The Brussels Post, 1902-12-25, Page 6SACR Ell LITTLE G A
•�'to feel that Jog's, the Good Shop -
'here, has Weed the little lauds izito
]tis arena and Ie carrying Lhoni is lila
bosom. Atemvtnbor, tete parting will
not bo long, 'Dolieve me, it yet.
Iutvo faith 111 Jeans °hetet Ora res
lotion will surole come, Au•d tM I
will close this sorznop with the sweat
geneol+itUQO a little 1'hiladelpide girl
once gave to her aged grand -Another,
Mrs. William Harper, the widow of
the noted pastor of the Broad Street
Yroshytcrind Church, One day, Sit-
ting at the feet of her grendtnoth-
. Lambs With His Ari
'���_1�40� Shepherd Gathers the
and Carries Them in His Bosom.
(Ngel ececklinc to Ant et plea rRepeoea nl ,taking. es to heavOu oursolves ? Oh, mm�
eRnuAa in the rear one'rnmrenn,ixmu 11au• no 1 Clod will not. to teals, .because Or, tills little girl looked ,up
etrll Ono Txp Uo tApee Mnilr, ut 3monim, >!t (seller `Grandnitlen tea, do, you Mise
tiiallte}rslrFmnot of 1,31{nu+tuYw 'Deem,/ our week is not � et done. But Clod i 1
A deSpatch fewest Chicago. says :--
Timv; 1/rank' De WILL 'l change preach•
oet from the following text ;-Isaiah �, Sometimes But •rnsl'itll But it
xi, l,l, "Ile shall gather the lambs .•,o . Y ? n R y grandrntunma, wont daddy bo glare
can nieke us feel that heaven is a granddaddy?' N1Ull, Hover z1f n
hem, by calming lute out• lwtues ,ltd ]clow ?1e mlasee you. 1lo will not
taken,; our Lust and dearest Lreasutroa he separated long, grandma., I'er-
r W ea he tato 't t)ur haps you will go next; porhops I.
Lhc o, hat cio will not. bo to its And then
dearer and mato pteclous.
with ilia Hou an art them in his t° see us both?" No, bereaved par-
tt d carry then that. God as a loving father
basoln acid shall gently ]taut thassl encs, your sepnratinn from your
that are with youess." isi es the 'dearest lmsse 61011 lav have. little mica wilt not bo long, if you
Witt (lees the "em 1t cradle'" of 1,0 tams a chout or the nursery, only lace your faith in Christ and
this mornin .h6 •'s theme inioso? ileus it, TIv takes Lhot for which a mother live for hint, It will pot bo long,
y would give the dleuond rings off her -Perhaps mown that the babies who ()nee 1tea -;-Perhaps you will bo the nett to go;
ed In our ttreorles have grown up ;11"2.°18. th0 silk tire8se8 out or hoi,perhaps I. But when we aro all to
into iiig boyo and girls who rush:wardrobe, the hoose over Lar head; , gether in heaven will not your little
clue everyornlu from the break- for which elm would pito anything owes ho happy to greet us? But the
fast titles)titles) mo be in time to answer told eviceytl•ing if mho mule only got. parting' will ilia be long. Sad
t11 of Lho school bell ? 'I1ors it j bac!( 1101 (bete Cod L1 10.0 "al"hearts, It will not be long.
mean that our children have become ;that little child out of the parental
young ,menand women and Jett the l arms, 110 takes it as a hostage ns
old homestead to go forth into the i the great kings of old used to de-
grelt battle of life '? Oh, flog 'i'Id+s:mend the sons and daughters of
morning 1 am going to p10001) open their default subjects to be sent to
the 111210 white cradle which has
the royal court as a guarantee that
been emptied In order to Jill up the those subjects would thereafter he
1 have themselves God when he
Nenii cone of Lord Stratheera
and 111otett Loyal i
�ta�g�a�to�b�elP�Cl'�t4�.t�(�iR1pv(q rt
Recipesfrlt , a
fol' the Kitchen,
ely$leno and Other Motes &
Q fpr the f1QtteekttePer, a
eeeellegetec eela68kt�eitga®404®a
oven for a few Minutes before aencl-
i to I to o.
