The Brussels Post, 1897-2-5, Page 3FRI1, 5,1897 TER BRUSSELS POST
Town Directory.
MaramLE Cnnnal,-Sabbath Sorvio
0.6 11 a m and 7;00 p. m, Sunday Soho
at 2;80 p m. Rev. john hoes, B
JorN'a Ormeen,-Sabbath Service
At 11 a m and 7 p m. Sunday Sohoo
At 2;80 p, m, Bey, A. K. Griffin, !nom
METHODIST Cugnoll.--Sabbath Serviette
at 10:30 a ne and 7:00 p m. bttnday
School at 2:80 p m. Rev. S, J. Alibi,
panto r.
Rom An CATHOEI0 Clrution.--Sabbath
Service third Sunday i11 every month, at
10:80 a tn. Rev Joseph Kennedy,
SAkvATION A:Ms.-Service 166 7 and 11
a m and 3 and 8 p nt on Sunday and
every evening in the week el 8 o'alook, at
the barracks.
ODD FELL03(0' LODGE every Thursday
evening, in Graham's block.
MASONIC LODGE Tnoeday al Or before
full noon, in Garfield block.
A 0 Y W LOpar on the 3rd
Friday evening of each month, in Bliss -
C O F Leone 2nd and last Tuesday
evenings of moll month, in Blashill's
I 0 F, 2nd and last Friday in Odd
Fellows' Mall,
L O L 1st 4londay in every month
in Orange Hall,
SONS or 830'1LAND, 186 and 3rd Tues-
days of each month, in Odd Fellows'
K. 0. T. M. Londe, 2nd and 4th Tues-
days of each month, in Odd Fellow's Hall.
Canadian Order of Chosen Friends, 1st
and 3rd Mondays of email month in Blas -
hill's Ball.
A 0 F, let and 3rd Mondays of email
month in Odd Fellow's Hall.
Homo CIRCLE, 2nd and 4th Friday even.
Inge 1t) Blas1iil's Hall.
POST Ointxne.-0M00 hours from 8 a.
m to 0:30p. m.
oT L1bry
0.r in
Holmes' block, will be open from 0 to 8
o'clock p. m. Wednesdays and 8:30 to 6
and 0 to 8 Saturdays. Miss Minnie Mo.
Naughton, Librarian.
Town Oou.toxn.-W. II. Kerr, 'peeve ;
Geo. Booker, Geo. Thomson, R. Lea-
thordalo and R. G. Wilson, Councillors ;
F. S. Scott, Clerk; Thomas Belly,
Treasurer ; .11. Hingston, Loeeooer and J.
T. Ross, Collector. Board meets the 1st
Monday in each month,
Sonom. BoAnun.-A. Koenig, (ohnir-
man,) D. 0. hose, J. G. Skene, Jas.
Turnbull, A. Cousley and F. Von.
stone. Seo..Trene., R. K. Rose.
Meetings 2nd Friday evening in each
Punto SouooL TEAc1Eas,-J. H. Cam•
eron, Principal, Leon Jackson, Mies
Downey and Miss Ritchie.
BOARD or HEALTir.-Reeve Herr, Clark
Scott, A. Stewart, T. Farrow and Wm.
Jewitt. Dr. McNaughton, Medical
Health Officer.
"I've bought it bonnet, papa, dear ;
My beau declares 'cis trimmed with
I have no funds, and I've come here
To see if you will foot the bill."
"Your beau, and what maybe his name 9"
The father roughly questioned her ;
She hung her head, with cheeps aflame,
She softly answered, "William, sir."
His eyes 8110130 bright with dangerous
light -
"11'm, so he says 'bis trimmed with skill,
Well, bring him to the house to -night,
And I will gladly foot your Bill."
The sign is bad when folks commence
A' flndiu' fault with Provideooe,
And balkiu' cause the earth don't shake
At ev'ry pranoing step they take.
