HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1897-1-22, Page 4T1!1 BRUSSELS POST New Advertisements, Looai---R. Leatherdale. Alsatian sale—S. Walker. Farm for sale—T, Moore, 'Pink Pills—Dr. Williams. Horses wanted—B. Albury. Bargains—Ears & Halliday, Local—Parker's Dye Worlce, .Annual meeting ---F. S. Scott, Stook taking sale—A. $traoblan. Remarkable testimonials—J. A. Mo - Lead. 071,Te .gritsstiS .est, FRIDAY, JAN. 22, 1897. Than le, Feb. 4th, is to be the date of the bye -elections in East Simcoe, North Ontario and South Brant, Tun Manitoba Legislature will meet on Feb. 11th. It is expected that the school agreement will be promptly indorsed. Evzx the great Hugh John .McDonald, M. F. t,f Winnipeg. had to walk the plank at the instance of the election courts. EAST Huron. Coa1.'ervatiwes will hold their annual meeting for election of of- ficers..to.. at Wingham. on Friday after- noon of nest week. Mr. Cargill, M. P., general organizer for this district, will he in attendance. Hox. ErwAral BLARE assuming the leadership of the Irish party in the Eng- lish Parliament will awakeu a fresh in. terest in this question, especially in this country. If the people of the Emerald Isle will nakedly and faithfully stand by the Hon. Edward we are not guessing very much when we predict that he will champion their cause in such a manner as will place them in a much better poli. tion for future advances than they now occupy, While the Irish people may be a little obstreperous at times, they uo doubt have wrongs that slhoalcl be speedily redressed and we expect legislation along this line. THE Editor of the Wingham Advance feels it his duty, nearly every week, to grow particularly funny (?) over F. S. Scott and the Braesels Postmasterebip in a silly attempt to belittle Mr. Scott, It is hardly necessary for us to say that the latter requires no one to champion his cause as he is well able to care for himself, but we just wish to remark to the Advance that Mr. Scott can count as many friends as the Editor of the Ad- vance without much trouble, and his straightforward manner of doing bust. ness is known from one end of Huron to the other. To say the least that vary Personal nagging of the Advance is neith- er gentlemanly nor journalistic. A. fair oriticism is all right in its place but there is ie wide difference between that and a role of contemptible bully -ragging --even if the Advance don't know it. 7r31aetft. Oar regular monthly fair will be held on Tuesday, 2Gtb inst. Service will be held in Trinity (Mural; on Wednesday at 8 p. m. A. meeting of the Presbytery of Huron was bald in St. Andrew's Presbyterian church on Tuesday. Owing to the inclemency of the weath- er the ohurchea in town were nob over- crowded on Sunday. Mesere. MuGill & Cowan, carpenters, have the job of potting the finishing tench on our new public sohool. The eleighina last week was very good, consequently the streets were blaok with trams drawing wood, sawlogs, &a. We understand cue of our citizens, W. Montgomery, sr., cooper, intends leaving here shortly and taking up his abode in Seaforth, where he formerly lived. On Tuesday of last week the annual meeting of Morrie District L. 0. L. was held in the Orange Hall, Blyth, when the election of officers for the ensuing year took place. On friday night, while skating ou the river, Mise Millie Bell met with an mai- dent by falling, getting her left wrist dislocated, which will lay her up far some time. On 'Tuesday evening a large audience was present in St. Andrew's abnrch to listen to Rev, Mr. Johnston, of London, and other ministers, in the interests of the work of the W. F. M. L. of the Pres- byterian rhurah. Fa.tsvOo(1. R. 93. Ballantyne is on the road selling his new patent stove. Elmo Fall Fair is fixed for Tuesday and Wedncelay, Sept. 29th and 20th, 