HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1902-12-18, Page 1Vol. a1. No. 23
New Advertisements,
Looal—Gt E. Kin.
Xmaft—J, W. 1'weruey,
Locale—A, R, Smith.
Notice—Hanley & Co,
Timber for sale—P, Ament,
Fur sale—Rev, M. G. Jarrow,
Bull for [ervioo—James Gude,
Timber for sale -Duncan Taylor.
The Old Year Ont—McKay & Oa.
Obrietmas preeents—H. L, audition,
Christmas Oboer—H, F, MoAllio er.
Efoliday preeento—J. Ferguson & 0o.
Ohrietmae speote's—H, A, Matohett,
,Carizt tb
Lead b ter v.
Wm. Vance and John MoPhereon -are
visiting this week in Bright, Ontario,
Duncan MoNab hag Dome home from
Manitoba to epend a couple of months
under the parental roof. Done. has
been about a year and ft half in the West
and intende to locate there permanently.
W eel tote:
Christmas Day Rev. Mr, Webb will
.00nduat Bervioe in St. George'e [numb at
3p• on.
Rev. R. Pani, of Brnso&e, will preaoh
in the Methodist churol, next Sabbath
We are sorry to hear that Rev, M. G.
Jerrow has decided to remove from Wale
ton having resigned the pastorate of the
aharab here, He and Dlre. Jerrow made
many friends here who will regret their
Anniversary serving will be held in
Duff's church, Walton, on Sabbath the
21st, when Rev. J. S. lardie, of Listo
wel, will preaoh at 11 a. m. and at 6 30
p, m, ,A. tea meeting will be held on
Monday the 22nd when addressee are ex•
Noted from the Rave. 3, S, liurdie and
M• G, Jarrow, A, Hislop, M. P. P., (1,
F. Blair and W. H. Kerr, elude will be
rendered by the choir. Tea will; be eery.
ed in basement of the ohnrahfrom 6 to
8 p. m.
By notice elsewhere in this isene it will
be seen that Royal, the 17 year old eon of
Adam and Christine Raupp, of Detroit,
pMiah,, 'formerly of this looality, paesod
away on Thursday, The cane of death
was a very bad nttaok o1 diptheria with
which the youth was only ill for a few
days. Feneral was private from the
parental home. Mr. and Mre. Raupp will.
be accorded the einaera sympathy of all
old friends here in their sudden bereave.
menb, Mr, Raupp is engaged in the
wholesale oonteationery busmen in
W r(1Xe ter.
Mrs. Freoob, of Markham,
guest of her brother, Thos. Rae.
0. Goodfellow, of Witerton. ie spending
a few holidays at hie home here. ,
J. Wendt and Geo. Town anent Sunday
at the former's home in Mildmay.
Mr'e. T. Hemphill and Miee Cassie
Harris, visited in Brussels -on Thursday.
Miee Gerrie Lawrie spent several days
of feet week with relatives in Wingham,
1t. Wendt, G. Herringer and the Misses
Wendt, of Mildmay, spent Sunday in the
A load of young people attended the
oouoert given in Jamestown Thursday
night of last week.
Mies Jsnnie McLeod, who has been so
eerionely ill for some time, is at present
in a very low condition.
Allan Rae has purohaeed the grocery
business of his father, Tho.. Rae, and
took poseesaion last week. As Allan has
plenty of push and ambition we expect he
will make a eaoceesful grocer.
Mica Jennie Miller hail returned from
Toronto Jnuetioe where the has spent
the last three mouths,
On Saturday John Hamilton nipped
two oar Ioade of sheep, and on Monday
W, Trench shipped a oar load of hogs to
The Presbyterian Sutlday school will
hold their annual entertainment in the
Town Hall Wednesday evening. A good.
program consisting of dialogues, 011ie,
choruses and kindergarten singe will be
What might have proved a serious
aooident ocourred on Friday night, when
Mre. Jno. Bray and a friend were out
driving. While pawing the woollen mill
the horse became frightened and jumped
the railing of the sidewalk along the, pond
alighting on the in. on the other aide.
Fortunately the gutter did not follow and
with the exception of a small out on the
horse's foot no farther damage was done.
