HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-2-12, Page 4New Advertisements.
Gold—A. Gunter.
Local—w. A. Oriels.
Looals---I. 0. Richards.
Grand Concert—S, 0. S.
Pink Pills --Dr. Wiliiaine.
Valentines—G. A. Deadman,
Auotio+i Sale—Millar ter Sime.
Will You Venture—James Fox.
Auction Sale—Jalnes Livingston.
Boots and Shoes—I. 0. Richards.
t be Nnisset5 vast,
FRIDAY, FEB. 12, 1897.
(Intended for last week.)
P. Terriff returned on Monday of loot
week from a few weeks tour inoluding
Guelph, Hamilton, Ethel and Brantford,
Mr. Edmunds and family moved into
Belmore this week. He has bought P.
Baker's house mud is living there. R.
Lane is now going to keep his residence.
The saw mills are running every day
and the yard is being rapidly filled with
logs. The Lane Bros. have already
drawn in several thousand feet of pine
and tamataok from A. Fitche's swamp.
A meeting of the Farmers' Instituto
will be held in the school house here two
weeks from Saturday, in the afternoon
and evening. This is quite an interesting
feature as it is the first meeting of the
kind held in this locality and it promises
to be a stood one.
Mr. Hngil, our framer, has quite a
number of j,be 00 hand for next Summer.
Mr. li ieffer is puttiog op a baro 58872
with Stables underneath, and built on the
most modern principles. 31r. Yobn is
patting up a barn 52108 and J. Hamilton
is putting np a drive shed 26140,
The Belmore Literary Society still
flourishes. The new 01110 rs entered on
their respective, duties at the last meeting
and a very successful and entertaining
one it was. The subject for debate was
"Resolved that a person can gain more
by reading than by travelling." The
affirmative was championed by W. E.
Lucas, Miss L. Inglis and D. Bremner,
and the negative by W. Hotcbison, Miss
Hugil and P. Millhonse. The decision
was given in favor of the affirmative.
The debate for Wednesday night of this
week is "Resolved that the miser is a
better citizen than the spendthrift."
.V al tont.
Nelson Bricker left last week for
Michigan to have s survey of the country
before r -moving thither.
Rev. J. P. Westman will preach at
Blyth next Sabbath. His pulpit here
will be supplied by Rev. R. Paul, of Brus-
The cotntnittee are busy practicing
music, dialogues, eto. for the entertain-
ment to he given in the school house on
Friday evening, l9th inst. Prcceeds in
aid of Orphanage Fund.
Boo. LAwseti,—In the Providence of
.Almighty God, who ordereth all things,
your dear wife has been called to her
final home of rest. In this, the hour of
your sad bereavement, we, the members
of Walton A. 0. U. W., desire to express
our sympathy for yourself and family.
Your loss ie great, and the depth of sir•
row felt by yourself the world may never
know. But you may take comfort from
the fact that it is but a little while till
you are called to meet her, whose eom•
panionship and love you now so sadly
miss. ELowing a9 we do your Own
Ohristion character we feel assured that
you will in your lonely hours find com-
fort in Him who Moue can make this
dark hour bright as noonday in your
life's experience.
"God moves in a mysterious way
His wonders to perform."
We trust, brother, that in the brethren
of Walton Lodge you may find true
sympathizers and helpmates, but better
than all human aid we commend you
and your family unto the care of a lou
ins Heavenly Father. Signed on behalf
of Walton Lodge No. 805, A. 0. U. W.—
J'no. M. Govenlock, M. W. ; R. H. Fergo•
son, Rec. ; Wm. Neil, Fin.
1�:$o rr i es.
Thos. Maunders has been laid up with
something akin to la grippe.
Miss Mary Rozell, of Listowel, is visit•
ing her cousins, the Misses Rezell, 481
Joseph Sharp, of Toledo, was home for
a brief holiday visit. His stay here was
shortened owing to a telegram calling
him back to that ofty.
