The Brussels Post, 1897-1-22, Page 51l
T v, 22 1807
Iistrict Sews,
'Plan Pna'1' given the news.
The Onnadian Oonaer& Oa, have arteng•
ed for re grand concert in the Foresters'
Hall for Tuesday evening, 20th inst, A
unique program will be rendered and a
pecked house le expected.
-•-The annual meeting of bhe members of
the Last Wawenoeh Agricultural Soeiety
Was held at S0audrett'e on Wednesday
0339)1oon of feet week. The following
afloat were eleobod for the omitting .year
-President, Chas, Prootor ; Vice Pres„
W. Scott ; Directors, T. Owens, B. Soott,
T. H. Taylor, Geo. `Taylor, S. Ooultes, R,
Carrie, 13, Wllkineon, R, McMurray and
W. 7, Geddes ; Auditors, M, H. lIarrieon
and S. S. Sootb ; Treasurer, Chas. Mc-
Clelland ; Seorebary, F, Anderson. -
1•07COCe R'.
COMMISSION. -"Tie undersigned,
having mot the Tariff Oommiseion at
Guelph, on the 12th inst., and having
made epeoial referenoe to the money
que+tion as a factor fu considering the
Tariff, we are desirous of meeting with
as many farmers and others in the
neighborhood ae possible. We therefore
kindly invite all who are interceded in
trade and money regulations to attend a
meeting in the Town hall, Wroxeter, on
Saturday, the 23rd January next, at 2.30
p, m., to consider Traria, Tariff, Tax -
Minn and money matter, and take Buell
etepe as may be deemed best to have the
views of the community laid before the
Commission more fully.
I;onuwo DouoaA .
W roxeler, Jan. 18, '97.
:ern lab rook.
The Foresters intend having another
supper fn the near future.
W. 0. Stehle, of Manchester, spent Sun.
day under the parental roof.
Skating on the river has been excellent,
_Principe' Oolgvove is an expert.
Report says two of our yonng people
were out on a rabbit hunt last week.
The recent thaw disappointed one of
our young men ae it destroyed the pros-
peote of another sleigh ride.
Reports speak of another wedding in
the near future. All the hands employed
at the flax mill will receive an invitation.
Wrnnrvo -john Bennewiee, ex -reeve
of Logan, and member elect for District
No. 2 of the new ()aunty Council, wne
married at Toronto on San. 14, his bride(
being Mise Sofia Steise, of Oranbrook,
Rev, 11r. Miller, pastor of the Queen
Oity Lutheran church, tied 'the nuptial
knot in the presence of a few friends.
Mr. and Mre, iiennewies journeyed home.
ward immediately after the ceremony,
Mr. Bennwios has a larger share of
munioipal experience than perhaps any
other man of his age. He is still a yonng
man, but has served seven years as Ooun•
altar and Reeve of Molinlop and one
year es Reeve of Logan. His nnmerons
Wanda in both Perth and Huron will
join Tint P001' in wishing him even
greater usefulness and popularity es a
Mee. Wm, Pollard ie on the eielc liet.
Mico Melissa Ames, who was visiting
at 1 oterboro', has arrived home. She
was accompanied by her 0ou8in, Mr.
Ethel population has been increased by
the advent of Wm. Ha11, wife and daugh.
ber, who have taken poseeesion of their
comfortable briok residenoe. We wel.
come them to Ethel,
S R. Ames, (Raeford, Man., formerly
of Ethel, writes :-I see, by a recent issue
of Tan POST, that you are meanie of snow.
I wish you had what we on spare of the
beautiful. 'There is an average of fully 2
feet on the level with banks in plane
from 4 to 10 feet high. With the exoep•
tion of 2 or 8 weeks in the fore part of
the Winter, wbioh were very cold, the
weather has been remarkably mild.
Chinook winds are very common this
Conon Busmen:e.-The annual meeting
of Ethel cheese factory will be held on
Wedoeeday afternoon of next week, The
following fade are gleaned from the an•
nnal report to be presented at that meet•
ing and audited by A. Godley and Robt.
Barr :-Total milk received, 1421,578 lbs, ;
oheeee made, 128,095 ibe. ; amount re.
aeived, $10723.45; average ihe. milk to Ib.
cheese, 11.0078 ; average prise per M. of
cheese, 8.37 ; paid to patrons, 08513.20 ;
R. Barr, making oheeee, $1152.84 ; haul-
ing milk, $740.04 ; T. K. Baker, 1982
boxes, $178,00 ; B. Dilworth, salesman,
029.75 ; J. Kreuter, Secretary, $25.00 ;
18. Cunningham, Treasurer, 025.00 ; in.
swenoe, $25.00 1 Auditors' salary, $5.00 ;
°ash in Standard Bank, $4.91.
