The Brussels Post, 1897-2-12, Page 3FEB, 12,1897 THE BRUSSELS POST Tows, Dns: ectoryr~ M81Virdat 01ol1On.--Sabbath Senvioas at 11 a m and 7:00p.m, Sunday Sohool at 2:80 p m, Rev. John Rose, H A, pastor. ST, Jo -tibial OI(u wn,—Sabbath Servioes et 11 a in and 7 p in, Sunday Sobool at 2:80 p. In, Bev. A.. 11. Griffin, Mourn. 1)010, 11.12Tnonlsr 011011011.—Sabbath Servioes a0 10:30 a m and 7:00 p in. Sunday School at 2;30 p in, Rev, S, J, A1lhi, pastor. Roarnv CAPJIOrTO Cnuticu.—Sobbatll Service third Sunday in every month, at 10:80 a re, Rev Joseph Kennedy, priest. SALVATION Aar ,—fiervioe at 7 and 11 a m and 8 and8 p m on Sunday and every evening in the week at 8 o'alook, at the barracks. One I'1teeows' Lonon every Thursday evening, in Graham's block, MAsoNIo Lonna Tuesday at or before full moon, in Garfield block. A 0 If W Lonolt on the ar'd Friday evening of each month, in Blas. hill's block. 0 0 F Lopez 2nd and last Tueeday evenings of each month, in Blaehill's bleak. I 0 F, and and hub Friday in Odd Fellows' Hall. L 0 L let Monday iu every month in Orange Hall. Sons ox Scoeente, lst and and Tnes- daye of wall mouth, in Odd Fellows' Hall. K. 0. T. 111. Lonna, 2nd and 4th Tues- days of each month, in Odd fellow's Hall. Canadian Order of Chosen Friends, let and Ord 111entlays of each month in Blas• hill's Hall. A 0 F, 1st and Ord Mondays of each month iu Odd Fellow's Hall. Elwin CIRCLE, 2nd and lith Friday even- ings in Blaehill'e Hall, POST Ovr'tce,—Offios incurs from 8 a• m 40 b. ':3 0m. P MI ' k 1aot NCS INe2rraTn.—L' tbrar ,y in Holmes' block, will be open from 0 to 8 o'aler& p. m. Wednesdays and 8:80 to 6 and 6 to 8 Saturdays, Miss Minnie Mc. Naughton, Librarian, TOWN Com:cmL.—W, II. Kerr, Reeve ; Geo. BBaeker, Geo. Thomson, R. Lea- therdale and It. G. Wilson, Councillors ; A F. S. Scott, Clerk ; 'Phomas l.lolly, Treasurer ; 1i,. Ilhngaton, Assessor and J. T. Ross, Oolleotor. Board meets the lob Monday in each month. Smoot, BOARD.—A. Hoenig, (ohmic - man,) D. C. Boss, J. G. Skene, Jas, Turubull, A• Cousley and F. Von• stone. Sea,•Treas., R. K. Ross. Meetings 2nd Friday evening in each month. PunL1a Scnone TaaOW:RW—J. 1T. Gate. eros, Principal, Leon Jeokson, Miss Downey and Miss Ritchie. BOARD ov Ffuareen.—Reeve Kerr, Clerk Scott, A. Stewart, T. Farrow and Wm. Jewitt. Dr. McNaughton, Medical Health Officer. And thou a sudden bow of ffellelf Burst in the heavous and winged ito flight ; Descending I!!co the evening dove In limpid forms of varied hues Electric flame whose glitt'ring light Like Summer's etmbeams pure and bright Waved through the hoavous like banners pale And glimmered through the woody vale ; A. dying Sash, whose gnlv'ring gleam Seemed like the phantom of to dream, The lightning spread in mighty sheets A eanopy'bove the streets 1 The placid rive' gently wound Its way o'er the onehtinted ground Whose ehartning freshness slut -Wring lay And dreamed and wept itself away ; Tho watch dog bayed beyond the hill, The tuneless birds, the gurgling rill Resounding from their shady bowers Disturbed the weird and dreamy hours And Nature filled with magic powers. Theo, while the drowsy mortals slept, The heaven of heavens smiled aid wept. Brief was 411e Beene, and sweet as oft Life's pleneures are when from aloft. A. wandering breeze theilaeh.lipi1t stirred, Whish tlutteted like a wounded bird, And then in silence fell asleep Behind yon mount so dark and steep. THE LITTLE BLACK TEAPOT, When the sky darkens down on a cold Winter's day ; When we long for the sttn,hine to come and to stay ; When the angry wind rages, and down from each cloud Cones the drift that envelops all things in a shroud— To warm