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The Brussels Post, 1897-2-12, Page 6
ti.e �,rilutts .est —I8 1n91011ZI EVERY FRIDAY MORNING (iu time for the early mane) at "Tile POSt" Steam PubMslting Ilouso, TIIBNBnnnT S:r., Bnusanrs, ONT. Trams or OrnscIw" ION,—Ons dollar a year,iu advance. The:date to which every subscription is paid to denoted by the date on the address label, Anvnnmr5INe 1iATER.—The followin rates will be charged to those who advertise by the yoar:— BPAOlA ~- -1 ea j 8 neo. 1 8 mo One Column $00001 535.00 320,00 Balt 0,.00 0.00 1'3.00 Quarter " 20.00 13.00 8,00 1',ighth '._..�— 1e.c0 8,00 _.6.00 Eight oonts per line for first insertion, and se 0100. t.All oadvertisements measuz d ius Nonpareil-13ltaes to the inch, Business Carus, eight lines cull under, 56 per annum. Advertisements without spcotaa direc- tions. will be inserted until forbid, and charged accordingly. Instructions to change m• discontinue au room ofeTsn I on, a to latertthan Tuesday of each week This ie im30000 ve. w. n. 3/i/ICiui Editor and Proprietor. 1atrict n• CtUS, Wrisacercea-. John A. Il'ernard had some thirteen birds on exhibition at the Seaforth Shnw. McElelvie fi Forsythe, of the Wroxeter woolen mills, have geld a !ergo quantity of wool the post week. Gibson Bros. have n couple of car- loads of blocks at the mill reedy for sizing. A large quantity of sawlogs are coming in. Watt Davidson hod the misfortune to sprain bis ankle while working at his trade in Teeswater. H(0 brother Garvin is taking his place till he is able to re - same work again. Rev. W. J. Waddell and wife, of Hen- sall, spent Wednesday of last week rith friends in ISxeter. Mrs.Il:ostle, Huron street, suffered a severe stroke of paralysis and although somewhat improved, is in e. very impair- ed state of health, Thursday, Feb. 4th, was the 17th an• niversary of the 1loneelly tragedy in Biddulph township, which oocnrred be• tween the hours of midnight and 3 0'• cloak in the morning. E. Christie, of town, is fast becoming famous on account of his numerous land deals of late. He exchanged the Ching farm, containing 100 acres, and situated in Hay township, for Geo. Horton's 50. acre farm in Usborne township, reueiviug asadifference52,400. Both farms are good, and the deal is considered a fair one. While engaged with some others Jno. Pinoombe, of Usborne, met with what might have been a fatal accident. It seems they were engaged in felling e. large elm tree, when in some manner the bait flew back from the stump, striking Mr. Pincombe on the leg, breaking both bones below the knee and dislocating the ankle, Two physicians were immedi• ately summoned and reduced the fra0tnr0 and the patient is now doing nioely, but it will be some time before he will be able 1 labor I" to get around again, and it is very doubt- I pr(soner n hast Tin sb(llin'e'n' fel if be will ever have the same use off (g )—" costs 1 Sure, Oi haven't Dost anywan anything, yer honor ; 01 paid fer all me drinks.' Magistrate (severely) "Stand down, sir, —stand down I" Prisoner—"Oi always sthand up when Oi sthand at all. is it sit down yer hon- or manes ?" Then the jailor tools the prisoner in band, end the magistrate mopped his moist brow. Itis Kindly 0nggeelion. An old man was breaking stones on a road, when a gentleman cerne along. "Bother these atones I Take them one of my way I" be eaid, "Where can I take them to, your Honor ?" I don't care where ; take them Lo hadee if you like," "Don't yon think, your Honor," said the old man. "that I'd better take'em to heaven ? They'll be less in yoar Honor's way there." JET i'ti) 3O1KI;:i AND JINGLES. Thos, Jones, of Boston, shipped 153 head of sheep from here for export to England. They were bought from W. Greet, London road, Stanley. The road machine was taken down t11e Baytleld road to see if it oould be used in dressing down the edge of the pitch holes and making the road more even. It worked all right, but required bllree teams to haul it. The' Imperial Trio," under the man. agement of S. W.. Parnham, have rented the Town Hall for one ween, oommene• ing on the 7th of Pel). They are holding Gospel temperance meetings and leave hoc! orowded houses elsewhere, The New