HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-2-5, Page 8THE BRUSSELS POST
A t hbor Bottle
b'ille:l with hot water and played
attbe feet when brevetting in Winter is a
comfort that is now in the reach of tunny
as we can give you a combination lot and
cold weber bottle and a Fountain Syringe
with three pipes, all for
ONLY $126,
:!Jong with the above we have received
mime more Belt end Spring Trceees
including the
Wetmore Water Pad
which is similar in oonstruation to the
Smith Tense but 'lush improved. Every
thing in the Syringe and Trues line sup.
plied as well as everything else kept in a
first olaes Drug Store.
Druggists, Opticians and Booksellers.
Trains leave Bruesele Station, North
and South, as follows:
Gome.SorrH, Goma Nonni.
Csnroes 7::1 a.m. I Dlfxed 4:44 am
dried......... alae p.m, Mail 13:52 p.m
'ocaf `etas I1te)ns,
A chiel's among ye takin' notes,
An' feitk he'll prent it.
Hones Fair on Thursday of this we k.
Comm meeting next Monday eveniee.
Otis thanks are due to the Huron 5 4.
nal for an advance proof of the Co. Conn -
Augur ten Bru'selitee attended free
skating rink iu Seuforth last Fria ty
Boar. DENnow bas gone to Listowel
with his ice plow where he will be tea-
med for some time taking out ice.
Annacrtsynrn from Blair has reefed
the shop lately vacated by Geo• Trimble,
adjoining Jon. Wynn's carriage sl,
Orotate to the bed condition of the p'ich
boles a new road was broken along ide
of the main track oo Monday on the le
miles South.
TRE POST is unable to give the lief of
Co. Orange Lodge officers chi• week as
we have not bees] supplied with the neves-
Bary information.
Tag Reeve has received a tercel sr
from C. S. Growskie, Toronto, Admink.
teeter of the Government of. Canada, ask-
ing the Council to aid in the movement
en help the famine strioken millions of
Mese Dona Seam, daughter of Jno. R.
Smith, hardware merobant, Brussels, has
been engaged to teach a school near Lis•
towel, rendered vacant by the decease of
Jas. Grills, the late teaober. Miss Smith
will render good servine we have no
Trine is s specie! attraction for the
,Clsooabees at their Hell on Tuesday, the
Setleitet, Sir Knights Alex. McCall',
'9T.m•, Mooney, John Wright and H. L.
dankson will have some good entertain.
meat for the benefit of the Order. A.
good turn out is looked for.
Beussere Sons of Scotland intend gin-
ung the people of this locality a muni•
eel treat in the Town Hall on Friday
evening, 19th inst., when the well known
amnia vocalises and character imperson•
atore, 'Messrs. Rich and Blaney, both of
whom are well and favorably known in
Iowa, will gf"e the leading part in the
progress. Heep the date clear.
LA eaten has been continuing its co-
ward march in Brussels and dozens have
been or ere laid aside either entirely or
lesriieiiy by it. Among the number are :
—A. Strachan and family, Wm. Martin
and wife, Edna Pugh, Gordon Mooney,
Fred. Downing, Harry James, Geo, Ed-
werde, Jas. Fox' children, Mise Belle
r".IleBain, Chris. Zilliax, B. Coohrane,
Jun, Duncan, Mrs. Thos. Thompson,
Mrs, Neil MnLaaohlio, Mrs. Robb, John-
ston, Mrs. R. N. Barrett and Miss Mary
Eo er Miami CousERvhTtvns.—The an -
anal meeting of East Huron Conserve.
Lives wee held at Wingham on Friday
afternoon of lest week, 13. Gerry, Presi•
dent, in the chair. There was a fair re-
presentation present. Office bearers
were elected as Whore for the current
year :-13, Gerry, President ; Dr. Smale,
sr., Vice -President ; W. F. Vanstone, See.
retery t W. Nilson, Treasurer. Esecn-
8ive—Jac. Perkins. Gerrie ; OJ. efosgrove,
Tornberry ; R. Dilworth, Grey ; James
Bowman, Morris ; Geo, Backer, Brus.
ON Ton T. --Wednesday evening Brus-
sels Junior Curling Club had a game with
Wroxeter on their rink. It was a pleas.
wit match and although our boys corn.
seised. the rear guard by 7 shots they en-
joyect the eating�first•olass. The follow.