me and ohm: me, I have some. thing at hand, In the little black teapot that smokes on the stand. Andthis ilia tonpot , though tI nY,iahandeome Bpd bright, With its mate, the small creamer, gold. bordered and white; And the sugar dish has, on its handle, a bird, And 3t makes as shrill whistling as boy ever heard, nd "Iforget.me-nol." this is its golden ootnmand, Both to me and the teapot that smokes on the eland. While a pile of orae= crackers suffice for a lunch— I've no longing for winos, am a stranger to punch ; And I never am called on for bills at the bar, So my credit is good and my paper at par, When I thirst I've a beverage ready at hand, In the little black teapot that smokes on the stand. Let them pile on their silver, their sore toe of plate ; et them sit at Delmouioo's table in state ; et them quaff at the capital Europe's rich wines, nd wring the tife•61ood from the foreign• er's vines ; m content—while I tuvy no lord in the land-- ith the little blade teapot that emolres on the stand. OUR FAULT'S". A At our birth, the satirical elves Two Backe from our shoulders suspend ; The One holds the faults of ourselves, Tho other the tante of our friends. The first we wear under our clothes, Out of sight, out of mind at the bank ; The last is 90 coder our Linea .1Ve know every scrap in the sack. THE BRAVEST SOLDIER, The bravest battle that ever was fought, Shall l tell you where and when ? On the maps of the world yea'll find it • not; 'Twee fought by the mothers of men. Nay, not with cannon or battle shot, With sword or nobler pen 1 Nay, not with eloquent word or thought From mouth of wonderful men 1 But deep In the walled -up woman's heart Of woman that would not yield, Bat bravely, silently bore her part— Lo, there is the battle -field 1 No marshaling troop, no bivouac sang, No banner to gleam and wave 1 But, oh, these battles, they lasted so long— From babybood to the grave 1 THE AURORA. BOREALIS. 'Twos midnight hour aud still the night, The lamps were out, the eters shone bright ; And peacefully the silvery noon Looked through the grim and darkling gloom With beaming smile, whose heavenly light Dispelled the shadowy mists of night. The vaults above, ail richly crowned, Seemed now to light the landscape round, And cold the atmosphere and clear Sparkling like jewels fur and near, And hottr•frost spread its icy strand Round shrub and vine ; wbile treetops bowed Their gliet'ning heads in onlm repose. And slowly o'er the city rove A stately column, tinged with light, Which proudly floated from my sight And wandered into realms unknown, As pilgrims to some brighter sone Lamrol, forth, in solitude sublime, Where fame lays settled ; no sound nor sign Conveys what rapturous bliss is there. But to I there thrilled the atmosphere A breeze, that gently wafted by And kindled in the Northern sky A sea of lite, with brilliant rays That scattered wide the misty haze Arid leaped and flickered through the shy And to the zenith seemed to fly With wonderful vivacity. The clear lights streamed Verne° my eyes And shed their brightneee o'er the s!(ie0.. Like flaming swords with glitt'ring blade They flashed amid the silent shade, And heaven en high exultwttt gleamed, Seraphic jubilee 0 seemed ; Thain streamers fast nnfurlod and high, The air a flame ; and o'er the sky The snowy epraye effulgent flew, And bright al dawn the midnight grow ; Serenely beautiful and bright, To guide the nomads through the tight And lead thorn tc their hunting.ground Behind the ioe.olad mountain found. I' W TO THE FIREMEN. Clang I clang 1 in the startled ear of Night, From a hundred brazen bells 1 Clang 1 clang 1 and the dreamer's cheek