The Brussels Post, 1897-1-29, Page 3JAN. 29, 18917
Town Directory.
MnLVILLO finpa/lt.-Sabbath Servioee
at I1 a m and 7:00 prm. Sunday School
at 2:80 p m, Rev. John Boss, 13 At
Sr.Jon8's Cnuuon,--Sabbath Servloea
at 11 a m and 7 p m, Sunday School
at 2:30 p. m. Rev. A. H. Griffin, Mourn.
MiTIIODIaT On uioii,-.Sabbath Servioed
at 10:80 a In and 7:00 A m. Sunday
Sohool at 2:30 p m. Rev. S. J. AilIn,
Rouen Met -roam Onenott.-Sabbath
Service third Sunday in every month, at
10;80 a m. Rev Joseph Kennedy,
SALVATION AR1tY.-Servioe at 7 and 11
a m and B and p in on Sunday and.
every evening in the week at 8 o'olock, at
the barracks.
Oen FnaLowe' Lomax every Tharaday
evening, in Graham's block.
117A90NIo LODoa Tuesday at Or before
full moon, in Garfield bloolc.
A 0 i W Lanes on the 8rd
Friday evening of earth month, in Blae.
hill's block,
C O F Lonou 2nd and lase Tuesday
evenings of each month, in Blaehill'a
I 0 F, 2nd and last Friday in Odd
Fellows' Hall.
L 0 L let Monday in every month
in Orange Hall.
Sorts of B00TLAND, let and Brd Tnes-
daye of each mouth, in Odd Fellows'
K. 0. T. M. Lonea, 2nd and 4bih Tues.
daya of each month, in Odd Fellow's Hall.
Canadian Order of Chosen Friends, let
and 3rd Mondays of each month in Blare
hill's Hall.
A 0 F, lab and 8rd Mondays of each
month oat Odd Fellow's'Sa ll.
Hone Orem% 2nd and 4211 Fridayeven-
Ingein Blashil1's Hall.
Pose Oinnou.-Office hours frofn 8 a.
m, to 8:80 p. m.
INeT oxn.-Librax
Y in
Holmes' block will boo en from 6 to 8
o'clock p. m.Wednesdaye and 3:30 to 5
and 6 to 8 Saturdays. Miss Minnie Mo.
Naughton, Librarian.
Town Couxcm.-W, 133. Kerr, Reeve ;
Geo, Baeker, Geo. Thomson, R. Lea-
bherdale and R. G. Wilson, Councillors ;
33'. S. Scott, Clerk; Thomas Kelly,
Treasurer ; R. }Lepton, Assessor and J.
T. hese, Collector. Board meets the let
Monday in each month.
SonooL Boden. -A. Koenig, (ebair-
man,) I). C. Rose, J. G. Skene, Jae.
Tnrubell, A. Ooualey and F. Van.
stone. Sec. -Trees., R. K. Rosa.
Meetings 2nd Friday evening in each
Pun= Scnoo, Tiraonsns.-J. II. Cam-
eron, Principal, Mise Ritchie, Mies
Downey and Mies Taylor.
Bonin OP fIsALTir.-Reeve Kerr, Clerk
Soots, A. Stewart, T. Farrow and Wm.
Jewitt. Dr. McNaughton, Medical
Health Officer.
However the battle ie ended,
Though proudly the victor comes
With fluttering flags and prancing nags
And echoing roll of drums,
Still tenth proclaims this motto
In lettere of living light -
No question is ever settled
Until it is settled right.
Thougb the heel of the etrong oppressor
May grind the weak in the duet,
And the voices of fame with one acclaim,
May oall him great and just,
Let those who applaud take warning,
And keep this motto in eight -
No question is ever settled
Uutil it is Bottled right.
Let those who have failed take courage ;
Though the enemy seems to have won,
Though his ranke are strong, if he be in
the wrong,
The battle is not yet done,
For, sure as the morning follows
The darkets hour of the night,
No queetion is ever settled
Until it is settled right.
O mac bowed down with labor 1
0 woman, young, yet old ;
0 heart oppressed in the toiler's breast
And arnehed by the power of gold I
Keep on with your weary battle
Against triumphant might ;
No question ie ever eettlod
Until it is settled right. '
A TLA0502 IN 00088 0.tlt'ra.
rote 1. tens ]BONNET.
