The Brussels Post, 1902-12-25, Page 1ru
Vol, 1. No, 24
New Advertisements.
Loottl•--(k, E. King,
Groceries --L, G. Kruem..
renewable etatemeot—Grey township.
Ctream klir rel ,
Sobool closed on Friday,
Mies Oaider ie Waiting friends at Lie.
Mies Lib, MoLaohlaii is bolidtying in
Rev. J. le, Knight le borne from Tor.
onto for Ohrietmµs..
Misses Suean and Beetries MoNatr ere
vieitteg at Goderioh with their eieter,_
Mre. (Dr.) Turnbull.
On Friday afternoop before the closing
of school et 0011°00on amounting to boo
$6 00 was taken in aid of the Stole Child.
ten's Hospital,
Among oar holiday visit:re are Tom
Melee°,William Oameron and Jae. Oat,
der from the Medical and Deutal Colleges
apd School of Beienee.
Miee Sylvia Seel is home from the'
Model Sobool tor Xerox. She stood in
tbe Honor olaee, Miele Seel will teach
at Marncoh, Wawanoeh township, next
year. We with her encomia.
;; Rev. D. B. McRae received a little bag
of nate from the Obrietmae Tree at
Bethel Obnrah taut Monday evening as a
token of 26 bags that were delivered at.
tbe manse stable on Tuesday. It wee a
thoughtful and kindly deed that wilt do
both pastor and people good.
e01100L REPORT,•
Senior Departmoet—V. Olaee—William
Oamerou, Atbol MoQuaxrie, Annie Cnn•
ningbam,Russel Porter, William Long.
IV. Olaee—Minnie Menarey, Alfie For.
rent. Norma Sperling, Willie Smattdon,
Enema Hentber, Annie Alderson, F. ed.
Hunter, George Menzies, Ernest Banter.
Sr. III—Myrtle Sperling, Amelia Mo.
Innee,.Hartley Menzies, Martin MoDon•
end, Roy Ounningham, Lovina Alderson.
Jr. III—Ida Sharpe, Thee. Srnalldoo,
Myrtle McDonald, James Clarke.
Rhea OALDEn, Teacher.
-Jr. Department—lir. II—C. Schnook,
A'[eDenald, 17, Hastert M. MoRlobnl,
S; Aldereen, Y. Sperling, 5e, Foa, 8.
Balzer, R. Alderson. Jr. II --A. Dark,
D. Perrte, A, Fox, M. Clark. Sr, Part
II—J, $akar, H Smelidon, V, Long, G.
Bmnlldan, C. Ftealeer, be. Reymann, Jr.
Part II.—W, Bettor, G; Schnook, A.
Kreuter: Sr. I—P. Guhr, E, Smalldpn,
8, Sperling, M, Sperling, 0, Fiecber, J.
Menzies, B. Alderney, L. Dark, Jr, I—
L, Pereira Lulu McDonald, 0. Steles.
MARGARET CALnwn, TBaitter,
ill oIeleworth.
Alex. Stewart end family arrived: home
on Saturday to visit his friends, and
relatives ground Molesworth.
Mies Oltmte had a very sudgeeefnl an.
tertainenent in her school on Friday
afternoon, The parents of the eeotion
name ont and listened to a very intereat•
tog program rendered by teacher and
soholire. Mine Olimie bee been re.
engaged for 190$.
The entertainment in. the Molesworth.
school proved a deoided emcees. A. pro.
gram of reeitatlone, dialognee and ems.
ing by obildren ; reeitatione by Mies
Olimle and Mr. Greeneidee, and a read
fug by Alex. Crerar; instrumental mask'
by Messrs. Menzies and Campbell ; and
gramaphone' eeleotione by Mr.. Wood.
The crowded house .opiates volumes for
the interest the parents of the eeotion
Attire in the eohool. The prooeedeamount..
ed to $28:40.
Orman etoto•vvn.
F. Ward, who hasbeen teaohing at
what is known ae Bryana' eohool, has re.
moved to near Mitchell. We with him
W. E. Bryana is home from the Medi•
eel College, Toronto, for the Obrietmae
holidays. Fred. Bryana ie also visiting
ander the parental roof atter the Model
School term. He will teeth in Morrie
next year at the Clegg eohool, 6t11 line.
A JAt1EETowN Coe.—The following letter
speaks for itself and ix by no means die
garaging to this oommnnity ;—"Wm.
Brydon, Esq., Jamestown, Ont.: Dear
Sir,—We beg to acknowledge receipt of
your favor enoloeing thirty.eix dollars
end severity five aunts ($86.75) being e
most geuerond donation to the Puede of
OUR More is a dazzling dieplay of Elegant Goode enitable for Xmas Preeente.
