HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-1-22, Page 66 TAE BRUSSELS POST
Etc xin stzs pfzi
an time for the early mails) at
*"The Post's Steam Publishing house,
T88Ma op Sonsonl'mroN,—Oue dollar a.
year, in advance, The:date to which every
subeoription is bald is denoted by the date
on the address label.
ADvanar81No lianas.—The following rates
will be oharged to those who advertise by
the year:--
seson 1 1 sn, 1 o mo, i 9 me
One Oo)umn 860,00 885.00 220.00
Half 00,00 20,00 12.00
ghthr " 12.00 0.0018.00 6.00
Want cents per lino for first insertion, and
three Dante per line for each subsequentin-
sertion. All advertisements measured as
Nonpareil -12 lines to the Inch,
Business Cards, eight lines and under, 26
per annum.
Advertisements without epeoifia direc-
tions, will be inserted until forbid, and
charged aaoordingly.
Instructions to change or dieoontinue an
advertisement mush be left at the 0ouuting
room of THE Poem not later than Tuesday
of each week This is imperative.
1,31. -
dam. 111(11'Tel/deter.
G 041 a rich.
A Y. M. 0. A. is talked of in town.
People are already beginning to think
there will be a scarcity of ice the Doming
Arrangements are already being made
for putting lip seven buildings In 018
The many friends of 13, MoCormao will
be pleased to learn that be has received
from the Militia department an appoint-
ment 0.8 inspector of militia clothing.
Our citizens complain that some of our
cordwood purveyors pack the sticks in
their wagons as they pack apples in their
barrels—i. e., the good ones outside and
the decaying and worm-eaten ones to
form honoree in the centre.
The Government has issued a com-
mission to Police Magistrate Seager, of
this town, to investigate a series of
charges of offensive partisanship against
a number of civil entrants and public
officials in ,vest Huron. Amongst those
oiled to appear are :—D. E. Munro,
postmaster, Auburn ; J. M. Roberts,
postmaster, Dungannon ; J. A. Dalton,
mail olerk, London division ; J. J. Aus-
tin, mail clerk, Stratford division ; Wm.
Campbell, postmaster, Goderioh ; Lewis
Elliott, caretaker public building, Gode-
rioh. The cases will conte up for investi-
gation within a week or so.
Folt•UWti ic11.
There has been e. new barber shop
opened in the Arlington House.
The trustees of the Methodist church
have decided to put a new ceiling in the
R. Graham, who has lately moved into
the Arlington House, has a petition in
circulation to obtain a license for that
The butchers of this and some of the
surrounding towns held a convention at
the Albion Hotel and arranged the price
of beef for the coming season.
The Howiok Sunday School Conven•
tion will be held in Fordwioh Methodist
chetah on Tuesday, Feb, 16111, beginning
at 10 a. m. There will be three sessions,
forenoon, afternoon and evening.
The members of the Epworth League
of Christian 5311deavor eleoted the follow-
ing officers for the ensuing year :—Hon.
Pres., Rev. T. W. Cohens ; President,
Wm. Vines; let Vice•Pres„ Chas. Lep.
pard ; and Vice•Pres., Miss Ella Road-
house ;
oad-house; Ord VIoe•Pres., Mies Minnie
Reeve Sotheran has already shown a
firm hand in the discharge of his duties
by snaking an example of a person who
was about to cause an infraction of by
law No. 8, of 1806. This wandering
merchant arrived in Fordwioh three
months ago with a heavy stock of bank.
rupt goods, rented a building by the
month, advertised extensively and raked
in a thousand or two in hard cash, aB its
gold for cash only, On Wednesday morn.
ins of last week he was about to depart
for a new field without having contribut-
ed one cent of revenue towards the
municipality. The Reeve promptly took
steps to have the law eoforoed, the result
is, the township is .625 richer.
Gox a-iE8.
A aeries of evangelistic services are be.
ing held in the Methodist chant), Gorrie.
