The Brussels Post, 1902-12-18, Page 5• Dto, MA BUSINESS CARDS. ONEX TO LOAN A'1' G P1t7R ICA peat. 0,0, SCOTT, llreeeele, MoORAAKEN— r Issuer of Marriage 140011005i Of- 1kPo at Greeery,'i'urnborey !Meet, fermate, IIVIa IV1UttRISON, tastier of Marriage a 11Qen s ee s WALTON, ONT, Ly/' N, O CONN OR , GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT for sown of the host and aofeet Companies ku Canadafor TeaA0taur Plate Wage, O1go over I. 0, liehard's 18-nt, Brussels. a Winter Tarin begins tl/tn, 5 OGENTRAL s /is STRATFORD. ONT. . A large, Progroseive eohool and 000 of the best on this Continent. Title le 8,p a.strn g 005504nent but Ole a lytta 000 n school reason o x 1t T. 1,q nevertheless. ati ndaupo is bounce it le toe large to a a. ttwrie• wt ar hustling, working, . re. 11 060000cult.produoing4 611111 p 1%eoont grad. oaten Lava arpm50 postdose at staler t go 0 u moult p U. m 4 t toe rn '1 'Ix S n n1, P 1, .l per antrum, � ri o for our now catu arm 'W t FF y� a4 L9 o ue. Yyp ly, J, ELLIOTT, Prinoipah /.; MISS JEAN NI'LAUCNUN, -T1t5.0fi101i 03t— PiANO - AND ORGAN, ROiBEFeT CUNNINGHAM! 1N00RANOn, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. L. Estelle Griffin TEACHER 00? -VOICE CULTURE Pupil of Miss Eva N. Roblyn, of London. Pupils prepared for Coneervatery 00110619. Lessons given at 01he� home of yW, R. 3500r, John street. LJ. LECKIE, LIFE AND FIRE INSURANCE, LOAN AND REAL ESTATE AGENT, 11ION1 11 TO LOAN AT 40, 4$ R 6 Per Cent. Office over Hureley'o Drug Store, .Ola Nov, Brd, 5902. 00.90 , , Wellington Mutual Fire insurance Co., n0TAJLr6n0D 1640 Insurance taken on the Dash and premium note ssteat current rta. B fore ing else whore call on thea rod°reigned Ago't of the Company. GEORGE BOGERS, Brussels. AUCTIONEERS. Vi S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION - 1,• nun, VIII soli for hotter nrice0, to better men, in lees time and leas chargee than any otber Auctioneer in East Enron or be won't °barge anything. Dates and eaters can always 0000 .ranged at this office or by n VETERINARY. T D. WARM'IOK— J • Honor Greater& of the Ontario Vet- erinary College, in prepared to treat alldis- eases of domcatioated .animals in a oomnet- entmanner. Particular attention paid to Veterinary Dentistry. calls Promptly at- tended to. Office and Infirmary—Four doors North of bridge, Turnberry et., Brussels. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. �7dT M. SINCLAIR— V 9' • Barrister, Solicitor, 'Conveyancer, Notary Public, 4e. Office-8tewurt'e Block 1 door North of Central Hotel. • Solioitor for the Standard Bank. . F. ]3LAIR, BARRISTER, Solicitor, ho. Office over Stand- ard tand- ar dMBoney to Loan at lowestlratea. Brussels. MEDICAL CAL CARDS. DR. C. AMBROSE TOOLE, RESIDENCE IND OFFIOE— I11LL ST, EAST, BRUSSELS. fii5t ixt ReWs. Gott -r103. 5% is being added to all townebip taxes not paid before the 15.13, Fordwiob has copied from Gerrie and will beoome a Polios Village. Cyrus Horton moved to the farm be reeentfy rented near Lekelet lent week. A. A. Crawford, of Pbermaoy College, Toronto, to °pending bis holidays in `town, Township Council met last Monday. There will he new Noire at next year's muuioipel Board without mob doubt. John Padfield, of Orange Hill, returned from the County of Eeeex with 197 young porkers. This ie oho eeooed oargo which he has brought to this County. John wants to watch out that he doesn't invest in a bath of cholera piggy wiggles. J3'orclwich. J. A. M'NAUGHTON, M. D., C. Ill., Trinity University, Fellow Trinity Medical College, Member College of Phyeiolaue and S urgeons, Ont. Licentiate of the Royal Col- lege of Physicians and Licentiate of If,d- wrfery Edinburgh. tm-'Telepboue No.14, Resilience—Mill 'Arcot, Bromic!, DENTISTRY DR. R. P. FEILD, DENTIST Graduate of 'lbo Revel College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario and Eiret•alaee Honor Graduate of Toronto University. Clem, next to Brewer's Phntogr0ph