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Vol. 24. No, 28. BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JANUARY 22, 1897
NOTriS 00111:Mil BrI0Still.g. read o.t lot 5, 0/14. Di and 111, 70 crane ;
......._East Huron Agl, Sooloty. she won of Sooteh . parentage, but WA ROT. M. Ganh, of Gerrie, administer. MIMS Annie andorsiS018 B0110 Wended
alma, E. Sarney, balance of whiting eon.
The newly eleetea inembeee of the ORM foe 18911, $9.50 ; A. McKay, wire — born in hingland, being a native of the ed the communion in St. john's and St. the marriage of their Poulin, VIES. LIOds10,
T110 annual meeting of the Mall% So. town of Appleby, Westmoreland County. George's otturehes at Bressela and Wei. of Feeeenden, North Daltote, an %Widnes-
Munieipel Commit, namely, Jae. Bow- nath, Lon 11."41.8 to 141'i411° a lob W' e°11' (clay was hold in the Town Hall, 132cus• In 1805, when she was tom years of age, ton, reepectively, last Sabbath.
13, 40 mute ; ,T, and 11, Anumit, hemlock day afternoon. The bride wag Miss
Reeve ; and Messrs, Code, Cardiff anti
man, Itheva ; Geo. Kirkby, Deputy -
and elm plank for otfiverts, 02 01 ; John eels, on Wednesday afternoon of this Mr. and Mre. Forsyth eamo to Canada Rev, Mr, Stafford, Methodist minister Archibeld, of Mellillop.
week, President Ifergueon prodding. An with their family of five children and set- at Wiarton, formerly of Bruseele, under. Mrs, W. B. Dickson and children, who
Ithister, Councillors, met in. the Township B.ldloy, remission. of taxes, oharity, 00.31;
Wolin SioNeil, gravelling on side roma 5, tuna report wae preeminent by Treagurer bled in VVroxeter, Baron Go. The first took to split some wood the other clay. have been visiting in Brusrels for clever.Hall, Morris, on Jitn. litth, pursuant to Stewart aft follows t— breach in the faml/y took plaoe when The axe game In conteat with a olothes el months, left for their home in Lang-
Stetuto and subecribed the neceseary con. 12, 025.20 ; Geo. Whitfield, inapect-
ing gravelling on side road 5, eon, 12, M. Forsyth was taken away tan years lthe, and the reverend gentleman got a don, Dakota, on Thursday of this week.
dacha -Maus of office and qualificetion 101011/ETS. ago, and now the Botviving members ere bad wound on the facs, We wish them a safe and pleasant jour -
and the Connell was duly organized. 05.00. Moved by Wm. Brown, seconded Balance on hand last rout $298 61 called on to sorrow a Seuond time. The Mr. Moody says ; "Mr. Bryan is a. good ney,
Tho Reeve occupied the chair. ME dos
of last 'meeting for 1806 wore read and by hoe Turnbull that the above amen:ate Legislative grant 880 00 aged father, Linea sisters and a brother Christian and X would rather see him The following sketch, taken from the
bo paid. Carried. Clouctoil then ttd• Membene 00b0011131101,, 84 00 of the deceased are left to mourn her preaelting in a church than presiding at Northern Presbyterian, Were to a cousin
confirmea. Moved by M. Oardiff, eaccond- journed, to meet again at the Township 110ode merged from other Sooiy, 200 00 early death. While naturally of a retie- the White House. He would do more to J. G. Skane, Brussels 1-11180. James
ed by Wm. Isbister that Wm, Clark be Hall on Sattitelay, the Stli day of Mara, ing disposition and averse to prominence good preaching Obrist to Wall Street than Shone, of Hillsdale Presbyterian eltereb,
re -appointed Clerk at the usual salary of 1807, Iscben pathmasters, tVe„ will be ap- Total 0960 01 of any kind, Aire, Meiltlejohn was a being in the Presidential elheir, is a Canadian, being born in the County
$180 per annum. Carried. Moved by pointed. 1Vo1. SPENC1a, Clerk.woman of keen intelloot, broad intell). Rev. Dr. Warden, while -In Montreal at of Geey, where he epent hie early life.
