The Brussels Post, 1902-12-18, Page 8T,U tt v *+iLti t'Uf T Notice Hursiey & Co's Fine Assortment of Xmas Cools PERFUMES,., CELLULOID CASES, EBONY GOODS, JAPANESE WARE, TOYS and DOLLS, BIBLES and HYMN BOONS, GAMES—Including Ding-Poug, PURSES and B111J8}IBS, PICTURE BOORS, ETC., ETO, HU Lowest Prices at ISLETS RUG STORE BRUSSELS. rural gehJs Items. A ohiel'a among ye fakirnotes, An' faith he'll prent is. Risen the supplement. Tna POST gives the news, A wedding le on the tapie. P, AMnNT'e teams are hauling loge this week toile sawmill, No hard coal in eight yet, as far es Brussels ie oonoerned. NB= Horse Fair will be held an New Year's day in Brneeele. House BOYER ADDERS, of Montreal, wag in town lhi t week buying boreee, A. 0. tJ. W. Lodge will meet on Friday evening of this week, at 8 o'olook, for the annual election of otlioare. ADDITIONAL freight trains are up the W. G. & B. every few days to relieve the preeenre rr.'m the regular train service. MDaxc,—Your oboioe of any of the vocal or inetrumantal eeleotione in the window at TEE Poae for the small sem of 10 Dente. RRMsun xt this week, 67Aa lb. for geese, 7o for Chimaera and Ducks and loo oath for Turkeys, at A. R. SMITH'S, Chisholm block, Wingbem. Ma sale of Overooate, Suite, odd Coats, odd Pante, Veete, furniehinge for men and boya still oontinuee at A. R, Slant's, Ohieholm block, Wingbam. WM. RANDS hae been engaged by Geo, Robb to take charge of the Brueeele- Wroxeter sage for him and is already installed. He will carefully attend to the various duties inoumbent on the driver. Roan TEM POST supplement this week. On it may he found Brueeele Sobool and Oounoii,reports, the Christmas advertise. menta of J. W. Kerney, of Brume's, and H. F. MoAilieter, of Ethel, and a budget of Ethel ne•.ve iteme. IN the notice last week concerning the Mathgeon—Orooke wedding the very ins• portant item wee omitted that the groom's preeent to the bride consisted of a floe gold watoh. THE Poor hopes it may mark off many happy hour's in their journey through lite. STRATz'onn Beacon eaye of a former Brueeelite :—Duncan Ferguson bee puri ob and sixty cordo of first-class hardwood, which be ie arranging to have Bold at cost in small quentitiee to poor families. This is an action that refleote credit on Mr, Fergusoa'a foresight and generosity. DRReoED POoLTRY.—I will pay the fol- lowing prices for dressed poultry, to be delivered any time next week :—Torkeye, 9 ciente ; geese, 80 ; ducks, 7o 1 Spring ehiehene, 6o; fowl, 4o. Heade was be oft alt except turkeys, dry picked and nn• drawn. Turkey body feathers for gale. Rona. Thomson, Brueeele. Mix Qora,co 0R HALLIDAY made a good "reef in" or taxes before the addition of the five per Dent. leaving only about $500 unoalleoted when the Qoonail met Monday evening. Owing to Sunday intervening before the 15th all taxes offered on Mon- day were accepted by the Oolleotor with. oat any addition, All who have not paid before Tneaday will be asked to contribute 5% a000rdi•,g to tax notice delivered a month or en ago. CHRISTMAS DAY TEA MEnrrnp.—On the evening of Uhrietmae Day the anniversary Tea Meeting will be held in connection with tbe Methodist church of this town. Tea will be served in the Sabbath school room from 6 to 8 o'olook after wbiob a mneioal atle literary program will be presented. Among the mneioal talent ex- peoted are :—W. H. and Mre. Willie, and Mine B. Scott, of Seaforth ; Miee Allis Dandae ; A. Rose, of Ottawa ; N. B. Gerry, of Blyth, and Leelie Kerr. Ad• dresses will be given by Rev. Jae. E. Hun- ter, of Tro=rbridge, and Rev. Jno. Rose, B, A., of Proeeele. A good time assured, GONE TO OLINTON—The Clinton New Era eaye•—The bakery and 000teotionery bneineee carried on by J. MoOlay, Clin• ton, has changed hands, Mr. MoOlay die. posing of it to Ohm. Bartliff, of Brussels, who takes possession immediately. It ie not known at preeent what Mr. MoOlay intends d:•ing. Mr- Bartliff will move hie family here as soon ae a house can be 'moored. He ie a brotber•in.law of R. J. Oluff, town." The Clinton people and the pablio generally will find Mr. Bart. liff well worthy of their patronage and good fellowship and may depend on being well served. Mre. Bartliff and family will oleo prove an aognieition to the "hub" ae the Olintoniane dearly like to name their enterprising town. Tam POST very :rattily commends the Bartliff household, who moved this week, to the residents cif Clinton. HOLIDAY RAILWAY ILATEM.