The Brussels Post, 1897-1-29, Page 6g THE BRUSSELS ,POST
—Ie PU8LI90RD--
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ADVERTISING- IRA'rEa.-The following rates
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Instructions to change or discontinue au
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Editor and Proprietor,
The Dairymen.
continuation of the Conference at
Thursday morning's session of the
Western Outario Dairymen's Convention
opened with an esoellent and instructive
paper read by J. B. Muir, an experienced
bntter•maker,in which be advocated the
oo•operation system.
J. H. Monrad addressed the oouven-
tion on winter butter.making, and said
that with reasonable oars winter butter.
making should be as successful es in
Prof. Robertson started an interest.
ing and instructive discussion on batter.
making in creameries.
Hon. Mr. Fisher spoke on winter dairy-
ing, advocating the use of the plant all
the year round. To make winter dairy
ing a success, it required warm barns,
bright light and sunshine.
George H. Barr, manager of the Bal.
lantynefactory at Black Creek, gave a
description of that factory, which he
considered to be the best in Canada. He
also said that the first and most import-
ant; matter in connection with the mak-
ing of cheese is the securing of nine, sweet,
clean, flavored milk. Have the milk in
the vat heating slowing ae it is being
weighed in, stirring gently meanwhile.
Setting the milk ie the moat critical
point in the making of cheese. If this is
done right the curd will Dome right.
After giving some prantioal information
as to the process of making cheese, he
mentioned 001ne results of his past year's
work. These were (1) That curds which
were 3 to 8f) hours from setting to clip-
ping made better cheese than those that
occupied a shorter space; (2) that curds
dipped with leas than 1. inch of acid made
nicer, moresilky cheese than those dip.
pad with more than inch. Mr. Barr
mentioned a few "don'ts," which were
received with applause and merriment 10
every case.
To faotory men :
Don't out your cheese maker's wages
any lower.
Don't nuy a gang press witha tin
trough under the hoops. Have it wood-
Don't buy a cheese truok with four
wheels ; get one with three, invented by
R. M. Ballantyne, and not patented.
Don't expeot a man to make o good
fall cheese in a skating rink without a
To cheeee•makers :
Don't tender for a faotory so low that
you cannot live, just for the fun of mak.
ing cheese.
Don't take in bad milk.
Don't over -ripen your milk to hasten
the work ; you will retard it and make
poor cheese.
Don't give your curd more than ane -
quarter inch of acid.
Don't wash your curd slabs once a
week ; wash them every day.
Don't wear the same pair of pants
from April to November without wash-
ing them ; keep yourself and factory
neat and clean.
The following is a list of officers for
1897 :—Hon. President, Hon. Thos. Bal-
lantyne ; Pres., A. F. McLaren, M. P.,
Stratford ; Vioe-Pres., J. S. Pearce,
London ; 2nd Vice•Pres., 13. Eagle, Ab-
lerlliffe ; 8rd Vice -Pres., A. Ware, Ay-
ton ; representative to Industrial Fair,
A. F, McLaren, M. P. ; representatives
to Western Fair, J. S. Pearce and R.
Robertson ; representatives to the Fut
Stook Show, H. Eagle and R. M. Ballan-
A Scotsman reeiding in San Francisco
was the most argumentative and the
calmest of man. They nee firearms
rather inopportunely at times out there,
and early one morning, when Mr, Mac.
gregor was returning home, he was thus
accost,d by an American citizen sadden•
ly bolding np a pistol ; "Throw up your
hands 1" "Why ?" asked Mr, Maogrogor,
calmly. "Throw them up I" "But
what for?" "Put up your hands," in.
skated the footpad, shaking his pietel.