grows white, As the dissonance sinks and swells 1 Hush 1 hark 1 is't the wind from the far off hills, Or the trample of ,myriad feet, Whose coming with hollow echo fills .Each dant, deserted street? Fire 1 Fire 1 Fire 1 Fire I Nigher the wild orb rolls, and nigher— Huzza 1 there are flambeaux tossing about! There's a rumble of wheels and an au. swering ehout 1 A blast is borne Of the summoning horn, And the Fireman -hosts are out 1 There's a sadden glare, like an angry dawn, Flushing the midnight sky, And the clamorous bells ring hoarsely on As the engines thunder by i For the Eire -Fiend waves his oraokling torah And the shadows are red with death, And the climbing vapors stifle and scorch Tho stare with their lurid breath 1 Fire 1 .Fire 1 Fire I Fire 1 Higher the wild ory swells, and higher ! Iluzza I there are red lights tossing near— With the thunder of wheels and a ringing (Meer, Ho 1 clear the track I The °rowels sway back, And the gallant "bays" are here 1 A. thousand teatime snakes of fire Oraokle and hive and orawl. They leap, and strangle the tall church. spire, And the lowlier homestead wall 1 Bob the pythen•hoeo is ewift uncoiled In all its dusky length, It grapples the time, and the Fiend ie foiled And shorn of its terrible strength ; Hum 1 110028 1 deep•motithed and bold, Wild cheers from sturdy hoarte are rolled 1 A shudder rocks the slamming walls, The baffled li'ire•Fiond quails and fella ; Lille a tropical blast, The peril's past, And the Iced Shirt heroes will at fast 1 Sir Herbert Murray, Covert or of New. foundland, left St. John'o N, B., on Feb. Oth for Halifax. It le stated that he is owningto Ottawa to disouss another p0 sal or eotfedoration, Tl. Stanger of the Bank of British North Amorita has boon appointed Managet for Toronto in succession t0 Wm. Grindley, resigned. bir, Elmslio, of Brantford, will succeed Mr. Stanger a0 inspector. A young c=an in Lowell, Mase„ troubl- ed for years with a eonetant 01100e1sion of boils on his nook, woe completely oared by taking only three bottles of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Another result of the treatment wag greatly inproveddigestiou with increased avoirdupois. AAf nary- OF THE STREET, She wail a very dainly and lovely little maiden, gowned in a fetching nt'eutiolt of soma kind of dark heliotrope silk. She was stopped by a ragged littlo newsboy on Charles street, who said, pleadingly, "Wontobar buy a paper, lady 7" Tho little urchin stood nod stared at her, as she smilingly held out a penny to Jiln1, What are you looking at, little boy 7" she said, as she tried to call his attention to the money. Nothiu'--•only was jos' tbinitin' you Is the beautifullost lady I ever seed." She smiled and gave him a flower from a largo bunch she carried in her hand. Many a member of the gay set might have sued in vain for the favor she bestowed unasked on this child of the street. She blushed and hurried away when she saw that the affair had bean notloed by somo well.known men standing near. One of them called the boy to him and said t— I say, little chap, I'll give you 50 cents for that flower." The little fellow opened hie eyes in w0udor. He looked at hie treasure, and thought of the triumph it would be to wear ID before his associates and tell' that a "oho"nuff fine Lady glued it to him." Then he pictured the delights that the 60 ciente would bring. How grandly he would entertain his frlende. "I'll make it a dollar," said the man, bent on trying him, "You will do nothing of the kind," said his friend, "It Is a shame to prove him disloyal. I hove a fanny that the kid shall keep his dower. That will be a good story to tell at the olnb