Mrs, J. H. Kennedy, who hag been
visiting her sister, Mte. Jno, Davis, 4113
line, Morris, for the last two weeks, re-
turned to her home iu Lindsay last Fri.
day nnorning,
ENT1leTAxNlIENT.—The usual annual en•
tertainment under the auspices of the
young people of S. S. No. 3, will be held
in the Township Hall on Tuesday even-
ing, 23rd inst. A good program of read.
Ingo, recitations, dialogues, vocal and in-
strumental musjo is being prepared.
Admission, 10 dents. Doors open at 7.
program at 8.
SCHOOL ItEroeT.--The following ie the
report of the standing of the pupils of S.
S. No. 0, Morris, for the month of Jane.
ary, arranged according to good conduct,
regnitr attendance and general profioien.
oy :—Fifth class,—James McCall. Sr.
4th.—Gavin Bewley, Ada Searle, Mag.
gist (Neiman, Sara Taylor, Sr. 4111.—
Lanra Fear, 14dith Jackson, Lizzie Mc-
Call, Maggie 111001111, ltoy Jackson, Wil.
lie Kelly, Rosella Searle, Belle Farquhar•
eon, Sr. Ord,—Maud Ja.okeon, Willie
Mellall Mary Medi thur, Emma McCall.
Jr. 3r5 —Itay Pear, Joseph Bewley, Lily
Bewvley. Sr, 'Lod. ---Lyle Jackson, x tor•
encu Button, Wesley Searle, Prances
McLean, ,Jr. 2nd.—Leslie Fear, Menno
Jackson, Geo. Skelton, Willie Farquhar.
son. Part 2.—Manson Taylor, Coral
Medrthnr, Eva Bewley.
R. W, JEWITT, Teacher.
RIuorT,—The following is a report of
the standing of the pupils in S. S. Ne.
11, Morrie, for the month of January :—
Fifth alaoo.—Bessie McDonald. Sr.
4th.—Grace McDonald, Ida ltlaDonald,
Rosa Simpson, Lewis MoDonald, Jr.
4th.—Lizzie MoGavin, Alex. Christi.
pher, Ella Ryan, Sandy Reaves, Fred.
Nichol, Annie Campbell. Sr. 3rd,—Dan,
Flannery, Robt. Humphries, Maud Forgo•
eon, Carrie Johnston, Annie Gray, Min.
hie Bennett 1 Willie Bolger, Joe, Carter.
Jr, 3rd,—Regie MoDonald, Willie
Humphries, Jae, Martin, Willie Weiss,
Willie Bennet, Alex, MoAtter, Libbie
"18.1=1t..ti,w.'Xerr+f]i'yygiliageark11ev'U•.wYix4�rilig 'S5t?'L�' 155;19,41 Thi caSL•'1't'.t"fusl..arW7211 iBS agrorR'aA'SRIITuserangra fl esti' rsnniegassG.tringetnisszonex44
McArthur ; Vera MoDonald, Cecil Pol-
lard, Susie Frasier, Dottie Johnston, Ida
Felton, David Campbell, Jas, Bowland,
Violet Holland. Sr. 2nd.— Ben.
nett, Beta McLeod, Violet Carter, Fletch-
er Cahnoldby, Jno. Ritchie, Myrtle Me-
Leod, Jr. 2n5.—Willie Grtmoldby,
Leila Johnson, Robt, McFadzean, Lena
Bennett, Part 2. -Jim, McDonald, Earl
liloLeod, Mand Frasier, Richard Gray.
First olasa.—Geo, MnGavin, Daum In e.00segnouee of the cleatlt of the late Mr. John Livingston, of the firm of 3, fi. J.
Forrest, Annie Martin, Herbert Chrleto- Livingatun, Flttx•Afillars, of Baden, Listowel and 51110.+env, and in order to wind up
pier, Vina Burne. the partnership estate, there will be sold by Public Auction rho following properties
M1ss J B. limey, Teacher• on the days and at the times and places 1iereleafter specified, viz• :--
At the City of Stratford At the Town of Palmerston
Sale of Flax Mills, Farms,'
Farming Stock, o.,
.1,,i.n8to-cv el,
A. Gultr and family left town on Mon.
day of last week for Tonawanda, N.
whore Mr. Guhr has secured a large con-
tract of dredging on the Erie Canal.
