The Brussels Post, 1897-2-5, Page 1Vol. 24. No, 80, Huron County Council. WEDNESIStr. Alter the report of the nominating committee had been received, a own. munication was read from the 00. of Lnmbbon, asking co-operation of the connoll in memorializing the Dominion Government to plaae railway oompmnies on the same level with other proprietors of lend under the Cattalo Drempige Act. Speoial Committee. Prom (Jaunty of FroMenao, asking the (toenail to pass a T01101114100 TO. tariff rates' on certain articles. Speoial (lom- mittee. A request from 3). Preneh, keeper of the House of Refuge, for hareem of eatery for keeper and matron of the 210use of Refuge. Sent to Mountie° Committee, A. large number ot aceonnte, including those of the recent eleotione, and the House of Refege,were sent to the Fi»antie Committee. A tender for county printing was sent to tbe Exeoutive Committee. Gaolerai report was read and referred to Co. Property Committee. Treasuror's report lead and sent with financial statetneut to Finance Oornmit- tee. County oommitssioner's report read and sent to Road and Bridge Oonimito tee. Reports of Inspectors Tom and Robb were sent to Education Committee, end that of Inepector of the House of Refuge to Finance. Report of insurance on (scanty build ices was read and refereed to County Property Committee. motion of ShEsven and Stewart that a grant of 615 be made to each public library was sent to Executive Committee. Chas. Me,ffiennan, of Belgrave, wee appointed anclitor an motion of Messrs: Hislop and J. B. McLean. Moved by Messes. Holt and Robt. efe• Lean that John Acheson, JIM. Boost and W. D, Bright be trustees in their respect. he Collegiate Itestitutes. Moved in amendment by Messrs. Me• Ewan and Miller, that Mr. McDonald be trustee for Goderiob, Robt. Mordie for Clinton, and G. E. Oresweller, for Sea - forth. The amendment oarried, P. Holt and W. Lana were appointed earthen of the criminal justice 110001111te, and Geo. )3aird, of Stnuley, and A. S. Moore, B. A., of Goderich, on the hoard of uoutity examiners. Moved by Mr. Eltslop, seconded by Mr. Holt that the clerk immure a copy of the Ontario Statutes for each member of !hie council, the same to be the property of the county.-Clarried. On motion of Messrs. Hays and Mooney the council adjourned to 'meet et 2 p. m. 'Oliursday. ITITMSDAT. 001111011 met pursuant so adjournment, members all peasant. Minutes of Wednesday read and adopt. ed. Latter read from P. lfolfwan, asking to use Maitland bridge as support for a salt pipe, was snit to Road and Bridge Com. mittee. Request of Col. Wilson and Major Var. coo that the comity pay volanteere while in camp during 1807, 25 Dents per day, was referred to Executive Committee. Communication frorn Clinton Collegi. ate Institute, tusking for a settlement ot arrears was pent to Executive Commit- tee, and annual statements from the eel - !mentos of Clinton and Seaforth want to the same dononittee. A request from D. E. Munro, of Au- burn, asking it grant of $30 towards tbe erection Of a lookup was also sent to Executive, A request that the village of Efensell be made a centre for holding Entrance and Public School Leaving examinations was referred to Executive Oommittee. Dr. thaw's report on House of Range TMS sent to Mouse of Refuge Committee. Moved by Mr. Cook, seoonded by kir. 'Patterson, that in the furore all orders for payments of contracts homed by the county commissioner be earthed to by a member of this connoil instead of the reeve as formerly, sent to Road and Bridge Committee. Moved by Mr. ItleEtven, seconded by Mr. Torrance, that tbe usual grant of 0300 be made to Agricultural and Horti• onhat•al societies holding exhibitions in 1807, Executive Committee. The commit then adjourned, to meet at 10 e, no on Friday. EMMY. Council rammed at 10 4. no, ;ell mem- bers peesent. Minutes read and approved. A letter from Wm. Coats, •seoratary of the elerk'e association, asking that