HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1902-12-25, Page 8ticc Gammas. opinem•+••Wi Rushy & no's Finn Assortmout of Xmas Goods PERFUMES, CELLULOID CASES, EBONY GOODS, xAPANTJ$E WARE, TOYS and DOLLS, BIBLES and HYMN BOOKS, GAMES—Including Ping-Pong, PURSES and BRUSHES, PICTURE BOOKS, BTO., ETC. Lowest Prices at 3SLEY°s RUG STORE BRUSSELS. Intal lidos xem:it A chiefs among ye takir' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. Were will be Reeve ie the query. MEanx Ountaxuee to all our readers. Regular holiday boars at 613e poet -office on Chriett°as, MONTHLY Horse Fair Thursday of next week—New Year's Day. Now is a good time to renew for THE POST Or nears off bank paymente. MoxxafrtL Nomination next Monday. The hours are from 12 to 1 o'clock. Ix is reported that several residences may be built in town during the next 809800. LOST a tame book containing cum of money. The owner will be greatly obliged if the same is left at TEE Pose. Nueueno1r9 neat and artietia designs were presented in the window dressing by our beelines people for Chrietmae. TRETE acs a return to wheeled vehicles on Monday owing to the rain of Sunday removing t good share of the snow. Rnerece in this week, Geo Ib. for geese, 7o for Ohl: kene and Danks and 10o oaeh for Tarkeve, at A. R. Sum's, Chisholm block, Wii,gham. EVERY property owner should vote for the loan to Lookridge Bros. Attend the N°mivatf• n next Mende), and bear the question daaoueoed. THE Pose will be published on Wed- nesday of next week owing to New Year's Day oomiug on Thursday. Will thoeed interacted kindly govern themselves accordingly. REV. T. W. Neese was kindly remem- bered by tae members of the Craobrook oongregat'Ion last Friday in the preeeo. Cation of a load of oats. Actions speak louder than words. "Mx Del's the Engineer" is the tone a young lad at Sobrieber might appropriate. ly sing. Phe happy daddy ie W. R. Stratton, formerly of Brussels. THE. POST extends congratulations. BnveexL$ Pair WoaHe.—Having put in. a maobine for grinding clippers Iam pre- pared to reeks old one's look like new. Saws gummed. Skatee and eoieeore sharpened. FRED. ADAore. WANTED —Ohoioe roll butter, 20o.; freab eggs. 20o ; turkeys, undrawn, 120; No. 1 Mink or Fox, $4.00. Our $5.00 prize given away weekly with $2 00 purchase was won by Mies McCallum. Geo. E. KmmG, Wingbam. THESE was a rumor around town last week that Eli Moore, brother of M. H. Moore, V. S., Brueeele, bad died in Tor. onto Toepital. We are pleased to non. tradiot the story ae be is in a fait way to oomplete ronvalesoenoe and expecte to be here this week. Tun Mahler Evaporator has completed their beeht ies here for thie season. They paid out ever 23,000 for fruit and labor during the past Fall and would have done a larger business had it not been so diffi- mnit to se, are help. Next year we hope to see them extend their operations as they now have a well fitted up factory in Brussels and they are hustlers. Tan Central Baeineee College, Stoat. ford, Ont , onataine a national reputation for thorough, progressive and advanoed eduoationrl work. This college enjoys a large patr,:nage and many of ite graduate° are to be found teaobing in badness colleges. Thie should show that the 0. B. 0. is a popular eohool and aeafe one to patronize. W. J. Elliott, the Prinoipal, offers to ieod his handsome natalogue to all who i tend aeauring a business or shorthand education. Tun VAIME OF Para. -The following paragraph taken from the Ocean Park Californian "Weekly Review" bee been sent THE PoeT by an old sabaoriber, who ie ependiug the Winter in California, Among many of the benefits conferred upon this land of. perpetual Summer, by a oop1000 fall o! rain the one described is not of tee least importance to the nom fort of the inhabitants x—One pleaeant feature of the storm ie the great number of Zees that were drowned in the soaking sand. T'tere ie no way of getting aa• mete d uresae to the number destroy- ed, bat the estimates vary from two to eightyeeoen million. This latter esti- mate is probably exoeseive, thirty five million being %boat right. Anyway, so long ae they are all drowned no one Dares how mane there were. A. 0,13 W.