Some diseatiefaction ie being telt, by
not a few, at the way in which the rent.
ing of the Town Hall ie being looked
after. A first plass company had engag
ed the Hall to hold an entertainment
here on Wednesday evening, but when
arriving the latter part of lust week to
more fully advertise' it found that in the
meantime the Hall bad been let for a
local entertainment thereby throwing the
company out for the evening. Some
better way of managing a publio hall, we
think, should be seen to at once.
The entertainment on the 22nd premie.
es to be a senates,
Clerk Fraser is expeoted home from the
Model this week. He has been engaged
to teach in Bonn's school, for the year
1903, -
Miss Olimie, of the "Little. College",
purposes having a concert on the after
noon of Friday for the parents of the
Always the Lowest
-4113ar 411=0.
Strictly One Price
For Everybody
v e ryb o dy
More and more every season people are searching out the useful for Holiday Gifts. A
Dry Goode Stock is pre-eminently a stock of useful articles and one like this is full to overflowing
with lines that make useful and appropriate gifts for the Greatest•of all Holiday Seasons. What can
be better to give than something that will be of some practical use to the recipient. Our stock to -day
embraces hundreds of such lines and the searcher of the practical and useful as well as the beautiful
will find themselves well repaid by a visit here. We are ready for Holiday Business now. Prudent
shoppers will make their selections now while stocks are at their best and
Before the rush that Invariably comes with Christmas Week.
Many people prefer to make up their own Holiday Gifts. Those who do will find a splendid assort-
ment of popular materials, such lines, as
Ribbons, Fancy Sateens, Roman Satins,
Fancy 'ork Linen, Plain Satin, Plain Colored Silks.
This etore is noted for the exoellenoe of its Ribbou Stook,
There's no snob assortment of Ribbons hereabouts as
yon will find in our Ribbon One. Values to are better
byfar than you get in most places. Abig shipment of
new shades, partionlarly enitable for Fanoy Work, just
passed into etook thio week, All Bilk and double faced
Satin Ribbons in Rose Pink, Coral Pi"k, Buttercup,
Oream, Nile Green, Pale Blue, Bright Cardinal,
We have one special line to Linen for Fanoy Work that it
e great seller, 45 inch extra fine and even thread, all
pure linen at 50o,
We Derry the best assortment of Plain and Fanny Sateen
in town. Our range of Fancy Patterns, editable for
cushion, eta., ie very large, and we show every wanted
shade in plain colors: Our plain Sateen are imported,
the cloth is firm and the brigbt finish laeting, all the
shades in stock, Cream, Buttercup, Pale Blue, Pink
[Derain, Mauve, Nile Green, Cardinal, Garnet.
Our great line of Colored Japan Silk le without an equal for
vales in the trade. All pure Bilk, 20 inches wide, all
the fanny shades, 25o per yard.
A new material, better by far than Sateen, all the appearance of Satin, at one.balf or one•third of the
coat. Never loses its rich, glossy look, all fanny shades, 80 iuohee wide, at 20o and 250 per yd.
Those who have not time to make up Christmas Presents will find
useful articles that are most appropriate for Holiday Gifts such as—
here a great collection of
HANDKERCHIEFSBVTIhIiReY eaesaosno'ns ssteoems atcoasceae ahneym grow vdeaienvteirer aalnlndwparebar ifnordedsoigw
right good Value in Plain Goode and for neatness and beauty of
pattern in Fancy Linea, No person ever hue too many of thein and being easily eent by mail they make an ideal gift for absent
fttende. If you are fond of the delioate and dainty in Handkerchiefs you'll enjoy looking over our Handkerohtet stank. Oat of
our dozens of different line we draw particular attention to the following Ladiat' Parmy Embroidered Handkerchiefs, neat
patterne, special value at 5o and 10o. Dozens of dainty designs in Fanny Embroidered and Lan Edge, by far the beet value
we've yet shown at 12o. Very fine Linen and Lawn, lace edge, at 15o, 18a, 20e, 25o, 355 and 60e.
