The Brussels Post, 1897-2-5, Page 4ati THE BRUSSELS POST
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New Advertisements,
For sale—A. Coueley.
Notioe--Ehjnh Bateman.
Loeb ---Fuse Publishing House.
New Spring goods—J. G. Stene.
New goods—John Ferguson tC 00.
Stools taking—Snaith and r\InLaren.
Rubber bottle—Deadman S: McCall.
House work wanted—Poen Publishing
i b.e ntssti5 ` fist.
• FRIDAY, FEB. G, 1897.
Some people have nu idea that the
Tariff Commissioners are only making
things more difficult for themselves by
securing such a mass of bewildering and
contradictory evidence, and the promi•
nence of the projected interests before
the Commission has awakened appre•
lreusions in some quarters that the tar-
iff reform pledges will not be fulfilled.
We can well understand that weak men
would lose themselves in the mass of
material the Commissioners have to
One of the gravest objeotiOus to the
protective system is that ditties so easily
grow in volume, and rednotione are so
difficult to make. But in no better time
could the tariff be reduced than now,
when bneineae is running ander bare
poles. The Commissioners have a big
job before them, and a lot of hard work,
but we are satisfied the country as a
whole will have reason to be fairly teals -
lied with the results of their work.—
Guelph Mercury.
The Seaforth Poultry Show.
The first annual exhibition
under the auspices of the
Huron Poultry and Pet Stook Association
was held in Seaforth ou Tuesday, Wed-
nesday and Thursday of last week and
proved a huge success. The feathered
race was repreeeuted by an exhibit of
about 350 birds, all of the highest breed-
ing and in prime condition. The follow-
ing are some of the largest exhibitors
from remote parts of the county :—J. 0.
Lytle. Luckuow ; E. A. Wells, Goderich ;
A. J. Grigg, Clinton ; Juo. Barnard,
Wroxeter ; W. Taylor, Wingham ; W.
Carter, Huliebt. The success of this,
the first annual Show in Huron, is large-
ly due to the untiring efforts of the Presi-
dent of the Society, Dr, Scott, and Secre-
tary Wm. Hartry, who did all within
their power to bring the exhibition to a
digest, but with strong men—and they successful issue. The exhibits were
impressed everyone that way in Guelph— { judged by J. L. Jarvis, chief of the Pout.
added information, however diverse, only farm,lGuelphen wh f eap es od 01101 very
gives a wider basis for judgment. And j complimentary terms his surprise at
VC are satisfied that the Commissioners ; finding such a large variety of thorough.
will make every reduction in the tariff bred birds in the county of Huron, It
they can, consistent with tate needs of j Gwas decch.ided to bold the next Show at
revenue, and if some ono•borse concerns, The following ofiieere and directors
which exist solely and only because of the were elected :—Presideut, A. MOD. Allan,
highprices which theyare enabled to ; Goderieb ; 1st vice, A. J. Grigg, Oliuton
g 2nd vice, Dr. Scott, Seaforth ; 3rd viae,
charge under cover of a high duty, have Walter Taylor, Wiugham. Directors for
to come down to a business basis, or quip ; Goderioh—Wm. Auetey, J. Fisher, 0..9..
shop, so much the better for the country. Willis. Clinton—Lapis Kennedy, Walter
Mr. Dodds, of the Armstrong Works, 1 Coats, J. W. Ford. Huliet—Wm. Wal -
gave us an instance on Tuesday. The lace, Wm. Garter, Fairservice Brothers,
raw material of the furniture cover he 0. W. Irwin. S. Johns—Juo. A. Wilson,
0, C. Wilson, H. Johnston, T. F. -Cole-
makes costs on the American side 42 man, Jno. Ward, Luoknow—J. 0. Ly-
ons. Wrox-ter—John Barnard,
Light Brahroae, cools, G Irtviu, Wm
Carter ; hen, W Carter, J 0 Lyons ;
cockerel, J 0 Lyons, W Carter ; pullet,
cents, while he has to pay the only 0011.
cern here making such material 52i
cents. They have things in their own
bands under the duty.
The Commissioners need not attempt G Irwin.
to satisfy everybody. They cannot over- I Dark Brabmas—Sen, J W Ford, G W
come every disadvantage of climate, of 'Tit!),
J C Lyoua ; cookerel, G W Ir•
business conditions, of small capital, of win ; pullet, e W Ford, 'ben,
Buff Oaahius—Cook, ken, J 0 'Lyons ;
situation, by clapping on tales on the 000kerel, G Irwin, J 0 Lyons ; pullet, J
people. The radically different positions 0 Lyons, G Irwin.
of the various Provinces makes the workLPartridge Cochin—Hen, pullet, J
of the Commission more balancing yons.
g of Langehane—Hen, 000kerel, pullet, J' A
Games, 13 B Rad—Cock, 0 A Wells, A
in the eighties ruder the duties from J Grg.
igg ; hen, 0 A Wells • pullet, A
capitalists GngJ
which Montreal and Ontario oa ii 4 games—Duck Tying Games—Cook,
benefited chiefly, demanded a quid pro ben, pnllett, A J Grigg.