—The regular meeting of Brussel(' A. 0. 1J. W. was held last Fri- day evening and in the absence of Master Workma. , W. A. Oriah, who has removed to Beater b, Past Master Aiolay presided, Arranger) ante are being made for the Doming a1 one of the Grand Lodge ofScers in the near future. The following °ffiaere were elected for the currant year; --M. W., Wm Ainlay ; Foreman, Jno. Sim. mons ; Overseer, H. Merrier ; Recorder, W. H. Ko re ; Financier, W. H, Mo0reek. en 1 Treasurer, G. A. Deadman ;. Guide, N. F. Gerry ; Pbytiolann, Dr. MoNaugh• tan and Dr. McKelvey ; Rep., W. H. Pilo. Craoken ; Alternate, W. H. Herr ; Andi• tore, T. Farrow and Wm. Linlay. At the next meeting, Friday, Jan. 2nd, will be hostel ation of officers and a large taro oat of members is asked for. A abort pr„ gram of oarpi t hallo, d&o„ will else be i•,troduoed. Mr. Ainley invited the tnem,ere to his nomlortable residence where tau oyster 'tipper Was served in flee style. ei vote of thanhe was paesr•d to Mr. and ate, Malay for .their hind hoe. pitality. T111 ifI iJi`$f1tt1'Ac3 PQtiT I He will latah sleet year at L0118$1a$, Brune 00, 1'4r, /3uahanen'e photo ep• neared lo' Mouday'd b,ondon •Free $redo along with Where of the Normal oleee. We wldh bin) enooeoe. Bea sale of Overeoate, Suite, odd Coate, odd Pante, Vette, furnishings for men and boyo still (matinees at A. R. SMITH'e, Ohieholm bleak, Wingham. AN old aubeoribar writing from Cadillac, Minh., says 1 "Eooloaed please find 21.00 which pays for THE Poem for another year. It is a welcome visitor every week and we would net be without ib." POSTAL RATE OHANeE8. A notice re.. gently posted by the postal authorities states that the rate on printed forma without any writing on them has been (hanged from 2oents for thefiret4 onnees or fraction thereof, and 1 cent for eaoh additional ounce, or fraotion thereof, to 1 Dent for eaoh 2 ounces or fraction thereof. Also in future the rate on eeede, cutting (cot out flowers,) bulbs, roots, bedding planta, eoion8 or grafts, le 2 Dente for the firet 4 ounces or fraction thereof and 1 aent for eaoh additional 4 onnoee or fraction thereof. EoreaoaINbweNT.--A very suooesefnl en- tertainment was held in the Town Hall here last Monday evening under the anspioes of 8t. John's Sunday school. The following well rendered program was well received :—Piano deet, Misses McLanoblio ; ohairman'e addreee, Rev. Mr. Webb ; solo, Mise Griffin ; reottation, Mise Manning ; solo, Mise Viofe Cardiff ; cantata, "Drowning of Christmas" by the scholars of the school , solo, Jae. Jones ; dialogue "Tbe Ceneoe Taker" ; solo, Mies Griffin ; recitation, Beatrice Harris ; solo, Mies Violet Cooper ; distribution of pree ante Prem a Christmas Tree by Santa Olaue ; National Authem, The,ioanoial respite. after admitting pupils free, were about $26 00. IF1t5OSAl, PAItA(41tA1'HS. W, H. Salter is vieitiug at his home in Exeter. ;Mee Downey id holidaying at Toronto and Chatham, tare. F. 2. Scott is visiting, D. M. and Mrs. Scott at Hamilton. G. F. Blair was at the Co. town on Tuesday on legal bceineee. T. Friendship and family are visiting at Teeewaterand Wingham. • Wm. Taylor, formerly of Brussels and Grey, wag in town last Satnrday. Mise Ethel Scott left on Saturday for Clifford for the Olirietmee holidays. Mise Annie Tileon, who formerly lived in Brussels, ie to be married on Christ. mac Day. George MoLanahliu hae taken a poli tion io tbe store of N. F. Gerry. Re'e a good worker. Alex. McKelvey is under the parental roof. He hae been attending the'Ouiver- eity at Toronto, Miss Kate Wileon and Master