HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-2-5, Page 6Nxusu vont —Is E11Indell1tn--• EVERY FRIDAY MORNING lin time for the early mails) at t`The Vint" Steam Publishing {louse, TIIRNEEE ty Sr., BapsoELn, ONT. Tennis OF Snns0nn'Trox.—Ono dollar a year, in advancte. Tho,tlate to which ovary ou bhe pOi0addlist id is denoted by the date ADTEnTroINO RATES.—Tho following rates Will be charged to those who advertise by the year '-'sPeoE"� I 1 TM. ..l_Ouia, �tl moo One Column $00.00 $86.00 000.00 half 5100 50.00 10.00 Quarter ' 20.00 12.00 8.00 Eighth " 10.00 2.00 0.00 Right cents per lice for first insertion, and three cents per line for each subsequent in. serttcu. All advertisements measured as Olonpnren-10 lines to the inch, Business Cares, eight lines and under, 02 per annum. Advertisements without specific direc- tions, will be inserted until forbid, and charged accordingly. Instructions to change or discontinue an advertisement must be left at the counting room of Tun PesT not later than Tuesday of each week This is iulperat)ve. W. X1. xcrn' .X . Editor and Proprietor. r,listritt Vireo „cotet Black & Barnard are the shippers of a car load of meal and flour to Dundalk. Our Pablie Library has been the re. eipient of another large consignment of booke. 3Let iels.no'R'. las. Shouldioe, of Elderslie, has been elected Warden of Bruce County. Councillor Adam Thompson is at pres. ent nursing, a very sore hand, the result of an accident to one of bit lingers. 'While leading a bores into the livery barn the dther day, he slipped and fell, breaking one of his fingers. The residenoe of Ches. Stewart, HHeve- lock street, had a narrow escape from fire on Wednesday morning of last week. About 8 o'clock a small blaze was dis- covered in the kitchen, caned from a stovepipe. Little damage was done, however. On Saturday, Jan. 23rd, Jas. Hughes, of Culross, en old man of ahnoet 80 years of age, was working alone in the barn, where he was subsequently found lying on the floor of the basement dead. It is supposed he was taking corn from the mow above the granary and in some way or other slipped, falling through the trap door in the floor, a distance of 15 feet. From the appearance of the body when found, death seemed to have been in. stanteous. Deceased was a brother of Riohard Hughes, of Lucknow. CIin,ton. A'rrmiaTED BoonEEY.—Sone time. Sat- urday night, Jan. 23rd, an attempt was made to enter the butcher shop of Ford to Murphy, three panes of glass being broken in a rear window, and attempts to raise it being quite evident. Aa there was no snow carried into the premises, the assumption is that the would•be thief was not successful. CLOSE ENoucs,—The other day as a heifer was being driven along the street, it became excited and made a bolt to get away. In doing so it ran on the side- walk in front of Gilroy it Wiseman's store, slipped down on its knees end then slid up to the plate gloss until its head bent the pane. Had it not fallen it most certainly would have gone clean through the window. Hoven os REFUGE CD ser oto.—Ever since the opening of the House of Refuge the clergymen of Clinton have taken terns in conducting religious services at the House on Sunday. The work has been done ungt•udglogly, rain or shine, and tbs clergymen hove either bad to walk out to the House or find their own conveyance, a thing it should not have been necessary for them to do. As some of the Clergymen are also interested per- sonally in Sabbath school work, it has been felt by them that they should be re - Saved of the House of Refuge duties, and at n meeting on Friday they unanimous- ly decided to ask the County Council to appoint Rev. W. Newcombe as ohaplain, ata trifling salary that would simply de- fray his livery expenses. In case any of the inmates should desire the services of a particular pastor, they would be at their disposal. N.sowing something of the situation, we think the Council should act upon the suggestion of these reverend gentlemen, as it is hardly fair to expect them to continue services at much personal inconvenience. C.' ode elell • The Signal Bays :—The new County Council is formed of a rather goud•look• ing lot of men, The proceedings in connection with the commission iseued to Police Magis- trate Seaver opened on Wednesday, Feb. Ord, Wednesday was devoted to the oases of J. M. Roberts, postmaster, Dungannon, and D. l0, Munro, post- master, Auburn ; Thursday and Friday to the Charges against postmaster Campbell, of Goderich, and Saturday to the trial of the oases against mail clerks Dalton and Anatin. A Goon Arrotorstjrt.