HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-2-12, Page 7EJB. 12 18fl7 1' 08, THE NEWS IN R NIITSHE THE VERY LATEST FROM ALL Tel WORLD OVER. entereating Items About Our Own Country Crest Britain, the United States, an AU Parts of the Olohe, Condensed an Assorted for Easy Rewltog. CANADA. :Parliament: has been called to me iin b4Areh 11. 'rho curfew by-law will be enforce In alamilton. 'Lane, strike at the Springhill, N. $ toairres has been settled.. The .Eastern portion of Lake Erie reported to be frozen over. Mr. JohnMcisergow was elected Pre aident of the Montreal Board of. ',Fredt The Tioebetaga Bank will inerease Lt 000 ital stock front $800,000 to $1,000, Hon. J. L Tarte has completed it rangelments for the survey of Erase !liver. A Chatham syndicate is reported t have struts!: a rich flow of oil at Both well. A strike of garment workers in. tin wboleea.e clothing factories of Ilamil ton is threatened. The cMantreaL Petrie says it is ru 'sneered that there will soon be a Pap abl+egate in Canada. 7t is considered probable in Montrea that there will be an early dissolution o the Quebec Legislature. :immigrants who arrived and settle in Canada last year nuanbered 25,47 against 25,571 in 18'J5. The steamer State of Georgia, 3 days out from. Dnntzic for Halifax, ha been given up for Jost. 11°Bliwt Tisdale, who lived fourtee miles north of Pilot Mound, Man., wit frozen to death last week. 71e amount of money at, present de posited in the Dem.mton Post -Office an Savings Banks is 357 875,775 The Ottawa Eneetrio Street Railwa Company hist year carried more the ane million and a half passengers. At a meeting of the Manitoba Cabin aa• on Thursday it was definitely decide< to call the !louse together on the 181 of February. Bir. Il. Beaugrand, ex -Mayor of Mont real, and proprietor of Le Patric+, S slowly recovering, and is now quite ou of danger. Lord /Aberdeen has presented ex Mayor Borthwick, of Ottawa, with silver inkstand, as a souvenir of hi term of office. Evangelist H. Clarence Ramsey, o Toronto, has Ieft for China, where h is to engage in missionary work fo many years. The Springhill miners' strike is no settled, and the union has called au the men who were fighting the fir in one slope of the mine. The Donaldson line steamship \Var wick, which ran on the Yellow .Mu ledge, Nova Scotia, two weeks ago, h disappeared frown sight. The. Ottawa branch of the Camilla Federation of Labour has declared fon an Alien Labour law, and reciprocit in Iabour svzth the United States. Bricklayers an the sewer works it London are on strike because Forema Smith refused to pay a fine of $25 inn posed by the Toronto union, A new morning paper is shortly to appear in Montreal. la will be a lour asnagethe Morning Despatch. ng i1'will be know Mr. James Mussels, a G.T.R. yard man at Niagara Falls, was caught be t.ween the draw -bars of two cars whit eoupiing, and instantly killed. The profits on the sliver and copper coinage accruing to the Dominion Gov ernment during the past year amounts to seventy-six thousand dollars. The fourteen -year-old son of Mr. Hen- ry Triyp, of Ridgeway, Ont., was drown- ed in the lake of 'Windmill Point last Wednesday white sleighing on the ice, Premier Laurier has declined en in- vitation to speak at the Washington birthday celebration in Chicago on Feb. 32 owing to pressure of business. The directors of the Central Canada Fair, Ottawa, intend enlarging the fair grounds and reconstructing the -1 main building clueing the coming sum- mer. 4 A sIortage of about $2,000 has been discovered in the funds of Brant County and 'Township, of which the Treasurer was the late Mr. W. S. Campbell. Hon. Sidney Fisher announces that he Las completed arrangements with shipping companies at Montreal for cold storage for agricultural and dairy products. Capt. Collier of the London Salvation Army, in speaking of "Worldly Am- usements," condemned skating, but