Brothers are enjoying a Obrietmae v18it with relatives in Chicago. Jno. Barbon, of London, ie visiting Wm. Miller, hie balf•brother. It is some years wince he left town. Adam Soott and danghter, Mies Maggie, were visitors et P. Wateon'e Queen street, for a few days, Wm. Moouey ie home from the West for a visit. He is a brother to Gordon and Harry Mooney of town. Leon Jaokeou is home for Ohrietmee from Ottawa. He is an employee in the Dominion Cunene department. Fred. Haycroft is here for the Christ mac vaoation. He has been making hie home recently at Buffalo, N. Y. James Oliver oelebrated bie 87th birth. day last Sunday and received the con. gratnlatione of unmerone friends, Will. Aiuley,'who hae been attending the School of Science, at Toronto, is holidaying soder the parental roof. Mrs. David Roee, Elizabeth street, has been bothered with an attack of Inmbago lent we hope ebe will soon be all right, Russell Taylor, eon of R. L. Taylor, ie home from Winnipeg on a holiday visit. He bolds a good poeition in one of tbe elty banks. Rev. J. E. Hunter, of Trowbridge, passed through town Tuesday on hie way to Manchester to attend the funeral of hie oonein, Mrs. Jno. Sinclair hae returned to town and taken up her residence o0 Prieeeee :treat. Mies Teenie has gone back to Detroit. George Brewer is quite ill at the resi- dence of bie eon H. R , we are sorry to beer but we hope he will Noon be able to he about again, Henry MoLean, a onetime resident of Brussels, wail elected aa a State Senator at the reoeut elections in North Dakota, The Hon, gentleman served fur two terms in the Legislature. We wish him further promotion. We were pleased to notioe the name of Frank Smith, of town, in the flet of atm. oeeeful students at the Pharmaoy College. He will have another term to put in yet before oompleting his °aurae and will return to Toronto after the bolidaya, Dire. E. 0. Lowry is home from Port Huron, Mich., where ebe hae been for some weeks emceeing her daughter, Mre, Donnelly, who bee been eeri0uely ill. We are pledged to bear ebe is in a lair way to oonvaleeoenoe. Donald MoNanghton, who hae been employed at Millbank putting op a bead. ing factory and sew mill for John Amens, le home. A oboppet'has also been pat in that will =eh 100bnabele of grain per pout. Dan, is bard to beat nn a job of Wile kind. Saturday night George Buchanan at. rived home from Loudon where be hers C1lUROI 1 OHrMFS,, Servioe in St. Jahn'e phnroh Cforietmat morning by the ineembent, Rev, George Burns, a retired taptiet minister, died et Woodet0ok, Next Sunday evening Mies Ethel Campbell, of London, will sing a solo in St, Johne oharoh, Brusseie, Bevels, Meeere. Rose andCoeet,e preaebed very appropriate Christmas aermooe in their respective oburabee legit Sabbath. $11.73 wee the amount of the collection at the Methodist Sabbath school, Brute eels, last Sunday for the Siok Ohildrena' Hospital. 11 was remitted on Monday. Dedioabory services will be held in Wingham next Sabbath, Rev. Dr, Cur- man will preach end' will also denture on Monday evening on "The two Johne," All Bible Sooiety Golleatore are re• minded that the year noses with tbe Sooiety on Deo. Slat now itietead of Mandl let as heretofore and they are asked to kindly report as early a6 con. veuient. Rev. Father Fogarty, parish priest of Dublin, Ont., died suddenly at 2 30 Sale. bath morning, He offtoiated at .penial eervioee Sunday 14th, wbeo the Biehop wee preeeut to btese a Dew ball weighing over a lou. About a week ago he eon. tracted a oo,d, whieb produoed illness re. eating in hie death. iia had been about two yews in Dublin, daring whieb time be was inetrumeotel in having a uew church, eohool and reeideuoe built, Pre• vionely be bpentsome time in Stratford. He was about 50 years of age. The funeral took place at Dublin on Tuesday morning. CO, COUNCIL DISTRIC P 'NO. 8. JAS, BOWMAN AND 1R. II. MUM 