1897. At the meeting of the Elma Council, Alex, Simpson was elected Assessor for the current year. Charlie Hood, formerly of Atwood, is now day operator and 'lathier on the railroad running through Portal, North Dakota, and Is doing very well. Mrs, L. Pelton was taken with a bad heremorhage last Sabbath while at her son's residence and for a time her life woe despaired of. Two physioinns were call- ed and we are pleased to hear she is now in a fair way to recovery. At the annual meeting of the Elms Cheese Co, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year :—President, Jas. Donaldson, jr. ; Directors, Geo, Loahhead, Jacob Br'ny, Thos. Jiolcling, R. S. Ballantyne and Jas. Donaldson, jr. ; Sedretary•Treasurer, Wm. Lochhead, The annual report was read and other important bneinese transacted. Out of the total reoeipte of $87,411.12 foo the year ending Jan. 6111, 1897, $84,603.71 wag reoeived for cheese, $29,175.43 of which sum was paid to the patrons for miktt. $060 was received for the whey. The Company have no liabilitise over and above assets, and have $704.80 in the Bank to their credit for butter sold, Few, if any, joint stook oompanice are batter managed 00 more successful than the Elms t5heeee and Batter Company. Frank Wilson, cheese maker, of Brit- ton, lass been offered a position in the 'theme and butter factory et Sebringville and bas left for his uew position. Geo. Gordon has purchased the Bell property, adjoining the village, front Henry Sanders, the latter having bought it of John Ball n few moutbe ago, Geo. ie getting the place into good shape. What was formerly Wm. Dunn'e real• deuce was eold last week by W. F, For, rest to Wm, Brown, who has had it mov- ed onto his big lot neer the sohool. It is being fitted up for Principal Anderson, who will rent hie residence in Listowel, and bis mother will keep house here. Newry, Silver Coruere, Maitland and Donegal shipped Tuesday of last week the balance of their season's make, Oat. and Nov., about 1,460 Meese. G. T. Brill, of Guelph, is the purchaser. Trowbridge cheese joined the lot at Lie. towel. Mise M. J. Warren, who has been visit- ing at J. W. Boyd's, Elmo, for the past three weeks and who has been teaobing sohool in Toronto for the past eleven years, has been granted a year's leave of abeenoafrom the Superintendent and has gone to Southern California for her health. She went in company with A, W. Boyd, At tbe regular meeting of Camp Glad- stone, S. 0. S., Atwood, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year : Chief, Tboe. Dickson ; Past Chief, Wm. Robb ; Chieftain, Dr, Kidd ; Treasurer, D. Murray ; Fin. Sea., A. Stevenson ; See., T. G. Ballantyne ; Marshall, Mac. Cameron ; Standard Bearer, Geo. Ham- ilton ; S. G., A. Campbell ; J. G., R. M. Ballantyne ; Pbyaioian, Dr. Kidd. J. Howie, V. S., V. D., of Guelph, has on exhibition in his officio the molar tooth of a horse, which measures 8* inches in length, 17 Mares hi width and is en inch thick. The tooth was drawn from a horse belonging to Mr. Holman, Guelph Township. Embro ie a very healthy place in which to live. During the year 1806 out of a population of about 700, there was but one death, that of the late Dr. Geo. Duncan, who died on the 1511h Jan. The Ontario Government might make a note of this for a sanitarium if required. One of the most notable transactions in Canadian horseflesh has just been completed by Adatn Beck, master of the London Hunt and the Duke of Marl. borough. The horse, Longshot, the hunter, which was a prize winner at the New York horse show, and also at To. route, has been purchased by his Grace and will be taken to England at once. The price paid was a vary high one. Longshot is n bay gelding and was bred on a farm near Lucian. Remarkable Testimonials Galt, Oct. 20111, 1897. J. M. McLeod, Goderich : DEAR