GLOVE(j �j� (,,i ALWAYS useful, atwayt aoneptablo, there are few:. uetialee more eaitable for Xmee Gifts to a lady
S IJ tJ than a pair of fine Kid Gloves. We have a partioalarly good stook of Fanny Gloves fn Sret•olaee
quahties suitable for the Holiday Smola. Guaranteed gid Gloves with two and three Dome
1'aeboners at $1.00 and $1.25,
Dry Goods and Groceries. BRUSSELS.
A new parohase of hooka has arrived at
the Publio Library,
Rev, T, W. Genoa, of Braeselo, preaoh•
ed a rowing missionary sermon on Son•
day and a subscription of over $80 was
taken at the [lose.
A large number from here attended the.
Ooghlin—Doig wedding at the home of
Andrew Doig last Wednesday. A recap•
tion waateedered the young couple ab
tbeir horne on Monday evening on their
return Prom their woddiog trip to Toron
to. We wish the young people melee0.
HI Ise yule.
Township Connell met last Monday,
Butter Factory meeting will be held on
Friday of this week in the Ball.
There will likely be a Municipal election
in Turuberry for next yoar'e Oonaoil as
Mr. Lovell has bought a term in Wawa.
nosh and will be removing and W. Mit.
ohell has located in J3owiok. Who the
new blood may be isnot yet oleer.
John Maxwell, of Manitoba, is visiting
his mother, Mre. George Welch, and other
Mre. Robt. Meehan, 17th con , has
been very ill bat we are glad to state is
Mica Alice McCartney bee returned
home after a three mouths vieit with her
deter in Hamilton.
H. McKay, 91b non., will put ups new
wire fence anon the front of his 50 acre
farmas soon as weather will permit,
_ Last week P. Ferguson, 941 non.,
oeptered another fox after a good run,
Pete. takee great delight in a fox ohaee.
Mr. Pettereou and Miee Cora Patter•
eon, who have been visiting friends here
for the pact. month, have returned to
their home in Muskoka.
A new well ie being drilled on the farm
ot W. H. Kerr, 9th non , and a windmill
will be put up to pomp water into the
stables and hog and cheep house.
Ernest Bezel., 10th eon., has gone to
Brueeele, where he ie learning the tailor-
ing et D. C. Roca' establishment. We
wish him euonene and believe he will do
Miee Belle McDonald and her neioee
Gerty and Isabel Shaw are visiting at
Lnoknow with Mra. Robertson, mother
and grandmother respectively to the
The Smith Bros., of Logan, will aeeiet
in the program at Bethel Xmas Tree on
the 22nd. Selections will be given by a
graphophone. A good program is being
Mrs. Geo. Patterson had tbeamiefor•
tune of falling down a stair last Wednes-
day and was ooneiderably abeken np but
we are pleased to learn no bone were
The trustees of S. 8. No. 8 have engag.
ed Mise Agnea E. Smillie for next year
at a salary of $290. Miee Edwards, the
praeent teacber will go to the N. W. T.,
where she formerly taught. She has a
eohool awaiting her now, Miee Smillie'e
home is in Morris township near James:
town. There were 22 applioatiooe.
H. and Mrs. Ball, formerly of this
township, who moved to Wingham some
time ago, have reached the Pacific 0oast
in their visiting tour, They report a
plea=ant time with friends at different
points along the road and expect to
return in the Spring.
At Roe'e Church Epworth League last
Friday evening the topio "Do I dieoonrage
others ?" was taken by Miee Lizzie
Bryane and a good paper presented. Mr.
Macon, of Ethel, gave a very interesting
and profitable blackboard address on
"Habit." A quartette was rendered by
Misses Pearson and Miller and Messrs.
Brown and Pearson. Friday's meeting
this week will be in charge of the pastor,
Rev. C. P. Wella, B. A., B. D.