83F,- ELE :TEI► Int ACCLAMATION. Monday afternoon at 3. p. m., sharp, Returning Officer F. S. Scott took his place in the Town Hall, Rrueeele, to re- ceive nominations for the position of County Oounoillor in Division No. 0 The first banded in was that of W. H. Kerr, Brussels, who was nominated by Reeve Turnbull, of Gray townshap, sec• ended by Reeve Iebieter, of Morrie town ship. Next came Rich. Proctor, of Morrie, and B. Gerry, of Brussels, in proposing the name of James Bowman, of Morrie. No other names being sub. mitted within the hour Mr. Scott dealer. ed Messrs. Kerr and Bowman re-elected for the coming term of 1903.4. On motion of A. Stewart and Thos. Maxwell, F. S. Scott was appointed Chairman and a short program of speech- making followed. Reeve Turnbull said he was pleas ed with the uominatione and believed Div. No. 6 would be well looked after as it had been in the past. He advocated the taking hold of the Good Roads move- ment by the Co. Council and a stone crusher should be owned by Grey, Morrie and Brussels so as to aid in road build. ing. Congratulated the members elect on their acclamation. When they get through with the office he might venture ae a candidate for tbe honors. Mr. Proctor considered hie nominee a fit and proper person to represent Chia Division and was glad to see the unani. mity. He w'se not a Reeve so had no speech but with an expression of Christ. mae wishes the speaker reeumed his seat, The next speaker was Reeve Isbieter, who complimented the Go. Councillors on the evident satisfaction felt by the ratepayers but thought it would have been better if attendance had been larger. Had watched the course of )(Cesare. Kerr and Bowman and believed they carefully guarded the public interests. The new Oounty Council Act evidently worked well but believed if every munioipality was represented it would be better. This locality spent about $40 a m ile on roads, in statute labor and grante but while the roade of some other muoiofpalibiea were worse our $40 was not enough. He be. lieved the County should take active steps in the Good Roods movement, Their ex. perienoe of the use of crushed stone was satiefattory. They spent $150 which put down 260 yards in 1900 and the difference ie very apparent today. He wished the re-elected members a pleasant term. Mr. Gerry thought no improvement could be made in No. 6, and it moat be eatiefaotory to the members to be returned in this way. Believed everybody should take a deeper intereet in the Municipal affairs and join in their discussion. Wish. ed the Co, Councillors an enjoyable 2 years with increasing honors. W. H. Kerr returned hie hearty thanks for the Santa Claus 0o. Council scale. motion gift and expressed hie intention to attend as carefully to his duties as he had done in the peat nine years in that body. Thought it no mean honor to ropeeeent a dtetriot in Huron Go. °temper. ing favorably with the boat in the Prov- ince. He thought the present Co. Ooun- ail Act was a decided improvement on the old one but would notbe opposed to tending the Reeves although it would in- orea8e Huron Go. Council from 16 to 26. Reference was made he bridge building, three large et•el bridges being on the program for 1903 ; the House of Refuge and its management ; the Jailer's resi- dence ; the Good Roads movement and the probability of the Reeves of the various munioipalitiee being asked to at- tend the June session of the Co. Ooaneil to dimness the feaaabilitiy of aeonrieg the $40,000 the Government offers to Huron if we expend $80,000. He and hie Go. Council companion for No. 6 had worked amicably during the two terms gone by and believed the same good fellowehip would continue to exist. Hie name bad been mentioned for the Warden's chair for 1903 ae he was the senior member of the Council on the Liberal side, having apeot 6 years in the Old Oounoil and 4 in the