A bit of foundation as big as your hand.;
Bowe of ribbon and lase ; •
Wire sufficient to snake then! stand ;
A handful of roses, a velvet band -
It leeks but one orowniug grace.
PART 2. mu DI1LO.
A chirp, a twitter, a flash of wings,
Four mouths in a nest
From mooning till night she brings and
For growing birds, they are hungry
Ay 1 hungry things at the beat, •
The oraok of a rifle, a allot well sped ;
A 0rimeon stain on the grass
Four hungry birds in a not nnfed-.
Ah 1 well, we will leave the rest unsaid ;
Soma things it were better to pass.
PART 13, 'nano wltAlt18.
Thele,by has surely a beautiful .feu,.
She has surely a queenly air;
The peones had flowers and ribbon and
But the bird has added tbo crowning
grave- •
It is really a charming affair.
Is the lova of a bonnet supreme over 811,
In a lady so faultlessly fair 7
The Father takes heed when the spar-
rows fall,
Ee hears when the starving nestlings
call --
Can a tender woman "not caro 2"
Don't tvorry. Don't run in debt.
Don't trifle with your health. Don't try
experiments with medicines. Don't
waste time and money on woethleee (tom.
pounds. Don't be persuaded to take a
substitute for Ayer's Sareaperilla, It is
the best of blood-puriflere.
ldomomber you have 10 work, Meth -
or you handle a pick or 8 pen, a wheel.
barrow or a set of dishes, digging ditches,
editing a paper or ringing an auction bell,
you meet wore, If yen look around $'ou
will gee that the men who are the most
Able to live the rest of their days without
work are the meu who work the herded.
Don't be afraid of killing yourself with
overwork. 11 is seldom done on the
sunny gide of thirty. They die some-
times, bub it is because they quit work at
D p. In. and don't get home until 2 a. m.
It is the wasted interval of dlesiptetion
that does the harm, The work gives
you au appetite for your meal ; it lends
solidity to your slumbers ; it gives you a
perfect and grateful appreciation of a
holiday, There are men who do not
work but the world is not proud of them.
It does not know their names, even ;;j it
simply speaks of them as "Old So•and•
eo'e boys," Nobody cares for them ; the
great, buoy world doesn't know that they
are there. So find out what you want to
be and do and take off year ooat and go
at it. The busier you are the less harm
you will be apt to get into, sweeter will
be your sleep, brighter and happier your
holiday, and the better satisfied will bbe
world be with you.
Willie (rsttdin)-Pa, what is a prevari•
oated minion of Beelzebub ? Pa—A man
who disagrees with you politically, my
D,flned.—"What is an accomtnoclabiou
train, papa ? Au accommodation train,
my eon, is one that stops ab every station
that you don't want to get off at."
From the "Plunkville Bugle" : "Pester.
day L
lou IlLlesel
y called the Hon.
Mayor Wetwiesle 'au empty rhetorician."
We hasten to withdraw the statement.
The mayor has not been empty for
twenty-eight years past."
"I hope,"
eaid thoughtfully,
htfolly "Blab
you won't have on anything more to sayaborthe manner iwhich women hu
bazgains and get chanted." "Why not 7
Don't you think y000 sex deserves it 3"
"I'm not going to discuss that point.
Even if we do deserve the criticism, it
does not come granefelly from a man
wbo buys hair restorer from a bald-
headed barber."
The helpful than, who was always on
the watch to do what good he could ea he
passed along this vale of tears, noticed
that a man he knew by eight, and who
venally gob off at a certain nrossing, was
molting no motion towards leaving ae
the ear approached that corner on this
perlioular afternoon. Ile seemed absorb.
ed in his newspaper, and the helpful man
became atnxi0ne lest he should be carried
past his destination. The oar was right
at the street, and still the man read on,
wben the helpful man pulled at his coat
sleeve and said, "I beg pardon, but isn't
this your atreeb 3" The reader looked up
a moment and replied, "013,13o. It be.
longe to the traotion company."
Bible Curiosities.
Who was the first person who died
natural death ?--Adam. Gen„ 5:5.