We always carry the LARGEST and BEST Aeaorted etooh ot Watches,
°looks and Jewelry. The secret of the einem of our bueineee ie CLOSE BUYING
and giving our Ouetomere HONEST GOODS. Onr motto le "Uniformly Low
Prioes." We boy direct from the Manutaoturere for oath and can give our Custom-
ers the Closest Bergeine.
Onr Mr. R. S. Fletcher, who hae been oonnected with the largest Wholesale
Jewelry House in Chicago, hae unlimited experience and nnderetande the Jewelry
business in all its branches. Our Oaetomere will reoeive prompt and careful
We are neady for the Ioliday Trade
Pnrobaeere shouldmake their eeleotiooe while our stook is
at lie;beet. We can meet Every Went at the Lowest Price.
Ladiee' Gold See our Gents' 12 size Open Poe and
and Gold Hunting Gold Filled Watobea
ver end
Gents' Gold
and Gold
W etches
Lade eel',
Boys' and
Girls' Sea
Gents' 18 and 16 eize Vanguard 21 and 23
Jewelled Movements
Gents' 16 size Riverside Maximus 21
Jewelled Movements
Also 17, 15, 11 and 7 Jewelled Movements
in Elgin, Waltham, Deuber-Hamp-
den and Omega mature
Swine and English Watohee kept in 'took.
Sole Agents for the Denber• Hamp-
den Watches
CLOCKSWae rhbovnonstonokd aWovoedr—y Ofinnyex $Hieb. OMantae looWkselnufn
8 day (Nooks, Fancy, Gilt and Alarm Clooks,
Gem Rings set with Diamonds, Opals, Pearls, Emeralds,
Sapphires and Garnets. Genie' Rings, set with Monona,
Garnete, Carl anoles and Blood Stones, Also Initial and
Society Rings. See our Birthday and Baby Rings. Solid Gold Rings from 50o
to $100.00 eeob.
T ADIEB' CHAINS AND BRACELETS -A beautiful display of Ladies'. Long
11 / Watch Maths, Gents' Maine, Ladies' and Ohild'e Bracelets, Ooff Linke, Cuff
Buttone, Baby Pine, Necktie Pine, Brooches, Charms, Sooiety Pine, eto.
GENTS' AND LADIES' LOCKI7TS est with Pearls, Opals, Rabies and Rom
Dlatnonde. See them—they are BEAUTIES. Lathes' Necklaces, assorted
lengths. Mao an e'egant lino of Solid Gold Breeches, eel with Ge0.0ine Pearls.
—Five Pieoe Tea Sete —Cake Enives
—Three piece Tea Seta —Sardine Forks
—Fern Ooaetera —Jolly pinivee
—Belting Diehee —Oold Meat Forks
— Sugars end Creams—Knivee and Forks, Al
—Berry Diahee Cttlte Forks
-Cake Baskets —Pie Knives
--Biscuit Jere—Oooamber Fake
—Pickle and Batters —Jelly Spoons
—Bon Bon Dishes —After Dither Coffee Spoons
--Berry Spoons —Sapp Ladies
—1847 Rogers Brost' A 1 Goode.
—A igll line of Sterling Silver, Flat Ware and Novelties.
— A grand dieplay of Faooy Chita, in Japanese Ware, Crown Derby & Wedgewood
This Department is well lonked after by Mre, Fletcher. Conenitetion free. Eyes
properly teeted. Frames at ALL Prices,
We will bo pleased to have you look through our stook, Our Priam are the
Loweet—We can nave you money, Our Speoialtiee are WATOHES and 1RINGS. •
t._"Wntoh sod Jewelry repairs promptly etteuded to—liatiefaotion guaranteed.
Isenor or -l'' C 1 �!t�1 �,/ L� TUE GLOBE x'Rt(E
.Meuo'Latro Ietenece. 1 v I-' L..6i ! VI -1 EIT, JECVLI1,17It.
P.: B,—Xiioaneoe end Wedding Rings sold privately,
the Heepital, Ae you epggeet, we will
apply 826.00 oe tame towards the egpport
of a got at "The Lakeside Home for Little
Children), Toronto Island," for the year
1908, and the belanoe, $11 75, we will
apply towards the eapport of the oot for
the year 1904, We will have a head•
piece made ae requested, bearing the.
Words "Jamestown Sabbath Bottool Cot,"
I would ask you to kindly convey to the
egbolare of your Sunday School the grate.
fel thanke of tbe'Trneteee tor this Very
liberal contribution in response to our
appeal. We are pending you, under
eeperrtte oover; two copies of our annnel
report, which we hoot may prove of
Internet to you. Youre truly, DOUGLAS
Demme Seoretary•Treeenrer."
• N ttlett.
Erma Gill is home on et visit,
Ethel L. 0, L. pleated their officers ori
Monday evening.
Ethel supplies the bride for a, wedding
next Wn .