Gallery, BRUSSELS. AGENTS WANTED. E ither„on Tull or - fart Time. Aro yon fully (mangled wih - your income 7 Ie vont alma a yoempl2 If not, write u9. We can give you employment by nay the month • good forme or contract to nay you well for each Neefo m as you secure for d e odd limos: Wo employ both i mala and female roprosautativos, a Tn a nest throe menthe ie the very best time to sell our geode No de- posit 16 required ; outfit, is absolutely free. We have the largest nureeriee in Canada— over 800 votes. A largo range of valuable new specialties, and all our 01000 10 guaran- teed an represented, If you want to mere. Bout Ottelargest, moat liopular and boat known nursery, write us. It will be worth your while. STONE & WELLINGTON, 'Canada's G0eate6t Nurseries;' 17.001 Toronto, Ontario. SHINOLS D. Bell ; D. of C., 0 Bailor t %feet„ Cep, leenitin ' Qom•, A, II, Musgrave, J. Oonory, Wm. Nieholooe, A. Dein' JO, J, M04fanngs, The leoal Tent of the $ O. T. 1M., bee eleated the foilowtug oil:mel'e for the on. auiug yap.), 1 --Fest Qom., Wm, Carr ; Cpm,, F E. Sell 1 Iiieut,•Cam., Wen, E. Moore; R. K, 3, W. Dodd; F, IS., Jeeele Button ; Qbap„ A. Bird ; Phyoioitan, T. Cbiehohn ; Sorg , Wm, Monk ; 14. at A,, ue • I t . of J. A, Simonetta a M G., A,b to 17 Lamont ; 2nd M. at G., Ii 12. Burma , -' Sentinel, G. Stevens ; Ploket, R, Finlay. About vis u'elook the other morning the livery .table of Geo. Newton wee die- covered ie- c ve ed to be on flee. Sorapidly did the Seib o t0 'r was onlyo I that t fire tweed, wP aave the bagies. Two Lorena, one now, all the harness, feed end other oontente were burned, The strange part of the a0air is that lYlr. Newton peened the stable about fifteen minutes before, on hie way to put a fire on in the eider mill, and saw no Signe of any fire to the eteble. After he had completed his work in the mill, which 000upied 15 or 20 minutes, be. looked outside, and saw the fire, and men gathered at the scone.There was 3400 insurance on stable and oontente. 11ntended for last wash.] W.A. Johne, of town, has been appoint ed baagagemon at the G. T, R. station. Wingham Flouring Bailie are ohippiug three car loads (1500 bags) of flour to South Afries, Thos. Howarth, banker, of Oakville, who wan employed ae olerk iu Soott'e bunk, Wingham, at one time, committed euioide by ebooting. Daniel Modormiok, of the Grand Gen. tral hotel, Hamilton, formerly of Wing. ham, has issued a writ for $200 against the Grand Trunk Railway for the lose of hie Irish tpaniel through the alleges eareleeeneeo of a railway official, .The dog made its eeoapefrom the Toronto Union Station. Fordwioh gave about 10 to 1. for the Referendum. E. M•, Carter le still oonficed to his room with inflammatory rheumatism. At the last meeting of the County Council a by-law was passed making 1'ordwloh a polios vilhtge. Fordwioh pnblio school will give a pub lib entertainment in the Foresters' hall on Friday evening, Deo. 1901,. Anniversary service° were held in the Methodist ohnrch Sunday. Rev. J. Liddy, el. A., of Harriston preaohed. • Abram Johnson disposed of bis team of four year-old general purpose horeee to an American buyer for the handsome sum of 3325. The Sunday eohool of Trinity church purpose holding a Obrietmae.tree and en- tertainment on Chriebmae eve, Wednes- day, Deo, 24th. Arthur Dobson, who has been engaged as teaoher of the Orange Hill eohool for the past year, has tendered his reeigna• Hon, to take effect at the close of the present eohool term. He purposes at. tending the High School at Harriston. British Columbia Red Cedar Shingles 0ND-- Nortll, Shore Pine and Cedar FOR SALE AT THE Brussels'Blaning Tints Exeter. R. S. Lang left for Edinburgh, Soot - land, where he will combine business with pleasure for a few weeks. Harold I. Collins, who has been in Manitoba for the past two year° returned home to spend the Winter. Harry L. Huston has resigned his position in the Sovereign Bank here, and the vaoanoy has been filled by E. J. Christie. 