The pastor is aosieted by Noah Phelps,
President of Grimsby Park Assooiation,
a successful evangelist.
C. 0. F.—At the last meeting of Court
Gorrie No. 57, C. 0. F., the following
offioere were installed •-0. D., John
Stewart ; 0.1'. 0. 1$., W. J. Greer • C.
R., Wm, Mose ; V. C. R., Geo. Walker ;
Ree. -Sec„ Geo. Walker Fin.•See., N.
McLaughlin ; Treas., W. J. McLatigh•
lin ; Ohap., 11. Copeland ' S. W., Goo.
Barber ; J. W., R. J. McLaughlin ; S.
13., John Ardell ; J. B„ J. Armstrong ;
Phys., Dr. Tuck,
At the township Council the committee
reported progress as follows :—That the
Clerk's salary be 5175, with $25 allowed
• that the As.
and stationery
for postage ,
sessor's salary be 5125 and the Treasurer's
salary be $80, The appointment of offi•
cars being as follows, viz.:—IIro, Lizzie
Walker, Clerk ; Ja•• Perkins, Treas. ;
Geo, Padfield, Assessor ; 11, Russell be
caretaker of hall ; Peter 1lepin6lall and
Adam Graham bo Auditors and that
Charles Wilson be a member of the Board
of Health. The appointment of collect-
ors was left over untilSeptember meeting.
DIovnrc'r Lonna.—one of the moat ono.
6880101 meetings of the Dietrial Orange
Lodge of Howiok was held in the Orange
Hall, Lakelet. Every Lodge in the dig.
tricb was fully represented, After the
bueinoes of the District had been diepoo-
ed of the matter of celebrating the coming
12111 of July was taken up. 11 wee de.
°idol to hold the celebration in Gorrie
and a committee was appointed to matte
arrangements foe the same. The elec.
tion of officers resulted as lollowo :—W.
D. M., W. J. Greer ; D, D. M., Ohag.
Wilson ; D. °hap., Jae, Spence ; D, R.
S., Adam Graham ; D T. S., Richard
Carson ; D, Tress„ Jas. L'allia ', D. D. of
C., John Dixon ; D, Lect., ,1. Farpot and
Wm. McKee. After the above officers
were Metalled it was decided to hold the
next annual meeting in Gerrie,
But it is Not a Disgrace to be Sick.
Yet Some Suffer in Silence and will not Even
Speak on the Subject to their Physician—
A Foolish Modesty.
Health and Strength Can be Restored,
Not the least among the many valuable
services Dr. Williams' Pink Pill, have
rendered to suffering women, is that of
tiding them over the critloal period oom.
menoing at middle age, commonly known
as the change of life. It so often hap-
pens that at this cimaeteric women re.
lapse into a stage of chronic, invalidism
and the actual danger to life which at.
tendo tba change is so great that a medi.
cine which can be relied upon to oarry
the system over this dangerous time, is
nothing lass than a lifesaving invention.
What Dr. Williams' Pink Pills will do
for women at this change of life is shown
in a case reported in the Dewsbury,
(Eng.) Chronicle. It is that of Mrs.
Benjamin Smith, who lives at Hanover
street, Dewsbury. Tho change of life
had left her weak and miserable, with
constant pains, dizerbess and shortness
of breath on the slightest exertion, to•
gather with ohronio rheumatism in the
head and eyes. The pain in her head
wee too acute for words. She got no
sleep either by day or night, and her
agony was at times so greet that it took
two people to hold her in bed. A skilful
doctor was called in but did no good.