Who were the first women who de
mantled their rights ?-Mahlah, Noah
Itoglah, Mileab and Tirzab. Num., 92:
Who erected the first monument to the
memory of the dead ?-Jacob, at tee
grave of Raobel. Gen., 85;20.
Who offered the first recorded prayer?
-Abraham. Gen., 17:18.
Who was the first bo weep ?-Hagar
in the wilderness. Geo., 21:10.
W110 was the first to commit suicide
and bow?-Saa1, by falling on his sword
let Sam., 31:4.
When and by whom ware temperanoe
800101ies first formed 3-13. 0„ 607 years.
By children of Reohab. •Jar., 85:1.11.
Where ie the first mention of "liqu-
ors" 2 -In enumeration of offerings to
the Lord. Ex., 22:20.
Who wore the first bridal veil 3 -Re-
bekah. Gen., 24:04.05.
Where is the first mention of a libra.
ry 7 -The house of the rolls, or books,
the king's library. Ezra, 6:1.
Who is the only woman mentioned in
the Old Testament whose age is given ?
-Sarah, 127 years old. Gen., 28:1.
What criminal in his lcoufession eaid :
"I saw, I coveted, I took 2"-Acban,
Josh„ 7:21.
Who built a monument in the middle
of a river, and why 7 -Joshua, in Jordan,
as a memorial of God's deliverance.
Josh., 4:0.
Who said : "Be aura your sin will fled
you out ?"-Moses. Num., 82:28.
Who was it that watched a woman's
mouth to see if she was praying 3 --Eli,
let Sam., 1:12,
What child's mother, father, grand-
father and unole died about the same
time ?-The child Ithabod. 1st Sam.,
4:17 23.
What king feigned insanity it an
enemy's country 7- avid. let Sam„
21:12 18.
Who was very nett eing killed for
eating a little honey Jonathan, lab
Sam., 14:24.27.43 45,
Who in speaking himself said,
"Such a -dead dog as am ?"-Mephi-
r b
boaboth, 2nd Sam., 0:8,
Who hanged himself when be saw his
advice was nob taken ?-Ahithophel,
2nd Sani., 17:23,
What king wag declared by his people
to be worth ten thousands of them ?-.
David. 2nd Sam., 18:8.
What is the eborbest Bong in thehible?
-Tile song at the well. Num., 21:17.18.
What king is mentioned as having an
iron bedstead e--Og, king of Baehan.
Dont„ 8:11,
What ie the shortest veru in the Ola
Testament ?-liber, i'eleg, Rew. let
Chroo, 1:25.
What vst,a in the Bible certain,, all
the letters of the alphabet except "J" ?-
See Ezra, 7:21,
What wicked Icing, while attempting to
escape, became ',Mangled among thorns
tied was eaptored 7-Mannaeseh, King of
Judah. 2nd Chron., 38:11,
After what great battle was it that the
men of Judah wore three days fn carry.
ing the spoils of their enamiog ?-After
tee battle against the Moabitea and
A,morites. and (throe., 20:25.
What is the shortest verse in the
Bible ?-See Esther, 8:0.
What is the middle olhaptet in the
Bible ?-The one hundred and seven-
teenth Psalm,
What is the longest chap. in the Bible;?
—Te ono hundred and nineteenth
What food its declared to have been
Wen by travellers ?--Angel's Pealm9,
What 80nte1100 composed of three
wordeappeere no lees than twenty-five
times in one book of the Bible and forms
the chief thought et ft 7 -"All is molly."
What ie the Bible's list of a lady's
wardrobe ?-Suits of apparel, rings, oto.
Isa., 3:18.28.
Where in the Bible do we find the
mention of "bey" and "girl' in the dame
verse twine 3. -In Joel, 8:3 ; Beal„ 815,
On what occasion did God forbid all
funeral pomp and grief ?-At the death
of prophet Ezekiel's wife. Ezell., 24:15•
What biscuit of modern use is men-
tioned in the Bible ?-Oraoknels, let
Kings, 14:3.
Row many instances have we in the
Bible of persons fasting forty days and
forty nights 7 -Three. Jesus in the
wildernese, Moses 00 Horeb and Elijah
near Horeb. Matt, 4:2 ; Ex., 20:28 ; let
Kings, 10:8,
flow long was the temple building, and
in what year tvag it commenced 9 -Seven
years ; in the fnurth year of Solomon's
reign, let Kings, 6:38.