01,0 Anna Martin, whn ie attending the Model eohool at Godsrioh, has been segaged to touch in the W inaheleen public eohool for the coming season. Mr. Noxon, who bas been oondooting. the apple evaporator at the foundry, has finished the eeaoon'e work and will leave shortly for his home in Prince Edward County. Thos. and Asa Williams have returned from Manitoba, where they have been for the past few menthe on a prospecting tone -with a view to porohaoing land. They onooeeded in 'immuring 800 sorsa of choice soil in the vicinity of Woolnely and in March next, in company with their father, mother, and sister will move to the Prairie Provinoe. Also Doors and Saab of all Pat terns on hand or made to order at Short Notice, Estimates Furniebed for all kinds of Buildings. Workman- ship and Material Guaranteed. P. AMENT Lead bsir v. Teweship Council last Monday. Alex. Brothereon is on the sick list. Danoan MoPhereon has arrived home from. the West safe and sound. Mrs. J. Wilteie bee pnrohoned a bonne and lot in Beatorth where she will reside in future. Dennis Bros. have just finished the sea• son's threshing. This mattes their 24th year in the busioerm. Two Latter Day Saint elders have been conducting meetings East of here. We have not heard of any new converts. Winthrop creamery paid out this last season over $7,000 in cash to there pat. tone for oream manufactured there. Wm. Clark has rented R. Pollard'° farm for a term of years. Mr. Pollard ie operating a farm in the North West at present. Munn Bros. have put in a new Watford grinder of large capacity. They will now be in better shape than ever to a000mmo- date their many patronizere. Thos. Young has purohaeed a eteble that was formerly.ueed at Kelly's sawmill. When he has it home and fixed up it will make a comfortable building. Wm, Williamson Lao bean ongagod ae tiloanes at the G, T. 11, engine house. M. Gray, who held the position for a number of years, resigned a Sew weeks ego. U, A, Campbell, of lowu, d 150 Henle Cline, youngest dltttghter,anof .114, A. and plre, Cline, formerly of Wingbem, were united in marriage on Wednesday of last week at Owen Sound. The Ooauoit have decided to Submit a bylaw to the ratepayers ab the January owater. noise 2 0 r a o a to at 100 � 0 oEl n k $ , 0 to tai e 5. Ana ab •I wo , rk vein R d R$ sa G wo , Y y 500 for a sewerage system for the town, The anniversary eerviooe in eonneetion With the Wingham Methodiot church will be 28th. eosin r Sunday, D to held on , i Roo. Dr. Carman, an Geuex Superintend. mut will preach the tiermoos and also looturo Monday emitting, 29th ioat, W. H, and Mre. Green intend oele. bratiog the 260b anniversary of their wedding on Saturday Deoember 13t3. Mee. Green ie an votive member of the Ladies' Atd and intends to give the ladies and her lrleede a tea on this anniversary day, Instead of silverware presents oaetomary on pooh 000aeione, Mts. (keen will receive a silver collection, to be devoted to the Building fund of the newiilethodiet ohurob. l,tntowel. Benj, Morriok,has returned to town having recovered from hie recent elvers aooideut while in Moruington a short time ago. The town constable wishes to warn the children agairtet the praolioe of hang. ing on sleighs, eepeoially in the centre of Ma. town, Robert and William Knight, of Britton, left on Monday oflast week on a trip 00 England. They will remainfor the Win- ter with Moeda in Sussex, their native °ennty. Richard Stainton, G. T. R. emotion foreman, who has been laid up for the OHRISTMAS_GR'EETING T. FLETCHER Winorhetrv.. H. A. McDonald, of Heneall, bas ao- oepted a position as clerk in A, R. Smith's. Scottish concert under the auepioeo of Camp Caledonia, S. 0. S. will be held January Sail. Mies Brook was elected President, of the Epworth L -'ague Reading Circle and Mies Ferment, Seo. Wingham Methodiot church anniver- eery 001010es will be held Deo. 28th, Rev, Dr, Carman