The Brussels Post, 1897-2-12, Page 5•lq e tiner
I -T lq' I> IT C.1 o 19 T ri re re 0,
twommormegaiswpaugzoinZaaWeIZMIREIWIMMOMKUOVITMESIUMNIMAIWIEVICVIDNIMIT.0032421g011021.411MIX=Ditne=110477.T.1:4714aFdt,1424.4.3, ,::MIAIZTZCZAMIZWY,A4e11.750V9.12NAMIINVIIFOXIEVO0641{1C,T4,0P!"Toraramr431174rMr51,11132arjraFflpir2MVIMMINXXIIM;;IFASIV,TrAtiMMTaxliamd
a W. nil:oti(deity on the breathe( ;mil
felehug ef wive intM dairy, Rut, the mire
of rid 3. Mr ehoff le it ilinint Speak,
understands hie subjeet well and
doubtless his addreatlea Will boar fruit.
At the Mom of the meeting he woe
tendered sheeny vote of thanks. A
r•lioliition was (larded imanhnously pro -
Whiting the feeding of hulling, rape, ap•
pies, or any other food which would give
a had 1144/(t. to mills Or Aimee, Ur, Mor•
, Aeon, the late 01,11(0, was given an ad.
di'wa steepled with a vote of regret that
he ahould see Iit to (sever hie eonneetion
with Silver Corners oheeee factory and
wishing him, with his family, all future
prosperity, Mr. Morrison built the
faotory eight years ago and has managed
it ever (duce. ills (Meese was always
firatmlaaa and duriug those yearn the
best of gond feeling has prevailed between
him and his patron's, and in hia reply
expressed the hope that the ea me good feel-
ing would be extended to hie snoueseor.
Elda Robinson, the handsome M,year
iztrict ITebas.
PAIIMM113' INATITtrrn,--1Inder the rtue•
pinna of the fecal Baron Perrnerie Ineti.
tote three sessions will be held in the
Vorestere' lielgrave, on Thursday,
25th hue., beginning at 10 a.m., 1 and
7.30 p.m. Among the topics to be die.
omitted will lie the following :—"Prollbs
on the farm," by John 0. Morison ;
"Why we sheinIci enderdrein," Tames
1110111whig 1 "Maintaining the fertility of
the farm," L. Patton ; "Elliblos of the
market," L, ; "Neeessity of
systematic and thorough work," James
MeEwing; "Butter making on the farm,"
L. Patton ; "Superstitione of the farm,"
L. Burrill. A, good musical program will
also be given at the evening session.
Every farmer ahould be present.
e7t-totars rook.
Wm. Siemon intends going to the gold
mines in the Spring.
We are all ewers that the young gentle.
man has picked out a spot for a dwelling
A., W. Fentheratoee, of Listowel, is
buying logs in our town. He it a re.
BelIle man.
The eoribe of lest week must have
been in a deep dream. Sleeping for
yeare, no doubt. Waking up and find-
ing that leap year had passed again and
another golden opporbanlby almost out of
reaoh, would like to let the publics know
of their trials and clillientbiee. The
truetees mieht have seen Lo this when
they built the school, (the mew residence)
being convenient at all times, arid keep.
ing people's minds ab ease. They have
the sympathy of the community.
FARMERS' Inserrure.—Everybody in
tereeted in Agriaulture is invited to at
tend the three sessions of East Huron
Fannon' Destitute, to be held in the
stere' Forciwich, on Wednes-
day, 21th Inet„ beginning et 10 a. rn., 1
and 7.80 p. m. A musical program of
firet-olase merit will be added to the
evening's session. The *mention expect.
od and bookie disc:tweed will be as fol-
lows :—Jno. 0. Meridiem, "Common
Nese in farmitice ; L. Patton, "13tibter.
making on the farm" ; Jas. Mob:wing,
"Neceseity of systematic and thorough
work" ; L. Berrell, "Superstitions of the
farm" ; Alex. Gardiner, "Hog raising for
progt" ; L. Patton, "Hew to divide
money among patrons of cheese factories
roxe less r
T. Gibson, M. P. P., is away to Termi-
te attending Parliament,
SPECiAL MEZTLNett.—The revival ser•
vices are atilt in progress in the Metho-
dist Ohusch. It is eepected they will
elm this weak. Much good has been
done among the membership and a num-
ber will be uniting with the church as a
result of the meetings. The pastor has
been working alone, with the help of the
Ievrree BAWL—At the meeting of the
Quarterly Official Board held on Monday,
Feb. eith, a unanimous invitation was
given to Rev, A. IleKibbon, 33. A., to
retool a amend year to the pastorate of
the Wroxeter oircnit. The mainbers of
the Board epoke in a most appreolat-
ive way of the pastor's servioes In re.
ply Mc, MaKibbon thanked the Board
for the invitation and expressed his
pleasure in baying spent thus far &happy
term among the Wroxeter Methodists.
elfKle 1 op.