Where ie it recorded that a whole ariny
was smitten with blindness? -The Syrian
army at Dothan. 2nd Kings, 6:18.
Quote the exact words of the oldest
letter recorded in the Sariptares ?-"Set
ye Oriel, in the forefront of the hottest
battle and retire ye from him, that he
May be smitten and die," 2od Sam„
What was the weight of Abealom's
annual growth of hair ?-Two hundred
ebsliele weight (six pounds). 2nd Sam.,
Where in the Bible le the only refer.
0110e to a ferryboat found ?-See 2nd
Sam., 10:18.
What army fled i
n ao fus'm
n h
w en
none pursued 7 -Assyrian army, 2nd
Kings, 7:8.0.
DO 30UIf. BLS•i'.
"Say, Ban., let's pitch in and tidy up
the shop before one o'clock and give the
base a surprise when he acmes back."
"Did he say so ?"
"No, but the shop needs cleaning up,
and I'll bet he would like to have it done."
"Well, if you are green enough to go to
putting in your noon hour working for
old Markham without extra pay, go
ahead, butnot any oe it for me. You'll
never get any thanks for it, Tom, and if
you begin working over time that way
you'll have to keep it up," and the speak.
er, a lad of some eighteen years, stretch-
ed himself out on toe work•beuch for a
noon -time nap.
"All right," good-naturedly replied his
companion, a boy some two years young-
er, "I'11 do ib myself then, for I don't
like to work in a plane littered up like
this, and there won't be time after the
men get back, with all those frames to
get out this afternoon."
So saying, he went briskly to work and
by the time the one o'olook whistle sound-
ed the carpenter shop was neatly cleaned.
That was fifteen years ago. Those two
apprentice bdye are 1118u now. The older
one wbo refused to help clean up the
shop for fear of doing something for
which he was not specially paid, is still a
journeyman carpenter in his native vil-
lage, barely able to keep his family sup-
plied with the nenessaries of life.
The other boy lost nothing by his will-
ingness and the interest lie took in his
employer's business. Mr. Markham
noted his disposition and gave him au
extra opportunity to master the trade.
Soon he was given the superintendency
of small contraots, and hie absolute reli-
ability caused him in a few years to be
made foreman of the little shop. Then
081110 those larger opportunities and in, -
creased advantages that so often fall in
the way of men who sten be trusted. To-
day Tom Grolier is one of the wealthiest
and most reliable contractors and build.
ere of a large Western pity,
When will our boys all learn that it
pays to be faithful in little tbinge, and to
take a personal interest in their employ
er's business.
Itis the boys who do this that climb to
the top in every line of business ; while
the sulkers and growlers, who are always
afraid of doing too tnuoh, are pretty cer-
tain to remain well down toward the
bottom of the ladder.
Ottawa is to have a nate 8100,000 opera
Charcoal, a Blood Indian, was sen•
tensed -at MacLeod to be hanged for the
murder of Sergt. Wilde and an Indian.
"Five years ago" says Angie A. Lewis,
Richard, N. Y., I had a oonatant cough,
night sweats, was greatly reduced in
flesh, and bad been given up by my phy-
sicians. I began to take Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral and after taking two bottles was
oompletoly cured."
'White Star Line.
Between New York and Liverpool, via
Qttoon6Eowa, every Wednesday,
do the steamers of this line oarsy only a
strictly limited nuluber to Ono h'ras'r and
9000813 0,201280 O0agqmnrodationa, intending
pnaeauger6 aro
pltaatlon for berrethsttoded haryan 0t,2e33 sp-
6011, Pot 51,1019, 01189, ato., apply t0
W. H. Kerr,
Agent, Brussels.
System. Renovator
—AND 00nSa—
For Impure, Weak and Impoyeriehod
Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplesenese, Peipita•
tion of the ,heart, Liver Complaint, Neur.
algia, Logo of Memory, Bronchitis, Con-
eumptioe, Gall Stenos, 3authdlco, Kidney
and Urinary Diseaests, St. Vitus' Danao,
Female Irregularities and General De•
Prop. and Manaftlobuter-.
sept by .Jae, Fox, leregglet, gruoeole.