Onrr.—The community were sadly
eurprised to bear of the deoeaes of Miss
Margaret Turnbull, who passed quietly
away at the resident) of her brother, 15th
con., o0 Saturday night, aged 63 yens.She had not enjoyed robust health for
some time, her ailment being a kidney
and lung trouble, but she was able to be
about on Saturday. Deceased was born
at Whitehall Brae, Roxboro'ehire,
Scotland, and was a reeident of Grey for
over 40 yearn. Mies Turnbull was very
highly esteemed by the people of this
community. She was a deter to Andrew,
William, Adam and Thee. Turnbull, of
this township. The funeral took place
on Tuesday afternoon, Rev. A. MONsh,
M. A., of Walton, patter of deceased, con.
ducting an appropriate service. Inter-
ment was made ab Bennie oemetery.
Wm. Inglis, of Tyner, North Dakota,
who is here visiting his father and
brother, on oon,7, and old friends, has
been in the West for 28 years and has
prospered. He owns 320 aorea adjoining
Tyner and in the past season had about
6,000 boehele of crop, wheat, oats, bar•
ley and flax, an average of from 22 to 25
bushels per acre. Ae to the productive.
nese of the soil Mr. Inglis Bays be knows
of 9 encoeeaive crops of wheat being reap-
ed without the use of anything in the
nature of fertilizer. The visitor thinks
the time will come in their section when
cattle keeping will become the rule rather
than the exception. They have no handy
market now owing to grain growing
olmoet excluding everything else. Mr.
Inglis will remain here until after New
Years. He is a level headed man and
deserves to encoead.
Onte.—Peaoefuliy was- the Meeter'S
oall responded to last Tuesday by Annie,
daughterof -Harry and Mre. Attwood,
4th son., as the mortal pnt on immortal-
ity. She bad failed very rapidly of late
and despite all that careful attendance
and faitbfal watching ooald do that fell
destroyer of eo many—oonodmption—
could not be repelled. Deosased was in
her 24th year and was an intelligent,
cheerful young woman who grew np from
girlhood with the favor of the nommen•
ity resting upon her and many will regret
her early demise. The funeral took
place to Brussels cemetery on Thursday
afternoon, Rev, 0, P. Wella, pastor of
deoeaaed, oondnating an impressive ser•
vine. Annie had no fears as to the future
and died me she lived in oonfidont trust
in her Saviour. The family is deeply
sympathized with.
W. H.KERR,Prop,
Miee Emmeline Weinh, who bee been
[pending the past three menthe with
hinds in Manitoba, haft returned bog
a000mpanied by her oleler•in-law, Mrs,
G. 13. Welch.
"rile item of last weep in ocndeotion
with Messrs. Mann attending their
uncle's faunal should have read Bramp•
ton instead of Brantford. They return-
ed home twat Thursday.
OJn eo.01'R a OOlr.
The fax mill will commence eoutehing
Tun Poer gives the news and $100 gote
it until Jan, 1904,
There was service io the Lutheran
church last Sabbath.
We are keeping Christmas night reser.
ved for the Tea meeting at Brussels.
Election of Alone will be on the pro.
gram at the next meeting of Court Wood.
bine, 0. O. F.
Rev. J. E. Hunter, of Trowbridge,
preaobed in the Methodist church here
last Sabbath afternoon,
Miee Campbell, who ie now attending
the Normal Sabool at London, hat been
engaged as second teener in the Oran•
brook school for 1903 as Mite Calder bas
A. ItfcNair, A. Reymann and J. Kreuter
attended the complimentary supper given
by Reeve Turnbull and Councillor Mc-
Donald last Monday at Ethel and report
an enjoyae time.
Weare pblleased to hear that Joe Bay.
mann,.of Detroit, son of A. Reymann,
Oranbrook, who underwent an operation
for appendioitie in the hospital, ie able to
be about once more and will soon be as
well as ever.
We are sorry to report that Mre. Jno.
Knight, who has been ill for some time,
shows no improvement. Internal oaocer
ie the trouble. ' She has a wide oirole
of friends who will regret to hear of her
protracted teltBennett and wife, of Arcola Assn.,
N. W. T., are here on a visit. Mre.
Bennett is the eldest daughter of Thoe.
and Mre. Davidson, 11th non. It is 3
years past since Mrs. Bennett went West.
She was married over a year ago. Her
husband formerly resided near Brant.
Lord. They are weloome visitors.