Mg scare will supply farther pertinnlars
of rho game :—
Bnreanie. Wsox,rrzn,
t.: Sarney, II. Brawn,
Jas. Fos, R. Martin,
J. H. Cameron, Jno. McLeod,
Warwick, ski p,.113 R, Thynne, skip .. 17
Imeeeve:usxfs are epokeu of in aonnee.
tion with the interior of the Town Hall,
Nub before they are needed.
Tim town t'.'U:imi was adjourned front
Mat Monday eventn2•until next Monday,
00119201/ 1 of the !levee being on the seek
Tee Gracie Lodge of the A. 0. U. W.
wet t'e held its reroute, ou Wednesday,
17th Inst. J. A. t'rei,;ht.'u will represent
Brusegia Lodge, Ne. us,
Rett, llvli.ov, who t'urchaeed the balance
of the W. H. Felton stook of grogeries,
oenteetietseey. t 'l: poseoeeism of the
same on 1 rt lay, The new proprietor
will move hie fantiiy from Atwood wbere
he lista been resielitt:,
Wunatu e lave beets bueily engaged
during the past week repairing the break
iu the ru f of the Enterprise Salt Works,
The dames.: wet, largely dne to the plates
in the frame work giving out. An entire
new roof flay he put on next eeasen.
Tum fallowing Brnaeelites attended the
funeral of Jno. Murray, at Seaforth, an
Tuesday of this week :—J. T. and D. C.
Rose, A. Con -ley, J. O'Leary Wns, and
RRobt. Thomson. ,errs. A. Causley and
the el(a.es :ample were also there.
()WINO to the illness of the Editor from
1a grippe and his confiueutent to the
honae,'1.'um Peer ie being issued at eon•
siderable iucotvenfenee this week. Our
thanks aro due to tuauy kind friends for
favors personal and journalistic that we
valne very }feebly.
Wiese might have resulted in a serious
accident in the funeral procession of Miss
Rogers going to the cemetery last Mon•
day was fortunately averted. Dr, Me•
lielvey'e horse driven by Alex., ran
away after upsetting the cutter in one of
the many pitnh holes. Ile upset and
damaged the first stutter be came to and
ran into Robt. Johnston's cutter, and
stove in the bolt of it. Mr. Johnston
and Robt. Graham caught the frighten-
ed steed and prevented further loss of
property if nothing more seri00a.
Conirxo The first curling match for
Brussels Club this season took place e.t
Wroxeter on Monday afternoon, when
our stane twisters drove North to meet
the Wroxeter riuka. Bens+els lead near-
ly all tbrough the nabob but were beaten
by 2 shots. Score was as follows :—
BeteleneS. wROxETEn,
W. Hingeton, J. McTavish,
It. Roach, R. Black
P. Scott, A,Paulin,
D. C. Ross,ehip..22 E. Bleak,skip..20
J. Moliain, J. Bray,
J. Hewitt, A. Brown,
W. Thomson, W. be. Robinson,
J. T. Ross, skip..18 T. Bae, skip..22
40 42
DEATH OF Jas, G. GnInrs.—The Liet0•
wel Banner of last week says of Jas,
Grills, of whose decease Tnc Pose refer.
red last weep :—Anobher very sad and
unexpected event mound this week in
the death, after a very short illness, of a
young man of much promise, Jas. G.
Grills, the oldest eon of Samuel Grills, of
Wallace. For the past two years the da•
ceased has been teaching school on the
Boundary, West, at U. S. S. No. 2, Elam
and Wallace, and had entered upon the
third year of his engagement. He went
home on Friday night, 15th, and the
nest day was not feeling well. A doctor
was called in on Sunday and pronounced
11 a case of pleurisy and acute inflam-
mation. Although very ill, he was not
thought to be fa any danger and Rept up
his strength remarkably well, and in
feet, until a few miaubes before bis death
oocured at 8 o'oloclt Sunday afternoon
last be was not thought to be in any par-
ticular danger. The deceased, Jas. G.
Grille, was the eldest son of Samuel and
Mary Ann Grills of the 3rd eon. of Wal-
lace, and received his education at the
Public School, Section No. 1, Wallace,
and at the Listowel High School. He
took a seeond•clase certificate when 18
years of age, and graduated from the
Model School, Stratford, in Deo. '94. Ile
was devoted to his profession and euoceea•
Tulin his work, as was evidenoed by his
engagement for a third term in the first
school he lied oharue of after his gradu-
ation. He had just entered upon the
21st year of his age at the time of Lis
death. Among his pupils and the people
of his section and among his former
companions of the High School here, and
especially by his deeply bereaved parents
and family, he will be greatly missed and
mourned. He retained oonsaiousnesa
almost until the last and expressed to
bis family his confidence in the conso-
lations of religion, and in the future life.