Iudian Games—Hen, Jos Tyerman ;
cockerel, pullet, Harold Johnsou.
A 0 TI Games—Cock, hen, cockerel,
pullet, 0 3 Wells.
Hamburge—Golden or Silver Spangled
—Dock, W Anstay ; hen, 000kerel, Wm
Carter ; pallet, J 0 Lyone. Golden or
Silver Pencilled Hambnrgs—Sen, Wm
Carter; cockerel, \? J Irwin. Black—
Hen, J0 Lyons.
Leghorns—White—Oook, hen, Wm
Hartry ; cockerel, W Carter, Jas How-
son, W Garter ; pullet, Waiter Taylor, W
Hartry ; cockerel, Jacob Fisher, G Ir-
win ; pullet, G Irwin, J Fisher, G Irwin.
Barred Rooks—Hen, Leo Charlesworth,
G Irwin ; cockerel, G Irwin, Juo Ward,
L Ohaclesworth ; pullet, L Oharleeworth,
J 0 Lyons.
White Rocks—Ooek, L Charlesworth ;
hen, Jno Ward ; cockerel, W Hartry,
J Ward, F Willis ; pallet, F Willis, Jno
Brown Leghorns—Lien, W Wallace;
cockerel, W Taylor, W Ranstay, W Wal•
lace ; pullet, J E Taylor, W Taylor, W
Black Leghorns—All prizes taken by
W Wallaoe.
Rose-Oombed Leghorns—Cockerel, J 0
Spanish—llooherel, W J Irwin.
Dorkinge—Silver Gray—Gook and hen,
G Irwin.
White Crested Black Polands—All
prizes taken by W Carter.
Golden Crested Black Polauds—Hen,
pullet, W Carter.
White Polande—Cookerel, W Wallaoe.
Houdane—Hen, G Irwin ; 000kerel, J
0 Lyons ; pullet, Dr Scott.
Wyandotte&, Gold or Silver—Oook,
cockerel, J 0 Lyons ; hen, J 0 Lyons, L
Kennedy ; pullet, L Kennedy,] 0 Lyons,
Wyandottes, any other variety—Oook,
W 3 Irwin hen, cockerel, L Kennedy ;
pnllett, W J Irwin, L Kennedy.
Bantams, Black Breasted Red Game—
Cook, W Taylor, G W Irwin ; hen, A J
Grigg, W Taylor, G Irwin ; 000kerel, A
J Grigg ; pullet, A J Grigg, W Taylor.
Pyle Game Bantams—Doak, T F Cole.
man, A' J Grigg ; hen, A J Grigg ; bullet, i
T F Ooleman.
Bantams, Other Than Genies—Gold
or Silver Seebright cock, J 0 Lyone ;
hen, G W Irwin, W Taylor, J C Lyons ;
pullet, 3 0 Lyons.
BLACK Mlxouans.—••Coals, 1 it 2, G. W.
/twin ; hen, W Anstay, G W Irwin ;
cockerel, NV Ilerbry, W Anstay, J Halt -
way ; pallet, 14 2, FV llartry, J Halla.
wJevte.—Geo W Irwin.
Run OAPs.—Cock, Jno E Taylor, W
Wallace ; hen, J 0 Lyons, W Wallace,
J 0 Lyons ; 000kerel, 1 te 2, J 0 Lyons,
J fe Taylor ; pullet, J 0 Lyons J E Tay.
Turkeys.—Oeok, T R1o4iiahuel, J Gem-
mell ; hen, T McMichael ; pullet, T 142o-
Miehael, J Gemmell, G W Irwin.
Pyle games.—Cock, A 3 Grigg, J 0
Lyons ; hen, J 0 Lyons, A J Grigg, pul-
let, A J Grigg.
Silver crested Polande,--Hon, W.
Carter ; cook, W Carter.
Breeding pens.—Brown Leghorns, J
Melville ; white Leghorns, W Hartry ;
Games, C A Wells ; white Plymouth
rooks, W Unary ; iocdane, Dr J G
Scott ; Wyendotee, J Fisher ; Cleehine,
J 0 Lyons Minoreae, W Heavy, J 0
Lyons ; red cape, J 0 Taylor.
Pigeone.—Alt prizes taken by Newton
Davis, Olinton.
