HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1902-12-11, Page 8PERFUME All the leading Odors of France and .America. Sap ate o Taro We have a nice lot of Beautiful Dishes fox Xmas. A.mbe r Pipes Are the kind to smoke. Ours answer every test, Prices reasonable, HU SLEY' DRUG STORE BRUSSELS. Um' geirs ltealt , A ohiel'e ameng ye tack ' notes, An' faith he'll prent it, CunreTMA8 Day 2 weeks from to -day. Banco'. Board will meet Friday even- ing. Teems from the East,are very Tate these days. Loon out for hand sleighs at the Oober Carriage Faotory, Breese's. QIIITE a quantity of wood name into town this week ; no doubt on account of the sleighing. A. few loads of green wood were in the number. BARRISTER HOLT, of Goderiob, has been appointed Junior Judge of Huron 00., and Judge Doyle promoted to senior Judge, Congratulations. ATxne Tr0N I On Setarday Deo. 12th., Matobett will Bell all new overcoats and at 10a on the dollar less than hie Bale prioe—for the one day only. WE are asked by the defendant in the Scott ve. MoXelvey suit at Wroxeter Division Court to state that snit was for $34 and the judgment was for 525. WANTED. —Choice Roll Batter 20o. Good Turkeys undrawn 10e. We buy for cash or trade. A $20,000. stook to select from. Guo. E KING, Wingham, Hones FAIa.—The first monthly Horse Fair was held on Thursday of this week and attraoted quite a crowd of buyers and sellers. Next Fair will be held on New Year's day. CODNTY oonooil nominations will be held this year on Monday, December 22nd, and 'municipal nominations on Monday, Dooember 29th. Election day, Monday, January 6th. MILLINERY SATE FOR DEC MD3ER —Mies' Little will, daring December, Bell at reduoed prieee the balance of her trimmed and untrimmed millinery, fancy feathers, &o. Mise E. R. LITTLE. BRDe6ELo SALT WORKS ie receiving the first of 15 oars of soft ooal, two or three cars coming to hand this week. Hard coal is still an unknown article as far ae this Fall'a delivery is concerned in town. NOTICE TO TAxrAYE ae —Five per Dent. will be added to all taxes not paid to Tax Collector Halliday by Saturday eight of this week The addition will be made Monday morning. A word to the wise should be euf5cient. IwsPEOToE Ron is at Clinton this week in connection with tbe Model School ex- aminations, Principal Cameron, of town, who is also one of the Co. ezamioere, will take a coup'e of days at the work next week at the same town. Tut. MEETING.—The anniversary Tea Meeting of Brussels Methodist church will be held on the evening of Christmas Day. After eupper a good program of addressee, music &o., will be provided of which mention will be made later. DREesED POULTRY.—I will pay the fol. lowing prices for dressed poultry, to be delivered any time next week :—Turkeys, 9 dente ; geese, 50 ; ducks, 7o , Spring obiehens, 6o ; fowl, 4a. Heads was be off all exoept turkeys, dry pinked and un- drawn. Turkey body feathers for Bale, Roux. THonteog, Bruseelo. A. R. Stir= was at the great aombin• ation slaughter Bale in Toronto loot week and bought large lines of Men's, Youth's and Boy'e High Grade clothing. Suite, overcoats, odd pante, odd coats, Aleo floe neck wear for Xmas trade, hate, cape newest style overshoes, boots ; finest col- lection of clothing in ' ingham. Lowest price, Chisholm Block. LIST Friday night's train did not get to Brussels until after 2 o'olook Saturday morning owing to the train running from Stratford to Owen Sound getting off the track at Gowanstown. The auxiliary train had to be called from Stratford to straighten up matters. Several Bros. Belite', were detained at Listowel from 7 o'clock Friday evening until after 1 a. m. Saturday, MIGHT HAVE BEEN WORSE.