The Brussels Post, 1897-1-29, Page 88 THE BRUSSELS POST YOU ARE MIS SINp,d.G� A GRE.Ca BLE 1.7i SING If you have weak or troublesome Eyes, by not getting Properly Fitted Glasses. Do not be afraid to try us for Spectacles. If we can do you no good it will cost you NOTHING. DEADMAN t2 McCALL, Druggists, Opticians and Booksellers. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOIITHEBN EXTENSION W. G. & D. Trains leave Brussels Station, North and South, as follows: GOING SolTa, GOING NoRTE. `U%Press.,,... 7:91 a.m. I Mixed 9:44 a.1n ttixsd 0;070.m, Mail 12:62 p.ul jot Etvs Jttin:s, A ohiel's amang ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it.• LAGnIree. fdonse Fair next Thursday. Batsmen market is at the top. Wnem about Brussels Curling Club ? ANOTR0n businees change in Brussels is mooted. W. G. COLLINS organized a Council of Chosen Friends at Port Elgin last week. lie left on Tuesday for Maley. LAST Monday Geo. Parker forwarded it oar of homes to London, England, from Brussels. Tom Bloomfield went with•thein. 'Oeuenz WRITTLecnonan" 18 the title of our new continued story, pain 2. Brndder Gardner's lecture on the same page is amusing. AT the regular meeting of Brussels 0. 0. F. on Tuesday evening it was u,tani- lnously agreed that Financial Beerrtary Koenig be not asked to make good the sum et about 620 etolen from his house last Saturday night. LAGnn'ss and other forms of sickness caused from the sudden cold dip, laid np Jas• Fox, Jno. Ferguson, Wm. Robin - eon, Harry MoOrae, Principal Cameron, Bliss Fernie Allin and other towns- people during the week. AT a meeting of the creditors of W. H. Pelton, held in Barrister Blair's office last Friday afternoon, his aeseat were re- ported at $300 and his liabilities 6000. It was decided to continue the sale of the stock at cost and all goods remaining to be sold by publics auction on February 4th. Since this meeting Assignee Scott has disposed of the business to Joseph Molloy, of Atwood, oh 45 cents on the doper, possession to be given next week. TOE Pow AroLoerzsa.—Last week we announced that the Horse Fair would be held on Thursday of this week, when it ebonld have reed Thursday of next week. Scares of people came to the Fair and of course the outside buyer's were not prea- eat. We are sorry for the error and will promise to never do it again. The peo- ple must react Tiro Pear though, pretty carefully, and advertisers should make noto of this fact. Come to the Fair on Thursday of next week. Tao STORE.—We don't want to live any nearer the North Pole than Bruseele, and we have not come to this oonalueion hastily, but after days of snow shovelling end plowing through the "beautiful," as the poets call it. Friday was not so bad but Saturday was a most disagreeable day with snow, wind and cold the North- west Couldn't beat us. Sunday the ohurohes were 'not jammed, although, thanks to the snow plow, the roadway was well opened up. There Wae very little abatement of the blizzard on Mon- day, and the snow banks had piled up so much on the gravel road that the Wrox• erne stage had to return to Brassele after s few miles trial, and after a hard beetle the Seafortb stage reached its destination Mit did not return until Tuesday, having %pent Dearly all day going out. Despite the severe storm the trains kept running, although publio travel was next to nothing. ADDRESS.—The following is a copy of 'sake address presented to Mrs. (Dr.) Gra- ham by the Woman's Foreign Missionary S'ooiety of Melville church, of which re. fereno8 wag made some weeks ago :— Deeit MRs. GnAutor,—We, members of tdelv]Ils oburoh W. F. M. S„ wish to take advantage of the present opportunity t,r express to you our sincere regret that you are about to remove from amongst ne and sever the very pleasant connection whioh has existed between us for so long. You look an active part in the organize, moo of oar Society twelve yeare ago end through all iia history you have proved yourself a most energetic officer and member, sparing neither time nor toil to help it in the great work which it is its objeat