ad- rg! mittecl he had never been in a skat- ing rink in his life. A convict named Harrigan •Ivlunged a fork into the arm of a convict nam- ed McDonald in Kingston Penitentiary on Wednesday. Ilorr'igan was sent to prison rison of isolation. "reinter Laurier has replied to the 13ritish Consul -General at Brazil, guar- anteeing the expenses of returning ele- ven more Canadian families, compris- ing forty persons from Brazil. Capt, McNeil, of the Donaldsvin SS. Amarynthia has been condemned to pay to the wife of Dr, De Cow $700 for the contents of a trunk! stolen from his vessel in 3uiy, 1895. Aecording•to official returns the pro- duction of reg iron in Canada more than doubled during the Last fiscal year, 84,- 607 tons having he= produced, as against 31,611 in the previous year. London is supplying food and cloth- , ing to a band of 80 gypsies; men, wo- men and children, who are encamped to lelavethe theirihorseessdhe in are unable been stolen. ng strayed or James Mackie, station agent at the G. T. R. junction, near Kingston, and for 30 years connected with that rail- ' way, and Robert Thompson, of the freightdepartment at Kingston, have been dismissed. Pilotage commissioners a.r, Halifax, St. John, Sydney, Victoria and other ports bave been asked to refund to the Government fees appropriatedby them during 1895 which ware not allowed under the statutes. GREAT BRITAIN. The formal enthronement of Dr, Creighton as Bishop of London took place on Saturday. The battleship letonaroh was platted in commission at Chatham on Tuesde,y,. Sha will go to South Africn., it is said the Queen's daughters are to bit made Duchesses y in their own, right to mark the diamond jubilee Year. i 4 The 00ua1 Jacobite demonstration to* place in front of the sae, of Charles I. In Trafalgar square, Lon- don an Saturday.Dantalg. Sir Donald A, Smit, the Canadian High Commiesloner, bus donated the sum of five hundred pounds to the In- dian famine fund, :Nis, T. P, O'Connor has sold his Even- ieg Suri to a Tory syndicate, and has 1 become parliamentary sketch writer to d the Daily Telegraph. The body of Immo Pitman, the invent- er of the Pitman system of 8horthaned Inll, wee dist week, was cremated et 1 Woking on Thursday. Mr. Joseph Arch, the leader of the d agricultural labor movement, is about write Itis Jnemcirs, which will be ed- h iWarwick, 1e 1 by the Countess et \ arpv okt " It bus become evident that there will no (=simulation of the eight months' s imprisonment passed upon Lady Scott for libelling her son-in-law, Earl Rus- - sell. a' Lieut: Governor .Tiirkpatriek, who re- a csntly underwent an operation in a - London private hospital, continues to make favourable progress towards re- r- eovery, r It Is understood that Lhe Prince of \Vides will attend ono of the series of a farewell banquets that Ambassador - Bayard willgive to bis friend et Cho Embassy. o It is rumored that Cal, Cecil Rhodes - has documentary proof of the intrigues alleged to have taken place between _ President Kruger, of the Transvaal, and I thb German Government. The British and Foreign Arbitration I Association has cabled to Washington f a petition to the United States Senate in favor of the ratification of the Anglo-American arbitrWen treat.rt d g y g Irish affairs continue in the forefront of British polities, but it is generally 4 admitted that the party made a tnoti- s cal mistake in withdrawing the amend- went an Ireland's overtaxation to the address. e lair. Joseph Chamberlain, in the Muse of Commons on Wednesday, solid that he was not in 0 position to state what d progress had been made towards an ins- proved Canadian mail service, explain- in. that the Dominion Government is ' all considering the question. n s UNITED STATES. Bat, Gladstone hasgone to Cannes. i The National Bank at Potsdam, N. 11 Y„ has closed its floors. Gilbert Rud, aged 25, was frozen to dsuth at, Spring Valley, Minn. s The heavy ice in