116the .111
Do you thew tat a ntroa1 of fresh
paint .en a woolen gement may be
Weekly and effectually removed by
1•ubbing taftlt another woelel cloth,
or even by pulling Auo4her seeftlee
of the (,nrinent over it incl rubbing
till ;all trnco of ,paint hoe d{eap-
i''reshnoes ie the prime quality of
Celt, The- 0000er a ilsh la cleaned
anal drawn the better. After this le
«olio It elicited be washed gel0lcly 10
In hest households pies ere eaten cold water and wiped with a dt'y
at the Nov0nseor feaat clay, oven If napkin, Nevem lot fetal -stand in Wee
they tiro usurped, by ices and pude ter toter they are 040a11ecio
maga or fruits on other days. Wise If 411 boiling .at ham it should be
1i armor meth, .both putt and plain found necessary to add more ovate,
paste and both pumpkin and appl0 see that the water used is boiling.
Mics that no feai0us old-time cook, To fe11 the keetie with cold water.
could excel, 1001104 the meet tough.
Hotel Paste -Mix three culls flour, Don't be afraid to try a now
one level teae0oa11 salt and throe' rocIPo now olid t11en. Provide 0par-
level tahlespoolls lard ; moisten with ingly of it until {t hos been tested
cold water to nude) as dough that alld ap[:roVed by the family l then
0x111 b0 Handled, Tuus' on to a...add it to the li3t 0! chosen recipes.
lfoutod betted or piece of cotton dUekl\\'here most cooks fall short to in
pot 011(1 rail into a long reotnnguiar'the nlofOttiny of thotr bill of fare.
1.10(0, Spread with one-quarter cup rl'ry 801110 11143 new occnsionaliy,
of butter, drudge with flour, fold in I A woolen sae wet with kerosene
three layers, pat tall roll out, again.
f 1 iron
Y and rubl:Oct over tJta g0lvai eed
6 ('10(1 with ono -quarter CUP of �ut-kttcllet war00
01,1110 (11120 11!,11( 11nhlg
tor, dredee with Auer and roll tip. wi 1 h'i 'hien thein brilliantly with
1i::e a jelly roll. Pat and roll out tie Cabal, Moreover, kerosene will
for the third time, spread with but- � 11 lie l n 1)0038 bettor than sene of
tor, dredge with flour and rail up t2he pastes and powders speeially ro-
ti o a Jul Y roll, Cut from the end, commended for the purpose.
to use 111 makirg pies.
Just prior to the corcn:ttlon of Pumpkin Pie -Steam a small sue
itlla white etisket, 1 am galas t°,comes into our nurseries and takes Xing Edward the vows calve from got- pumpkin until soft, dry olI4n the
tell why Jesus, as the flood Shop 'Lha little ones knon3q with liim to 1 ond0n that Lord Sir. the0na 081 0 on and rub through a s ave. To
hold, often comas elate tha ponies once heaven, practleally says to the her- Lord Mount Stephen had made mu -one and one-half cups sifted add one
galh0ra dho little maths into his eft parents: "Fttlher +end mother„ 111110ene donations to I(ing Ed- and one-half cups milk, one-half cup
arms and tarries them into the live purer and nobler and 11t01•e con- ward's loapital to cid for London, 1 mown, We thirds cup brown sugar,
green pastures of heaven, We know secreted. lives. Live as Jesus woulal but no nnlonnts wore stated, and 3.12 two a;gs sightly tenter, one 10t•o1 flue of 011, yet nvoet, palatable,
1 11 t i h f t s 1 l
Sonic might object to a comparison
whi h 111,ens mankind to soup, The
unprettltding bean seep, Most primo
l0 has always cared for them, as my have you live. Then some. one you was 1110rel1 a matter o conjecture a• to -!spoon (macron, one-half eve 1.rawn-and-sinew-making, stands for
text asserts, while they still remain- will come to the heavenly land where to the sunt given. Now, however, t.aspoon e0(11 salt find le ee. Bake
cd with us upon earth. but not un- b e tc+rev cud ever to Lina, veil ham }tt'on llitod, and tho' 8 . g the working, serving class, the day
1 uu shptll be able e1 ut 011e crust until firm.
til they ranch heaven can they ru- dwell with your Iit1e ones." Does honorary secretaries of Icing ltd Hamburg Apple Pie -Pare, core and
013)0 his perfect lora. not this suggestion give your 012 werci's hospital fund acknowledge set in eighths 10 sour apples.