"Will yon do what I tell you 2" 'That
depends," said 181r. Macgregor. "If you
can show me any reason why I should
put up my hands, I'll no' say :hut that I
will ; but yer mere requaiet wad be •no
justification for mo to do so absurd a
thing. Noo, why should you, a complete
stranger, ask me at this nor o' the morn -
tri' onthe public street 00 pit np ma
hands ?" "D—you," cried the robber,
"If you don't quit genie and obey orders
I'll blow the top of your Head off I"
"What 1 Faith, matt, you meet be cot o'
yer head. Come neo, pair buddy," said
Maogregor.., soothingly, molly catching
the poitol and wresting it with a quick
twist oat of the man's hand, "Come,
noon, and I'11'ohow ye where they'll tall
oars 0' ye. I3eo11 1 Dinna ye try to
feoht, or, mod, I'll shoot ye. I3y the
way, ye might es weal pot up yer sin
hands an' just walk ahead 0' me. That'0
it. 'Trudge awe, neo," And so Mr,
Macgregor marched hie man to the fifty
tsriecn and handed him over to Captain
Douglas, "It wouldna be a bed idea bo
put him in a etreighb jacket," be said,
serenely, to the officer. "There's little
doot but the buddy'e date," and he reeum•
ed his interrupted homeward walls.
What The POOte1.6 Say.
Ready obedience of monies to will is a
very important thing,
Exercise does more than ,,strengthen
and harden musole0, A microscopic' ex.
amination shows muscles constantly
need are the more healthy.
The value of a bodily organ depends
upon' its use. The oftener it is dieinte•
grated by action and rebuilt by the proper
putting together of the food stuffs from
the digestive organs, the more times it i0
remade, the better it ie•
The use of the musoleslexerts a notice•
able influence upon oiroulation.
Athletes who have contracted heart
trouble either have nob taken their train-
ing judieinliy, or, having developed a
large heart, neglect their athletic work
and are then visited with troubles which
could have been avoided by exeroiee.
After passing competent inspection of
heart and lungs, a would-be athlete need
fear no danger from a gradual oyelem .of
When the heart is origanionlly ale -
eased and the person enters immediately
upon some tremenduoue muscular task,
the heart may give way.
Egoh man in an athletic team should
always pass a preliminary examination
before entering any contest.
Under proper muscular exeroiee the
heart drives Lho blood in inorensed vol-
ume, not only through the muscles oon-
corned, but through all parts of the body,
and the oxygen absorbed by the lunge is
conveyed through the system more thor-
oughly, with better elimination of waste
Every contraction of a muscle drives
the blood out of that muscle by equeez•
ing the vessels, which, as a network,
pierce it, and the muscle is thus emptied.
When relaxed again the blood is driven
into the mueole and again squeezed out
on the way to the heart ; so that every
mueole action helps the heart.
In a man at rest the heart does nearly
all the work, when the man works the
muscles aid largely in the blood -pump.
ing process.
An over -developed heart will be of no
ineonvenieoce if the individual lceeps up
a normal amount of bodily exercise.
A man walking four miles an hour
takes in five times as much oxygen as
when at rest.
A laboring man will in a day excrete
through the lunge, in the form of car-
bonic aoid gas, an amount of carbon
equivalent to a lump of coke as big as his
MVO fists-
Exereiee should not make us breathe
much more rapidly than we do normally,
but deeper.
Most of us are too lazy with our lungs,
nob knowing how to fill them evenly,
smoothly and fully.
Most people have hollows above their
collar -hones, which is wrong. The apex
of the lungs should project up into that
space and fill it pretty nearly full, mak-
ing an almost even surface with the nook.
One should breathe deeply and fully,
otherwise the lungs' apex imprisons a
stagnant pool of air, soon filled with dust
and organisms of all kinds, and forming
an excellent germ•breeder.
Crisp and Casual.
In each respiration an adult inhales
one pint of air. -
An infant grows eight inches during
the first year.
11 takes two ton of rags to make one
ton of paper.
Safes rendered burglar proof by electri.
city are one of the latest suggestions.
The gold mined in Wales during the
last nine months amounted to nearly
More than half a million houses have
been built in London, Eng., during the
last forty years.
Last year uo fewer than 1,684 derelict
ships were discovered, most of them in
the North Atlantic.
To ascend Mount Blanc ousts about
975, as there must by law be two guidts
and a porter to eaoh person.