to promote. We shall miss you at our monthly gatheringe,to the pleaeure :And profit of whioh, by your wise Counsel and cheerful manner, you have 000tri• hated in no small measure. We with af0o to acknowledge your helpful services during your term of office as President of the Little Stars Miesion Band, during whioh time you had (together with the worthy Vice -President) endeared yourself to ail in members. They and we will think of you when fare .vay and we trust you Abell have kind v thoughts and happy memories both of the Auxiliary and the Mission Band, whine members part with you so regretfully. Our earn. set prayer is that God's blessing may bo richly given to you wherever your new home inay be, and that there yon may find a field of usefulness in whioh you shell 00ntinue your work of faith and labor of love, till nt length, through the grime of God, you shall receive from Christ the Baster the true serVanta'e to- ward. Signed, Mee, hoes, Pres. W. F. M, 8, ; Mita, MoLA1/0111,rN, Ssoy. I3'ruseels, Deo, 17, '96, House Fele Tburadey of next week. Tows Couno]l next Monday eveuing, Div anybody say they wanted snow ? A NEW storehouse has been built at the Enterprise Salt Werke in tine plane. 01118500 Cherie ,.b Denioa shipped a ear of live hags on Wednesday from Brussels, War. ItrcuAnnsee hag token the local agency for the Singer sewing wahine. A eon of Cattle Was ehipped by Meseta. Clegg & Dames on Thursday to Toronto, TIMM cars of ashes were abipped to New Yorlf state this sveelt, Mr. Joint, of Luaknow, is the shipper. IT is reported that Mise Aegis Blake- ley, of Montreal, formerly of Brussels, died on Saturday of last week, Ixernui mraa information, headed "Bible Curiositiee," may be found on page 8 of thio issue. There is also a story for boys On the same page, Tun Atwood Bee has entered on its 8th year and is a credit to its enterprising proprietor. Atwood people should be proud of it as they no doubt are. LAST week the initial number of the Pehnorstan Spectator Dame to hand. It is a neat, newsy sheet. W. Sebeifle is editor and proprietor. We wish it. sue. Cess. Nom °Minim.—After waiting several days for the coining of Miss Soarletb, of Midland, who was the ohoioe of the School Board as teacher, a letter was re- ceived on Thursday stating her inability to come, owing to illness. The Board Met at once and reneged Leon Jackson, who begins work Friday morning. Tun Pose overlooked the faot a few weeds ago that the Goderieh Signal had jogged past another milestone and is now in its 50th year. The golden anniversary should carry into the treasury a large quantity of the precious metal ae the Signal was never newsier and brighter than at the present. We wish brother MoGillioaddy oontinued prosperity, WEDNESDAY morning the anew plow, with two teams attached, was sent North and South a mile and a quarter earth way to open up the drifts. If the Township Councils of Grey and Morris would in- struct their Pethmaaters to Continue thie process another concession during the Winter it would add very much to the comfort and convenience of the travelling public and prove n good investment in caving the otherwise heavy wear and tear an harness and conveyances. Dien.—A message was received from Clinton last Tuesday morning stating that William Belly had passed away on Monday. He was 60 years of age. Fun- eral took place on Wednesday. Deceased Wile horn in 00. Cavan, Ireland, and name to Canada about 1656. When quite a youth his father's house was visited at 0 p. m. by a gang known as "Molly Ma• Gnire's Chickens,' or some such appel- lation, who demanded all the firearms in the plane. Wm., startled by the appear- ance of the intruders, attempted to rue from the room, when the door Was slam- med on his semi and for the time being he was a prieoper. The fright told very disastrously upon his mind and he bad to be planed under medical treatment, whioh proved successful for a time, but frequent lapses occurred. Mr. Kelly was a broth- er to Jas. Kelly and Mrs. Hindee, Mill street, Brussels, and Mrs. W. J. Norton, Listowel. WESTERN STAR.