oar - t515 expanses be met by the county, was referred to Bungee Committee. The report of Melons Committee 11,10S read, passed through committee and adopted. Report of Executive Committee was read end adopted with the exception of chases 1, 2, 8, 4, and 6. The council then adjourned to meet at 2 o'clock. The exeoutive report was again taken up, and the following agreed to :-That 430 be granted to Manchester' leoloup, end 0925 be paid to Clinton Collegiate Institute for arrears claimed for 1892 93. The report teas than fully penult Report of Comity Property Committee was read, and aftot a alight alteration the comtnittee toss, when Dr. Redline rooveds 'seconded by U. Mooney that all repairs and furnishings ordered to be done by the Co.. Property Oornmittee be attended to by the Warden and Week and members Of this council for divieion /On. 1. Tho report woe then adopted as amend. 05. rinauce Committee's roped was teed, primed in committee and adopted 1(2 *Duna. The report of Education Committee was presented, read, and, after passing through committee, adopted in open 00(15011, The Special Coromittpets report was read, went thrbegh comfnittee 055 pas. tied ia 3380313111, BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, The report of Roue and Bridge mato, having been reed, was p through committee, end after a verbal amerolmente adopted in not Report of Howie of Range Oonim wee road, and eller it:sorting the w "and inspootoros report" after "pl ohm's report" wee adopted. Moved by P. !Iola seconded by J Motioitu that Wm. Coats, inspect° the Muss of Refuge, be placed on pay list while in attendance at the quest of the coattail,. Sent to Eseen Moved by Mr. Stewart, emended Mr. Pattersom that the various Io Iteepere in the onenty be mild $10 on certificate of the Reeve or of oo contwillor of the division that each 1 00 has been properly kept. Sent Exenutive Com Li) i ilea. A. motion that the usual grant be re to teacher's institutee wee sent to Exeoutive Committee. The oounoll then adjourned till 8 m., at which time it resumed, and n pestling the supplementary reports first emotion of the new County Cott cloned. 111"3/31,1111 01, C031:1111TI0, IMPORTS, Com - assort few Incil, ittee tyei- ords, . 13. e of the re- tivo. by 10-119 the unty oalo- to axle the 9, f ter the soil Speoial committee reported that action be token on the reeolution of County Counoil of Frontenao. asking t crude oil, coal oil and fence wive be pl ed on the free list, and mammon agreement with the petition of Lamb Connell, and that the Warden and 01 petition the Sombre end the House Commons in acaordance therewith, The Executive corntnittee reported action on the application of Insister a matron of the House of Refuge for an i orease of salary. That a mein of $15 be made to oa public library. That m reference to tho claim of So forth Collegiate Institute fot• arrant $228 7.6 be paid in full of all claims'. That in the application of Col. Wits for a grantd of 25 m a day to volunteo in camp no action be teken. Thee 626 be granted to each Farmer: Institute. That on the epplientiott of D. E. Mn ro, of Auburn, for a great towards a lot up. no motion bo taken. That 320 be granted to each brat Agrieultural and Horticultural 8031100holding exhibitions, That in reference bo the claim of Soh T. Dickson for monies alleged to be ova paid, that it lay over till Jane session 5.115that the troaeurer be iustructee request payment of 61,052.67, monies fo 1896, and report at Juno meeting. That the 0101211 05 the Clinton Collegi ate Institute for 1000813,110 lay over till Jun session. That as only ono tender for Count printing has been received, Roe that bein much higher than the accepted tendero former years, we recommend it be no accepted, end thee the Chanty printing be clone by Mr, Kerr, of Brussels, pro- vided lie agrees to do tho same at a price satisfactory to rho warden and chairman ° f this committee, and that in the