Geo, el, Mitchell will spend Xmae with
hie parents at Millbrook.
Our bueineee men have supplied their
oustomeve with handeoms calendars.
Geo. H. Welch arrived from the West
this week. Hie wife and children name e
few weeks ago.
Alfred Fogel, of Trout Creek, and Geo.
Morgan, wife and family, of -Brantford,
are visiting at M. ogel's.
Obarlie Siemmon end Wilbur Lindeay,
who have spent the peat two years in
travelling through Goole Sam's domains,
arrived home on Tuesday.
Boeineae has been booming in our
village for the past few weeks. Not many
places the size- of Ethel or even larger,
that oanbo'iet of eo large a trade.
Miee K. McKay, who 'hes been visiting
ben seater, Mre. Geo. Dobson, for the
past two months left last week. She
visite in Toronto and Stayner before go.
ing to her home in New York.
It is 21 years since Switzer Armstrong
left tine locality for North Dakota and it
ie 17 years since Mrs. Armstrong visited
here. The weather was very oold when
they left, the thermometer marking 320
below zero. Mr. Armstrong bad about
7,000.buabele of grain this year on his
farm, Wheat wae gelling at 84o; oats
at 800 ; and barley from 40 to 42o.
0. 0. F.—The following officer' have
been elected to manage the affairs of
Court Ethel No. 261 for the year 1908 :-
0. R W. H. Beatty ; V. C. R., Jno.
King, F. B., Geo. Dobson ; R. S., Geo.
M. Mitchell ; Treat.Jno. Eakmier ;
Chap., S. B. Coie ; Auditor, Dr. Ferguson ;
S. W., Geo. W. Pollard ; J. W., Geo. Gill ;
8, B. Geo. G. Imlay ; J. B„ Wm. E,
Sanders; Trnsteee, . Wm. King, Chris,
Eokmier, Robt. McDonald ; High Court
representatives, Geo. Dobson, Geo. Imlay ;
Court Deputy, Robt. McDonald.
The patrons of the Ethel cheese faotory
held their annual meeting in the Town
ebip Hall on Saturday afternoon of last
week. The report given by auditors J.
M. Davies and J. K. Brown, seemed quite
satisfactory and was adopted. This
report 'bowed that over 67 tone of cheese
had been made ; the average Ibe of milk
to make a lb of obeese 11) 62 ; the average
prise 9.85o and that $9379 92 bad been
paid to the patrons. J. K. Baker was re
Stewart's Fancy Chocolates and
Bon -Bons. (We are sole agents
for these in Brussels.)
from 20 to 60 cents per dozen.
We have the best New
Fruits of all kinds.
Stewed or Raw. This is our
Ice Cream
Try a dish of our Ica Cream and
you will take a pint or quart of
it along home with you for your
Bjartlliifr'B Old Stand,
yLVTV tS s 3M Ls.
VY, I-I.K.ERR, Frop,
appointed salesman, Geo. Dobson there
Gary and J. Brown, W. Slenmon a td P,
Steveneon direatere, former Mettle.
,Phe following refers to a form
dist pastor of Ethel oirouit 1—Rev. W,
3, Waddell, of St, John's oiroalt, London
Oonferenge, received an invitation to . be.
come pastor of the Metbodiat church at
Yale, Adlobigen. The matter waebrongbt
before the ofiairel board of St. John's
oiroalt on Friday, of last week at which
meeting Rev, Goo. Jaoksom, °bairmeq of.
the district, presided, The board anent.
mouelyrequested 'their pester to remain
with them and i,eorveeed the agilely to
$700 per year, Mr, Waddell hae decided
to remain at St, JDhn's,
Sonoco RitaoaT.—Report of .Senior
Dept. of Ethel Pablio School for the
month of December :--5th olaee,—Ex.
ambled in Alg., Geog., Eno. and Draw. I
betel 800 :--D. Davire 284, A. Haneald
251, M. McAllister 198, G. Imlay 179, I'l.
Meson 9e, L, Simpson 88, 4th alaee.. -
Examined in Phys., Geog, Gram and
Arith. ; total 850 :— O Raynard 298, L.
Fogel 294, G. Gill 280, M. Elliott 267,
W. MaAllieter 260, B. McKee 2Q4, G.
Wanner 164, W. Badgiey 150, L. McLeod
140, A. ;vloDopald 97, S. Dunbar 22, G.
Dunbar 12. Sr. 8r6,—Examined. in
Geog„ Spell., Gram. and Arith.; total
850 :—L. Cbambere 812, N. Simpson 292,
B. Eokmier 260, H, Wilbee 268, M. Im-
lay 241, T. McAllister 286, L. Eokmier
222, H. goatee 214, E Freeman 201, M.