the Ohio /liver has t caused a total suspension of naviga- tion, - Tito steamer Cervie, five days over- n p s due New Ixroork. m Liverpool, has arrived at A father, weber and three children ffounded were frozen to *esti! near Little Reck, o Ark., yesterday. • r Buffalo is suffering from a water fa- C mine, caused by the intuku being chole- t ed with slush ice, e The lumbermen of Tonawanda, N. Y., area unit in demanding a protective policy on Canadian lumber entering the nr United States. Calm, John Campbell, of the barque British -America, was frozen to death n two !Hiles out of Mobile, Alabama, on Tuesday night. Y A bill has been introduced in the Texas House of Representatives prohi- 1ofp bitingthe manufacture orsale hstols n in tat State. _ - A fire in Philadelphia destroyed a tnilJhon dollars' worth of property. air. John '1Vanemaker's store was one of _ the buildings damaged. Sir Julian Pauncefoto and Secrd:ttry Olney on Saturday signed the con- donventuon for ot he Alase kan boundn arytline According to statistics prepared •in Albany, EX., /the average of wages paid in New York Stateavec' to working -Fra men is 3436 a year, compared with gut in ntario. d Tho betrothal is announced in Lou- don of Noss Alice Harper, dauglnte of the tate Henry Harper of Philadelphia, to Captain Phillips, of London, for- morly of the 13th Hussars. • Secretary Adaat, of the British Le- gation at Brussels, has been appointed to succeed Viscount Gough, secretary of the British Embassy at Washington, res°qtly appointed secretary of he Em- bossy at Berlin. The new timber dry dock and the largest in the Brooklyn, N.Y., navy' yard, is reported to be rasp feet shorter and four unites sballower than the specifications called for. It has already cost the Government $538,679. The United States Senate Commit- tee on Foreign Relations has agreed too report favourably the ltcs agreed treaty, with amendments, the moat out there- Portant of w11iaL• is striking out the clause appointing Piing Oscar, of Swe- den, umpire. It is semi -officially stated that ney;o- tiations for a treaty of general orbit- ration between France and the Unit- ed Slates were commenced about ayear ago, but were only resumed when it was announced that the Anglo-Ameri- can treaty had been definitely oonclud- ed,The The condition of business in the Unit- ed States, according to the commercial reports of Messrs. Bradstreet and Dun, of New York, eleme little or no actual There are trade fluctuations here and there, ands tone of fair con- fidonce in the future appears to exist among commercial men, As a rule trade is dull and prices continue low; the month. is called a disappointing one, for the siunple reason that expectations as to the amount of trade likely to be done to t -bo amount of trade likely to be clone at the beginning of the year run too higli. Some woollen mills have stop- pad during the week, but a larger num- berhave started, and more stili aro pre- paring to start at once. While there Is no actual improvement in trade, the conditions aro such as to inspire justi- fiabie confidence. , : GENEItJilr.. Dr. Zedekau'er, the Czar's private pby- sician, is dead. 191c reported illness of the Czar is again denied. Bombay has had 9,835 deaths since the plague broke out. Senor Canovnk del Castillo, the Span- i Premier, is slh hal v molt posed, sb Slightly I The, [101+008 have presoinntoda draft of the reforms demanded in Turkey to the Sultan. Princess Louise of Boletnm. is re- ported to have eloped with a military officer. has ordered six battalions of. troopItas_ to be put• in readinese to start for nan9SO�Wal1. The Chilean Governme,nt is being de- fraaded annually of more than $10,• 000,000 through smuggling. It is annatmCed that two nti1110n poo- pic are now employed upon, the re- net works in the famine districts of India, , , , ' , . 