The rate at which the Zulus can travel
upon an emergency is astonishing. Some
will go as much ae fifty miles in six
hours ; eight miles an hour ie an ordin-
ary gene.
It is estimated that a man weighing
150 lb., riding a bicyole at the rate of
seven miles an hour, has a momentum of
1,000 lbs., leaving out of account the
weight of the wheel. This is sufficient to
upset a pedestrian with terrible force.
The abiidren of bleakest Africans are
born whitish. In a month they become
pale yellow, in a year brown, at forty
dirty black. The change is in the muc-
ous membrane, below the cutiole.
No watob keeps perfectly correct time,
and even the beet chronometers used 111
observatories and on board ship must be
regulated according to tables which are
kept to fix the variations to which all
watches ate liable.
London bae maintained for many years
preeminence in the fur trade. Ameri-
nen and Russian buyers visit the city to
buy furs originally taken in their own re-
spective countries. The sales amount to
134,000,000 tt year.
The Sultan of Turkey always takes his
meals alone. He needs neither table not:
plates, knives nor forks, hot gets along
very well by helping himself with aspoon
and his fingers to whatever is served him
in small diehee.
Mee. win. Dunham, of Pipeetone,
Manitoba, is spending a few days with
her Mende, John Evans and wife, of this
village, and Wn1, Stinson end wife, of
the Obh con. Mrs. Dunham says she pre,
fere the Manitoba Winter.
While sleigh riding under the bridge
on the river the sleigh ou whish Master
011arli0 Campbell was tiding went n
trine too close to the water's edge, giving
him a cold bath. Goo, Ardell succeeded
in reaming him.
The now firm at the Glasgow Hausa,
McLaughlin Biros., Have opened out.
The firm is composed el W. 3, and Chest-
er McLaughlin, sons of Jas. McLaughlin,
of this village. They are both energetio
young men, thoroughly conversant with
the business.
Aonrour,munno,—The iiowiok Agrieul•
Weal $gaiety held their anneal mooting
in Pordwieb on the 18th inst. The meet -
Mg was a very agreeable one, and all
matters pertaining to the moiety quite
eatiefaotory.• Alter paying 950 for a
thirty feet addition to the hall and other
improvements meting the Soolety about
966 above the ordinary expeneee, there is
975 of a balance carried over for the eons.
iug year, wbiob, with the value of the
buildings and trounde me)Iee the total Se.
sets of the Society 9650, and a return of
88 Members. The oMeore for the coming
year are :—•Jahn Kafue,. President ; Robt,
Harding, Vim -Pees, ; Peter Hepinotall,
Seo.-Treas. ; Direotore, Wm. Evans, Ino,
Stewart, Samuel Sobneton, Jae. 13011,
Edward Cousins, Jas. Porkine, Alex,
Robertson, sr., Thos. Inglis and Jatnes
Spence ; Assistant Direotore, 1u11n Hol-
land, Alex, Gibson, 13. S. Cook, Wm.
Brown and Wm. Weir ; Auditors, Jobn
Donaghy and Angus 111oOnrdy, Tho
Fall Show for 1897 is to be held in Got.
Tie on the lust Saturday of October, as
Rev. Father MoOubb, formerly of Ra-
Ieighand Ridgetown, has been appointed
pastor of St. James oburob, Seaforth.
Willie Boole, eldest son of Chao. Soolo,
of this town, who has been in Logen'e
back for 60112E time, left for Glenboro',
Man., where he takes a similar position
in a bank which Mr. Logan has there.
S. Bennett, a member of the late firm
of Cluff cis Bennett, has decided to leave
town. Mr. Sennett lute porehased Watt'e
planing mill bueineoe in Wingham and
will move to that town with his family.
The six-year-old Son of Jas. Sleeth, of
this town, met with a painful aooiient
the other day.. He was visiting at Robt.
Dodds', in Moltillop, and was taking a
ride on a load of wood when his left hand
was oaughtbettveen two rolling stinks,
bruising the hand badly and breaking one
of the fingers.