Now, my 3010nda, whltt le the added force to the beautiful wordat the reccept at. tee Yank 03 England
meaning of this wholesale emigration keel hr, shall gently lead those that of the sutra of 't,Cf)h 2s. 4d.. "ke-
of our littlo onus to the heavenly are tvth yollnel,' lug the first quarterly dividend. 12(1
shore ? Aro tho life 011(1 the death ? � ling fr0mi the securities so generously
P 1 1'1d f f' 9' AN EMPTY C'13Alt7.' the fund h Lord Mount
laborers. The wholesome, strength-
ening, universally holbvod beef and
S rin4lc with one 'cup brown sugar, leg. table soups. represent the sub -
I st_lnttal, reliable farmer and trader
one half late' teaspoon grated nut- and merchant fraternity, the hono
m1og, one-quarter level teaspoon; and sinew of our country.
o t to m+tlority of c li rrn
to 1e ant y salt, two te041,100ns lemon Jude, al Tho delicate, refreshing chicken
Is tee empty cradle so empty that it ,'si 3(niliee that heaven is to be a Stephen and Lord Strathcora. foto grat rags lemon rind and one soup, so welcome to the sick room,'
T l; J level teaspoon buttal. Allow just is a type of the consoler, the nurse;
can hold for us no inspiring lesson ! phtre 1!11'01 with ch Iclrp•n, `1 ants head- This nnnonncornent shotes that t110 enough water to prevent the apples of good cheer, or es t'lulat. to -day in. is entlrel distinct flint that two Canadian peers have devoted se- g i the physician, the good Samaritans*.
l Y from burning; cover and bake slow- God bless Cho, every one.
the 1121ubs Into his corms 2011X11 our
have r3i,te o die nnuedi, ceruses to this , 1 210t which for 011 ] three hours. Use this apple filling
ani carr ing then[ in his 310"0111 s0 that our children who clic ilunledi- Lento (at limo prevailing rate of fn Y, Calf's 8110.4 and noodle soups,
that he eaakthe more safely lead the atcly go into glory. It is distinct, will Ir1vu nn annual inc0lne with two crusts and when the pie
is which aro most excellent; aro 11110
I cold cover the tall tithe manyhomely, lowly -placed persons
and den parents Meng the thorny g od p many people, ewer some of .C1(3,:378 1:?s. 4d., ace o to $7A,-
(811 dau.�urous pathway of an earthly: o°( professing Ulit•istintlll 11471481 to (24)21.9;3, Tho munhficence 0f tho two ers' sugar, moistened with loot tea- 1121011 better titan their nantea and
jo,3rnev to the 1 glorious destination have a very hazy and l;ewildered fatuous Canadians AIMS flteingly 00- ter
to spread easily. appearance indicate.
prepared for them ahead? The mar- idea of heaven. They thine( that 1111(81 to by the Prince of Wales in a Puff Paste-Wa.11 one-half pr)ued The rich invigorating oyster soups,
gine! notes of my Bible affirm that heaven is to be a stat of tenement speech which he made at the general butter, rub one tablespoon of it into tm•t'e soups and bouillon aeo sym
this portion of ley text may me:ul house district or thay suppose it r ,mril of 7(irg S'dwurd's h (1
!Eat 00 -half round of (lour, add cold 1ra-
tl•at the flood Shepherd may he car- to to a place where everyl efly goes
-yen; the little lambs in his he: xnithrotigh a kind of nlcranlerplensis
to the green pastures of heave. s) 121:21 become; so changed in loo's and
that tete mother sheep, whit bleat spse•ch in a littlo while teat their
and cry, will follow more unxion ly teary best friends would net know
and closely after the Divine Mester, them if they should meet then( when
110 to-ddy 1 preach to thousands of Walking on ono of the gniden bottle-
ottl0SORROWINII I1l•:ART1 . cards near to the beautiful gate.