1 The whaler Nimrod has been sent s verde or the from St. State steamer "Jtata of Gcur ha, overdue Erna! n Georgia, Prince 13ieuturek is relentedunusual- ly ,strong and sepia and in spite of 1 he. bad 'weather he takes long walks and drives daily, J'he Grand Duchies Xenia, sister' of the Czar, and wife of (he Grand Duke Alexander MichaeloviLch, has given birth to a son. Advices from Ilavarte. says that the conflict between the sugar planters and 1Veyler Continues* with more b1ttez•nees than ever. It is denied at Madfrltl that negol is aliens ere pending for new earn- a verde' treaty between Spain aunt the United t 1 States, The officials of the..Japanese Legs- tion In St. Petersburg eonfirru the re- port that the league has broken out, in the Island of Vamoose.. In spite of official denials 11. is be- coming generally known that, the don- talonon of the Comes health is critical, and that a Regency is probable, The proposed visit of the Czar incl Czarina to Romps and London at the end of April bits been eaneelled, owing to the health of their Majesties. J This betrothal is announced of the eldest son Prance of 6f _Edinburg, the eldest son of the Duke of I dinbur -JI, to Princess Feodo•e of Saxe-Mehningen, Sir Herbert Murray, Governor of. Ne'rvfoundlaud, will leave St. John's 011 February 9 for Halifax. 111 is stated that he is °owing to Ottawa to discuss another proposal for confederation, A! battle is reported to have taken place on Tuesday between Brazilian troops and reli'gious fanatics in the State of Bahia, Brazil. The loss on both sides was 250 Iri1lea. to Madrid report says that General Azearraga, Minister of War, is to bo appointed Goverrnor-General of Cuba,, and that Gen. Winder is to be retained as conpmander-in-obief. Lieut von Brazwitz, the German offi- ser who some time ago rang laboring through ithe bask with a sword for knocking age nst his chetir in a cafe, bas been sentenced to three years' impria- onment.yi Advices from Agordat say that the dervishes, who were believed to be ad- vencing on that place, have abandoned their fortified camp at Aniideb and are retreating in the direction of A'imeasi, pursued by the friendly natives, 1111 11 U IM t! 11lU Pj THE DIAMOND JUBILEE .-,.. COLONIAL PREMIERS INVITED TO VISIT LONDON, - •!f+, n'ltrrril t,,parlrr ttcltNs-•.4 rrepoxrd Nitllalnit SudI'Ci4ltpOa 1111,151+°!'Penta^ rniln Pitie+. A despatch Eleni London says: -Re Piling on Friday In I.he pause of Cotn- knolls to !Sir!SirGeorge Baden-Powell, mem- ber of l he Kirkdale division of Liv- erl 1,' 1'11..4. Se`tary of State for tine C'ulonhcs, erc r. Joseph Chamberlain, con- firmed the report that the Premier of Pape Colony, in common with ail the+` olher Prowlers throughout the Bons,' g l'impire, had been invited to visit the Queen on the. occasion of her diamond jubilee. Mr. Chamberlain added that the Premiers of Canada, Cape Colon , and Natal hail alreadyy accepted. n enrh 511x5 line wife of the Premier, his persetal staff, and a detachment of troops from the colony he represents 1 urs included f c tlltt ith irity There is official authority for stat- int; thnl. the Queen has, through( the Rt. Hon. .laseph Chamberlain, Seere- Lary of State for the Colonies,, invited Mr. W. Laurier, Premiet' of Canada, , , and the ober colonial 1 temie.is of the :Empire to visit London this; sum- mer as stifle guests, with their suites, and attend the shamans! jubilee cele- hit tons on June 20. The Canadian Government is also being asked to send detachments of the permanent local forces to England, including, if o shhule, a partyg g t in say nloicnted Police, to takof e part [1110. acv pageant of the whole Ran- the Golvernment, als have formal been aannie conference while the colonial Premiers are here, but it is doubtful whether sufficient important questions are ria for p public discussion, The political character which the imperial preferential tariff question has assum- ed here makes it unsuitable for dais- mission, even if the colonists were