The funeral took place on Wednesday
afteruoon to Fairview cemetery.
Bum Paten REquzREJ.—Ttte Ed.
Roe of the Clinton New Era has bed a
siege from sciatica and we were ansfoue
to know how be was progressing but we
feel sure from the following item, which
appeared in last week's issue, he has
thrown away his crutches as no scietioat-
ed Editor would ever venture anything so
funny. Here is what he says :—" We
Alias Him.—'Phis office has gone into
mourning ; metaphorically we kave put
on sackcloth and ashes. Our employees
are like one of old—'they refuse to be
comforted," and it is all owing to the new
County 0ounoil aot. Heretofore the day
for the meeting of the County Council
was like a beam of sunshine to everynne
oonneoted with the New Era, Indeed,
for days before the time was anticipated
with exuberentexpeotations, and moon.
taintop felicity, for upon that day ilre
brilliant and versatile Reeve of Brussels,
W. H. Herr, was sore to uralce us a visit,
His reputation seas unsnppreseed humor-
ist was so well known that ''the boys"
used to drop in to meet him, and his ori-
ginal wit, quaint phraseology, picturesque
language and unlimited imagination
would at once put all in good humor ;
even the presses have been known to
rattle at some bright saying of his ; onoe
in a while the °fllce towel world smile
through its sombre shades ; the "devil"
has been known to roll the floor in his
awakened mirth, and theboye were usual•
ly allowed half a day off in order to get
their nerves settled after Ise had been
here, The new County Council Aob
leaves him ut home ; the merry twinkle
of hie eyes behind the glasses that her•
aided his presence here will be missed,
the seintilations of humor that almost
creaked the imposing stone will not be
heard again unless he comas down to
attend a Sunday Sabool convention, oe is
in charge of Fin. Scott on hie \easy to
Goderioh, for inflicting some new joke on
an unsuspecting vio1ien.' We quite un.
deraband now how Bro. Holmes hes gone
so rapidly into flesh, viz., on the "Laugh
and grow fat" preecripbion, We aped
to be in Clinton shortly so we advise
having the bnttone on the employees
clothes stitched on with telegraph wire ;
get a few yards of hoop Iron around your.
self and prepare for the Worst.
R. Rose. A. Ilse,
W. e. Stewart, John Brawn,
J. MoBein, J. AloTavish,
8.Cousley,skip 14 G. Paulin, alcip,.17
28 34
lfllosvrrti Mneu,tii—The twenty fourth
oesnua1 meeting of the Howielc Mutual
Fire Inenranoe Co. was held at Gerrie on
aan..22nd. The attendance wasgood and
the meeting was one of tit most agree.
able and auoceseful ye• held by the
41,enpany. Reeve Stra' lean, of Grey
township, was called to tb + chair, a p001.
31011155 filled in his nsual genial and able
manner. From the reports submitted by
the management the following statistics
zstay betaken :—Polioiee in force at the
slosiug of 1800, 2789; ineuranoe in force,
$9,080,586.00; premium notes available,
$181,927 74 ; other assets', $4,728,61 ;
total assets, $186,050.35. The looses sea.
mined during the year amounted to 94,•
$.38.27. The total paid for bares was
98,438.21, which includes one loss for
11.805, The Company olosed the business
el the year with it earth beet ttoe on hand
cif 92,980,00.
`Tem Week TIM POST is in receipt of the
°Moine program of the dedicatory eers'ioes
of the fine, new., brick Zion (hurah at
Crediton. The services begot on Friday
evening, 1201 inst., and onnolude TuosdRy
evening, 17111 inet., with an omen reeled.
and asrviee of praise, Both German and
E gilelt dienonrees will be preached.
GaNs Haat!. I:nrly lest Friday ntorn-
inl Gbe lxnitl1' of lirtlseek were sadly
surprised to learn of the demise of Hattie,
oldest daughter of Geo, Rogers, Feeder.
leit street. Conslnnhtlon wee the ORnee
Of death, her serious )Moses only extend-
ing oval: six weeps, although she had
been In railing health for about a year.