I want to tell them why their dead lint, thank (1nd, the will 1(11 our
children were hem end also why Finite,
orals in heaven. Moses and eed endowed so many great works
God floes not ]e1orn the 1(1 1 ma „rete 1•Jias, lifter leaving spent n thousand of charity.
1 1,,11('11 in heaven, talked 'tpon the
of the human race grow u;d end n,*00111 of •I'rultSl(guration just the
with l.edimnnal eye tight se,) onejust
:111 they talked to their friends GRUESOME LEGACY.
twilight of threeecert' years anal when upon earth. We shell know
flmd, held at York Slouso, London,
ter to form a soft dough, 1 need en
on N1vcnlber 24, when His Royal a floured cloth, cover and let stand
Highness said: "Mrs, T,ewiS' gift five minutes. Pat, roll out, fold is
was followed by the splendid en- the butter, roll and fold six times.
dowmtnts from Lord Strathcona and Every time the paste is folded air is
Lord Mount Stophon, who have thus enclosed and it is made lighter.
evtand0(1 to King ledward's fund, Oyster and Celery Patties -Roll
that, open-handed generos'ty by rule' l:asle ono -quarter inch thick,
which they have In Canada created shape with patty cutter, remove cen-
tres from hall the rounds, Brua11
over the edge of larger pieces with
cold water and fit on rings, pressing
li_htly. ('hill and bake in a hot
oven 2T to 25 minutes.
Filling for Patties -Parboil one
pint of oysters, reserve the liquor
and heat to boiling point. Melt
three tablespoons butter, add four
and ore -half tablespoons flour, pour
on gradually the oyster liquor and
enough milk or cream to make one
and one-half cups of liquid. Season
with salt and pepper and celery salt.
Reheat oysters in sauces and add
ore -half cup of finely cat celery.
Almond Pudding -Line a charlotte
mould with hotel paste; n11, bake
until firm and servo with whipped
Filling -Blanch one-third pound
51111012d8 and pound or chop finely.
with two tablespoons cracker dust,
three egos slightly beaten, two cups
milk, one-third cup sugar, one-third
level teaspoon salt and one-half tea-
spoon vanilla,
ten. Jel,ue in heaven by the scars upon Strange 'Discovery ]Bade in a
The empty cradle can be the his resurrected body which he re -1
,nr.,,I h,,,,nlhii,,,,.. of ., ,,,,,.10,,4 ,,,,,- ..,l,,..4 upon the mese in 1.:.. earthly,
into his alms rind snyte "Al, this
lamb has too frail attd beautiful a
soul to be sublected to the buffet-
ings of this world." Thus Christ
took for awhile some of our dear
little ones out of our sight. Ah,
my dear friends, are you not glad
that your dead babies aro among
God's favorites? Are you not glad
that they do [tat have to suffer as
you have to suffer and weep as you
weep, stumble over the open graves
as you stumble, sin as perhaps yo
uhate sinned? Ara you riot thankful
that your little children in heave
are to be numbered among God's
specially honored ones?.
`!`hue my text to -day has a. meet
practical and inspiringly helpful mos
saga far alt men and women Who
have sacred littlo graves In their ta-
mely plots. 1 want you all to sot
your faces toward the heavenly land,
where your beloved children are
waiting far you, I want you truly they dld.not'get.