event of no satisfactory arraugement being made, that it be left to the warden's com- mittee to deal with. That regarding payments to be made to Collagotte Institutes, recommended that treasurer and aliairmau oS this committee examine statement of figures submitted and that the matter be dealt with at the june session, no the hat 140. clod bon ark of no nd 11. ch •s, 011 TS 5' 11- 11 y 11 r. 0 11 y 5E00110 111113000. That the county oonunissioner be plea. ecl on the paylist MI the mine rate as the members during the sessions of the couu- oil and that Inspector of House of Refoge be also pleated on the list at same rate as a member while attending meetings. That the oonaty clerk attend all meetings of committees which may be held outside of Geduld -a and that he be paid at the same rate as members of the committee, That the mond grant of 1525 bo made to 0001) Tettehers' Institute. T11116 110 action be bath on the motion of Matiwan and Snell, re boundary line grants, 11301 11)5 same course be followed with the municipal clerks petition, and that 010 be granted in eceoedance with the motion of R. McLean and Dr. Rollins. Education corn, reported that Messrs. Robb and Tom appeared before the com- mittee and requested that 600 copies of the coarse of 5455311M printed in pnartph- let form for the use of the schools, and recommended that the application be granted. That tho petition of the village of Hen - sal! requesting that that village bo made mitre of llogh school Entrence =min. abion be granted. That the reports of InspectorsTorn and Robb had been examined and passed, and that they be printed in the minutes with the exception of the visite to schools, Comity Property reported throb the jail had been examined and found clean and in good order ; that Gaoler Dickson was Well pleased with the ineandesoeut light, end that MO more light be placed it each of the Sour corridors, and that the floor- ing of tho turnkey's room, ordered at the anne session, be etteaded to at once, That one Meatus inmate, who is very weak physioially, bo removed bo the asp lam 00 0000 as posaible. That au old num, A. Wesley, who is o very idiom, and conies from Poppeeton, Cannington Statioto Midland Div. Ct. T, s R., be soot there as hie bions expives on I, lsb Pabenary, else he 0111 13035 to be sent to House of Raw. That supplies neskecl foe by polar bo b greeted, That supplies melted for law library by a Judge Masson bogranted. a Theb the floor= registry °filo° be at00 - tended to. That tho registry office was examinee lv and foiled in proper shape with the ex, b °elation noted. 0 Thee the statement of insin•anacs placed it before the committee bo printed m the rn minutes. tl That the different rooms in the (hurt and House wore examined and loend chart et and well kopt, end thee Mt:. IMeCtreath in seemed to be a Very efficient efflooit and le that a new carpet be percemeed for skim th loading to court town. pl Road and bridge terronittoo reported that Westfield, Ball's, Meibletid and Eighteen Mile bridge's respired now floors, that the commit/sheer ask for bet:Irian foe the Lome and the work be proceeded with ae soon as possible. That the tender of L, Hardy, 0139 for Tiplady bridge, be accepted. That Mr. Kamm be greeted tbeprivi. ledge of laying a pipe on Maitland bridge, provided he aSSIltne all responeibility, end that the commiesioner have power to re. *3309811 ab any time Thee the commiseioners cortiSeato be sufficient for the paymnob of contractors. That the tender of Mustard and Guth. ridge for stone 0,11(1 concrete abutmente for Bannockburn briolgs at 55,60 per cable yard bo Accepted, and that the tender of the Poterboro' Bridge Co., 01,2713.00 for the superstruoture, bo also accepted. That the report of the road commis. sionor bo printed in the minntee. Finance committee 11000111 mended pay. moat of some fifty accounts. That the county whetter draft a new peddler's and hawker's license bylaw la