"11y cheeks would swell up as big as
saucers," said Mrs. Smith, "my eyes
were as red as fire and there was no get-
ting rid of the pains in the head. I suff-
ered also from a sluggish liver and weak
heart, and at times my eyesight was so
bad that objects before me seemed but
dim shadows, and there was none of my
frieuds who looked for my restoration to
health. I saw an account in a newspaper
of a cure similar to mine through the use
of Dr. Williams' Pink Pill, and my hus-
band urged me to try them. Before two
boxes were used the pains began to die•
appear as if by megio, and the continued
use of the pills for a little more than a
month, has left me enjoying as good
health as ever I had in my, life. I con.
eider Dr, Williams' Pink Pills a blessing,
and as I know there are thousands of
women who suffer in silence from troub-
les having the same origin as mine, I am
grateful enough for what they have done
for me to tell my story in the hope that
some suffering sister may be similarly
helped, and you have full permission to
publish what I have told yon, which
statements oan be verified by any of ivy
Mrs. Frank Murray, who resides near
Ogdensburg, N. Y., says, "I am 46 years
of age and for many years resided near
Prescott, Ont. We moved over here
some time ago and have worked this fast
since. My husband is working in Og-
densburg at his trade, that of a stone
mason, while my children and myself
carry ou the farm.
"I have been a great sufferer from siolc
headaobe, which would generally come
on about evening, and I would be oom-
pletely prostrated, not even able to lift
my hand or help myself in any way.
These spells would last for about twenty
four hours, and would leave me in so
weak a condition that for a few days I
could aearoely drag about the house. I
have also had considerable spinal trouble,
the sharp, darting tongues of pain being
most severe, following along my spine
and to the back of my head. Have doc-
tored much, but without the desired re.
salt. The doctor ,told me it was due to
the approaohing chnge of life. I heard
of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale Peo-
ple, and also later heard of the cures they
bad effected in a number of persons per-
sonally known to me, and it was their
stories that decided me to try them. I
got some of the pills, and after I had
taken a few boxes I had no more head-
aches for several months. This summer
my head began to have a heavy feeling,
and at times I was quite drowsy, but no
pains accompanied it, I now havo more
pills and though I've taken only a few I
feel well again. I don't think any person
could stand it a groat while to be troubled
as I was and stand the amount of pain.
I know that Pink Pills are a good medi-
cine and fully what they are represented
to be. I have recommended them to some
of my friends with beneficial results,
011, my, yes 1 They have done wonders
for me. I do all my own houseworic on
the furan. We havo a dairy of twelve
cows, and often when the boys are very
bony getting in the crops I have milked
all the cows alone."
Mrs. J, II. McMillen, South fifth,
Ont., says :—"II'or seven years I was
alllicted with what is generally ternled
female weakness, and was for weeps un.
able to leave my bed. At times my
friends all lhottgbt that I was going into
8001)10 and had consumption. My com-
plexion was sallow, my appetite • was al.
most gone, and I was terribly emaciated,
My head gave me great trouble, and at
times the pain was so great that I feared
it would affect my reason. I had tried
many medicines without avail, and began
to despair of recovery when I was urged
to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, The
result has beau marvelous. From a sick-
ly, despairing woman, I have been ttane.
formed into one full of health and energy,
and I feel more thankful than 1 Dan say
for the wonders Pink Pills have done for
Mrs. L. Lundahl, Levant, Ont., says ;
—"I have much pleasure in adding my
testimony to the great efficacy of Dr.
Williams' Piuk Pills. Some yearn ago I
was severely injured in child birth and
had to go to Hiugeton hospital to be oper-
ated on. I was in the hospital and under
treatment for nearly two months, but
flowing set in and all the skill of the
doctors was unable to stop it. I went
home and after still suffering for three or
four months, I determined to go to the
hospital again, but fortunately for me an
old lady on the oars, who noticed my
emaciated and worn condition asked,
"What ails you, my ohild 7" I told her
my trouble and she replied, "Before go-
ing to the hospital again give Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills a fair trial. I know
they will help you." I followed her ad-
vice, and after taking four boxes the
flowing absolutely stopped. I took the
pills for some time longer and my health
wns folly restored, and, since then I have
been both strong and active. I believe
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are a blessing to
Mrs. A. C. Fitobell writes :—''I take
this opportunity of thanking you for the
great benefit I have received from Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills in that critical per-
iod known as the change of life. I had
suffered for years from kidney troubles,
and this I suppose was the commence-
ment of the change. Then I was attack.
