DtVletOn Cour
06. Buren. Convey/moor, Notary Pnblio
Land Loan and /nem%bee Agent. Funds
invested and to loan. Oall8otlono made
(Mice in Graham's Blnalt,Brueeols