—The Grand Trunk will lame Holiday eeaeon tiokets ae follows :—One regular first olaee limit. ed fare for rented trip, going Deo. 24th and 25th, good to return on or before Jan. 2nd. Tiekete will be Bold at one and one third regular first class limited fare, good going Deo. 22, 28, 24 and 26th, good to reburn, leaving deebination not later than Jan, 6th ; and on Deo. 29, 30, Met and Jan. let, good to reborn leaving deetivatioo not later than Jan. 5th. Children Between the age of 6 and 12 years will be Bold Sokoto at one hall the adult retail. For teachers and stodenbe retnrolug home for holidaye on eurrender of individual oertifloats) signed by prinoi• pal of the edaoational inetibabion, will be sold Hollers at one and one third regular Beet limited fare, good Deo. 6th to Deo. 81et, good to return leaving deebinatian not later than Jan, 10'08, DONT forget the Tea Meeting in the Methodist ohurah %moa night. A Comm oontinuee to slowly pro. greee towards recovery bob is still oonflu• ed to hie bed. Tin stores are Resuming a holiday appearance. Watoh THE POST for the bargains offered, L. G. Kneen hae a very choke stook of Oranges, Bon Bone and Stewart's Choco. le -tee, that are sure to please. Call and see him, CALLA far Miee Tillie Olennan, trained mares, will be promptly attended to if left at her roome at the American Hotel, Brueeele. KEEP the Lookridge By-law in view. It will he voted upon at the manioipal election. Read the provisions in the By. law in this 1Be0e of TEE PoeT. Brume Puna Wonxe.—Having put in a machine for grinding clippers I am pre- pared to make old one's look like new. Saws gummed., Skates and aoieeore eharpened. FRED. Alums. TEE Pose clubbing list for next year appears elsewhere in this iesae. Now is the time to renew your POST for 1908 end take your ohoiae of the many other publications offered in the clubbing list. J. G. BEENE, A. Conley and W. M. Sinolair are the retiring members of Brueeele Sobool Board this year bat all will probably be candidates and if so will likely be re-eleoted by acclamation as they attend to their duties in good style. AuroanAPE QUILT.—The members of Lady Sanderson, L. T. B. Lodge, No, 16, Walton, have made a_n autograph quilt for the benefit of the Loyal True Blue Orpharisee in Pintail. A number of the good people of Brueeele contributed to it so if any person would like to see the quilt they may. do so by palling at the home of the Mieeee Kelly, Tornberry street, any day thio week. Wno'LL BE REEVE 7-3. T. Roue, who is completing hie seoond term ae Reeve of Brussels, Bays he will not be a oendidate for 1903 and consequently there is a little 'surmising as t0 who hie successor may be. Rumor hae it that either Coaaoillore Wilton, Gerry or Heodereon would not be averse to promotion. 0ounailior Donaldson eaye be ie not likely to Beek re.election. Nomination Day will be Monday 29th inat, STEADY employment ; good wages ; for young women, girls and boyo who are without good paying poeitione. Nioe work, pay weekly. Heade of families desirous of getting into a good locality with plenty of employment and oppor- tunities for advancement for themselves and families should write at onoe. Good houses : low rent ; progressive town. THE R. FORBES CO, LIMITED Worsted Knitting Mille Heepeler, Ont. HAS THE EDITOR'S "Gen BLESS Yoo",— The following is a note from Detroit and speaks for itself :—"I hope yourself and family are well. We will of aourae want to have that good friend Tan Pon come to our house each week of 1908. Please find enclosed 81.00 in payment of same. Wishing you and yours all the delights of the eeaeon. I remain. Yours very truly. "A, L S." A kindly note of this kind comes very opportunely and robe off the rough °oraers of some of the experieneee you have to bump np against. L. 0. T. M.