131u oval at.
Tuuonninev 000NO1L,-Minntee of meet.
in held e c 111 MaDonal is all. 1 ev to
d H Bu a
on Medley, January' 11811, 1897. The
membere of Oonnoil met awarding to
Statute, and having made declaration of
quanlloatien anis alio took their seats.
The Reeve in the chair, The minutes of
last meotlug read approved and signed.
oommnni0atione were rend from Secre-
tary Board of health, re appointments to
Board of Herel8h, filed. Also from editor
of Wingham Advance, re township print.
ing, filed. Cruiokshituks--Genemill-
That B,vlew No. 1, 1897, for the appoint -
mod of Board Cotnmlesionere in the
municipality for the current year be read
three times and pegged. Carried. Mos -
grove -Copeland -That Bylaw No, 2 for
the appointment of A. 11I0Ewan and
Douglas Fraser to the office of auditors
for the current year be read three times
and pasted, Carried 1lloegrove-Gent•
mill -That the assessor's salary for cur-
rent year be 155,00 and no extras. Car'
Tied. Gemmell--Copeland--That By-law
No, 8, 1897, for the appointment of John
Mollavieli to the ofade of Aeeeseor be
read three times and plumed, Carried.
Cruiekebanke-Moegrovc-Thea, Bylaw
No. 4, for the appointment of Wm. Doy-
en as a member of the loot Board of
Health for three yeare, and also for the
appointment of D. Toole as Medical
Health Officer foe the current year, end
Moo far the appointment oe Jno. Diment
45 Sanitary Inspector cot the otreent
year, bo road three times and permed,
Carried. Oruiokehanke - Mosgr0ve--
That the Reeve be fnetooted to attend
the annual audit, Carried. Crnick-
ehanif0-Gemml)1.-Ther the Clerk be
inetrttoted to order one Dopy of Mudd.
pal World for the use of the Cleric and
the Connell, Carried. The fallowing
ran:: ' mammal mrcae ma a °mss - vim$ rnctmasr
1 i --IDl!har!raaamw,rlRxr
boll on I'•riduy evening, Jan, 22nd, HS I
7:30 to 011 the %%canny in the Ceuuoil for ,
ward 3, reamed by the refusal of Henry l
m nitteo appointed to draft
standing aalnmitt0ee for the town � •tt � p„�yyr
n'I, Ireanminanderl tato following 'p0un- t�• �
aeconute were pawed and (harnesMelted
S. G. Brown, printing and stationary for
the eloution $(1.00 ; John Bargees, oleo -
lion, $14 ; T, 1C. Powell, eleotion, $8 ;
Thos. Nolterfield, °lection, $8 ; 0, B.
Sects, eleolion, $8 ; S. M. No, 9, rent,
13',y meeting, $2 t W. Carruthers, col vert
of 8th line, $11.50. Gemmill-Moegrov0
-That this Oomoil do now adjoaen, to
meet in this Hall on Mondry, Feb. 8th,
at 10 o'ciook n, m, Joliet Buenaos, Clerk,
Oerr.-Peter, sou of Thos. Deckle, died
at his hone on the 0811 con, of Mclintop,
last Sabbath in hie 47811 year, The 01080
of death was inflammation. Doomed
leaves a wife, who was Mies Ellen Dm
ranee, a son and fol11 daughters, lIe was
dost highly respected and his largely at
tended Milord on Tuesday tetteruooll
showed the esteem in which 110 was hold
Rev. P. Musgrave, of whose church Mt•.
Dodds was a worthy member, oonduoted
an appropriate service, The funeral was
in oharge of the Canadian Order of For-
esters and interment was made at Mait-
land cemetery. Mrs. Dodds and family
aro deeply sympathized with in their
IIeereennee,-Wednesday afternoon of
this week Thos. Dodds, hardware mer
chant, of Fessenden, North Dakota, te
well known former resident of McKillop,
and Miss Mary, the estimable daughter
of Deputy Reeve Archibald, were united
in marriage at the residence of the bride's
parents. There was a large attendance
of petite who witnessed the tying of the
matrimonial bow by Rev. P. Musgrave,
Tho wedding gifts clearly attested the
popularity of the oontraotitig parties. A
sumptuote repast was partaken of and
the evening very enjoyable spent by both
old and young. Mr. and Mrs. Dodds will
leave for Fessonden in the coarse of afew
weeks and will bo followed by the beet
wisllee of a large dole of friends, Mr.