Somebody should be made responsible
for the improvement of the gravel mad
North and South.
The following interesting statistics are
given by the Cleric's records for the year
1896 (—Number of births, 57 ; number of
marriages, 15 ; number of deaths, 26.
The gravel toed is in a bad condition
from pitch -holes. Why not pot on the
road machine and level down the
"humps" This plan has worked quite
satisfactorily elsewhere.
Mamma' Isioximen.—A. meeting of
East Huron Femora' Institute will be
held In Jones' Letidbury, on Friday,
20bh inst. Sessions 53 10 a. m., 1 p.
and 7.30 p, m. The program will consist
of addresees by Jas. Hieohley on "Bees" ;
L. Burrell, ',Superstitions of the Earns" ;
Jas, MeEwing, "Why we should under -
drain" ; L. Patton, "Dairying as Dom.
pared with other branches of Farming" ;
L. Burrell, "Ethice of the Market" ; Jas.
MoEwing, "Necessity of eysiematio and
thoroagh Week" L, Patton, "How to
divide money among patrone of cheese
factories eguitably," firstolassmusio-
al program will also be added to the
evening's preeeedings. There should be
a large attendituce.
;melte e,
J. L Pettieen is on the sick list
David Bacigley moved to the Slemmon
farm this week,
Wm. Patton is seriously ill, and slight
hop% are entertained of his recovery.
Lew. Eekrnier spout Sunday at Lieto.
wel. Lew. will no doubt oftee pay that
town a visit now.
Wm. Hall and wife were °ailed to
Listowel on Saturday to attend the
funeral of their nephew.
The pupils of our public school intend
giving an entertainment m the Town.
ship Hall on Thuraday evening of next
week, Deo. 18bh. The program will con-
sist of immie, vocal and instmenental,
recitations, dialogues, tableaux, club
swinging, &o., iko, Program to 0001-
100000 at 7;30.
33•then Ceenim—We held our miesion-
[try rneetiuge Feb. Bed, 411 end 5th, which
were a grand 0t150558. The churches
wore packed to the doom Everyone
seemed amnions to here how the work
was prospering on the foreign field and
to hear of the difficitiltiee that the mis-
sionary ions to grapple with in the far off
land. We had Miss Isabella °meth (mite,
returned missionary from Chine, end
she did ns exoellenti melee. She is a
lady of considerable experienne in mission
worlt, having labored seven years and ft
half in China, Sbe paints, in vivid
colon, the sad moral abate of the heathen
woeld, 13ot she is hopeful foe the future
and has strong faith that the Gospel will
ultimately change the whole aspect of
the daeke betilichted notione of the earth,
and it the obutch of God would but
awake to her duty and to the Wonderful
poinsibilities that lay before hoe with re.
gard to tho heathen., the day wolittl
goon be when Christ would have the
heathen for His inheritrenee and the utter,
motit parte of the earth for Ells possession. The
We oan highly reooturnenti Mita Isith
Oresthwaite to any of the brethren N
need help 10 their iniesioa work.
expeot that when our miegionary est
tore 1111.05 bean Mend Olaf, ninnies wll
considerably in advanes of last y
--On Thursday afternoon, s.t throe
clock, Miss Oresthwalte delivered a v
floe Welt -mei to the auxiliary of
Woolens' 13'. 31, S. of Ethel, when is
aumber of the women of Ethel and
surrounding country attended.
ella m. by Rev. A. B, awl ms the
1110 eoutrectine Intakes entered the parlor,
We the bride leaning on her father'n avnl,
led. 119 Jen o Pati kik played the wielding
I be month. Tan bride WWI livconliligly
00,1*, tired .1O a beautiful gown of amain Mai,
o'• mere and a bridal veil of the mime eolor.