Peter Daley, who has been in the em•
ploy of D. D. Wilson for over fifteen
years, and who, for several years had
oharge of Mr. Wilson's thorn' bred stook,
has been engaged to tape Marge of the
retail meat business of T. R. F. Case cis
Co. Mr. Daley was offered a position
with Premier Greenway, of Manitoba, to
take charge of his herd of tboro'breds on
his farm at Crystal City, Manitoba, but
preferred remaining in Seaforth.
A Bylaw appointing the following offs•
nem at the salaries named was passed by
the town Council :—Olerk, Win, Elliott,
salary, $275 ; assessor, Wm. Ballantyne,
salary, 970 ; Wm. Gillespie, constable,
collector, sanitary inspector and truant
officer, Salary, 9400 ; R. S. Roberts,
waterworks, engineer and poundkeeper,
salary, 9560 ; E. Lusby, market clerk
and caretaker of hall, 9860. The annual
grante of 9200 to the fire brigade and 950
to the chief was passed. John Beattie
VMS appointed town engineer. The clerk
was authorized to advertise for tenders
for running the snow plow. The ap-
pointment of Alex. Broadfoot as chief of
the fire brigade, was ratified by the Coun-
cil. D. D. Wilson was re -appointed a
trustee of the Collegiate Institute.
Remarkable Testimonials
Galt, Oct. 29th, 1897.
J. M. McLeod, Goderich :
DEAR Bni,—You willremomber well the
state I was in when I wont to Goderich
two years ago lest May. I had been suf.
fering over a year with heart disease and
nervous prostration. For days at a time
I had to lie in bed. My liver and kidneys
were also affected, I was run down and
so weak that I could not continuo on my
'fest. I tried three doctors without get-
ting any benefit, I was only getting worse
all the time. I took one bottle of your
Protein Resurgam, and one of your Sys.
tem Renovator, and before I was through
with them I felt like a new pereou. I
continued till I took three bottles of each.
As you are aware we had au addition to
the family since then. I am to -clay well
able to do all my own house work as well
as over. Only for yourmodicines Iwould
not be living today. Thanking you sin-
cerely and wishing you grand and great
success. Yours truly,
Brussels, Nov 7th, 1896.
J. M. McLeod, Goderioh
DEAR Sxa,—For four or five years I was
troubled with dyspepsia. I could scarce-
ly eat anything or emu take a drink of
water without suffering from pain in the
stomach. I tried different kinds of med-
icine which were of no use to me. Mr.
James Duncan advised me to try a bottle
of your System Renovator. I took four
91 bottles and I am all right now.
Yours truly,
Joan WENN.
801,1 by Jas. Fox, Druggist, Brussels,
Undersigned will keep for edrvloa on
Lot 20 non. 0, Morris, the thoro' bred im-
proved Whits P00110hire Boar "Selected,"
bred from J 11. Brotbour's sweepstakes sow
at Chicago Fair. Torras 81.00 to be paid
at the time of service with privilege of re
turning if n805050ry, Pedigree may be 000u
on application,
100130. NICHOL.
undororpned will keep for service 071
Lot 10, Con. 0, Morrie the tlforo'-brodLargo
:English Pori:shire hoar, Captain John."
His motlaer is a full sister to the 1st prize
sow attheal 'e ,
A d Pair. Pedigree 1,0 be
produced on application. fermi -41,00 to
be paid at time service with privilege of
returning if necessary,
11.Om JAS, SPEIIo, Proprietor,
PTIIL[P jr tl Oh1KSA
I with to inform the people of Brunsole
and surrounding district that I have pue•
Mosul the Puinp Businese of JAMES
BELL and will he found ready to attend
to all wants in either new work or repaire
at moderate prices.
No better Pump in the inttrbet.
Order loft at my shop or residence or
at P. SCOTT'S shop will bo peomptly
looked after.
tan'Ordero taken for the Digging of
Wells and Cisterns.
Garner Greek,
Wanted—An Idea 8601881 a?