Dodds has been iu Dakota for 8 or 9
W sal amt.
Tan Pear gives the news.
The good sleighing livened np business
at the aawmill yard.
Rev. Mr. Gunne, of Gerrie, prea0lred
in St. George's church last Sunday after•
Rev, D. Forrest, Miss Maggie Johns-
ton mud Mies Mary letcCuaig attended
the Young Peoples' Convention at Wing -
ham last Monday.
0ommunion service will be hold in
Duff's abated), Walton on Sabbath, 3189.
Rev, Mr. Weir, of the U, P. church, will
proof] on Friday, 29th, at 2:30.
bliss Belle McKibben, who has' been
visiting her parents and old fei00138 here
for the past few weeks, returned to bar
position in Baton's store, Toronto, on
Wednesday of this week. Miss MnKib.
bon is always a welcome visitor.
At the annual meeting of the Walton
cheese factory the following were chosen
Directors :-A. Gardiner, D. McLaugh.
lin, Jas, Ryan, Thos. McFadzean told
Geo. Jackson, The presen3 obeese,nalc-
er, A. 13. Holland, wee re.engaged for
next season.
A gonial will be given at the home of
Jao. Govenlook, McKillop, on the even-
ing of Tueeday of next week, 20th fret.,
under the auspices of the Ladies Aid
Society of Duff's church, wanton. A
good musical and literary program will
be presented.
Mr. Moliay, father of Mrs. David
Campbell, died at Seaforth last Sunday,
where he was visiting. The old gentle-
man was over 80 years of age. Funeral
took plane on Tuesday, interment being
made at Brussels cemetery. Rev. D.
Forrest oonduoted en appropriate am:vice,
Tun Poste gives the news.
bliss Mary.Oampbell is visiting friends
in this neighborhood.
Miss Medley, of Toronto, was the guest
of Mies Lottie Bill last week,
Bob Oliver is tallting aboub leaving
these parte for the West in the Spring.
Jas. Douglas, 18th con., is dangerously
ill and Me many friends aro concerned
about him.
Robb. Sweeney end wife, from Merrill,
Michigan, are vieibing at Peter Robert-
son's, 918 con.
D. MoQuarrie is preparing to pat a
Woe folndatiol under hie barn this
coming Summer.
All the old munioipal officers are re-
eleoted for 1807. The minutes of the
Council appear in this ieeoe.
Hugh Porter has rented his farm to
John Duncanson for a berm of years,
M. Porter will hold an auction Bale on
the 28th inst.
It is said Ben, Dark hoc leased hie line
farm, 1218 eon., 8o hie brother John and
will probably see therWeot. He expects
to hold an aaobion sale in the neer future,
The Al000k Bros., 14111 eon., intend to
run a lime kiln on their farm and aro
now engaged hauling stone. As the boyo
are hustlers to work there is no fear of
their 850)050.
Wm. Pollard hes leased hie farm, lot
10eon, 8,to Wm. Douglas f r r
0 a term of
years nud will hold a clearing Sale of
stook, implements, deo., on Monday after-
noon of 0800 weeic.
Tom and Miss Maggio Brown and one
of Tom's ladeafriende drove out to Sea -
forth last week on a pleasure trip. To
see them )ening home one would think
they bad enjoyed tbemselvee.
I6 was reported last weep that 3V'tn„
of the 488 line, who has rented the farm
on the hill, had made a Cook of the lady
aor088 the road. We are of the opinion
Mid Win. "never bought pigs off 'er
Solid progrs80 marks the township of
Grey, as to evidenced by the large in.
aremse in lobe years in brick maiden/3es,
bank bathe and well drained Moms.
Grey will be found iu the feonb rank, be.
fore many ,years.
Jas. Houston, of this township,' elite
posed of a grade Dow to Soott t33 Jones,
drovers, that weighed 1,050 pendia at
the stools yards in Brneeels on Monday,
She was a fine animal and attracted a
ge00 Beat of attention.
A sleigh load of the youth and beauty,
of Colebrook dove Over t0 Jon. Melee
Friday night of laet wools, Sack made
them weloewe. Dan0ing was the order
of the evening and a grand lunch wag
served ab 120'olock. Dancing wag kept
up until about 8 a. m.