ery and wits hemaningly. sleeked with llowere,
the Mies Mary Bole, sister of the groom,
tree noted the put of bridesmaid 111 a very
the aaceptable rottener, and the groom wife
ably onpporIed by Robb. J. 0111511(1
brother of the bride. The reset te
winoli wore veey mostly, numerous and
useful, testify to the high esteem in whieh
the young oonple are held by their many
friends in Rile vioinity, After the usual
congratrilations and joy wishing had been
indulged in, the assembly all sat down to
a very sumptuous repast prepared by
their hostess, and when all had satisfied
therneelves with that pert of the evening's
program, they amused themselves by
playing games of different kincis, and
there being plenty of good music present,
those who were so inolined enjoyed them-
selves by tripping the fantastic toe till the
wee sma"oure o' the morn, The happy
couple left on the morning train, amidet
a shower of rice, old boote, and the best
wishes from many friende, who had
gat noted tepee them off, for a week's
visit among, friends in Ferguo, Waterloo,
and Hatnilton. On their return they
will eettle down to the stern realities of
life on bis farm on the Grey boundry.
SILVER 000Nnae FACTOEY,—The ennnel
meeting of Silver Corners cheese factory
Was held in the rectory on the 5th hist,
and fvore it we glean the following in-
tereeting report :—Total amount of milk
reoeived, 1,490,495 ponnds ; total amount
of cheese manufaetured, 137,389 lbs. ;
total amount of money received, 811,720..
03 ; average lbs, milk to Ib. of cheese,
10.89 ; average price for season, 8.53 ots. ;
average cost of mannfooturing 1 lb. of
(Meese, 1.23 obs. 1 average oust, with mills
limning, 1.59 atm Wm. 13811 was re.
elected salesman and Geo. Richmond
Sec.•Treas, Auditore—Jos, Whitfield
end Archie °linden ; Coremaittee—Geo.
McKay, 'rhos. Smith and Samuel Love.
Jae. Morrison bas disposed of his busi-
ness to N. S. MeLemehlin, of Brussels,
who cameo very highly recommended.
He was presenb at the meeting rind volun.
leered to make the cheese for the coming
semen at 00 cents per hundred lbs.,
which offer wag gratefully received by
the platens. Mr. Stehiboff, a practical
cheese man and buyer, of Stratford, was
present and addreesect the patrons on
many subjects pertaining to dairying,
Township Council will inept ((1 Sat
clay, March lith,
John and Andrew Ilislop have b
laid with la, grippe.
Bert. and Rumen Hill, of Seafor
were home lest Sebetith.
Ohas. Williamson, ivho ie at pversent
Winghem, is reoovering slowly from
late (severe Mums.
The Retirement of the Lord's Sup;
was administered at Bethel appointme
10th eon., Islet Sabbath.
.A. company of young people spent
enjoyable evening at Robb. Mecham
18th con., last Tuesday evening,
Thee. Fatilkner, of Tyrone, and eel
Mine Mary Faulkner, of Listowel,
visiting on the itth eon. this Week.
Rev. Mr. Walker and Mr. Trim
connneneed special nervines at Bethel n
pointment Tumidity night of this week,
Ghee, Querengeeser is rushing the lo
into his mill yard in good 'style. Al
present rate it will not be long before
will be filled op.
Mrs. James Ferguson has been sevioe
ly 111 from em attack of la grippe dud'
the pest; week but we are pleiteed to he
of considerable improvement which
hope will be permanent,
Lase Wednesday evening the people
the neighborhood of Bethel appointmen
10th eon., received a treat in the slut
of an address from Mise Orestliwait
late of China, in connection with mi
16, C. Ennis, of Neepaiva, Man. Il
been here on a visit, his is an entlius
astio Menitoban, and by level heaths
heathen management and hard work ha
made a splendid position for bionsel
We wish him continued prosperity.
We nre plow:led to stake diet Elia
Dieksou, 12111 oon., whose health huhu
in a somewhat precarious condition fo
the past week or so, is considerably ire
proved and we hope he will soon be eon
valeseent Lung trouble was the tater
of his complaint.
The Trustee Board of Union S. S. No
12, Grey and MoIOUop, will let the con
tenet for a new brick scheol bowie o
Friday of this week. Building will b
2444 feet, with 14 foot walls. It will b
built on James Moon's farm, lot 10, esn
18, Grey. Work will be eommenced a
once, an (matelot calls for completion o
work ao that school may be opened arts
Seminar vacation. The Trustee Board
will push the work so that this objec
will be attained.