—Friday of Last week as Mre. Walter Smith wan busy about the stove in her home rendering lard, ebe took cute of those fainting epelle she ie subjeot to at times. In falling she struck her fele against the stove and the melting lard was spilled over her bat fortunately it did not penetrate her cloth• ing. When found it was at first feared that she was dead ae she was alone at the time the accident happened. We hope Mre. Smith, who is 70 years of age, will suffer no harmful ooneeg0e00es. Leon, Noxa,—In the Divisional oonrt. Toronto, on Wednesday of last week, McNabb v. Zilliax J. P. Mabee, K. 0., and W. M. Sinclair, (Brussels) for de. fondant, appealed from Judgment of Street, J., at trial, entered upon the find. Inge et the jury in favor of plaintiff for $250. Tbe motion was brought by plain. tiff as adminietratris of Alexander Mc. Nabb, who died from injuries received from falling down an unguarded collar way on the premises of tbe defendant, a hotelkeeper, at whose hotel the deoeased bad become intoxicated immediately before hie death. The aotion woe found. ed on the breach by the defendant of the 'statutory provision in the Ligooe License Act, R. S. 0., oh, 245 Sq. 122 and the appeal was taken upon the grounds that there was no sufficient evidence of the defendant's infringement of the statute, and that the trial judge erred in not more acourately defining "excessive drinking" to the jury. W. Prondio0t, K. 0 , fur plaintiff opposed appeal, Appeal die - mined With ooste. fii0N0Or0AL Whim are quiet. STATUTORY Council meeting will be held next Monday evening, ALL taxes not paid by Saturday night of this week will have 5% added. LADIES! 'Seven more of tboee fancy dress patterns, Bold regular at 55.60, Matobett's prioe for Saturday 53 00. THE,PoeT gives the news and should be in everybody's home. $1.00 gets it until Jan. let, 1904, No nicer Xmas box to an absent relative. E. L. JACKSON'S advt. name to band too lata for obaoging this week. He ie offer. ing great bergame in watches, plonks, jewelry, violins, &o. Jew). Omen and family moved to their new reeidenoe, Queen street, this week and Mre. Sinclair and daughter will resume housekeeping in their home on Prinoeee street, vaoated by Mr. Oober. THERE have been 15 persons initiated into tbe membership of Court Princess Alexandria, No. 24, 0. 0. F., Bueeele in the past month. The members rendered valuable aid to Organizer Torrance, of Listowel. Court Prinoeee Alexandria has now 136 names on the roll, with more to follow. GRAND TRUNir.—The outgoing shipments thie week consisted of 15 care made up ae follows ;--Geo, Beat, oar of lambs ; A. 0. Dames, oar of cattle ; Alf. Baeker, car of wheat and 5.oare of baled hay ; R. Graham, 2 care oats ; Salt Works, 2 oars salt.—Passenger traffic keeps lively and many traine late. The agent's hours are thereby considerably elongated. Goon Woen.-150 cutters is the output of tbe Oober Carriage Factory this season besides sleighs and other work, 126 cutters have been sold already. The em- ployees are finishing up the last lot and will then tato their attention to buggies for next season. THE Poar ie pleased to note the progrtee of thie institution and believe their trade will grow rapidly ae they tura out first.olase work and guarantee satisfaction, STEADY employment ; good wages ; for young women, girls and boys who are without good paying positions. Nice._ work, pay weekly. Heade of families desirous of getting into a good looality with plenty of employment and oppor. trinities for advancement ti for hemselves and families should write at once. Good' houses : low rent ; progressive town. TEE R. Forma Co LIMITED Worsted Knitting Mille Heepeler, Ont., Beer HURON FARMERS' INBTITDTE.