HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-1-22, Page 8redissememthetresi Butter Color to Color 60 Lbs. of Butter) ------®+moo In our atls•e1tiseme11t last week 'wo offered Free, enough DeWitt's Jersey Butter Color to color 13 lbs, of Butter. This should have read 50 lbs. of Butter, so we will extend the tiulo until Saturday, Tan. 23rd. After that date Wo will give no free samples of this Butter Color so if you want to try a good, harmless Color for your Butter, call and ask for a sample. DEADMAN cf McCALL, Druggists, Opticians and Booksellers. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN ExTENSION W. 0. & E. Trains leave Brussels Station, North and South, as follows: GOING SooTre. GOING Nolle. Express 7:31 a.m. I Mixed 9'44 eon lrasd..,007 p.m, , 333a11 12:52 p.m royal, Dews :(Alts. A ohiel's running ye te.kin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. THE BRUSSELS POST Dow''r forget the Horse Fair on Thurs- day of nextweek, 1 A CAR of oattle was forwarded by Mes• see. Clegg & Dames, Seethe Assizaa for Ileum Co. will open at Goderich on Monday, Meeh 13th. Huron Fell Fair will be held in Brussels on Thursday and Friday, Sept. 80th and Ort. lot. 13. AMWAY, the well known Montreal horse buyer, will be at the Queen's Hotel, Brussels, nest Monday to purchase hones.liar htlnnett day'e rand Monday'sstom preoluled the possibility of Mel. villa annuli delegates driving to the Young People's Convention at Wingbam. Geo. PARKER wilt ship another car of bonne next biomlay for London, Eng- land. Toni Bloomfield will go along to see after theta. Tom will be an old salt if he keeps on, Pies. Meerut ha doing quite a business in the Standard sewing Inaohine, for wishes be is agent. It is manufactured in Cleveland, 9tr. Moore bas become quite 00 expert in turniug out fauay work with it. INDEPENDENT FORESTERS.—The follow• ing officers were eleuted in Court ItIoit- laud, No. 009, Brussels, for the nest term t— Co. Council next week. BRUs0ELs market leads. TEE days are lengthening. Tum ice harvest comes next. PAY your taxes and save costs. Tum crop of school teachers is pro lfia. Haase Fair next Thursday. Come to it. TEE fare to Roseland from Brussels is $55.50. READ the District news on page 3 of Tem Pose. LOCAL and District news always wel- come at THE POST. FOIIRTH Division Court will be held on Wednesday, Feb. 17th. Lain advertising, with the goods be• 'bind it, pays every time. Co, Orange Lodge will meet on Tues- day, Feb. god, at Wingbam. MESSRS. BAoaER & VANsTONR shipped a ear of oats this week from P1'OS'0IS. MEssots. SCOTT & 30Nr•.s =hipped a car of cattle on Monday Eastward from Brussele. Duluth this week red squirrels were Been playing about. This is said to oate mild weather. Hocnnr is the latent sport introduc- ed into Brussele. It reminds us of the good old days of "Shinny on your own side." Toe annual meeting of, Brussels Driv- ing riving Park Association will be held at the Amerionn Hotel cm the evening of Friday, 29th inst., at 8 o'clock. ANENT Bees. have already received about 850 cords of heading bolts at their factory. They espeot to treble that quantity if good sleighing retiree. A WINGEAIt subsoriber writes, in re. witting subscription : "We enjoy your paper more earth year as it keeps us well informed of Brussele happenings." Commons Ras bas been instructed to finish his tax collecting Ar ONCE, so no more parleying will be permitted. This applies to everybody who has not paid their taxes. THE Pose has received over 100 sub• scribers to the well know Toronto Globe 30 far this year. It is a great weekly and may be had along- with Tum POST for a year for the small sum of $1.50. THE Nortbern Presbyterian is the name of a neat, newsy little church pa. per edited weekly by Rev. Dr, MoCrae, of Collingwood. In addition to being a good preacher and pastor the reverend gsutleman shows a proficiency and adaptability in journalism worthy of note. Dr. MoCrae is a son of Jno. Mo. Crae, Brussels. CANADIAN Pao AseoCIA'rloN.