The Brussels Post, 1897-1-29, Page 5JAN. 29, 1S97 rp 10 1113. rv.;i r ,, LS POST -.::_:.__._. .. W"fa7orm'rk.9r 7M'iti714t�EfGfei41C[[¢4Zwl ......... _. ... _.._,aEturT'..aRra;t3te#S"rq+,,,t?erenL.ry7W Xi st i.ct 141135, •Monthly Korea hair Thursday of next week at Brl1aselB, 'Phare will be no senders in the Presby• Wien church next Sabbath morning ee eaorement will be dispensed in Ethel. Tho debate atutoun°ed to take place Wet Tuesday evening in the Methodiet church was put off until next Tneeday evening, Mr. Patton is improving slowly. Monthly florae Fair Thursday of next week at Brussels. The epeolal services in the Methodist church have been cancelled this week owing to the etormy weather and the nese of of Rev, Mr. Walker, who /las been having a toueb of la grippe. The sacrament of the Lord's Supper will bo dispensed in the Presbyterian church next Sabbath morning at 10.80 o'clock, Preparatory servioee Saturday at 10.80 a, m., conducted by Rev. Mr. Whaley, of St. Helen's, Thanksgiving eervfoee Sabbath evening at 0,30. Remi-pn. Haney Fogel lost a valuable mare from indigestion. Monthly Horse Pair Thursday of next week at Brussels. Jos, Gass is getting material for a barn with stone foundation on his farm near Palmerston. W&TTa—Wmrraata.—On Wednesday evening, San. 14th, Theo. J. Watts, of Morrie, Man., eon of Rev, Wm, Watts, formerly of Elenfryn, and Mies Jennie, youngest daughter of John Williams, 12th coo., Brant, were united in mar. rings, by the Rev. Mr. Watts, father of the groom, assisted by Rev. R. Davey, of Oheeiey. Mise Watts, teacher, Lions Head, sicker of the groom, performed the duties of bridesmaid, while D. Williams, brother of the bride, supported the groom. The interesting ceremony took place at 8:80 p. m. Only near relatives and intimate friends witnessed the nup. tial isnot being tied after which the guests eat down to a sumptuous wedding supper. Many handsome and valuable presents were given to the bride. This week the bappy couple leave for their new home in the West. 131iiebvala-.. Mies Maggie Diament is visiting in Paisley, Mise A. Wynn ie suffering from an at. taok of la grippe. Monthly /terse Fair Thursday of next week at Brunette Mr. and Mrs. Tiunel, of Fordwioh, are visiting Mrs. R. G. Caeeware. Mre. John Diament and her mother, Mrs, Sheridan, are visiting et Granland, Mich. Ohauncey Jerome, of Wingham, play- ed the autoharp at the Orangemen's concert. Miss Mabel Oliver gave a very enjoy- able party to her young friends last Tuesday evening. Rev. J. Radford, of Waberdown, con- ducted service in the Presbyterian church Inst Sabbath. OnAxon Surron.—Toa annual Orange supper woe held here on Wednesday evening of last week. Supper was serv- ed in the basement of the Methodiet church after wbiuh a most entertaining. program of songs, readings and inetre- meutnl music was rendered in the For- esters' Hill. Mr, MoGill, of Blyth, who is possessed of a rich baritone voice under good control, was very well re- ceived. T. A. Hawkins, of Brussels, in his comic songs, "The Waiter" and "The Doctor" was heartily applauded. The Harmonica Bend gave some exoellenb numbers, The order was perfect, but this is nob remarkable in a Bluevale nndience, A. H. Musgrove, of Wing. ham, occupied the chair and did his part admirably. Proceeds were about 840. T. A. Hawkins and Miss Aggie Herbert were the pianists. "The Ship I Love," euag by Miss Maggie Stewart was highly appreciated, .LAr toewe1. This town is pasted with walking tourists. There has been ou en average from three to six of these fellows soon- pying the basement of our town hall at nights for the past month or so, At the mid -winters examinations of bhe Toronto University both Lyle Tatham and Roy Hacking were among the few who succeeded In Bemiring honors in Chemistry, and took a very creditable stand in their examinations generally. J. A. Hacking, late town agent of the Grand Trunk Railway et Listowel, has been appointed travelling passenger agent for 'the Wisconsin