Welter Mnitay, .918 con., lied a bee
drawing send fast week. He is putting
a stone foundation Mader his been and
will oreot a new 91rawhous0, 42x00 feet,
thio Sumtner. He gave a dance Wed.
nosday evening of lest week tend there
were abottb seventy people ab. it. They
kept the dans up till near four o'olo8k,
a. m.
Wedneeday the pupils of 3, r. Dodde
seined lied (1 holiday, as be cvas attend-
ing the marriage of 'his brother Thomas
to Miee Maggie Archibald, in Moltiltep,
Loeb week a sleigh load of young people
from the 171(1 and 18th 00(1x„ drove over
to laugh Malay's, Obh con. A, good
time was reported by the member$ of
the party,
00 the 1.2111 inst., et Ethel peee0uage,
one of those happy evade took plasm,
when Andrew Meehan, of the 17th 0011„
111131 Miss Minni° Howard, of the 14th
eon„ 900(5 started on the matrimonial
Elea by Rev. Mr, Walker. May their
voyage be a happy one ie the wish of
their many friends.
Arthur and Oliphant Smith and 3T. T.
Dodde attended the funeral of Peter
Dodds, of MoKillop, Met Tuesday. A
more extended notice appears elsewhere,
S. Orem took lOOr. Dodds' plane in
Smith's school. The deceased was a
brother bo Mrs. Arthur Smith and a
cousin to Teacher Dodde.
At a meeting of Silver Corners cheese
factory on Tneeday, 20th, inst., Mr.
Sbeinbolf, of Stratford, will address the
patrons on the dairy topica of the day,
following in the line o0 dieaaseione at
Dairy Convention held in Brantford on
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of
this week. All interested will be made
thieot A0r,l01 Don ,--Mr•9, Alex. Rose re-
ceived a telegram on Tuesday of lamb
week stating that her father was serioue-
ly ill. She started nest morning on the
early train for Galt out before she aerie.
ed the spark of life had lied. The funeral
took place on Thursday afternoon, The
old gentleman was a resident of Rooisten
for a number of yeare and had oelebrabed
his 0119 hundredth birthday last Fall.
Tato Pose' gives the news.
Council minutes in another column.
A few farm Bales are on the program.
Allan Sped: is slowly improving in
D. Hamilton, of Wingham, was visiting
on the 2nd Met week,
Simon Forsyth had the misfortune to
lose a fine mare since New Years,
Rev. Mr. Birks, of Teeswater, preached
ab Ebenezer nn Sunday afternoon.
Look out for a few weddings on and
around the 2nd in the near future.
Mrs. Isaac Jewitt returned lash week
from a visit with friends in Clinton.
Lewis Jowitt and wife attended the
wedding of Mr. Jewitt'$ sister he Brussels
last week.
The auction sale at Samuel Walker's,
0th line, takes place on Tuesday of next
week at 1 o'clock.
Miss F,liza Budd intends returning to
Menibobanext month. She will be much
missed by her many friends here.
Allan H. Cochrane and Malcolm Black
were appointed auditors for Morrie town.
slip at the lust Council meeting.
The Epworth League of 13rowutown
held a box social for the aid of Richard
Sewitt,caretaker of the ohuroh, Pro.
needs amounted to $10.00.
It is reported that Alex. Nichol] has
porohased the Love 200 acre farm, 538
line, paying $4.800 for ie. If this is true
he certainly struck a bargain.
Wo extend our congratulations to Wm.
T. Mooney, of Indies Head, N. W. T.,
formerly of Morrie, who now speaks of
"my daughter" with paternal pride.
Oma --Last Sabbath morning the eil-
ent boatman conveyed the spirit of biro.
John Lawson, 818 line, over the bonnets
of t(me. Deceased carne from Lanark
Co. with her beebread and was a well-
known reeident of this locality. Five or
six ,year's ago she had a-strolre of paralys-
is, from which she never regained the
use of one side of her body. A8 5 a. m.
Sabbath morning Mr; Lawson notioed
his wife breathing hard and oalled his
daughter. Afro. Lawson expired almost
immediately- Beare failure was the
amuse of death. She was 55 years of age.
The husband and four children who sur
viva have the sympathy of the
community in their bereavement.
The funeral took plaoe on Wed-
nesday afternoon, Rev. Mr, Weir, of
Walton, oondn0ting the service. Liter,
went at Brussels cemetery.
Vire/aerie .tare -
Bert Chapman left an Monday morn.
ing to take a coarse at the Chatham
business College.