—Tho 39th animal meeting of the Canadian Press Astooiatian will be held in Toronto on Thureday and Friday, February 4 and 5. The day meeting will be held in the Board of Trade building, and many matters of interest to newspaper men will be dismissed. On Thursday evening a banquet will be held at the National Club, at which the following speakers, among others, are expected: :—Hon. W. S. Fielding Hon. J. I. Tarte, Sir Mackenzie Bowell, Hon. Wm. Blalock, Lieut. -Col. G. T. Denison, Principal Parkin, E. E. Sheppard and W. F. Maclean, CHANCES IN THE A. 0. U. W.—There are 400 A. 0. U. W. lodges in Canada. Each one of these will send it delegate to she Grand Lodge of Canada, which will meet in 'Toronto on Feb. 19tH next. It is anticipated that there will be a separ- ation of this ledge from the Supreme Lodge of the United States, whish at present has jurisdiotion over the entire Ameriaau amain ut. The death rate in the United States has been go mnoh greater, relatively, than in Canada, that the Grand Lodge here has been paying more than it would pay wore it a stipule ate body, hence the anticipation of a separation. All the lodges have been edified of the extreme importance of the Doming convention, Y. P. S. 0. E.—A very successful eon. ventian of 'Young People's Sooietlee of Christian Endeavor belonging to the Presbytery of Maitland wee held in the Presbyterian 'Mural, Wingbam, last Monday. Delegating from all parts of the Presbytery were present. Rev. G. 13a1. tantyne, moderator, presided. A Pres- byterian Society was organized, with the following oiiioers 3—Pre:. Rev, R. S. G. Anderson, pastor of Wroxeter ' Lob Vice•Pres., G. F. Dixie, barrister, f3rus- sols ; 23u1 Vioe•Pree., Mina Sharp, Tees. waterSee.•Treas., Mr, Norris, Kinaar. dine ; Cor. See., Rev. W. T. Hall, 13e1- greve ; Executive Com„ Henry Woods, 1st. Helens ; Miss Vauetone, Wingham J. Er, Cameron, Brussels; Mies'1. Hen - donee, Whitechurdh, and R, Malcolm, Elinlow. At the evening smith Ran. A, 114uNab, M, A., Whiteohtiroh, read an interesting: paper on the history of the ohnroh in Scotland prior to the reform - action, It Was accompanied by stereopti• a:Gn views. Rev, fe. Mnnros, M. A., gave an impressive address oh Christian eon. :aeration. P. C. R„ T. Fletcher ; C. Ib„ Malcolm Black ; V. C. R., S. Wilton ; 1'. S., A. Consley ; R. S., Thee, Curry Treas., I. 0. Hiohards ; Chap., lilies Dickson ; S. W., C1ias. Rozelt ; J. W., W. Cornish ; S. 13., S. Walker ; J. 13„ 3. Betz. Do You SEE TEE POINT ?—A well known resident of Grey township called at THE Pose Publishing House last Tues- day end with a very happy looking fade said "I want to put apofut on TEE BROS. sols Pose," and he did so by handing over a dollar bill to pay his subscription for 1897. The large number of renewals and new subscribers coming in have been specially gratifying, and we are grateful for the same, but there are a good many on our list who have not yet "pointed THE Pose for 1808," Wilt those to whom chis applies kindly take the hint. A SEATING rink of no moan pretension tas been arranged on the Maitland river above the mill dam, There is no dinger of bumping your head against the roof. Genoa, eon of Dan, McLennan, met with 00 aooident by which he broke his arm one day last week. He was riding in Messrs, Beeper & Vaoetone's sleigh when a youthful enntrndn give him a puelt, causing him to fall out, with the above result. PISESENTor1ow,--•On Tuesday evening, 5th inst„ n number of the friends of Dr. Shaw gathered in the Rntteltbury House, Clinton, to pay their reepects to the doe• tor and present bine with a lonnge and six dining room °hair's, previous to the day of his marriage. Those present were :—J. Melelurohie, G, Karn, N. MoL. Fair, Jae, fair, jr., 115. McTaggart, T. L. Fortune, Dr, Bfaokall, 0. Johnston, 0. Ooope', A. Porter, W, D. Fair, L. Ken- nedy, H, 13. Combo, Joe Rattenbnry, Dr. Bruce, Jas, Jaolteon, W. P. Spalding„ &b. Morrisb, P. 13, Craws, Dr. Myers of Port Elgin, end 0. 