Sick Headache
Per a ently Cured
"I was troubled, a long time, with
sick headache. It was usually ac-
companied with severe pains 111 the
temples and sickness at the stom-
ach. 1 tried a good many remedies
recommended for
this complaint; but
it was not until 1 be-
gan taking
}` f „' n' Pills that 1 received
{`i"' anything like perma-
nent benefit. •.
A sin-
gle box of these pills did the work
l'or me, and 1 am now a well man."
0. 11; I1urcu'NGS, East Auburn, 331e.
Forho rapid it
taleuro ofConstipa-
tion Dyspepsia, Biliou
I sness
sea, and all disorders of Stomach,
Liver, and Bowels, take
Cathartic Bilis
Medal and Diploma at World's Vale.
Ask your druggist Oar Ayer's 'Sarsaparilla,
epi Harness
D. FRt,IN has opened a Har-
ness Shop in the building North
of the Leckie Block, Brussels,
where he is prepared to turn out
Light and Heavy Harness and
attend promptly to repairing.
Blankets, Sleigh Bells, Whips,
&c., kept in stock.
I nm prepared to attend to all orders for
Carriage Trimming, Repairing, eto.
Good work and Moderate charges.
D. Praia, Brussels.
Certain in Its effects nett novo,• blisters.
12130 proofs below,
Mosso Carman Henderson Co., Ill,p'eb.Rs,'ek
Dr. n. J. !tamest bo. y
Doololi, and oblige. Ilinvemmodn gra t dent off Elmo
Ratdall's 9m m Otu•o with nod encases; 1t 'la n
wonderful luodiaioo, I once had 8 mere that hod
tarecaltepnvin an0 it1p.1�1 bottle, mad her. 1
&eep n bottle ou bead a111110ttmC
Tonto leafy, 0003. Powum,
br. D. J. ireaDdrm O^ OAaxox, ale., Ape it, W.
Dear Sirs
•, 8eadn1l's
nif 0,80" m1E11n1mu,l l uca es uI
think lath tiott Liniment I ever nand. been re-
',weedone to. ane Jtlnod alevh, and titled
two Doe, Brow or. Rays recommended It to
est vonil of any tadonda whm o
much pleased with1.
and !coop itlie0p8.09y0,y,
P. O, Box 31S.
For Sale by all Druggists, or address
Dr. 73..0'. JC.END..ta.D 002)Z.PAN3,
ENOSOUFIGH 05 1.1.5, VT.
British Col umbiae
Red Cedar Shingles
ANn- --•
North Shore
Pine and Cedar
:brussels Planing I ii1s
O Doors an t
a Saab of all Pat
telin0 on hand or made to order
at Short Notice.
Estimates Varnished for all '
hinds of Buildings. Workman. l•
ship and Male0iat Guaranteed. I
J. & P. AMENT,
Any Amount of Money to Loan
on Farm or Village Pro-
perty at
6 & 64- Per Cent., Yearly.
Straight Loans with privilege of
repaying when required.
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Division Court Clark, BruaaeZs.
The undersigned has open-
ed up a".Butcher Shop in the
where he will keep`constant-
ly on hand a supply of the
Best Meats Procurable, sold
at reasonable prices. A share
of public patr.onnge solicited.
Meat°delivered to all parts
of the town.
- ,3LL�YiY
M. G. Richardson
Is prepared to do all kinds of
work in his line.
Good Workmanship and
Good Fits Guaranteed.
Suits made for $4 and upwards.
Bltap over McGowan's Store.
The undersigned are prepared to atteud
to all branches of Painting, including
Iioluse, Sign, Carriage and
Ornamental Work.
Paper Hanging, Iialsomining and
Decorating neatly and prompt-
ly looked after at mod-
erate Prices.
We make a Specialty of Maunfaoluring
and placing in position
First -Class Aw)i:ings.
Orders left at our Paint Shop,
formerly used by Messrs. Ptoddick
& Wake, will be attended to with
Paper Hanging Orders may be
left with Messrs. Deadman & Mc-
teeleex.r, .772cO o eo-le
New Stooks of,
Fine Stook o
Bibles, Hymn Books,
Photo, and Scrap Albums.
Special, Bargains! in in.
Comb & Brush. Cases,
Shaving Sets, &o.