Gaged birds.—Parrot, L Smith;
English Goldflnoh, 18 Speare, T F Cole.
man ; canary, Sooteh Panay, Dr. Soott ;
any other variety, T P Coleman ; Belgian
canary, H Speen,
interests than the laying down of a hard
and fast plan. Nova Scotia grew restive
quo, and Sir Charles Tupper, in 1881,
gave them the iron duties which the late
Government reduced in 1804, but which
are still complained of, They have
stimulated Nova Scotia production to
some extent, bat we believe au increase
in the bounty and tho radical reduction
of the duty would work little injury to
the vested interests of Nova Scotia, while
it would greatly relieve the other Pro-
vinces. Coal is a more difficult matter
to treat, but a reduction in it would be
made up to the Nova Scotians by a re-
duction on other necessaries.
The fruit men are too greedy by half•
It is intolerable that Manitobans and
Maritime Province people should have to
pay two and three prices for peaches,
grapes, 3:c., simply to benefit one section
of Ontario. To put high specific taxes
on purpose to shut out early Southern
fruit and make the rest of us wait longer
and pay more for the late Canadian fruit
is no part of a Government's duty to the
people ; fruit is not a luxury, as Mr.
Pettit tried to advance, in a vain attempt
to dodge one of Mr. Fielding's questions.
The Canadian growers have no right to
ask the Government to overcome all
their natural disadvantages by putting on
heavy taxes.
The farmer's interests were pretty well
advanced. The retention of the duty ou
Amerioan pork was urged for fear its
free importation would injure Canadian
pork in the English market. The wit•
neseee ou this head did not seem to be
aware that Canadian packers have the
privilege of importing American hogs
free in bond, and packing them for the
English market, if they choose. That
they have not done so is not because of
the duty on pork, that dict nob affect
them at all, as they could importfree, but
because the Canadian pork was superior
and the Canadian supply was sufficient.
Mr. Ballantyne showed that the price of
bacon in Briton and the price paid for
hogs in Canada often had no relation to
each other ; to be fair to the swine men,
they did not claim that it had, as a goner.
al rule. They wanted the American hog
shut out hocaas° it was fed on inferior
stuff, and because of its fancied effect on
fhe English trade, not because tate duty
benefited nacos muoh. Germany, a
muoh bigger country than Canada, and
one not nearly so intimately related to
the States, tried once to shut out Ameri-
can hog products on a similar ground, but
they bad to come to time to avoid retali-
ation by the States, It would seem to
us that the swine men would have been
far more consistent in melting that the
same revenue duty of some 25 per cont,
be applied to hogs and hog products as
will have to be applied to other articles.
The position of Mr. Smith, the sheep
men's representative, was far more
reasonable ; he was quite willing to trade
off any advantage a tariff Would give
heti for reductions in other quarters,
Ayleebory dnoks.—Drake, W Garter ;
duok, W Garter ; young drake, W Cart•
Pepin ducks.—Dralte, 1 it 2 G W Ir.
win, J 0 Lyons ; duels, 0 15' Irwin, J 0
Lyons ; Yonne drake, Win Wallace, J
0 Lyons, G W Irwin ; young duck, G
1V Irtviu, W Wallow, 3 0 Lyone,
Tolouse geese.—G W Irwin,
Speoials.•—L 0 Charlesworth, for
yonngeet exhibitor ; best Gane cools, 0
A Wells ; best breeding pen of Asialios, J
0 Lyons ; highest sooriug Ooehiu, 3 0
Lyons ; highest eooring Houdau 000kerel,
J G Lynas ; beet breeding pen Minorcan,
W Hertry ; highest eooring breeding pen,
W Hartry ; best light Brahma, G W Ir.
win ; best rook bird in ebow, W Hartry ;
best white rook cockerel, W Hartry ;
best Poland, W Carter ; best Brown
Leghorn cockerel, J Melviker ; best
breeding pen white Leghorns, W Sarbry
highest scoring dark Brahma, G W Ir.
win ; best pais of geese, FV Grieves ;
hest pair ducks, G \V Irwin ; best Guinea
fowl, W Carter ; best Seebright Bantam,
G W Irwin ; highest scoring bird, G 1V
Irwin ; best barred Rock by farmer, J
Gemmell; beet exhibit of turkeys, T
McMichael ; bast collection of pigeons,
Newton Davis ; beet Leghorn pullet,
W Hartry ; best Leghorn cockerel, W
Carter ; beet dark Brahma, G W Irwin ;
best light Brahma, \V Outer ; highest
soaring pullet, Dr Scott ; exhibitor win-
ning the fewest prizes, J H Howson.
Remarkable Testimonials
Blyth, Sept. 22nd, 1896.