0. Shaw, of Ohttbham. The chair was taken by Jas. McMurobie, who made a few introductory remarks and afterwards celled W. D, Fair to do the honors in presenting the doctor with the furniture. Mr. Fair in a brief speech spoke of the kindly feelings the friends assembled bore towards the doctor, eulo- gised him for the many good qualities which he possessed, and asked him to accept the artialrs tendered in the spirit in which they were given. The doctor briefly, butt feeliugly replied, thanking the assemblage for their gift, and assured them that though about to join the con- nubial ranks, he would still have pleasant recollections of by -gone days spent with those who were present. Speeches and followed. GREY BnANCp AGL. SnCIETY,—A special meeting of the Board was held iu the Conned Chamber on Jan. 20th, President Smith in the obair. Moved by P. Scott, seconded by Jas. Ferguson that we offer the East Biding Society $20O to hold the Fall Fair in Brussels in 1897. Carried. Application was made by the Direotors of Brussels Driving Park Association, ((eking for a lease of the Fair groonde. Messrs. Smith, Fergonon and Kerr were appointed a committee to bare lease pre- pared, on motion of P. Soatt and Jas. Speir. The question of levelling and seeding the interior of the k mile track wee discussed. On motion of Messrs. Pollard and Speir, Jae. Ferguson, P. Scott and W. H. Kerr were appointed a committee to attend to it in the Spring. Meeting then adjourned. ODrraARv.—At 1:S0 o'clock p. In., on Tuesday of this week the spirit of Meg. •ie E., beloved wife of John Pelton, of Atwood, formerly a resident of Brussele, took its flight. Deceased was a daugh- ter of titre. 1oB,tin, of this town. She was born in the county of Glengarry and was nnited in marriage to her now bereft partner about 8 years ago, remove lug to Atwood where they letve since re. sided. Deceased was in her 29th year. The bad been poorly for the past year, the last five months of which she was confined to bed and was a very great but patient sufferer. Death was a happy re• lease. An abscees in the left side and other complications was the cause of bar decease. Two little children are left to the oaro of relatives. Mrs, Pelton was univsreally beloved and bad a largo circle of friends who will mourn her de- mise. The funeral took plane to Elma Centre cemetery on Thursday afternoon and was largely attended. Mr. Pelton is deeply sympathized with. FILE Alums INDIAN SonooL, MAN.—The following interesting sketch of the Indian school at File Mille is given by Rev. Mr. Skene, the missionary, who is a cousin to J. G. Shane, of Brussels :—In our work at Fife Hills we are moving along very nicely. The obildren are improving and the now (lo their many duties very sntie• factorily. Our number is now 16, eleven boys and five girls. These, with our own four, gives us a family of twenty, nearly enough to take care of. Of course the older children are taught to Dare for the younger ones. About six in the morning the boys get up and Ben. pate on the fires and attend(' to getting in the water required. Six boys go to the stables, one to feed the cows and horses, three to Olean the stables and draw the manure out to our potato patch, and two to milk our frau cows. Another of our boys pats on a fire in the children's play house and washes and helps to dress the five young- er boys. The small boys when washed carry in the wood required for the day abd pile it near the stoves. The girls Sweep the kitchen and help in getting the breakfast. After breakfast the dishes ere washed by one of the boys and three of the gide, the other boys attending to out. side chores. Scheel begins at 9.50 and ends at 4 p. to., with an hour and a half intermission at noon. After school cite tie and horses have to be attended to, wood flawed, cows milked, potatoes pill- ed for next day, snots get for water, &a., and from 7 to 8 is spent in the school ro,m, Suoh is our daily life, no yon will see we are not idle. I am pleased to see how well the ebildren attend to their work and am glad to say that they get along very nicely together, very little quarrelling. We are having a very fine Winter, enntgh of snow, bit mild and bright, Our ohildren are