While watching a game of curling in
the rink, Robt. Magahay, son of Mrs.
Aingithy, Main street Weet, load hia feet
knocked from under him by a curling
atone, and fell so heavily on the ioe that
his collar bone was broken.
Blonno Emma—The piton -holes on
the Wallace rood caused the death of a
horse and imperilled the lives of at least
two persons. John M, Niokel, of the
4111 con. of the township of Wallace, was
the owner of the horse, and was driving
into town with a load of wood at abs
time. When Doming down Smith's hill
just at the corporation limit he encoun-
tered 11 pitch hole which caused part of
hia load to slide forward upon the horses.
This naturally 'frightened thein so that
Mr. Nickel, who has the use of only one
hand, could not hold them, and they
started off. Mr. Nickel and his daugh-
ter, who was with him, managed to
jump off the load without injury. Un•
fortunately there was a ceder only a
short distance ahead of the runaway
team in which were H. Hemsworth and
a younger brother. At this juncture
someone who saw the horses coning
shouted at the occupants of the cutter to
jump for their lives, and they had barely
time to escape before the runaway team
was upon the totter, which in a moment
was a total wreck. In the concussion a
projecting piece of framework of the
demolished cutter was forced into the
side of one of the runaway horses, amus-
ing snail an injury that he had to be kill-
ed on the spot. Serious as was the ac-
cident, it doubtless would have been
much more so had Messrs. Hemsworth
not leaped from the cutter in the nick of
time to gave themselves. A peculiar
feature of the accident is that the pitch -
hole which caused the horses to run
away is in the township of Wallace,
while the spot where the horse was kir•
led is in the corporation of Listowel.
Whether this is likely to affect the goes.
tion of responsibility trey yet have to be
decided. The animal was a good work
horse and Mr. Nickel can ill afford to
lose him.
Iteiliar'kable Testimonials
Blyth, Sept. 22nd, 1896.
J. 51. McL Eon, Goderioh
DEAR Snt,—I think it is my duty to
write to you regarding my boy. Well,
my boy was about lweuty.one mouths
old when I began to give him your Sys-
tem Renovator Improved and your
Protein Resurgam. I gave bim the medi-
cine for about five months, then he was
cured, and today I have as strong, as
healthy, and as good•lookiog a boy as
you would wish to see, now three years
old. IIe was very troublesome front the
time he was born, cried nearly all the
time and slept vary little and that never
soundly, not until he had token your
medicine for a short time. He used to
go into oonvulsious three or four times a
day from the time he was live days old
and then his head began to grow larger,
inoreasing in size all the time until the
medicine took effect. We sought medical
aid from different dootors without any
benefit, (only one relieved him some).
The sire of the head began to diminish
gradually as be was getting cored of the
dropsy and of tbe water in the head.
No other medicine was ueod but yours
only, with tbe above mentioned results.
I trust other mothers will benefit from
my boy's Cure. The bottle of Renovator
which I took myself has done me a great
deal of good. From my very heart and
that of a grateful mother you will have
my good wishes wherever you may be as
long as you live, I remain
Year true friend,
M118, Anew SMITH.
Solt. by Jas, Fox, Druggist, Brunelle,
N. Liver Oil
You have probably been advised
by your Physician to take Ood Livor
0i1. Thin is the season when the
taking of this flesh•produoing Oil is
most desirable. If the Pure Cod
Liver Oil is too disagreeable in taste
for you just try the Home Health
Emulsion and von will find that dis-
agreeable taste hidden. This Emul•
cion contains 50% of the Pure Oil 80
you have a muoh stronger Emulsion
than is usually found, Itis pleasant
to take aecl certain in its action.
Deadman car, McCall,
Druggists, Opticians and Booksellers,
oLe eti oii er
We have ma nicely an assorted stock
of Fresh
Canned Goods,
Fruits, tte.
as was ever displayed in Brussels,
'Prime within reach of all.
New Stock. • Fresh Oysters.