Allan Cochrane bo appoints:a Auditor for
the current year, eatery, $8.00. Moved Notes FP0177 114agallo. Prizes Soralitiottrisoes - 0144 00 mirable oharaatee, and to know ber was a member of Erskine (thumb of 02,500. Lateen congregation, which he held for
Gen- KirkbY. seeonded by M. Cardiff MA exementeene. genoe and lcind heart. She was an 00• Christmas, received a contribution from His father was the first treasurer of the
an amend/neat by Wm. Isbister, seconded ____ " 4, sheep 81)52 0000 to love her. Tho loge of no one could bo 01,000 for Home and Foreign Missions over 20 yearn resigning after being eleot.
30 50 more keenly felt or more alucetely re- respectively, and 0250 each for French ed an elder. Shortly afterwards the sub.
A NEWSY LETFEE. 0 I E pigs greeted than svill be her loss by her many Evangelization and Augmentation, (081 01 this sketch was appointed treasur.
by Tbos, Code that Richard johnsthe be
appointed Auditor for the current year. „ " 16 26 friends. What shall we eel' of the lees Rev. Mr. Sutheriend, of Ripley, has er and wee also preceetor of the oongre-
r : "
" " dairy produce8108 go sustained by Mr. llleiltlejohn, in being tendered his resignation and it will be gation, for there was no men nor has
Motion carried. Tho Reeve eppointed
by Tim. Code, seconded by Wm Isbister Dna Sm,—During these last few days " " roots, em 34 00 bereft, after eleven years of wedded life, considered at the March meeting of that congregation to Ws day introduced
Malcolm Black second Auditor. Moved To the Betto01 Tun Pose " grein
of one so bright, so pure, so gooti—in Maitland Preebytery, which will be held the "Kiet o' withstles." Mr. Skene in
that John %teen bo appointed MBOMOU I have been contrasting your probable " " fruits .... 40 15 short of one eo true a helpmate as was in Ripley. • The reverend gentleman, who his youth was denied in the Psalms of
for the current year alta salary of 000.00. weather with ours here. In Josinaey (to " " implemeuts ., 51 25
Clartierl. Moved by IVin. Isbister, sec- me) it is something very wonderful to 4, " fine arts 15 50 lds partner in life a It is simply irreper- is over 80 years of age o00 haa spent David and the Shorter Ctroblem.
able. In this his sore time of trouble he over 50 years in the ministry, has been Though a very young man Ile ability
ondea by Geo, Kirkby that Geo. Hood, have day after day of bright, warm sun- " " ladies' work 71 25 has the deep sympathy and earnest in the pastorate at Ripley for the past and knowledge led to his being elected to
Thos. Laidlaw and W. S. johnston be shine and a eloadless sky. Even the " " other exhibits42 00 $621 90 prayers of the entire oommunity. 20 yeate. The two Presbyterian the Eldership. Thio position, however,
lippoinbet1 members of the Boatel of mud has disappeared and rubbers are of Working expenses, including churches in that village should unite he did not accept on account of leaving
Lleadth, the first named to be for three no account during these days. 'While Sees Treas. end Assiatants, 63 68 home to study 10 the Owen Sound Col-
ttrussets Schaal Board.
years, the second for two years, and the meet likely you are having some cold Priubing, Judg,es' expenses, reo.. 50 46 naw.
Sa4P1OES in Melville dwell next legiate Institute. Here he remained for
third thr one year, and that Dr. MoAoh snaps and the usual snow, we are enjoy- A special meeting of the Public School Sabbath will be conducted by Rev. some time, taking private tuition also
bo Medical Health Officer. Carried, ing life here at the foot of the 13u6te hills. Board was bold on Jan. 1511, 1897, in Gustavus Munro, M. A., of Harriston, under Dr. Somerville. During his course
Moved by M. Cardiff, seconded by GThe eo, hills and the valleys are all wooded Total
Balance on hand %CS! Ill the etore of Ross in Halliday, called by who will give a special address to the of study in Owen Sound he took the first
Kirkby that our printing be let by tender with pine and oak, chiefly. The trees the Chairman to consider the appoint- young people in the morning. Open see- prize for the beet essay on the "Future
Dna atilt the Clerk be instructed to sub- grow very tall and the higher in altitude A. Hunter and A. Strachan vouched ment of a teaoher for the Third Depart. Sion 01 110 Sabbath scheol in the after. Destiny of Canada." From Owen Sound
mit a sketch of work to the Blyhh, Brus- the taller and more vigorous. There is for the correctness of report as auditors. menu as MISS Ritchie declines to sm. noon. At the annual gathering on Mon. he went to Knox College, from whioh in-
Repoet was accepted and adopted.