new. If the honor came to him and Div. No. 6, he would. certainly ap. preciate it but if not be would manage to get along without. Wished all a happy and proaparorte year. The last speaker was Mr, Bowman, He was pleased et the honor conferred in again being returned without opposition. He bertainty appreciated it. Was well satisfied that the proposition by the Gov- ernment overnment in allotting a million dollars for road improvement was the correct thing more especially attar tholaw was explain. ed by Commissioner Campbell at the Co. Dog, 2 ..902 The Standard Bank of Canada CAPITAL (1etleordeedby Art of Parliament) .. ,•, $3,000,000.00 CAPITAL (tallly 1µ1{l ap) 1,000,000.00 PfDI'18'AG A08k119 ,., ..• •., 1'J,00777,dhgl) HEAII OFFiQS, TORONTO «110, 8', 11131), (loµerul 111tnlilfl4` • BRUSSELS . '�)/'p + �,r[, g 0et'roue 1�'•c'3' 't Gnauo m'o'le t0 roepan• . li.l ,1;„CI1.. eilildparlioo411'f rot''ahi0Ierlrls. Dr41tt and money orders /aimed, payable at any Point, at lowest rates, Oolleetious promptly attended 10, A General 8auklfig Ileeinees transacted, Every ,tnollily atforf ee Ouetomere living at a distance, SitviSaving's 11'ii li 1)e )itrtnient�. Amounts 90 one dollar and upwards n S B a t 1/ I received and' interest at htgueet current rate allowed from date aeeatlnt is opened, and added to the principal May:. Met and November 8111tH. .L Notes Farmers' Soule l0otes O_ thed tlonreoelyed 003 eats keeping 400 Plank Nero icat'm3 13i'ee ala Applloatloee Hours 10 to 3, Saturdays 10 to 1, F. H. GRA', AGENT. fair and workable and largely edvan. tegeoue to the rural munioipalitiee as the villages and towns are not ioolnded in it. While our receipts and expenditure are large the bulk of the latter ie outside the direction of the Council being statutory payments. The grante to various muni copal institutions have been liberal and fair treatment has been accorded all. divisions. An important school question will come up at the Jan nary session that will be in the interest of our division along the line of Continuation Claes work. After reference to some other items Mr. Bowman again thanked the electors and oonoluded hie address. A vote of thanks was linseed to the Chairman and acknowledged after whicle. the meeting broke up. The attendance was not large, leas than 100 being prey eat. This was probably due to the ab. senile of sleighing and the idea that there WAS not likely to be a contest. HURON ('0. COUNCIL. Following are the results of last Mon- day's nomination for Huron Co. UanneIl for the term of 1903 and 1904 :— Division No. 1—Including Ashfield, Colborne and Gadrriob town—Hugh Chambers, Thee. Durnin, R. Jewell, Pao. N. McKenzie and Alex. Young. Other nominations were Morgan Dalton, H. Morrie, Robb. Elliott and Wm. Young who resigned, No. 2—Inolndiug Hullett, Goderioh township and Clinton—Jae. Connolly, D. 0antelou and Alex. Leitch. No.8—Including Hay, Stanley, Bay- field and Hensall—W. Lamont, Jno. Mo - Naughton, Robt. MoMordie and W. Con - sit. No. 4—Including Stephen, 'Osborne and Exeter—Rioh. Rieke and Hugh Spack- man, aoolamation. No. 5—Including MoKillop, Tucker - smith and Seaforth—Jno. B. McLean and B. B. Gunn, acclamation. No G—Including Grey, Morrie and Brneeels—Jae. Bowman and W. H. Herr, aoolamation. No. 7—Including West and East Wa- wanosh, Wingham and Blyth—M. Lock. hart, Jno. Webster, D. Patterson and J. T. Ourrie. Jno. Wilford and A. E. Bradwin were also nominated but with- drew. No.8•—Inoluding Howiok, Tnrnberry and Wroxeter—R. Milier, S. Ferguson and A. Doig. been a student at the Normal School. COundl ip December. The torme are STRETTON.—O0 Deo. 4th, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. R. Stratton, Schreiber, a eon, SSB��I£77• , Beeetrser—INa0Atf.—At the Parsonage, Ethel, on Deo. 23, by Rev. 0. P. Wella, 73. A. B. D , Mr. Jesse Bate. man, of Grey, to Mies Martha In- gram, formerly of Morrie township, MILLER—STEWART.