French Castle.11'1:menial love. It can be the hop, body. I believe our re:h•emed friends I An extraordinary discoverer hasconvenantal ark. the cherubim of aro to 1,0 inS t" 'sann' in he0•8011, in 1 Net been made in a fine old countrywhi h aro made out of fur Moro one sense, as they weee when upon .chateau at St. Maurice, in the De -
valuable material than those who eerth. I believe they are just the :pertinent of the Lanees, Hero, quitewere once molded out of melted same, except that in the heavenly t recentle-• the proprietress, a widow,gold, These neW rherUldM Ma!, he laud they have tio pule, no sickness, !ninety years of age, of noble family,the spiritual bodies of our redeenied nu Slii, nn parting. no death, eo ; died. Iler heirs, who lived in rates,children, who aro hoverieg over us tears. ;went down and tuok poseessicn ofin perpetual benediction It May he ' An empty cradle signifies that God l the InnusiOn, e'hich is of large pea-
ch° trystIng place where tired and has his favorites, if I might revel, I Portions, and couteins long ramblingcereworn men and women /ems untly uSe that torn). Oh, that 1 had I erridore• TheY discovered thatagain to talk over tho sweet more time In which 1 0 develop this 'maul of the apartments had beenmemories of the past. 'inspiring end tremendous thought! !closed for half a CelitUry or more,An empty cradle Is a potent mag- Ily his favoritee f mean this; tied •and that certain rootn.s had not beenmet for a true, consecrated, seisituel hoe selected our redeeemil children !opened within the memory of the old -
parental life. It makes a groat deal :011t oi all of Um 11111111211 race as the est servant.of difference how the n,verage lather mitts he wiehee to save from SuRA:r...1 The heirs began to open the rooms• ami e,ther. tool iowaiel 1„,,,,,e, who. Ing. as the ones Who iw his tender 1 the other day. In the enures ofther or no they have a little one in love, are to win all the jeys ot hems their soarch they came across a largethe spirit land. ••where emir trees- 2 ven without any of the tears of oetio oval-shaped room, bare of furniture.ere is, there is your heart Imei)" cue soutane. jbut surrounded by closets. Theirbe interpreted in more ways than I Perhaps r can tilustrate this idea ;horror may be imagined when- anone. You have a he:, who has 'In a very simple way. supposing :opening. ono of these they found astarted out to earn his own living, ' you were 0. mail of groat wealth. AS !COMA. of precious wood. lined withHo has become the owner of a little You go 111, anti down the world your !silk, which must have been original-
shoestoro in ono of the outlying dis- heart neltes for tba little bEmtblache lly white, but which WW1 aoW yellowtricts of soine large city. whon you Mal ne•Wfr,b02, S whom you meet in the ;with rige. In the coffin lay the em -
visit him and his young bride, does street and who seemingly letve uo lbalmed body of a girl of fourteen orhe take you the first day to see tole show in life. Yon Were onee 0. waif fifteen years of ago.of the great stores in the [leen- uf 'he street. and you know what i On enquiries being Made, it witstown districts ? Does he „wit you their temptatious and etruggiem are i found that in 1851 the old lady lostas soon as you arrive to visit the Y,ou endow a great institution, where ;her only daughter, of whore she wasnoted art se,aIleries or the libraries *these hoee mil 1124N, edecational ad- 2 passionately fond, A magnificentor the famous auditorium, where the ive"thg"e "" th° ifuneral took place et the time, andmightiest orators of the world[ COMFORTS OF A HOME. lit in evident from the discoeuy lent2 merle that the old lady succeeded inspoken and the most boantiful voices i You cannot eteol all the boys thor secretly conveying 1 he embalmedof Europe and America have sung 9 because you have not money. onougle; 'Oh, no. The first Ware the bee but you can senid seine. 140 you gotakes you to is his own little etore. up and down the !ergo cities, eelect-
Why, his face beams with pride ae • Mg here and there the brightest boysbe says : "Mother, just look at these you can find, They are your favor-
shew windows I Are they not splen- ed bootblacks. You ' select thedid ? Those windows cost me $800, 2 brightest, the most promising and In,r case to cottle. .A, physician camebut they are worth it, Then, inothmthe most manly. Well, in the eatne to hint in great distress, Two sis-
or, I intend as soon as the business ,way I think God has his favorites, tors living in the Name hol1140 hadincreases enough to warrant it to i and they are children who are dead children of equal age, who so resent -