agreed swan se themselves. : A despatch from Ottawa says:--IYrr. W. 3's. Gower, C.l;., of Montreal, wino is the prime mover in the proposal to appoint a Canadian Exeoutivo Com- lnittee of the Mayors of the different Canadian cities to arrange for the pre- Majesty on the occasion of her die- mond jubilee was in the city an Fri- day. a had a conference with Mayas Bingham. ale said that the Mayors of the leading cities were favorable to the proposal, and prepared to eater into 11 most heartily. They all were agree- able to meet'' in the ca ital vvi.th one exception the Mayor of Montreal. The first Meeting will be held here in a few weeks. mayor Blangbam is de- cideclly in favor of the proposal. South Have r r,, yY' Fv°, 6 p� 0 .r" :t v •p '� '? �a1I tY•• t•' �!* f Wiat disordered leas man his is tans 'vieh do o 'or cu!n]y "'hs ,f :Lt•nu Liver. i,ep.;a. ,'er' "At :mild fromthe 10any '\• ns e. rr 'ervine, in by eve, taking had 0 proved •ith \' Y+ J. r,'?tr'° t y1e l t l�"t, , 711 `" ,*. t e3 4. 5 { ,', ' 'K" said to liver so important of ease his thuasands, a ley life g t times compelled .1µ me 11, local go `t Greatly Since Mwi••,,i,yY,b',�,1!�I ,}�' , , h ,r, ,, Jt, k J El t •?f y y( ,,.0 7 . , ,' '.' t 1 (f ills that hold man work ter.fioatiun It is, Ont., had h the For Em Employing not remedies resorthtnntryuSouthdAmerrtcan whir*. by 1 got nem talreh to work steadily Liver American American Half improved So r7 r, -0 ! " •ff�lS} W r•,.. ' a ,,!., , pi� i , zvd:' %r`',t" t!+ g °7 4tur p' 1 f t,; d 7;,,,) ' , ai v vi °7t" . 11 d; i 4 y.�n • i4'<' kp' ii` '> `` t P i1 ,.1 p1R ; r Pu�bt� r p, /�:,t1g' • lr,Y>.61'04.4.,.3� come liver! 11 correct was out a that when the whole aright. nay, that felt been unhealthy len years liver my liver bear tt uualde. without to had Erie!+ds a bottle druggist, -ding half a, -stn, score. Sold s r ^ * _. ,l ati•` LE, { --Suffer$' Scenes and Befor Came. Cured Una, + - +i1 p '�' •' .� �•!`'+'t t,f4 e t, tt i i r '' i " -lir owr 1'. wit, tint• ti at dais• try -201 the Mr matte* 11011 Oui Yc 10 a in mar and It the and at Mr. me* a en - { Dyspepsia--Suffere Complaint, and Dyspepsia i' and Found No Relief in the ofMedicines Gdichies reset ibed. ' .Nervine Was ft"eoriunen,deti, a Bottle Was Taken Jzulief Rapidly, and Ani Says hl r. David IZoid, of Cheslcy, Now Completely :.:'r ir+ :r � 1t} +�"i`4�j `&. 14i.;, iso •w.` •' n� �p � ''/! /�k f' W , ,e,1i! \ `, j,j' � ' /i/ 1 �; ,... 'r �t is ,. I Y', ! • tz n" ,� r et „r' 3 ¢" q:} ' ?[ `' �4 ( , tp �, t{ ' �. i vfdt " ., `� Y' k,\ � f �" s ?, t t y ��, \ 1 `i, �' I • l' � (t ;4 11 ll� + ll� � [ ;t� �strf v, ! t,.1 t °� l4l ti fp digt, �t %'e't ' 4 �'P JA rr ➢i ., 4.4113 }cam g i45 F iS' ., ^'r •••'.:rye Yat {ice / l,r South tells iv lived case But to the be indigestion, trouLle, so all terrine the case. thousands and of secret ve centers disordered, strikes hence, use good, brought and "Y c', ti°'} } `,"t t ey 4f`',' k) t !l kie><'i x�a i�? ,,�i``\i vtiy, • "l . } k I ! -i r t, nee pn1� f� a �#Dn' Y s `@ a, s er` ` America/ lion). dyspep This is It in hie necessary a host of a long was known teat makes This great most as with that man;:, the effort e. It It to -day healthier Its discovers. about it, secret. of all life sickness, promptly ss with of other less titan about a few bottles ( �, } —.-,•, i 111 /� fes : •''- p� y� r / , i�/ Or' as , s y // . ; �q��{ � � int y �.t-•�{" -- "4t'Iy., ';�, ' I�'E. P.' ,. i" p <+' \ / ,kii, 1ti ,QA. 1 +Ii L / ,,,, . ( �� )"t ` �Y _ ;r t r /, na p t+(' 'i, fI '` " sj�/-,rs t! � I i:'i' �l i� Bart /�i •`" +` 1 r )� % li1.T' i�+ill1 - ens,r A. s -se - �,tr� `3 // Ji l :) •e.'iE- S\ y�f/r �� i 7 /y n` i s „�,��(r ) � i ` ;' .i' ,<i1,1 --� � /47 4 1111 t r,_ h ,¢:I 'V ° %tF;+ iy � . \ r � \ .rg \ �^ U�(• v+ f `'' -a-" i ! ? (- ,' �/ recommend any suffering complaint" as he Were it thought tr,' Reid has and his bad one, to Nervine. equal Let St liver prostration, with