No man is great till he can see
How lege than little be would be
If stripped to self and stark and bare
He hung his sign out anywhere.
My doctern is to lay aside
Contentions and be satieflod ;
Jest do your best, and praise or blame
That fullers that counts jest the same.
I've alias noticed great success
Is mixed with troubles, more or less,
And We the man who does the best
That Bits more kicks than all the rest.
We'll begin with a box, and the plural i0
But the plural of ox should be oxen, not
ores ;
Then one fowl is it goose, bot two are
called geese,
Yet the plural of 030000 should never be
You may find a Ione mouse or a whole
neat of mice,
But the plural of house ie houses, not
hiss ;
If the plural of man footways called men,
Why ahouldu't the plural of pan be palled
pen ?
The cow in the plural may be cow0 or
Bub a bow if rfpettted is never called bine,
And the plural of VOW is vows, never vine,
If I speak of a foot and you show tae your
And I give you a boot, would a pair bo
called beet ?
If one is a, tooth, and tt whole set are
Why shouldn't the plural of booth be
(Jailed booth
If the eingular's this and the plural is
Should the petal of kiss ever 110 niok.
named 0.r lea ase ?
Then uu0 may be that ttnd three may be
Yot hat in tho plural would never bo hoe°,
And the plural of Oat ie Date, not 0000.
We speak of a brother, and also of breth-
Bat though we say mother, we never say
tnetllren ;
Then the masculine pronouns are he, his
and him,
But imagine the foluinine she, ahi0 and
So the English, I think, yea all will agree,
fe the qu00re01 language you ever did see.
Dat oro fermomoter, he been edlangiu' on
Ile nail
Fob mo'u fohty years ; I welter knowed
'103 yet tet' fail
To prance >troon' fur 0v'ry °hang° let
happen trough de day.
"You'd tf'nk he'd got Ino' sense an' not he
triIlin' dab °sway,
I know he's 1win0 ter take 11 back--dat
tale he tulle wit gleo
Dey kin fool dat oro quiokeilvnh, but day
isn't foolin' me,
When A'lietah Sunshine oome0 along a.
griunin' frongl> de trees,
A.tookin' je0' 02 happy tin' good.natnred
ez you please,
An' lays u track o' golden rails aoro00 de
(*bin floh,
An' elides ter dat forinomoter, a-hangin'
by de doh,
Dan I laughs ter see it riga', jea ez proud
az it kin bo ;
Ile kin fool dab oro gniokoilvah, but he
isn't (00111)' tae.
Who makes ant' Tommy's nose 00 red ?
Nips his hands if he draws his sled ?
Bites his toes what) he goes to bed ?
Jack Frost.
Who paints his cheeks and nips his eters ?
Who from 11ie eyes draws big, round tears?
Who comes to see us every year ?
Jaok Frost,
Who covers window panes at night,
With picture castles ell in white ?
But always keeps right out of eight ?
Jaolc Frost.
Who 0prearls the walks with ice like glees,
O'er w11iu11 our Tommy has to pass 9
Who chains the ponds s0 hard and fast ?
Jaolc Frost.
Whom do the boys all love to greet,
As ho conies :reaping down the street?
They know ow tale coming
means a treat -
Jack Frost.
And who skips up the chimney wide,
Te find a place in which to hide,
When we sit around the fireside ?
:Jack Frost.
I'm glad ivy hair aie't yellow ;
And all curled up and long ;
I'm glad my. (Meeks ain't dimpled,
And that I'm gettin' strong 1
I wi0ht my voice was hoarser,
To talk line Uncle Dan,
Because T want to harry
And git to be a man I
I'm glad the women never
Come tip to me and say
"Oh, what a party little boy !"
In that soft kind of way 1
I wear big shoes and always
]flake all the noise I can,
Because I want to burry
And git to be a mac.
OM I triol to chew tebaoker,
But coulde's do it quite,
It made 111e awful dizzy -
They said I was a sight.