—Th Unfitly evening of last week D. D. N. G. McKay installed the officers in Western Star Lodge, No. 149, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Brussels, its foliates Past Grand, 13. Onohrane ; Noble " Jno. Push ; Viae " W. H. Kerr; Reo.• Sea., A.. Koenig ; Treas., F. S. Scott ; Warden, W. Grawar • Condnotor, W. Smith ; Chaplain, Jno. Smith ; R. S. N. G., S. H. Jackson ; L. S. N. G., Jno. Sample ; 1t. S. V. G., A. McGuire ; L. S. V. G., 3V. Sample ; R. S. S., A. Sample ; L. S. S., J. Bishop ; I. G., I4. Johnston ; 0. G., W. Martin. The Lodge is in a thriving condition and meets every Thursday evening in their fine Hall, Grabam blook. 'There are 46 members. KEEP A STIFF Elven Lae—Tinder this caption the Goderioh Signal moralises ae follows nn the recent Commission held in Brussels ;—Exception is taken by some individuals in this section to the holding of a commission to investigate the oon- duot of certain Government officials, Why tbie ground should be taken in something we cannot understand. If the men aomplaiued of did nothing to put them under the ben, they should court investigation, Had the caae of that in- offeneive and non partisan Brussels post- master not been investigated, the erne] public would still be under theimpr'ession that he was a man of some power and in. fluence in the oommueity, and that be was lying awake o'nighte scheming against the welfare of the Grits individ- ually and oolleotively, in season and out of Renee. Ltstead of that we find that he Ives not, nor never bad in recent years, any influence politically ; that wherever he would have breathed ont threatenings and slaughters against the wicked Grits, te blessing and benebiotion on his oppon- ents issued from between his limber jaws; that an address on the publio platform by him was bound to raise a majority for the fellows that be desired to have in the minority ; that when he acted as a scru- tineer for the Tories, he always made votes for the Gritn ; that when be said the Grit oan4idat8 watt "The biggest liar he ever knew," the tender and endearing phrase was meant only ]u a Piokwiokian seine ; and so forth, Then, why are the men who are complained against in this section sorrowing es if without hope 7 Is there no balm in Gilead for thorn in the feat that the Brugsele peattenester, al- though tried in the sruaible, hoe emerged unscathed, and now shines resplendently in the brightburoishing whioh has been put upon him by Commissioner Lazier ? Has he not been weighed in the balenoes and not found wanting ? Does he not shine brighter than ever before—yea, titan fine gold ? Why siloltld others feel the ordeal through which +ahs Brieselite faesed unscathed ? Why should they ear t0 face the tb'i l whence be emerged with pure linen and an unemirehed name? Pace the oonditione, gentlemen of West Huron, with confidence in your integrity. If you are all 0. K, you will pase through the waters of 5111108100 without getting damp, and be able to stand nide by side With the innocent men of Brussels ; but it, on the other hand, yon haven't mind- ed your "p's" and "yrs" in the past, you have your self to blame that the "Jordan is a Hard road to travel." Meanwhile, gentlemen, keep a stiff upper lip. Tsui week N. Blaokmot'a disposed of his grocery end battery to Win. Crich, of Seaforth, who has taken poeseseion. Mr. Orlin is it baker by tendo, 'Tula POST wnloomee hitn to Bruesals, POSTPONED AUCTION SALE,—Owing to stormy weather William Pollard's Guo. tion sale of farm stools, implements, &0., lot 19, con, 6, Grey, tuns postponed to Feb, Brd, 1807, at 1 o'oloak, Boots, Ana, FDL, IN.—Thursday evening of this week from 16 to 20 feel of the roof of the Enterprise Salt Werke caved in owing to the weight of anow on it. Workmen were nt worst shovelling the mow off at the time of the aooident, but neontied injury by jumping. T11055ner afternoon of last week as per advertisement, a meeting of the creditors of Wm. Barrie, Morris, who assigned to Jno. Magma, runs held at G. F. Bfait•'s office. After a careful inspect - lion the Nobilities are reported to be about $7,600, with assets, whioh inolndes a fine 111Oaore farm, of 80,500, An auc- tion sale of farm, farm stook, implements, &o., will be held on Tumidity, March end. SoliooL Boehm.