eels and Wingham papers, tenders to be very little to remind one that Winter le tinue teauhing in that Department, day evening, to which old and young in stitution he graduated in 1895. During
On motion of W. D. Kerr, seconded by Members present : Dr. Graham, Rev, 3, oonneotion with the congregation are in. his mums he received the prize for the
in before next Council meeting, came beim, vie kees 010 as geese as ever and Jas. Speir the following Board was elect- Rose, A. Koenig and D, 0. Rosa. Slaved vited, there will be several speakers, best essay on "The Relation of God to
Isbister that the bridge known. as Arm- aro in bloom. Ferns grow in abundance Ferguson ;
Moved by Thos. 'Code, seconaed by win. the small" bushes and shrubs (mu now ed thr the current year :—Prosideut, Jas. by D. 0. Boss, seconded by A. Koenig among whom will be lidr. Munro. Nature.' Immediately after being 11-
strong's bridge be re -built during the and grow tell, 08 1191 as five feet, some lot Viee-President, Alex. that Miss Ritchie be eherigect batik to the The Gospel by St. John, 15th chapter caused be was called to Lfilledale, where
Gardiner • and Vice•President, Jno. R. Primary Department and that the Board and nth verse, was Rev. S. J. Allinai he has labored with increasing tokens of
'present yetis: and that the Co. Engineer smalleof course, and now that the rain grnities
'Directors—D. Milne, J. Short- advertise in the Globe of Saturday, 16th text last Sabbath evening. He showed God's favor, Mr. Skene is a brother of
be requeste5 to examine the site end pre. has 00030 they 10011' fine and fresh. Mist- reed, Geo. Johnston, NIUTIES MOC11.110/11, inst., for a teacher holding it Second- the tendenoy of the unconverted to wear Alex. Skene, of File Hills Indian Mission,
pare plans and specifieations 101 re -bill. letoe grows on the old. oaks and holly, Andrew Hislop, 14th. 0013., Geey ; Mts. &use professional certificate at a salary oloaks and the apealter dealt with the and a (main of Dr. J. Fraser Smith, of
nog the same. Carried. Moved by Wm. with its bright red berries grows all over
Isbistor, emended by Geo. Kirkby that this part. Both holly and
dill- Speir ; Alex, Stewart, ffieboors, Grey ; of 2000.00 per annum, applications to be following in plain, kindly, pointed our Indian Mission. 700 10 an expellent
and W. 17. Kerr, Anditors—A. Hunter received until Jan. 22nd, duties to com• terms :—(1) Don't see the need of doing 90180101,a, faithful pastor, and a kind
the Treasurer be instruotecl bo pay off one or somewhat from the Old Country kinda and A. Straohan,
indebtedness to the County as Sam as and what is more noticeable the old, time The next FallFair will be held in Bras- tmbeernmeed jo8n8,J8aectn.. 25th.—ChHave tried irrieci. Bottrd any more ; So many peo- bytenan wishes for Mr. Skene and his
and failed ; (4 (2) Have no feeling ; (8) and genial friend. The Northern Pres -
seconded by Wm. Ithister Bylaw No. 1, and holly are almost extinct. The pur•
due. Carried. On Inotiort of M. Cardiff, worn associations of Xmas with mistletoe sels on the last Thursday of Sept. and tho ple are false ; (9) No man aan be a Pe0Ple continued prosperity.
1807, was duly read anti paned. On suit of the almighty dollar has driven first Friday of Oct, the offer of Grey Christian in my position ; (8) Don't be.
Wench of $200 being aocepted. STATUTOTES 8101101110.
notion of Geo. Kirkby, seconded by M. associations and sentiment\n
to 1110 il.
Cerdiff the following aticonnts were There is no room here for that. Roses Treasurer.
D. Stewart was re elected Secretary- Tne new Board met, ma per Statute, on of wearing anything but the best robe of
lieve in making a promise. Tne falsity Additional Local News.
ordered to be paid, namely :—R. Gibson, bloom here all Winter and further South Wednesday evening end Messrs. Cousley, Chriat's righteousness was clearly dem-
Rule No. 1 was amenaed by the add!, Simile, Turnbull and Vanstone took the onstrated. At the conclusion of the dieOne of the most handsome calendars
repairing culvert, $1,00 ; I. Berretta, do., fresh fruit and vegetables are miming in tion of the following :--All persona baking usual declaration of office.