—It is currently reported that owing to physical infirm. sties, Mr. Dickson, who has for so many years faithfully presided over the jail at Goderich, has tendered his resignation, and that Joseph Griffin, ex Reeve of Ash• field, is to be appointed in hie place. If this is true, the Government is making a good selection, for not only is lir. Grif- fin entitled Is consideration at the hands of hie political friende, but he is a man well qualified for the duties of titat po• eltinti, Six MooTNe IN THE CENTaaa,,—Wm. Southcott, of Exeter, who had pleaded guilty to a charge of having stolen goods in his possession, and who made a strong plea for mercy, was brought before His Honor, Judge Maeeon, for sentenoe on Thursday, A numerously signed pati• tion had been forwarded from Exeter for presentation to the court on behalf of the prisoner, but the evidenoo disclosing the fact that the defendant bad committed more than one offence, the plea for mercy did not avail, and he was sen - tended to eiX months in the Central Prison, with hard labor. • THE BRUSSELS POST FIB, 5, 1897 .,.-...,...,•.>"err-.r,..,n,,,otr.,rr..: , _ ,.,...w.r,•nrvmm ar«mvPWlrmm�!rrvrrlr .nn wrerrrnnamnrnrr.rreeml114.n..am,V.,,., ,rerMls.rm,.,. ,rn,.-•.r.._..,. _.... Hon, luetioe Armour will preeitlo at the sitting of the High Court of Juetioe, which opens here on March 800. The annual dog noes, under the anspioes of the Goderioh I'iennel Club, will take place this week on the Square, FINE: On Friday evening, Jan, 92nd, about 7 o'olook a fire broke out in the large warehouse occupied by Harper tI Lee, behind MuLean's Blook. The cause of the lire was gaeoline escaping and ig• sighting from a lantern carried into the warehouse by one of the employees. 11. W,11IoKenzie'e gunpowder was stored in the same building, but ae soon as the fire broke out it was removed to a safe place. The hose was laid from the hydrant at Goode's corner, and for some time the water was all thrown from that quarter, but about 7:20 one branch was laid from Sharman's corner, around behind Smith's bakery, and played on the roof from the east. The &re was speedily got under Control in the warehouse proper, bat the side of the roof still continued burning. There was a doable roof on the building— one having been built at a late period over the original—and the fire got be- tween them, so that the water could not resoh it for some time. By directing the water under the eaves and through a hole in the roof, the fire was put out. If the block had caught fire, nothing Could have saved it, as the wind was blowing a gale. Gerrie. Robt. Edgar is baying another load of horses for the English market. Jas. Beswitheriek has purchased from Jas. Leech, the shop at present occupied by E. L. lio•ren, just North of the Anglo-American Hotel, and will take possession at once. We nnderetand that Mr. lleswitheriek will have it veneered with brick and fitted up in the best of style. A telegram on Sunday, Jan. 2100, from the "Soo" Conveyed the sad news of the death of Miss Amy Clegg, eldest daughter of Wm. H. Clegg, formerly of this village, which tools place on Sabbath morning. Mr. and Mrs, Clegg have the sympathy of their host of friends and acquaintances here in their sad and trying affliction. The evaugelistic services in the Meth• odist church, Gerrie, have been well at- tended, notwitbetaniing the very stormy weather. The earnest labors of Mr. Phelps are highly appreciated by the pas- tor and members of the church. A num• ber have decided for Christ and have found pence and joy in believing. There is every indication of au extensive revival, Forct'svic.ln. The fermiers of the and con. have or. ganized a beef ring. Large quantities of wood, saw logs and grain have been coming into