—At the residence of the bride's' unole, Mr. 'Thos. Baird, on Deo 24th, by Rev. Dar, Dobson, Miee Maggie Miller to Mr. John Stewart, all of Howiok. axrmD. MoLRon.—In Wroxeter, on Tuesday, Deo. 16th, Jennie McLeod, aged 39 years. WYLIE —In Howiok, on 'Tuesday, Deo. 16th, Thee. Wylie aged 85 years 1 month and 5 days. ONE CENT A WORD COLUMN. GENERAL meows mare, 7 years old, for sale. GEO. 8872178, Bruweele. Goon driving mare for gale, quiet and reliable, also cutter, buggy, haraeee, 10. Apply to M. 4. JIJRROW. Walton, THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. frHORO' BRED YOUNG DUR• HAM Bull for sale GO would exelaange fora Rood mileh cow, 0010,.-ROBB, 22.9 Brueeele Bouth. VOR 'SAL.L,—VALUABE PRO- ,11st Pareonage vr EthelApply tcnown o 3810 B00BIDR, Brussels. 'TIMBER FOR SALE BY THE J- acre, suitable for wood. For further information apply to 292 P. ANENT, Brussels. Q OR 10 AORESOF STANDING Timber for sale, principally black ash, Will be sold by the acre or len block. For price, terms and othetarticulare, apply' to 3IINUAN TAYLOR, Lot 9, Con, 8, Grey, or ,Jamestown P.0, 24.t! ROAR FOR SER"VIOE.—THE undersignedwill keep for service on Lot12, Oon,14,Grey, a Chord bred improv- ed mproved Yorkshire Rog. Pedigree may be seep on application. Terme, $1.00, to be paid at time ofservlee with privilege of returning ifneceesary, WM. DUNCANS0N, 22:4 Proprietor. Diu'h u><n Bull for Service. The undersigned will keep: for service on Lot 19, Con 15, Grey, a thoro'•bred Durham Buil • Pedigree may be seen on application. Terme, 01.00, with privilege of returning it necessary. JAMES 039810, • 00.4 Proprietor. CHRISTMAS AGAIN mailisimminommiows . . A I r 4'0 Fox's Drug Store —Tore of ail kinds, —Picture and Song Books, —Dolls in greet variety, —Celluloid, Plush and Leather Goode, —Photo. Albums, a fine eeeortment, —Purees, Chatelaines and Wrist'Bage, —iSitrore in all nbapea and sine, —Woik Boxes, Jewel Boxes end Writing sate, —Pleggee, Picture end Photo. Holders, ,Xmaa Cards, Booklets and Calendars, -Bibles, Hymnals end Hymn Booke. We shall be pleased to have you come in and see the great variety of our stock, at FOX'S DRUG STORE. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE in the village of Ethel. A desirable property; For particulate mato price, terms. &o., apply on the promisee to MORRI8 FUGAL,. or Ethel P, 0, 18.8m ,L OR: SALE. -5 SHEARLING Rama ; 1 two-year-old and 2 Ram Lambs. Pure bred Leltoestere. Good ones at few prleee. Also Short Horn 300118, Cows and Bolters at very moderate prices and easy terms. D. MII,Nr7 0, SON, Ethel. SHORT 0BN8 AND OLYDES• 1.7 n.woa—Fol• sale2 young bulla 11 and 17 months old. The former tooklet prizes at Brueeele and 8ela0ave Fall Pairs and god at Blyth; and the latterwa8 oleo a< prize winuar at Brueeele.. Also one yearling. heifer. All are sired by Roan Duke 86.788, which hae taken .let prize for pas( three years in classes of home bred and imported etook. The dams of. these- -young animate have repeatedly taken honor's in the prize ring. Will also sell two Clydesdale allies, with 9 and 5 mouths of imported stook, res- pectively, aged 1 and 2 years. lIaey terms ofpayment, - P. 41OBEHT80N. Lot 8, Con, 9, Grey, 17 •ti Brueeele P. 0, TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN,— — Therondersigned, who i8 well acquainted throughout t1,0 most part of the County and who has had business with a large alt. Isle of !avocets in and around this Ineality, begs to inform the community that be has taken out au Auetioueer'e License Inc the County of Huron and offers' his eervioee to all purposing to hold sales, THOS,_ NEWSOME, Bruseels, DON'T FORGET THAT THE L/,S'TOML Is the pleoe to get value for your money. Opens Jan, Oth, 1003,. Two courses—Com. menial ' and Shorthand. Send for College Journal. 