Siemmon 200, M. McAllnm 160, I. Ho•
earth 153. Jr. 3rd. --Examined in Geog„
Spell„ Comp. and Aritb. ; total 830 ;-
13. Wanner 264, E Eokmier 219, J. Ma
Araby 212, G. McKee 209, E. MoKee 139.
2nd olese.—Examioed io Spell., Geog.,
Comp. and Arith. ; total 320 :—P, Bram.
nen 273, E. Dunbar 241, G. MOAllieter
240, F. Imlay 288, 13. Batsmen 200, N.
MoAlliater 196, J. MoAlIem 181, W. Barr
158, L. Cooper 110, W. Pearson 85. GEO.
DOngON, Teaober. Jarior Department.
Jun. 2nd alase.—L. Sbraoban, V. MoLeod,
R. Love, C. 'Remould, A. Cooper, R.
Fraser, 0, Davidson, R. Eokmier, J.
Pearson, H. lncknier. Pt. 2nd alaee.—
a. Dane. A. Meliee,I. Heath, R. Wilbee,
J. Cooper, A. Fletcher, R. Gill, E. Thome.
sou, A. MaAllieter. Sr. Pt. let clase.—
W. EOltmier, A. Dobson, 8. Bremner, A.
Barr, P. MoBee, J. Remaly, V. MoOoiI,
F. Freeman, R. Thompson, H. Fogal.
Jan. Pt. let plane.—A, McAllister, V.
Pollard, E. Dobson, F. McCallum, 0.
Dunbar, P. Gill, C. Davidson, W. Yeo,
0. Eokmier, R. Coates, E. McLeod, S.
Mree LAURA SHANNON, Teaober.
Jno. Blake, teacher, it; home Kent Co.
for hie Xmas vacation.
Mies Annie King, teaober, is away to
Baldimand Co. for the Christmae vaoat.
Municipal Nomination next Monday at
the Township Hall, Ethel, from 12 to 1
Mre. Wm. Harbottle, of Manitoba, is
expected to visit her parents, Geo. and
Mre. Patterson, 13th con.
Mies Ella Mann ie home from Edgar,
Simooe Co„ wbere aha has been visiting
her aunt, Dire. Oarscadden.
Wm. Reid, con. 6, hae completed the
remodelling of hie reeidenoe and will have
a very comfortable home now.
W. Cooper has flniehed a good long
threshing eeaeon. He used a Oyolone
blower with eatiefaotion to the farming
We are pleated to see that D. K.
Livingston, 15th oon., who had hie leg
broken 8 or 9 weeks ago, is able to get
about quite handily once more.
This week Chao. Roze11, 10th con., was
called to Detroit owing to the teriont
illneee of his brother, A. Bozell, who was
a former resident of Grey townehip.
It was Bev. H.E. Garry, of Monkton,
wbo ooudaoted the funeral service of the
late Annie Attwood, Thursday afternoon
of last week, at the regaeet of deceased.
William Bateman ire spending the
Christmas holidays at Toronto with bie
daughter, Mre. Freeman, and Joshua
Bateman, his eon. The latter ie baggage.
man at the Union depot G. T. R.
W. J. Eozeil, formerly of this township,
but who hae'tfeen at Caeeopolie, Mioh.,
hae removed to Dowagaio, in the same
State, where he has gone into business
on bie own a00000t. We wish him every
George Birt, of Brussels, struck a
great spring in drilling a well on the
farm of W. H. Kerr, 9th con., last week.
The well en about 60 feet deep with about
39 feat of water. Water will be pumped
bate the stables.
November obeeee of Silver Corners'
factory wee sold at 11a dents per pound
and wae shipped last Wednesday. Bode.
eon Bros., Montreal, who have handled
the bulk of the output of this factory,
were the pnrobatere.
Tneedny evening of next week a Coffee
social will be bald in the Union church,
12th con. An interesting program will
be presented by the ohildreu and young
people and the proceeds will be applied
to Sabbath Sobool purposes.
BULL PURda.teED,—James Onti°, 15th
don., has pnrobaeed tbe Short Horn bull,
"Role Roy,"=38422=tram Robert Ruth.
erford, of Elms, and bee brought him
home. He i0 a well bred animal and Mr.
Cneio'e enterprise ie to be oommendad.
The new two story brick reeidenoe of
Henry Bateman, 6th line, is about nom.
plated. It ee 22 x 28 feet with oottege
root and ie a modern etruetnre. Alt.
Lowry did the atone and brink work end
Robt, Laing, of Ethel, was the oarpeoter.
The site ie an exoelleot one.
Harry and Mre, Attwood desire to ex-
press their sincerest thereto to the many
friends for kindnesses in word and deed
daring tbe illness and subsequent death
of their daughter, Annie, end hope they
will be generously rewarded for their
gratefully accepted empathy and help.