accordance with new steatite, and time the peasant fee be continued. That W, Lame be paid for actual travel- ling expenses for comity eleotion, end re. ported that the treesurer's steersmen!) of county finances for 1890 were full and complete and carefully prepared, and OM they be publiehod ia the minutes. That the securities and bonds given by the county treasurer heal boon examined and found to bo the SWIM as those given in detail in the auditors report of Janu• ary, 1808, and that the clerk protium be- fore the next session the latest assessed values of the properties embraced in such securities. '113he warden's committee reported that they had decided to ask the opinion of the inspector of registry offices regarding the olanuts of rho estate of the late Jas. Dick- son and jno. T. Dickson. Thad the claim of the Seaforth Collegi- ate Iustibute was a proper ono. Hesse of Refuge committee recom- mended that the reports of physician and inspector be printed in the miautes, and that two hundred copies of the inspect. or's report be printed in pamphlet form for eistribu tire. The contracts for supplies bo made for three months with power to extend them for another term by mutual consent. 00.17:011'15 REPORT, After mentioning iu strong ternss the improvement brought abort by the in- troduotion of the incandescent light, shows that there am 17 prisoners eon - fined, three of whom are under sentence for lareeny, one insane and thirteen vs, - grants, all strong and uhlehodied men with the exception of A. Wellesley, who is aged and weak in body and mind. OPTICERS REPORTS, The Public school iuspectors, road corn. missioner, treasurer, Home of Refuge physioian and }Muse of Refuge inspector also scut iu reports, but they are too lengthy for even a summary in this issue, MisSionary Anniversary. METHODIST CHURCH sieussEt.S. The annual Missionary meeting, held teat Sunday in the Methodist church, was given speoial interest by the pees- enee of a retuned Missionary from China, in the permits of Miss Isabelle Orosthsvaite, dressed in Chinese aostunie. This lady addressed large and attentive audiences both morning and evening and also addressed the Sabbath sahool in the afternooto 1/011=5 simmers Mies Oreethwaite's morning address dealt, first of all, with "the difference be- tween China and. Christian lands." China, with ire Martel superetitions and darkness, is different from Canada only because hundreds of millions of people in Chine know nothing of Christ. Two mail gods, 005 0! iron and one of weed, were exhibited as samples of the gods wb loll the Chinese worship. 0E10 of these gods is known ae the god of longevity ; the other, the god of adversity. Passing next to the question, oDoes it pay to mold the Gospel to Ohina 9" Miss Crosth• waits cited a number of cusses in which there was ample proof of the moral ele- vetion of those coming under Gospel in- fluences. The closing part of the speak- er's! address was a touching reference to the perilous 'scenes 10 oonnection with her own life among the Cheese and her ramie from death, at different times, by the bond of Provictenee. She stated that she had experienced a literal fulfill tnen of the promise found in Sea., 48:9. No 0138 weld know the value of some Bible promises as them know who live con• smutty exposed to the spirit of 130(SE1011- Mon. E0E11I118 5EIMI011. ROOM 00111d scarcely be Sound for all Who attended the evening eervioe. Miss Orosthwaite spoke for :warty an hour end a half on "The 51s508 Oustoms of the People of China." One of these is known as the "bound foot =atom," She refer. red to the origin of the cud= ie the not of eti Empress of long ago who bad a bib foot umd, in order to diagnise that, itemised and bound the other foot into imilat shepe, Oslo! that grew a wh- om to which all women of high rank meet orinform. The speaker held up to isW 04 pair of shoes that had been worn y an ordhatry.sieed Chinese woman, nd which would