HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1902-12-25, Page 7aJCBUY QUOTA AO -AIN... Co1v>1KTEisxQNZxt aopsON 11E.. xax('w+.,r'a t`•rs. CHARGES, Rekteretes the nee that the Sheep Tzldustry in Qanada Ie Dediaing, Ny atter` ea hers been rialto(' Lo'a'n article Scudded •'Ocenuteieeioner 1'Xod- sone Shoddy Charges," in the Qlothier and . Haberdasher for Nos vombeL , r The o oeingparagraph .oft tide tu'tiele is quite utieleactiug, for a•eltsons which I genii point out Jeer- er. Tho Editor of the Clothier says: "Dominion Live Stock Commiseioner Hodson lune published a series .el nr- tiaie6 with a view of impressing Onnedien consnmere with the idea that Canadians as woll as Bz'ltihh find ' Amerman Man - etas lamella are constantly prac- ticing the deception of palming olT fabrics made almost ent.'ely of cot- ton or shoddy as genuine, nil -wool goods: lie charges that the pus - diesel's of meltons, worsteds, drese goods,: etc„ get neither 'value, wear or worth for their money, and that the wool -growing luUue r•y has been ruined," The filet is that in the nrtiales sent to tee press by lee, no charges whatever were made against Can- adiaa ruantifacturers of woollen ; goods. The articles in question were eight :in number, five of: which were portions of en address deliver- ed by Bir, Alfred Mansell, Shrews-' bury, England, before the meeting of the International .Sheep Breeders' Association ut Carlisle, England, in July last; two svore made up of,dis- cusSions following the .above ad- dress; and the final one motored by myself, drew attention to the desir- ability of legislation In Canada to require that initaticn woollen goods bo sold on their merits, As ntity be verified by reference to the copies sent out, all of. Mr. hlansell's articles were OANABIAX 11101144 J FA1 ,AN, OTTAWA 'BAKER' A71 T lr 9542.& EXHIBITION, Our Trade, With dal'an My De Greatly gietended lrm luny /gives,'... NO hint dom on the Saco of the earth, in either ancient or modern times has forged ahead more rapidly than Japan, not only,itt eivilieatton in its eenlmonly accepted 00050 brit IntluStrially in the feller -it eonnnerclal moaning, A quarter of a century age Japan wee piglet: Cally known AS four large nnd many email is- lands oil the northeastern coast of Clina, where people employed their time in gruw:«8 tea, Inlaying trays, and deftly embroldoring silicon gar- ments with golden threads. To-dnY IJel•an is an 'empire worthy of the name, rotuprlsing an urea of 1013,- 865 square miles, with a population of 44,000,000 of people. 'filo adop- tion of western manners and cuss ems, the abolitionof the feudal sjstern under width the country woe governed by a few lords, the eon- s tension of an absolute into a limit - •ed monarchy as the result of the 1868 rovolutien, and the hitroduo- tion in 1830 of a popularly elected revilement, have raisedthe ample of Nihom from a petty eovorcignty to ho .one of the powers of , the world which leas now to bo reckoned with in all [natters of dillarenco be- BABY'S FIRST TOOTH. DULY CREDITED TO HIM. Again the Clothier says: "7'0 say that .the shoddy industry flourishes in Canada, to such all extent that it. has ruined the wool -growing indus- try is a big statement, and one that is not borne out by (ncts. Some of the Canadian mills have ,no ma- chinery at all for working up - shod- dy, and others use but small quan- tities tot it." This is very di0'erent from the statement actually made by ate, which was: "The sheep industry of Canada has been steadily declining for years on account of the low prices of wool and the ravages of dogs." One has only to turn to the. Statistical Year Book to prove the : truth of this. According to the ten- 1 sus of 1881 there were In that year 3,018,678 sheep in Canada; in 1891.1 there were only 2,568,781; the 115-1 ores for the census of 1901 aro not yet available. The export of raw woof from Can- ada in 1001 was 1,0433,678 pounds, I which