J. M. MaLnon, Goderioh
DEAR Boa,—I think it is my duty to
write to yon regarding my boy. Wel],
my boy was about twenty•ouo months
old when I began to give hitt your Sys-
tem Renovator Improved and your
Protein Resurgam. I gave him the medi-
cies for about five months, then he was
oured, and to -day I have as strong, ELS
healthy, and as good•looking a boy as
yon would wish to see, now three years
old. Be was very troublesome from the
time be was born, cried nearly all the
time and slept very little and that never
soundly, not until he had taken your
medicine for a short time, lite used to
go into oonvulsione three or four times a
day from the time he was live days old
and then his head began to grow larger,
increasing in size all the time until the
medicine took effect. We sought medical
aid from different doctors without any
t'mnetlt, Cooly one relieved him some),
The size of the head began to diminish
gradually au 110 was gsbtiug affect of the
dropsy and of the water in the head.
No other medicine was used but yours
only, with tbs above mentioned results.
I trust other inethers will benefit from
my boy's mire. The bottle of Renovator
which .I took myself has done me n great
deal of good. 11"rout lay very heart and
that of it gratofnl another you will have
my good wishes wherever you may be as
Iolig its ynit lire. I remain
Your true friend,
Mae. AxucEw SMITH.
5014 by Jas, e'ox, Druggist, Itrassele,
Will, Bailey is off duty with a severe
attttok of la grippe.
0. Thorntou has secured work in a cab-
inet fantroey at Luoknow.
Mise Mary Scott, who has been ill for
a few days, is recovering nicety,
There is a great rueb of logs coming in
to the saw mill yard these days.
Mrs. and Annie Stowe are visiting
friends and relatives in the county town,
Mr. McDonald of John Gar—
diner, has removed to Luoknow with his
Lawyer Broyden, of Gunton, is visiting
at his sister's, Mrs. Wm. Maxwell, of the
Bluevale road.
Grand opening for a jeweller or tin.
smith in our village. Wbo will be the
first to come ?
Geo. MoDonald leaves for Guelph next
week where he purposes learning the
butter making.
Our teacher, Mr. MoEwsn, has a class
studying for Thirds. We would like to
see them succeed.
The Blnevale Cheese S: Butter Com•
pany intend putting a butter plant in
their factory this Spring.
The 0. 0, F. intend bolding a big en-
tertainment of some kind in the near
future. They always get up something
Bluevale people are sulking up aflax
mill. Oome along and take a share as it
would be a benefit to the village and sur-
rounding country.
James Pugh is getting hie fancy driver
pretty well broken in. We expect to see
him come down the street some of these
days at a two -forty clip.
All the Manitoba land companies re-
port increased inquiry for farm lands.
Many of the oorrespoudeots live in the
Northern and western States.
Are coming to hand at
And the public will find it to their advantage to call and
see them. Our Grocery Department is noted for fresh,
well assorted goods that always please.
Olde1sl S ENE 111 gown.
We are showing a full line of'
which we ale prepared to sell at prices that defy competition. In
Men's lines we have just received some exceptionally good value in
Ox Blood, Chocolate, and Dong. Bala., that we are sure will suit the
Eye, Feet and Pocket. Our stock of Ladies', Misses and Children's
is up to elate in Style and Quality. Call and see our Gents' Fancy
Slippers. We have a few Boys' Long Boots that you can have at
Strictly One Price. Always tate Lowest
Are Opening out This Week
Special invitation to All
To Come and See the New Spring Goods
erg iso
Dry Goods and Groceries.
rus ;els
Having been refitted with new machinery on the
Plan Sifter system, we are now prepared to sup-
ply customers with flour that cannot be equalled
by any other system of milling, We have also
got things in good shape for chopping.
should always remember that grain ground with
stones is very much better for feeding stock than
that crushed with metal discs or rollers and costs
no more.
The best of Flour, Graham Flour, Cr^cce7ted
Wheat, Oatmeal and all hinds of Mill Feed
constantly 072 hand at
Ross' Flour & :Feed Mills.
We $u11 iy Ever7thing
Previous to our Annual Stock Taking we have decided to offer
Special Bargains in all linos of—
Hats, Caps, Furs; Furnishings,
Readymade Suits and Overcoats.
We have a nice range of Fur 112uf'fs, Collars and Boas that we
Will let go very cheap. Also in Fur Caps, Coats and Capes if there
is anything to suit you the prices ,cannot fail to moot with your
appr oval.
A .Few pairs of Felt Boots to be cleared out Cheap.
If you want a good bargain conte in and poo what we can do
for you.
February Standard Fashion Sheets and Patterns to hand,
N. N. G E '! RY +R Strachan.