—There were 63 appli- cations before the Sohool Board last Friday evening in connection with the vacancy on the teaching stuff of Brussels school. Three ballots were taken, after which it was moved by D. 0. Rose, seoonded by J. G. Skene that 112iss M. B. Soarletb, of Midland, be engaged, and incase of her declining that Leon Jack. sen be given the situation.—Carried. Secretary Ross wired Miss Scarlett an Saturday morning and received a prompt menage of acceptance. BUOGLAnr.—.'Carly on Sunday morning the American Hotel Mare was entered by one or more thieves, who gained intuit - tattoo by forcing the bar -room window np with a crowbar. The marauders must have been acquainted with the premises for their purpose seems to have been to gat possession of a Certain wooden cash- box, which contained 626.46 is Dash and other valuable papers that belong to the Foresters of the town, and which was in the possession of A. Koenig, the proprie- tor, rvho is Fin. -Seo. of the Society. The box was cub open and taken out. doors, and, together with the papers it contained, was planed inside the storm door, which was not looked, thereby re- placing everything but the cash. The burglars did not molest the general cash drawer, which contained 64 or 65, be' cause it bad an alarm bell attached. So far nothing is missed but the Society's money, whioh they seemed to think Was eno".'l' to recompense them for their trouele. The vi•1 tr nets a good Gua for their p00109 , there being a heavy wind and snowstorm, whioh would cover np their tracks. No clue. Business Locals. Pent of stockings found. Ask at Tns POST. LASE herrings for sale at Jae. Batien- tyne's grocery. Sum made to order at M. Richardson's. Cheapest place in town. Fon dandy, well built cutters go to Jas. Walker, carriage maker. Brussels. GET your buggy repaired, trimmed or new topped at Jas. Walker's, Brussels. SEE the new sbeel buggy dash at Jas. Walker's shop. Also a patent top, the best out. WANTED.—Noll butter, 12o. ; fried ap• pies, 30. Any quantity. G. E, KING, W Ingham. A manna of well bred Black Minorca roosters for sale. Apply to Leslie Kerr, Brussels. TURKEYS Weterso.—Any quantity good turkeys wanted, dry picked, undrawn, bead and feet left on. Alen dressed hogs, Beaker & Vanstone. 20 CORDS of 22 inch stove wood wanted for Methodist church, Brussels. Beeoh or maple body wood. For further par- ticulars apply to R. Leatberdale, Bruce eels. As I expect to leave Brussels by the 10th or 15th of January all accounts must be paid by that date or they will be placed in other hands for colleotion. I. 0. Itroneeno. Snrnoll's Cure, the great cough and croup cure, is in great demand, Pocket size contains twenty-five doses ; only 25 cents. Children rove it. Sold by Jas. Fox, druggist, Brussels. NOTIOE.—All amounts owing the firm of Ferguson & Halliday must be paid be- fore the 25th of January, as after that date books will be placed in other hands for collection. J. FEROaeooe & 00. KARL'S Clover Boob will purify your blood, clear your complexion, regulate your bowels and make your bead alma as a bell, 25 ate., 50 ots• and 6100. Sold by Jae, Fox, druggist, Brussels. ANY one wanting their saws to out fast end easy had better bring them to me, as I have the moat complete outfit of latest, new, improved saw tools. T. McGregor, Saw filer, Brussola, Queen St., Ent. Conn'onr,DLrt brick reaidenoe with every convenience, furnace, &c., for sale or to rent. immediate possession given. For farther particulars apply to Mrs. R. Walker, Turnherry street, Brussola. Ties hardest saws warranted full sob without breaking, as I have a new, safe and fast way of setting saws. Saws that are in fine order given in exchange for saws that are ons of order by paying the difference, T. McGregor, easy filer, Bru- nie, Queen Ste East. Oeurnes. -Any one desiring Carpets will do well to oast at the Brussels Wool• en Mill before buying elsewhere, as they bave the largest assortment of Samples ever shown in this locality, ranging in Prim from 80e. to 61.00, blown & Co, amen Ovennon.