But some time, when I'm older,
I bet yon that 10a0 -
I won't give up that easy,
'Canso I want to be a man.
I've got on pa's suspenders -
Wish I had whiskers, too,
And that my feet were bigger
And schoolin' was all through 1
Wioht Edison or some one
Would Dome out with a plan,
To help a boy to hurry
And git to be a man 1
Crisp and Casual.
A sinful heart makes a feeble hand.
Do nob pander to your own weaknesses.
Nothing is gained by starving the soul
to feed the body.
Every man helps the devil who talks
one way end Iivee ,Mother.
Keep the heart young, and the body
will be slow in growing old.
During last year 4,910,808 barrels of
beer were Bold in New York.
The most costly possessions are those
acquired by wrong means.
The man who lives a lie has a pack of
bloodhounds on bis track.
Competition is the life of the brads -or
the death of one of the competitors.
There is some good in every one, and
some happiness to be found everywhere.
Nowadays you oan never tell how a
girl's waist fits her by the looks of her
most in the back.
The right kind of a man gains strength
from failure, and dose not leb mammas°
breed inertness.
Russia ie amid to 11ave 137,000,000 more
mires of land under onitivation than the
United States.
Canada supplies 4,000,000 of the 310,-
000,000 pounds of butter imported an.
nunlly by Greet Britain.
It may be true that one is never eo
ma0h alone as when he is In a crowd, but
it isn't wise to squeeze a girl's hand in a
etroet oar.
Watches were ono; known as Nurem-
bery eggs, from the fact that they worn
egg.ehaped and were first made in that
German town.
Blucher's pipe whi011 the great general
carried to Waterloo has Dome into Lord
Sheffield's oollootion at Sheffield Park.
It is richly ornamented,
The man who always does just as his
suite wants him to saves tt (0t of oontro.
verey, and be comes out in the end about
RS w011 ne if he had always pleased him.
Between 50 and 00 of the Cenodious
who went to Brazil Ia01 Fall arrived at
New York laeb weak, the B1ibi011 Govern-
ment having arranged' for their passage
to than port.
The Osar has one estate which covers
over one hundred millions of agree, more
than three bines as large as England 1
and he has another estate which to more
than twice the size of Scotland.
Therm is not peer in the House of
Lords wko]wae therm at the beginning of
the Quoen'e reign. The Earl 0? Mans-
field has been there for 50 years, and the
.Earl of Kimberley for 80.
Tho Prince of Wales is a 080101
judge of a sermon, and keenly enjoys an
intellectual one, He need also to be an
ex0ellent critic of novels, but of late
years Dither his love for, or his time for
reading ha0 grown less, There are, flow•
ever, a few authors to whose works his
Royal Elbe le atilt faithful, and when ho
does take a foamy to a book be ream -
mends it een0ta1tly to all his Mende.
Men from the Oenadian Iuinber (tempt I
report the lumber trade as exoeediuuly
dull, and the number of men in the I
shanties tag exceedingly email, This is
accounted for by the taut that the rum.
ber market in at pr000ot uverolooked.
The Q11000 of Greece is an a000mpliob.
ed yauhtawomau, and her honorary rank
00 an admiral in the Rueel 111 navy was
bestowed as a recognition of liar enemata
in passing the regular examination for e
SRI .Iing-master's neriifieate.
The Ring of Wertomborg is ono of the
most energetic horse liroedore on the oou.
quint, and hie stud farm et Weil occu-
pies a good deal of his attention. Noth-
ing delights him so numb as to show Me
perfectly appointed establishment bo royal
and distinguished guests who may visit
his Court. 13efare he game to the throne
hie Majeety owned several steeplechasers ;
but of late years he boa Duly run horse°
on the flab. Princess Pauline, his only
daughter, whose betrothal to Prince
Christian of Denmark is predicted shows
her father's devotion to the noble quad.
rimed, and is said to be a One horse-
PROP. Il,t]1f1.L's 'PEN COMMAND.