is less than in any year from 1808 '8 -. to1 ' 8% Sttl, There aro no figures available showing the total wool clip of the Dominion, but the clip for Ontario, which was 6,235,086, pounds in 1894, had fallen to 5,- 805,921 pounds 3r 1 10. This doess not look as if the sheen -growing in-' dustry were prespeloas,as it cer- tainly ought to be, considering the suitability of the country for the bu nine o, Although there Is no doubt that' shoddy is used in Canada, yet I made no reference to the fact. The whole tenor of my article was along i the lino of demanding that "eo call -j eel woollen goods should ba sold for just what they are," and "that something shoetltt le clone to pro- tect our vooltet, manufacturers against the shoddy products of for- eign countries and to improve the condition of the Canadian wool growers." I realize that Canadian manufacturer.% have been almcst com- pelled to Make cheap goods in or- der to compete with the shoddy pro- ducts of Yorkshire and other mills, but I believe that. if foreign as well QS domestic fabrics were required by law to be stamped with tbo relative proportion of the component fibres, our consumers would soon show a decided preference for honest Can - sullen goods, to the groat advant- age of Canadian manufacturers. I do not feel and have not expressed any hostility toward our manufac- turers, for I recognize that the pi•o- dueer'anil the consumer aro MUTUALLY IDEPENDENT. Tho letters from the well-known manufacturers, Messrs. Rostunond of, Almonte, Ont., and Rowson of Ara- 'west, N. S., published by the Cloth -1 ter, only confirm the statements made by Mr. Mansell in his address at Carlisle. Mr. Hewson acpressos 111 the situation exactly when he says, in speaking of the difficulty of ole-. Ierntttdleg the composition of a fah- I rid "They {the ordinary consum-I urs), have to rely almost wholly on the dealer nr his clerk mor this in- termntion, hence we quite agree with the idea that awry mnnufacturer should la called upon to brand his goads nudes Government, regulation, su that the consumer piny bo pro - ted r tic end et sou a ed to bey such i 6 y goals lis are of pure wool, and the most economical and satisfactory in the long run, for lie is always will- ing to pay to fair piece for a bit of inure all -wool goods, provided Ito is absolutely sure of getting it, We believe this view of the case pinocs the responsibility more where it be- longs, and at the same time cm - 1 hashes the need of Government reg- . illation, and helps out the deserting former who has n, right to look to his brother Canadian for to market for his wool. Ie. conclusions 1 may say that tho ('lothler's article appeal's very leech litre a case of wilful ntiarCpl•aSotita- i:don of my position in regard to this question. Only a Weak nose re- Aptires such methods to suPport it. F. W, IICDSON, Live Stock Connnisstuner. "Mamma," excinhnecl n -nate boy, indlpmm»tty, after the hi 00 had gone, "when I get to be 1 Wren I'm. guimg to get up a reality for pre- venting. ugly old women from. kissing A Family Event That Does Not Always Bring Unmixed Joy, Baby's first tooth does not come unannounced, inflamed gums and impaired digestion produce a fever, isb and fretful condition about which the mother often feels concern. The baby boy of Mrs. George McGregor, of Hamilton, Ont., was troubled with diarrhoea while teething acrd was et'ues and restless. lie did not sleep well and matters become serious, 'The mother writes as follows: "Sfy xis. ter had used Baby's Own Tablets for her baby and advised me to try them, I got a box and after giving. the Tablets to the baby a few times he began to improve and was soon well. De is now a big, healthy baby and whenever be geLo.fretful or does not fool well I give him a Tabs let and he is soon all right again." Baby's Own Tablets replace with great advantage castor oil and other nauseous•, griping drags. They sweeten the stomach, quiet the