—That eligible half sore lot situate on the Southern portion of Turnherry street, Biennia, will be die - posed of below coat. Very easy terms. Write for pertinuhtre to Joni; HAIlGRE,tVE5, 174: Queen et. West, Toronto. CONSULT Youo Dooroa.—If he advisee Cod Liver Oil W4 recommend Wompole'e Tasteless Preparation. You can't taste the oil ; all you tains is wild oherry, and that's good, What you get is flesh and strength, Cures Coughs, colds and waatiee diseases. JAS. PDX, 3 m Chemist and Druggist. WHAT IS MORE Penelope than good health 7 Do not sulfur with suss and bilious headache, sour stomach, indigos. tion, despondent feeling, with lack of ambition, pain in baoli, lege end aide, poor appetite, when you oat remove the cause by using one box (complete treat- ment) of Wrigbt'e Liter and Stomaoh Pine at a dost of 50 cense, from Jaime Fox, Chemist and Druggist, Benetels. Don't Headache Pbwders will relieve that violent headache in lees time than it taken you to read thie. They are safe, euooeseful, sure. 25 oente a hot. ST✓2JVDARD B✓/NK W? CiX,4D.l, 'r.ea=xexxeet 0.8'701. HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO ASSETS, (Seven Million Dollare) • 67,000,000 CAPITAL (Authorized) - - . • 62,000,000 Agencies in all principal points in Ontario, Qua Dec, Manitoba, United states tO Nti ylaftd, ItrASE,i)FbS tVii'. A General Banking Business Trnnsaoted• Farinas' Notes Disoounted. Drafts Issued and Collections made on all pointe, SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, Interest allowed on deposits of 61,00 and upwards from dat of deposit to date of withdrawal and compounded half yearly. Smut ATTENTION GIVEN To amt COLLECTION Os 11'ARnnEne' SALE NOTES, Every facility afforded Customers living at a distance. J. A. STEWART MANAGER, Mits. T. 5, H,twicxno, Chattanooga, Tenn., says, "Shiloh's Vitalizer "coved my life." I consider it the best remedy for a debilitaed system I ever used." For dyspepsia, liver or kidney trouble it Gxoels. Price 75 eta. Sold by Jas. Fox. An explosion set fire to tits Berlin gnu worsts. Mr. Aldrich, one of the employ- ees, was killed, and Seminary Breithaupt and Mr. Weller blown great distances and very seriously injured. Tbs Hannah blook at Shelburne and a number of other business establishments wore beetled, Causing a loss of 6100,000. In view of the trial of the Melanathon fire oases there, grave suspicions of in. osndiarism are aroused by this big fire. The evidence at the Melanathon fires investigation at Shelburne was of n start. ling oharaater. One witness described the firing of David Ballard's barn, and told how the irons from agrioultural im- plements were carried from 0115 barn to another to make the loss appear greater than it was. The same witness admitted arson and perjury in his own past. A bad railway wreck occurred near - Dorchester, N. B., in which Mise Petri' gain, of Bloomfield, N. B., and Arthur C. Edgeoorehe, postal clerk, belonging to Fredericton, were killed and many others seriously injured. Hoo. Mr. Borden was among the hatter and received a bad scalp wound. The whole train of six Mare rolled dove an embankment. MOMEN- WmuEE,—In Breese's, on January, 13th inst., the wife of Mr. John Wilbee of D. ams. pxaa. Braxrrx.—In Montreal, on Jan. 28rd, Aggiv, danahtor of J. D. Blaltley, formerly of Brussels, aged 21 years and 4 months. KnronT.—In Morris, on Jan. 21st, J. D. son of Andrew Knight, aged 6 months and 21 days. KELLY.—At Clinton, no Jan. 25th, James Kelly, aged 60 years. Bnoox.—.In St. Michael's hospital, Toron• to, on Saturday, Jan. 18th, Joseph Edmund Brook, of Listowel, aged 28 years and 11 months. AVCXICN SAxa=S. FRIDAY, JAN. 20Tn.—Farm stook, imple- ments, d:a., N } lot 12, eon. 0, Morris. Sale unreserved, at 1 p, m. Robs. Gib- son. Prop., Geo. Kirkby, Auo. TuEsDtY, Fon. 2nd.—farm stook, implements, &e. Lot 10, non. 0, Grey. Sale unreserved, nt 1 o,oloalt. W. M. and 1. A. Welsh, Propts. F. S. Scott, Ana MONDAY, Feb. let.