that sap woman, of and happier because no great is an important the eemanate or if Nert•tne censers, ten years' done no Nervine results, McColl A DECAYING NATION. -- starun+g Proposition *tile by the French Premier. The National Alliance for the In- crease of the Population of France, 113' Dr. Bertillon, Chief of the Municipal Statistic Department, of Par- is, in view of the alarming state of the population of France, as shown by the recently published census, is die- cussing a curious proposal from BI. BIe line, the French Premier, with a view to coercing parents to increase their families. The plus proposes that Gov- ernment scholarships in schools and ae- ademies shall only be given in the case of families of not less than three liv- In g children, anti. that all Government posts, unless requiring special qualifi- cations, or favours, like tobacco licens- es, concessions in the colonies, etc„ etc., shall be similarly given, and that promotion and allowances be regulat- ed according to the number of chil- dren. Tho proposal i9 meeting with serious consideration, Dr. Bertillon, earlythe duringlt the prestha entsus month� said appalling* and that unless a miraculous change los the better takes place ee will soon disappear as n great ea""a. Germany, in 184I, it appears, had about he same• population as Prance; but to -day she is credited with having 14,000,000 of inhabitants more than France. Then, again, during the last five years, he population of Germany has increased by 3,000,000, while that of France, in the sante period, has only increased about 175,00. Finally, it is shown that in 1873 the number of young men on the lists for military service was about the same in Germany and France, whereas to -day the number of German conscripts is 450,000, while the Trench conscripts only number 330,000. to humanity from a 'Henry Ward Beecher was fm onetble for a spiritual views If of order. The weer part of the mechan- It ceases to work man is unable to Can we not appeal tens of thousands, of this fact? Cer- Mr. David Heid, of that the enjoyment taken from him, condition of his he says he was and dys- his own has awn language: was so tender I pressed or touched Fad tried it, great any benefit. drop my work, and Leen recommended wile had been cured from A. S. Good- and commenced m directions, Before s. hot le 7 wee able and 1 have Int- 1 can consaten- . byDeadman "`` ! tlously I Nervine to 'eta or liver I Reid's story words. could be curroborr nesses. Mr, In Chesley, be a very difference covery rises occasions. most chronic Reid, nervous life miserable headaches, of h man or the necessities great medicine Canada are and women, There is Yet there system fromwhichperates on healthfulness, even death. the nerve Reid, where -dicines had bottle at couragtng cured. & LADY ABERDEEN AND THE QUEEN. — victoria senate .tn huporinnt siessiae 11, Canada. Her Excellency Lady Aberdeen has announced to the French section of the Montreal Branch of the Aberdeen Aa sedation the plan which !ler :Majesty Queen Victoria wishes to have follow- ed in the celebration of her Diamond Jubilee in the Dominion of Canada. Her Excellency said that n scheme had been suggested to which she would like the ladies present to giwe their boat con- sideration, This year being the six- beth anniversary of Her Majesty's reign, it had been suggested that the women of Canada should eo-n co-operate and organize what alight be termed "The Victorian Order of Home Helpers in Canad," me Majesty," says Lady Aberdeen, "has intimated her desire that the commemorative measures ad - oteg andi a. unigifarr the ick rm suffer hag in isolated parts of the Dominion, The hospitals anuattag° hospitals a1 present existingare not sufficient to meat the wants of the people, and the idea. 15 to have a band of woman'work- ars to nurse and look after the sick and suffering. Women eligible to join the order must not he under