Era says •—The printing office towel is said to be a "badge of 1 mourning" bet it was 1100 nn article of � A Le aey of IDisease. that kind which decorated the front door TITS BRUSSELS POST "lfiell, Seribbs has proved himself a tubo ran adntr I tliBf 'vvanted—An Idea 5f v.inimpie ' I" Ehln=tu w4eut� "1V hat bas Ile done ?" Pretest 33 our Nees: they_ may bring you wealth "(yule writing poetry and o ened a R'rlto JCRs tyNU 3a X5 1 N ,C C) Pa m" Atter• 1 e ueye Washington, n, O., rue thole 51,550 5111405 011511 Sandy $bop next 10 a 4101100Lh04105. and hob of 411.5 huadrQ,l It V0stlelle wanted, genie's, after al, 6 r ? rel "Mrs, O'llooney," $aid the Reverend Father Mehlerphy, "why do I never see Patrick at church uow ?" Mrs, O'Rooney shoots her head sadly. "Is it anarchism 0" "Wares than shot, yoar rive once," "Is it atheism ?" "Wars$, your 1•(verouce," What ie it, then ?" "Rheumatism." of the News.Record oIliae on Monday, which same one bad utisohieviously at. taohed thereto. It seems that Clinton was not the only place where the appointment by the County Coatm1l to the Collegiate Board was uneatisfaotory, for Goderioh Collegi• ate happened to be situated likewise. The Board of Trustees of the Clinton Collegiate sent rap Mr. Forrester and Dr. Shaw ns a delegation to ask that Mr. Scott be re appointed, ttnd after hearing them the Council concluded that a mis- take bad been made and rectified it by re appointing Air. Scott. As chairman of the Board, he has been a most efioient trustee, and we commend the County Council for its wisdom in retaking the change. Mr. Acheson, of Goderieb, wen also re -appointed to the Board of that place. In Seefortlt no change was made to the first appointment. PEItw1AN LEGEN 1). In Sir William Jones' "Persian Gram- mar" may be found the following beauti- ful story from Nisami :-- one evening Jeans arrived at the gates of a certain city. And he saw some people gathered together looking at an object on the ground, and as he drew near he saw that it was a dead dog with a halter round his neck. And those who stood by looked on i the pain fn my beck anal both logs were with abhorrence. 00 drawn rap that I was nnablo to straight- en them, and for four months when I wanted to trove about I had to do so on my hands end knees. I tried many medi- cfues hot got no benefit and I had given op all hope of being ehle to walk again. One of my sons tried to persuade 111e to use Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, but i re. fused to take any more medicine. At last one day my son brought home three boxes of the pills, and after they hacl beau in the house for over two weeks, I at last cousentod to take thein, bot not because I thought they would cls me any good. before 71im and went their way. Before they were gone, however, I cotild _ _ foel that my back was getting stronger I'.1'r 1S i'llE IDtte'!L. and I could straighten up. It required no farther persuasion to got me to take the pills, and from that tilne on I began to get bettor, until now with the aid of a light cane, I eau walls all over the farm, get iu and ottt of a buggy, and do most of the oltores round the house anal barns. 0 feel twenty years younger, and I consider Dr. Williams' Pink Pills the most won• derful medicine for rheumatism in 111e whole world. I began them only to please my son and ft was a most agreeable sur• prise to me when I found my legs limber, and my back gaining new strength. 1 can oheerfnlly recommend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to the seiferiug rheumatics of the world. Au analysis shotes that Dr. Willunne' Pink Pills contain hi a condensed form all the elements necessary to give new life and richness to this blood, and restore shattered nerves. 