—Farm stook, imple- ments, &a• North ii• lot 29, eon. 7 Mor- ris. Sale at 1 o'clock. Samuel Walk. et, Prop. Geo. Kirkby, Auo. WEDNESDAY, Feb. 3rd. • Farm stool, implements, &o. Lot 10, son. 6. Grey. Bele at 1 o'oloek. Wm. Pollard, Prop. F. S. Soots, Anc. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. y OUNG MAIRE FOR SALE, rising 4 years. Sound, well broken, wi11 work or drive eithersingle or double. 35.3 ' SIM ON GRANT, Lot 4, Con, 5, Grey. Bruesols 3.0. T7'OR SALE OR TO LET.— Lot OS Mill street, Brussels, on which is a Yews*c{u'olling, well, stable, &o. Terms easy, Apply to 11, ADAMS, Londosboro', or F. S. 5001'T, Brussels, 27-4 1 1OR SALE.—A 0001) SOUND 1L borne, eight years old, suitable for eith- er road or farm ; also buggy, nutter and equip menta. Would exchange them for young Cattle if suitable. 18.11 - JNO. 801313, Brussels. — OOD WANTED.—MARKET X price will be paid for 8,000 or 4,000 Cords of cord weed, either soft or Hard, to be delivered this Whiter at the ENTERPRISE SALT WO1,Xf3, Brussels, 2081 Estate of T. T. COLEMAN. STRAYED FROM THE PREM. kJ ins of the undersigned, Lot 15, 000.5, Morrie, ou Jau, 22nd, a Yorkshire White Now. Any mformatloo leading to her recovery willbe thankfully received, 300005. 1NILLER, 20 -ti Sunshine P.0, eQIX SHEEP STRAYED ON LJ the premises of the undersigned, Lot 24, Con. 14, Grey, on or about Dem.15th. The owner is requested no nrcye property, pay expellees and take them away. JNO. D. 1rfoNEIL, 254 Menorieff P. 0. COMFORTABLE 11ESIDENCE and 10 neres of first-class laud adjoin. ing Brussels, for sale. There is a small bank b ars and it young orchard of 23 mares. Would make a tine fruit farm or market garden. Proprietor has a fair dairy business in con- imation. Possession given at 0005. Will bo sold at low pries. For further particulars apply on the promises to GEO. ROB13 Pao. Printer, Brussels P. O. 2d•4 ANNUAL MEETING. The Annual Meeting Of the Ilrnesole Driv- big Park Asaooiation for the election of CID• oars, the receiving of the report of the Dir- eotors for the past year and such other U110i- 81558 as may be lawfully brought before 111e meeting, will be held et the Anlorionn Hotel on Friday evening, January 20th, 1800, ate o'clock, P. S. SCOTT, Secretary. FINE TWO STORY ...BRIG] .12 residence for sale, 0erner of Queen and Tnrnberry r etroete. Brussels, emoted last year. There are all the necessary conven- ionoee en the premises such as f11'at.elase dollar, bard and salt water, wood abed, stable with stone foundation, &e. Furnace in house, There IS 4 acre of land. Will sell at it roe. seeable figure and on good terms an Intend removing from town, For fernier Ma's • tare appiy to D. A. LOWRY,i 0740 Peeprietwt Brugge's, VOUNG DURHAM BULLS FOR SAnsa.—The undersigned has six young D,zrbam bulls for sale, from 9 to 18 mouths old. Pedigreed stock. Prices reasonable, Apply 00 AAMOS SMITH, 27.4 'Trowbridge. AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK i� IMPLEMENTS, &C. 1410, (500. Kirkby, au- ct- ioneer, has boon in- structed by the undermined to sell by nubile amnion at North Half Lot 20, Con. 7, Morris, on MONDAY, FEB Ileb, at 1 o'eleek, the following valuable property, viz.: -1 bony draught mare 4 years Oki ; 3 cows supposed In onrf ; 0 boilers 8 years old,5 of them sup- posed in calf; 10 steers 2 years old ; 29 well bred Leicester and Shropshire ewes ; 1 Lel- 550151 551151 1 I0 pigs 8 weeks old; 24 snaking pigs; 2 brood sows; 1 thoro'-bred Chester White hoar ; 5 Spring calves ; a vumbor of boos; 1 pulu0r; 1 large size cutting box; 1 pen of bob sleighs; 1 cutter ; a quantity of lumber suitable for flooring, and numorooe other articles. Sale unreserved as proprlet. or 15 giving up Yarning. Terms—A11 soles of $500 and under cash 1 over that amount 9 010118110 credit will 130 given en furnishing approved joint notes ; 0 per Gout, off for wish On credit amounts. GEC. liznxor, S. WALICER, Auctioneer. Proprietor. JAN, 29, 1897 • A Physical Wreck. •om. - ® i9 'fir Impure drugs have caused almost ae 11111011 trouble and suffering as sickness and distress. Don't use adulterated medicines—Puriby acids nothing to the oust of an article if ib is bought at abs right place. We aro careful about one pnrohesos. Knowledge of Drugs and long expsriouoe has taught us what to buy anti what to avoid. Our stook con- tains only what is good. This insures the filling of customer proscriptions with the exact q0a 1818155 and qualities iptweeted by t110 doctor. Have you tried our Syrup of White Pine and Tar for Coughs and Colds. We gtlatantee it AT — -- Fox s Drug E tt69 'e, VETERINARY. REAL ESTATE. 