Central lines. Mr. Hacking's many years' experience as a ticket agent ebould be of servioe to the company he represents. Work on the interior of the new Christ ohurch is making good progress. Bamford Broil., c onhraat r os have smiling, v the which ' le made Of deemed tees ed white pine and laid in panels, nearly finished. The lathing is also almost oompleted and ready to begin plastering. The gas pipes have been planed, and the church se being wired for eleotrio light. It ie expected that the church will be ready for opening about Easter, The election of a Board of Directors for the ensuing year for the Piauo Factory resulted in the selection of the following gentlemen J, W. Scott, J. W. Meyers, B, F, Brook, D. D. Camp. bell, John 0. Hay, A, Er. Nichol, M. ll. ; and 7. A. Halstead. F. W. slay was re• elected Auditor. The Direotors subse- quently re•eleoted Mr, Scott President, and Mr, Campbell Viae•President ; also re.engaged R. W. Andrews as Manager, and I C, McDowell as Seo.•Treaeur°r. Though not altogether unexpected, the ead news of the death of J. E. Brook, at St. litichael'e Hospital, Toronto, on Saturday morning, caused deep regret to pervade the community, Out down in hie manhood, at a time when life's pros. petite ssemed particularly bright and promising, and so abort a time after entering upon a suoceeeful business career, Mr. Brook's death is partioblarly sad, and is a very heavy blow indeed to hie father, With whom he had been in partnership, as well as to his devoted wife. The deceased was the eldest son 01 B, F. Broolt' of the Lietowel Woollen Mills, and was been ut ;Felt Dover,! i. . corrin lore with bill fat er fa ' g11 a mil Y when 7 years of alga, eines which'Eitno ho lute been a reeideet of the town.He re. mitred hie education in the Listowel Pubifo and High soheols, and alter put. ting in a term at a Toronto Beeinee College, he entered boo office of h] fabler, and at the time of hie marriage, about four years ago, with Ella, oldest daughter of T, 17, and Mrs, fine, hie father took him into partnership with him in the woollen mill business, the name of the firm being B. F, Brook ds San. Some few months ago he was taken 111 with it trouble which developed into a disease of the kidneys, Finding no improvement. in his health, it was de- oided 11101 he should undergo an oper- ation, and shortly before Christmas he went to St, lbitehaef's hospital, in To. route with that object in view. Bat the had scarcely reached the hospital when he bad n severe attack of tonsilitis, which left him too weak to undergo nn operation, and no doubt hastened his death, 113o0g ra.vte- Monthly Horse Fair Thureday of next week at Brussels. The gravel road North and South of Belgravo has been in bad condition ow- ing to the snow storms. At the annual meeting of Knox church, Bolgrave, held recently, the following were elected as a Board of Managers :— D. Scott, Geo. Taylor, Wm. Anderson, (Hugh McLean, E. Wightman, C. Michie, S, Irvine and Adam Halliday ; See., 0. Michie ; Treas., Geo. Taylor ; Auditors, Jae, Ounningbam and D. Meiklejohn, PosxaoNSD.--The concert which was to have been given in the Foresters' Hail, Belgravo, under the management of the Canadian Concert Go,, on Tuesday, the 26th incl„ has been poebpooed until Fri• clay of this week, Jan, 29th, owing to the severe storm. Don't' fail to hear it, 100 laughs for 16 cents, At the annual meeting of the Bolgrave Cheese and Butter Manufacturing Cu., held on Wednesday of last week, the following were elected as a Board of Di. rectors :—Geo. Daley, Wm. Wray, Jas, Oweue, R. McMurray and Walter Scott, with Geo. Hood, Seo., and Geo. Taylor, Treas. ; 0. Miohie, Auditor, It was de• oided to dispose of the whey to be fed at the factory during the coming season, in. stead of returning it to the patrons. Great-. Monthly Horse Fair Thursday of next week at Brussels. The attendance of pupils at S. S. No, 8 is greatly increased this year. Miss Janet McNair, 14th con., spent a few days