nerves and promote .healthful sleep, '1']toy aro guaranteed to contain no npinte and :to bo absolutely harmless. If Your druggist does not keep thea[ you can obtain a full-size box by snail, post paid, by sending 25 cents to the '11r. •Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont,,, or Seheuactady, N, Y. tween the Occident and the Orient. Japan hoe re national debt of $257,000,000. While not more than one-sixth t,f its nlee is arable, the soil is very productive where it can bo utilised at all, and there it teems with every variety of AGRICULTURAL PRODUCT. Tobacco. tea, potatoes, rice, and wheat are all grown ; its floral d,��t;u kitigis rich, DeauLiful, and varied"; but its fruits though abund- ant are for the most n'u't of poor quality. Japan has 2,052 mites of privately owned railway's and 708 milts of Government lines on nnich last year a net profit in the aggro - cede was made of $8,734,885. Japan possesses an army of 800,- 000 u:cu, and her war with China cost about $2.25,000,b00, of which $50,000,000 was repaid by indem- nity. Slie has a well equipped navy manned by 10,000 men, and for mercantile marine is worthy of her progress. e s fiscal year, Japan During the leu- t g United exported .to the Kingdom copper, curios, drugs, jute, silk (raw anti manufactured), and straw plaits to the value of $1,494,764, while during the same period her imports from the old country lit nikali, arms, carriages. cotton yarn. cotton goods,machinery, metals, chips, and ;hip ruachdne2y, and wool- lens reached the valve of 68,049,101, During; the 80300 period Canada exported to Japan only 5188,688 worth of goods, while aloe imported therefrom materials to the value of 61,620,868. But this is in process of chntgc. Pour years ago the Iron. Mr. Nesse, now Consul -General for Japan in British North America, with headq'uartors at Montreal, was despatched to Canada by his Gov- ernment for the purpose of advocat- ing tltc Pectoral Government disal- lowance of certain Iogisldtion passed by the. Province of British Columbia prohibiting the admission of Japan- ese into Canada., Air. Nassu's Slic- cessful intervention was followed by the native! (10811'0 oil the part of his 0over nmon t to cultivate in toren, tional trading soled One between, Canada and Japan, and the latest outcome of his diplomalie mission has Coen the' decisior, of tho Ito - 10117100 Government to co-operate with the Coverinuent of Japan in furthering the success of alt inter-. nationet 1k.ltibitdon to bt: haid in What shrunk your 'woolens ? Why did holes wear so soon ? You used common soap. EXPXINSZ ,Anis Tar Cho Oo`atlun Mor, s.4; 1903 in the kingdom of the Mikado; by tho furnishhtg 01 le Section illus- trative of almost everything grown or produced in Canada, ]lir, Whiter. Hutchison, .1exhibition Commissioner of the Canadian Government, will be in charge, and One of the main features of the Canadian exhibits will be the malting on the spot of bread from Cnntidinn flour, by Mr. Jameson, tum Ottawa. expert baker. CANADIAN FLOUR, of Lite sort that will be exhibited condoles by aotuel n.nal,ysis .about one -tendo mauve of albunurtoids than the best gnttltty of Dungaree) flour; and the albume- noids or gluten being more tenacious yield a dough which rises better and holds its position in the baked loaf, When this is stun the demonstration to Japan will bo followed as else- where lsewhe e by a demand for Canadian (lour in that country far in excess of. the paltry S8,410 worth- exported last year. T'rom Canadian flour bakers can make not only the best q'. laity of bread but likewise the largest quantity per barrel, Three independent tests made by first -chess Ibakers with eLrorg Canadian flora' have given the following results, Each using 100 pounds of flour, they obtained resrec'ivcly 146, 352, and 1151 pounds of Mead. Adulteration l01 Canadian floes by Indian corn flour, or any Cheaper inferior Sub- stances is entirely