' a / ,fit iat .dt1
On MONDAY, MARCH 8811, 1807, at
one o'eioek iu the afternoon, 813 & J Living-
stone Flax Mill,
PA11ceL ()NE.—One frame flax n1111 and the
lauds ta end premises
405 1100, 459 limited therewith,
hasesh win be
Babinseu's survey of Lots 45,40 and 47 in the
1st Ooneeeslote of the Township Of 8011111
liasthope, but now iu the Oity of Stratford,
with the other buildings situate thereon, and
the engine, boiler, seutobiug 1011vos, Melt es
clod luglther e shoves, fortte anti other like,iot•
plemeuts used in the promisee.
At the Village of.Tavistook
On TUESDAY, MARCH 0th, at one
o'clock in the afternoon, at J & J Llving-
stou'a Flax 01111..
PAn050 2.-11.10 now flame flax mill and the
lads and mambos connected therewith,
Defog part of the west half of Lot 35 in the
30111 Concession of Bast Zona, in the County
of Oxford, containing two tool es more or lase,
with the other buildings situate thereon, and
the engine, boiler, sou eking knives, brakes
and other machinery on tate promises, in-
cluding the shovels, torts and other into im-
plemouts used iu the promises.
At the Town of SSeafortli
one o'clock in the afternoon, at J & J Living.
510n's Flux 0611.
PARCEL L—Tho briolt flex mill and the
lauds and promises onnected therewith,
being Brook Letter net" lu Golvanlook's sur-
vey el Part of the TOwn of Seaforth,witll the
other buildings situate thereon, and the 51-
9110, boiler. eeetelling knives, brakes and
other machinery on the premises, inOlndtng
the shovels, imps and other 11110 implements
used in the premises,
At the Village of Blyth
one o'eleek in the afternoon, at & J Livtng-
ston's Flax Mill.
PAucEL 1,-000 frame flax mill Dun the
lands and premises connected therewith,
befog composed of Lots 187, 188, 180, 1110, 101,
102, 108,104,105, 106,107, 109, 100, 200, 201, 202,
200.204, 205, 208, 207, 008, 200, 210 and 211 in
Belly's survey, being. sub -division of Lot No
1, in the 0th Coneesslon of the Township of
14forris, but now in the Village of Blyth, es
shown on map made by A. Bay, PLS. with
the other buildings situate thereon, and the
(moue, bailer, scathing knives, brakes and
other machinery on the premises, including
the shovels, forks nod other like implements
used in the premises.
At tine Villa 3 of Brussels
On FRIDAY, MARCH 12th, at one
o'clock in the afternoon, at J & J Living-
eton's Flax Mill.
PARCEL 1.-0110 frame flax mill and the
lands a met premisesoouneetod therewith, be-
ing Lot No 442, ou the corner of Bing and
Jamas streets in tie said Village of Brussels,
containing one half acre, Weather/ills 0118-
vey,with the other buildings"eituate thereon
and the engine, boiler, soutehing knives,
brakes and other machinery on the premises,
including the shovels, fonts and other like
implements used in the promises.
1'AnoXL11,-000 frame clwolliug house and
the lands emroected therewith, being the
east half of Village Lot No 150, on Jaolos
street, lathe sold Village, containing one
filth of an acre more 0r less.
Paucity., IIL—Omc farm containing 99 aerea
more or less, being composed of north half
Lot No 20, iv the Oth Coneeesiml of the 'I'o,vu-
slhone, stabl o, bof arn, etorehouswith the o etc„ dwellingme situat
thereon ; 04 C0res of fall wheat 0011 191 the
At the Town of Listowel
one o'aloolt iu the afternoon, at J & J Li01110-
stou's Flux Mill.
BAno101,—One farm containing 60 acres
more or less, being the south 40 aures of the
north half of Lot 27 fu the 151 Concession of
the Township of 11ima, in the County of
Perth, and the south 20 acres of the north
half of Lot 28, in the let 0once5eiou of the
said Township on whinh area frame dwelling
and kitchen and a frame bank barn.