build an addition on the hack Of the ;and tranelated. When Christ thines bled each otitor that their own inn -
store. Then perhaps I may be able of all the temptations he had to there were unable to distinguishto hire this corner store and knock 'meet on earth ;Ind all the sorrows them when they wore together.out the intervening walls. Then 1 he endured, he reSOIVOS to relieve t Now it happened that, by the carteshall run a lino of furnishing goods many of the burdens, and he takes leesnees of the Illiraefi, the childreuas seen ne a shoeetore. Don't you away chiefly those of whom he eaid, had become mixed; and how were thothink this a fine situatien ? And "Of such are the Kingdom of Ifea-
mothers to make mire that they re -
mother, I macle all title myself peace von," So Christ e011108 into thetleally out of nothing -out of the world, and he selects the best and „colved beck their own infanta?brighteet of our children. Have But, perhaps," mid the lawyer,Why does your boy go on ltke that? not noticed that the handsomest and ,,,..,Y" "the children woven'$50 you gave me when I loft home." t changed atEasy enough to understand. Ills the best boys and girle are, tts a. "e,C1h, but there's no doubt thattreasure la in thnt atore. rule, the first to be called away? h 1 " 'd .t1 ti -leen Christ comes in end takee our 'best and- purest and lifts them tip ,What is true in reference to tho 'Aro you mire of it?"bustness life is true in reference to "Perfectlye' . .the home. You may travel all "Well, if. that's the ease. whyaround ihe world. You may stand don't yoti chaelge them. back? 1en a, leetlyre Or a Luxembourg. You don't see any difficulty in the cued."may wonder through a 'Windsor cas- .o--__-.tlo or a Vatican. Yoe may eventravel for a time among the peak APHORISM'S.beauties of endia. or Ceylon. but Aim high.when the evening hour comes your Don't lot the pump freeze.thotights will leap over contleente Face the future with couroge.and swim over seas. They will trios- Miss no came to gather leo,ol past palaces and cathedrals and It le better to turn Meek then goLondon Towers filled with crown astray.)evrols until at last they enter some Sick of home victuals? justt gohumble home and smile and laugh and board for awhile.and cry by some cozy, fireside. Why? How did you get (Mt of btlyingBecause your loved once are in, that that get of furs your wife wanted fe)home. And wheels yotir treasure is badly?theve la your heart nemo. A lighted lantern under the laproletN'oly, by the same late of reason- will help you keep Warns in zero wen,ittg, God wante to make heaven a, a Pro,eticelity ; no condition, More wonteres hearts have brokenhut a. veritable actuality. note is over the man they got than the muttthe Divite letther to do this e? By
body from the tomb to the chateau,
to keep it near her,
A famous lawyer once ,had singu-
'Watch tho temperature of baby's
rooms, Always have a thermometer
in every room where you carry the
baby. Normal temperature, as we
all know,. is 08 or 70 degrees, but
experience has proved that all babies
cannot et onto be brought down to
this degree, particularly a winter
baby. et is well to begin with 72
degrees, or oven 74 degrees,• and
slowly drop to 70 degrees, and later
08 degrees,
A healthy baby is always a fat
baby. Babies do not take after
father or mother or grandfather or
grandmother in being thin. Children
may, and certainly do, follow in the
footsteps of their forefathers. But
all healthy babies aro fat babies.
Therefore they all feel the heat, Do
not weaken them by keeping them b1
a constant perspiration. This of it-
self will give them a cold.
When' bathing baby, from the very
day of his birth, souse cold water
on bis chest and head after his bath.
Thin will strengthen his chest, close
the pores and prevent colds.
Theeo remarks presuppose the
healthy, properly fed baby. The
baby that is not well fed can never
be toughened. He will not be a ball
of fat, that you can roll about with
more or less unconcern, but a sickly,
pully littlo thing that must be
watched at every turn. lint the well
fed -that is to say theproperly fed--
ed-bnhy wilt bo fatand healthy, other
things being equal, and can, there-
fore, be easily hardened.
Toughen, then, the, exterior of baby
all you can. Tend hien With the
greatest care, Have him always ex-
quisite in his rosy 1ovelinees, but
(0e to 1t that that loveliness la
erne hard flesh that can endure all
our sudden climatic changes. But
the interior -never, never try to
harden that. Guard his stomach
against any change, Do not ex1•ori-
meet with foods and sweetmeats and
this and that change of diet.