ed with spells of dizziness and weakness,
accompanied with pains in the book,
which would last for weeks at a time, and
from which I would not get more than an
hour or two's Bleep at night. A friend
who had suooesefully used Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills in a similar emergency urged
me to try them. The result was that
they brought me safely through this
critical period, and I am again enjoying
perfect health, and take pleasure in re-
commending Pink Pills to those sithilarly
Rev. David Forbes, missionary at Pop.
lar Dale, Algoma, writes :—"I feel that
I would be remiss in my ditty did I not
write to let you know the wonderful bene•
fit derived by a young lady here from the
use of your Pink Pills. Mise Mary Mar-
tin, the young lady referred to, vas taken
sick two years ago, and all the medical
treatment she underwent proved of no
avail. Visiting the family in my capacity
as missionary, I saw with Borrow that
unless something was done to avert the
progress of her trouble, she would not be
long for this world. She was pale, al•
moat blooding, and subject to all the
distressing symptoms which accompany
anemia and bring the victim to an early
grave, I urged the parents to try Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills, They noted upon
my advice, and I am rejoiced to Bay that
they have fully and entirely restored her
health, and in the rosycheskedirl of
today you would not recognize the in-
valid of a short time before. The words
of her grateful mother to me were these :
—"We have to thank you, Mr. Forbes,
for recommending Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills. They have saved our daughter's
life and we are more grateful than we
can 80Y, and freely give you permission
to send this testimonial, in the hope that
some one in similar oircumetanoes may
be benefitted.' "
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are a tonin
merlioine,enriulting the blood and otrongth•
ening the nerves, thus reaching the root
of disease and driving it from the system.
the reateet medi-
The lire beyond doubt to
y n
Dine of the 19111 century, and have nurod
in hundreds of cages after all other inedi•
cines bad failed. The great popularity of
Dr. Williams' fink Pills has caused un-
scrupulous dealers to imitate them exten•
lively, and intending buyere are urged 10
see that every box is enclosed in 5, Wrap-
per bearing the full registered trade mark
"Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale Peo-
ple." Pills colored pink, but sold le
loose form by the dozen, hnnared or
ounce, or taken from glees jars, are
fraudulent imitations and should always
be refined, no matter how plausible may
be the story of the interested deeler offer-
ing them,
Little Maggie Dntober gave evidence
in the trial of john Sullivan at Dorobeet•
6r, N. B., stating that the prisoner was
11te man who murdered her mother.
Read Ayer's Almanac, whioh your
druggist will gladly hand yon, and note
the wonderful ones of; rhoumatisul,
(Werth, scrofula, dyspepsia, eczema,
debility, humors and sores, by
the use of Ayer's Sareaparilla, the only
Snreaparilla admitted lit the World's
Dr. William Grant, an old practitioner
of Porth, died suddenly.
Thomas Hugheo, a farmer near Tees.
water, fell through a trap in his barn and
'Was killed,
Ayer's Hair Vigor ie certainly a re-
markablo preparation and nothing like it
bee ever been produced. No matter how
wiry and unmanageable the hair may be,
tinder the influence of this incomparable
dressing, it bocomee soft, silky, and pH.
able to the comb and brush.
Wanted -An Idea s sae thick
of Who
at ick
81888 la 1,0 0utf
Protteet yyour Ideon tho may hrlug you ,48,8101
Wrt o 101108 WEDD=IBUI, 06 & 00, Putout Astor•
aoy8 Wu8hingtatp A. O., for their oi,eon prize offer
and llat of two huudrod luventlons wanted.
`Saved My Life"
'Several years ago, while in Fort
Snelling, 31iinl„ I caught a severe
cold, attended with a terrible cough,
that allowed me no rest day or
night. The doctors after exhaust-
ing their remedies, pronounced my
case hopeless, say-
ing they could do no
more for me. At
this time a bottle of
sett to me by a
friend who urged
me to take it, which
I did, and soon after I was greatly
relieved, and in a short time was
completely cured. I have never had
much of a cough since that time,
and I firmly believe Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral saved my life."—W. H.