town. The teachers of the Fordwich school have purchased a Helisterra for the scbnol. Wtn. Sotheren, of the Gth con., lost a valuable horse recently. It stepped on a nail and look -jaw set in and death was the result. - On Monday of last week 10 teams from three miles the other side of Palmerston passed through town on their way to Geo. Aebton'e briokyard for brick. William Angus and Arnold Aldriob, eheese-makers of Fordwich and Cheap- side cheese factories respectively, attend- ed a obeese convention et Brantford. The senior department of the village sc11oo1had the largest daily attendance on Tuesday of last ween that it has had for over flee years. There were 05 pupils present. The Howioh Union Sabbath School Convention will be held in the Methodist church, Fordwich, on Tuesday, February 18t0, beginning at 10 a. m. There will be three sessions—forenoon, afternoon and evening. At the annual meeting of the Epworth League the following officers were ap- pointed for 1807 :—Pres., Wm. Mahood ; 1st Vice -Pres., Miss A. Harding ; and Vioe.Pres., Mise J. Sanderson ; Ord Viotti. Pres., Miss A. Edwards ; Sec., E. Riehm ; Treas., Mise L. Mahood. Last Sunday Rev, W. H. Harvey, B. A., of the Hamilton Conference, preaohed re -opening services in the Mebbodist Church, On Wednesday evening Rev, G. A. Gifford, M. A., Ph. D., of Wing - ham, delivered his femorae lecture entitl• ed "1'he Mammoth Cave," in the church. • The Latest Chatter. Most fish can utter addible noises. The filet false teeth were made on lead plates. A whale of average size has a jaw -bone 05 feet in length, Cape Colony exports annually 0100,• 000 worth of dried flowers. A ton of oil has been gained from the tongue of a single whale. One room in the Imperial palace in St. Petersburg is 100 feet long by 150 feet wide, Policemen in Vienna must be able to swim, row a boat and understand teleg- ranhy. It is estimated that the annual dew. fall of Great Britain is equal to 22,161,- 587,855 tons. The growth of nails on the left hand requires eight or ten days longer than those on the right. In France 4,000,000 tons of potatoes are annually ueed in the mtmdfaoture of starch and alcohol It is oaloniated that the average weight of a shooting star does not exceed from 1} to 2 grains. A great authority on 11.1 says that every square mile of the sea is inhabited by 120,000,000 finny creatures. There are 9197 feather curlers, 4007 artificial flower makers and 4076 um- brella and waiking•stielt makers in Lon- don. In the public schools of Ge,many the bright pupile ore separated from the stupid one{. Medical men do the sort- ing. The difference between a planet and a star is this : A star shines by its own light ; a planet by light reflected from another body. According to the deductions of a well. known astronomer, we receive an much light from the tutu as could bo emitted by 050,000 full moons, There ie a law in France compelling pbyeioians to write their prescriptions in the language of the country and for- bidding the use of Latin. The itch -wood tree growe in Fiji. It is said that to touch the leaves or stem of Ole tree "hi like letting the hand some in contact with a red-hot poker." Sharke grow a new row of teeth for every year of their age until they reach maturity. Uhl jaws of a full•grown specimen eon be extended about 18 inches, Tho ilinaque of St, Sophia, at Con-' Wanted 1 id W110 Celt think' stantino le, was built with tuortas er• YIGIIged—AQ1 gdea of 001100stlnn071 P P I tiling to 05 en fumed with muelt. It was areoted a Protest yyour ldrns• thou may bring yen wealth thousand years a'0,yet the =sky smell Welts sOIiN Wl.UllElinl,T100 OU. Yatone AtIer• 6 y soya Washington, 0. 