in this de. generate age. Het'o, boy, take thle and Meer out," and he gave bile astonished urchin a dollar. Tho boy looked at it a moment, his Maud closed tightly over it. Yes, it was real TMttn he ran u as hard as he could, Hover stopping to say,.Thank you." He was afraid his fairy grandmother, who seemed about to -day, would desert him and the gentleman change his mind. BUSINESS LETTERS. Business lettere are written for business pur,tos,•s, Therefore they Should be confined to business. Brevity i0 a merit exeep4 when it inter- feres with to clear understanding of the snhjaot. Write all that is necessary and then stop. But don't stop nntil all Inas been said. Ono Jotter will do as much work as six if the contents of the six are included in one. And it saves 16c. in postage. Write only on one side of the paper. If the white paper gives out finish an a piece of yellow. Talk about the weather when it orowde otaste.ut material bosiueee facts is iu bad Before "yours truly" is written, read over the letter to dleaover possible omis- SfOne. Add them to the body of the letter. It will look bettor than a poeteoript. Fancy signatures should be a000mpau• ied with a diagritm. A lawyer once had occasion to write tt jaetice of the peace, Ile knew bio town but not his )name, though he had the justice's signature to a letter which lay before him. He could not read it. Lawyers are not so easily befitted bow. "e% anb the signature out of the letter with his knife, pasted 1t 0n an envelope, and addressed it to the town where the justice resided. It reached its destination safely and in good time. The local postmaster koow the justice's handwriting. Stilt this is considerable trouble. But it doesn't often happen. A good business letter oonelets simply in stating plainly and fully all the writer wishes to say. It is nob, as some people suppose, one of the hiddeu mysteries. The gramatioal construction is of sec• ondttry lmportauoe to aaying all that is to be said. And then stop. The curfew bylaw will be enforced in Hamilton. The Business College building at Belle- ville, was destroyed by fire. Hamilton City Council starts the year with an overdraft of 510,000. The 0. P. R. has subscribed ,51,000 to the India famine relief fund. ' Stone ds Wellington's groenbonses at Fonthlil were seriously damaged by fire. White Star Lassen 11071 f, 5lAtt, 114TEl1SsnitPs. Between Now York and 14verpo01, via Qt0onetown, every Wednesday, As the 44011111 et's of this lino Oarry only a strictly limited number in the b"ia01) and 0200(0)1 0.102 a0ooulmedattone, intending passengers are reminded. Blab au early up-. i,iloabion for berths 10 necessary at t1i0 WA. son, For plans, rates, eta, apply to W. H. Kerr, Agent, Brussels. /'S System Renovator --AND 02)000) -- TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ,ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impovoriahed Blood, Dyspopgie, Sleeplessness Palpiba• Won of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neer. algia, Lose of Memory, Bronohitie, Coe. snmptio0, 0 -all Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and "Urinary Diyoasee, St, Vitus' Dentin, Female Irroguleritiee and General Ito• bll ity. LABORATORY, GQEER(RH, Oii9T, 3'. 