'Tey are an unfailing specific for such diseases as l000motor ataxia, partial paralysis, St, Vitus' dance, sciatica, neuralgia, rhetnilatism, nervolte headache, the after effects of la grippe, palpitation of the heert, nervous prostra. tion, all diseases pending upon vitiated humors in the blood, suc11 as scrofula, chronic erysipelas, etc. They aro also a specific for troubles peouliar to females, such as suppressions, irreggularities, and all forms of weakness. They build up the blood, and restore rho glow of health to pale and sallow cheeks. In mon they effect a radical cure in all cases arising from mental worry, overwork, or excesses of whatever nature. VETERANS OP THAI WAR R1$PAID 1N SUF J;RING AND DISEASE. Icor over' 'rw•ent• l'e1u's ;1511. Jolue Deer• ratan sought Release l'i'cit I lie '1'et'ttu'es or Innnlmnittory' Ithetunalism, From the Preeoott Journal. There is uo man in the township of Edwardabnrg who is better known than lir. John Sherman. Ile is one of the many Canadiaue who at the out -break of the American rebellion, joined the army of the North, and to the exposures and harcdships which he endured during that trying and perilous time, does Ile owe to long years of suffering which he has since undergone, The writer remembers see. ing Mr, Sherman a few years ago whoa he was so crippled with rheumatism that it WSS impossible for 11in1 to walk, and having heard that a curo bad been effect- ed, determined to investigate tiro matter for 1111000lf. When the relporter called nt Mr. Sheiulau's home lee faunal him in the 'oral handling an axe and chopping wood like n young Hutu, and he found him also quite willing to relate his trying experience. "I have suffered with rhou- matismn for twenty years;' said Mr. Sl1er- 111an, "mud I have doctored with four dif• !event doctor's and yet I kept getting worse and woreo. I lambent double with "Faueh 1" said one, "it pollutes the air." "Iiow lone," $aid another, "shall this foul beast offend our sight ?" "Look at kis torn hide," said a third. "No doubt," said a fourth, "11e has been bang- ed for thieving." And Jesus heard them, and looking down oompassiouately on the dead creature, he said, "Pearls are not equal to the wbiteuess of his teeth" And the people said, "This must be Jesus of Nazareth, for only He could Aud some- thing beautiful even in a dead dog." And being ashamed, they bowed their heads The other day an Irishmen, who was charged with being drenk and disorderly, nearly drove a magistrate mad, The following colingey took piece between the two:— I1'Iagistrate—"Will yon sign the pledge if I let you off this time ?" Prisoner—"Shore, Oi can't wroite, yer honor." Magistrate—"But you can make a mark." Prisoner—"Phwat lcoind ay a marl, yer honor." Magistrate (testily)—"A cross, man— a cross 1" Prisoner—"Across ph wet, yer honor ?" Magistrate (oub of all patience)—"Ten shillings and costs, or seven days' hard the limb again. ;ae:a1e,rrh. G. E. Henderson, of the Grip House, met with a nasty accident. He was standing up on a chair, winding the clock in the bar, when the chair upset, and in falling Mr. Henderson knocked down some glasses and bottles, one of the bot- tles striking him on the top of the head, inflicting a nasty cut. It is stated that a ytung m011 named Henderson left home some time ago, with- out letting his parents know of bis where. abouts. In the lest issue of Harper's Weekly is given an illustration of the new Irish Opera, "Shamus O'Brien" as play- ed in New York, and in the centre of the company appears a picture of Henderson as one of the performers. W. H. Cline got a fine snow bath on Sunday lest. He was passing along the street at the side of the Metbodist thumb, when an avalanche of snow slid off the roof, nearly burying him alive. His hat was driven down over his face, and the rim torn off by the force of the down fall, but, fortunately, he was more frightened than Burt, es at first he thought it wan a message from the other world. About half -past seven on Monday even- ing of last week Broadfoot's whistle blew for a fire, with ouch vociferousness that people scurried down the street from all directions, and the firemen were on hand, but it was ouly another false alarm. It was di$erent from other false alarms, however, ae it could be e00000ted For, and Hoax --W bat's worrying yen now 7 it proved to be somewhat of a joke on Joak—My old uncle's at death's door, Llectrioiatl Ingram. Mr. Ingram was „GVhnt done the doctor nay ?" going to see if the alarm was working, 1 "That'd what's worrying me most. IIB and dispatched his 11 olo.nnrto "Little said ho would pull him throggb, and I Scotlend" bo ring up an alarm, while he