will preaoh and on Monday evening, there will be a Supper, followed by a feature by Dr. Carman. The members of the young people's Gniltl of St. Paul's have made arrange. menta to hold'fortnightly meetings ; pro• grams to consist of .mesio, readings, garnets, eto. and a eooial evening once a mon th. At the annual meeting Of St. Panl'e ohurob the following officers were elect.. ed :—Superiotendeut, Rev. W. Lowe ; Aeeietant,F. Shore ; Vioe•Bnpt., E, Nash ; Librarians, A Alderson, Blies M. Sadler ; Organist, W. Roderne ; Assistant, Mise Vanstone ; Seo., E. Nash ; Trees,,. A. Alderson. L. 0, L. No. 794 Wingham held eleotion and inotallation of afters rooniting as Tallows :—W. 101,, Be A. Donglaos ; D. M., T. Hall 1 Chap ,16. C. Clarke ; R. Sen, 7, Ball ; Fin, tieo„ J, G. Stewart ; Treace, jw ." \O'1 i, . OUR store he a dazzling dioplay of Elegant Goode suitable for /twee Presents. We always carry the LARGEST and BEST Assorted stock .of Watohee, Clocks and Jewelry. The eeeret of the eooure° of oar business ie CLOSE BUYING and giving our Customers HONEST GOODS. Oar motto is "Uniformly Low Prioes." We buy direct from the Manufacturers for earth and oan give our Cnetom- ers the Closest Bargains. Oar Mr. R. S. Fletcher, who has.been connected with the largest Wholesale Jewelry Houee in Chicago, has nnlimittd experience and nnderetande the Jewelry business in all its branches. Our Customers will receive prompt and careful attention. We are Rfead.y for the Holiday Trade Pnrobasere should make their seleotione while our stook is at iteibeet. We oan meet Every Want at the Loweat Prioe. COME AND SEE OUR MONEY -SAVERS Ladies' Gold I dee our Gents' 12 size Open Face and and Gold Hunting Gold Filled Watohee ver and Bilverine CLOCKS RINGS Filled Watches Gents' Gold and Gold Filled Watohee 1a d i e e', Gents', Boys' and Girls' Bil. Watches THAT THE / Is the place to get veins for your 10000y, merolal annd Nhorteand.T Bend SoreColley Journal. 0. A, 1i't,IOMINei, 4,14 ]ifoINTY1i31, President, Seeretery, Gents' 18 and 18 size Vanguard 21 and 23 Jewelled Movements Gents' 16 size Riverside Maximus 21. Jewelled Movements Also 17, 15, 11 and '7 Jewelled Movemeoto in Elgin, Waltham, Denber-Ramp• den and Omega makee Swiss and English Watches kept in stook. Sole Agents for the Denber•Hamp- den Watches We have in stock a very fine line of Mantle Cloaks in Marble, Iron and Wood—Onyx finish. Oak and Walnut 8 day Clooke. Fanny, Gilt and Alarm Cloaks. Gem Ringo set with Diamonds, Opals, Pearls, Emeralds, Sapphires and Garnets. Gents' Ringo, set with Diamonds, Garnets, Carbunoles and' Blood Stones. Also Initial and Society Ringo. See our Birthday and Baby Ringo. Solid Gold Rings from 5013 to $100 00 each. LADIES' CHAINS AND BRACELETS—A beautiful display of Ladies' Lone Watch Maine, Gents' Chains, Ladies' and Child's Braoelete, Cuff Linke, Cuff Buttons, Baby Pins, Necktie Pine, Brooahee, Charms, Society Pine, etc. GENTS' AND LADIES' LOCKETS set with Pearls, Opals, Rubies and Rose Diamonds. See them—they are BEAUTIE8. Ladies' Necklaces, assorted leogthe. Alen an elegant line of Solid Gold Brooches, eat with Genuine Pearls. A BEAUTIFUL SILVER DISPLAY —Five Piece Tea Seta —Cake Koivoe —Ttreo piece Toa Seta —Sardine Forks —Fern Coasters —Jelly Knives —Baking Dishes —Cold Meat Forks —Sugars and Creams —Knives and Forks, Al —Barry Dishes —Dake Forks —Calle Baekete —Pie Knives —Biscuit bare —Cucumber Forke —Pickle and Butters —Jelly Spoons —Bon Bon Diehee —After -Dinner Coffee Spoons —Berry Spoons —Soup Ladles —1847 Rogers Bros.' A 1 Goode. —A full line of Sterling Silver, Flet Ware and Novelties. ENGRAVING DONE FREE OF CHARGE. —A grand display of Fanoy China, in Japanese Ware, Crown Derby di Wedgewood SEE OUR GENUINE EBONY GOODS OPTICAL DEPARTMENT This Department in well looked atter by Mre. Fletcher. Consultation free. Eyes properly tested. Frames at ALL Prioee. We will be pleased to have you look through our stook. Our Prices are the Lowest—We oan save you money. Our Speoialties are WATCHES and RINGS. La—Watch and Jewelry repairs promptly attended to—Batiefaotion guaranteed. ods \VaiiteEl at Wingham We are prepared to pay for Firot-class Maple loge ........