tbarty years of age, and would receive a thor- ough practical training in midwifery and 'first aid to the injured.' Exam- inations testing the practical know!" edge and abilities of all the candidates' would he under the supervision of a capable medical board. A badge and uniform would be provided nil members of the order,a it "vas also thought advisable that members should be bound to tbo work for a definite period, of !perhaps, three years. The order would be one of which all wdmet might be proud to become members, and Would be. a public and national institution, A salary of about $20 a month would lyse paid, and the workers would in no way interfere with legitimate medical work, scheme is a noble one and, through the women of Canada, will appeal to the, whole country. "It is pro ossd to start. a one -dot- p lar zubseriptlon fund for this object, s° 111101 all willing eau taloa part 111 the work," -*--e,---band THE CZAR'S GOLD PLATE, For file banquet that took place im- metllately after the eoranat.ion of the Czar no less than 320,000 pounds weight of the finest crystal, gold and silver .late was used, 63,000 pounds .of this being composed of the,preeious metals. The most famous services of plate aro the Orloff and this London service, the hast including, amens other thinggs. copies of four equestrian statues on the Anichkoff Bridge in St, Petersburg, four others representing hunting scenes, and ert representing one Society e dragon. Y Y tht among the arystaiis there are some wonderful vases, with bunches a grapes cut in relief. The Orloff service con- and ofnioxtais large silr rd centra nieces for the table, ofge silver workman- ship. A tibircl service, known as the iolteu eeservice, P�nm s ii goldenery c ,beought en867, media. ROYAL Proposal Apetition out the Edward Brunswick, isb Columbia, to his lf,xcellency, esnor-General he exert authorities yuI Artillery Camels so as to at Gte reign. years ago Guards tctn Blass., objection there is should a British In many ostrich net workrooms wadding tion. The girls 1y tbetr subscriptions, to one wages, the girt subscriptions To be have subscrhhod mage,• becoming choose her, lo`t'-workers. will frequently bore, ud years perhaps A feather feather orous tint ago, thing grandly, when p Ran (tress blossoms profusion. aalfa 2, d iliore'tglt eh re:h to bridesmaids oabs and ARTILLERY BAND. ._- lo Invite the Ftunoes Organize* chili 10 Thfs Country* is being eir'oulatedthrough Provinces of Ontario, Prince island, Nova Scotia, New Quebec, Manitoba, and Brit wallah will be forwarded Lord Aberdeen, Gov- of Canada, asking that his influence with the Imperial to have her Majesty's Ro- barna make a tour of aand remain •over in Torontq• take pant in the celebration sixtieth 'aur of the Queen's The petition states that some the band of the Grenadier were ermitted to visit Bos- and that as thexo was no raised on that occasion, no reason why the Artillery not be allowed to visit colony. FOR TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS, i i '' AK I N l+l,.-s' "'t �N it� . ,l i 5 l�fv , THE COOKS BEST FRIEND LAiiI:eST SALE IN CANADA. _ LEATHER REIFTNANTS, .Malarial 5111'11101 No lhu•t is Permitted la Lao le waste. Leather remnants aro a regular ax- tido bf trade. Tn manufactures of lealh- er there are remnants, just as thereand are remnants in the manufacture of cloth, of tin, of wood, and of very many other materials. There are wholesalers who deal in leather remnants sxelus- i'vely, who will buy any leather rem- Hants whatever, and who find a sure sale for everything they buy, For many purposes the remnants are as good as pieces eut from whole sides would be, and they east very muoh less. A manufacturer of fine shoes, who buys whole skins, cuts out the best and uses that only and sells the rest as remnants. `.gine remnants are sold to manufacturers who make a cheaper grade of shoes; the shoes made from such remnants may he