31 EN'l'0.
The following new commandments are
addressed by Prof. Hamill, of Illinois,
one of the abet successful normal in.
ebruotors in Anlerio0., to Sunday echool
teachers generally :-
1. Thou shalt have no other books be-
fore the Bible,
2. Thou shalt not make unto thee an
image of other Bible students, nor bow
down thyself to them to serve them.
3. Thou shalt not take onto thee iu
clines the teacher's monthly or the lesson
4. Remember the toaohers' meeting to
attend Ib faithfully.
0. Honor the superintendent that it
may be well with the eohool tVher0113
thou t
(1. Thou shalt not be absent or tardy.
(The qulokeet way to kill a class.)
7. Thou shalt not commit progressive
euchre, dancing or other questionable
8. Thou shalt not neglect thy daily
lesson otudy.
9. Thou shalt not suffer thy life to
bear fain; witne0e against thy teaohicge,
10. Thou shalt covet thy neighbor's
knowledge of the Bible and his skill in
teaching it.
T111i 9133111 OF 'Sililt'i'0 CITIES.
Let the young people put on their
thinking Daps and answer these 30 con.
undrume, You 00.11 make it a game by
using cards for writing the answers.
What gate proclaims and publishes ?
What gate unyokes and sets fee ? (abja-
A gate of an inquiring turn ? (interro.
A gate which pnuishes severely ? (ase.
A. gate full of wrinkles ? (Corrugate).
A gate which connects and classifies ?
A gate which ants as an ambassador ?
it gate which travels by water ? (nevi.
A gate which makes claims ? (arro-
.8. gate which repeals laws ? (abrogate).
A gate which increases in length ?
A gate which goes to law ? (litigate).
A gate which soothes and alleviates ?
A gate which conquers and subdues?
A gate which planes itself ender boucle ?
A gate acting as a representative ?
A gate which separates ? (segregate).
A gate which cleanses and purities ?
A gate which Bends people into exile ?
A gate which waters 1 (irrigate).
A gate of many colors ? (variegate).
A gate which assembles ? (congregate),
A gate which seeks knowledge 9 (fives.
A gate which procludes its kind ?
A gate which includes the whole ?
A gate which Nee together ? (mitigate).
A gate which deserts ? (ruuagate)..
.6. gate which denies and rejects ? (ne-
A gate which sails the son ? (frigate).
A gate of self-denial ? (abnegate).
A11 the words ending in "gate" should
be written on numbered oards and oolieot•
ed, and the one having the beat list may
receive a tissue paper thinking sap.
White Stav Line.
Between Now Yor11 and Liverpool, via
Queenstown, every Wednesday,
As the steamers of this line carry only a
enviably limi6ad number iu the NIIIAT and
01100NA CABIN n000111alodation0, intending
passenger's are reminded that an early up-
plioatiou for berths 10 noeo0saty at tbls sea-
son, For plane, rates, etc., apply to ,
W. H. Kerr,
Agent, Brussels..
System a e ovato or
-4N0 OTHER -
For Impure, Weak and Impoveriehed
Blood, Dyepopein, Sleeplessness, Palpita-
tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint,.Noor.
algia, Less of Memory, 13r013ohitia, Oen.
emotion, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Itidney
and Urinary 1)13016000, St. Vitas' Danes,
Female Irregularities and General De-
Prop. and Manufacturer.
Seta by Jae, Fox.lerctggtst, 11'Uesota,
Best for„. '
Wash Day
makes clothes
sweet, clean,
vltftc, with
the least
able lasting
and cleansing
properties make
economical and
E Et
Cough -euro, the most prompt and
effective remedy for diseases of the
throat tend lungs, is Aycr's Cherry
Pectoral. As all emergency niedi-
cit.e, for the cure of
Croup, Sore Throat,
Lung Fever an d
Whooping Cough,
Cherry Pectoral
cannot be equaled.