— Meetings will be held for the dieoosoion of agricultural topics of interest as fol. lows : Wroxeter, Tuesday, Jan, 20 ; Srnesele, Jan. 21 ; Barlook, Jan. 22 : Manley's school house, MoXillop, Jan. 23 ; and Mordie's eohool house, MoKillop, Jan. 24. The outeide speakers will be E. 0. Drury, of Crown Hill, and T. H. Maeoo, of Staffordville, 0.M. MnGregor, of Conetance, and G. Murdie,ofSratorbb, Mueioal program will be given at each evening seeeions Thos. McMillan is President and Georgd Hood Secretary. BowLEEe' OouoaaT,—A good sized an- dienoe greeted the Lanett Concert 00. i0 Brueeela Town Hall, Monday evening. Tbe program was won rendered and great- ly enjoyed by all. Mies Marietta LaDell, who appeared here at the Fall Fair Oon- aert in 1901, ably sustained her repute. tion as an elooutiooist and entertainer. In addition to a number of encores she gave "Laddie," "Friday afternoon in a Primary room, Ben Har chariot race," "Darkie's Ball," "Twa' Soottieb court chips" and "A Home Ruler." Mies La Dell exoele in her imitation of obildren and gave the andienoe many a hearty laugh, Mise Teresa Flanigan is p080eee. ed of a sweet soprano voice under good oontrol and won favor in her first visit. Her Lullaby and the Creole song were particularly well rendered. Both ladies are of prepoeeeseing appearance and are booked for engagements weeks ahead. Mies Jean MoLauohlin contributed a piano solo and officiated as accompanist with her usual oapability. The bowlers will not start a bank with their share of the profits. MA080100NrOL."The relief of Lnoknow" le a time honored and historic faot and yet the parties referred to were not the only Sepoy town people who were helped as a pinning incident 000urted in our town on Wednesday evening worthy otohronio- ling when a Laokoowite, in the person of Roderick W. Matheson, a well known merchant, found relief from bis baobelor. hood through the kind heart of one of our fair maidens in tbe person of Miss Harriett (Lyda) Crooke, daughter of George and Mre. Crooke, Queen street. Rev. Jno, Rose, B. A., performed the ceremony, at 5 o'elook in the presence of some 40 guests. The prinoipale were nn. attended, excepting by little Mies Bedella lttoKenzie, of Blyth, neige to the bride, who played her part as maid of honor very prettily. A most becoming aoetnme of white silk organdy was worn by the petite bride and a beautiful bonnet of white roses carried. Mies Jean MoLanob- lin played the Wedding Marob through the ceremony and the Bridal Chorone during the congratulations. The groom presented Mies McLaughlin with a pretty pearl pin crescent. The home was very neatly deoorated with entillax and carnations. After very hearty oon- gretulatione the oompany sat down to an elegantly prepared wedding repast. Chaim, immoral and well selected kitte were made to the bride, Me. and Mre. Matheson took the evening train for their home at Luakoow followed by many hearty wishes for their future i'O T happiness and prosperity in; whfoll Taw Peer joins, Dara, Itlatlleeou Will be great• ly mimed outside of her home as aha WAS valued member of Melyii]a ob ❑rol choir and was over ready to lend aid to p4her obneehee and 9QrganinittiOna, A bunputo 044.Qounoillor and lora, Henderson, Of .town, were called to Sett. forth bet ween owing to theeerigoo fllneee of the former'e nephew, Wm, Adams, a bright youth of 17 years, me took a gathering or aivalling ih hie throat, which was thought to be connected with an artery and after oevsral betnorrbogee ilo passed away Thursday evening. Downie. ed was only in bed about a week and no thought of suoh serious results was, in tbe mind of any one at the time be took to hie bed, The funeral took plaoe on Saturday afternoon to Maitlandbank oemetery, Rev. P, Musgrave 000duating the servioe. A peculiar coincidence is that tide is the dth death in Permeation with Councillor and fare. Henderson's relatives in 11 months viz Mr, Henderson's mother, Mre, Henderson's mother and father((Ino, and Mrs. McCallum) and Willie Adams. Three thefauap d'Kiss Aggie Henderson, sister to Mr. Header. eon, all died on a Thursday and were buried on a Saturday. (.111Uf1UII 11I11d1f;S. Melville ohuroh "Little Stare" Mission Band will have a social on the 191b. St. Johu'e ohuroh Sunday school will hold an entertainment in the Town Hall on Monday evening, 