At the meeting of the Canadian Horse-
men, the Summer circuit was arranged
which fixes the date of meeting in Wing -
ham, July 20, 21,22.
In speaking of open winters John Hol.
]away states that he planted two trees on
Chrietmae, 1825, one of which grew and
thrived last summer.
Geo. Shaw has purchased shelves,
oounbers,,0o., for his new stores from
Jackson Bros., of Clinton, and is having
them put in place here.
While crossing the street at the
Queen's corner on Friday of last week
Mrs. John Oonery slipped and fell, break.
]ng her wrist. She is getting along well.
We are pleased to know that W. E.
Groves, Prinoi al of Chorale street U ra tree Public
School, Toronto, has been successful in
obtaining a Profeesional first.olase
Public and High School teaoher'e oerbifi-
The Wingham ending Aesooiabion
mot and eleoted 111e following offtoers :-
Prep„ John Neelands; Vico•Pees., E.
L. Dlekenison ; Seo.•Treas., R. Vanetone ;
Oom„ C. Kneahtel, D. Sutherland, W.
Vanstono ; patron and patroneso, Mr.
and Mrs, J. A. Morton.
The annual meeting of the Turnberry
Agrioultnret Sooiety was held in the
council chamber Wednesday afternoon of
lash week. The Secretary's reporb was
road and adopted. Notwithstanding the
unfortunate weather of lest show days
and the extra expenseinourrod last year
by moving the bonding to its present
site, the linanoos of the society aro in a
very setisfaotory condition. The rtileo
were dieonsead and some important
amendments were made, Rule 14 was
mitered so 8het persona capturing prize
money of more than $10 will leave 1.0^
of the whole etnoatit with the treasurer ;
for amounts lees then $10' the prize win-
ner will leave 08 lhoretofore, one dollar
with the 1reesurer. Ooneiderable dieed.
8i0n followed on a motion to amend tale
10, 80 thea in 13 of l.die5' work all attain
shown would require to be new and on.
washed, The motion was withdrawn,
'13(1e otfiieurs for the ensuing pier nee ;-
Proficient, Geo, Moffatt ; 1st Vioe.Pree„
T. M.IIender5ou ; and Vloo-Pree„ John
Currie ; nee:atore, Wm. Robertson, Jae.
Angus, Thos. Goy,. John Grey, Won.
Deans, W. J. Revell, wit. A. Ottrrie,
Pete Fowler, John Elston ; Auditors,
Cornyn and Brown Secretary, Wm.
Nominations will be held in the town
Herr to sot.
The no t
tees, whloh report was adoped mix•
aet(Uve,--3layor, Reeve and Deputy
Reeve. Finance, -•Hanson, Robinson
9011 Robins, Public Worke,••-McKinlay,
Reading and Shaw. Fire, water and
light, ---Gregory, McKlolay and Angus.
Property,--nReading, Tarbes and Slaw,
Tia anual meeting of Turnberry
District L. 0. L. wan held 00 Tuesday of
last week, John Shosbottom, W. M., in
the chair. The following ofiieers were
eleoted for the ensuing term :-Distrtat
bloater, J. Golloy ; Deputy Master, W.
J. Johnston l (Map., W, H. Stewart ;
Req, Seo., 11. G. Lee ; Fin. See., Wm.
Casemoro ; Trees,, Thos, Abraham ; D.
of 0., R, C. Spading ; Len„ Thoe. Stew.
art, The attendenee wee good.
Litato weal -
David Roy, one of Listowel'a oldest
and beet known citizens, has been lying
seriously ill at his home for the past
Mrs, Dixon and Miss Dixon, who have
been spending a couple of months at
Shelby, Iowa, the guests of Mrs, (Dr.)
Cassidy, have returned to town.
Itev. G. W. Dewey, who with Rev. D.
0. Crossley concluded successful revival
services in the Methodist church, Lis-
towel, ten years ego, will aid the pastor
in evangelistic services.
AeuIOULTURI. Socft(rx.-The fined an•
nuel meeting of the Listowel Horticul-
tural Society and the first annual meet.
ing of the Listowel and South Wallace
Agricultural Soddy were held in town
on Wednesday afternoon of last week.
A, W. Featherstone, President, was in
the chair, and most of the old directors
and some members were present. The
Secretary, 4V. E, Binning, read the finan-
cial report, whiall Showed total receipts
for past year from all sources, including
balance of $227.77 from previous year,
$803.20 ; total expenditures, $981.80,
leaving balance on hand of 3141 98.