Acme:ex.—A most painful and inurh
regretted acoident emend ou the farm o
Mrs. Jas. Felton, 3.6th con. on Monday
8th inst., when William, dm eldest son
had hie right arm badly mangled in
gmin timber, neceseitating amputation
the arm above the elbow, As Wm.
rim performing his work around the
machine the sleeve of his jacket eaugh
0 a set of oeg-wheels, thus drawing his
oraarin into the wheele, causing the
endure. Dr. MeNtiughton, of Brussels
was immedietely summoned and assisted
sy Dr. McKelvey performed the oper•
Mon in a most sucoessful manner, and
lime thee the 'pliant is recovering nioe•
y, althnegh still weak from toes of blood,
"Ve wish him every suceeee for his speedy
Swoop Runtime—The following is a
sport of the standing of the pupils in S.
. No. 10, Grey, for the month of Jena,
ry (-1th Mass, total, 500—Amelia
Bethel, 425 ; Mary Carnoolian, 410 ; Geo.
°Kay, 894; Irene Baker, 387 ; Susan
athwsll, 379 ; Wilber Halter, 871 •, jno.
perain, 564; Girdwood Ooleolough, 352;
no. Evans, 212. Sr. total, 400—
eo. 815 ,• Nellie Sanders, 980 ;
arfield Baker, 270. Jr. 3rd, total, 325
Esther Bicker, 273 ; Jan, Carnochan,
58 ; Sara Buttery, 240 ; Ethel Sperling,
31 ; Mary Coeds, 226 ; Arthur Hyde,
1.5 ; Roderick Malay, 178 ; Willie
bine, 141. Sr. 2nd, total, £300—Maud
athwell, 2136 ; Regina Neabel, 214 ;
oared Neabel, 200 •, Wilbert Evans,
5. jr. 2nd, total, 250—Florenoe Hol'
obesity, 909; Maud Shine, 194 ; Percy
aker, 160; Bane ()mitts, 141. Part 2nd,
nal, 200—Lynn Evans, 148 ; Fred.
iokrell, 101 ; Oliver Pickiest], 87. Part
3,10 erste): of merit—Etheibert Colo-
ough, Cecil Coutte, John 13 uttory,
ophist Sperling, Gerbig ltathwell, Gerty
ollenbeek, Eardley Buttery, Eremite
aker, Patsy Sperain, Edna Sperain.
W. E. &Iwamoto-, leacher.
&Ewe ItaPORT.--The follolving is the
ending of the pupils of S. S. No. 1,
Grey, for the month of January, 1897 t—
Primary,—Total MoKenzie,
432. P. S. Leaving,—Tattil 600.-1
13Iake, 469; L. Bielby, 41.4 ; Di McCal-
lum, 205. Entranoe,--Total
()near, 832 ; W. A.rmstrong, 201 ; A.
Math, 124 ; J. BecHoed, 77 ; Gat.
cliff, 153 ; L. Blake, 278 ; 13E. Eloggard,
251 ; Richardson, 147. Jt.
800.—A. Calder, 262 ; A. Switzer, 184
G. Caldev, 211 ; J, Davidson, 930 ; E.
Bedford, 181 ; 0, Armstrong, 240 ;
lYlcKey, 303 I N. MoCallnin, 87 , M.
Oarcli&, 225 ; J. Faiquharaon, 107.
Third clase,—Total 800.—F. Blelce, 169 ;
0. Blake, 1138 ; W. Switzer, 140 ; W.
Glassier, 92 ; A.. Dickson, 193; G.
Bielby, 154 ;,J. Bielby, 164 ; V. Arm-
strong, 288 ; A. Bedford, 116 ; 0. Pepper,
102 ; M. Oakley, ; D. Davidson, 172 ;
11. Elliott, 70. Second olass,—Tottil 260.
—B. Davidson, 232 ; Bedford, 115
L. Diukaon, 184 1 F. Davidson, 195 ;
Etoggard, 114; B, Doilinpov, 11.0 ; L.
Bloke, 295 ; W. Farepthareoh, 220 ; 111.
Caedifi, 157 ; G. 33arls, 336 ; Riley,
25; B. Banda, 140 ; M. Banda, 101. Sr.
lst,—Total 2011,—Alf. Glassier, 84 ; W.
Stephenson, 168 ; T, Bielby, 150 W.
Riley, 58. Jo. lat, —Total 150.-13.
Dark, 132 ; Annie Glassiev, 78. Honore,
—3, Blithe, J. Omar, W. Armetrong, L.