22nd inst. 57 82 wait the amount of the monthly Missionary oolfaction at the Methodist Sabbath school last Sunday afternoon. The Presbytery of Maitland will bold its regular meeting in the Wingham Presbyterian ohuroh, on Tuesday, Deo - ember 16th. Next Sabbath Rev, T. W. Cosene will preaoh Missionary eermoce on Trow. bridge oirooit and Rev. J. E. Hunter will anpply the Mathodiet ohuroh pulpit here. A Temperance Oonveation of leading workers in the Province is called for Tuesday of next week to meet in Toronto, It is likely a Provinoial Rally will be hold at a later date. Rev. T. W. Oosena' morning dieoonrse last Sabbath was based on the words "When He was come near he beheld the city and wept over it," and in the evening he spoke from the text "Behold I stand at the door and knock, eta" giving a rope. ing evangelistic sermon. Rev. Juo. Rose, B. A., spoke last Bab. bath morning in Melville ohoroh on "The Spirit's help in prayer" and the evening topio was "A second loots into a sorcerer's heart." Both, were Moe eer- mona. We are pleased to know that Bev. Mr. Rose has improved so nicely in health and preaches with his old time vigor. People We Talk About. Mrs. B. Straohan le visiting at Wing. ham. Mre. A. MoLanohlin is waiting at Drayton. Klee Alice Bone arrived home from London !set week. Mre. Richard Hiogeton spent Sunday with Teeawoter relatives. S. Plum and family spent last Sunday with relatives in Blyth. Miss Lizzie Downing has taken a pool tion in Dr. Feild'e Dental Aloe. Robert Ellie has gone to Ingersoll where be bas taken a situation, Mre. D. e,o McNaughton is in a g 1 Y g visit with relatives at Oil Springe. Mies MoCntoheon, of Morrie, is ill at the home of her sister, Mre. Thomeou, Brussels. Neil edilloy has gone to London where he will make hie home for the present with bis eon, William. J. fa. O'Oonnor was quite poorly during the past week, but ie able to be about again we are pleased to state. Jno. a Skeuo hoe been under the doctor's Dare but keeps on his feet just the same and attends to baeinoes, Percy Rioharde slipped on the aide• walk and in the fall injured hie knee so that he has been doing the limp act since. Mrs. Hayorott, er., went to Teeewater, last week where she purposes spending the Winter with her daughter, Mre. Ferguson. Alex, Roes is home from Ottawa fur hie vacation. Be holds an important position in the Customs Department in the Parliament buildings. Mrs. Andrews, of Kinoardine, is vieit• ing her daughter, Mrs. T, R. Thomson, and other old friends in Brussels. She was a resident here when Mre. Muir. Councillor 'Paoetone, of Wingham, though able to be out, is not recovering strength as quickly as hie many friends desire. He went to Toronto on Monday of loot week to oonenit a specialist. A. Ooneley, whose mesas was reported last week, has been dangerously ill, two physicians in attendaooe, part of the time, but we are pleased to state he has improved somewhat in the past few days and we hope he will soon be o. k. 11■111=111111•10w S "777— D,so, 111 1902 Fite StandArci. Dank of Caa.ada. DAPI Eart leuthooiaed by AO of Parliament) . $2,000,0.00.00 CAMAY,. (fully aid ttpl .. 1,100,300.00 t ictus ty1] t'IINIY• .., . - 65000000 TOTAL 408E1S ... ... ... ... ... 13,077,004,00 HEAD OFFICE, TQRO'NTO' 41cO, 1', StOI10, (Amaral fetanngee »breaus rer&r ',nests elude to 000500 table earthman (nvorablo tartan. Draftd71VSSEJUlilt U1i and mo0e0 orders issued, payaolo at any point, at lowest rptes, Oolleetione prim >tly attended to. A General Banking iluslnoeo transacted. 'Avery facility afforded Bustom0r0living ata dietanoe, Savings Bank Department Amountaat ono dollar andupwarda e,anlvod and to the00 nt bigho01 ouiTont rate allowed dram date 00000000 ie opened, and added tho principal May Wet and ,November 3001, 4` Farmers' Sale Notes 0ooiaatir 00001108 tqr safe keeping and Bln11k Note Porno /Free op A,i jlientlsn .Hollis ].0 to 3, Saturdays 10 to 1. 