last week at Mrs. McNeil's, Brussels, Co, Counoillor Hielup is away ab -Gods• rich ibis week attending the Co. Ooutioil in session there. David Holmes, 15,b con., has greatly improved his excellent 00 acre farm by °rooting substantial straight rail fences. Notwithstanding the rough and stormy weather, Robb. Spiels, 10th con., wears a broad smile. It is ail because it is a "dish washer." The roads running North and South have been renderers almost impassible owing to the continued etorm. The con cession lines are heavy but not so badly drifted as the side roads. The other day as Willie McInnes, 14th eon„ was leading a boll to water the ani- mal became enraged and might have gored him to death h:td 11 nob been for the assistance of his father. Debtors] the amulet, Owing to the snow storm and the al. most impassible condition of the roads last afonday, William Pollard emotion sale of farm stock, implements, dco., was postponed until Wedoeeday, February 8rd, at 1 o'olock. Silver Corners cheese factory annual meeting was nob held last Tuesday owing to the storm but will be held on Friday afternoon of next week, Mn. Steinhoff, of Stratford, is expected to be present and deliver an address on "Dairying," IWOr•,"i5.t. Ross Stubbs le laid up with soiatiots. Monthly Horse Fair Thursday of next week at Brussels, Mise Foster, of Zurich, is the guest of Mise Lizzie Maunders. Jas, Tbuoll had a eu000esful wood hes on Friday of last weals, Miss Susan blathers is visiting her brother at Horning Mills. Miss Emma Bosman bas been on the eiok list but is improving nicely. Misses Pearl and Ethel Pipe were visiting at John Clegg's this week. Wm. Michie has already an addition of three young calves to hie herd of cattle, Milier Bros. are busily engaged thresh- ing olover whenever the weather will permit. Mise Maggie 0eldbiols intende return• ing to Manitoba with her brother-in-law, D. Taylor. Auction sales are more numerous tban the fins days and consequently are not all boomers. David Cannon left Brussels on Tuesday for Chillicothe, Mo., where be expects to follow farming. This week's storm was an old timer. Those having to eneonnter some of our sideroad drifts know it. 00. o na'll r Uu to Moo n Mooney is attencim., the first session of the Counby Ooenoil for 1897 at Goderioh ibis week. Geo, Bond had a number of his neigh. bore assisting in gutting a supply of wood on Tuesday of last week. Miss Lattis Cook spent a few Jaye visiting Mende in 13rnseols this week and gob etorrn'bound, of course. Miss Ittaud Paul is attending acbool in Bluevale this Winter. Wo hope she may have mecums in her studies there, Donald McKenzie, 4th line, ie supply. leg the place of one of the Luoknow school teachers who is 0n the sink list, Talk about your Manitoba blizzards, bub they don't !seep the 2nd line bays from malting their weekly calls on Sun• day evenings, Arthur Mills, of Deloreins, Man., and ltfire Mills, of Sotmunberg, Ont., are visit. fug at Wm. Robb's, 0th line. They are brother and eieter t0 Mrs. Robb, Alex. Clark disposed of a fine general purpoee mare for the emit of 890, and John MDArter a geldingfor 885. Both annuals were purchased and shipped by Geo. Parker. The Barbie family, Obb line, will prob. ably remove to a 60•aore farm inherited by Mrs. Barrie, near Galt, Their old neighbors and many friends will regret to see them leave this section. The infant eon of Andrew Knight, 8th line, wee buried last Saturday afternooe, 'There was n good E�en- a dance consider. {der• ih t 110 very Bt' C g y o my weather. Iter. Mr, 'Weir condeoted the service. The little boy was nearly 6 menthe old, Mr, end Mrs. Knight are sympathized with in the lose of their eon. _ . ....:. _ _ at£dRE4A#fCsi1'aIN_ rAt .... P9TWIIJ8/ florae to Geo. Parker, for shipment to to s�t ue o Tinaceipte for Eugiand, p g 87am 8.16, Coe total racsipte far We aro pleased to see Joseph Cle, i tit, year amounted to 88,082.08 and the able to get abort as usual after lnia shore 140,10, hefototal year of maria . spell of slalsnese. mans were 8281. 