11M. MoLEOD, Prop, end Manufacturer, 501,1 by Jae, l'ex,,traggio(, ltraseete, :r1 Best for Wash Day For goicic and easy work For cleanest, sweetest , e and whitest clothes __ Surprise Is best Best for Jvery Day =_' For every use about the house Suworks best andrprise cheapest. ILL :eo for yourself, a1.H 17'T7r;,a r_ Slfr'� [de'&l 1001sa 170011s "-",cn,.;i'r, ar,`.,ts M vee Thirty Years fthent Sickness. lir. II. WETTSTE)N, a well-known, onterprising citizen of Byron, I11., writes: "Before I paid much Mien - tion to regulating the bowels, 1 hardly knew a well (lay; but since 1 Ton learned the evil re- sults of constipation, and the efficacy of MONEY TO LOAN. Any Amount of Money to Loan on Farm or 'Village Pro. party at 6 & 61 Per Cent., Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to YEWS IIA. Hunter, Pills, I have not had 1 one day's sickness : for over thirty years — not one attack that 010 not readily yield. to this re111rdv. My wife had been, previ- ous to our marriage, an invalid for ( tiF Hie had prejudice a 1C UC11CC c ma� 19 y 1 11 t 1 7 cathartics, g but as 00011 as she hewn to 11110 'lyer's Pills her health was Too :;creel." r Cathartic Pills Medal and Diploma at World'e Fair. To iteoIerc Strength, lake flyer's Sarsaparilla ew Harness Shop. D. FRAIN has opened a Ilar- ness Shop in the building North of the Leckie Block, Brussels,whore he is prepared to turn out night ancl Heavy Harness and attend' promptly to repairing. Blankets, Sleigh Bells, `Vllips, &c., kept i11 stock. CARRIAGE TRIMMING. I awn prepared to attend to all orders for Carriage Trimming, Repairing, l:o. Good work 0nd Moderato charges. D. Pral," 2t Brussels, MOST SUCCESSFUL REMEDY FOR MAN OR BEAST. 000)0 t 11 its efre0ts and never blisters. Read proofs Ir01ov: KENDt LL'S SPAflN DUKE. Box M. Cannon 00ouderson Oo., In, Feb,20,'00. Dr. n. ,t', ti,l0000, a do. BDkr aSlr—blI00I 00011 00aGoC ynraRoparRend011's epav6 00re with )iced 0,1)0000 ; it ,s n (000a01011,ee,Ilei110. IoneQ ]linin 1110'01116)101 ktrea1Itapavrn and ale llatet,B oared ler. 1 eep u botbls an nand 011110 time, Yenta traty, 0003, Bowmen. KE ALL'S SPAVIN DUDES Dr. B,.i. 7lCtlo n,L Ca Caney, Mo., Apr. 3,'00. hea;:eitee 'switral a es of r00U1 111110.80511:161)51112,t I ovor 000,1, ABO, 0r- 0l,00'd,olto Curb, gnu 111mn1 anluvb, and mum t,n0 none 5pnrtus. I1nvo recommended 10 to o0 -orator my Cr1011de who aro muchplo0sed with andlcesplt, EsePeatfntlyy S. it,HAP, P, C, Bos 313. For Sale by an Dreggiste, or address rNoseUpOH FALLS. VT. %ill British Columbia, Said Cedar Shingles AN11- --- North shore, yilie 11 11 41 (War FOR SALE .AT Title russsls Planing lilMs Also boors and Sash of all Pat terns o1 hand or Made to order at Short Notice, Estimates Furnished for all ; kinds of Bttildiuge, Workman- I ehfp and Material Guaranteed. lA . & P. A J;Y.I E .1 "l J. , • Alt > i ___1110 1, 0 IL G. Richardson Is prepared 11 do all kinds of work in his line. Good Workmanship and Good fits auaronteed, LATEST STYLES. Suits made for 8-1 and upwards. Division Conti Clerk, Brussels. l r",yllop over lhiUorsan's b;fnre. EW oicipir The undersigned has open- ed up a:Butcher Shop in the where he will veep"constant- ly on handl a supply of the Best Meats -Procurable, sold at reasonable prices. A share of public patronage solicited. S. 'VIAL:MEM Meat;clelivered to all parts of the town. ClMEI The undersigned are prepared to attend to all branches of Painting, including house, Sign, Carriage Hud Ornamental Work. Paper Hanging, i aisomining and Decorating neatly and prompt- ly looked alter at mod - trate Prices. We melte a Specialty of Manufacturing and placing in position First -Class, Awll.iitgs. Orders left at our Paint Shop, formerly used by Messrs. Roddick & Wake, will be attended to with dispatch. Paper Hanging Orders may be left with Messrs.Deadman & Mc. Call. SAIVleifs riiisl B los , PAINTERS. New Stook of, OTE f- OTE PAPERS, WRITING PADS, FOOLSCAP, ENVEL OPF S, SCHOOL BOOKS, SCRIBBLERS, SLATES, INKS, J1 ,,. Stook. Q Bibles, Hymn Books, b.oto. and Scrap Albums. Special Bugling! ars, Comb & Brush Cases, Shaving Sets, &o. ST