Total number of entries at Fall ilxhibi-
tion, 1,787 ; amount awarded in prizes,
including 0peeial8, $544.50, The busi-
ness of the old society having been eon -
eluded the meeting proceeded to form a
new eoalety in accordance with indent).
Mons from the Ontario Department of
Agriculture, to be known as the Listowel
and South Wallace Agrioaltural Society.
The reason for the change was explained
by the chairmen, whiuh was that the
Department will not permit an Agri-
oltural Society to be oonduoted under
the name of a Hortioultnral Soeiety.
The following were eleoted as the offieere
of the new society :-Pres„ E. W.
Featherstone ; let Vice•Pres., R. $ems.
worth ; 2nd llioe•Pres„ H. Goddard ;
DMrecberg, G. V. Poole, A. Mundell, Wm.
Keith, A. G. Alexander, Robb. Pirie, 7.
W. Meyers, T. Male, Sas, Perrin and W.
R. Clayton ; Auditors, A. 7. Collins and
A. 5t. Geo. Hawkins, W. E. Binning
was appointed 9ec.•Treee, at same salary
as last year, namely 350.
The Conservatives of North Grey will
meet at Owen Sound on Thursday, Feb.
t select eat a
to contest the
riding for the Legislature.
Writs have been issued for the bye -
elections in South Brant, North Ontario
and East Simone. Feb. 4th is polling
day, nominations being one week earlier.
Wm. Shears, customs appraiser at
Victoria, hoe been dismissed for mis-
conduct. Wm. Merchant, who was the
Liberal oaudidate in Victoria in 1891,
Inert been appointed in his plane,
• O.M., L. B. U.P., Edinburgh, M. O. P.
S. Gut, Residooee and oifoe in Wilson's
Block, corner of 4111 and Turnberry Ste.
GradPboeioian, Surgeon, A000uoher, eta,
uate of Toronto University Medieal
Faculty, Member of College et Physicians
and Surgeons, Out. 0e1'xc a—NOxt door to
MoDonald b Co,. Walton Ont.
PlrYSIOI,lli, 0U00A0N AND A000100 roan,
Mt alms Honor Graduate of the Universi-
ties of Trinity (Toronto), ppa0e11'e Nitugebon),
and of Trinity Modicai °foliage ; Fellow of
Trinity Medical 0011eg0 and member of the
College of Physroiaue and Surgeons of Ontar-
io. Vest Graduate Course in Detroit and
Chicago 1890. Spada) attention paid to dis-
eaeos of+Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, and dis-
eases of IVomon, 8 'Ooueultatian lu Eng-
lish and Gorman,
The undersigned will be at
Monday, Jany 26th,
Por the purpose of buying
Several cars of Horses.
Parties havingHorses to sell
should ca1 to see me,
B. Aldi VF Y,
Horse Buyer, Montreal.
. rrlE tTN G
.AMMZMIlET ,56RIM t e'.oda+sotuv4am.,,.:.nx�nr�rtmrama:x
Resting on one's oars isn't healthy business, Depend-
ing on past reputation isn't evidence of growth. If we
were to do one or both we'd be troubled with "dry rot"
and to begin the New Year with any such indifference or
carelessness would be contrary to everything you expect.
The way we've done in other years and the way we shall
do this year is to keep everlastingly at it even during mid-
winter, and mare work for ourselves and more work for
our tailors by selling unusually cheap.
The enthusiasm. of trade this month is bargains. It's
a time to half give goods away and we're aiming for the
liveliest kind of trade with—
Bargains in Hats
Bargains in Suits !
Bargains in Pants 1
Bargains in Ulsters 1
Bargains in Overcoats !
Bargains in Furnishings
Something has got to be done to develop business dur-
ing January and we never yet could see anything to be
gained by carrying goods over. Our plans for Spring are
on a larger scale and our eyes are on the future, The
more we can sell now and the quicker we can sell the bet-
ter. It is a time for Bargains.
We don't wish for a moment to
leave the impression that we want all the trade but
we do claim that it will pay
In the said Townships to come in and inspect
our stock and learn prices.
co" S alli Bey'u �101�1
We have put in the knife to such an extent
that profits FOR 60 DAYS will bo
no consideration. Also in
Lbcliee Fur Coatz and Capes,
We are bound to clear them all out,
Grocery Department.
qb lbs Granulated Sugar for $1 00
28 lbs Coffee r. 1 00
We have the best 25 cent Japan Tea in the trade.
6 'rrshitk cal a Prosperous year,
Yours, ;1 t'i•,
Importer, Seaforth.