unknown, and for sweetness, whiteness, and strength this flour is nnsurpassed. In the natter of the exl'orts of wheat, flour, cheese, butter, apples, lumber of all kinds, Ash and fish products, carriages, raw and manu- factured cottons and woollens, Can- ada is Japan's natural next-door neighbor, controlling the whole "red line" route from east to west, anti from the motherland to the 'furthest confines of the Pacific. Loss than throe weeks will transfer cargo from the Atlantic beard to Yokohama wharf, and the Canadian system of cold storage both on the railway eau's and On the stertrnshrps, renders the transportation of such perishable articles as butter, cheese, fruits, and Meats as safe and as easy as the carrying. of the roughest imperishable lumber. to hrttever Japan requires in the way of imports Canada is prepared to supply on the most mutually an.. vantagcous terms ; and when Canada comes to the assistance of Japan with a brotherly readiness as has been the case, the least that Japan can do is to rocil vacate by bestowing her commercial patronage wh re she has not sought iu vain for fraternal acJtnowlcdgmeut. We have on sale what she requires, and that of the very bast quality, and Japan, will now have an oppor- tunity of practically manifesting her appreciation of our generosity by placing her orders where she dict not hesitate to place her application for favors. Osaka, the site of -the proposed Exhibition, is an active manufactur- ing city, its principal exports being tea and silk ; and it is the chief commercial centre of Japan, contain- ing a population of 476,271,, It is what is commonly termed A "SHOW" CITY, its. principal sightn comprising the castle, the Tennoji temple and pa- goda, the 111404, the arsenal, the Dongw nJi temple, tho I Lk1l ButS or commercial bazaar, the theatres, anti a nonidentity of curio strops. The 17akku Butsu will bo open at night, and, condensing all the shops and factories of the town in that one place, the ('anadeen and other visitors may review industrial Osaka by electric light. The labyrinthine Means Is the delight of the natives,' and it is the joy of ovary visitor to follow its tenuous Mazes tvithratt a 1 thought of fatigue. Each city in the Mikado's kingdom possesses a large bazaar under Government control where goods marked in plain figures aro sold for a small commission. There the useful and the useless, the necessities and the luxuries of life, the newest inventions, , antiques, curios, and whatnot unobtainable elsewhere invite the insnoction of the visitor and tempt a purchase if only as to 500103110 typical of the )and of the chr,yranthemttm. Tho richest sill: fabrics loons and hand can produce are ]tore to bo found in abundance, and the tourist who wishes en hotel conducted on the "European plan" will discover such accomntncintIon at Jiu.toi's Osaka to us. a d hotel, which ! pleasantly t s P Y sit on an istnnd, Osaka is most delightfully located, and has not inaptly bean termed "'rho Venice of Japan," fot' It nos- aesseS tto fewer than 800: bridges. Formerly Osaka was a military capital of Japan, nod within its Ceylon 'Tea is the finest Toa the world produces, and is sold only In lead packets. Black, Mixed and pr90is tSha hpan tea drinkers try "Salada" Green tale ems and Iu�rr genet Rid P„ her Solt TNi"r 11iA`.tvi 51, . wensB. philant1repie lady viisit34 stn flay tont long ago,.and .displayed tt interest in the inntntes, One man particularly gained' her cense as Mon, And how long have you Dpott. r, my man?" she .inquired. l'welve years.," was the answer, 1)o they trout you wolf?". es." Do they feed you Well?" Yes," con: castle walla much of Its' history lute nen been mads, for therein worn played into the final nets of the Shogunato, and'mal with the surrender of 1868 the Re- was StoraL]on began. W. II, comm. Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, 4. MISTRESS AND MAID. "Jane," geld a mistress the other day to her servant, "I am sorry to part with you; but X can put up with your impu'denco no longer. You miist go," All right, mum," anRWer•ed .Jane, pertly; "a change will do us both good. I am going to bo married next month," "Indeed, Jane! Well, X hope you may he happy, for, apart from your, temper, you are certainly the most careful girl I ever knew or heard of. During the twelve months you have been with 'me you have never once broken a piece of glass or china of any description!" Not that you have eye} found lout, mum," said Jane, with a re- vengeful smile. "But 1 have smash- ed nigh everything in the place at oto time or another!" liad a bombshell struck her the mistress could hardly have been (more astonished; but she managed to gasp: "What do you mean, Jane?" "Pretty nigh everything, X say; but the tains' is so fine that they Haven't noticed them; and 1'11 leave you some cement in the dresser drawer, for I don't hear no malice, and you'll And it come in wonderful handy, seeing as how you ain't bad at breaking things yourself." MODEST. He — "I love the true, the good, the beautiful." Miss Serleaf — "011, Mr. Blank, this is so sudden." TIIE USUAL 1IDID. yob., with durable gold plate and handsomely ongrsvrdones r,© 501i i 6.111 in difrerent 404igns, seelerleah (over, meek beat, atom �,e wind nnd ,tom ser, op=n.t,00 and heavy bowel er30311, r •Ott:'.' 11-attto �, {{QQgg d `t, ,e' .d+" :Iwo i teams, , dhtmctor -With Phnft wihd anrt ion� run el 31 home. �t� mid fu to guaranteed rt Loch by Lai m'1 es, a ter It iss tmmtlt a 0, '1',da 7011 4 is p rain„ at $0,3, but; nil we11salt for dt I31 ran 00 risk, skto you a map e+o In buy ]n .c 1hieo usoh yin rah turfor If not et represent West send anbaoltd will to ns and we will return your money We aro reliable )'01 antiMoney amTy outourpromises018iand yoo aro inetoo in sonyour o1 your tkeee you would be in ave 10 sten any back es f005 youhiswagtown. Roast ber per sotonoands otolemr oOho back or front a! Thin wmtah tb tb 3 W top or 1111 00 hands r, same of the seas tvatohos bob Is wouhd and sitby the late Tho ensu is not -nickel or white metpt,, but has a heavy gold pinto that will wear, acid is mesh espartos to the ordinary geed plate Mesh. liens: carefu 1e the abet o dra»ripa on, for ws 1301)^ ecce maty word 30401(118, This is a. w at, It tet; eA hen or Lev need ho fishes] od to carry, and It can to relied upon every' time. Pay a )1t1',le n1 ere Iwd nota roal'y ore I wa tell. What could be niece for a 00111 t 1105 Present from 111,1 they to testae ow from trio young man to he father, or the 01.41.03 to her brattier, or those:woe Indy to ear asides. ulnnMead. than Mttobaoucit'ttltvglehV Amu 01tlrsirabls:gft,Pvrry• bltlyWho tooetrreono will,be dolughed: W ett'Isi3•annot 10,ol's. Ih's opportunity to Hectors a entailNutt Will g;'ve you perfect .nnliafnndon for Many s0.804. Rotftember ere rotary, your money tY 'the Watch lit hot as WO rt4ro3ent it \Vrao your n 011,0 plainly, and at1[lros t Bice ILi1:a 'sera" 'isSelect; ;3tt7:geSI.JEJ ^ l:ae-),n Xelae,e.a, t-,, W4:.ta,svi01czl.^ta4a. [pang. "The true philanthropist shrinks from making his generosity known."own." "Most of 'em go a step further end shrink from the generosity." The magnolia hes a mora power- ful perfume than any other -flower. - estesateteeketeretteseseseM .TT POSITIVELY CURDS Rheumatism Neuralgia Backache Headache Feetache All Bodily Aches AND C Nr UERS a. PAJN e refeetelielaleateetnilniettege'>J'; -destersrs Mother -- "Wily aren't you and Georgie as good boys tug your little brother?" Young Hopeful — "1 s'pose it's 'cause you'd had more ex- perience bringin' up boys when you commenced on him_" Deaf11335 Cannot De Cavett by local apalloattoae as they cannot -reach this diseased portion 0010100. Thera is only ono way to cure deafness,and that is by coast(to. Monet remedies. De+races ix caused by an Monied condi, ion of the 0100008 lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tnbo