It i0 stated Mott awe Grant, 14tb con.
may be a o eudidate for municipal honors
teat Monday to represent the South
Westerly division of the townehip 15
Oounnillor alaDonald adheres to hie In.
tention of withdrawing from afi'iee, Mr.
Grant would make o good °puocillor.
The oflioee should be distributed over the
We lire pleased to hear that: Robert
Work, formerly of Grey, baa beau re.
Mooted 00, Auditor, of (Nattier Co., by
eoolenlation, Tbie is his 4th term
Mr. Work le a brother to Wm. Work, 1
miles North of Brunel.,
MATieIDIoNIAL,—Tuesday afternoon Jesse
Bateman, 8th con„ and Mise Martha
Ingrem, formerly of Morrie, were united
in marriage at the Methodist Pere:wage,
7nthel, by Rev, C. P. Welte, B. A„ B. D.
In the evening te reception .was held at the
home of the groom read an enjoyabietime
epeot. A number 0f useful end valuable
preoeute were made. We With Mr. Bate
manernLbride many happy, prop/teroue
Silver Corners' cheese and h, )tar
factory ban been sold by Neil fe Ma.
Lauohlin, who baa owned it for a number
of yearn, to Albert A. Morrieon, of Fat -
laden, who gate po0eeesion on Jan. 15
Mr. MoLauohlin bus not definitely settled
on hie future pewee bat will probably
try the Wattle He and Mee. MoLenohlin
and children will remove to Brunets for
the Winter. We wish them 00ooeee,
Sauoon Rarosr. - Following ie the
monthly report for S, 8, No, 1.—Sr. IV—
J. Randa 94 ; W. Steveneon 90 ; M. iSeg.
gard 80. Jr. IV—S. Armstrong 84 ; L.
Grant 80 ; L. Blake 78 ; H. Rozelt 58.
Sr. III—F. Lawson ; G. Hoover ; J. Stay.
sawn ; 3, Dickson. Jr. III—J. Arm.
strong; B. Steveneon J. Diakton; L.
Hoover. Sr. II—M. Steveneon 92; A.
Grant 88 ; O. Armstrong 84 ; F. Al000k
80 ; 3, MaOallnm 72. Jr. II—R. Gregg
90 1 W. Hoover 75 ; L. Switzer 72 ; H.
Hoover 70 ; L. Glassier. Firet oleos—A.
Engel ; J. Al000k.
Mxee ANNrn KING, Teacher,
Bethel Sabbath Sobool entertainment
on Mooday evening attraoted a large
aadienoe. The program was an excellent
one largely bye scholars of the school.
Mies Bettie McNaught recited ;
Smith Bros., of Logan, gave lustre
mental eeleotinne and Jno. MoNaugbt'e
gramophone did ire part all right, Rev.
D. B, McRae oeaupied the chair in bie
good humored manner, The Christmas
Tree unloading wae a epeoially intereat•
ing part to the andienoe. Santa GIRDS
MAO on hand mud bestowed hie gifts in a
very off baud jolly manner indeed. Th,
financial proceeds were $22 00.
VV AI Lon.
Mise Martin is the guest of Mre. Jas.
Aire. Gray, of North Dakota, is visit.
ing her brother and old friends in tbie
locality for a month or so and is a wel.
come guest.
After an absence of 16 yearn Walter
Turnbull to renewing old aequaiotanc e.
Hie home is at Lander, Man., where he
ie prospering.
The auction pale held at W, T. Pollard's
on Wednesday of last week was a great
success. Oowa sold ES higb ae $60 and
otter artiolee in proportion. F. fe. Scott,
of Brussels, was the auctioneer.
Chas, Turnbull is home for Ohrietmae
from Sturgeon Falls. He ie engaged
there in assisting in the oonetraation of
mammoth pulp mills where hundreds of
men are engaged. Mr. Tarnball is well
pleased with his work.
L. 0. L.—The Walton L. 0. L. No.
252 elected the following officers for the
amine year :-W. W. D. Johnston ; D.
M., Joe. Hamilton ; Obap., M. Morrison ;
Reo,•Seo. 8. W. Morrison ; F, S , Joseph
Love ; Dir, of Oer., H. Hamilton ; let.
Oom. Jno. Berry; Leotarere, W. H.
Sholdioe and Rioh. Hoy.
A. T. Morrison and daughter Miss
Mary, of Wapella, Man., are making a
holiday visit with relativee and friende.
Mr. Morrison ie a son of Acdrew Morrison
formerly of tbie twenty. He hae not
been here for over 20 years. Mr. Morri•
eon ie agent for the Massey Harris basee,
vasa sod le a busy man. Mrs. R. Fergu.
eon is a seater and M. Morrison an uncle
to the visitor. The West evidently
agrees with him judging by appearances.