Alfred, George and Joe Reymann, for.
reedy of Cranbrook, have purchased the
Canadian business of the Detroit Awning
Go„ and will take poeseaeion on•Jan. let,
with headquarters at Windsor. The first
mentioned will return from San Franoieoo,
where he now is. We wish the boys eoo-
cese and feel aeeared they will do a
splen—id baeinees.
The announcement is made of the
marriage of Mre.. Elizabeth A. Kautz,
widow of the late Henry Kautz, of Winni•
peg, and Gideon Perrie, the well known
athlete, of Brussels, which occurred on
the evening of December 9, Rev. Canon
Foroerat oifioiating. The wedding was
private, only the necessery legal witness.
es being present, The many old friends
of the groom in this looality will wish
him and Mre. Perrie many happy years.
Fran.—Tbnraday morning of this week
the fine new bank barn on the farm of
Jim. Howard, eon. 14, Grey, was destroy.
ed by See and all the season's crop, non•
aiding of two days' threshing, 30 tons of
bay, &o. 1 11 head of cattle, a new binder
and other valuable property) were also
burned. Mr. Howard was back at the
bush and abired boy was attending to the
chorea. A lantern upset or exploded and
the place was soon blazingbeyood control.
Mr. Howard had only $250 on the con-
tents, His father, who lives in Brussels,
owns the farm and held the policy on the
been. It will be a anion lees to both.
A YOUNG LIFE Cur OFF.—Last Tues•
day afternoon the funeral of Mise Jeeeie
McNabb, 13th non„ took piece to the
Oraobrook cemetery, Rev. D. B. McRae
being the officiating minister. The
deoenaed, who was only 17 years of age,
died last Sunday of Bright's disease
having been in poor health since the
middle of last April. During the past
Summer her many friends hoped she was
going to recruit but it turned oat other-
wise. Mies McNabb was the only
daughter of Wm. McNabb, lot 20, Don. 13
Grey, and was a bright, lovable young
girl whose early demise will be greatly
regretted. The mother of deceased died
three years previous, entering into rest
on Deo, 13th, 1899. Mr. MoNahh and
family are deeply sympathized with in
their bereavement.
Tuit Pose gives the news and $1.00 gets
it until Jan. let 1904.
Last week Thos. Straohan jr.,took in the
Winter Fair at the Royal City and con-
sidered 11 well worth the trip.
We are pleased to report progress to-
ward restored health fn the case of Miee
Lizzie Straohan and hope it may non•
James Strachan who has been partially
laid np is improving and his many friends
hope he will soon be fully restored to his
onetomery health.
Leet Sabbath evening Rev. W. J. West,
M. A., of Bluevale, preeohed in Viotoria
Hall. Next Sunday the service will be
taken by Jno. McAllister.
Alex., son of Andrew Simpson, has
pnrobaaed hie father•in law's Perm near
Attwood, and intende to settle there in.
etead of going to the Prairie Province.
bonoon REPORT.—The following is the
report of S. S. No. 4, Grey, for the month
of November. The merge being awarded
for cans day's work. V Claes number of
rarke attainable 580—T. Fraser 108.
IV Claes marke attainable 1290.—E.
Bryane 870 ; L, McAllister 787 ; B. Mo.
Quarrie 734 ; M. Johnston 780 ; 3. Lynn
186 ; T. McDonald 136 ; L. King 59 ; J.
Frain 28. I1I Claes marks attainable
1269—I. Frain 1066 ; D. Smith 577. Jr.
III Claes marks attainable 1502—T.
Wilson 1144, G. Fraser 769 ; A. McKelvey
516 ; E. McAllister 616 ; M. Lake 436 ;
0. Hayden 60, Sen, II Olaeo marks at.
tenable 1168—M. Smith 665 ; T. Smith
617 I M. Carr 522 ; W. Shine 28. Jr.
t a ie 139 —A. Mo.
II Olen, marks a tarn 6 7
gelvey 714 ; 0. Lake 691 ; G. Onbt 688 ;
J. MoAllisber 592 ; Me IIayden 55 ; J.
Hayden 60. Sen. Part II marks attain.
able 480—E. King 101. Jr. II Part marks
attainable 922—G, 1llcQnerrie 922 ; L.