for of to sok him which tan ," made for the fire bell to switch off tillage g y to prevent a public alarm. Although the .m li tans$ to 'o ion ,at s 1 had b far the c 6 , )o V Y t c er• he rettnhed his doatieaLiml Ara , nn 1 p formed his part promptly, too promptly as it proved, for the el,trm was working in good shape, and Itlr,'Ingrttnt only got to the fire hall in time to 1.c ,r the alarm go off, and to inform the firemen that there wee no Are, Mr. Ingram should go into training 00 0 $primer if he wishes to )0eep paca with his Aeot aaeistmle• F(rst Detective --The more 1 01117110 of it, the more firmly I am on vieee11 that the man I arrested last night did not give pais right name. Second Detective —What name did he give ? First Detective—John Doo, "How aro I to know that you will eup. port my daughter in the style to which she has been aocuetomed ?" asked Col. day of the persistent Chumpley. "Why, we will live right here with yon, so you may see for yourself. Yon can't make it too rich for my blood." Poet—Ch, yes ; my poorly keeps the 'o the door, cif f1 m w Cynic-- I suppose yon read it to him. .Mamie --Jock didn't remove leis arm froul around my waist but once during the entire evening. Ada—What Was the mutter then ? Mantle—Ile bad to go Home, Oliutt000. Thog. 14Io1'ienzio hes been oonftned to the house for several weeks, by a very sore end panful knee wound, W J. Diggins Nee attending a meeting of the Dominion Shorthorn Bree.iers' Assooiatiml, in 'reroute, Inst week, Mleg Lime Dohertay has just passed the firer year extanm1tim1 in Toronto 0onsorvatery of 1llusic, with honors and distinction, R, Holmes, Ihditor of the NoW Era, was attending the annual meetingpof ,bhe Canadian Press Association, in Toronto, on Thursday and Friday. Dire.'Tuvner, of town, met with a painful aooideut a few dnys sinoe. dnlwDeandlfall ng ontsense hardleuhstenoed, nearly severed one of Iter dare from her head. when Eve brought woe to all maeltind, Old Adorn called bar wo-man ; JBut wh0n she woo'd with love so kind, Ile then pronounced 11er woo•man, llut now with bloomere, bikes and golf, With fade their heeds ere brimming ; In feet they are so full of whims The people call them whim -men, Mrs. Crimeonbeal0—This world (o a mail place, after a . txo ser reex 1VIr. Orimsonbealt--Wo11, it doesn't e 1 Any tendency to premature baldness may be promptly checked by the use of Ayer's Hair Vigor. Don't delay till the scalp is bars and the hair roots destroyed. If you would realize the beet results, be- gin at once with this invaluable peeper. ation. BOAR FOR SEItVl0IP.—THE Undersigned will keep for service on Lot 20, Cru. 0, Morris, the thorn' bred im- bproved V,hite Yorkshire Hoar "Selected," red fr'olu 0. 10, Hrnthour'e $wee1pstakes sow at Chioa o Fair. Terms ,1.00 to be paid at the time of servioo with privilege of re- turning if necessary. Pedigree may be soon a1 application, 11013T. NICHOL. BOAR FOR SEI1'VXCE.—THE undersigned will ]seep for eorviee ou Lot Dn, Cnu, 11, Morris, the t1)ore'.bt'od L ttrgo English Berkshire Hoar, Captain Jol1n," His elintlaer 3s a full sister i -.o etc tat tprize sow at the World's Pair, Pedigree will be —a 00 to ,1' , ell 'rUl'7119 .1. n•oc need 01 , h0, 0i t 1 tt bo pnld rat Elms oP scrvlc5 with prarilago OP returning if necessary. L1.Om JA8. SPEII(, Proprietor. B �1 USS!%;; L.S PITH Bl s. I wielt to inform the people of Brussels and surrounding district than I have put. ohased the 1:'ump Business of 3AMES BELL and will be found ready to attend to all wants in either now work or repairs at moderate prices. No better Pttmp in the matrket, Order left at my shop or rtwidenoe or at P. SCOTT'S shop will bo promptly looked after, Orders taken foe Ito Digging of Wells and Cisterns, seem to be so mighty small if it man ie 9 abasing around anter a lost collar button." MILL STREET, - BRUSSELS. The Only One To iced the Test. Rev. William Copp, whose father Wlls a physician for over fifty years, hi New Jersey, and w110 himself spent malty years preparing for the practice of medicine, but subs$. quently entered the ministry of the Id'I, E. Church, writes: "I am glad to testify that I have 11ad analyzed all the sarsaparilla prepara- tions known in the trade, but AYER'S is the only one of them that I could a • recommend as a • o r" blood-purifler.Ihave given away hundreds of bottles of it, as I consider it the safest as well as the best to be had."