not be large enough for 9 month's old intent 05 000 land. Site leo desoribed the terrible sufferinge of II thee °rippled and the painful expevi• nae of women making the attempt to alk. Another ot the shocking and in. man customs mentioned by Mies roethwaite wen filet of the murdee of llant female children. Thousands of °there destroy every gill that is born in mit: homes. To save suoh little ones teach the saoredness of human life is 10 911581 task of the missionary. Women China and their cbildren aim only be ached by W01/1811. The (meeker said at to the filth and poverty the peo• e ot China could be traced their terrible heaths of dieemes and the blindneee at afflicts tens of thousands, FEBRUARY 5, 1897 11011110Y II0EN150. The elairoh was orowded again on Mendel evening to hear Miss °meth - «mite 'wawa an "The Sordid Oustome of the Chinese." The homed of the people ; the longtime ; modes of travel ; the nee of opium articles of diet, emit) toe snakes, rem and dogs, wore al/ described. It; dieonseing them, Aliso Crosthwaite ailed - ed to the great diffioulty 08 learning the language and gave several tramming in- stances of her fleet attempts to use Chin - ears words, end the rldioulouti blunders made by her &tiara to diatinguiels certain sounds. By the aid of 0 native assistant Bliss Crosthwaite suceeeded 10 forming a Isobel for girls, which eventually nem. bored one hundred pupils and had the honor of being visited by thee dietingulsh. ed vioeroy, Li Hung Chang, So greatly pleased was the great statesman with hie visit thee he ordered 0 holiday for the children and made them a feast. The Wei study of these girls was the Gospel stories of Jeans in song, and as the chifil• ran want to their homes singing their Gospel hymns, in their own hongegge, the mothers learned from them tbe Gas. pal story and often came M the school to learn bow to sing. A.n excellent picture of the girls anmpoeing the sobool was ex• hibited by Mires Oroothwaite and many copiee were sold at the close ot the leoture. EOM. le, Paul took pert in the service% on Sunday and presided at the Imitate on Monday. Rev, J. P. Westenan, of Walton, assist• ed in the service on Sunday evening, The church ohoir, though deprived of the presence of the leerier, through 111. nese, rendered excellent and appropriate 11111410 Sabbath morning 14/1(1 evening. Mese Orostliwaite, during her stay in 131.0811818,11105 tho guest of Mr. and Mrs. Paul. The collection for missions mash in the Sunday school in the afternoon amounted to 512,00, The following are the amounts tenth'. bated to the Mission Fund by the 'several oirouits comprising the Who:hare District last year, gleaned item the report pre- sented by the pastor, RSV. 5, J. Alliu :-Wingbam, $207 ; Brunets, $118 ; Teeswater, $120 ; Wroxeter, $42 ; Walton, $83 ; Blyth, $74 ; Auburn, 11104; Belgt•ave; e70 ; Bluevale, 4106 ; Ethel, 086. 11110 total income of the Mission any Society last year was e242,740.32. This amount was divided among 522 Mission stations in Canada, Japan and China, Teachers' Salaries. The following statistics, obtained from Inspector Robb, will no doubt be of in- terest to trustees, teachers and rate- payers 1 -- Average salary 1896 1807 Clinton Principal 0825 6825 Assistants 287,50 289.25 Seaforth Principal 800 800 Assistants 903 803 Winghe,m Principal 750 775 Assistants 827 811 Brussels Principal Assistants Blyth Principal Assistants Wroxeter Principal Assistants Grey, moles Grey, females Howie]; males Elowick, females Hullo* males Hallett, females MeKillop, males McKillop, females Morris, males Morris, females 700 700 272 275 525 600 800 225 460 470 240 100 850 844 288 2.13 558 8513 252 250 889 396 275 250 839 881 2038 262 343 324 290 3013 Tockerenfith, males .... 421 409 Tackersinith, females .. 