therefore able to play outside a great part of the time, and we are not troubled with much sink. nese. This we the thankful for ae it is very trying when slickness visite our home. It is then we long for oomptuion• ship e53 realize what it matte to be alone. The clothing sent year by year by the ladies std friends in Ontario bas been such a help, In fact we could not get along without it. In your box from Brussels were some strong ilennol shirts and ja'kete, or what my mother called "bed gowne." These are the kind of goods that. suit. Oar women are nob 10 say very large, but they are usually stout with broad shoulders, requiring a good sized garment. Some of the coats were found suitable, but i think it would be better to not Bend many, ae they could be need to better advantage at home. I urn entered on my eighth year without n holiday. It is go hard to get away, being alone I have no person to leave in my plane. song,' 3T%,7YD4RD B,4NIC 01? CaNAD,I. WAmx(xmzu c.B7n. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO ASSETS, (Seven Million Dollars) • $7,000,000 • $2,000,000 Agencies alai( principal points in Ontario, (Quebec, hlauiloba, United States (0ldllplatld. CAPITAL .(Authorized) • • '' t'nrlA°a' ,trb, .ts° i'7 a'aoi 1s'. A General Backing Business Ttansaatee, Parlgere' Notes Discounted, Drafts Issued and Collootione made on '01 points. SAVINGS RANK DEPARTMENT. Interest allowed on deposits of 81.00 and upwards from dat of deposit to date of withdrawal and compounded half yearly, SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE GCLLEOT10N OB FA1taritRa' SALE ',TOTES. Every facility afforded Customers living ab a distance, J. A, STEWART Maurine. Business Locals. PAIR of stockings found. Ask at Tun Poor. Leith herrings for sale at Jae. Ballad• tyne'e grocery. STETS made to order at 11?. Ricbardson'e. Cheapest place in town. • Foot dandy, well built cutters go to Jae. Walker, carnage maker. Brussele. GET your buggy repaired, trimmed or new topped at Jas. Walker's, Brussels. SEE the new steel buggy dash at Jas. Walker's shop. Also a patent top, the best out. A Nounna of well bred Black Minnrea roosters for sale. Apply to Leslie Kerr, Brn— e'e. Tmnreee !VANri'p,—Any quantity good turkeys wanted, cry pieloed, undrawn, heed and feet left on. Also dressed hogs. Bather & Vanstone. 20 coins of 22 inch Steve wood wanted for 1l3ethoeiet oburoh, Brussels. Beech or maple body wood. For farther par - Maulers apply to R. Leatberdale, Bros. eels. As I expect to leave Brussele by the 10th or 15th of January all accounts must be paid by that date or they will be planed in other hands for colleotion. I. 0. RICHARDS. Sanos'e Core, the great cough and Croup cure, is in great demand. Pocket size contains twenty-five doses,: only 25 cents. Ohildren love it, Sold by Jas. Fax, druggist, Brussels. NOTICE.—M1 a000unts owing the firm of Ferguson es Halliday must be paid be- fore the 25th of January, ne after that date books will be planed in other bands for collection. J. Enflame R Co. Bonn's Glover Root will purify your blood, clear your complexion, regulate your bowels and make your bead clear as a bell. 25 ole., 50 eta, end 5100. Sold by Jas. 'Fox, druggist, Brussels. ANY one wanting their saws to cut fast and easy had better bring them to me, 08 I have the most oomplate outfit of latest, new, improved saw tools. T. McGregor, saw filer, Brussele, Queen St., East, ConrronrADLn brick reside,toe with every convenience, furnace, &o., for sale or to rent. Immediate possession given. For further particulars apply to Mrs. R. Walker, Turnberry street, Brussels. MRs, T. S. HAwents, Obabtanooga, Tenn., pays, "Shilob's Vitalizer "saved my life." I consider it the best remedy fora debilitaed system I ever need." For dyspepsia, liver or kidney trouble it emcee, Price 75 ate. Sold by Jas. Fox. Tun hardest saws warranted full set without breaking, as I have a new, tide and fast way of setting saws. Saws that are in line order given in exchange for saws that are Ont of order by paying the difference, T. McGregor, sate filer, Bras. eels, Queen St., ,Oast. CAu2•Ers —Any one desiring 'Pupate will do well to call at the Brussels Wool- en Mill before buying elsewhere, as they have the largest assortment of samples ever shown in this locality, ranging in prime from SOe. to $1.00. Howes & Co. BARGAIN OPcmnED.