HINTS 'r0 HOUF11r K31EPi;R13.
A mattress cover is made of two
layers of light -weight unbleached
muslin, with wadding between. quilt
on the maclhine and bind the edgee
with tape. it ran go through the
wash like a shoot.
bola of culture and refinement.
They represent those met and wo-
men whose conversation is 80as0n0(1
with "attic salt," and who by their
very atmosphere enrich and en-
A good way to keep the various
recipes that accumulate, those writ-
ten on a stray slip of paper, as well
129 those cut from 0, newspaper or
magazine, is to put them in an or-
dinary commercial filing cabinet such
as your husband probably keeps on
his desk. These cost 25 or 80 cents
and are so thoroughly indexed that
they will save one enough time and
troutlo to more than pny for them-
Under A can he put the recipes
for apple dumplings, apple snow,
etc.; under 33 those for bread and
biscuits, under C those for calve and
so on, indefinitely. 1f you wish to
find your favorite recipe for plum
pudding., a minute's glance through
the recipes tiled under- P will bring
it forth. Tt may 1)0 kept out of the
file while being used, and so quickly
slipped back again in the same place
from which it was taken that you
will wonder you did not have one of
these convenient receptacles long
,The apple is such a e0111111011 fruit
that very few persons aro familiar
with. its remarkably efficacious medi-; well illustrates the time of t110
cinal properties. Everybody ought, I judges, for it is just the story of a.
to 1(nolw that the best thing they can self -pleasing, God -forgetting people,
do is to cat apples just before ro- who make a covenant with hell and
tiring for the night. Persons vn- death and desire no knowledge of
initiated in the mysteries of the
truit-are liable to throw up their
hands in horror at the visions of,
dverei'sia which such a suggestion
7)T0, SS,
Text of the Zeetit e, (luaxtorly
Review, Golden Text,
s xo,, I.
, Leeson I:• --•Joshua eneo1reged
(Josh i, 1-11). Golden Text, Josie,
i, b, "Tie strong and' of good cour-
age." 14 8001140 to lflo' that chapter Arlington 'Street, and Norfolk 1102180
iv, 111 gives the olio [121111 of title in St, James' Square, probably the
most remarkable private apartment
devoted to the votf1,ricS of Porpsi-
a11(110 In tee Dieted Kingdom is to
be found in Lord lveag)1's' house in
Dublin. This ('oona, whit's Is 70 feet
In 101143111 ((Id 40 foot tv4d0, 3808808800
walls panelled with alabaster, tv11411'
aro draped with 14011 rose-colored
s{llc and drarkvelvet hangings. 1'130
music gallery nod tete gallery that
faces It are made of aluminium, out
of which metal' the -great fonder be-
fore tho fireplace, winch can be lift-
ed in the hand, was cast. ,Nittut'ally
this beautiful saloon, which i'Ocallb
Air, Witney'S fatuous ball -room in
New Y°r23, (est 11. Very considerable
SUM ; in''0011, the itln0unt sl oat
upon it -Si 50,000 -which works out
at about fifty dollars a square foot,
renders it One of the most expansive
rooms in existence.
In view of the fact that it las
been estimated that Tstr, C. 'Whitney's
mansion in fifth Avenue, Now York,
cost $2,500,000 exclusive of the
furniture, paintings, and $tatulti'Y,
but including the elaborate aware,
and only the mighty power of Gott, 'Lions, the nragnifleont marble stair -
and when we come to our Jorichos, rase, and the wondrous Italian.
llennissanee floor, that includes
marble from Italy, Greece, and
Africa, together with upwards of ten
thousand pieces of brass, in all pro-
bability his betl-room is the: most
magnificent, if net 1110 most (10221111,
Leasee IV. -Joshua. and Caleb . apartment of its kind in existence
(Josh. xiv, 5-15). Golden Text,' that is not owned by a crowned or
Josh. xiv, 4, "Ile wholly followed ; corona -Led heed. The room in gees-
uerthe Lord:" en this lessen w0 11.122 ;