Amer0EeeARY SERVxoEa.—Leet Sabbath
Rev. Mr. Hardie, of Listowel, preached
two fine sermons in Daff's ohuroh. The
text in the morning was Phil. 2, 12 18
end in the evening the theme wae "Tho
New Birth". Both were thoughtful,
helpful, and practical discourses. Mon.
day evening the anniversary tea was
held. Well laden tables were eat in the
basement where attentive waitere saw
that nobody went hapgry. The program
was a good one Demisting of splendid
anthems by the choir, a mixed and a
male quartette ; two well executed club
ewioging exercises by 9 young girls, with
Mies Johnston as a000mpaoieb; and
abort addreeeee by W. H, Kerr, A. His.
lop, M. P. P., and Bev. Mr. Hardie.
The pastor, Rev. A. McNabb, M. A., pre.
sided and also assisted tbe choir. Miee
Ferguson, organiet,ldid excellently. A
hearty vote of thanks to the ladies, Speak.
ere and tbe choir wae moved by Elder
Jae, Smiths. Proceeds of the tea meeting
amounted to about $40. Bev, Mr. Hardie
will be weloomed book on some future
STArvoRD—HENDEReoN.—The St. Marys
Argue of last week says :—"At the resi-
dence of the bride's mother on Queen
street week, on Wednesday evening, Rev..
Tboe. Manning united in marriage Sarah
A. Henderson, to W. J. Stafford, of town.
Miee Bella Henderson wae bridesmaid and
J. A. Dennison, of Welton, beet man.
The bride wae ireesed in a blue grey
travelling. suit ; waist of blue satin am
pligne, She parried a bonnet of white
mentions and wore a wreath of orange
bloeaome. The bridesmaid wote a grey
oloth dress, with oream Bilk waist, trim.
med with bine chiffon. Miss Tovell
played the wedding maroh. Friends were
present from Seeforth, Dutham, Carberry,
Joan„ Rot Portage, Wingham, Gerrie, St.
Marys and other planes. Groom's gift to
bride was %handsome malile mantel clock.
The gumbo eat down to a sumptuous re,
peat after the wedding ceremony.' On
Thursday morning the bride and groom
left for a trip East. On theft return they
will reside in the new home recently
built by Mr. Stafford on Queen Street.
The many valuable preeenta which they
received allowed the esteem in which
their friende held them. The Argue
heartily congratulates them on their
union and treats Meet their path in lite
may be a very happy one." Mr. Stafford
wee et former resident of this looality'go.
ing to St. Marys aboot 2 yeere ttgo,
plerry Christmas to alt,
John Oiekimming to working on the 8th
Tea meetiuge and entertaiumente are
A great entertainment wee held in S. S.
No, 6 on Frtday laet,
Will we have an eleotion in January 7
Neat Mooday will tell
Somebody tapped the till at Belgrave
Hotel the other night.
S. Burke and wife were visiting rete.
tives in Amberley, Bruce Co.
R. Thnetl'e trootioo engine ploughed ire
way along the 6th line last week.
B. Al000k, 6line, oe of hie
cattle i0 0 straw stthook Instlost weeDk,
Robert Armstrong returned a taw weeks
ago to relatives 30 North Dakota.
W. and L. Miohie attended a party
near Wroxeter on Tbaredey evening lain.
Jae. Bmittie, ot Heosall, ie here at veer'
sot lopkipg after the term 00 the 8th
Wm. Graig, 7th line, had a bee moving
a dwelling hoose from 6th line to his
Geo. and Mre. Hood intend spending
XmaS. in Paris with tbelr daughter, Mrs.
P, Sao
Tboe. and wife are renewing old
friendships to this locality. They were
former residents,
Anson and Frank Shaw, and Miee
Maggie Oaldbiok are away to Miohigau
for a holiday vieit.
Wm. Hood, of Saginaw, ie visiting
friende in this townehip, Re is a eon of
Geo. Hood, Sanehioe.
Don. McKenzie, BneI line, ie bone for
Christmas holidays. Miee Marion is also
a visitor ander the parental roof.
Mre, S. Jordan, Mies Jennie and Mae -
ter Morley are spending Xmas end New
Year's with relatives in Mitchell.
Our aioe eleighing name to au end and
now we all walk on foe. Some Dame down
quite low on the eidewalke on Saturday
evening last.
Bert. Garter hae returned home from
Manitoba where he bail been for the last
two years and he gives a favorable report
of the ooantry.
J. and Mre. Taroer and Mise Alice
Mete of Toronto, are holidaying at Harvey
Beam's. Mre. Turner is a daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Beam.
Mies Annie Davie, who wae visiting at
Liudaay and Toronto for about 3 menthe,
arrived home a week or eo ago, after a
very enjoyable time.