100 ACRE FARM TOR SALE or to rent, Lot 19. Oou.9, Gray. For particulars imply to 28- T. M0011E, Brussels. T''IARMS FOR SALE.—THE UN- nERaroNED bas 8505051.0004 rams far sale and to runt, weer terms, in 4bwuebip8 of Morris and Grey. F S. SCOTT,Bruseols RIVE ACRES OF WELL FEN. 1. Dan land for sale in the Village of Oranbronk on whioh. are good buildings. Also n good buggy, cutter and set of single harness, A bargain will be offered. For fur- ther particulars apply to JOHN RIOINTOSH, 27.8f OTanbraok. ('100' FARM FOR SALE near Brussels. Great bargain. Lot 7, Con. 0, Grey town ebip. Go oat buildings and usher d, well watered, suitable for mixed or dairy farming. Possession given next March. Apply to W. H. K113110, PINT Publishing House, Brussels, or to THOMAS HERITAGE,, Landau West. ir D. WARWICK, Cr • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. is prepared to treat all diseases of domesticated =male In a com- petent manner. Particular attention paid to veterinary dentist -y. Calls promptly at- tended to. Office and Infirmary—Four doors north of bridge •Purnberry ab„ Brussels, LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. Tp L. TAYLOR, BAR'RIS'TER, .etre Solicitor and Conveyancer. Oolle°. Hone made. ORloe—Vanstoee's Block, Brus- eels. 21 -Sm M. SINCLAIR, • 30li5i8o1,Conveyancer ,Notary Pub - Bo, &e, Gobs—Vanstone's Block, 1 door north of Central Hotel, Private Funds to Loan. FARMS FOR SALE. — 200 aeroe—Oousiating of Lote 18 on the 7011 and 8811 0000s101o0s, Township of Grey. be-' log 1 mile from the Village of E0bei and 53 miles from Brussels. 40 acres of Fall wheat sown and about 80 acresunder grass ; 00 ewes Cleared on each. ,Corms of payment 558y. A. Mal{nLVlOY, M, D., 34- Brussels. 1 /FA'NITOBALANDFOR SALE, —100 agree of good farm laud qt Spriugdelcl, 8 miles from Winnipeg, is offer- ed for sale at alow price. The propertyis North Toast i Sec, 10, Twp.11, Range 4, East. Therein 5110085 00 the premises thud some breaking done. Ifor full p artioulars as to price, title, dm., write or apply to G.F. BLAIR or W, 00, HERR, 20-tf Brussels, Ont. VOR SALE.—A 'VALUABLE 150 acre farm in Morrf8 Township, 3 miles trona Brussels, known as the "Barrie Farm," Good benlc barn, good brink house, good orchard, in every respeot a Oboiee farm. iso a large quantity of torulus,, Clover, hay, straw and oats. For all particulars apply to Joint ]h1o0nA1t, of the Village of Brussels, or to G. F. BLAfn. Dated at Brussola, Jau, 20th, 1507, JOHN MOORAE, G. F, BLAI1t, r'tARM 11'OR SALE. -150 ACRES C on slettug of the South 3 end South 3 of the North 3 of Lot 80, Con 2, Bast Wawa - nosh, This is an excellent stock farm, being well tenpiied with good spring water. Itis situated about 0 miles Froin t11e thriving Vil- lag° of Bluth. A largo part of it is under grass. 13itirlinga and fences etre in 5 falx• state of repair. 17esy berme of payment will be given. For all information apply to 11-tf G, F. BL' AIR, Barrister, Brussels, C." PLENDID FARM FOR SALE. t- That excellent farm, Lot 15, 0011, 9, Township of G rev, 100 acres, must bo sold at once in order to close estate of deceased own- er. The lot is nearly 011 cleared, with good buildings, ample water surely, large or- chard, 13 miles from Crnnbrool; is under goodcultivation and is a veru desirable pro- perty indeed. A11ply to RIOIT,1ItD MIT- CHELL, Brussels P. 0. ; JOHN 112TCHEOLL, on the premises' or A. HUNTER, Brussels. Dated Sept, 10111, 1808, . �Y 00D FARM FOR SALE IN the Township of Grey. In order to alone au estate the West