WARD, 8 Quimby Av., Lowell, Mass.
Cherry Pectoral
Highest Awards at World's Fair.
AYER'S PILLS cure Indigestion and Headache
25 oto.,
50 ole. and
81,00 Pottle.
One Dent a dose
It 18 sold on a guarantee by all drugglets.
It cures Incipient Consumption and is the
beet Cough and Croup Oure.
00181 by .JAS. EON, Dr•nseist, ltressels.
A. 0Y HEY,
Real Estate 86 Loan
Agent, Brussels.
Morley to Loan on Farm Secur-
ity at the Lowest Rate
of Interest.
Money Loaned on Notes and
good Notes Discounted. Sale
Notes a Specialty.
Fire (2 Life insurance Written.
Special Attention given to
Office over Deadman tk MoCall's Store,
Wanted—An Idea t014 mtpsaththnoinpnitkl
Protect Your 60880• the vy 1007 11:Y11881:6
ring 00,0 wealth.
W)" 13E12DIIRN & CO.. Paten0 Attor-
neys Waebington, D. C.,tor Inventions prlaa ober
and list of two litmdrad fnventtous wnuted.
I81800\1, 128
Lelioy's Female ,sills,
Inn only reliable and trnshrn t1 y pru-
pyrutinil t, ", >u ray 1.0 t u 1
rir rMrr ly nv.n 1.l 1.1 l•Pnle 'etc
tree.. rIenlo,nn,l,i,,,adrin h Ioticlr,olin
8,00. Prie000 ,r 1.0x01 d fpri l0.O01.y wan
000e.4oly naiad un 00,:06,6 of p,�•i3O.
AoRoy Pill Co. Victoria St Toronto, Can.
sold In Brussels by .1,82. I OCX.
T. DnwsoN, It 'onager Standard iia 1.l,, tlrnd.
ford, Ont,, says, Chas sit iduoyLivrr fills ars n
grand m, 1 c ,,a for the Kidneys nod Liver.
W I' Cnitorna, 1 r1 bicCaul St. Toronto, re.
ppresent, G lit tread St" r ,, Ch,er, Pots nm
hkr 0,080 for the Mier 01 hend,eche. bilious nrtark
nod constipation. Sold et•eryWhe ro, or by mall un
receipt °f price, 1.. tuMA1':1Ot1, 611756 Cc Co.
45 LOtt0011U ai'. 8405010. Otra
JAN. 22, 1897
We keo ,in stock and supply everything in
i Coal and Wood Stoves,
.Either Parlor, Box or Cook
First-class Furnaces
From best Canadian Manufacturers, and
Warranted to work properly.
Plumbingrpromptly attended to at Reasonable Rates.
Lamb Goods, Lanterns, die.
Orders Taken for Coal.
Stove ancZ Furnace Men, .Brussels.
Established 1871.
I—/ 0
G t`a
'n.. rG
O it
G '--•
0 0
N• m 'CD co
c.- c) m
0 0 0"
0 0
The Policy Contract issued by this Association is perfection itself,
It [leaves nothing further lo be desired. Rates and full infor-
mation furnished on application.
W. Em Lm I, Agent, Brussels.
Farniiare lor
The undersigned has opened out a Large
and well Assorted Stock of
r n
Opposite the .American Hotel, Brussels,
Where may be found the latest and best Styles in
Parlor and Bedroom Suites,
Sideboards, Tables, Loungers,
Sofas, Chairs, Mattresses, &c.
Picture Framing promptly attended to. Curtain Poles
and Window Blinds supplied.
Satisfaction Guctranieed. Give me a call,
In connection with the store a well ordered Undertak-
ing Department will be kept where a large stook of Cas-
kets, Coffins and Undertakers' Supplies will always be
found at Moderate Charges.
First-class Hearse. Cavity and Arterial Embalming