252 202 Tarnbery, males (14 329 Toruberry, females 228 219 The following are the average salaries for the entire inspeotorate of East Huron for the past seven yeers, and also the average salary for 1807 :- 1890, $357 ; 1801., 0856 ; 1892, 0356 ; 1898, 0338 ; 1894, 41357; 183)5, 3852 ; 1896, $369 ; 1807, $834.150 ; a cleoliuo of 617.60 per teacher, The average salaries for 1807 are as follows Male teachers in rural sections $858 Female " 259 Male " towns 800 Female o 800 Male " villages 657 Female " 242 A Stiff Upper Lip. To the Editor of Tem Pose : DEO SIR, -I,1 last week's Pose them is an article from the Heron Signal on the "Stifftipper Lip." I think no porno bettor fitted for the advice then that editor, but I like fh person to gate what he thinks is true whether he differs from me ito polities or religion, and I always admire a man who is honest and truth- ful, but when the editor of the Huron Signal states ebbe Brussels postmaster by his speriehes and actions gained votes for the Reformers" he states what he knows to be untrue, or else those who wanted the °elms and him out must lie poor lot, not even fie to be called the scions of the party. 1 heard a party tell the above mentioned editor thee Reform• en said the reason soma epplioants wore not mpointed Registrar of EItu•on was bemuse the Huron Signal worlcocl for them, and no doubt his upper lip is stiff enough to think the postmaster's influ- ence on a par with his. What was the need of a Commission in the Braseals affair when half the Reformers dia not want it and the respectable pert of them wove opposed to it 7 It shows two things after all, viz., the Reform leaders are nob gnidod by the advice of the respecteble wing of the party ; and seeondly, they aro willing to give too many Commiesione for followers to receive money at the ex - nous° 05 the County, All the Coneoeve- fives are satisfied for them to appoint their owo 'supporters to office ass vacannies ocesur, and office holders who aro Tories at the next elections, if they URO their in. 1155055 against the Oovernmeot of the day, should be put out. I think no offi• ail should find fault with the party who keepo him in ochre and when other seethe norm iu be Amid do hie share to make thole rule eucceseful. A township Clerk, for lusher*, who would by to have au old Committer put nut, no =Ouse what he own private opinion was in the mate ter, should be put out of efline, for rho Councillor's unpopularity 'night be cum, ad by the Clerk's mistier -elm The Tories, with all the misdeeds attributed to them, have set an example of fair play loot fol. lowed by the Reformers, as they kept in a Reform Auditor General and allowed him to appoint ins own clerk's, some of them at 92,009 a year. They appointed Prof. Robertson, a Refortner, Dairy Commit:Wolter at 95,000 a year, and while both those officials are good men, jest as good Tories conk" have been appointed Both potters have good men but in half the appointments, by both parties, the best men in the parties are not appointed but the mon who do the most memo things aiid MU the most lies at eleotioa times get the officee. Zoo. C. Monntsox, McKillop Fire Insurance Go. The annual meeting of the EfeKillop :Mutual Fire Insurance Company took pee in the Town Seaforth, Fri - ay, jan. 15th, end was largely attended by members of the compeny. The fol. lowing officers MVO appointed for the current year :-President, Geo. Watt, Hallett ; Vice -President, W. G. Broad - foot, Tuokerstnith ; Sem-Treas., W. j. Shennon, McKillop ; John Goveulook and John 0 Moerison, of Maintop, were ap- pointed auditors. The following is the =Move' report io detail :- Total policies for '95 in force $ 1,905 00 Total bal, of prop'y homed, 2,747,258 00 Total amount of premium notes in 1896 07,096 57 Total assess't levied in 1897, 5,678 85 11110EIPTS. Balance from 1890 0 RecOl on previous assessments 27791 86 50 Transfer foes 10 00 Notes discounted by Co. 1000 00 Ia't rea9 on arrears of assess4 90 Received for one month's exten- sion of policy 30 Collected on assessment for '96 5350 40 Total 11 7346 45 EXPENDITURE. Commission