—That eligible half tore lot situate on the Southern portion of Turnberry street, Brussele, will be die• posed of below cost. Very easy terms. Write for partinnlars to JouN Heneemeves, 174 Queen et, West, Toronto. CONSULT Toon DooTOR.--If he advises Ood Liver Oil we reoommend Wompole's Tasteless Preparation. Yon tame' taste the oil ; all you teeth is wild cherry, and that's good. What you get is fiesta and strength. Corea coughs, colds and wastive diseases. JAS. Fox, 3 m Chemist and Druggist. Tina Renee Wee we DYE WELL,—Be. cause we want to tgo on dyeing through all time. We dye for you today and are reedy to dye for you to -morrow and for your children and your children's children. Only competent work will ex- tend to us this privilege of dyeing. Packer's Dye Works, Toronto. Agency ed Skene's general store. Beene Foe WINese,—A visit to the Largs new ehow rooms in connection with D. Ewan's businese, Bfuesels, will can - vino anybody that be is in firet•olase Shape to snit the public in cutters of the neatest end most fashionable Stylee and finish and at pri06e to suit the pocket. He also has a stock of sleighs on hand ready for the Winter. Intending pun ohasore should give him a call and there- by get well suited and save money at the mule time. Mr, Ewan is there to do business. WEAT no Yon THINE on THIS ?--lvlrs, Jas. McArthur, 118 Robert Street, To- ronto, statra that the action of Wright's Liver & Stomach' Pills i8 marvalloue. Had been troubled with bilious and ethic headache for years, one box, taken art. Fording to directions, removed the bonen of all the troubles and Teetered me to health. Ask Jas. Fox, Chemist and druggist, Brussels, about them, got a circular, Stop that splitting headache, you San• do so by tatting Don't Ideedaohs Powders, 25 dente a box. 8mRS7 Gnax.—In Elma, on Jun. 9th, the wife of 14L', Jno. Gray of it daughter. ltrottntoon,—In Elm, on Jan. 12th, the wife of Mr. Hugh Richmond of a son. LANG.—In Elma, on Jan. 5th, the wife of Mr. Jae, Lang, of Manitoba, of a 5001. THobtpeuN.—In Elma, on Jen. Oth, the wife of Mr. Wm. Thompson of u daughter. PArno.—In East Wawanosh, on Jan. llth, the wife of Mr. Wm. Paten, of a daughter. Score. In Wingham, on Jan. 7t11, the wife of Mr. Robb. Scott, of a son. ELLroTT.—In East Wawanosh, on Jan, 7th, the wife of Mr. Matthew L'1. Hatt of a daughter. S2Ame, xxam. MACItAN—HowARD. AI the Methodist Personage, Ethel, on Jan. 121h, by Rev. Jae. Walker, Mr. Andrew Meeh- an, of Grey township, to Miss Amelia Howard, of the same township. Dorms—Anal010al .—In MoKillop, on Jan. 20113, at the residence of the bride's parents, by Rev. P, Musgrave, Mr. Thos. Dodds, of Feesenden, North Dakota, to Mies Mary, second dauthter of Mr. W. Archibald, Dep- uty Reeve, or ItIoKillop. MIronnon.—Ab Watdrip, MOOnllonb 0o., Texas, an Deo. $lst, 1899, Alex. Mitchell, (father of W. D. Mitobell, of Atwood,) aged 73 years. LINEeAoo.—In Elma, on Jan. 13th, 1897, Berbera, beloved wife of Thomas Lineham, urged 88 years. Lewsoie.—In Morris, on January 17th, Lliae, beloved wife of Jno. Lawson, egad 55 years. Donne.—In McKillop, on Jan. 171h, Peter, son of Thos. Dodds, aged 40 years. PEL1ON.—In Atwood, on Jen. 10th, Mag. gie E., beloved wife of John Pelton, aged 28 years and 15 days. AT.TC0ICST pAS..aS. MONDAY, JAN. 25th,—Lot 19, con. 8, Grey. Farm stook, implements, &o. Sale unreserved at 1 o'olook. Wm. Pol- lard, Prop. F. S. Scott, Ace. TUnsDAY, JAN. 26T11.—Farm stook, implements &a., N } lot 20, con. 7, Mor ris. Sale without reserve. Samuel Walker, Prop. Geo. Kirkby,.Auo. THURSDAY, J,ts, 28th.—Lot 18, son. 10, Grey. Farm stool(, implements, &m. Sale unreserved, at 1 o'nloolt. Lingh Porter, Prop. F. S. Scott, Auo. FRIDAY, JAN. 29TH.—Farm stock, iwple• mentis, &e., N } lot 12, con. 0, Morris. Salo unreserved, at 1 p. m. Robt. Gib. son, Prop., Geo. Kirkby, Auo. TUESDAY, Fon. 2nd.