It teas Gapeated that her youthful energy
would have enabled her to shake off the
fell destroyer, but it turned out other.
wise leaf sbe sank very rapidly at rho
last. The eubjeet of this notine, who tytas
in her 24th year, tuns 0 universal favorite
and was an over welcome visitor to any
circle. She was of area appearance ;
hody like in manner ; energetic) and in.
dustriuua, and was ever ready to lend a
helping htutd to all or auyrequiring or
desiring her eel. In her position as ntil•
liner she merle many warm friends at
Exeter, Znrioh and London, who, with
her large circle of friends here, will
mourn her early cleanse. The funeral
took place on :timidity afternoon, a most
appropriate and tonohing service being
conducted its St. John's church by Rev.
Mr. jousts, of Listowel, assisted by Itev.
W. J. Hamilton, of Mflvsrton. There
WAS a large attendance. The pallbearers
were :—J, i ergneou, G. Halliday, W. R.
Mooney, W. Grewar, W. James and A. I,
McCall. Mr. and firs. Rogers and fam-
ily are deeply sympathized with in their
Business Locals.
?MR of stockings found. Ask at Tne
LAKE herrings for sale at Jae. Bailan•
tyne's grocery,
SUITS made to order at ef, Richardson's.
Cheapest piaoe in town.
Pon dandy, well built cutters go to Jas.
Walker, carriage maker, Brussels.
GET your buggy repaired, trimmed or
new topped at Jas. Wallrer's, Brneaels.
SEE the new steel buggy clash at Jas.
Walker's shop. Also a patent top, the
best out.
WaNrgD.—Roll butter, 1.20. ; dried ap-
ples, 3o. Any quantity. G. E. Kine,
A xranttu of well bred Black Minorca
rooste'•s for solo, Apply to Leslie Herr,
Beret'. ••.
Tueemu WeeeeD.--Any quantity good
turkeys wanted, dry picked, Undrawn,
head and feet left on. Also dressed hogs.
Backer & Vanstone.
20 Bonne of 22 inch stove wood wanted
for Methodist church, Brussels. Beeob
or maple body wood. For 'further par-
ticulars apply to R. Leatberdale, Brus•
As I expeot to leave Brussels by the
10th or 15th of January all accounts
must be paid by that date or they will be
placed in other hands for collection. I.
Semmes Cure, the great cough and
croup sure, is in great demand. Pocket
size conbains twenty-five doses ; only 25
aeuts. Children love it. Sold by Sas.
For, druggist, Brussels.
Keno's Clover Root will purify your
blood, clear your complexion, regulate
your bowels and make your head clear as
a bell. 25 cts., 50 eta. and 9100. Sold
by Jas. Fox, druggist, Brussels.
ANY one wanting their saws to ant fast
end easy bad better bring them to me, ae
I have the most complete outfit of latest,
new, improved saw tools. T. McGregor,
saw filer, Brttesels, Queen Sr., East.
COMFORTABLE brick residence with every
eouvenienee,furnace, &c.,for sale or to
rent. Immediate possession given.
Fob further particulars apply to Mrs. R.
Walker, Turnberry street, Brussels.
TNM hardest saws warrented full set
without breaking, as I have a new, safe
and feat way of setting saws, Saws that
are in fine order given in exchange for
saws that are out of order by paying the
difference. T. McGregor, saw filer, Brua•
eels, Queen St., East.
CARPETS,—Any one desiring carpets
will do well to call at the Brussels Wool.
en Mill before buying elsewhere, as they
have the largest aesortmeut of samples
ever shown in this locality, ranging in
price from 30e. to 81.00, HowE & Co.
Unlike most propriatory medicines,
the formula of 'Dr. J. 0. Ayer's Sarsa•
papilla and other preparations are ohne.
folly sent to any pbysioian who applies
for them. Hence the 5555101 favor ao
Corded these well-known standard reme-
dies by the World's Fair oommissionere.
BARGAIN OFoenisn,—Tbst eligible half
acre lot situate on the Southern por1iou of
Turnberry street, Brussels, will be dis-
posed of below Dost. Very easy terms.
Write for particulars to JOBE HARGRMAVEa,
174 Queen et. West, Toronto.
Wttax rs Mons Pnaotoos than good
health 7 Do nob suffer with sick and
bilious headaohe, sour stomach, iediges•
tion, despondent feeling, with lank of
ambition, pain in bank, legs and side,
poor, appetite, when you can remove the
cause by using one box (complete treat•
went) of 4Vrighb's Liver and Stomach
Pilte at a cost of 50 Dents, from James
Fox, Chemist and Druggist, Brussels.