Sm, --You will remember well the state I was in when I wont to Goderich two years ago last May. I had been suf. faring over a year with heart disease and nervous prostration. For days at a time I had to lie in bed. My livor and kidneys were also affected. I was run down and so weak that I could not continue on my feet. I tried three doctors without get- ting any benefit, I was only getting worse all the time. I took one bottle of your Protein Rasurgam, and one of your Sys- tem Renovator, and before I was through with them I felt like a new person. I continued till I took three bottles of each. As yon are aware we had an addition to the family since then. Tam to -day well able to do all my own house work as well as ever. Only for yourmediciues I would not be living to -day. Thanking you sin- cerely and wishing you grand and great succors. Yours truly, Maes, A. OLivia. Braesels, Nov. 7th, 1806. J. M. MoLeod, Goderich : DEAR Sin,—For four or five years I was troubled with dyspepsia. I could scarce- ly eat anything or even take a drink of water without suffering from pain in the stomaoh. I tried different kinds of med- icine which were of no use to flue. Mr. James Duncan advised inc to try a bottle of your System Renovator. I tools four $1 bottles and I am all right now. Yours truly, jars WTNN. gold by ,ins. Fox, Druggist, Brussels, BRUSSELS PUMP ORDS. I with to inform the people of Brussels and surrounding district that I have pur- ohased the Pump Business of JAMES BELL and will be found ready to attend to all wants in either new work or repairs at moderate prioes. No better Pump in the market. Order left at my ebop or residence or at P. SCOTT'S shop will be promptly looped after. 1 Orders taken for the Digging of Wells and Cisterns. Gomer Green, MILL STREET, - BRUSSELS. ew Harness Shop. D. FRAIN has opened it Har- ness Shop in the building North of the Leckie Block, Brussels, whore the is prepared to turn out Light and Heavy Harness and attend promptly to repairing. Blankets, Sleigh Bells, Whips, Sc., kept in stock. CARRIAGE' T IMM!NG. I am prepared 10 attend to all orders for Carriage Trimming, Repairing, &a, Good work and Moderate chargee, Da gram, Brussels. Z3kZTT.^a,5e,7T.,m avw, xfola'x'et,. Fall Wheat Spring wheat Barley. Peas Paan (large) Oats Butter, tubs and rolls ,.. Eggs per loon ... Flour per barrel.. , Potatoes (per bag) .. Hay per ton Hides trimmed Elides tough Salt per bbl., retail Sheep skins, each Lamb skins max Apples per bbl Hogs, Live Dressed Hogs 78 80 80 20 25 40 40 54 60 17 18 10 11 13 18 4 00 4 50 26 800 900 5 6* 4 1 00 00 60 15 40 60 8 75 4 00 4 00 4 80 LIVERroo>;, Jan. 18,—Trade to -day is Armor, on colder weather. States cattle Bold at Sad to Gd per pound ; Argentines at 531 per pound. Shoop sold at 6d to bad per pound. Busman, Jan. 18,—Sheep and lambs.— Receipts, 126 oars ; market slow ; lambs, 15 to 200 lower ; sheep, loo to 15o off ; Dulls to common lambs, $8.50 to $4.25 ; fair to choice mixed sheep, $3,25 1003.80 ; culls and common sheep, $2 to $2.60. The boom in the cheese market has in no wise abated, but on the contrary has become more intensified, sales beiug re- ported of finest Western white at 107..o to 103o, and one 'holder of a large line of white refuses to entertain bide of less than 11c. At the beginning of week about 2,500 boxes of finest white were placed at 1030 to 10a, and pretty well all the tinder grades have been secured at 03o to 1070. Between 12,000 and 16,000 boxes of cheese have been sold in this market oiuco the beginning of the week, and already the buyers are finding out the limited nature of enpplies,—Montre- al Trade Bufletiu. A letter from Loudon, Eng., says Apples are painful to write about. The slump is complete and sustained. Prides are nowhere any good and there is no money in the game. The story ie simple. Over supply had laic' out the demand. People will not eat all the apples sent if they were given to them. Merman, Jan. 18th.