0100 ; Trout:mar Brussels, Hall rent for now. Figs, pomegranates, apples and course the pastor sang "The handwriting we have received thio year is from the
010 and upwards 01 will be retained for Moved by Jas. Turnbull, emended by on the wall," the choir joining in the office of the Aoton Free Frees °Detaining
Division Court, 3000; Treasurer Blyth, pears grow here, but 11 19 rather cold or earth society, and 020 end upwards $3, on W. F. Vanstone that A. Koenig be Chair- chorus. a litho photo. of the three former pro.
do., $7.50 Deputy Returniug Officers oranges. Abont 9 miles below here, on motion of Wm. Pollard and P.
each $6.00 ; S. S. Nos. 1, 9, 6, 7 and 10, the road to Ohio°, oranges grow and there Scott. man. Carried. Canadian Methodists are to be given 91481019 es well as the present one, H. P.
A meeting of the joint directorate for Moved by D. 0, Ross, seconded by Jas. the opportunity of aiding in placciug a Moose. It is a very attractive design.
for use of polliug booths, each $3 00 ; W. are ranehes where they nuse only fruit the revision of the prize list and attend. Turnbull that Messrs. Kathie, Ross and suitable memorial over the grave of the G. T. R. Clutimas.—D, DieOtellum, con.
Clerk, election expenses and posting up and have some way of irrigation at titnes, lug to any other business vill be held on Turnbull be the Wilting oommittee for 6 great founder of their denomination, anctor on the Palmerston and Northern
financial statement, $11 00 ; Munthipal Farmers differ in their ideas here as to setnrday, may 20611, in Brussels Town mouths and Messrs. Vanstone, Consley The present tomb Was placed over the branch, has been appointed general yard -
World, blank forms, $8.40 ; 13rpesels farming from farmers in Oanadne They Hall, at 1 o'clock.
Herald, balauce on printing account, $6.- quilt their acres often by the 11008000_ ._ ...._ and Skene the Property committee, the grave of Wesley more than half 8.Century master and will have °barge of the en•
00 ; Gray, Young & Sperling, lumber, instead of hundred and if it is n, fruit work to bo interchanged for the balance ago, and it ie intended to replace it with gines, Men and everything in the Strat•
OBIT LTARY. of the year. Carried.
33.38 • corporation of East Wawanosh, ranch raise only fruit and if a grain a vtorthier memorial. English Metho- ford yards. Mr. McCallum will person.
gravel, $1.10 ; H. Mooney, making ont ranch just grain. They seldom raise . Accets wore presented 8.9 follows; ' diets have renovated Wesley's amp& at a ally supervise the work during the day
Anatole' statements, $2.00 ; T. S. Brand. their own vegetables but buy all they re- 'Am following obituary noting, refer. Sas. Fox, supplies 04j most of $80,000. Now 510,000 is required and the night duties will devolve upon R.
on, do., $2.00 ; Ino. Mammy, Collector's quire, also butter and all the necessaries ring to Mrs. Thos. adoOme, of Guelph, of Herald, advertaing 1 00 to erect a memorial at the grave of John 'O'Brien, who will be under instructions
salary, 085.00 ; D. Sommerville, gravel, of life. The oranges we get hero are whose (laminae we made mention not P. Scot, work 1 66 Wesley, and Rev. Wm. J. Browne, the from Mr. MoCallnrn, 13. Pewsou will be
34.05; registering deed of laud, $1.40. vary much like what we get iu Canada. tveelt, anti 110r1. Jun. Meiklejohu, of Har. R. Woolsey, 00v175 gifted pastor of the famous chapel on the given charge of a yard engine. Several
Che motion of Thos. Code, seconded by I have yet to see the wonderful oranges rieton, tell! be of interest to a goodly Moved by .0. 0. Roes, seconded by J, Oity road, is corning to America to get changer, have also been made in connee-
Wm. Isbister the Council then adjourn- but I have seen pears the size of ordinary number of the readers a THB POsti : G. Skene that above accounts be paid. the money. That should not be a diffi• tion witb the depot proper in the same
peaches for flavor and Carried.
ad, to meet again ou the 1601 February turnips and thecult matter. There are many wealthy city. J. 'White, formerly baggagetnan on
THE /ATE UBB. TROS. ationau. The question of a Janitor was discusmi Methodists on this continent who individ. the Palmerston division, has been ap.