1;. 11I. BnAwLi6Y,
2111 D. D. 3)is. Sec. of
the American Bap.
tilt Publishing Society, Petersburg,
Va., endorsesi
t a violent
s a cu • lefor viol
colds, bronchitis, ch tis, etc. Dr. Brawley
also adds: To all ministers suffering
from throat troubles, X recommend
Cherry '''ecIeral
Awarded Medal at World's Fair,
AYER'S PILLS Cure liver and Stomach Troubles.
D. FRAIN has opened a Har-
ness Shop in the building North
of the Leckie Block, Brussels,
Where he is prepared to turn out
Light and Heavy Harness and
attend promptly to repairing.
Blankets, Sleigh Bells, Whips,
&c., kept in stock.
1 nm prepared t0 attend to all orders for
Carriage Trimming, Repairing, R:o.
Good work and Moderate charges.
A Frain,
Certain In 11a effects and never bl1otere.
Rend proofs below:
Boxca Cnrma, Souderton Co„ 111., E08.24,%.Dr. A. J. $aaoALe bo.
.Dear Sirs -Please send me one of your Homo
Dontkdaanad hum,CInbravwx,l Icn guedss •oSftym•
vondorfnl ineiEone. once adamao ht
00.OeaLdottepaoYvoursad alvhebhts
s cured Ler. 1
01115. 1'OwoLL.
CAnro3, Mo., Apr.1,'31,
Dr, D. J.1150nelm Co,
Dein, Sh'a-I have used severe/ bnttloe of Sour
"Renmm'e apaviu Caron. with ranch enemies. I
thinly it the beat Liniment I ever nand, Ita,.0•o-
,novertone 0prb, one Blood 6pavlo and kilted
too Bono spOvIna. Savo recommended it to
e>:era2 or my ri3onde who 110.x0 moon Weaned win
and loop 10. Roapootfully,
S. Ii. 33413 P. 0. Dos 92,
For Seto by all Druggists, or address
aenlyveczc ooae" i.vr,
SNCOe10014 FALLS, Vv.
Red Cedar Shingles
AND. -
North Shore
Pine and Cedar
Brussels Planing Kills
Also Doors and Sash of all Pat
terns on hand or evade to order .
nt Short Notice.
Hearn can Furnished for ail
kinds of Buildings. Workman -
fillip and Material Genrentead.
J. & P. AMENT,
Any Amount of Money to Loan
on Farm or Village Pro-
perty at
6 art 62 .Per Cent., Yearly.
Straight Loans with privilege of
repaying when required.
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Division Court Cleric, B,' sscls.
u��h�seGop f
The undersigned leas open-
ed up a`Butcher Shop in the
Where he will keep -constant-
ly on hand a supply of the
Best Meats Procurable, sold
at reasonable prices. A share
of public patronage solicited.
So '1'V e'fcda1mhruccuru::fin
Meat delivered to all parts
of the town.
G. Richardson
Is prepared to do all kinds of
work in his line.
Good Workmanship and
Good fits Guaranteed.
Suits made for $4 and upwards.
I 'vll0p over Mcl;owah's Store.
The undersigned are prepared to attend
to all branohesof Painting, iomloding
House, 8 ign, Carriage and
Ornamental Work.
Paper Hanging, Kalsomining and
Decorating neatly and prompt -
]y looked after at mod-
erate Prices.
Vile make a Specialty of Manufacturing
and placing in position
Fil'iteC1ass Jima') gs.
Orders left at our Paint Shop,
formerly used by Messrs. Roddick
& Wake, will be attended to with
Paper Hanging Orders may be -
left with idessrs. Dead &
man Mc-
v.t✓,I_D��=c91-IIl 17,a=� l,t ✓L' .moi-_.� � t..r�
New Stock og,
Pine Stook c2,
Bibles, Hymn Books,
Photo. and Sorap Albums.
Special arga, ho i
Comb & Blush Cases,
Shaving Sets, &o,
OST k flr:,)ST