$14 per M Firol-oboes Soft Elm loge .,.. 14 ' Firer-olase Rook Elm loge.... 18 Fire -alarm Rosewood loge .... 15 Firer-olase Beech loge 12 " All Ilinde and grades wanted. Call end get our prices. The Canada Furniture Mfrs. Limited OPr1IEATING The Button & Nut Chair Factory WINGHAM, ONT. Issuer of TDE 01409E PRICE Marriage Lteens0a, T. FLETCHER, JEtY ELER. P. S.—Liaeneee and Wedding Rings sold privately, Spoiled a Good Baking you have many a time by ueiog an ieforior grade of fionr. Your bread will always be light, white and eweet when aeing the Venue. It le always 01 imp- eder quality, with no variation, and is carefully made from the boob grown Manitoba wheat. Try this eatietmotory brand for your bread, mime and pies, and you will never nee any other. ALF. 11t1,EKER, Rlcli0SkLO Grass Seeder 1 T am out again with the New Model Gram Seeder. Without any doubt it is the hest hand Seeder for Bowing small Betide ever offered to the people. That is the testimony of more than nae hnndred persona who have need them daring last Spring and Summer. Any person wishing to have one of these very useful articles oan be °applied by oelling OD me. Simon G ant, BRUSSELS Sole Agent for the Townships of Grey an PRICE $1.00. past two months, at his home, Main street weal, with an injured leg is im• proving, Edward Tuttle. who liven j000 Weal of the town, has the sympathy of the nom• munity in the lose which he eoetained in the death of two of hie ohildrea from diptheria. Richard Hemphill has arrived in town from Winnipeg, where hie father and family now reside, He parpoeeo return- ing to Manhtobm after making a holiday visit here. Blame. Brown and Monteith, of Strat- ford, the nominees for the Ontario Legis• latare from this Riding, are paying a good deal of attention to the electors in this locality. see.tort1o. John Dodds woo taking in the shooting tournament at Brantford last week. Wm.Freeman, who has been laid up with an attack of typhoid fever, is recov- ering nioely we are pleased to state. Thos. Fowler, of . the Huron Road, West, had the misfortune to get two of hie ribs broken. He was attending the cattle and one of the animals kinked him. Mrs. James Soott, of Harpurhey, met with an nasty aooideot. She had been down town and on her way home tripped on a loose plank in the sidewalk, falling heavily and somewhat injuring herself. The Collegiate Institute hockey olob, Gloated the following officers for their Hookey oinb this season ; President, G. F. Rogers, B. A., : manager, G. J. Hamil. ton ; secretary -treasurer E. W. Murray ; captain, 0. Sills ; managing committee, A. Waugh, J. Roberts, A. J. D. MoMann, F. Wright, R. J. McLaughlin. Monday afternoon, of last week smoke was dieoovered issuing from the station house. An alarm was rung in and wan promptly responded to by the are brigade who looated the fire between the ceiling of the lattice' waiting and the floor of the room above. Prompt tuition on the part of the bridgade extinguished what might have been a serious fire, without nisch damage having been done farther than that caused by water and emoke. OrA�%l"!! s ;Ts", McKinnon Y 1e HOUSE FURNISHINGS NIerbnpo you want to tone up your home before 0 rl tin eYs with h a Garnet, Axmmetefi Rake, Art Squares,Laoa OUkt aiua Silk Table Uovere, Golden Dreperioe, EEO. If oo we are fully preparedto supply the dewand, Rud to quote special prices till atter the hplidaye.