Don't Headache Powders will relieve
that violent headaohe in less time than
it takes you to read this. They are safe,
suooessful, sure. 25 oasts a box.
AS' T2,NJ jfl 1) B,AXIC OF CeII?V 4D,d,
T.40:07,..asmramen e.e7m.
ASSETS, (Seven Million IJnllers) 87,000,000
CAPITAL (Ao0horized) • - $2,000,000
Agetteies'iit all principal points tin Ontario, Qnebeo,lllanitoba, United States 41I ttptand.
fieri i mts RE'i db a•
A General Banking Buoineen Traueaobed. Formats' Notes 'Recounted.lvt
Drafts Ismael and Collections made on ell pointe. 1`i�� tt'1
Interest allowed on deposits of 91.00 and upwards from dat of deposit to date of
withdrawal and compounded half yearly, (Ill
Every faoiliby afforded Customers living tet a distance.
einnnemee—rgneesna..—At the 1•esidenoe
of the bride's (ether, Ifullett, on the
Jan. 27th, by Rev, J. Hamilton, Mr.
D. T. Churohill, sou of Mr. Thos.
Chnrcbill, depoty.reevs of Goderioh
township, to Miss Annie, daughter
of Mr, David Ferguson.
OuoT.—I0 Jamestown, on Jan. 1st, the
wife of Mr. Jno. Cute of a eon.
Hoiaooa,—In Clinton, on the 22nd Jan.,
the wife of Mr, led. T. Holmes, of
the New ]Ira staff, ot a daughter.
Mus000 vn•—At the Manse, MaBillop, on
January 25th, the wife of Rev. P.
Musgrave of a ern.
BEswxTnMurort.—In Gerrie, on January
18th, the wife of Mr, Jacob Bas•
wftheriok of a eon.
f,3ANat4.--In Eltna, on Jen. 20th, the wife
of Me. Wm. Haute of a daughter.
HAJaL'roet.—In Elute, on Jan. 25th, the
wife of Mr. David Hamilton, of e
!pence,—In Senfnrlh, on January 31st,
John Murray, aged 20 years and 5
Ihnotelc,—At the Loudon Asylum, on
Jan. 25th, Agues Derrick, formerly
of Codertoh, aged 43 years.
Musonavo.--Ab the Manse, McKillop, on
January 25th, the infant son of Rev.
P. Muegrave, alter seven hours of
lloonne,—Is Brussels, on Friday, Jun.
29th, 1897, Hemet 15. A., eldest
daughter of George end Jane Rogers,
aged 23 years, 10 mouths and 10
11exot.—In Elmta, on Jan. 20th, tie
infant daughter of Wm. HaliCe.
HaaaLT'oa.—In Elena, on Jen. 23rd, 1897
Robert John, only child of John and
Mrs. Hamilton, aged 9 months and
14 days.
GEILLs,—In Wallace, on Jan. 24th, '07,
Jae, Grills, aged 20 years 1 month
and 10 days.
Ltwnioo.—In Listowel, on Jan. 24th,
Clara J. Lawrie, in her 28th year.
O'OONNELL,—Iu McKillop, on Jan. 10t11,
Lewis, son of Bernard O'Connell,
aged 24 years.
FVii taus—•LVIODoNAI,n.—At the bride's
home, on Jan. 20th, by the Rev. W,
F. Johnston, B, A., Mr. Robt. 'Wil•
Hama, of Atwood, to Miss Sara,
daughter of Mrs. Alexander MoDon•
old, of Cbesterii:eld.
DuxcAte—i1btlti10tn—In EMU, at the
residence of the brido'e parents, by
Rev. Wm. Cooper, 13. A., Mlss Belie,
daagbter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Ham.
ilton, to ter. Geo. Duncan, both of
Tnuaenar, FRB. 11th —Farm stook,
implements, &o., at West Half Lot 14,
Coo. 5, Grey. Sale unreserved et 1
o'olook. F. S. Scott, auo ; Peter Bishop,
WEDNESDAY, Fan, 17th.—Farm stock,
implements, &o., at South Half Lot' L9,
Con. 8, Morris. Sale unreserved at 1
o'clock. Geo. Kirkby, enc. ; Albert Oar.
ter, prop.
Tuosnao, Feb, 23rd.—Farm stock.