—Wxl. CorP, Pastor Ito. E. Church, Jacksen,Minn. 1 1,12,7.897 h. 114 }'5! u i%• a 'J ,1 a, C( - Cd LE We kee in stock and supply evrerytlling in ' Coal and Wood Stoves, Eith er Pa1'lor, Box or Cook First-class Fur�nac es From best Canadian Manufacturers, and Warranted to work properly. TINWARE OF ALL KIN©S. Plumbing prolnptly attended to at Reasonable Rates. Lamp Goods, Lanterns, L&c, Orders Taken for• Coal. Stove and Tlarnace 112e7b, B7 zcssels• 7l7E' en ORLD'S FAIT?, When In doubt, ask iot'4tyor's Pills TAKE THE Li iE ty T "tilt dS61 " of Toronto. H n 2 C 25 ors., 60 ole. and $1,00 Bottle. One cent a doss. It ie sold ou o guarantee by all druggists. It cures Incipient Consumption and is the best Cough and Croup Cure. Sold by J.tS. 110$, Lreessb,t, It retsSCis• L Q 9 Real Bstate 86 Loan Agent, - Brussels. Money to Loan on Farm Secur- ity at the Lowest Rate of Interest. Money Loaned on Notes and good Notes Discounted. Sale Notes a Specialty. Fire cg Life Insurance Written. Special Attention given to C0 NVEYANCING. s OUSLEm N 5 Office over Deadman dC McCall's Store, BRUSSELS. Wanted—An Idea Whc can 1010)0 or some maple thing to patent? Protect yyour Ideas, theyy may brleg you wealth. Write Joni W1n ,D1IRBIIRN & 00. Pasant Astor• nays Washtagtoe, n, 0., for their 51.500 prise olrur and !let of two hundred Invantloee wanted. T1 EE G uIXE� Y OF a :'s;) , liT Y -` Ie 1101101) 1:T �.1:'+ LeRoy's X'ctriil10 !''Ili"ar 7•t,n e, 1p PrnaI 4' rn,l 1"e:nra'1hy pNp• ile"01n„ knm.u, .cent, r,u,...0 ltd rrug. ¢IfrrtB•cr,•,nmlr cvi•rdaac,,v,•o,l ),.',:alrr,,g' uan114e „i La„irini,l,'I.1•.vl„Io, 0111,11ii,',vinr free. Prin, tlr'rbox ulnntg5,%�ow, ur Ilynodi em:utvly sralud ua rrm'ipt o14,r4aa. LeRoy Pil1 Ca Victoria Si..Toroul,n, Cun• Sold lit ltrusscls by ,H.t$, FOlf. ri . C9-�A,S S 7 ME ORIGINAL KIDNEY PILL r� NEN= OVER 00 THE ONLY KIGNEY•LIVER PILLS 0 'r. Dewsna, 11p,o5 r San dnrd t1., d•, Hrutt. ford, 0,,t., says, Cl axe's Kidne •-l.i„•r 1'dla roc a krand tnalieisa for Ihu Kldn'yn n t2 L 1 r W 1) CASIOnit ns 11 0a d Sr I r re' p esenting tl olrool 4t r ,y LI 1 ill, ort eke nage f ria r,l f I It a 11 I, 1,1, +una tool, omftotnpannn !, la te,, er ly ,nail"n rree',pe el pr's', 8" 511 555t.,i, (1711"9 505 r0, 411 005515056 80, T„u.,kl9. 000, Established 1871. rt p, m G is r0n a ci.,pe co•• ca w 00 0` owl 00 1 o 0 0� 0 0 '0 0 The Policy Contract issued by this Association is perfection itself, UNCONDITIONAL, ACCUMULATI VE, AND AUTOMATICALLY NON -8= ORFEITABLE. It leaves nothing further to bo desired. Bates and full infor- mation furnished on application. g'il a n �lf,, .Agent, Brussel s. The undersigned bas opened out a Large and well Assorted Stook of IN THE BRICK BLOCK Opposite the American Hotel, Brussels, Where may be found the latest and best Styles in Parlor and Bedroom Suites, Sideboards, Tables, Lounges, Sofas, Chairs, Mattresses, &c. Picture Framing romptly attended to. Cuitain Poles 5 p ant.! Window Blinds supplied. Satisfaction Gzcctrccnnp@tpre/�ed. mein pppggg yaG_ive >ne a call, �u�Cr(8klll� ���p;r�lle�[ In connection with the store a well ordered Undertak- ing Department will be kept where a largo stook of Cas- kets, Coffins and Undertakers' Supplies 'will always be found, at Moderate Charges, First-class ,t-Iearse, Caeilyand Artef'ial Es51balining CARDIFF &WALKER. a� SNE • 'ME V 8aterost Ore's All asm Von !n Mu 'J"be in Ea 'Ihe 51OIIleS T1to report Mr, eldent Tice caapita '400. felon range; Iliver haveC well. Ae whole ton 14 !Che velour' able'g, It 1 that 1 the C, flint in Ca again Tht days been 'wi 511)11es froze 50)3 posit. davir Th' Cain e an0 t et on tnc;a of lf, real, Blow of d Lo May. sulve term By Toro is 0, man Tl tett] the. in o T1 hick ledg dist. 7) Fed, xn is1 1 Stnni+ peat A app' Tag. OS 1 ma' 1,We cou: T coir e'rn T epi l We P vita l bis: L'el rl Fai fat: ma me 1 dis Col f C•r� Ca) 1 shi col pr, t Ar 119. m( int at ed on 's ,;; th. B) an ve fn. Al 0 fry ,lu 00 ap in m 01 1t G ft •w d f1 bt 5' i P d 31 C p it S t b 1 f