0,.;or their 51,800 prise offer ie etill noticeable. end list of two hundred inventions wanted, The Girls and the YPIhcO, When the Prince of Wales Mae in Am. 50100, in 18110, he was a young man of nineteen and unmarried, Naturally, the American girls were deeply interested in hint, and a period of the most romantic excitement ensued in till the cities. livery subterfuge to donee with the young Prince was resorted to, and membere of his party were bribed 00 arrange a waltz with the Heir Apparent ; the most untie - nal expedients were resorted to by girls. His baggage was kissed as it was pat aboard the care, and when he left a hotel room women would resit in and carry away in bottles the water in which he had washed his face. Church people for- got themselves and stood on the oaellions of the pews in order to see the Royal visitor. For a eo•oalled democratic pee - pie, this was a remarkably eilly exhibition of what Thaokeray calla "I'lunkyiem." • Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is known by ire works. The experience of half a Gen- tury proves that no other preparation of the kind stop Coughing and allays irri- tation of the throat and bronchial tubes so promptly and effectually as this. • Short l•leritiotts by floaeou Short. Many people use an oath to try and cover up a lie. The collection plate is one of the best tests of tt man's religion. Church membere who patronize the sa- loon are the devil's decoy ducks. Some sermons are like fireworks, shot off simply for people to admire. The preacher who can't bit the mark in halt an hour had better stop firing. A pack of cards is the Devil's Bible, Nobody but his followers will be found with thepr. It hurts the cords on the feet of some people much more to go to (March than to market. A dude is the little and of nothing, whittled down to a point and stuck on to the end of a cigarette. People with brains are Careful to edu- cate them ; those without are apt to educate the feat. The ear that le always open to bear slander, becomes a Common cess -pool for the neighborhood. A face decorated with paint or powder should also put out the sign, "Rooms to let on this flat." The person who gets the most benefit from the sermon is the one who prays meat for the preacher. People who know that they are capable of bad things themselves will generally say something bad of other's. NEED OF SPELLING REFORM. English spelling is remarkable for its indefinite variety. As long as "tithisis" is spelled "phthisis" the voice of the spelling reformer in the land. Mr. Turner, in the following incident, in view of the present method of spat. ling, was entirely consistent : Dobbs met his friend 'Turner on the train. They were both going to London and slopped at the same hotel. Turner registered his name "E. ii. PbObologn- yrrb." Dobbs noticing it, exclaimed : "Hero, what are you assuming such a foreign name for ? Are you in any trouble ?" "Not a bit of it," replied Turner, "end I am not assuming any foreign name." "What kind of a name is that ?" do. mended Dobbs. "Twat is my identical old name," per- sisted Turner, "and it is English, too— pronounced plainly Turner." "I can't see how you can make Turner out of those 13 letters ; besides, what is your object in spelling it that way," ask- ed Dobbs. "Well, you sen, nobody ever noticed my name on the register when I wrote it Turner," explained the latter, but since I oommenoed writing it "Phthologhyrrh" I set them all guessing. They wonder what nation I am from ; what my name is. I can now bear people talk about me all around. It is, as I said before, Eng- lish spelling. 'nth,' there is the sound of "t" in phthisis,' 'olo' there is the 'ur' in 'colonel' ; 'gn,' there is the 'n' in 'gnat' yrrh,'is the Bound of 'er' in 'myrrh: Now if that Doesn't spell 'Turner,' what does it spell ?" BOAR FOR SERVICE.—THE 'undersigned will keep for service on 1.ot 20, Con. 5, Morris, the there' bred im- proved White Yorkshire Boar "Selected," bred from 3.16. Brothour's sweepstakes sow at Chicago Pair. Terms, 81,00 to be paid at the time of service with privilege of re. turning if necessary. Pedigree maybe seen on application. BIDET. NIOf100.. BOAR FOR SERVIOE.