The Brussels Post, 1897-1-22, Page 3JAN. 22, 1897
Town Directory.
I/fmLviame Cnuaon.—Sabbath Services
at 11 a m and 7;00 p.m. Sunday school
at 2:30 p m, Rev, John Bess, B A,
Se. Donee/ Cnuactt,—Sabbtttit Service
et 11 a ni and 7 p An, Sunday Sohoo
et 2:30 p, m. Bev, A. K. Griffin, inguen
the good of the house 7 111 I spend
money for the gogd of the house, let it
be my own and not lite landford'e. I1 le
a bad well into which you must put
water ; and the bonhomie is a bad friend
beoause it takes your all and leaves you
nothing but headaches. Ile who Dulls
a tildes hie friends, wbo lot kiln sib and
drink by the hour together io ignorant—
. very ignorant. Why, red lions and
Utters and vultures aro all oreatares of
prey, and why do So many put thorn•
selves within their powerful jaws and
ohtws and talons 7 Such as drink and
live riotoualy, and wonder why their
faces aro so biobohed and their pockets so
bare, would leave off wondering if they
had two grains of wisdom, They might
as well ask an elm tree for peare es look
to loose habits for health avid wealth.
Those who go to a public house for hap.
pines climb a Gras for fish.—O. H.
MNrnopior Cnnnou—Sabbath Services
at 10:30 a m and 7:00 p m• Sunday
School at 2:30 p m, Rev, S. J, Arlin,
Rouse OA'rnorr° Cnonen,—Sabbath
Servioe third Sunday in every month, at
10:30 a m. Rev Joseph Kennedy,
SALVATION Analr.—Service at 7 and 11
a in and 8 and 8 p m on Sunday and
every evening in the week at 8 o'clock, at
the berracke.
ODD FNrmOWS' TaoDoa every Thursday
evening, in Graham's block.
Mesotim LODGE Tuesday at or beforo
full moon, in Garfield block.
A 0 U W Lopez on the Brd
Friday evening of each month, in Blas
bill's bleak.
O 0 11' LODGE 2nd and last Tuesday
eveninge of mach month, in Blaehill's
I O F, 2nd and last Friday in Odd
Fellows' Hall.
L O L lotMonday in every month
in Orange Ball.
SONS OF SCOTLAND, lob and 3rd Tues-
days of oaoh month, in Odd Fellows'
K. 0. T. M. LonOE, 2nd and 4th Toes.
days of eaoh mouth, in Odd Fellow's Hall.
Canadian Order 01 Ohosen Friends, lab
and 3rd Mondays of eaoh month in Blas•
hill's Hall.
A 0 le, 1st and 8rd Mondays of eaoh
month in Odd Fellow's let s Hall.
Roars 0rao1.7t, end and hth Friday even.
logs in Blashill's Hall.
Pees Owens.-0fdoe house from 8 a..
m.t o 6:30p. m.
To the manor of TUE Pear :
DEAR Sts,—During the past nine years
samples of those varieties of grain which
have succeeded best on the Experimental
Farms have been distributed 'on appli-
cation in 8 lb. bags to farmers in all parts
of the Dominion, free through the mail.
The object in view in Ghia distribution
has been to add to the prodootivsnees end
improve the quality of these important
agrioultural produote throughout the
o0nntey by placing within reach of every
farmer pure seed of the most vigorous
and productive sorts. Tide work has
mob with much appreoiation and a con-
siderable degree of success.
Instrnobions have been given by the
Hon. Minister
o4 Agriculture tote to make a
simile distribution r r utton this season. Owing
to the very large number of applications
now received It ie not praotioable to send
More than one sample to each applicant,
but with this limltauion it is hoped that
the stook available wille
b sufficient
permit of every farmer who so desires
sharing in the benefits of this useful
branch of the work of the Experimental
The distribution now in progress oon.
siste of some of the most promising sorbs
of Oats, Barley, Spring Wheat, Pease,
Field Cern and Potatoes. Requests for
samples may be sent to the Central Ex.
perimental Farm, Ottawa, at any time
before the let of March, but after that
date the lists will bo closed, so that the
applications then on heed may be filled
before seeding begins. All oommnnica.