00110. W. Gunk, Cleric. size cannot be slummed" Olives are Mrs. MoOrae, widow of the lent Thos. at some length, the vattanoy being caused tally maid defray the cosa pointed station master. MB duties will
...— ....._ grown extensively and are a pretty tree
MosInte, died at her residence, Janelield, through the death of H. James. Moved • include the supervision of the platform,
Grey Council Meeting. to look at, They also grow the black and
rod peepetrees nd a dark groeu, feath-
on the morning of Sabbath, lOth Jena- by D. 0. Ross, seconded by J. G. Steens People We Know. such as the transfer of passengers and
r a
ery tree like a, fern, but no tree in their
nry. The deceased—lath Oempbell— that ;no. Wright be engaged if sodded. — baggage and everythin,s appertaining to
The Council elect for the Township of orchards eat compare with the orange was born at the farm house of M. ory arrangements can be made with the those departments. He will also be in -
Grey for 1897 met at the Township Hall tree. It has such a lovely, dark, glossy Naught, neer the bead of the Wake 01 Council whereby be can serve both alias Rilla Hunter is visiting at Exeter, vested with the powers of police officer
on Saturday, January 1611, 1897. (Ow• greet) leaf, and the yellow oranges hang- Nith, New Cameo's, Ayrshire, Scotland, Boarde, and that Messrs. Koenig, Skene and will wear the usual insignia of Oleo.
Dpb. Downing has returned from
ing to the absence of the Reeve at Godo- tug amongst the dark green has to bo on Christmee Day, 1814. Her father, and Turnbull wait on the °outwit at its HOUSE Or BBBUGB,—umber of inmates
rich attending to County business, the Been th be appreciated. aviator° trees
forme of MoNaught and Braehead, and Moved in amendment by W. B. Van- atmionisainBOiniatirnelst;of seaforai, is viorng inmates ort lat Jan., 1896, 51 ; males, 35,
Wm. Compben, had ttt that time the next meeting to disones the matter. Miss Lin. Palma has taken a situ- einoe opening of Rouse, 05 ; number of
meeting was postponed from Monday, grow down in the valley. The stems are bar grandfather the farm of Dalgig. The stone, seconded by A. Cousley that ap- t1 females 15. Namber of inmates admitted
11.th inst., to above date) The following white and slender and have no branches
Campbelle lied for a long time been plicettions ba asked for the position, to be her sister, Mrs, P. Scott. in 1896, 42 ; snales 33 ; females, 9.
and sigma the necessary declarations of
gentlemen were present and each made
Eastern eyeamores are different. Tile
for a Zackshous to olimb up Pottae
farmers in Ayrshire. At the time of the received until Friday evening. Motion Mr, Foereter, of Peterboro', was visit. Number of inmates 1 HOME on 1st Jan.
qualification and office and took their people here have no gardens es Eastern
8 urnten and Dathanna, and were ardent It was deoided to have necessary alter- Sam. Ramsay has opened a tailor sloop ber edmitted during 1806 from the Bever -
persecution, 16132 to 1638, they were in earried. ing his 0011$111, Mrs,. D. C. Ross. 1897, 61 ; males 46, females 16. brunt•
seas :—Thos. &raisi/as, Reeve ; Jae. people have to raise their own vegetables. in Wroxeter. We wish him success. al municipalities :—Ashfield 8, Onlborne
Turnbull, 1st Depuby-Reeve ; Wm. i think I've already said no grass glows, supporters of the 00ermant, and suffered ations made at onoe in oold air ducts to
much therefor. CJampbell, of Burnton, improve tbe heating apparatus he the T. A. Hawkins was visiting under the 4, Goderioli township 2, Grey 2, Hay 1,
p arentel roof, at Port Albert, last week. Hallett 1, Morris 2, Stephen 4, MoKillop
Lindsey and Robb. Livingeton, Council. pretence ab a lawn has to be SOWL1 with
Brown, 2n2u11 Deputy•Reeve ' and jams owing lo the Sommer thoughts, and av her ancestor, was often calmed by the sehoei.
Wm. 3, Tuokersmith 2, Turnberry 1, W. Wo.
lore. Thos. Strube:1, Reeve, 1 the grass seed or elphalga, a subsiti.tute for brae above Dathanna House, cvhere he evening to consider the engagement of a
dragoons, and V7411 W0111 to hide in the Board adjourned, to meet on Friday been seCri0o8r8rtishiya,nSdoduat811028,113
wenosh 1, E. Wawanosh 2 ; total 28.