Frain 921,1 0, McDonald 653 i W. Smith
574; G, King 401.
F. WAsn, Teaober.
CONCERT A Suoouos.—The Olde Tyree
Concert given in Victoria Hall Thursday
evening of lust week was a deoided emcees
and was quite a compliment to those who
were promoting it. There was a very
large attendance, firet•olaeeprogram and
excellent order, Following was the mufti•
oaf and literary hill of fare ;—Opening
chorus "Auld Lang Syne" ; inetrumental
selection by A. Scott, A. Wright and Mise
Maggie Taylor ; chorus, "Longing
for Peace," Geo. Eokmier, D. Stewart, H.
Avioon, D. E., T. and J. Strachan, L.
Eokmier and R. Simpson ; recitation,
Mies Peacook ; solo, D. Stewart ; duet,
"Piokles and Svieete," D, and Mise Tay.
for ; quintette, "Pride brings Poverty"
Geo. Eokmier, Mies Taylor, Mre. Bolo.
mier, Mies ,Tessio Straohan and Thos.
Straohan ; song and chorus, "Thinking
of Happy Days," by D. Stewart and
ohoir ; solo, Mr, Avieoo ; recitation,
"Scotland'e Queen," Mies . Caldbiok;
song, "Old Maid's Comfort," Misses Ina
Bryane, Marjory Straohan, Maggie Tay-
lor, Elsie Straaban, G. Coombee, Jessie
Strachan, Eliza Coombee and Mrs. Eck.
mier ; colo, "The Shepherd's Ambition,"
Duncan Taylor ; quartette, "Changes
make me sad," Messrs. Eokmier and
Straohan ; recitation, "Highland Address"
Robt, Straohan ; solo, "Soot's Challenge,"
D. Straohan ; instrumental selection ;
Bolo "Irishman's Experience," A. Gal.
lagher ; quartette, 'Preparing for the
Cousins," Misses Maggie Taylor, Jessie
Straohan and Marjory Straohan, Geo.
Eokmier and Thos. Straohan ; trio "Dif-
ferent opinions," D. Taylor and D. and
T. Strachan ; song and chorus, "Return.
ing to Dixie" ; solo, "Lowland Sea" Mise
Jessie Straohan ; [horn, "Good Night
Fair Ones" ; National Anthem. The ac-
companists were Misses Straohan, Tay.
for and Bryan and rendered efficient
service, $41.90 were the financial, resnite
and after a few minor expenses were de
duoted the amount was forwarded to the
Sick Children's Hoepital, Toronto, by W.
Brydon, who took an motive interest in
the entertainment all through. The pro.
jeot was a worthy one and we are pleased
it turned out so satisfactorily.
Annual entertainment in Anderson's
school house, 3rd line, on Friday evening
of this week.
Jno. Wright, of Hartney, Man., brotber-
in•lew to Mre. Peter Jackson, 8th line, is
visiting here.
Friday evening of this week there will
be an entertainment in the Clegg school
house, 5th line.
Miee Annie Budd, 3rd line, hat gone to
Shedford, where she will visit for a time
with Mre. (Rev.) Pring, formerly'of Blue -
Christmas Tree entertainment in eon•
creation with the Jeokeon Methodist
ohuroh Sabbath snhoel will be held neat
Tneeday evening.
William and James Andereon, 3rd line,
drove over to Sullivan township, Grey
Co., to visit relatives. The latter will
remain there for a time.
A new brink residence will be erected
next season on the farm of Alex. Clark,
6th line, near Sunehine. He will get the
material ready this Winter.
Last week Mrs. Alex. McNeil returned
to her home at Fort William. She name
here owing to the serious illness of her
mother, Mre. Alex. Nichol, 6th line.
Something went wrong with the mails
last week and as a consequence the San•
ehioe bundle of Tan Poor did not reaoh
there until after Sunday. Somebody
Robt. Niohol, 6th line, was a visitor at
the Winter Fair at Guelph last week and
pr000unaee it a grand manse and advieee
larger patronage on the part of farmers
in this looality.