South half Lot 21, Con. 2, Morrie. Sale
nnreeerved, at 1 o'clock. A K. McAllis-
ter, Prop., Geo. Kirkby, Auo.
name= emz...,C S,rAs^+.MCMiTe`a,
Fell Wheat............ 73 75
Spring wheat 80
Barley. 22 25
Peas 39 40
Peas (large) 54 65
Oats .... 10 17
Butter, tubs and villa .., 10 11
Eggs per dozen ... 30 13
Flour per barrel....,4 00 4 50
Potatoes (per bag) 25
Hay per ton 7 00 8 00
Hides trimmed 5 5}
Hides rough 4
Salt per bbl., retail 1 00 00
Sheep Akins, each 50
Lamb skins earth 15 40
Apples per bbl 60
Hoge, Live 4 00 4 10
Dressed Hogs 4 00 5 00
A number of haute each day. Asic at
wagon, now cutter and cart for sale at
a bargain, Apply to 4, 0017SLEY,
.1 27th, a small parcel containing dress
goods. Also a black muff lost about 9 weeks
ago. Finders will oblige by moving them at
Eno Pose Publishing House.
Lot 112, Mill street, Brussels, on which
is a roomy dwellitng, well, stable, &e. Terms
yy Apply to R, A DAMS,Lontlesbot•o', 01'
V, 5,500Tr, Brussels, 27-4
= given that T whl nob Bold myself
responsible for any 1 assets contracted in my
name without my written order,
E bhel, 7t'eb. lot, 1807.
horse, eight years old, suitable for eith-
er road or farm ; also buggy, cutter mutt
equipments, Would ex0bango them for
young cattle if suitable.
18.11 SRO, 100138, Brussels,
prion will be nota far 8,000 or 4,000
coxae of cord treed, either salter bard, I bo
051195rod this Winter ab the PINTEIt�P1tISld
SALT W021145, Brussels.
201f Estate of T. T. COLEMAN.
i� Isms of the undersigned, Lot 15, Coil. 5,
Marcia, on Jan, 220, a Yorkshire White Sow,
Any information leadingto her eovory
will bo thank fully re rKO. reMIr LER,
20.11 Suaebine P.O.
and 10 Mos of Ilret'olass lana admin.
in Brussels, 100' sale, There is a small hank
barn and it young orchard oe 24 soma, Would
make it ilio fruit farm of market garden,
Propriotor bat a fair dairy business in eon.
neotion. Possession given at once. Will be
sold at a low price. For farther particulars
apply on the promises to GEO,1ROSS, Pro•
prtetor,13 russols 1'. 0. 20.4
1 INEdano0WOsalSTOrnorof Y RIOK
'Turnberry ristreete, Brussels, meted last
year, There are all the necessary conveu-
son8e0 en the promisee euoh as firet-slash
collar, hare. and sort water, wood shed, stable
with atone fousdetlon, &o. Yarn nee in Mom,
There 10 .13 Imre of land. Will sell at area.
Boilable ager° and on good terms as I intend
lure apply tom ODnA.tLOW1LY i partlou,
37.10 1'roprlobor, Bruasole.
ltALIt, Tl,o nntlet'eiguod bias alX young
Dnrlteun belle ton eats, from 0 be 18 moutba
old. PedIgr'eed stoolc. Prices reasonable,
27.4 Trowbridge.
Mr. Ono. Hiritby, auctioneer, has been in -
atm etc 0 by the nude, signed to Poll hp nnbllo
enation atNorth Half bob 20, Oon. 7, Morris,
on MONDAY, FEB. Ilei, at 1 o'clock, the
following valuable property, "is.: -1 boavy
draught mare 4 year's old ; 9 cows supposed
in calf ; 0 heifers O years 010,0 of them sup -
Pond in calf ; 10 tree's 2 years old ; 39 well
bred Leicester and Shropshire owes; 1 Lei•
ouster ram ; 10 pigs 8 wooly' old; 14 sucking
pigs ; 3 brood sows ; 1 bbor0'-brad Cheater
White boar; 5 Spring calves; a 11011bor of
hens ; 1 pul0er ; 1 large size cutting box ; 1
pair of bob sleight ; 1 cutter; a quantity of
lumber suitable for flooring, and numerous
other a'bieles.. Salo unreserved as propsiet-
oris giving op farming. Tereus—All Rums of
85.00 and under oath ; over that amount 0
approved joint notes; 018 cent o famishing ' 111
ou oredlt amounts.
GEo. 1(ninnY, B. WALi(EI1,
Auctioneer, - Ps'opt'letor.