chair. Minutes of lash meeting of the clover. The lawn has bo be irrigated all bad prepared A secret hiding pleas, never teacher in the 8rd Department. the past week. Clinton 8, Goderiett 3, Seaforth 3, Wing -
retiring Commit were reed and coniirm• Summer and MB only pumps and wells Mrs. Jas. Alexander, of Harriatoe, a
„ ham 2, Exeter 1, Brussela 1, Myth 1 ;
od. Moved by Jae, Turnbull, seconded
by jamas Lindsay that all the old officers are available very few lawns are to be
seen. By the way, the ptimps ore very esattped and survived. Ilia eon, jas,
discovered. He was twice wounded, but
tota114. Cause of patmeristn---intem-
be re.uppointed for the year 1807, on the few in number. They draw up the water Campbell, married Helen Stuart, wile, 0111311015 01113594.
former Brusaelite, was in town far a IS NT
days 6110 week. manes 8, old age 11, sickness 12, injury
same terms as last year, Carried. Mov• in buokets from their wells by ropes and while a very little girl, was SeU1 W/111 14. Jno, Reid has gone to Seaforth for a 2, weaknese of intellect 5, blindness 1,
ed by Robert Livingston, seconded by Polleys. Very fine water it is aud the meal to her father and two brothers hid. eeelente 1, father in house 1, endorsing
Rev. Jim. Item, R. A., will preaoh in time to work in the furniture store of
Wm.:Brown that john Stewart be ap- wells are often very deep. ing in the mossthags. Returning with Harriston next
Bement Hireoh has given 3,260,000 to Frances Collins bad her foot injared
Leatherdale dc Lonclesboroi.
England 9, Scotland 10, Ireland 9, Unit -
for brother 1. Nativity of inmates
pointed a mensber of the Board of Health Someone in Canada told Ina how Cali- the empty dishes, she was surrounded by endow a home for jewigh eonsumptives by having % sleigh run over 10, but no ed States 1, Germany 1, New S. Wales 1,
for three years ; Toth]. Cardiff for two
fornians had to have recourse to 10 strange a troop of dragoons, who demanded where in England,
permanent injury will follow we hope. Cann.dtt 11. Number of days board of
years ; and Wm. Mitchell for one year,
plan to keep their meat fresh, that by hog, She refueled to 111, and kept thelt
she had been and what she bed bean do. Last Sabbath morning W. H. Kerr Bliss Gertie Melsom who has been inmates, 21,721 ; keeper's family and
Health Officer. Carried. Bylaws wee°
ena that M. Ferguson, M. D , be Metheal
some mechanical contrivance the meat long enough to let her friends 850090. supplied the Methodist °buret pulpit at laid up with inliannna'tory rheumatism help added 1,096.
passed confirming the above appoint- waft hoisted several feet in the air to keep They got sefely away and fled into the Blyth owing to the illness of tbe pastor. for several weeks, le able to get about
It cool. I told this story to our butcher wild Mlle 0) 11,8 Kelle in Galloway. The The Emperor of China is syetetnatioal- again.
ineete. Moved by Wm. Brown, seconded
by Jas. Lindsay that the Clerk be in-
steincted to ask for tenders for the bowls. here and be nearly killed himself laugh- 801(110110 seized her and were proceeding ly studying the New Testament, and is Mrs, 3, R. Kerr and daughter, who On on attliasta Nei wet.
ing. Meat 1011090 hero just OS In 0,00. to torture her, sateen she told her story, at present reading the Gospel by St. have been vieiting at Wm. Roes', William
of Council. Carriea. Wm. Brewer
ship printing for 1297, for next meeting 140a, with 008 10 towns and cities and in a and the soldiers at onoe galloped to the
village like Napalm without 105. I never plaoe to find the hiding place empty. Luke.
Major Pond states thet Ian Maelaren at Manilla, Iowa. day 811°11 30 rabbits and on Mondity 15
areal), left on 'Xharedes, for their home W. Johnston, of Riellwood, on &stilt -
made application to have lot 12, eon, 7, SOW meat like they bo hero. Mitten Mrs. MeOrese on her mother's side, was refused 00 one of $50,000 tor an addi- We Ore pleased to report nottheable skunks,
is quite different from our mutton, being descended from the border SS014. (=tional twenty-five weeks tour on this progress in J. Y. S. Kirk's health. He ie A young man named Severe was killed
S. S. No. 6. The trustees of S. S. No.
detached from S. S. No, 8 and added to
a atfferent kind of sheep and very muoli Geary Seat joined in the Covenant, and able to sit up this weelc, It is to be in the woods neer Thoenbury, while fel-
11 applied to have lots Nos. 18, in the 711 weer. The beef is very Itne. Ottliforni- had to /cave bis home and owe to the Meant.