PARCEL Il. One 18110 containing 100 acres
more or less, known me the McMillan Farm,
being Lot No 30, in the let Concession of the
Township of Wallace, in the County of Perth,
on which ere a frame house with kitchen,
and a barn anal straw shed ; 60 acres under
PAn000. IfI.—Farm stook and implements
now iu or upon the above mentioned fauns,
PARCEL 1V.—One frame flax mill and the
lands end promises connected therewith,
being parte of the north halves of Lots 80
and 64, fn the let Concession of the Township
wl h1 the other om buildinfgt,s situa75 temthereon,, and
the engine, boiler, scotching knives, brakes
and other machinery on the promises, in-
cluding the shovels, forks and other like im-
plements used in the premises.
PAOOEL V,—That parcel of land on which
is situate the residence of the late ,John L,iv-
ing0tmn, fronting on Main street in the Nil -
lase of Listowel, being part of Lots 38 and 84„
on wbioh lands are situate the largo two-
story briolt dwelling house occupied by the
also ft frame dwelling house belonging
on tbo same premises, and fronting 00—
PA11t(0 VL—Two brick dwelling houses
veotsd therewithaohod and the lads 001 -
On MONDAY, MA1101I 15th, at one
0010511 in the afternoon, at J & J Llving-
ston's Flax Mill.
PABOEL L—Ono farn1. containing S5 amnia
more or leae, being pertly in the TotvnOhip
of Wallace),in the ()aunty of Perth, and part-
ly 1c the Town of Palmerston, in the Oonuty
at Woltingtou, being Oenpnead of the south
half of the south 1101100 the north half of
Lot18 in the 10th 0000005lnn of the Town-
ship of Wallace and Lots 00011,0,00,81 and
11 on the south side of Young snroot and
Hurt of Lot No 10, on Queen street, in the
said Town of Palmerstou,on which is situate
it frame dwelling house with kitchen attach-
ed, and bank barn and straw shed,
PARCEL IL One now fame flax mill and
the lands and premises connected therewith
being Lot No 7, on the easterly side of Queen
street, in the Town el Palmerston, coutail-
ing two a0res more or less, otherwise known
as The Flax Mill Lot, with the other build-
ings situate thereon, and the engine, bailer,
soutolling kuives, brakes and other machin-
ery on she premises, including the shovels,
torus and other like implomauts used in rho
At the Village of Linwood
On TUESDAY, MARCHI 10th, at one
o'oiootc iv the afternoon, at the Flax Mill,
P20000 L—Ono ilex mill with the lands
and premises connected therewith, being
Lots No 10 and 17 and the Scotia half of Lot
eighteen on the South side of Bing street in
the Village of Linwood, in the Count' of
Waterloo and Lots 28,24 nod 25 15 Wright's
part of the survey of the Village' of Liuwood
as shown on map filed 1u the Itegistry Ofl108
and also Lute No 21 em1 22 in the sumo 0nr-
Vey with the other buildings situate thor eon,
and the engine, boiler, ;mulching knives,
bralcae, mud other Machinery on the prom-
ises, including the shovels, forko, mutt other
like implements used in the premises,
At Wellesley 'Village
ON WEDNESDAY, MA.1103117th, at
one O'eloola in the afternoon, at J & J Living -
51, 0'0 Flax Mill,
PAnooL I.—Ono frame Flax Mill and the
lands and premises commuted therewith,
being: part of Lot No 13i11 the 2nd Oonces-
s1o0 f11 the Eastern Section of the Township
of Wellesley iu the County of Waterloo, bon-
tuiuiug three acres more or lees, with the
other buildings situate thereon and the e1 -
glue, 1351101', scucch111g kuiyoe, brakes, and
other machinery on the l l'emioos, ludo ding
the shovels, fords and other like implements
used on the promisee.
PAn0EL II.—Ono term containing 100 acres
more or less, beteg the least port of Lot No
13 in the 31'd Concession of the Eastern sec-
tion of the Township of Wellesley, in the
County of Waterloo, and a small parcel of 2
acres boiug part of Lot 18 In the Second
Concession hasten Section of the said
Township. 011 this few aro erected one
flame dwelling 1101060 and a frame barn.