to agents $ 16 36 Inepectors fees 28 00 Discount on notes 24 45 Travelling expenses 11 00 Rent of room, directors meetings 10 00 Salaries of officials 629 65 Printing and stationery 18 40 Statutory assessments 55 40 Postage moots uts 84 85 Loans paid in 1896 2575 20 Notes of oompeny paid 1000 00 Balance lo bank 9943 14 Total 5 7340 46 ASSETS. Balance on hand 41 2543 14 Arrears ou assessment 484 40 Residue on premium notes 81504 44 Office Oarniture 100 00 Total 585031 98 L/11311,11.1110. Printing probably 975 00 The Mantes, Mutual Fire Insurance Company is gradually becoming one of the strongest fire insertions companies in the Dominion and is without doubt the cheesiest anti safest insurance available for Mem and isolated property. The Board of Mauagement is composed of mon whose names are synonymous with fru- gality and push and snider such able dlr. action the company can not fail to go on nud prover as it has done in rho past. Revenue and Expenditure. The pablic accounts for the fiscal year ending Anne 20th, 1890, were issued last week in blue -book form. The main oper- ations for the year were given in this cote responcleuee last October. The deficit is $330,000 '• the revenue oa account of con- solidatorlf uod was 686,018,000 and the expenditure 035,94090. The taxes yielded by way of customs, 910,883,000 and by way of excise $7,4126,000. The Mime yielded $2,000,000 more than in 1895, largely accounted for by the tome tax on sugar. The expenditure was less than 1895 by 01,800,000, This makes thee emosecative yews of deficits, =eoliths/ in all to 05,694,000. There have been defioits in eight et the eighteen years since Mr. McKenzie's deforth. The total of Sir Richard Cartwright's throe deficits did not °gnat the total of three iu 1894, 1895 and 1896. The expouditure intended the following for the last two years :- 1896 1895 Interest . . ... , ..010,502,000 910,466,000 justice 758,000 756,000 Agriculture 210,000 216,000 Civil government 1,396,000 1,422,000 Fishovies 427,000 443,000 Survoys 184,880 145,000 196,000 101,000 955,000 1141,000 476,000 mmist :Oleo 120,000 . tattersall:lop 95,000 Indiana 880,000 Legislation 004,000 Lighthouses 400,000 Mail and steam, ship subsidies584,000 513,000 Militia and defense 1,136,000 1,574,000 Mounted police., 538,000 646,000 Northwest govit830,000 808,000 Penitentiaries /385,000 440,000 Publio works 1,800,000 1,742,000 Supommuustioa a. 811,000 906,000 The addition of $46,000 to the supeean. mottion expenditure was the result Of to ecendalons use of the sob in View of the geueral elections, when 111 Demists Were euperatuntated. The receipts from the fund tanomited to 061,000, leaving to deficit ot mo quarter of a Million, W. H. KERR, Prop. outs new, The net debt, 0255,497,000 was an in. creme of $5,429,000 during the year. During the Coneervetive regime, °hoed by these public amounts, the net public debt was ructreased by 6118,000,000, an average of over eix and a, half millions a year. The increase for 1e96 is aceounted for to follows a -Capital expendituse, 08,- 784,8681 deficit, 13330,551; Quebec Rail- way subsidy, voted in 1881, 92,13124.000; railway eubsidies,$8131,745. The sinking fend, 92,055,000, Is deducted from thio total. The tete of intermit was 2.80 as agttinst 2.87 in 1895. -es etiencit (1111121. Rev. E. 3.. Smith, of Landon, will preach in 51, acthu'd church next Sanchy morning and everting and in St. George's, Walton, in the afternoon. Rev. Jam Roes, B. A.., Brussels, was aleoted President of Alumni Association in connection with Knox College, Toren. to. 13, 01108 a good choke. Dwight L. Moody, the evangelist, will be 00 years oh on the 5111 of February. A few, of his friend's purpoee to give him, as a birthday offering, a. sum of money to build a chapel for Arr. Moody's Boys' School at Mount Hermon, near North. field, Mass. Quarterly meeting services in the illethodiat church next Sunday. Fellow- ship meeting at olose