—Union Carpets, N yard wide, good colors, worth 80o for 25e. . Heavytwo•ply Union Car. Pet pod wide, n a variety t of att eroe at Sha 45 o and Gp o. A e o. pt a l line of 9 settY Carpet, In good patterne and c ore regular1ar 0afor 1,00, Wool Carpets, yprd wide, in a variety of patterns at 660, 750 and 960, Art Sjenree, woven in ope piece, in different sizes up to 4 yards wide tr by 4i, yards tong, with border all around, will at an ordinary etzed room ri without matching or sewing, and will omit no more than any other carpet. We have them in three qualities. Atilt to 000 them. Lane Ourtaino, ( i..8110,goalitios, from 250 to $2 60. . . Art Mgeline and Curtains Scrims, . Go, 8o, 100 and 1bo. ov ERco 0'7 A. T We show a large stook of Swell ()venerate for young men in new Reglanette etyte which 10 now so popular, from $8 to $10. ➢Len's Bleak and Navy Beaver Overooate, in all sizes, from $5.50 to $10. . Alen's Heavy Frieze Uletere, high storm oollor, heavy warm lining, at $3 75, $4.50 mod 86. We carry a full range of Stanfield'° Unehrinkable Underwear. Beware of imitations which are saki to be just as good ae Stanfield's— `S none genuine except stamped Stanfield's. Atw0Oa. Henry Prost, who has been working se foreman of the Government Books at &emit Ste Marie, ie visiting friends in the vtllage. J. A. Mitchell will open his new hall with a grand concert on Monday evening, Deo. 29th. The Sherlock Oonoort Co. and Mies Kate Archer, violinist, of Tor- onto will provide the program. The annual meeting of the Elma Re. form Aseooiation will be held in Diet. rioh's Hall, Atwood, on Saturday, at 2 p. m„ for electing otlloere for the eneaing year, receiving the auditor'? report, and transacting other general Matinees. John Brown, the Liberal candidate for North Perth, will be present and address the meeting. A rather cations aooident happened to George Anderson on Tuesday of last week. He wee assisting his father in rigging up the new gasolene engine lately installed in the elevator, and became aware of a (peer sensation ooming over him. Hie father wee in another part of the elevator and wan not aware of any- thing unusual happening nntil ho flaw George stagger Ont of the engine room looking very ill. A dootor was hurriedly summoned and exon partially revived him. At fleet it was thought that George had received a shook from the electrical wires in oonueotien with engine, but Robt, Audereon thinks that be was over. oome by gas clomping through some faulty oons0ruotion in the engine, George is now quite reoovered from the effects of the gao, Sox and Rubbers. • • O No matter how cold or slushy the weather is, your feet will be snug and warm in a pair of socks and rubbers. Thick, warm, fleece -lined socks and stout snag - proof rubbers—that's a combination that can't be beat for out -door winter work. We have them in all styles and sizes.- They are priced down to rock bottom, too. This is how we sell them :— - hlen'e from 31.25 to 3276. Bat the Special Brand which we have the Agenoy kn Brneeele for is the J. D. SING STUBS PROOF which ie without doubt the Boat and Most Durable Rubber in the market. Every pair is guaranteed to give satisfaction. See them with no, and buy them as none other will give you the same wear, — Repairs in Rubbers, Boots and Shoes done promptly. —HARNESS DEPARTMENT.—Fall stook Harness, light or heavy. Alen Robes, Blankete, Belle, Tranke or Satchels. —Collars and Harness repaired. I. C. RICHARDS. XMAS SPECIALTIES At the Old Reliable Grocery and Bakery ORANGES, LEMONS, RAISINS, CURRANTS, PRUNES, FIGS, PEELS, NUTS, CANDIES and our usual supply of FANCY GROCERIES A11 of the beet quality and at Moderate Prices. OUR_ TEAS, COFFEES SPICES are carefully selected and at much below the regular price. .fl Full ./lssortnaent of Fancy China, Tea, Dinner and Fruit Sets. Geo. Thomson In We carry in stock a first-class assortment of Grey Goat, Saskatchewan, Black Galloway, Grizzly Bear and Mountain Bear. Rubber, Wool and Plush Rugs Of excellent valve. EILOss All Kinds. Big Stock of Single Harness from $7.60 up, also Team Harness and Collars that cannot be beaten. Fine range of Trunks, Valises, &c. Satisfaction guaranteed. John Donaldson HARNESS MATTER, BRUSSELS. l , masSlilP ails