Mons can be sena free of postage. It be
desirable that each applicant should
name the variety which he desires to test,
also one or two alternative sorts in ease
the stock of the sort chosen should be
exhausted, while no promise can be
made that the variety asked for will be
sent, the wishes of correspondents will be
attended to as far as practicable. The
samples of grain will be sent early, but
potatoes cannot be distributed until the
danger of injury in transit by frost is
over. Wil. SA000omS,
Director, Experimental Farms.
Ottawa, Jan. 5, '07.
A Providential Resene•
Mi000 ut s'
Holmes' block, will be opera from 6 to 8
o'olools p, m. Wednesdays and 3:30 to 0
and 6 to 8 Saturdays. Miss Minis Mo.
Naughton, Librarian,
Tows: Commits—W. H. Herr, Reeve ;
Geo. Basher, Geo. Thomson, R. Lea-
therdale and R. G. Wilson, Councillors ;
F. S. Scott, Clerk; Thomas Kelly,
Treasurer; R, Hingston, Assessor and J.
T. Ross, deflector. Board meets the 1st
Monday in eaoh month.
Stamm BoAnn.—A. Koenig, (chair-
man,) D. 0. Ross, J. G. Skene, Jas.
Turnbull, A, Coueley and le. Van•
stone. Seo.•Trees., R. K. Ross.
Meetings anti Friday evening in sack
Yui*Lro Smoot. TNAOIINRa —J. H. Cam-
eron, Principal, Miss Ritchie, Miss
Downey sad Miss Taylor.
BOARD os $NAoTn.--Reeve Kerr, Clerk
'Scott, A. Stewart, T. Farrow and Wm.
Jewitt. Dr. McNaughton, Medical
Health Officer.
Kind grandpa who lives in the country
A barrel of red apples sent ;
The saute day by mail came a letter,
Which said that the apples were meant,
Each one from the top to the bottom,
For his dear little granddaughter Bet,
And also bis best love be sent to
Sweat Bettie, bis own little pet.
The barrel was opened by papa,
The dear little girl sat on top,
She ate one, two, three, then she faltered
And burst into sobbing, "Oil 1 pop—
Oh l pop—Oh 1 pop—papa 1 I cannot
Eat all in the barrel, and yet
I don'b want to offend my dear grandpa,
I love him and I am hie pet."
To the memory of my sister, Sarah J.
Olver, written by her sister, Mary J.
Campbell :
Dead 1 did you say our sister 15 dead 7
No, no 1 that never can be,
Though her spirit from earth has de-
And her form here no more we cats see.
Yet 'tis not death, bub just transition
From the scenes of woe and care
To the blissful views of heaven,
And she ie resting over there,
Resting from long years of labor
Many too of care and pain ;
But the conflicts of this earth land
Neer will trouble her again.
And she dwelleth in the presence
Of the Majesty on high,
Who has said in worde immortal
That the soul shall never dice
Unto her the veil is lifted
And to her the light is shown
And to bee there's no more darkness,
All is brightness at the throne.'
And the dear ones that bad journeyed
Years before to that blest land
All were waiting, longing, watching
Eagerly to chap her hand.
But unto the ones that are left
Falls the burden of the grief,
Yet the thought of some day meeting
Brings unto our hearts relief.
And when life fun us is ended
And eve reach that blissful shore,
There'll bo songs of glad reunion,
Perfect peace forever more.
At WO111D TO Till IIOYS.
Water ig the strongest drink. It
drives mills, it ie the drink of lions and
horses and Samson never drank any
thing else. Lot young men be totem],
erg, if only fur economy's sake. The
beer money will soon build a house. If
what went into the maeh.tub went into
the lcneading•teough, families would be
bettor clothed and better fed. If what is
spent iu waste were saved against a rainy
day, poorbonses would never be built.