—At the teat regular meet• ing of the L. 0. T. M„ the following officers were elected for the ensuing term: Past Lady Commander, Mrs. A. MoGnire ; Lady Commander, Mre. H. Barn ; Lieu. tenant Commander, Mre. N. MoLaaohlin ; Rewind Keeper, Miee J. N. Ritpbie ; Finance Keeper, Mies J. Forbes ; Chap. lain, Mre. P. Anent ; Sergeant, Mre. J. Tbompeon ; Mietreaeat.arme, Miee 3, Baabanan ; Sentinel, Miee I. Walker ; Picket, Miee J. J. Grieve ; organist, Mrs. Cober ; aesietant, Miee Gerry ; librarian, Mies 0. Crawford 1 aeeietant, Mrs. Currie. WEeT HURON RETnmNs.—A summary of the Referendum returns for the West Riding of Huron 'shows the total vote cant for the Aot to be 2,836 ; againet, 1098, majority for 1748. The total majority for the Ooanty of Huron for the Aot is ae follows : East Riding 1618 West 1.748 South „ 1884 Total majority 4,720 The returns for eaob . municipality in South Huron may be read on page 4. west Huron will be given next week. The returne for the Province e.t Ebb date are :— For the Aar 175,776 Against the Aot,. 92,851 Majority for 82,895 APPEAL DIBMIeulD.—Judge Doyle held Conn in the Council Chamber here !set Tuesday morning to hear the appeal of Robert Bowen, lot 84, con, 13, Grey, against a drain award made by J. Roger, Townehip Engineer, in which lots 81, 82, 88 and 84, 000.18, were interested, drain emptying into 14th von. Mnnioipal drain on roadway opposite lot 81. The appel- lath called Alex, Fraeer, Thoe, Ioglie, Henry Ward andJno, Bielop and oon. dusted hie own Daae in quite a lawyer like style, Jno. Roger gave rebuttal evidence, Barrister Blair appeared for the town. ship. The Judge dismissed the can on hearing the Engineer's evidence wbiob wag errtainly olearly set out as to the award. Quite an interest wee manifeeted as on this decision, to a certain extent, depended other oaeee relative to drainage in Grey that will now likely be got to reet, Tltlt Quid elorage oar ,pronoiegd the purebaoere ot'°oloth by .a pedlar has not yet arrived, cod ie not likely to, The notes ore payable, however. WANTED --Choice roll Butter, 200 ; fresh' eggs 20o, Sky high prices for all Wade of fowl up to noon, neo, 28rd. Raw fore wanted, Geo, TO KING, Winghont. Buuserme Sobool wood gotttraot went to A. J. Lowry at 81.88- per oord, Wood bee to be bpdy beach er maple and 22 iaobee lohg to be delivered by Marais let, The Board aoliod for 100 porde, , A eleigb load o! young people' from town' paid 11 visit 10 Hngh and Alre, Mp• Iateeh, McKillop, last li'riday evening, The bootees wee formerly Mies Ella Ainlay, of Brneeele, who gave the vfeitore a hearty welcome. Tae PoeT will be published it day earlier than Reuel for the next two weeks owing to Christmas and New 'Yeat'e Doming on Thursday. Will our correct. pondente and advertieere do as the favor of bearing this in mind, Atlortc G. T. R. ebipmente during the week were the following •—Oar lamina A. 0. Dames ; 8 oars baled bay, Alf, Booker; oar cattle, Geo, Beet t oar hoge, W. F. Vauetone ; oar flour, W. F. Stewart & Son ; 4 Darn Balt, Brneeele Salt Works. Coonrx Council Nomination for District No. 6 will be held next Monday in the Town Hall, Brunie, from 1 to 2 o'olook, with F. S. Scott as Returning Officer. The preeent Co. Counoiilore, Jae. Bowman and W. H. Kerr, will be candidates. Some say they may be Bleated by aaolamatlon but Monday Will solve the problem. W. H. Kerr will likely be a candidate for the Warden's ohair for 1903 if elected ae be is the oldest member