There watt a rousing Xmas free enter-
tainment et the Methodist church,
Browntown, on Monday evening end a
pleasant time enjoyed by all,
John Young, arrived home on Bator.
day evening last from Bay Mille, Miohi•
gen, where he spent the Summer. He
Intends going back on 12th of January.
Rev. A. H. Brown, of Belgrave, preemie.
ed a Christmas sermon on Sunday at
Sanehine, text Isaiah 9tb chapter 6th
verse. Owing to bad weather the attend.
anon was not large.
Last week S. Burke Bold a horse to
Jae. Lindeay, of Grey, and another to
Wm, Taylor, from near Clinton, formerly
of Grey townehip. Mr. Burke handles a
large number of equines mud ie a good
Preview; to the departure of W. Pana.
more teacher of S. S. No. 5, Morrie, the
Zobo band, of whtob he wae a member, wae
entertained to an oyster supper, Thurs-
day evening at the reeidenoe of W. H.
Ferguson, 6th line.
Sunshine Xmae Tree entertainment
would have been more enjoyable if the
rowdy element had not been eo commie.
now. Tal
moderncivilization the
Talk of t
average young man ie not in it judging
from the cornea of some representa.
Thnreday of last week Alex. Robinson
died at the home of W. n. MoOntoheon,
6th line, where be bad been living during
the past eeaeon. He was an uncle to
Mre. MoOntoheon and father to Mre. J,
Cott and Mre. Holt, near Jamestown,
The funeral took plaoe to Howick town.
Last week Neil Black arrived home
from Sault Ste. Marie where he had gone
with the family of Mre. John MaDoageil,
of Brunette, who were moving there.
They bave taken charge ohs boarding
house in the "Soo." Mr. Blank met a
large number of former residents of this
section and reports they are doing well.
He brought bank samples of copper ore.
The total receipts from all sources for
Morris township for 1902 amount to
$12861,12 and the expenditure $1481..
68 went for roads and bridges ; $3886 59
for aoboole ; $738 for salaries ; $22 for
printing ; $1947.70 County tax rata ; $8
for Board of Health ; and $253.61 for
miscellaneous, which inoludee the regia.
tration of Births, Marriage° and Deaths,
$20.00; Vetere' List Court $20.00 ; Jae.
Marshall, Township Engineer, $60.00 ;
oaretaking of Hall $18 00 &a. Morrie 00.
005108 an enviable position in ber surplus
which amounts to over $4.000. The
Reeve and Oounoillore will be pleased to
give information at the nomiu0tion,
BoeooL ENTERTAINMENT.—Thu annual
closing entertainment in the Anderson
School was held last Friday evening and
wee as eaooeeeful as nenal, Mr. Bleak
made a good eltairman and the following
was the program ;--Chairman 'a addreee;
Welcome song ; dialogue, "Joshua's first
oonrting" ; instrumental, J. Bowman ;
recitation, Mies Olive Jackson ; dialogue,
"Jelly for the minister" ; solo, Mr.
Haney ; recitation, Ethel Sellere ; die•
logae, "Eight o'clock" ;
• inetrnmentel, 3,
Bowman ; °omic drill, "The Ragtag
bend" ; rooitation, Miee Winnie Mo.
Gnire 1 dialogue, "An anxious inquirer";
solo, Mies Ida Bowman ; dialogue,
" Vieitore from the city" ' recitation,
"The oboice" 1 inetrnmental, John Davie ;
tableau, ,'Soeue in a barber shop" ; x001•
tation, Miee Jaen Jaokeon ; solo, "An
old tiros song," Mies Ida Bowman ;
dialogne, "Advertising for a husband" ;
instrumental, Mise Bowman and Means.
Sharp and Jamieson ; recitation, Mies
McGuire ; dialogno, "The Quaint doctor";
inetramentol, Mr, Bowman ; "God Savo
the Knee." I'roeeedo were $16 20 which
will.go t0 aohoot parpoeee. Kim Jamie.
Son re the teaober In thea aahool, She
le away to Ceotrelia uow for bar holidaye,
Allan Ooohrane le home from Waterloo
for the Christmas holidays. He beide a
good poeitlon in connection with the
Waterloo Mauataotory Co„ in the ab ye
mentioned town whose ,output free: the
present year wae tip top, They nuke
threehere, Mention and portable engines,
self feeders, pneumatic etaokets, abed
blowers, &e, About 150 are employed
with more expected. Mr. Ooohrene Iikee
the work. He is aesietent manager, buys
ell the goods end attends to the Ooon'S.
WEDo,NO,—The Moon, of Bennett,
Cavalier Oo„ North Dakota, of Deo. 12 h
says of a young man formerly resident of
this township in the pereop of Wilt. Wil.
son, eon of Wm, O. Wilson, 5th line
Morrie :—Pe quiet wedding was celebrated
at the Manse Tuesday at 6 o'olook p. m.