—Farm stook, implements, to. Lot 19, con. 9, Grey. Sale unreserved, at 1 o,oloek. W. M. and J. A. Welsh, Propts. 1'. S. Scott, Auo. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. 7 OUNG MARE FOR SALE, rising 4 years. Sound, well broken, will worn or drive either single or doable. 20-0 SIMON GRANT, Lot 4, Con, 5, Grey. Brussels P.O. COD WANTED.—MARKET price will be paid for 9,000 or 4,000 Cords of cord wood, either soft or bard, to be delivered this Winter at tbo ENTERPRISE SALT WORKS, Brussels. 2011 Estate of T. T. COLEMAN. Q IX SHEEP STRAYED ON ,J the premises of the aodersigued, lob 24, Con. 1d, Grey, on or about Dee. ]5th, owner is requested to prove property, pay expenses and taste them away. JNO. D. 14foNIIL, 20.4 Monorieff P. O. leer EICTING OF THE HURON CO. l� l� COUNCIL. The Connell of the Corporation of the Couuty of Huron will moot iu the Council Chamber, in tbo'I`own of Goderioh, on Tues- day,tle'15t11ofthis month, al o'cl o'clock m. Dated Jan. 12,1697. Co. 01001. COMFORTABLE RESIDENCE and 10 acres of first-class land arljelu• in g Brussels, for sale. Thele is a small bask b av awl a young orchard of 34 acres, Would make a thio fruit form or market gardou, Proprietor has afair dairy business in eon - :,action. Possession given at ouas. Will be sold at a low price, For Ruttier particulars apply on the promises to GEO, 1RORB Pro• wither, Brussels 1'. 0. 511 4 ANNUAL MEETING. The Annual Meeting of the Brussels Driv- ing riving Perk Aesoaiation lar the election of offi- cers, the receiving of the report of the Dir - otters for the pest year and 80011 other bunt - nese as may be lawfully brought before the meeting, wilt be bold at the American Rotel on Friday evening, January 20th, 1800, at8 o'clock. F, S. SCOTT, Saerotary,, NOTICE I N01,105 is beefily given that the animal meeting of the,Jiowlek Manual Piro Xne,ir- moo Oompeny will be held in the TOWN- SHIP HALL, 00R1L110, on Friday, January 22ntl, 18117, at 1 o'clock p. m„for the purpose or reeeiving tbu Directors' report for the least year the election of two Directors, and rot other ltusinees, By order of the Board, W. 8. lttolc l] R O s 1613, &awratthy, Gerrie, Jan, 21181 1897, VINE TWO STORY BRICK residence for sale, corner of Queen and Telephony , strode, Brussels, emoted last year, There are all the necessary, eonven 155060 on the premises mai a5 Eret•e110e enter, hard and sottwnter,'unoodehed,ntabis with atone foundation, &o, Penman in house, Thore Jet acro of land, Will sell at *ma tamable figura and on good terms ae i Intend removing from tows, slur further partnee. ]ars epl,Iy to D. A, LOWRY,: 27•tl Peopr, tOr, Brussele. 1?OR SALE OR 'T0 LET.— Lot 03,Mill street, Brnesols, on which. Is a 1•ooruy ({welling, well, stublo. ,Lo. Terme they. Apply to It, ADAMS, Lotdeeboro', or F. b. SCOTT, Brussels, 27.4 FOR SALE.—A GOOD SOUND berth, eight years old. suitable for sib11- er road or farm 3 also buggy, cutter and equipments, Would exchange them for young rattle if suitable, 18-tf JN0. 1ROBB, Brussels. YOUNG DURHAM BULLS FOR SALE.—Tho undersigned has six young Dirbanlbulls for sale, from 0 to 10 mouths eel. Podigreod stool,. Prices reasonable. Apply to AIIMOS SMITH, 27-4 Trowbridge. AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOOK 1� IMPLEMENTS, 00. mr. tido, ltie 1,y, auctioneer, has besn in- structed by the uncle/ signed to sell by public auction at North Huff Lot 20, Con, 7, Morris, on TUESDAY, JAN. 25th, at 1 o'olosk, lbs following valuable Iproi,arty, viz. 1 heavy draught mare 4 years old ; 3 cows supposed in miff.; 0 heifers 3 years 01,1,5 of them sup- posed 111 calf ; 10 steers 2 years old ; 22 well bred Leicester and Shropshire ewes ; 1 Lei- cester Dant ; 10 pigs 8 weeks old; 11 snaking pigs; ” brood sows; 1 thoro'-bred Chester White boar; 5 Spring oalVes ; a number of hens ; 1 pulper' 1 large size eating box; 1 laur of bob sleighs • 1 cutter ; a quantity of umber snitubls for flooring, and numerous other articles. Salo unreserved as propriet• Or is giving ui1 farming. Terms -111 sums of 55.00 and under oath ; over that amount 9 menthe credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes; 0 per cont. off for oath ou credit amounts. Ono, Rumex, S. WALKER, Auctioneer. Proprietor. REAL ESTATE. 