08, leaving a balances on D. Meiklejabn ietende remodelling hie hand of 8064,77 with over 8300 still to barn end putting atone stabling ender. collect. After considerable dieouesion ' tooth next Spring, the report wits unanimously adopted. Misses Annie and Maggie Agin have 11'lle matter of appointing dirsotore wee esteemed work in St, Thomas, after a " months' holidays with friends in this vietnity,. The emotion sale of Samuel Welker, fish line, was not held on Tuesday owing to the bad etas of the roads, It will be held next Monday afternoon et 1 o'olook, Mies Kttte Halliday attended the Y. P. 8, 0, E, Oooventfol, under the auspices of Maitland Preebytery, at Wingham, on Monday of lash week, being a delegate from Bolgrave. Owing to the repent severe storm the auction sale of Perm stook, implements tee., of Samuel Walker has been post- poned to Monday, Feb, 1st, at 1 o'clock. Geo. Kirkby is auctioneer. Jas. Clark had the misfortune to leb his team run away on Friday of last week. After a run of about two miles they were captured by C. Michie. No damage done beyond frightening Jimmie. Last week it was rumored that Alex. Niobol bad purchased the Love property, 200 acres oo the 6th line, This week ib ie stated as a poeitive feat, Mr. Nicbot is now owner of 500 acres in this town. ship. The Maitland fo01-ball boys of S. S. No. 10, Morrie, have elected the follow• ing officers :—Pree., J, Breckenridge ; Capt., W. Smillie: Treae„ J, T. Straoh• E, There 18 a movement an . foot to have Ma- Ithe Mechanics' Institute here made a+ Free Public Library, for the good of the citizens, Jno. Barnard's arrows with his poultry at Guelph ehow led him to make largo entries for the Seaforth show. It is his intention to exhibit about 16 or 18 birds, The Wroxeter Horbioulburel Society held their annual meeting on Jan. 13th and elected the following oflicsra :—Pres. s John (Pegg disposed of a fine young i assesee' re i fpremium a an ; Seo., W., Breckenridge ; Com. Bryans, B. McEwen and Bert. Ewen, Last Saturday, a telephone message was received from Goderioh, stating that Miss Annie, daughter of Richard Bewley, 71h line, who has a situatiau in the Co. town, way ill with inflammation of the lunge. We hope she will soon be con- valescent, BinTnna-r PAWr ,—Last Friday eve a birthday party was held at the Dom table resideuoe of Robb. McMurray, liue, when about 55 young people ass i. rectors wo °t Wpm. Shearer, Jas. Do a'lld- sou and Thos, .E. Gibson, It was moved and seconded that they be re.appaioted, but oonsiderabls discussion arose, and three other nominations were made, F. Curtis, Henry Smith and Robert Smith, and after a poll being taken it was found that the retiring directors were ro•eleeted with good majorities. After this meeting closed the dirsotore met for organization, when the President, Wm. Shearer, Vim. president, Jas. Donaldson, and the Seone- tary, Babb. Cleland, were re -appointed, A ooneiderable number of applications for ineuranoes were presented and aa• oepted by the Board. roxor,er. The saw mill started last week, Alex. Thomson has gone to Mt, Forest. Large quantities of wood have been Doming bo town. Monthly Horse Fair Thursday of next week at Brussels. Revival services are being held in the Methodist church, Mrs, Thos. Miller is at present visiting friondein Goderioh, Jae. Ross, late of the Commercial hotel, has moved to Wingham, nine for. Sohn Brethaner ; Vice- res., D, H. Mof Ooh fact; Seo,•T'reas„ A. Munro ; Directors— e,,7. John Knox, S. B. Moltelvie, John Bray, Samuel Snell, A. Miller, G. Johnston, Thos. Hemphill, Thoe. Musgt'ove and Wm, Mitchell, Ounnrxe.