The man who spends his money with
the publican, and thinks the landlord's
bow and "Ilow do you do, my good fel.
low 7" means true respect, ie a perfect
simpleton. We do not light fires for the
bertfng'e oomfort, but to roast them,
Meh do not keep pot•Upusesfor labobets'
good if they Ito they certainly Mies their
aim, Why then, aboard man drink ice
Languor, Severe Headaches and Pains in
the Region or tkc Kidneys Made the
Lire or Mrs. Metlrneo Allscrablc•—Dr,
Williams' Pink fills Cu red After
Other Medicines Palled.
Froin the Oraveuhursb Banner,
Poor health is . en affliction that is
clreeded by every one, and the first sign
of approaching disease is usually met
with an attempt on the part of the pati-
ent to check and kill it. Frequently,
however, Sven the most skilled physicians
fail, and the sufferer endures a weary
round of agony such as those who are in
the full enjoyment of health can have no
conception of. But when ab last a mai.
cine is found that will cure its worth can-
not be estimated in dollars and Dents. It
is without price. Such is the opinion of
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh MOOance, of Ash-
down, Ont. Mr. Modauca tolls the story
of his wife's illness and cure as follows :
"For throe or four years past my wife
had been constaubly failing in health.
The first symptoms of her trouble were
languor and loss of appetite, acoom tanied
by bearing down pains and headaohes,
which affected her periodically. As time
grew on she was attacked with pains in
the region of hos kidneys that became
most unbearable owing to their severity.
FIomo remedies and different remedies
were tried, but with no good results.
Last Winter she grew so weak and help-
less that I was obliged to seelt medical
aid for her, and accordingly sent her out
to Barrie, where she received the best
medical attention, the result el which
was only slightly beneficial. Oa hoe rs•
burn, owing no doubt to the tediousness
of ahs jotuuoy, she suffered from a re.
lapse and her trouble came back in aform
more aggravated than before. I noticed
in a paper which I was reading one clay a
testimonial from one who had boon cured
of a similar trouble, and at6bough know•
fug that other remedies had failed lu my
poor suffering wife's case, thorn wee yet
a ray of hope, I therefore proourod a foto
boxes of Dr. Williams' Piuk Pills and on
my return hone edtiiiuisberocl the first
dose to niy wife. re is porhaps needless
to relate that before the first supply was
exhausted she found great relief, My
wife now commenced to enjoy a buoyancy
of spfrite and kept on taking the Pink
Pills with increasing good results. By
the time she hate used six boxes her con-
dition had so improved thab her neighbors
wore almost unprepared to believe the
evidence of than own eyes whoa seeing
the change in her appearance. Before
taking the pills it was a severe task oven
to dross bereol'f, nmol: less bo do any
housework, while now, although not hay-
ing used any of the pills for more titan a
couple of months, she :Mende to all hos
household duties without alio slightest in.
convenience, milking all things into eon.
sideration, I fuel it a duty I owe to othoe
sufferers to rowel:need these litblo piuk
messengers of health whioh stood between
my well nigh distracted wife and the jaws
of it litigating but certain death,"
The expperistioe of years has proved that
there is obsoletely no disease dGlc to a vi•
tinted condition of the blood or shattered
nerves that Dr, Williams' Pink Pills will
nob promptly olive, and those who aro
suffering from snob troubles would avoid
much misery and save money by prompt-
ly resorting to this treatment. Get 'the
genuine PIuk Pills every limo and do not!
be p escaded to take en imitation or some
otllor remedy front 0 dealer, who foe the I
sake of the extra profit to himself, may '
say is "joab as good." Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills curd when other medioiece
John Bone, wife and phild, of the 'Boo',
are visiting friends bore at present.
R. Douglae went to Guelph last week
to give ovideuoe before the Tariff `Com-
Mies Smola left on Monday of last
week to attend the Ladies' Oollege in
Miss Edith Gibson lift to resume her
Audios at the Collegiate Institute in
Niagara Falls,
Richard Miller lute seoured a luorabive
position as book keeper for a firm at To•
rento Junction.