in that body on the Liberal Bide.. The Wardenahip goes alternately to Liberal and Conservative. D. Patterson, of East Wawanoeb, hag acoeptably filled the poeibion far the past year. A. BAWTINHEIMER DEAD —A Wei known former Brueeelite, iu the person o Abea. Ions Bawtinheimer, paseed away .from time last Sabbath, dying at Olinton. He was about 70 years of Age. His demise removes the last member o! the family ae hie wife, four daughters and one Bon all Bleep in the cemetery at Brussels, where the husband and father was buried on Monday, Mr, Bawtinheimer had been in poor health fax some years with a epeoiee of paralysis. He was a .good meohanio, of a quiet, reeerved turn but was honest, upright and a devout Chris- tian. Arrangements were being made to Bend the deceased a Ohrietmee token by some members of tbe Methodist Sabbath School when the pews came of hie demise. Co. Comma ELtoTIONa.—The following are the nominating offioere appointed in the several division's in thie county for the parpoee of reoeiving the nominations for county oounoillore : Division No, 1,—W. Stothere, Mafeking ; No. 2, Jamee Campbell, Londeeboro ; No. 8,—Feed. Hese, Zaricb ; No. 4,-0. H. Bieeett, Exeter ; No. 5,-A. G. Smillie, Heneall ; No. 6,—F. S. Scott, Brneeele ; No. 7,—P. Porterfield, alarnooh ; No. 8,—James Cowan, Wroxeter. The nominations take place at Seaforth, Exeter, Zurich, Olin - ton, Goderioh, Wingham, Wroxeter and Brussels, for the reepeotive divisions of whiob these pluses are the ventre. The nominations take plana on Monday, Deo. ember 22nd, and the voting on the same day ae the other eleotiooe. DEQ. 18, 1002. The Statudard Bank of Canada, DAPITAL (authorized by Ad of'Parlianoent) 32,000, Deo CAPITAL. (MoY aid up) ..',0416,070•000.00 OAiAIOOQ000SO IAf9ITS 10,077,604 HEAD OFFIOg,- TORONTO row,, 9., BEND, ucueral Iiartat;er BRUSSELS of? \Cil : De>00110 reee',, d. r.riaue made to reepon. v IJh7 r+r::+ +x 4P WHO Barges at, favoritle forme. Araf1e and money orders leaped, payable at any point, at lowest reap. Colleetlotia promptly attended to, A General Banking Bullies!'tranaeebed, Beene funnily afforded Ouetomere living at it dlatanoe.. Amouuta of One dollar and apwartin Savings Bank. Department reoetved and inter. Bl at nigbeet entreat rate allowedfroln date account 10 opened, and .added to the priuolpal Slay 91st and November 80th, Farmers' Sale Nbtes 00011 tor"received fax safe keeping and Monk Nate Forme Frog en Applleatfon Ileum 10 to 8, Saturdays 10 to 1, F, 11, GRAY, AGENT. • THE lateet e to s r be added o ottr exchange lietSte the Tro, publiehed at Olieton in the intereete of the Collegiate Institute, The paper is a neat one and will be published every seoond week. A FRIEND writing from Berlin to TNR Poor says ;—I preeume you have obeerved the majority this "burg" gave against the liquor act. Please be kind enough not to judge us too severely, better days arsr ooming. Tux Seaforth Sun hae leeued a finely illustrated Souveu•r edition c w i t I ae well gotten •np and exceedingly creditable to the proprietor and will no doub' do their town good. A good view of the Main street adorne the title page. DEATH ON WILLIAM KAY —A - Windsor. dispatch says :—William Kay,•aen„ the kindly old Windsor Librarian, died Thursday evening of last week - at hie home, Victoria avenue, after an illneee of several months'. .He wee born at Galt 69 years ago, and was educated for the Presbyterian ministry, bat preferred to follow the teaohing profession and was a member of the staff of the old Windsor High School for a number of years. When the library was organized eight years ago, he was appointed librarian, a poeitou which he held op to the time of his death. Deceased was a first (mash) to Mre J. R. Grant, of Winnipeg, formerly of Brussels. DANDY HAL'e OWNER FINED.