0. A. FLEMING, A. Li MoINTY1tE, President, 8eeretary, Some New Years Specials NSW STORE AUOTION SALE OF FARM, Palm RTOCX AND INrL1ffiENT8.— Mesere. P. S. Scott and James 0, Maluiohael have received lnetruatioas Irani the execu- tors of the late Lancelet Tasker, to sell by let, on nue T1TESDAY, DE01121Rr1R 90,, 10, lot, 12 o'clock noon, skarn, the following prop- erty. viz.: Horses -1 working horse, 1 mare In foal, 1 driving horse, 1 aged mare, 1 two. fllty. Oa tide -8 oowe in omit to a thoroughbred bull, 2 heir are in calf to a thoroughbred 1,011, 1 dry cow, 8 eteere 2 years old, 10 head yearlings, 0 Spring calves, 1 thoroughbred buil, Sheep -81 thoroughbred Oxfordown ewes in lamb, with pedigree, 99 well-bred ewes in lamb, 2 thoroughbred Ox- tordownrange with pedigree, 15 lambs, 4 pigs,00 hens, Implements -1 wagon with box, 1 trunk wagon new, 1 top buggy nearly 08.0,1 demo amt. 1 nutter, 2 set bobsleighs, 1 Massey -Gnarls binder, 1 Maeeey.Balria mower new, 1 mower with Pen harvester, 1 seed drill,1 fanning mill, 1 hay 09118, 1 loador,1 /1180,1 sot Iron harrows 1 horse Dewar,l ousting box.' laud roller, 1 0 .0 plow, 1 hay fork and slings with rupee sed Pulleys, 2 hay raake,1 0tnol3 box with reek, 1 wheelbarrow 1 gravel flax, 1001 team Ma- mmal set single harness, 2 single plows, 1. water trough, 1 Huger kettle,1 root pulpor, 1 twain slicer, 1 set aoalee, 1 turnip bower, 1 grain (rusher, n.lgoa quantity of hay and straw. Tian FAnsr,—There will also be offer. ed for sale at the 8038 time and plane the term, being Let 8 and least Pall Lot 4,008. cession 13, Hallett, eon talus 225 agree, There ate on the farm two good bares, with atone stabling under ono, and a large frame hoose, The farm le'Bret-clues in every tweet, well fenced and well ,lrai tied and a spring runs for curh 110In3m. Further par:tloulme en applying to ers 'Ph o iguod ameeotera or to Ibe auctioneers Tho •0009 can be divided and sold to two IO is if faohd desirable, It ie Within a Mile Of 010 village of llarlook 711T, era -03001, 80308,.9001 olfae, bleak• , r d •- n some 1 , an undecas T9330t A $ 000011 cask i given on furnishing 3 9110091 credit will he given on furnishing approved j°lnt will A lowe3 u tof 9 oaute 00 the. as amounts. 00 showed 1st a ee e o t. f the puts. 00 the real the d y of s Bent of the purehaae money on the day ,l solo, the. (saAV1V, 1Y" ltoG4VSN x'111031'l)8 TAH- Ektln, Executors. P, B. SOOT'11 and J. 0, MCMIOHAI4L, Atteti0neers, elt'ka�m{t_._tiitXoVandZ=Z:Cart-seb For Saturday only, 20 pieces Fine All -wool French Flannel, all new, stylish, up-to-date patterns, stripes and shades ; just the thing for a useful New Years gift, sold regular at 50c per yard, to clear Saturday only, at per yard 39c Also a few of those Wonderful Bargains in Dress Patterns left, clearing at $3.00, only a few, secure one of these Patterns before they are all gone. CLO THING Our Clothing Department is one of the most inter- esting Departments of this large store. Here the up-to- date dresser will find all he desires in nobby up-to-date Suits, Overcoats, etc. We have a few New Years Spec- ials in Overcoats. SHOE DEPARTMENT Our Shoe Department is booming. There are some excellent values here for Xmas. We have a nice range of Ladies' Fine Vial Kid Shoes, sold regular at $2,25, clearing Saturday at $1,66. What is more appropriate for Wife, Mother or Sister for New Years We have all the newest styles at the newest prices. E 'have just received a variety of Ties, Suspenders, Silk Handkerchiefs, Initial ' Handkerchiefs, Ladles and Gentlemen's Underwear, Corsets, Gloves, Hosiery, and a few Specials in Tapestry esti Table Covers, pretty patterns and designs, sold every- where where at $2.00, Clearing here at $1.50. They make a most appropriate and acceptable New Years Gift. Everything Selling at Special New Years Prices. MATCHETT'S NEW STORE GAJ, FIELD BLOCK, BRUSSELS. .THE MONEY SAVING SPOT Butter and Eggs taken as Cash,