100 ACRE FARM FOR SALE For partiouia1s orto rappout,ly Lot 19, Oou.0, Groy, to 28- T. 11001110, Breasts. HARMS FOR SALE.—THE UN• ntans3axrn has several good Farms for sale and to rent, easy terms, in Townships of Morris and Grey. F S. SOOTT,Bruesels t1IYi1 ACRES OF WELL P1313. 01031 land for sale In the Village of Cranbronl, on which are good buildings. Also a good burg y, mutter and set of single harness. A bargain, will be offerod. .For fur- ther particulars apply to JOHN MOINTOSH, 27-15 Cranbrook. CfOOD FARM FOR SALE netts -Brussels. Great bargain. Lot 7, Con. 0, Gray township. Goody buildings and archer d, well watered, suitable for mixed or dairy farming. Possession given next March. Apply to W. 04. KERI, Post Publishing House, Brussels, or to Tadmas HIORITAGI, Loudon Wen. -aiARYIS FOR SALE. - 200 1, acres—Consisting of Lots 18 on the 701 and 8th Commissions, Township of Grey, be- ing 1 mile from the Village of Ethel and 54 miles from Brussels. 40 acres of Fall wheat sown and about 80 acres under grass ; 00 aoros cleared on each. Perms of payment easy. A. MoBELVIY,. M, D., 34- Brussels. MA'NITOBA LAND FOR SALE. ]00 acres of good farm /and 0t Springeeid, 8 milds from Winnipeg, is offer- ed for sale ata low pries, The property 15 North Nast 13 See,15, Twp. 11, Range 4, Toast. Thee to a house on the premises e.ud some breaking done, For full particulars as to Price, title, d;a., write or apply to G. L'. BLAIR or W. I3. Menet, 20-tf Brussels, Out. 1 &RM FOR SALE. -150 ACRES Consisting of the South 13 and South 13 of the North d u&Lot86, Con 2, East Wawa - nosh. This is on sxcollent stook farm, being well supplied with good spring water, It to situated about 0 miles from the thriving Vil- lage rf Myth. A largo pert of it is limier grass. Buildings and fences aro in elan! Mato of repair. Eat terms of payment will be Riven. For all information apply to 11•tf G. F. BLAIR, 13a1T•istel•, Brussels. QPLENDID FARM FOR SALE. LJ That excellent fern,, Lot 18, Con. 9, Township of Grey, 100 north, must be sold at ones in order to close estate of decease4d own- er. The lot is nearly all cleared, with good buildings, ample water supply, large or- chard, 14 miles from Cranbrook, is under good cultivation and is a veru desirable pro- w7ertyindeotl. Apply to RIOHA RD afI1l- CHp1LL, Btvssols P, o.; JOHN MITOPI1LL, on the premises • o' A. HUNTER, Brussels. Dated Sept. 19111, 1800. GOOD FARM FOR SALE IN the Townshi r of Groy. In oder to °loth an estate the West half of Lot 24, Con, 7, Township of Grey, 50 three, is offered for immediate sale. On the premises area, good frame dwelling with kitchen, 10.,. also two frame horns, gond water, orobard, &o.; and is elm to the Village of Ethel. Soil in of the best and farm is well fenced. Apply to dLE1. MoKIOLVIOS', 11 1)., Brussels 1 WaOt, MOJIILVEY, Jamestown; or A. HUNTER, Brussels. JAN. 22, 1897 CIaM a' o ARITOPLEs VALUABLE FARMS FOR SALE. The eligible 200 acre term, composed of Iota 10 and 17 in the 10th non., Grey township, Burou 00., and 60 throe, part of lobs 10 (and 17, 11111 non., bel0ugi15 to the Robert ]Drown decide, is offered for sale to wind up estate. On the first farm ie a good -stunt) house and. largo bank barn, necessary outbuildings, or. °hard, &a, Earn well watered, , well fencer. and in good state of cultivation, About 50 throe of busk, A2 of whish 10 hardwood, 0u the 00 acre farm there is a house and halm, orchard, and about 8 notes of blah, Perms sold Jointly or separately to suit perebaeor. Possession given i11 the Fall. Farms are on- ly it mile fr01n the village of Oraub,'eok, where are sekool, ehurahos, Icost-o1Boo. thorn, &a. and 033 mhos to the thriving mar- ket tolvu lirnesdls. Lbs farther partloulers as to prion, terms, 00., apply to AGNES BROWN, JAMES bOIlOWN,310xooutorm. JOHN BROWN,11111) Cranbrook P. 