—Jobn Wood, of St. Oatbariaee, who was at the head of the eyndioste that worked the "ringer" Norseman, aline Dandy Hal, in Pennsylvania and on the Oanedian cir- cuit, and who was brought to book by George Id. Evans, Secretary of the Ham ilton Trotting Association, and W. A. Collins, appeared before Judge Snider at noon, says the Hamilton Times of Thee• day last. He pleaded guilty to two char- gee—to attempt to defraud, and 0ooepir• soy to defraud. 3, W. Nesbitt, K. 0., appeared for him and asked for leniency, on the ground that Wood is very old, that he bee already been punished by being expelled from th@ variooe turf aeeooi teione, and for other reasons. J. P, Stanton,,00nneel for the American Trotting Association, said that body did not wish e eevere penalty .imposed on Wood. The orown attorney eaid that a heavy fine instead of imprisonment, would no doubt serve ae an example to horsemen lnolined to be orooked, Judge For Christmas Presents GO TOS' -- - H. L. Jackon JEWELER. • —Ladies' Gold and Gold Filled Watches, —Ladies' Silver and Enamel Watohee,' —Ladiee' Long Watoh Chains, Neok Laces, Stone Set Lookete, Br000hee, Bracelets, Stick Pine, &o. —Gem Rings, set with Diamonds, Opals, Pearls, Garnets and all other preoioue atones. Prioee range a000rding to quality and all are good value. •—Sterling Silver Sl:oone, Match Safes, Toilet Pieces, Manioore Sete, Jewel Oases, Novelties, &o. —Silverware — Cake Baskets, Berry Spoons; Bake Dishes, Batters, Sugars, &o., 1847 A 1 Rogers Broe' Knives, Forks and Spoons. —Gente' Gold Filled Watohee, Gents' Silver Watobee, Silverine Wabohee, fitted with Elgin, Waltham, Duber• Hampden, Omega or English move mente. —See oar 23 & 21 Jewelled movements— they are the beet money van bay. —Duff Linke, Ooff Buttons, Tie Pins, Gents' Rings, Lookete and Charms, Silver Mounted Canes, Genie' Watch Chains, Violina, Month Organs, Olooke, &o. See our New. Goods. We bought for dash direot from the Manufacturers. My long experience in baying and handling ie a guarantee to my onetomere that they will reoeive a dollar's worth of quality for every dollar expended here. We do not buy shoddy jewelry— we keep the beet quality made and the beet quality ooete you no more than inferior qualities at other plaoee. Honest goods at closest prices. WATCHES nod RINGS A SPECIALTY. I -Z. L. Jaoksort, Jeweler. The The Old Year Out AND —tea New Year In LAMP GOODS Latest deeigne and highest quality at lowest priooe. We are in a position to retail lamps at the usual wholesale primes. Don't mien our epeoial Christmas bargains on thee° handsome Lampe. QUADRUPLE SILVERWARE Our Christmas prime on the Staple artielee of Silverware will ecrprise you. Only a limited quantity. Make your oboioe early. KNIVES, FORKS cA SPOONS In these lines we have a splendid trade. Oar grioee during Obrietmao time will certainly please. Don't miss the opportnnity, PRATT'S FOODS The greatest of Animal and Poultry Regulators. Now ie the eeaeon to use this valuable food for your Cattle, Horses, Sheep, Pige, Poultry, oto. Tet it. WOVEN WIRE FENCE Call and see the beet Woven Wire Fence in the market—nine etrande—for 50o a God, We invite every up -to date, practical farmer, to examine this !encs before you decide what kind of a fence you purpose building next eeaeon. BARGAIN COUNTER Two paokages of 10 oz. Carpet Tattle for do ; two 71noh Filee, handled, 28o 1 two Eye WItneee Bntaher Knives' for 40a, t t AM IMEp lir ilk 0 CA Snider gave Wood a severe lecture and sentenced him to two weeks' imprison. went, and to pay a fine of 8100 and all ovate—e, total of about 6175. Is default the imprisonment will be three months. Wood took the eeotenoe hard and fur. then pleading mused Hie Honor to reduce: the imprisonment One week. Fred. Darr, of Vineland, ie also trial awaiting on a oharge of oonepiring with Wood. THE renewal eeaeon has come round again, and we would oak yon, dear read• er, to oall in soon and renew for Tin POST for 1903. Do not wait till the roeh is on. THE Paris Review eaye ;—"82 