is fn. flamed you bare a rumbling sound or impel. foot hearing and when It is 001 rely closed deabloom is the result, and unless the Milan). Lyndon can bo ttekrn out and 010 Lube restored to its normal condltic.n, Soaring will be de. etroyml forever: nine cases out of ten aro caused by ottorrh, which la nothing but an in. !lamed condition of the MUCOUS sur' new. We will glue Ono Hundred Dollars for any rase of Doafnene (caused try cat'.rt'h) that can not bo oared by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Seed or circulars, free. 3.CHENEYa00,,Toledo, O. Sold by Dru glets, 7se. Hall's Paoli y Pills aro the best. • Wiggs (gloomily) — "Alt, what can bo worse than the ragged edge of despair?" Wnggs — Bumph: The ragged edge of a collar." SOUTH VIA WASHINGTON. . Pi,iladolpliia, Atlantic City, Balti- more, Washhtgtou, Old Point Com- fort, and the South via Lehigh Val- ley Railroad and its connections. Four fast express trains daily for 0Casbinetot, Asheville, Southern Pines, Charterton, Savanab, Jade sotville, tit. Augustine, Palm Beach, Pampa, Miami, Narsau, Cuba and all F1o'ida and winter resorts south, laxcursion ticketes now on sale. Vet Mil partioutnrs, illustrated literature, maps, etc„ call on or address Wobt. 0, Lenis, Canadian Passenger Agent, )38 Yong() street, Toronto, Oat. The average amount of rain which fn115 south of the equator is only 25 inches; north, it Is about 87e makes. Mivard's liniment Cures Dlsfampera WOt nay age Iler addressing to few more ques- 1e to him the visitor 1 n ns. v or pasbof on. noticed a broad and broadening le on the face of iter attendant, on asking the emote heard with stornation that the old man was a other than the inodlcal super- rodent. She hurried back to o topologies, flow successful slip may bo gathered from those ds: aro very sorry, doctor, X will r be governed by appearances ACCIDENT TO A NIINER3 ST7tAINED F31S BACK AND WAS SENT 11001118 IN AGUE'S'. La "a 'Up All Winter, but Dodd's Itidney Pills Put Hire on His Peet Again and Now He Is Com- pletely Cured. Indian Brook, Victoria Co„ N.S„ Dec. 15,—(Special) — Angus 0, Me - Donald, son 9f tite postmaster here, is prominent among those in this district who swear by Lodd's laid- ney P111s as a sure cure for those terrible pains in the back that are one of the surest symptoms of Kid - nay Disease. And Mr. McDonald has good reason for the stand he takes. While at work in the coal pits he •gtrained his back and was sent hortte in an agony of pain. The nearest doctor, twenty -live utiles away, was sent for, but he could do little to relieve his suffering. This was in October, 1901, andbo couldn't do a hand's turn of work till the spring of 1'002. Then a hotelkeeper advised him tc try Dodd's Kidneys Pills, That ho- telkeeper didn't sec him again till last August, and then his first quos• tion was "Angus, how's year back?" "As well as ever it was," answered Angus. "What cured it?" "Dodds Kidney Pills cured me com- pletely." And the postmaster at Indian Brook is always ready to testify to the truth of his sap's statement. Pains in the back, Lumbago, Rheu- matiem, Dropsy and Heart Disease are caused 'by diseased Kidneys. Dodd's 71idney Pills will euro them. Toggs' Old Friend — "Good gra- cious, man! Do I. And you reduced to playing a cornet at a street cor- ner to make a living?" Toggs — "I'm not doing this. to make a liv- ing. My wite won't let me practice in the house." She — "Mrs, Boreton called to- day, and I thought she'd never go." He — "But you are -so amiable, T suppose you never gave her the slightest hint that you wanted her to go." Sho — "Indeed, 1 did not. ,If I had she'd be here now." SOMETIIING TO 13E'iMEM13ER. When travelmg you should bear in mind the. road and the trains that will take you to your destination in the fastest time, and in the most comfortable manner. The Grand Trunk service excels in both par- ticulars and passengers from To- ronto to Montreal, Buffalo, New York, Detroit and Chicago, will find the day trains equipped with wide vestibuled coaches, handsome Cafe Parlor and Dining Cars serving meals "a. In carte." The night trains carry Pullman sleeping cars to all above points. You can leavo Toronto for Montreal and east at 9. a. m. and 10 p. m. for Buffalo and New York at 9 a, )n., 4.50 and 6.15 p. m: and to Detroit and Chicago tot 7.85 a, ra., 4;50 p. m. and 11.20 p. nl. Tickets, reservations, .etc., at city office, northwest corns.