—On Tuesday of last week Wroxeter and Harrigan clubs played a bwo rink match at Erarrietou with the following result :— weeox➢TEn. nAnnIo'roa\•. Tbynne, W. Fisher, Robinson, J. T. Ireland, A Paulin, J. W. Wilson/. Bone, skip ....14 G. Stong, skip., ..19 J. McTavish, R. J. Wells, R. Black, J. E. Gray, Ed. 73ladkc, J. Mcblurchie, T. Rae, strip... ,12 W. Moore, skip —22, 22 26 41 ed, Dancing was kept up until about 4 a, in. The musicians wore Thos. Stew- art, Chris. Biruey and others. A first- class supper was provided. Mise Maggie, whose birthday wad being celebrated, was oongratnlated on the anniversary. Waal toll. Horse Fair at Brunetti next Thursday, Monthly Horse Fair Thursday of next week at Brussels. The minister did not get to St. George's oboroh last Sabbath afternoon owing to the bad roeds, Rural Dean Elodgine, of Seaforth, will preach next Sabbath after- noon. Alex. Gardiner and his son, Peter, 1.4th con, Meleiliop, are both on bhe sink list. The former has a touch of pleurisy and the son inflammation of the langs. We ]sopa they will soon be convalescent. Last Tuesday a Co. Councillor left here nn snow shoes for Seaforth en route to the 0o. Council at Goderioh. We did not learn what success he had on his journey but we bops he'll turn up before Spring. Rev. S. J. Allis, of Brussels, will preach at the Methodist church next Sabbath afternoon and administer the sacrament, owing to the illness of Rev. Mr. Rigsby, of Blyth, who is responsible for this work. Etwoonie LEAoon. The following are the new otlieers in connection wibli the Epworth League of the Methodist (March :—President, Rev. J. P. West - man ' 1st Vice -Pres., Miss A. Swallow ; 2nd Vice, Miss M. Swallow ; Ord Vioe, Miss 20. Berry ; 4th Vice, Mies M. Mote risen ; Seoretary, Miss Lizzie Barrows ; Treasurer, Miss Susie Dennison. A new program for the next six months has been issued. MArsmoxxan.—The lady mentioned in the following paragraph, which was taken from the Prairie Witness of Indian Head, is a daughter of Richard Pollard, of Mo• Rillop. The Witness soya :—"One of those happy events which occur at any time, bat especially at holiday season, took place at the manse on Thursday af- ternoon, when Angus Urquhart, of Fort Qi'Appeile, and Miss Grace Pollard, of Walton, Ontario, were united in mar- riage. The ceremony was performed by Rev. A„Robson, assisted by Rev. Mr. Burton, of Fort Qn'Appelle, Mr. Urqu• hart is one of the Fort's most respected and worthy citizens. Miss Pollard taughb the Parklands school for 1899 up to Christmas, and was a great favorite iu the district, We wieb the young couple a long and happy life,” The many friends hereabouts of Mrs. Urquhart will unite with Tun Pose in extending to her- self and her husband the most hearty congratulations, 1i.twboeA. The Flax 0o, shipped another oar of dressed flax to the Eastern States. President Donaldson and John Ballan. b ne maker, of file Elm Y D a foolY, or visited the creamery convention in St. Marys. Mise Fauuy. Adams, who has boon stayingiu Ifanfilton'for the past six menthe with friends, has returned home, folly recovered from her recent illness, Jobe Linobam, of Dewduey,'N. W, T., is visiting his father on the 12th teen. Be will return to the West shortly with hie wife, who has been visiting hero for some time, A delegation from the Bluevale cheese faotory, consisting of Messrs. Maxwell, Miller and Elliott, visited the Elate 0o's. factory Monday forenoon of lash week, oatsnaibly to get information respecting the butter plaice in operation in thie factory, with a view to putting a similar plant into the Bluevale factory this Spring. Followingare the lie ofdoere o f L. O. L. No, 030, Atwood, for the current year :— Geo. F. Thompson, W. M.; Alex. Thomp- son, D. M. ; Harry Browd, Chap. ; Wm, Graham, Rec.