The trnateet of Barrie's solaced, 6th
line, have engaged Miee Pereoilia Alex.
ander, of Mono Road, Grey Co., as
teadher for the coming year and agree-
ment has been signed.
W. A. and Mre. Lowry, of London, are
visiting with Jae. Sharpe, 5th line, the
Lowry familiar' of Brueeele and other
old friends. Mr. Lowry has last retnrn-
ed from an enjoyable trip to Sault Ste.
Marie and Mra, Lowry from Detroit and
The name of Jamee Andereon, of
Sullivan, ex•warden of Grey 0o., has
been suggested as the Liberal candidate
in North Grey to succeed the late Dr,
Horsey. Mr. Andereon ie a brother to
Quintin Anderson, of Morrie township,
and is a prominent man in the ranks o1
the Liberal party.
Mrs. Alex. Nichol, 6th line, continues
quite poorly. She suffered Rome weeks
ago from a stroke of paralysis which has
effeoted her right aide. She bas been a
remarkably healthy woman hardly ever
being on the sick list. Mre. Niohol is 64
years of age. Her many friends hope a
ahaoge for the better will soon eons.
Following were elected office bearers in
connection with Jackson ohuroh Sabbath
eohool for the incoming year :—Wm.
Jsokeon, Superintendent ; Wm. Taylor,
Aesietant Superintendent ; Mies Roea
Olark, Searetary•Treaearer ; Robb. Skel-
ton, Librarian ; T. Bielby, Wm. Jackson,
David Watson and Misses Sara Clark,
Sara Taylor and Maggie Bielby, teaohere.
The school ie in good heart and is doing
valuable work.
Dian.—Last Monday Quintin Ander.
eon, 3rd line, received a message that hie
deter, (Kate,) Mre. Mair, ot Sullivan
township, near ()Insley, bad paid Nature's
debt that day after a brief ilium. She
was about 52 years of age and leaves one
eon, aged 20. Mr. Mair was killed a few
years ago at a barn raising. Mre. Mair
has lived in that locality for the pant 30
years, and was very highly esteemed by
a large oirole of friends. Mr. Andereon
attended the funeral on Thursday of this
Ranee BURNED —The residence of nal•
vin Campbell, Se lot 19, non. 8, was
destroyed by fire Monday morning about
8 o'olook, Both the old and the new
home were burned, the fire starting in
the former, supposed from a spark from
the chimney, One of the Minn Camp-
bell lost $150 in money and the other
deter a obegno for a larger amount, One
of the lediee wee burned considerably le
attempting to neon bee property. Mr,
Campbell had 0600 on the honee and 3800
on entente In the Howiok Mutual. He
will rebuild, aging brink instead of frame.
Onix.—Death mama very suddenly to
the home of A. Ninholeen, of Morris, o't
Monday night 0f last week. 9105, Rioted.
eon went to bed altortly after nine ['[lock
and about en hour later, Mr, Nioholenn
retired, Shortly after, be notion Chet
hie wife was breathing etrangely. Fall.
ing to arouse her, he palled for help, and
alight was secured, but her opirit had
taken Pte flight. Besides her husband,
three sone mourn her sudden demise.
The family formerly resided in Howiek,
bat about a year ago moved to Morrie,
and took oharge of the Bodmin lime kiln.
Deceased was 51. years of age. She was
a sister of S. Birohall, of Wingham.
People We Know.
Barrister Blair wan in Toronto this
week on legal business.
W. F., Mre. Vanetone and Freda, of
Wibgbam, were visitors in town this week.
Postmaster Farrow was is Toronto for
a few days this week on a busineee trip.
Frank Smith is home from the College
of Pharmaoy, Toronto, for the Christmas
vacation. -
Jno. Oonningbam and wife are enjoy•
ing a visit wish relatives and friends in
Mre. Hird, Mill street, hose been on the
Wok list but we hope she will soon be eon.
Inspector Robb and Principal Cameron
were at Clinton Model &noel examine.
tions thio week.
Mre. Wm. Ellis was called to Ingersoll
on Wednesday owing to the ill health of
her daughter, Mre. W. R. Little. We
bops she will Boon be o. k.