[ Tung and Yonge streets. Prospective Employer — "So you Want a place as porter. Do you think you core strong enough?" Por- ter—"Don't worry about that. I knocked in three ribs of the last guv'nor T had, and he was five weeks in the hospital." ►dinard's lmimeul cures Mum In Cows. Ncrvpus Employer — "Thomas, I wish you wouldn't whistle at your work." Office Bow "I ain't work- ing, sit„ l'nr cele" just whistling." I Millard Liniment Cures Curds ec 19Iin Itc1 The battle of Tours, in 732 A. D., is said to have been the most mur- derous on record. 850,000 1000 in all were s 1 w'2 killed. kil1 ...di .fes .,r.... AN ADMIRABLE FOOD IN COLD CLIMATES. -_ TEACHERS ON STRIKE, Tho little principality of Tlirkott- feld, in iho Grand Duclty of Olden- burg, is threatened with the strange spectacle of a general strike of school Leathers. The population is about 413,000 all told, but the pay of 5111001 teachers is so low that, lifter many vain efforts to obtain retirees, they have drawn up an ultimatum in farm, declaring that unless a new scale of emoluments be greatest With- in a spec: led time, the entire body of school, teachers will resign, £i7Z4'ff%' ...ran Q.,,,4„ 4/ The International School of Telegraphy, rap� haalIt Toronto I THE GREATEST RAILROAD SCHOOL m THE WORLD, TEr0M8-00,00 Por Mient0 Pontcs and tnatrumonts Free, Oesltlons Guaranteed when Qualifrod. For Full In ror.nat,on Apply to L. A. SULLIVAN, Principal, 23-24 Richmond Chatrlbers, Toronto. 4.7...•xeasxe: ya,•"fldladdd. BUR RANDS. King Edward Louse tt Headlight" t1 Eagle " loon 2caa H Victoria" "Little Comet" HULL, 4 DAJAElA r��mr..a,e.m�•-4�. s.,.:.: - - i:T,!z3atz•'z'ca-•�---air-t;"• _'"n �aaa•,-�--m. Experiment with other and inferior USE EDDY stantly boasting a bout his is Br itish s aationtliCy. Rubbifhi, said aA South Sea Islander was con- i l friend; "yov haven't gat a drop of British blood in you." replied. 1 Teachers leave," lie proudly replied. "Afy Cly �p fi great-grandfather helped to eat Captain Cools," 1'o. aced for our Con, yllete Sheeand t Musty Iy,! L`d `' Cstuiogues S e Sal Retest. c P We aro equipped W supply everp 81uaic Teacher to Caanada. WHALEY, BROTGE i VI, Limited Messrs. C. 0. Richards dt Co. Ge.•tlemen,—Aly throe children were dangerously low with diphtheria. On the advice of our priest my wife be- gan the use of MINA14It'S LINI- 11IIONT. In twu hours they were meetly relieved, and in five days they were comPlete:y well, and I firmly believe your valuable Lini- ment saved the lives of my chil- dren. Gratefully yours, ADI;LBE1IT L18P'EBVRI,, Main's Mills, June 10th, 1599. Wfp+,,g — "I always like to hear ra ma saywhat i . thinks."11 nwl t ) u "But threople who always g say what they thunk generally think such disagreeable things," Dr, August Koenig's Hamburg Drops, as a blood emitter, strength and health restorer, and a specific for all stomach, liver, and kidney troubles, leads all other similar me- dicines in its wonderful sales and marvellous P p cenlidence of the people, , especially aur vast German popula- tion. It is not a now and untried product, but was made and sold more then sixty years ago. "You ought not to beg," she said, "No, ma'am," admitted the tramp. "Why do it?" "Well. you mnd a'm, 7 wouldn't if I could git people to give me money by jest lookin' sad," ENGLISH €1 SIl AW SF �i l,i LINIMENT removes all hard, soft or calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses. Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeny. Stifles, Bernina Soh mei Swollen Throat, Genets, eta, Save 5550 by ase of one bottle. War- ranted 'rar-ranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by all druggists. Nerd coal, exposed to tho weather, ]uses he bulk 8 per cent. per annum; soft coal loses fully 12 per cent, Lever's Y -Z (Wise Heade Disinfec- tant Soap Powder dusted in the bath softens the water at the same time that it disinfects. Lake Mnnasanovara, in Thibot, is tltc loftiest in the world. being be- tween 10,000 feet anct 20,000 feet above sea level. Pot' Ov.'s. sIxtr A'rnrs. As (0.0 000 Wer.le arae RePonr. — kin Winslow's soothing Syrup has boon used for over Sixty yens by millions of mothers for their children whl'e toethtuet� with Perfect ntreo:s, It soothe, the ohne, softens the gams, allays all ptdn, cures trend colt,, nnd is tho best remedy for ninrrhtna. Is oleoantto dm tame. told by dnrggi'ts In every port of We nor[, Tweety.live rotas a hook. Its castle Is i, ealenlnbto, su sure and ask for Mrs. 1'Inswrr'n 600thmg Syrup, nnd take no other kind, Ito (admiringly) "You're not tate sort of girl to give yourself away," She (iurinuatingly) — "No, but you might ask father." Minard's Liniment Cue DiplIfilieria, Many watches tick five tines to the second. This means 157,788,000 ticks in the course of a year. msemesemseserereemetemesetemetssmaseeetems THE MOST POPULAR DENTIFRICE. CALV RT'S CARBOLIC POWDER. TOO TH Pride vex the tooth. 6wootone the breath. strongthtuo the gums Is.' JI» ala 8.;;,A WANTS 356 Main Street, 158 Yonge Street, WINNIPEG, MAN. TORONTO, 01)7. Trr1pg3 tf �6 C�� REM. [3 RA' t1 The Arnott 7nstitu to, l3erl in. Ont.,) r W, 7' Arnett, se perhlLendeet. We tree,. the wave" nor. empty the Ludt, and therefore pro- duce , 1f u al snecch.. Write for partioularo. Gen s' Suits Waned or Dyed; who Ladles' o Wear f y r 0 411 kieds andOO Douse D0LIsT of every description. SOLD k1LDALftlT ,.Rs. BRITISH AMERICAN DYOIXNet Mentreel, Toronto, Ottawa 6t Quabea You can make frin7 84 to 97 per weals knitttnI for ns. Only a \Ve furnish ryarnnfreei4nal. pay bettor pr1evo (1111 oar ores, 10mrnny, ,tny Par. sou env operate machine. Apply et once. inter*, Furnishing Do., TORONTO, CAN. LTRYm Turkeys Deese, 13331(3, miss( etas. If you want best prices ship your poultry to us. We want large quanti- ty to meet aemand we have for it. Ed'c4 ,q4 S We can t;at you Big enol �,`rg Prices for Tticm• Lha [awsol Commission Cu tum Melted TORONTO, Omoignnaento sod ooreapondnnre solicited. DAL Basted° & Cos 77 [LINO ST, EAST, TORONTO. 30 Years in the Fear Trade in Toroato. �9anufaciilrel3 Of Ecus of every kin. Cell LAOtes' AND MEN'S WEAR, Send for Catnlrg. Merchants will fled it pay to sort vp wth us, Wo pay hidhdat pr roe for ompt 111811 and GEN 13190. Prompt n rotus. 811331p bby expc•eee. 9e1d for Price List. Dominion Line. Sttamshipli 0outroot to Ltvetpo0L Boston to 'Aver - Pool. Portland to Liverpool. Vin Querns. town. LiOgo nnd inntttvnmehtnw Sotqoolor seuommndwllos tor alt amidships. s of peatal ort. ionom end ivntotnonre Orr Second Saloon ar08101 toucan,,,, hos been given to 145 rateond snlpon and Thlrd•Olase accommodation, aon, gnt fates emmegenod 4n particulars, "POO to any agent of: the Lompony, or Retards., Mills k 00, D, Torrance 500., 77 stateE...Boston. _- Montreal uud Portland, XMASTURKEYS pS a4aY Arid Vow1 of all kinrle 311014ed, Good prices guaranteed, Ship at once 40 W, 10. LefteiTH Nt 00., 33 Church St., Toronto. Our commission is only five see cent, ; try ms. "MTTC3RT;Prm We Nett the eorvlOea I a'nnntker of famitlen to 41 l 111,10 for es 03 ht.ne, 1'bnle or `� rnr0lab t[inla Vitt Wd tnpy Inc ate Tree and 30,5,11 ll,nn 0nt ennl ' 01 te S10 week tto the to Mmedetoted to 3110 no k, tithe ut nn,.. far ttttnrt,t,do Esme 000,1111000, The )oitlitiiou Knitting Co., Dept, 33, TORONTO, ONT. WOOD ftPHOTO.Ewt<rrlaavtivt4 ..J. L.JOF�E5 EPc Co, . t65, BAY' S3 Sd0iT;"-1 Of20N10