The Presbyterian obneols of the world hoped he will soon be (convalescent. litsc, trees.
end 801 cone., aotached from S. S. No. 6; ans aro very large moat Gabel:8, having Wild eount17 in the Galloway Hills. has 20,000,000 adherents and these con- sirs, \Venue left last Saturday for There are only vacancies in Kingston
lot 21, con. 10, detached from S. S. No. 010100 always k11/00 filmes a day, with Through her maternal grandmother she tribute over 085,000,000 for home work Hanover, where she purposes making penitentiary for eight more prisoners.
7, aud the Ni of lob 26, eon, 0, detached vegetables of various kinds, The pies, was desoended from one of Robb. Bruee'e and Foreign Miseions. • her home with her daughter, Mrs. Fronk Apply at o008.
Speoial aerviees oontione it the Metho. Braden. We wish the old lady 700.119 14 It: is seta that Mr. Allen, ex.M. P. for
from S. S. Inn. 10 and all to be added to
patronized here 100 10 Caned% but bee and while he had not half a hunched men
mites and puddings amamod,
not so much soldiers, who joined the King in Ottrriek, diet ohnrols, On Sunday morning next comfort. South Essex, is to be appointed. colleotor
0. S. No. 11. PS1111013of jos, 30011505
and 24 others for the formation of a liew
6, as follows :—Lots 1 to 6 inclusive in
S. S. out of parts of S. S. Noe. 8, 4 end
is invariably drank away frotn home, I Bannockburn.
coffee, eepecially coffe, are the tend with hint, and who sieved in the king's
beverages at home. Something etronger army until after the eventful battle oE the evening the pester will preach on on old friends in Bressele for a day thils,
the enbjeot will be "Zatcheus," and in J. R. Grant, ot Witnipeg, was milling of customs at Windsor.
"The Better Way." WOGIC. HO VMS (10140 00 a b118111080 tri cv ett"ltoiellgr eAX lens:a tiroerngy T. Liiin, Barrett,
The Higher Religious Instillation ex- to Toronto and. Hilmilton and as hie of premise oase of Kist; Itebeoca Scott,
the Bra eon., end lobe 1 to 6 ijasolusive in don't know of a man amonget my 0050. Ma. MoOrthe wits very unwilling to
limited his stay in town aged 94, ageinet a Nissouri farmer, aged.
the 4th cons now forming pall of S.' S.
No, 3, and lobs El to 13 inclusive, and lots eintances who is a, total abstainer, sed\leave the old land, and it was only when
no one here 18130180 of any man who does her hueband determinea to oome that terian church, will be hold in the Prince. was nonsequently short.
aminatthe in connection with the Presley. Mine was very
66, for 86000, was celled, but a own -
15, 10, 17 and 18 in the Eird eon., end lots not taste, touch end handle. Of course I she gees her cement. The femily mune
am only writing of this mining town and to Guelph in 1849, and where she ever pal's room in the Ptiblie sehool on Sitter. While A, Reid and wife were absent promise was arranged, defendant to pey
day, Jan, 3011, at 9 a. tn. from Brassels they attended the funeral $1000, eo.ah party paying their own oasts.
'7th 13 inolusive, 111 the 461 woe now
forming part of S. S. No. 4, end lots 14 tom nob giving false imprecisions or do afterwarele method, either in town or The Minister of Jastice, Sir Oliver of Mr. Farquhar, a relative who died in A lad named llobineon, of Ingereoll,
and 19 to 20 inchisive, in the Ord eon., not wish bo gm) of the State. township. Coming in those early days, Mosvot, anti Miss Mown have oenneoted Demi/ester, from wooer of the throat. left Woodetook Monthly of last week with
anel lots 14 bo 20 inolusive in the 4th One thing Oust netouished me was the she wits well known to meny in Guelph themselves with St, Andrews Prosily- Arrangements were made for the oath- a load of wood and tutteys for Ingersoll.
Moved by Jas. Lindsay. aeconaed by
eon., nosy forming pert of S. S. No. 0.
not make one of them They hiteh the
size of thoir wagons. Two of ours wetild.
her husband the has resided on the old
end neighborhood. Sinoe the death of Berridge, 13, D., is pastor. nen set in and instate.] of the 50011 8001' drove all night, arriving at Brantford
terian church, Ottewa. , Rev. VS, T, 1)14r» of their golden wedding, but ills He made A wrong turn in the road and
Wro. 13rown that the Clerk be inetructed
to notify all the trustees of the several behind. The greeted timber of berme
horses in poles in front and the wagons homestead in Guelph township. For
the past two menthe ale hart been tine- Brussels, MO on the program for address- was renamed neoeseary, The ohief of polies at Brantford wired
Baarister Blair and W. H. Kerr, of stormy being commemorated a burial next morning, nearly frozen to death.