better and cheaper thau shoos made from cheap whole stock, Harness makers and saddlers who buy whole skins nave more or less remnants, little pieces, and odds and ends that they have u0 use for, but which may be made useful for one purpose and an- other, From any wholo stock there must be remnants, and the remnants are all good for something' remnants et bolting, for instances are sold to make ee sma.11estl ret nnautstoloso ale kinds of leather are used for the filling of balls; leather remnantsi!ae used for making suspender tips; for leather Crimutings; for leggingstraps; riu<1the ovsxa'isn oe *cape la sand spectacle eases, g y 6 and venous kinds of fancy goods; for book binding; for ranking children's shoos; for the straps used on hobby horses; for leather buttons and Wash- es; for corners on books. Remnants o. French calf are used for fine cobbling; and remnants generally aro sold lora very great variety of purposes. ._ _ ___._____ WHOLE' FAMILY GONE MAD, A whole Tamil 1' of the Hama of. ningbam bus suddenly gone mad Skibbereen, Count Y Cark. The brothers tried to murder their sisters one morning, but were and taken to the lunatic asylum, the afternoon the sisters shoved of homicidal mania, and next daytheir first cousin went mad, and was larm•nb. they are quiet, well-to-do g people, and very pians. a a Cuonb•°g hstnculenil that lastu common, fatlir,rfadanYhterin Candty sons, all of excellent geputation, ed to death an elder brother through religious mania. ti Can• al twc three bound In sins also It is Marsh three roasts mem. und- the week, the !awe been • Sun - in i ht61li of HELP EACH OTHER London artificial fiover and feather manufactories tinct bon- what are known as clubs" are quite an tnsl.ttu- • become members immediate- apprenneesh'ip expires, The varying from two pence shilling weekly, according to go to pap chew a trousseau for first mari'ytng; subsequent are for the next bride. eligible an intending bride must 12 months after max- She must marry as loan after engaged , as passible, and bridesmaids among her fel- In large factories a club number 40 or 50 mem- the snbseripl.ions, of two era a goal send off."Tobe. 'curler" in a big ostrich manufactory employing num- work -girls, 011 maarying,, some received £84. She did the for work -girls, excel- bcuxab7o Y trade, want the r1 wan White satin ; mange and ostrich feathers c were in Her bouquet cost 25s., the and oho and her bridegranm, Market porter, drove to a brougham and a peir, and relatives following in carts. - UNDECEIVED. A farmer's son up in tlae country conceived a desire to shine as a ber of the legal profession, and erioolc a clerkship in the office of village pettifogger at +albino a At the and of tn0 Civet day's study otln mart returned home., y Well. Tolle, hove dyer like r:bo \vas the first palsrnal in uiry. 'Taiu't hat it'sScreaked up i . pe, raplisd Sorry I learnt it. THOSE IMPULSIVE 1I1IMARICS, at,. ' Do ou remember your old school Encu*, Soplly Regime She Yes, the horrible fright•• -what °f no. Oh, nothing' only she fe lownsy wife 1 A DESERVING. CASE, Iv'ootpacl-Bold up yer hands 1 cu echo rpisen (cahmnly)-.I have 33y *'inks! Here, all take with ismquarter., - "Whevv 1 Thee fellow knows a green deal, doesn't hen' commented Poot0' wbon GaS4away had departed. "Ycse replied Orimsl]atw, Ile knows entirely too mnell for one man ; he ought to be ineerporeted." A Woman On Otsego, M:Iiclt., wattle 4011" 1,ng rags found among thein a dirty" loek'ing envelope, Sam opened it and discovered therein $00 greenbacks. ••.a • Have you learned any fancy methods of akattng4 asked the young woman, No, replied Millie Wishiegton, 1, can skate only two ways -mien aro thsyl Standing up and sitting down, , Instead of preaching the usual day evbniln t sonnets, a elcrgymatii Chapman, I an., commends the attention of ins congrtgatron by reeding to hstahlntrnfs of a cantintled story, wblJh he is alae author. i