Protest your Ideas: the yy may brleg yea wealt8
:yrlto JOrnN wMDD1SaBURN & 00, Patent Attor-
neye WnsWogteo, D. G„for tbelr 01,1111 11)rizc olror
and Slat of two imndred favoutloae lvantpd:
"Since childhood, I have been
afflicted with scrofulous boils anti
sores, which caused me terrible
suffering. Physicians were unable
to help ave, and I only grew worse
under their care.
At length, I began
to take
Sarsaparilla, and
very soon grew bet-
ter. .After using
half a dozen bottles
I was completely
cured, so that I have not had a boil
or pimple o11 any part of my body
for the last twelve years. I can
cordially recommend Ayer's Sarsa-
parilla as the very best blood -purifier
in existence." — G. T. REINIIAnT,
Myersville, Texas.
JAL 29, 1897
We kee gin stock and supply everything in
'Coal and Wood Stoves,
]'+Tither Parlor, Box or Cook
First-class Furnaces
From best Canadian Manufacturers, and
Warranted to work properly.
Plumbing promptly attended to at Reasonable Rates.
Lamp Goods, Lanterns, &c.
Orders Taken for Coal.
Stove and Furnace Men, Brussels.
Sarsap rill
dyer's Cherry Pectoral cures Coughs and Colds
6e,'FettitecASE t'r WILL . NoT c0R,Py,
Au Agreeable Laxative and NEIIV3O TONIC.
Sold by Druggists or soul by Mail. 200., OOo.,
a"d 51.00 Per package. Samples free.
for the Teeth and Breath, 25e.
0n' 0
00141 by .1.SS. 1•EOX, Drusslsl., Brussels,
Real tate & Loan.
Agent, - Brussels.
Money to Loan on Farm Secur-
ity at the Lowest Rate
of Interest.
Money Loaned on Notes and
good Notes Discounted. Sale
Notes a Specialty.
Fire d Life Insurance Written.
Special Attention given to
Office over Deadman & McCall's Store,
Wanted—An Idea 'Who can at think
Protect Your Ideas* they_ may bring you wealth.
Write JOHN w1DD0RP1RN ec 00, Patent Attor-
neys Washington, 0. 0., for their $i,800 prize offer
and Slat of two hundred InventIoae wanted.
DI'. LeRoyr's V Oii ab Pigs.
Tan only Tolle! I,and trl 0,0 ,akyriae-
parntim, el nn•n. .'eI , I c u,t a st
effective malady 01.01. d,ov"t a, ills.
nblrttie,l Ilam m s do y3I , * s dad rtrrattr
Irma ',Hee 01 par I• % cfdrugcluts,orbytual
-neouroly amain nn l,.; It orp*ice
LeRoy Pill Co, Victoria bL Toronto, Cau.
001d in Brussels by JAS. 1011X.
T Dawson, it onager Standard Rona, Read.
ford, O,t toys,' Cl s *, Rh/nay-tic, Pills are A
grand medicine for the Kidneys and Llyna
W to, Cava*art ,3 HSC e1 S1 Toronto, re.
presenting idonlrc,l Star, } Ch o -'o liths act
like. magi for the roliof f hcnd•alh , I+ihous attach
and constipation, S Id to aryw herr, or by mull on
receipt of (trice, In 209108011, okra iter Go.
45 1098000 50.. TsO011lO,
Established 1871.
The Policy Contract issued by this Association is perfection itself,
It[leaves nothing further to be desired. Bates and full infor-
mation furnished on application.
W. It zmi,R9 Agent, Brussels.
The undersigned has opened out a Large
and well Assorted Stock of
Opposite the American Hotel, Brussels;
Where may be found the latest and best Styles in
Parlor and Bedroom Suites,
Sideboards, Tables, Lounges,
Sofas, Chairs, Mattrasses, &c.
Picture Framing promptly attended to, Curtain Poles
and Window Blinds supplied.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
SFJpd J_ +
�r0�r�� Give True a call,
Lam- iL
e1htEkill fi cparluout
In connection with the store a well ordered Undertak-
ing Department -will be kept where a large stook of Cas -
bets, Collins and Undertakers' Supplies will always be
found at Moderate Charges.
First-class Hearse. Cavity and Arterial Eoribal'2?zing