of morning public service and the sacrament of the Lord's Supper at the Mose of the eveningeervioe. Publics worship at the usual hours, eon - &toted by the pastor. At the meeting of St. John's and St. George's vestry, held on Monday, it was decided to present the names of Rev. Dlr. Anderson, of Alvinston ; Rev. Mr. Col- lins, of Petrone, and Rev. Mr. Hamilton, of Quebeo Province, to the Bishop, ask - lag for the appointment of one of them to this incumbency. The are all o'oung Rmuernalwpiehe,n0ellrYtl09,9inaett:sorri nseeatoersttiilen erne piarles: sena; Brussels and Walton before the Bishop, at London, this week. People We Know. Geo. Laokie is visiting at Wroseter. Rev. John Ross is in Toronto this Fos d. McCracken was in Hanover this w ee k . Miss Clara Hunter is holidaying at WalaT.)snjas. Maxwell, Elizabeth street, is on the sick list. Miss Maggie Smith, mi !liner, is ho me for her holidays, Miss Jean Wilson returned to Elora on Tuesday of tbis week. Robt. J. 51c0raoken, of Arthur, is home an a holiday visit. Miss Nellie ROSS has beau pits ill with la grippe this week. Miss Melissa Ames, of Ethel, is visiting bur sister, Mrs. D. 0. Ross. alias Jennie Groan, of Listowel, was visiting in town this week. Mrs. Grille, of Elora, is visiting her daughter, i3,(e. R. Leatberclale. Jus. Belden and Tony Sample vieited Mende in Listowel on Sunday. Miss Etbel Oreighton has gone on a visit 00 St. Mary'a and Guelph. George Climbs, of the Horse Exchange Montreal, was in town thio week. Miss Maggie Stoltz of New Dundee, is visiting bur aunt, Nina W. Hunter. Mrs, Ferris, of Campbellford, is visit. ng her danshter, lbtns. J. A. Stewart. jas. Smith, of Niagara Falls, is holi- daying with relatives and friends in this Miss Annie Carlisle, of Hansen, was isiting her sister, Mrs. Geo. Hallieay, bis week. G. F. and Mrs. Blair were oombining usinesa and pleasure in a trip to the Co. 0Mvnrst.h131seawtt0ieekis home from a visit of a ouple of months with relatives at Olin. on and Seaforth. W. W. Burgess, artist, of Mitchell, was ere this week, owing to the continued these of Wen. Cornish, Mrs. T. Hayeroft, Miss Mabel and Wil- e have been spending a few weeks with elatives in Grey township. Miss josh Beehanan, of Brantford, is enewing old friendships in Brussels and the guest of Mrs. Geo. Ifellidey. Mrs. Bruce, of Bluevale, and bee rother, Wm. Orem, of Swan Lake, Man., ere visiting iu Brussels lest week. E. Thomson, Insurance agent, of Ham sten, was in town this week, He rep. sante the Mutual Life of New York. Chris. Grimoldby, of Owen Sound, has me baok to 13russele and will assist G. Deadman in oaring for his bees, rseys, dm. Mrs, Jno. Halliday, of London, was a home visitor to &easels dating the et week. She returned to the Forest y on Tuesday. Lieut. Dishing, of the Salvation Army, ut to Brantford this week to poll bis to in the Dominion bymeleation, His her is a resident of that city. sane Fitzpetriek, of Stegner, was ze. vine old _friendships in Brussels this ek. The Fitzpatrick family wore old well knowu residents of this place. free Beaker has not yet renovated na the wrench he gave himself ih avert - a fell at the grain storeshonse one recently. Ws hope he will 'Moo be valeseent. 13 a b 11 is b 30 ri re 00 A.. 14 we pa 014 1110 110 fat 1 net 0110 and 8. fro ing day oon Parliament has been °ailed to meet on Marsh 11, The Estella' at the Springhill, N. 8., mines has been settled. John 35, Redmond, M. P. for Writer - ford, lectured at Ottewa, Sit' Detutld Smith has enbaoribed 2506 to the India, famine fend, A strike of garment workers; in the wholesale clothing Motorise of Elemilton is threetenda. All the Melitnothoe prieeners 'moused of arson have bete leaked op in Orange. villa jail, Sir Licherri Cartwright ma Lion. L. 11, Davits leave on a mission to Wasb, Metro] this week. The protest modest Mr. Ponpore, 109. 9. for Poetise, has been ebendoned by the Liberals end 1110 petition dierniseed.