-See. ; Wm, Moran, Fin.. See.; A. M. Sweeten, Treas. ; Richard Graham, Lecturer ; Jae, Priest, D. of C.; Committee, 1st, 7. Adair ; end, Robert Morrison ; Bird, Wm. Thompson ; 4th, W. D. G116110es4 ; 5th, F. Holmes. The lodge meets on Tuesday on 00 before the full of the moon. Emu Fatterteos' Flan IxanitANas G0,— The annual meeting of this Company was held at Atwood ou the ltlbh inet, There was a good turn cue of members and Jas. Grieve was called to the chair. After a fewpreliminary p rmtnar remfrom fro the chairman, the sosretary was oallod upon to read the auditors' report, which showed that the total number of policies in force up to the 81st of Denember last amounted to $1,084,808, leaving an an. Mt. and Mrs. Bowman, of Moulton, were killed at a Michigan Central rai]svoy crossing, a few miles west of Welland. The Ontario Government has decided, subject to approval of the Legislature, to donate 40.000 towards the relief of the sufferers from plague and famine in India. Hon. Sidney Fisher announces thee be has completed arrangements with ship. ping companies at Montreal for oold storage for agriealbnral and dairy pro- ducts. MEDICAL CARDS. A. MaNAUG}HTON, 21. D. • 8. Ont. Ali Residence andN of]loariggn'WilsoP. n's Olook, corner of 58111 and Turnberry Sta. TM. ARAIhTRONG, M. D. Physiolan, Surgeon, Aeoouoher, etc, Graduate of Toronto University Medical Vacuity, Member of College of f'hysioiane and Seeq:ons, Ont. OF'rlon—Next door to McDonald Si Co„ Walton Ont, DR. F. H. KALDFLElSCH, nlITBIOIAN, SURGEON AND AaeouonoUir, SUCCESSOR ro DR, W. GRAHAM, BRUSSELS, - ONTARIO. let Claes Honor Graduate of the TJugiivaret- and of Trinity (Medioall' college ; (Kingston), of Trinity fpollagPhysicians and Outn ie. Losb Graduate Course in Detroit and Chicago 1800, Special attention paid to dis- eases of Eye, ]ear, Nose and Throat, and dis- easesof Women, t 0oneultation in Eng- lish and German, Cod Liver ail I You have probably been advised by your Physioian to lake Ood Liver 031. This is the season when the takieg of We s flash• p roducin gOiis moat desirable. IE the Pure Cod Liver Oil is too disagreeable in taste for yon ,just try the 17otne Health Emulsion and you will find that dis- agreeable taste hidden. This Ennul. sion containe 60% of the Pure Oil so you have a maoh stronger Emulsion than is usually found. It is pleasant to take and oerbttin in its notion. FOR SALE BY : Deadman 'o McCall, Druggists, Opticians and Booksellers, ' BRUSSELS, ONT. Co�eciiouer� We have as nicely an aetorted stook of Fresh Candies, 1uis, Canned Goods, Fruits, &C, as was ever displayed in Brus'sels. rtePe rose within recall of all. New 8toclr. , Preen Oysters. litiTIZATION sTETVON 23tt001K. KE :LNG BUSY DUiP�'T�' ',fi. �n 11 ,.;f,.NG J Y. CJ Besting on one's oars isn't healthy business. Depend- ing on past reputation isn't evidence of growth. If we were to do one or both we'd be troubled with "dry rot" and to begin the New Year with any such indifference or carelessness would be contrary to everything you expect, The way we've done in other years and the way we shall do this year is to keep everlastingly at it even during mid- winter, and snake work for ourselves and more work for our tailors by selling unusually cheap. The enthusiasm of trade this month is bargains. It's a time to half give goods away and we're aiming for the liveliest kind of trade with— Bargains in Hats ! Bargains in Suits ! Bargains in Pants ! Bargains in. Ulsters ! Bargains in Overcoats ! Bargains in Furnishings t Something has got to be done to develop business dur- ing January and we never yet could see anything to be gained by carrying goods over. Our plans for Spring are on a larger scale and our eyes are on the future. The more we can sell now and the quicker we can sell the bet- ter. It is a time for Bargains, HOLMES BLOCK, aeasattesm BRUSSELS. TOT E OtSU.VE!S c OF THE TOWNSHIPS. OF rey44J 111 orris p® We don't wish for a moment to leave the impression that we want all the trade but we do claim that it will pay .0 VE y FAMILY Ill In the said Townships to come in and inspect our stock and learn prices. CII allBeySClathing We have put in the knife to such an extent that profits FOR 60 DAYS will be no consideration. Also in Ladties' Fur Coasts and Cayes, We are bound to clear them all out, ro lG- ocer ark Grocery Department. 25 lbs Granulated Sugar for $1 00 28 lbs Coffee 1 00 We have the best 25 cent Japan Tea in the trade. Wishing all a Prosperous year, Yours, 6"C B. B. GUNN, Importer, Seaforth.