—Tho steamship Corinthian sails from Boston with 1,000 Canadian sheep, shipped by Coughlin & Elliott, and 440 cattle by J. W. and A. Elliott, of Kingston. Ocean freights are quoted at 23, and on cattiest 30s. There was a firmer tone to the market to -day. There was a fair demand—for export ao- couut, and quite a number wore brought up at 33o to 33a. The demand from local buyers was good, the market being clean- ed up of all the stook offered. A few extra choice sold at 33c to 4o, choice at 8;(o to 87e, goop at 8c to 3}o, fair, at 2&c. to 27c, and common at 2o to 230 per 11r, live weight. There were only 150 sheep and lambs offered, for which the clomaucl was good, and prices ruled firm. Sheep sold at 8o to 33c, lambs at ;4 to 43o, and mixed lots at 8.1'c to 4e per pound. Only 125 live hogs were on the market, which sold at $4 to $4.40 per cwt. Press Your apples. Geo. 3 r arae Has put in an Apple Press in con- nection with his factory, Mill et., Brussels, and is prepared to make Cider, Apple Jelly and Apple Butter AT REASONABLE RATES. Bring Along Your Apples. mAnsiAMAIMNATATERAMARMsnum Notice to Creditors. IN TIME MATTER Or WILLIAM BAlmtn, or Ti m TOwNenlr 01^ Meanie, FAaaiNit, AN IN' SOLVENT. Notloo le hereby given that William Bar- rie of the Towosuip of Morrie, in the County of Huron, carrying 011 bnefnOes as it general fanner, 'las made an assignment under 11. S.. 0. Reef Chap. 121, and amending ants, of all his estate, credits cad sulcate to T01111 fIa. Oreo, of the 'rowuslhip of Morris, More/mid, gentleman, for the general benefit of hie ere - niters. 0 niaothlg of his oreclitors will be held at the 011e° ,.f 0.1y, Blair, in the Village of Brussels, so TfturSclny, Ilia list da of•Ihn, uary, Iuetnut, at 2.00 o'clock intheafter- noon, 00 receive a statement of his affairs, to appoint Inapootors, and for the orderiug Of the affairs of the said estate generally, Creditors ore requested to file their olaiine NEM tbo Assignee, with affidavit and vouch• ors, verifying same, as required by the said Acts, on or before the day of said meeting. TORN No021110, Assignee, (.i,11`. 13LA111, Solicitor fur Assignee, Dated at 13ruseols this 1111h day of January A.D., 1807, 27.2 Notice to Creditors, IN THE MA'TTlnit 01' W. H. BELTON, Or TEM VILLAnc Or DAMSELS, RESTAURANT Karen. Notice is hereby given that William Henry Pelton, of the Village of Brussels, Bestow, nut Beeper, has made an assignment under R. S. 0„ 1887, Chap. 124, and amending ants, of ail his estate. credits and cheats to 1 inlay Stewart Scott, of the Tillage of Brarseels, Bailiff, for the general benefit of his credit. omit meeting of the creditors will beheld at the office of G. F. Blair, in the Village of Brussels, on Friday. lite 22nd Day of Jan. Bary, instant, at 210 o'clock in tbe after - n0011 t0 receive a statement of his affairs, to appoint inspectors and for the ordering of the affairs of the said estate generally. Creditors are requested to file their claims with the Assignee verifying same by affida- vit and vouchers as required by the said Ants OP or before the day of the said meeting. FINLAY S SCOTT, Assignee. G. P. BLAIft, Solicitor for assignee. Dated at Brussels this 12111 day of January A, D. 1107, 27.2 God Liver Oil ! Yon have probably been advised by your Pbysioian to lake Ood Liver Oil. This is the season when the taking of this flesh -producing Oil is most desirable. If tbe Pure Cod Liver Oil is too disagreeable in taste for you just try the Home Health Emulsion and you will find that dis- agreeable taste hidden. This Emul- sion contains 60% of the Pure 011 so you have a much stronger Emulsion than is usually found. It is pleasant to take and certain in its aotion. FOR SALE BY : Deadman & McCall, Druggists, Optician° and Booksellers, BRUSSELS, ONT. Co�fec ID Off We have as nicely an assorted stock of Fresh Candies, Nuts, Canned Goods, Fruits, .tic. as was ever displayed in Brussels. 