School Seetione mentioned, and which I have seen wart six pair entl five pair, lined to her bed, bet only on Seturday ee at Ole Auburn Dietriot Sabbath School During the absence of J. ITtimpbries for instruotione to the lupe employ",
may be 141000001by the 'theca emplicatione, In thegood old &Lye ton pair weep, 0001- Was she thelight to be steering her end. Convention, on February 2601. General ancl wife et Bruseele their home in To- The boy has now left for home.
to attend at the next tneetiug of Council. mon sight One num ch
eves them alt She leaves afamily of four—David, Wil- Searetary Day ie also to be present. Write was ranettelcea by burglars. The Mtg. Jas, Meek, who lives on the Bel -
Carried, The following accounts 50040 With a single line. no usually rides on limn and joule, in Guelph township, A Jett Teer Fon livenceene.—There intruders bad evidently been frightened wood road, Garafrax, gave Mrs. Yeang,
presented, viz e---iffite Manic:it/al World, horseback on one of the last pais aud and Margaret, (Mrs. Leask), id TorMite, will be held in the 8, A. barrnolts on off as on the table in the dining room of Gnelph, daughter of Havey Cull, of
election 1100115, 08.75 ; Jas. Mitchell, seems to have no trouble with the theme, Deng 05 MEL 8, USTELISTOIltr. MOntlaY Hight. ;tan. 26tb, as 8 p. rue a they left the 0011000161 of silverware, Guelph, some plume seventeen yeti% ago,
great 3ans tett hosione meeting, minded- fanoy work, (clothing, ino. gathered from and when she 'anew reeeivee them She
.A.nartny Turubull, Jas, McNair A• 11:05'. A Ga/ifornian lion wits killed near bore The Harrigan Review of lest week gays i ed by Adj. Taylor D. 0. foe the 1/111n045. the various morns ready for omeryinp, off. told Mrs. Bleak thet file wonla not tme
mann, Duncan MoDonala, Joins Ridley two weeks ago and we all went to see —"It is our painful duty this week to re. ton distriet. A gest.olese program will A silver modal and a belt belonging to them until the latter WilAti /11 Gnelph and
and Win. Spence, each $4,00, for 0010100a 11>10 unusual Sight. They are Veryanteli (cord the death of Mrs, j, Meikiejohn, of be rendered during the evening, 0000100. air, litimphries are Missing, Entrance nano to visit her. However, Mrs. Bleck
on Depra,y-Returning Gathers et eleotion r like -tigers but arger• Although ns the Mae town, Tina sad event took piece on in Of sense, gales, (Netts, quartettee, was gained
by oettring 0111 a pane of glues had novee aecepted the peoffered invi•
trusteee of S. S. Nos. 1,13, 4, 5 and 9, woods hate they MN SOMME B1101 and do the forenoOn of Tneeday, Jan. 1211, after recitatione ana mottoes, also aeleobions Rea „emovin the Buttoning from the tetion until a short ti no ago, whet liirs,
each 03,00, for Wie of sohool houses at tot fittaelt people as ft rule. 1 mita leave a brief illness, tiering whiali all was done from the String Band, The LietoWel window mall. Burnt matches were found Young, trite to her word, hteoght dot the
election ; Wm. Spence, posting up linen- =1M:litany to another time. The ladies that medioal elcill and loving care eould and Winghem comrades are expected, all over the home showing that a thor• phims whiall had been given her 885801.
14a1 statement, $5.00 i Goo. Baker, graVel, will have to wait, hut this is certainly a do to offset a reeoverY, Mra. Moiklejohn Aantiesioe to meeting only 5 sante, Kt' > oagh inspection hod been Marie, teen years before. The frit was in
32.50 t David Campbell, gravq, 30,00 ; lino field. ' Miss C. Dirrnoth was the youngeat daughter of Mr, For,- coedit for the persenel benefit of the 13rus- Drawers were upset and no attempt an emellent date at proservati.m and
john Ewen, tile for utulerdrain across Magalia, Cal., .1an. 19, l07, eyth, 'whose home to in the town of Blyth, eels officers. All are invited, made le replace the artioles. Was heartily enjoyed by the (company.
W. H. KERR, Prop,