131thice, Caldee, 7. Davidson, NI. Card-
iff, V. Armstrong, 13. Davidson, F. David,
son, E. Blake, W. Farqeharson, (1.
Arinatrong, W. Stephenson, T. Bialby,
13, Dark. No, on Register, 50. Average
attendance, 43. W. El. STI6WAUT TO001100.
linnSNIt,NL.—The Fordwieh Record
(—On Wecinesdny, Jam 27111, about
nvited guests front Fordieieh, Cherie
the surrounding cenntry gathered ab
home of Mr. and Mem Wm. Gilmer],
o reside just East of this village, to
nese the marriage of thole canned
&ter, Miss Roy E., to Peter Dojg.
80 i
ceremony Was perfOrMed at 5.30 p.
old daughter of Conductor Robineou of
the AL 0. R., committed (suicide at St.
Thomas on Monday, by sera/lowing 10
grains or strychnine. It is said her
tather reproved her sharply for some al.
!egad misconduct and for sitting up late
with a yoeng man, and the young girl
tools it greatly to heart. Co-onor Gelatin
eaye no inquest will be neoessary.
1) 01.5„ Edinburgh, M. O. P.
S. Out. Residence and office in Wilson's
Bleak, goner of mai and Tin:Wintry Ste,
T 64. ARMSTRONG, 111. D.
ei • Ph veiclan, Surgeon, Aceouchor, etc,
Graduate of 'Toronto University Medical
Faunity. Menthe r of Gollege of Physicians
and Surgeons, Out. Orrios—Ilest door to
liteUouald Ss Co„ Walton Ont.
pliVeTCIAN, sURGEON AND 000011c100e,
1st clines Honor Graduate of the "[Mimed,
ties of Trinity (Toronto), Queens (Kingston),
and of Tautly Medical College ; Fellow of
Trinity Medical College and member of the
College of Physicians and surgeons OP Ontar.
io. Poet Graduate Course in Detroit and
tiniciago, Rind Special attention paid to dis-
eases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, and dis-
eases of \Volum), i."-Consulte.tion in Eng-
lish and 01001en,
...._„„&-Are coming to hand _
And the public will find it to their advantage to call and
see them. Our Grocery Department is noted for fresh,
well assorted goods that always please,
lesi S:
We are showing a full line of-°00
which wo are prepared to sell at prices that defy competition. In
Men's lines we have just received some exceptionally good value in
Ox Blood, Chocolate, and Dong. Bals., that we are sure will suit the
Eye, Feet and Pocket. Our stock of Ladies', Misses and Ohildren's
is up to date in Style and Quality. Call and see our Gents' Fancy
Slippers. We have a few J3oys' Long Boots that you can have at
,0,06 .14,10
e; "1
ts '
Previous to our Annual Stock Taking we have dociclod to offer
Spoeial Bargains in all lines of—
Hats, Oaps, Furs, Furnishings, Suits and Overcoats.
Wo have nice range of F Ur Muffs, Collars and Boas that wo
will let go very cheap. Also in Fur Caps, Coats and Capes if there
is anything to suit you the prices cannot fail to meet with your
A £�w pairs of Folt Boots to be cleared out Cheap.
If you want a good bargain 001310 in and see what we can do
for you.
February Standard Fashion Sheets and Patterns to hand.
A. Strachan.
During Stock Taking all lines of Winter Goods will
he sold Regardless of Cost.
M a PfiliN Fact
That you can buy a single Overcoat for Man,
130y or Youth, at LESS than we pay for them, buy-
ing hundreds at one time.
i1 fact any heavy goods will be sold at
-and below Wholesale Prices.
---`443146rWi11 be in Next Week.
New _Dress Goods,
New P,'in.fs,
New Flanneletles,
Aezo Shirting's,
New Cott° nades,
ill; Clothing,
New Bootsa714 ShOCS,
AM/ Hats and Caps.
We will be pleased to show you through
the stock.
13 T_T S Tri
We don't wish for a moment to
leave the impression that we want all the trade but
we do claim that it will pay
In the said Townships to come in and inspect
our stock and learn prices.
eii's alld ][11'
We have put in the knife•t6 such an extent
that profits POR 60 DAYS will be
no consideration, Also 111
Ladiee Fur Onto ara4 (Itvez,
We are bound to clear them all out.
Grocery Department.
25 lbs Granulated Sugar for $1 00
25 lbs Coffee 1 00
'We have the boot 25 cent Japan Tea in the trade.
GriShing all Co Prosperou.s year,
Importer, Seaforth,