300 acres under cultivation, 10 acres in fall
At the Village of Baden
ON THURSDAY, MARCH 18th, at one
o'clock in the afteln000. at J & J Llvlug-
ston's Flax Mf ll,
PARCEL I.-000 farm containing 340 0ores
more or less being Lot 08015 on 111e North
side of Spider's ltoad in the Township of
Wilmot in the County of Waterloo and parts
of Lot No 14 on the North side of Snider's
Mond in the said Township. On this panel
is situate the largo two storey brio}cresi-
dotloe of James Livingston, Esq., M. P. On
this parcel f8 also situate a With Flax 14.111
which with the other buildings situate on
the said parcel, with the 809115, boiler,
soutahiug knives, brakes, and othermach-
ioory used in the Flax business will bo sold
with this parcel. All extent about 18 ems
Iu30o atstate of cultivat ou. lee acres in
Fano=L If, One farm containing 75 puree
more or less, being pert of Los 15 on the
South side of Snider's (toad, in the Towneitip
Of Wilmot,on which aro erected a brick
dwelling house and frame bank barn, 21
&ores in fall wheat.
Raman III.—Farm stook- and implements
110W 111 or upon the above mentioned farm.
PARCEL 4: LOts Nos 42, 48, 41 and45 on the
Bast side of Foundry street as 0110E0 On the
plan of the Village of Baden, on which are
situate two brick one and a half storey
dwolliug houses and a bakery, situate ou
Lot 4'2.
Tenler pont. is to be paid clown at the
time of sale, The purchasers of I'lasMille
will be required to pay 40 per cent, in addi-
tion in obtaining their eonveyanae. The
balance to be payable in one and two year's,
With interest at 6 per Hent. to be secured
by mortgage upon the premises,
The purchasers of farm8 Will be required
to pay SO per omit in addition on completion
of the sale. The balance payable In four
equal annual installments with interest at
6 per cent to be secured by mortgage on the
The purchasers of farm stook, imp leo ants
eta„ must pay in cash £0r all purchases
uudor 50.00, For purchases over 8500, they
will have nine mouths' credit, on approved
endorsed notes for amount,
Possession of the farms lobo given one
week triter completion 0t purchase, Posses-
sion of the Flax Mills will bo 0130810n the
1081 July next.
Further terms and conditions of sale will
be made known at the sale, or may be ob-
tained on application t0 JA01195 LIVING-
ST'0N, M. P„ Baden, or as to the Listowel
properties to ME, '3011N LIVINGSTON,,
1 0030,1Nr, L&istOltIJIILMAN,11tToronto, and
MOSS, BAN WIOK .51110519088,'Toronto.
.Gated Fob, 11811, 1807.
Under the auspices of Camp Ben Lomond Sons of Scotland,
o9® Harry Rich,
W, E1 Ramsay,
Have been secured and the evening's program will be replete with the Latest Solt0-
tions, Vocal and Instrumental, Novel Aota, Lovely Stage Settings, Elegant Ward.
robe, Amusing Sketches, and Laughable Comedies, 50., which are entirely original
and given by the "MERRYMAKERS" only.
Doors open at 7 Concert Commences at 8 o'clock.
,Admissions 15o., 25c. and 35c,
1i'pi, 1 0 1 0 0( 00
Strictly One Price.
Always the Lowest
Are Opening out This Week
Special invitation to All
To Come and See the New Spring Goods
Dry Goods and Groceries.
NowStylis y Springy Goods
Arriving daily which for neatness and durabil-
ity cannot be surpassed, and best of all the
Prices are Rig t
Thanking you for your support in the past we ask a
continuance of the same and will guarantee you still better
value. Our motto is "Good. Goods at Low Prices,"
A few Felt Boots and Winter Goods on hand which
will be sold at a Baarrga�tin�,,Et�
. j
et''� r.�ti:(A:tRs'•ii41
Promptly attended to in Boots, Shoes and Rubbers,
T- C. : =0 A,1:2,3».
�,l+r r°'S_., . end;
We still continue to manufacture Light and Heavy
.Harness, which. for price and durability cannot be surpass-
ed. Collars and Fine harness a specialty. Whips, Trunks,.
Satchels and everything found in a first-class Harness Shop
to be found With us,
Repairs in _Harness and Collar's .1',^olmptllf
4ltendecl to.
Sign, Large Scotch Collar.
1. 0. RICHA