Mrs. F. Spading, Oburob street, gave
her hip a violent wrench while sedating
in moving a stove on Wednesday. but we
hope she will soon be all right.
Oar old townsman, James Oliver, has
been quite poorly lately with a rheumatic
ailment which with hie inoreaeing yeore
interferes with hie getting about an was
his custom.
G. R. Muldoon and family have moved
to town from Walton, taking poseesaion
of the stone house, Tarnberry street,
recently pnrobaeed from J. D. Warwick.
We bid them weloome to Brussels.
George Mooney and family arrived
from the Northwest thief week for a visit.
Mr. and Mre. Mooney were former resi-
dents of this looality the latter being a
daughter of S. and Mre. Crawford, Albert
street, Mr. Mooney is a brother to John
Mooney, of the 5th line, Morrie.
B. H. Alexander, eon of M. E. Alex.
ander, of Listowel, has returned home
from New York, where be hae been in
the employ of a Targe mercantile inetitn-
tion. He purposes remaining in Coterie
for tbe present, and has taken a position
in Fergaeon & Co's store in town.
Philip Amens wee away to Berrydale,
Muskoka, last week, on a }detainees trip to
hie timber limit. He expeote to bring
down at least 30 oars of lumber for hie
heftiness at Brussels. Mr. Ament is now
on the look out for basswood heading and
eawloge and is offering r'5 50 per cord for
the farmer.
C. H. Bartliff and family removed
from Brussels to Clinton this week
where they parpoee making their home.
Braetele is sorry to Bee them go as they
are very nig hly esteemed residents but
many good wiebee will accompany them
to their new home. We expect tone them
bank ocoasionally and some member of
the family oftener.
Rev. R. Paul will preaoh on Walton
circuit next Sunday for Rev. Rutledge.
Christmas sermons and Ohristmae
mucic will be given at Melville ohuroh
next Sabbath.
Missionaries are once more in danger
in China by the Boxer uprising.
Moodily Coneearation service in the
Epworth League next Sabbath evening.
Presbytery ot Maitland met in Wing -
ham on Tuesday. Rev. Jno, Rose and
Elder Stewart attended.
Tea meeting on the evening of Christ-
mas Day in connection with Brnteele
Methodist church. Fine program.
Mre. (Rev.) Conine entertained bet
Sabbath eohool [Iris at the Parson-
age on Tuesday evening of last week.
Service will be held in St, Johne
ohnrob, Brussels, on Ohrismae Day at
11 a. m. when the incumbent will effioi•
Brussels Methodist Sabbath Sahoel will
devote next Sauday'e collection to the
Sink Children's Hospital, Toronto, as a
a Christmas box.
The regular monthly eervioe will be
held in the R. 0. ahurab, Brussels, next
Sabbath morning at the venal boar. The
sermon will be on the season of Advent.
Rev. Ino. Roes, B. A., continued the
series of disooureee be in preaching in
Melville ohuroh last Sabbath morning.
The evening snbjeot was based on the
16th chapter of Numbers, and was oou•
sidered under the following divisions
(1) A Wrong Perpetrated ; (2) A Wroug
Punished 1 (8) A Wrong Pardoned.
The Christmas entertainment for St.
John's Ohnroh Sanctity school will be held
in the Town Hall next Monday everting,
In addition to a cantata, entitled "Grown•
ing of Christmas," there will be a pro.
gram- of vocal and instrumental made,
readings, dialognee, reoitatione, &o. Miee
Griffin, of Wingham, Miss Jean Me.
Lanablin and Jamas Jones will assist.
Two good disooureee were preached
last Sabbath in the Methodist church
here by Rev.Jae, E. Hunter, of Trott,
bridge, in the absence of the peter who
was at Trowbridge preaohing Missionary
sermons. Mr. Hanber'a morning theme
was "Nehemiah rebuilding the walla et
Jernealem"the text being Neh. 418.
"I will guide thea with Mine eye" was
Scripture selected as the bade of the
evening sermon. Hie preaching is above
the average for probationers and his
proepeote are good. Mr. Avioon sang
Thy King" at the evening service and
did it well