Mise Elbel Shields, niece of J. B. and
Mre. Wanless, watt united le marriage to
Wen. Wileon by the Rev, George Clark.
After' the ceremony the aouplerepaired to
the dome of Dlr..and Mrs. fiytveeter where
a wedding dinner %wetted them, They
purpose making their home in Hannah.
the Moon joins the community in wishing
our popular barber and hie btide a.bappy
and prosperous wedded life,
sumeeefnl At Home wae beld in 8. 13.11o.
5, Morrie, on Deo. 19th. The eohool wae
taateftIly deoorated for the oovasion with
evergreen, roses and mottoes. ,Program
began at 1.80, the olaee recitations being
taken levet. Rev. Mr. Brunie, of Blue -
vale, wae then called to tbe chair, Then
followed recitations, dialogues', Solos and
ohorueee, instrumental music wae kiven
by the zobo band and others. Rev. Mr.
Hestia and Rev. Mr. Brown, Masers.
Bryana, Armstrong and Johnson gave ap-
propriate speeches in which they com-
plimented Mr. Paeemore en the excellent
work done by the pupils and the way in
which the program weerenoered. At the
oloee of the entertainment Mr. Paeemore
wae presented with a beaoti(ut gold locket
and chain. The addreee was read by
Clayton Prootor and the presentation
made by Irvin Ferguson. Luooh was
then nerved and atter the singing of the
Notional Anthnm the namberone guests
dispersed to their homes well pleased with
the afternoon. The addreee was se
follows :—
WY. Paaaeeore :
eve of your departure from our midst we
embrace tbie opportunity ot expressing to
you our appreol0tion of the moat faithful
and hearty eervioe rendered by you in our
behalf. Daring
your abort stay amongst
us, your elm at heart has been not Duly
to advauoe nu intelleotnally but morally
as well. We feel that we cannot estimate
the vainable eervioe rendered by you in
our behalf. The Beed which you have
eot$u in oar haute will bad and bear
feint to your honor. As a alight token of
our esteem we oak you, on behalf of this
eohool eeotion, to accept this obain and
Minket, trusting it may nerve as a reminder
of the pleasant relations we have bad
end aa, you go forth into a new sphere of
life we pray that your efforte may be
orowned with enemas.
Signed ou behalf of B. S. No. 5, Morrie
A brief yet suitable reply was made. Mr.
Pasemore iuteude taking up the medical
profession in which we believe he will be
a great eucOaee,
The Board of Examiners for the
County of Holm met in the Clinton
Model Sobool on Mooday, Deo. 22nd and
oompleted the work of the Model Sohoole
of the ()aunty for the 0008100 just atoned.
Tbere were in attendance at the Goderioh
Model School thirteen,ltemate and six
male candidate'. At ihinton there were
eighteen females and eight male candi-
dates. All the oandidatee in both eohoole
were snooeeafolin obtaining third class
oertifoatee. To obtain a oertifioote eau -
dictates were required to make sixty per
cent of the total number of mark0.
Those candidates who obtained seventy•
five per cent or over of the total number
of mecke obtainable are planed in the
honor list. Out of the forty-five candi-
dates, twelve enooeeded in obtaining
honoree The following is the list.
Mary Clark
Hattie Cameron
Pearl E. Jaokeen
Teas Johnston
Lizzie Lawrence
Bane Manning
Anna E Martin
Flora McEwen
Ethel Musgrove
Sylvia Seel
Thos. J. O'Loogbli n
Harry Walker
Mabel Bailie Edith Taylor
Laura Brydgee Along Troy
Olivetta Brigham Lillian Wtlieoo
Annie M. Courtney Mabel Walsh
Rva Dunlop Fred Buena
May Hogg Olark Fraser
William J. Irwin
Geo. Johnstou
Wm. Jarrett
Katie Hartt
Mabel Barmy
Mabel Jennison
Ella Johne Robert King
Minnie Kerr Lin L. Knox
Jennie Lowrie Melbarn MODoweli
Josephine Lane Obarlee Sewers
Kathleen Mo0ourt Edward Stewart
Mande Porter John W. Todd
Lillian M. Robinson Edward Wilford
Edith Robeou
An official gazette or journal of the
Diocese of Hamm, will be pawed ahortty.
It will not in any sense be a newspaper,
but only a vehicle for conveying to all the
members of the diocese the preen
fug me,ttere which call for a ,
immediate active or attention. It win
o0ntain episcopal aote and appointment,
executive committees, reports and boat•
nave, University and Huron College news,
mieetonary ietellige0oe, items of intern
sent from the various parishes of the
dioosee, and spiritual matter for the
growth and development of the inner
life. The paper le to be pdbliehed
monthly, to contain 16 pages,