Icor particulars
or to rout, 7ot 10, Con. 0, Grey.
apply bo
28- T. MOORE, Brussels,
DEnsloNo,D has several good Farms for
sale and to rent, easy terms, lu Townships
of Morrie and Grey. P S. SOOTT.11ruseols
omn land for sole in the Village of
Ornnbrook on which are good buildings.
Also a good buggy, gutter and set of single
baroess. A bargain will be °flared, Per fur-
ther parti0ulars apply to
3013N 0cINTO8H,
27-tf Claybrook.
near Brussels. Groat bargain. Lob 7,
0011. 6, Grey township. Good/ buildings and
prober d, well watered, suitable for mixed or
dairy farming. Possession given next Metall.
House, Brussels, T t0 0l11OMAS I1Posy E11ITAG' ,
London West,
acres—Consisting of Lots 18 on the 71h
and 8th Concessions, 'Township of Grey, be-
ing 1 mile front the Village o1 Ethel and 5i
miles from Brueaels. 40 aoros of Fall wheat
sows and about 80 acmes under grass ; 00
mores cleared on each. Perms of payment
oast'.A. MCHELVEY,
04- Brussels,
.LVJ. —100 aoros of good farm laud at
Springfield, 8 utiles from Win uipeg, is offer-
ed for sale at aloes prt05. The property is
North 'Gnat 13 Sea. 10, Two, 11, Rouge 4, East.
There is IL house on the premises and some
breaking dove, Ibr full particulars as to
price, title, So., write or apply to
G.7, 13LA111 or W. li. RE1010,
20-tf Brussels, Ont.
150 acre farm in Morris 'Township, 2
milds from Brussels, known as the "Berrie
Farm." Good bank barn, good brick house,
good orchard, lu every respeob a choice farts
Aleo (Llama quantity of turnips, clover, hay,
straw and oats. For all particulars apply to
Joint MoOnAE, of the Village of Brussels, or
to G. F. Br,AIn.
Lased at Brussels, Sou. 2311,, 1807,
G. F. BLAIlt,
Consisting of the South t nod South d
of the North it of Lot 88, Con 2, East WILwa-
110sh. This is all nx0011e0t stook farm, being
well supplied with good spring water, Itis
situated about 9 milds from the thriving Vil-
lage of Myth. A large part of It Is under
grass. Builrliugs and fences aro in afatr
state of ronah'. Easyterms of oaymeut will
be given, For all information apply to
11-tf G.F. BLAIR, Barrister, Brussels.
). That exoetiont farm, Lot 15, con. 0,
Township of Bray, 100 acres, must be sold ab
ones in ardor to close estate of declaimed own-
or, The lot Is Yearly all cleared, with good
buildings, ample water supply, largo or-
chard, 11, miles from Cranbrook is snider
good cultivation and no a veru desirable pro.
party indeed. Apply to RIOHAiSD MIT-
CHELL, Brussels P. 0.; JOHN ML'POF ELL,
011 1110 promlaes' 00 A.JOUN'1'3li,Brussels.
Dated Sopa !Celt, 1800.
the Township of Grey. In order to
Blase act estate the Wost half of Lot 21, Con.
7, Township of Grey, 50 acres, is offered for
luny sale. On the premises are a good
frame dwelling with kitchen, 80., also two
Mule barns, good water, orchard, 40, and is
otose to the Village of Ethel, Soil is of the
best. and farm is well lanced, Apply to
ALM'. Dtol(ELVGY, DLI)„ Brussels \VM,
Dfali3ilI,V711Y, Samostown; or A. BUNTER,
The eligible 200 nein farm, aompieod of
lots 10 and 17 in the 10th can„Grey township,
Boron Co., and 50 acres, part of lots 16 and
17, 11th 0011.. belonging to the Robert Brown
estate, is offered fur sale t0 wind up estate.
On the first farm is a good Steno house and
largo baglt barn, necessary oubbnit !lues, or.
Ohara, too. Fain welt watered, well Penned
and In good state of eoltlyation. About 50
acres of bush, 42 of wale!! is hardwoo,l, Oa
the 00 earn farm them is alms., and barn,
orchard, and about 8 (taros of bush. !farina
sold jointly or separately to suit purchaser.
Possession given lin the Fall. Farms aro 0u-
iy a mile from tato village of Oraubro0k,
Where aro school, chnrebos, post -011100,
stores, &a., and 83 mhos to the tTn'ivlug mar-
ket town Brussels. kir further particulars
as bo price, terms, &o., apply to
AGNES 13100 WN,
JAMES BROWN, Exooubors,
S01111 BROWN, ))))1
Oranbrook P.O.
honor ('lratluabo Toronto University,
Itloentinte Royal Oollege Dental Surgeone.