Ililborn dt MoTavisb, general merob•
ants here, intend moving from Wroxeter
in the near future.
J. Snhwartz, of Buffalo, shipped three
oars of lumber from here, the product of
the Belmore sawmill,
Fred. Vogt left for Chatham on Mott.
day of last week to attend the Business
College of that town.
John A. Barnard was in Guelph at.
tending the poultry show. Ile is en en.
thosiastic poultry fancier,,
Sam. Ramsay has started a tailor shop
in town. Mr. Ramsay comes highly
recommended and we wish him enoees5.
The meeting of the Farmers' Institute,
which was held on Tuesday of last weak,
wee a great success, the hall being crowd-
ed at every meeting. In the evening a
large crowd of ladies gathered to hear
addresses on dairying and other interest-
ing subjects. Addresses were also given
R n
, S.Cr G. A demon B. A. B.
and Thee. Gibson, buS. P. P., and a good
program of music end singing was reed-
ered by the Misses Brawn and Masers.
Gibson and1 1
o Yi sob as well as a recita-
nit -
e w
tion bY Miss e
M s Alto Hamilton.
Mourrae Tnxewro.—At a meeting of the
Board of the Howlett Mutual Fire Ineur-
anee Company, held at Gerrie, the fol-
lowing resolution was unanimously car-
ried :----The Board of Directors of the
Howiok Mutual Fire Insurance Com-
pany, now in session at Gerrie, having
heard with deep regret of the death of
Thos. F. Miller, who for eight years til-
led the office of seoretary•treasurer with
such marked efficiency as to secure the
esteem of all members of the company,
desire to place on record an expression.
of the respect and personal regard in
width they held the late Mr. Miller.
The members of the Board tender the
family of the deceased their sincere
sympabby in their affliction."—Signed on
behalf of the Board, James Edgar,
President ; W. S. MoKeroher, Secretary,
ULot Qe,, Coos 0,Morris,0d illthe pthere' bred im-
White Yorkshire Boar "Selected,"
bred from J.E. Brothour's sweepstakessowat Chicago Fair. Worms, 81.00 to be paid
at the bale of service with privilege of re-
turning if nauseam,. Pedigree may be Been
00 application.
undersigned will keep for service on
Lot 80, don. e, Morrie, the there' -bred Large
English Berkshire Boar, Captain John."
His mother is a full sister to the let prise
sow at the Weld's Fair. Pedigree will be
produced on application. Torras -51.00 to
be paisy' at time 0f service withprivilege of
returl,%".,i if necessary.
Wein JAS. sr17T12, Proprietor.
'White Star Line.
Between Now York and Liverpool, via
Queenstown, every Wednesday.
As the steamers of this line carry only a
strictly limited number in the SIttST and
SECOND oADIS accommodations, intending
passengers are reminded that an early ap-
piioation for berths is necessary at this Sea -
600. Fon plans, rates,eto.,applyto
W. H. Kerr,
Agent, Brussels.
I wish to inform the people of Brussels
and surrounding district that I have pur-
chased the Pump Business of JAMES
BELL and will be found ready to attend
to all wants in either new work or repairs
at moderate prides.
No better Pump in the merttet,
Order left at my shop or residence or
at P. SCOTT'S shop will be promptly
looped after.
taeOrders taken for the Digging of
Walla and Cisterns.
Gomer Green,
Mc ..1E OD' S
System .`lea2OVe,tar
-^-AND 0111n-'--
For Impure, Wealc and Impoverished
Blood, Dyepepoia, Sleeplessness, Palpita-
tion of the Hleart, Liver Cont plain 1, Neur-
algia, Loss of Memory, J3rouohitis, eon.
sumptioo, Gall Stones, Jeundioe, Kidney
and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance,
Female Irregularities and General De.
Prop, and Manufacturer,
sold by .Ids, Fox, Druggist, itrnssele,.
For quick and easy work
For cleanest, sweetest
and whitest clothes
Surprise Is best
- - �
For every use about the
house SurpriSeworks
FF-�--� best and cheapest.
e'Seo for yourself.