1''Prioee within reach of all. Ncw Stock. - Fresh oysters. STRETTON BLOCK. pedal Will be given during the Iloliday season in Fancy Dry Goods, Fresh, Choice Groceries, Seasonable Fruits, Candies, (Sec A nice 'lot of Novelties suitable for gifts are to hand at Low Prices. SATISFACTION ASSURED. We Supply ; ve ; 'thin �, .�•�+,�s1RlU�1,•a IN T.IIE HARDWARE, TINWARE, FURNACE and STOVE LINE. N. GERRY JAN, 22, 1hi)7 MIAW 01014iArtiMU `1190110 9a 490/ @iS4GME1000 +Sr•0B001=01' 11ttt,l Strictly One Price. Always the Lowest Your Money's Worth or You Money Back. Years of persistent and continued underselling have gained for us the reward of public confidence. January is the great Bargain Itfonth and when you read our offer- ings you can rely on them being Bargains in the Broadest sense of the word. Mosey Sa vi is Chances At 52c per yard • At 15c Der pair 10 please Heavy Twilled Flannelette, Women's Soft Pure Wool Seamless the kind you have been paying 80. for. Hose (not [shoddy) real value 30o. At 75c each 8 only Pitney Bed Oomfortero, real value $1.60. ,At GOc each 2 only Fanny Bed Oomfortere, real value 61.15. ,fit 815c per yard 4 pieces Beaver Mantling in Blank, Brown, Navy Blue and Fawn, regular price 51.25. alt 01,40 per yd Extra Fine and Heavy Beaver Mantl- ing, our $2.00 line, in Blaolt, Navy, Brown ,and Fawn. At ZNe ver ztard Very Heavy Angola Flannel Shirting, good patterns, regular price 15o. At 39c each 25 pairs Men's Pare Wool Drawers, real value 50c. and 60c. eaob. At 3.50 each 4only Ladies' Jackete, German make, good sloth, latest style, regular price $5.00. At '$4 50 each 8 only Ladies' Jaoltets, this Season's styles, regular price $8.50. At 290 per yard 10 pieties Pure Wool Frenoh Drees Serge in Navy, Brown, Cardinal and Gar. net, regular price 373o. t,1t 19c per 7lar'cl 3 ?pieces only Heavy Amazon Twill Dress Goods, the kind we have been sell- ing ab 20c. At 15c per pair we clear all our Ladies' Colored,Cash- mere Gloves, regular prions 25e. o 40o. each, At 20c per pair:, 12 only Ladies' Fanny Cashmere Gloves, regular prion 50c. At Noe per pc13r 10 pairs only Ladies' White Wool Mitt*, worth regular 40o. per pair. A I; MO per pair Misses Ribbed Cashmere Hose, sizes 63, 7, 73 and 8 inch, worth regular, 15e. A t 75c per pair 8 pairs only 10/4 Flannelette Blankets, worth regular 61,00. On SATURDAY, JAN. 10111, the place on Sale our entire stock of Remnants at prices that will make then' move quickly. Call and see how we sell Remnants. Dry Goods and Groceries. THE rachis w29 Having been refitted with new machinery on the Plan Sifter system, we are now prepared to sup- ply customers with flour that cannot be equalled by any other system of milling, We have also got things in good shape for chopping. FAR ERS should always remember that grain ground with stones is very much better for feeding stock than that crushed with metal discs or rollers and costs no more. The best of flour, Graham Floibr, Cracked Wheat, Oatmeal and all lz,incls of Mill Feed co72stantly. On hc672d at Ross' Flour & e r Mills. Previous to our Annual Stook Taking we have decided to offer Special Bargains in all lines of Hats, Caps, Furs, Furnishings, Rcadymade Suits and Overcoats. We have a nice range of Fur Muffs; Collars and Boas that we will let go very cheap. Also in Fur Caps, Coats and Capes if there is anything to suit you the prices 1eaunot fail to moot With you)' appr oval. A few pairs of Felt Boots to be cleared out Cheap. If you want to good bargain come in and roe what wo can do for you. February Standard Fashion Sheets and Patterns to, hand. A. trachan f;.