HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1902-12-18, Page 2 (2)SUPPLEMENT TO THE BRUSSELS POST Duo, 189211, 1902 Brussels Council. The Statutory westing of Brussels ▪ mail was held in the Council Chamber onday evening, all members present.. es of last meeting read and passed. Met were presented as follows ;— matt, salary and misoel $91 50 , eeleoting jurors 4 00 „ ..... .4 00 ahlin, salary 20 00 u, wood for Town Hall.. 7 50 Fire Dept 5 00 Hay & Co. mieoeltaneous 4 90. am, 4, 95 Tomball,1133 n, taxes remitred for dog.. 1 Q0 printing extras 8 25 ipal World, miscellaneous5 00 ved by R. Henderson, eeoouded by Gerry that above a000unte be paid, tried. oved by S. Wilton, seconded by Jno. naldson that Dr. MoNaugbton be paid sum of $15 for medical attendance to late Kate Warren; Carried, oved by. S. Wilton, seconded by Jno. naldson thatan order be granted the raid for 919.50 balance on year's nting oontraot. Carried, eport of F. S. Scott for rent and e ueoe for year is as follows ;— i'owu Halt $64 00 Shop licenses 80 00 12th of July licenses 13 00 Butcher's 20 00 Council then adjourned. l� car a+i. Business has been lively. Our acetylene Tight plant gives Ethel quite a citified appearance. The second coat of plaster le being put on S. S. Dole's new residence, G Moon gave an address at Roe'e Epworth League last Friday evening. Remember the Cantata Santa's Snrpriee by the Methodist S. S. in Township hall Xmas Eve. S. S. Cole's men are working in the bnoh. A few loads of saw loge have ocean to the sawmill. Cheese faotory annual meeting will be held on Saturday afternoon of this week in the Township Hall. A little bird whiopere that Ethel is to shortly lose one of her fair chimeras owing to stronger claims in the went. The little eon of Le and Mrs. Longeway, has-been quite 111 with bronchitis but we hope the onild will soon be convelesoeut. School closes for the Xmas holidays on Friday of this week. Mise Shannon, assistant teacher, will visit at her home at London. An oyster Sapper is on the program in connection with Ethel Court of the 0. 0. F. The next meeting of the Court will be held on Monday evening. What about Ethel being made a Police Village ? There are numerous advantagee that would follow a move in thie dircotion aud our villagers should et:quire into. Mies Dilworth and W,II. Dilworth are expeoted home nest Monday from the West. The latter will return after a visit home ne he will teach a acho0l in North Dakota. Township Olerk Molntosh nearly bad a runaway last Monday bat by good generalship he brought hie fiery steed to a standstill in a feuoe corner and the trouble was at as end. Next Tuesday evening the Methodist Bebbath Sobr.ol will give their annual Christmas Tree entertainment in the Township Hall. "Santa's Surprise" will be presented in oaotata form, A big amoant of business was pushed through at the meeting of the Township. Council last Monday, This bodybaadlee a lot of money but they look after the expenditure very carefully and eoonomi. pally. The retiring school trustees are Robt. McDonald and S. Chambers, Mr, Mc- Donald will be removing from the notion to his recently purobased farm and will belong to Oranbrook School. The school meeting will be held the last day of Deoember. Among the visitors who are here for the holiday eeneon are Jno.. Maxwell, of Crystal City, Manitoba, who is an en- tbusiaelio advocate of the West ; Switzer Armstrong, of North Dakota, who has proepered under the Stare and Stripes ; and Thomson Laird, who will soon be through with hie Dental course at Detroit. All were former residents of Ethel and locality end are weloome among relatives and old time friends. Mrs. Armstrong le also here.. Sarrnn.—At the ooeeluaiou of Grey Township Connell last Monday Reeve Turnbull; and Counoillor Jae, McDonald entertained the Council andtownship of• fioiale to 'a topper at the Ethel Hotel. A first class spread was prepared con. siding of oysters, turkey, d;o., &o., served iu tap to.date style, After ample joetloe was done in thie Zine the Reeve gave a brief addreee expressing his intention of banding over the reins to other hands and in a ptaotioal manner reviewed the municipal work during hie inoumbeooy' and thanked the membere of the Board for the agreeability and capability with which the work was discharged. He was followed by Counoillore McDonald (who is retiring) Livingeton, A. Turnbull and Fraser ; Treasurer McNair, who has o0 copied this responsible position for 20 years i-Aggeoeor Reymanu, with 16 years of varied txperienoo ; Tax Collectors Kreuter and P. J. Bishop, who gather in the ehekeis with neatness and dispatch ; Barrister Blair, of Brussels, Solioitor for the township, end W. H. Derr,' of Tan Poen, who has bad the honor of repro. senting Grey in the Co, Council for the past 4 yearn; The opeeohee were comm phmeutery to the township, oflioe holders past and preeent, historical and retro- epeottve in galling up old oeeooiatione and by no means peseamiatio an the outlook for the years to come for Grey township is of a very rosy character. The Reeve anti Counoillor McDonald were thanked• fnr their appreciated kindness and at 9 o'sloolc,-after tinging "They are Jolly Good Fellows" the party bade one another Good night—Happy to meet, sorry to part, hoping to meet again, ris Will Soon be Here And this is the last opportunity we will have of bringing to your mind the fact that our store is now overflowing- with good things for the Xmas trade of 1902. In all depart- ments we are showing a most complete range of goods which will make very. pretty Xmas Gifts ,OUR DISPLAY' F CHINA is not only attractive but the values are exceptionally good. You will find the following lines special value as they are made from good quality China :- -Children's Muga at 6o and 10o, —Children's Cape and Sanders at 10a each, —A range of 4.pieoe Table Sete in new and pretty designs— Prices range from $1.00 to $1.06 per set. --Berry seta in different etylee and patterne—a beautiful range at $1 05 per set, —China Cups and Saucers for Ladies or Gentlemen at 15o, 20o, 25o and 85o, —See our venial values in Vane at 25o each which certainly are unexcelled in value, —Weare also ebowing a line of Separate Bread and Butter Plates at 15a each which ate op to date ie appearance and of beautiful qua'ity of China, —Fancy Lampe are beings shown at $1.20, $1 40, $2 00 and 95.00. In Otir Handkerchief Department We are showing a better and more up -to -nate range than ever before. —Children's Colored Handkerchiefs, with fanoy piotaree, at 5o each, —A large range of Ladies' Lawn Handkerchiefs, with lace edge, at loo eaO' , —Ladles' Fine Lawn with embroidered edpe, at 15a, 20o, 26a anti 36o each, —Ladies' Main, Hemstitched Linen, gond quality, at 15o, —Ladies' Silk Handkerchiefs, with embroidered corners, very pretty, at 25o and Soo eaob, — Ladies' Pare Silk Handkerohiefe, plain Hemstitched or with Initiel, special value at 25o. —Our new Neckwear for Man ie made in the popular shapes, of popular ehadee and patterns, and are being shown at popular prioee-No. 1 value at 25o mid 50a. — Also a popular line of Men's Ready-to-wear Neck Searle at 50o and 75o eaoh. —111en'e White and Colored Silk Haudkerohiefe, good value at 25o, 80o and 75o. You will Find Our Assortment of Dolls at 5c, 10e, 25c, 50e, $1.00 and $1.25, good value. We are also showing a good range of TOYS for Little Folks, and at Popular Prices. IN OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT We have a selected quality of Raisins, Currants, Figs, Dates, Pure Spices, also Choice Confectionery. It may be to your advantage to take a look through our stock at an early date 1 oALL9