The Only One
To Stand the Test,
Rev. William Copp, whose father
was a physician for over fifty years,
in I ew Jersey, and who himself
spent many years preparing for the
practice of medicine, but aubse.
quently entered the ministry of the
M. E. Church, writes: "I am glad
to testify that I have
had analyzed all the
tions known in the
trade, but
// IS the Only one of
J.V1 •thein that I could
recommend as a
o"' blood-purifier.Ihave
given away hundreds
bottles t es
it, as I consider it the safest as well
as the best to be had."—Wm. CoPP,
Pastor M. E. Church, Jackson, Minn.
When in doubt, astarer Ayer's Pills
ew Harness
D. FRAIN has opened a Har-
ness Shop in the building North
of the Leckie Block, Brussels,
where lie is prepared to turn out
Light and Heavy Harness and
attend promptly to repairing.
Blankets, Sleigh Bells, Whips,
&c., kept in stock.
I nm prepared to attend to all orders for
Carriage Trimming, Repairing, do.
Good work and Moderate charges.
D. Pram,,
Certain in its effects and never blisters.
Read proofs below:
nos6e,,Cevman ilondereonCe.,nl.,lbb,st,'ti.
Dr..n. J, Sirs -P len tb.
Dear end—rleaeo send mo one of our Horse
Rooks and oblige. hire with
u groat heal of your
wonderlhi ful media Osee v lbh good 6untrea • it 10 a
an Occult medicine. t onoo had a mare thather, 1
keep paq,nt Sgpavin and ave bottles cured ter, 1
keep a Uottlo on tend an the time.
Yours truly, 01,'19. Pewee.
D. n. J, KGemALL Co. Censor, Aro., 4pr. 0, rot.
' Louibsll's Bpavin Onset"g vjtb muclflsueeee8. 1
tbatick the beet Liniment I over used, .880518-
manedo„o Oath rote Blond Snarl, Dad hle/ed
ut,w-,a Bone mmy friends Who aro mucmll pleaased ivlth
vizi keep lt. Respootfully
S. R, RAY, P, O, Bozele,
For Salo by nit brilgglsts or address
20,'. 11. 0'. I001fl4.W1 COeTYYdNt' 1
annulenon 181.1.5, Vv.I
.Oritisll Coluuibit
Red Cedar Shingles
AND. —
North Shore
Pine avid Cedar
Brussels Placing Mins j
Also Doors end'Saeh of all Pab
terns on band or made to order
at Short Notice,
Eetimatee Furnished for all
kinds of Buildings. Workman -
[ship and Material Guaranteed.
J. & P..AAMVIE N1:i;1.1
Any Amount of Money to Loan
on Farm or Village Pro-
perty at
6 cyr 6k Per Cent., Yearly.
Straight Loans with privilege of
repaying when required.
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Division Court Clerk, Brussels.
lltdllell Shoe I
The undersigned has open-
ed up a:Butcher Shop in the
where he will keep -constant-
ly on hand a supply of the
Best Meats Procurable, sold
at reasonable prices. A share
of public patEonage solicited.
Meat delivered to all parts
of the town.
IL G. Richardson
Is prepared to do all kinds of
work in his line.
Good Workmanship and
Good Fits guaranteed.
Suits made for $4 and upwards.
t -Shop Oyer Nell owe n's 5fere.
The undersigned are prepared to attend
to all branobes of Paiotiog, including
House, Sian, Carriage and
Ornamental Work.
Paper Hanging, Kalsomining and
Decorating neatly and prompt-
ly looked after at mod-
erate Prices.
We make a Specialty of Maoufaeturing
and planing in position
First -Class Awnings,
Orders left at our Paint Shop,
formerly used by Messrs. Roddick
& Wake, will be attended to with
Paper Hanging Orders may bo
left with Messrs. Deadman Ik Mc-
New Stock of,
Paan Stook of
Bibles, Hymn Books,
Photo. and Scrap Albums,
Special B lraiaaw 5.n
Comb & Brush Cases,
Shaving Sets, &c,