0. DENTAL. �ii. DAVIDSON, A Honor Graduate Toronto VuiVereity, Licentiate Royal College Dental Surgeons, Crown nee Bridge work a specialty. Meeet- ate Looe. Satisfaction Aseuret. Officio over Barrett's barber shop, 3'ur•ubarry 91„ Bras - (fele Atomizing Profits 0-n a largo line of Toilet Articles, Perfumes, line Soaps, Sachet Powders, Hair Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Bath Brushes, Our stock of the above was never Vlore complet0'an it is at pros- ent and the quality is unexcelled. But clo not forget the fact that the selling of Pure Drugs receives our first consideration. Try our White Pine and Tar for Coughs and Colds. We guar- antee it at Fox's Drag Store, VETERINARY. T D. WARWICK, eY • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College.. is prepared to treat all diseases of domesticated animals In a oom- to veterinary dei] Particular uCalle attention paid at- tended ti tended to, billoe and Infirmary—Four doors north of bridge •'urnberry et., Brussele. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. �L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, . Solicitor and Conveyancer. Collo°. Mons •made. Oiflee—Vaustono's Block, Brus- sels. 21.3m Y� M. SINCLAIR, y 0 . Soliat6or Uonveyaneer,NotaryPub- ite, &e. Ofllco—'Vauatooa'e Block 1 door north of Central Hotel, Private I{unds to Loan. �/fG. CAMERON, • (Formerly of Cameron, Holt & Cameron ) Barrister and Solialto', Goderia)i, Ont, Office—Hamilton 8t., Opposite 0o1 - borne hotel. F. BLAIR, BARRISTER, ow Proudfootso Ofi]ae Goderieh.) of over Gillies & Smith's Bank, Brussels. Money to Loan. '17 AUCTIONEERS. (7 EORGE KIRKBY, �� Lioeuesd Auettoueer, Bales conduct oil on reasonable terms. Farms and farm stooka specialty. Orders loft at Pin Poe. Publishims H0ues,Bru seals, or sen tto Walton P.O., will -theater) prompt attention, TO - S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION - JL• kali, win sell for better prices, to better mon in ass Mum and less °barges than any other Auctioneer in East Huron or he won't charge anything Dates and orders eau always be arranged at Ode °intoe or by personal application, CAPT. J. STRETTON, Who has had 25 years experience as an Auctioneer, but who had to quit owing to Ill health, has again taken out license and is prepared to oonduot sales at reasonable terms. Satisfaction guaranteed. Dates may be arranged at Tun Poem Publishing House. 348. STRETTON, 13 -If Auctioneer. Anoiont Order of United Workmen, This old and prosperous Fraternal Assoc i anion numbering 850,000 members aro pre seutiug to thepublie their popular sad ehou- muleal rates to worthy mon, at the very low rate of about 88.00 per 51,000 per annum. The Workmen" Promptly Pay Death Glamis and expert a large Increase to its members now that those American Line Companies don't soom satisfactory to Can- adians, itU1T. ARMSTRONG M. W.; W. H. ffIER, RnOlyder ; J. A. ORE(GHTUN,Flnanaler. BUSYNESS CARDS. H. MoC1IACKEN, • Usurer of Marriage Liaeueee. 001oe at. his Grocery, lurnborry street, Brussele. N. BARRETT, Tonsorial Artist Shop—Neat door south of A. NI'. McKay & 0o's hardware stare. Ladiee'and ohildrens hair nutting o epooialty DRUSSELS POST OFFICE Savings Bank takes Deposita from 81,00 is 51,000 and allows A per cent. interest. T. FARROW, 87-6m Postmaster. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM I01501,ANOE, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH• T, FLETCHER issue, of Marriage Licenses, 001'Io1 AT JEwnp,a3 Sxooe. t"No Witness Required, T. FLETOHER, Brussels LEX. HUNTER, Cleric of the Fourth Divlafou. flour 00, Iilir0n, °olive:vetoer, Notary Public Land, T,ean and Tosuranoe Agent. Funds invested (3,1(0 to loam. Collobtione made OJlloo lu eireham'o 0133011,10005010 TIROS, A, HAWKINS, .,L Will give/00001A1 p to 11i p ins either on nolaso �r 0131300, athie s. Veen loons ono,1oo the n. '1 Ten urs exs. Vocal in also plena. 'Thu yams axparihuob in teaoh.iDg. Tering moderate, ]ll dei 1311 of nt � 7111 sit Co ret Ta Tl WE of an le OT 111 M 11 in 1C 3 el a tt tc b, w irit P' b 11, a tl t• It 13 c s n