—'TIIE moo'eanod wilt peep for service on Lot 90, Con. 0, Morris, the thoro'-bred Large English Berl:shin Boar, "Captain John." His mother is a inn sister to the let prise sow at the World's Fair. Pedigree will be itroduuod on application. Terme—$1.00 to be paid at time of service with privilege of returning if necessary. Si•Om JAS, sPEIR, Proprietor. BRUSSELS PUMP LIRAS. I with to inform the people of Brussels and surrounding district that I have put-. Chased the Pump Business of JAMES BELL and will be found ready to attend to all wants in either new work or repafra at moderate prices. No better Pump in the 'market, Order left at my shop or residence 00 at P. SCOTT'S shop will be promptly looked after. Orders taken for the Digging of Wells and Cisterns. Gomer Green, MILL STREET, - BRUSSELS. >' f` ere ' erred "Every season, from the time I was two yt'n:•s 01d, I stiffored drpnd- fully from tryxipelas, which kept growing worse until ley ]rands were almost mitless. The bones softened so that tlicy would bend, and several of my lingers are now crooked from this cause, On my Band 1 carry largo scars, which, but for AYER'S Sarsaparilla, would be sores, provided I was alive and able to carry anything. Eight bottles of Ayer's Sarsaparilla cured me, so that 1 have had no return of the disease for n1000 tbnn twenty years. The first bottle seemed to reach the spot rind a persistent use of it has perfected the c'ut'e,"—O. C. DAVIS, 1Cuutotna, 11 -is, ra',T_;2 u " We kec i11 stook and supply everything in Coal and -Wood Stoves, Either Parlor, Box or Cook First -alas Furnaces From best Canadian. Manufacturers, and Warranted to work properly. TINWARE OF ALL KI/VDS. Plumbing promptly attended to at Reasonable Rates. Lamp Goods, Lanterns, &c. Orders Taken for Coal. Stove and -Furnace JW'en, Brussels. L 00 ;y THE ONLY WORLD'S FAIR Siesap 11a .&YER'S PILLS Prcmote Good Digestion. An Agreeable Laxative and/MRV-13 TONIO. Sold by Druggists or sent by Nail, 25c,, SOB, and 81.00 per paokago. Samples free. The Favorite TOOTH 50815EO for the Teeth and Breath, 250• Sold b1' JAS. 1,01, Brims'st, Brussels. .. S9 Real Estate 45 Loan Agent, - Brussels. Money to Loan on Farm Secur- ity at the Lowest Rate of Interest. Money Loaned on Notes and good Notes Discounted. Sale Notes a Specialty. Fire c2 Life insurance Written. Special. Attention given to CO NVEYANCING. 6't.n O'fit` U LEY 9 Office over Deadman do MaCall's Store, BRUSSELS. anted—An Ideag,F t n Protect WED10ER13D&Ny&00 gPaten Attory nays Washington, D. O., for their 5i,eoo prizo odor and Iter of two hun5re5 lnvo0tlo0s 0000105. LAD , 0 THE LUXURY OF HMO O IP roma) I:0 Di'. Lolaoy's remfttis Pills„ Tan only relln9ln and truntrnmtlq• pre. envolnn knarvu, smolt, mm'.t moat ,fectiverenn,ly overdiaeevured ler anima. eln,itleonl ten Ie..,icsyeenn. ,. abalcirrabr utewpt, or by nlyl,ouroly0010.lmn rluj 10, LeRoy Pill Co. Victoria St. -Toronto, Can. Sold Iso Brussels by .JA5', FOX. DR. CHASE'S 0 THE ORIGINAL KIDNEY PILL Q Ki OI THE ONLY KIDNEY -LIVER PILLS 0 VER T. 0ewaoo, ii ane ger Standard Sant, Bred fors, Ont., anys, CI osis ltidno l n, r Pills Inc a grand medicine for the kidneys and l,lv, r. NV1t, Ctoote, \fce,ud 50, J oron,o, re. liprole, t ng frtontro, I SI, .levo, Chas.'s Pills act ke metric rnr the r, 1,,0, 01,r,.l.: c0„ hitinun 011000 end of eetipndnn. ti dd on. r, a hum, or by mail ou e. e,n,rt of 001.1, , 005,1v,4,);0, ?,:TCB 80 CO. 40 0080005 5T• 1601005, 0330, Established I y of Toronto, 1, n},`ryn1-� PT ;It t.. ;1`•,If�;rnJpll li,� tG50,x.,{NPt1,lSlt}) ;I i'G' J"if 44 lie ';gyp ti m t f.;�ll ��)t . ;iFs{�aahe It _ r 1-0 m C 00 0' a 0 13 110 o' '1 01 rA O o 0 OP O�0 H O 0 O 0 O O The Policy Contract issuocl by this Association is perfection itself, UNCONDITIONAL, ACCUMULATIVE, AND AUTOMATICALLY NON -FORFEITABLE. It leaves nothing further to be desired. Pates and full infor- mation furnished on application. ',t e Erma, Agent, Brussels. The undersigned has opened out a Large and well Assorted Stock of IN THE BRICK BLOCK Opposite the America Idol, Brussels, Where may be found the latest and best Styles in Parlor and Bedroom Suites, Sideboards, Tables, Loungers, Sofas, Chairs, Mattresses, &c. Picture Framing promptly attended to. Curtain Poles and Window Blinds supplied. Satisfctetion Guctr'anteecZ, Give me ct fall. 4 .,,' `'.`'1+ Vl•_-t} ` tl_71.1.114'a t. xl ;pmt 15t. ear C lifi I�E41i, In connection with the stole a well ordered Undertak- ing Department will be kept where a large stook of Cas- kets, Coffins and Undertakers' Supplies will always be found. at Moderate Charges, First-class Hearse. Cavity and Arterial Embalming CARDIFF & WALKER.