Crown and Bridge 'work aspeoialbyy,. Moder-
ate Loos. Satisfaction Manfred, Ogee, over
Barrett's barber shop, Toruberry St., ibOno-
11E13. `5, 1897
+FANFeringx.,_ mown..
A PhysicalJr eck,
C) 9 'a't.-
Impure drugs have caused almost as
much trouble and suffering as sickness
and distress. Don't use adulterated
nredioinee---Purity adds nothing to the
omit of an article if it is bought at the
right place. Wo are careful about our
purchases. Knowledge of Drugs and
long oxporicnno hes taught us what to
bey and what to avoid. Oar stock con-
tains only what is good. This insures ilio
filling of customer's prescriptions with
the exact quantities and qualities intended
by Ilio doctor.
I-Iave you tried our Syrup of 'White
Pine and Tar for Coughs and Outdo We
guarantee It
FOE'S Dna' Otore.
5) • Honor Graduate of the Ontario
Veterinary College, is prepared to treat all
diseases of domesticated animals lin a com-
petent manner, Particular attention paid
to veterinary 0otitistry. Calls promptly at-
tended t0. 0111oe and Inflrmary—Four doors
north of bridge •Paruberry et„Brnssea,
.$. Ln Solicitor and Conveyancer. Cullen.
Mous made. °Moe—Vanstone'sBlooit, Bruv-
sole. 21 -Ono
1'V • Solicitor, 0onvoyancer,Nob,uyPub-
Iie, &o. OtDoo—Vanatoue's Bioolc, 1 door
north of Central Hotel, Private Funds to
(Formerly of merou,
borne Hotel. !dolt &
Cameron,) Barrister and 8odoitnr, Goderioh,
Out. once—elamllbou fit., Opposite 001
• Soho' tor, &e. (tato of Garrow &
Proutlfoot's Oitice, Goderioh.) Mee oyer
Giltios & Smith's Bauk, Brussels,
Money to Loau. 47
Licensed Auctioneer. Pales conduct
cal on reasonable terms. )'arms and farm
stooks specialty. Orders left at Tim Poem
P ublieh iu g Hoese,Bru seals, or seutto Walton
P. 0., will reoeive prompt attention,
• nen, will sell for better prices, to
bettor men, in ass time and less charges
than any other Auctioneer in East Huron
or he won't charge anything. hates and
orders can always be arranged tit this otltoe
or by personal application.
Who has had 25 years experience as an
Auetloneer, but who had to quit owing to ill
health, has again taken out license and is
prepared to conduct sales at reasonable
terms. Sat,afastiou guaranteed. Dates may
be arranged at TM) POST Publiehh,qq House.
Ancient Order of United Workmen,
This old and prosperous Fraternal As000
anon uulaherivg 800,000 members aro pre
smiting to thepublio their popular and 0000•
mica rales to worthy men, at the very lots
rate of about $8.00 per $1,000 pm auuum,
The 'Workmen” Promptly ray Death
Waimea and expeob 0 large increase to its
members now that thoeo American Line
Oompaniee don't seem eatiefaotory to Can-
Recorder; Jr A. O1111:IGHTON,FLnauoinr.
• Isamu oXMarriageLiootisoa. Oi11oo
ab his Grocery, J)urnborry street, Brussels.
• Tonsorial Artist' Shop—Next door
south of A. M. Molloy & Oo'e hardware etorn.
Ledies'and obildrene hair outtlug a specialty
Savings Bank tit)rbe Deposits from
$1,00 to 81,000 end allows 01 per Dont,
interest. T. L'AltROW,
87.5m Postmaster.
neem ANon,
Issuer of Marriage Lioei?ses,
OFli'loP ,tT JNwoani Sennn.,
10"'No Witneae Required.
T, FLETCH7]R, Brussels
clerk ot the Fourth Divtslou Oellr
do, Hueco. Oonveyauoor, Notary nubile
Land, Loan end Insttrnue° Agent. Plaids
invested and to loam. 0o11ootious made
OIAco in Oraham's Woolf, Brussels
A.. WWil give lebsone tO pupils either on
piano or organ, his BrunelleMusio ROom, 11A 5100
giro n. Te,1 earsxp Vooat loesboa also'
gluon. Ten years experiences 3u toaobbng,
'forms moderato.