out of 88 pbpile in the Parie Public school enc- oeeded at theexamination last July a oreditable showing indeed fox Mr. Taylor, the Principal." Mr. Taylor ie a eon•in• law to Geo. Crooke, of Brussels, and formerly taught in this locality. Ho was always a successful teacher. We are pleased to notice in the Winn'. peg papers that A. W. H. •Smith, eldest eon of Jno. E. and Mre. Smith, of Bran. don, formerly of Brueeele, heads the list the e eeoond intermediate examination in law. He hae bad a brilliant oareer so far and will complete hie aonrae next year. THE POST congratulates him ou hie mimeos and hopes it may long con- tinue. H I T A .•AGAIN •'A7 T , R Fox's Drug Store YOU (STT —Toys of all kinde, —Picture and Song, Books, —Dolle in great variety, — Celluloid, Plush and Leather Goode, — Photo, Albume, a floe aeeortment, —Purees, Ohatelainee and Wrist Sage, —Mirror') in all ahapee and eines, Work Boxes, ,Jewel Boxes and Writing Bete, •—Ploqupe, Picture and Photo, Holders, -Xmas (lards, Booklets and. Calendars, —Bibles, Flymnale and Hymn Books.. We shall be pleased to have you dome in and see .the great variety of our stook, at FOX'S DRUG STORE. 3DIT77D. ATTwooD,—In Grey, on Deo, 16, Annie, daughter of Harry and Mre. Attwood, aged 28 years, 7 months and 26 days. Malmo —In Grey, on Sunday,' Deems. ber 1410, Jerome, only daughter of William McNabb, aged 17 years and 20 days, NloaoLeoo —In Morrie, on Deo: Stb,. Aline Bnrohill, beloved' wile of Arob. Nioholson, aged 51 years. RADPP —In Detroit, on Deo. 11, Royal, beloved eon of Adam and Christine. Raupp, formerly of Walton, Ont., aged 17 yeare, fl montbe and 26 days. TD uenurs.—Iu Grey, on Deo. 18, Mar- garet Turnbull, aged 68 years, avc'rxoiv TDEeaAY, Deo. 28.—Farm stook. Lot 81, Con. 18, Grey. Sale, unreserved, at 1 o'clock. H. D. Ward, Propt. F. S. Scott, Ana. ONE CENT A WORD COLUMN. BOARDERS wanted. Apply to MRS. T. Ni033OL8. John street, Brueeele. GiNnau purpose mare, ,7 yeare old, for sale. GED, SEIDL% Brueeele, GENERAL store for sole. For. further miraloulate apply to J, 1i, THOMSO , Eon. GOOD driving mare for Bale, quiet . and fryn. reliable, aleo natter, buggy, homage, &a. Apply to M. G. JEBROW, Walton. Durham Bull for Service. The undersigned will keep for•eervlee on Lot14, Con 10, Grey, a thero'-brod Durham Bull, Pedigree may be seen on application. Terme, 51.00, with privilege of returning 1f necessary, JAMES CUBIC, 23.4 Proprietor. Some Xmas Specials TCHETT'S 1sT Vs,lr 0 IR, E =XXX=XXX= For Saturday only, 20 pieces Fine All -wool French Flannel, all new, stylish, up-to-date patterns, stripes and shades ; just the thing for a useful Xmas gift, sold regular at 50c per yard, to clear Saturday only at per yard 39c Also a few of those Wonderful Bargains in Dress Patterns left, clearing at $3.00, only a few, secure one of these Patterns before they are all gone. CLO THING Our Clothing Department is one of the most inter- esting Departments of this large store. Here the up-to- date .dresser will find all he desires in nobby up-to-date Suits, Overcoats, etc. We have a few Xmas Specials in Overcoats. SHOE DEPARTMENT Our Shoe Department is booming. There are some excellent values here for Xmas. We have a nice range of Ladies' Fine Vici Kid Shoes, sold regular at $2,25, clearing • Saturday at $1.65. What is more appropriate for Wife, Mother or Sister for Xmas, We have all the newest styles at the newest prices. E have just received a variety of Ties, Suspenders, Silk Handkerchiefs, Initial Handkerchiefs, Ladies'. and Gentlemen's UndervVear, Corsets, Gloves, Hosiery, and a few Specials in Tapestry Table Covers, pretty patterns and designs, sold .'every- where at $2,00, Clearing here at $1,50,- They make a most appropriate and acceptable Xmas Gift. Everything Selling at Special Xmas Prices. R. A. MATCHETT'S NEW STORE GARFIELD BLOCK, BRUSSELS. THE MO-NEY SAVING SPOT Butter arid Eggs taken as Cash.