half of Loh 24, Con. 7, Township of Grey, 50 acres, is offered for immediate sale. On the promisee area good frame dwelling with kitchen, 4.0„ oleo twp frame brave, good water, orchard, &c., and Is Close to the Village of Ethel, Soil is of the best and farm in well fenced, Appl to ALE'S. MoICELVI0T, M.D., Brussels 0Vkf. MBrusOKb)sels.LVi0Y, Jsmeetowo or A. HUNTER, AMIABLE FARMS FOR SALE. mho eligible 200 acre farm, Composed of Rota 10 and 17 in the 10811 oon„ Grey townebip, Ruron 00„ and 50 soros, part of lots 10 and 17, 11th eon,. belongltg to the Bobort Brown estate, in offered for safe to wind up estate, 01; the first farm is a geed stove bonne and large bank barn, necessary ontbnitdInge, or• chard, &o, Farm wolf watered, well fenced and in geed etato of oultiyation. About. 50 aores of bush, 42 of which is hardwood, On the 50 sore farm there is a bongo and barn, orchard, and about 5 eons of Midi, !'arms gold jointly or separately to snit pnlnbaser. Possession glvenin the Fall, Farms ars on- ly amile from the village of Cranbrook, where are school, ahnrnhoe, posh -Chloe. stores, &o, and 8.{' miles to the thriving lnar- kot town Brussels, Per further partleulars as to price, torn e,100„ apply to AGNES BRow1,)) JA01108 BROWN, 1ltiootutare, JOHN BItOWN, 111 Oraubrook P,0. DEP1TAL. n1.1. DAVIDSON, L Honor Graduate Toronto. University, Licentiate Royal 0011085 Dental Smearing. crown cad Bridge work a speoialtyqy.model, ate Fees. Satisfaction Assured, thane over 13arro88 8 harbor shop, T:urulierry Bt„ Brut. sola. 1e,1F 0. CAMERON, AUL • (Formerly of Cameron, Bolt & Onto- 0lllcs—Hamilton St., Opposite dol- borne Hotel. F. BLAIR, BARRISTER, Solfoitor, &o. (late of Garrow & Proudfoot's 011180Godoriob,) Oflico oyer & Gillies Smith's Bank, Brussels. Money to Loan. 47 AUCTIONEERS. !`I-EORGE KIRKBY, ' \..A Licensed Auotioneer. Sales conduct scion reasonable tarme. Farms and fame stooka specialty, Orders left lit Tan Poem Publishing Hones, Brussels, or sells to Walton P. O., will receive prompt attention, To S. SCOTT AS AN AUOTION- • ERB, will sell for better prices, to. better men, in ass time and loss charges than any other Auctioneer in ]Oust Huron or be won't obarge anything. Dates and orders Can always be arranged at this ofilee or by pare oval application. CAPT. J. STRETTON, Who has bad 25 years exper10815 as an Auotionoer, butwbo had to quit owing to 111 health, has again taken out license mud As prepared to oonduot sales at reasonable te1.1n 5. Satisfaction guaranteed. Dates may he arranged at Tim Poen' Publishing House. .JAS. STRETTON, 18-tf Auctioneer. Anent Order e United 'Workman, This old and prosperous Fraternal Assad ation numbering 860,000 lnembers are pre smiting to the public their popular and emu - mutual rates to worthy men, its the very low rate of about $8.00 per 81,000 per 001300,. The "Workmen" Promptly Pay Broth Warms an expect u largo increase to its members new that those American Line Companies don't Seem satisfactory t0 Can- adians. 1100T. ARMSTRONG M, W, ; W. H. HERR, Recorder ; J. A. 0001103 I'UN,FInanoier. BUSINESS CARDS. iV1o0RAOKEN, d Y • Iseur0rofMarriage Linemen. Office. at hili Grocery, Turnherry street, Brussels. N. BARRETT, southTonsorial Artist• 311op—Next door of A. M. Mo'fiay & Co's hardware store. Ladle Wand childrena hair outting a speoialt30 BRUSSELS POST OFFIOE Savings Basile takes Deposita from .$1,00 to $1,000 and allows fly tier oent. interest. T. FARROW, 87.3m Postmaster. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM INSURANCE, FIRE AND MARINE, , GUELPH. T. PLETCHER lssctel of Marriage Licenses, • 0311011 AT JEwso,aY STORE. i. -No Witness Required. T. FLETOHUR, Breaeels ALEX. HUNTER, Clerk of the Fourth Division Dour Co, Duren. Oonveyanoor, Notary Public Land, Loan and Inouraliee Agent. Funds intesterl and to loan. Oolleotiona male Office in Graham's Block, Brussels TI10S. A. HAWRINS, Will give lessons to unpile either on piano er orgqan, at his Mesio Boom, opposite the post-odlce, Brussels, vocal isotone else Leon. 'Leen years experience in tousling. Taring moderato.