1', FI, GRAY,, 'AeooNT. Miss Jennie Moore, Turnborry street, has been oonfined to the house for some time with a knee trouble but we hope she will Boon beable togetabout 00 usual. The Winnipeg Free Prose of the 2nd inst., in reporting St, Andrew's Society celebration gives a photo, of the Presi. dent, Jim. R, Grant, a former well known Bruoeelite. Tbe death toil' place at Sarnia of Wire, George Goodson, roi,ut of Rev. George Goodson, Methodist minister, who years ago was stationed at Mortal] Pleasant, Owen Sound, Sarnia, St. Oatharioee and other places. She was ovor 90 years of age. Mrs. S. Y. Taylor, of Parte, wad berm for a week visiting under the parental roof and on Wednesday attending, the marriage of her sister, Mies Lyda Crooke, Queen street, to the genial R. W. Mattie. son, who was a former reeident of our town. Fred. Cox, of Westminster, wee a visitor at the Methodiet Parsonage this week. He leaves next Monday for Ed monton, N. W. T. where be enters the Mission field of the Methodist ohuroh. We wish him abundant en00000 in the big vineyard. xsoMst. MILLER,—In Whitewater, Man., op Nov. 25th to Mr. and Mre. J. A. Miller, a daughter, MAeooi —In Grey, on the 4th lest., to Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Mason, a eon.. Ms1RLEJonN.—In Molesworth, on Deo. 8, to M and Mre. Jno. Keiklejobn, a eon. SQ:ARRSE=t. CAMroeot—OLINE—Oo December 40b, 1902, at the residence of the bride's parents], by the Rev. D. Perrle,ot Wingham, assisted by the Rev. R. McAlpine, of. Owen Sound, Mr. Colin A. Campbell, of Wingham, eon of the late R. S. Campbell, of Whitby, to Mies Nellie, eldest daughter of Mr. ' and Mee. James A. 01ine, of Owen Sound. MATu0eoN-01,00119.—At the residences' of thebride's parents, Queen street p Brunets, on Deo. 10, by Rev. Juo. Roes, B. A„ Mr. Roderick W. Maths. eon, of Lneknow, to Mies Harriett (Lyda) youngest daughter of Mr. and dire. George Crooke. ADAnto.—Ia Seaforth, on Deo. 4, Wm. Adam, aged 17 Y Ada a sera and 4 months. av cmxor s a>;E. WEDNESDAY, DEO. 17.—Farm stook, im- plemente, &o. Lot 27, con. 13, MoXillup, Sale, enrreerved, at 1 p. m. W. T. Pol. lard, Pt opt. F. S. Scott, Anat. TDBBDAY, Duo. 28.—Farm stook. Lot 81, Con. 18, Grey. Sale, onreeerved, at 1. o'clock. H. D. Ward, Propt. F. S. Smite, Auo. ONE CENT A WORD COLUMN. Boannsne wanted. Apply to MRS. T. NICHOLS, John street, Brussels. GENERAL purpose mare, 7 years uld, for sale._ GEO. SHIMS, Brnsaele. GENERAL store for sale. For further f parttioniara apply to T. H. THOMSON, le en - TUE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. �SALEY.=YALUABE PRO- ..a.. RO- snnrxat Ethel known as the Metho- dist Parsonage, A1pty to 5100. 0013ER, Brussels. THORO' BRED YOUNG DUR- mat Bull for sale or would exchange fora good enlioh cow. GEO. ItOBB, 22.4 Brussels. South. 3 THORO' BRED SHORT HORN Bulla for sale. One is Iyear old and the other two younger. Also several roRiet- ered Cows and Heifers. Apply to JAMES SPE0R., 1,00 20, Con, 0, Morris Twp., or Brus- sels P. 0. 22-11 X LT1 At the Old Reliable Grocery and Bakery ORANGES, LEMONS, RAISINS, CURRANTS, PRUNES, FIGS, PEELS, NUTS, CANDIES and our usual supply of FANCY GROCERIES All of the beet quality and at Moderate Prices. OUR TEAS, COFFEES cg SPICES are carefully selected and at much below the regular price. • Tull Assortment of, Taney China, Tea,.Dinner and Ti^uit ,Sets. Geo. Thomson FARM 1 LOT 8141 TO RENT, LlB N .LOP £ tl 20, Oon at orgy, ylyatol00Hr F. REDMOND,under Len the Apply to JOSEPH F. 81»on the 0000110 a, or Moneeleff P. 0, 81.41 OARFOR SEBVIO> —'TH2 uudoreigned will Beep for eervloe on Lot 12,:Oon,14, Grey, a bhoro' bred improv ed Yprkehit'e Rog, Pedigree May be aeon on application. Terme, 151.00, to bo paid at time of service with tp rivilege of returning if necessary, WO'l", DIINOAN SON, 22`4 - Proprietor, TO WHOM IT MAY (:ONOEBN,- Tho undersigned, who is well acquainted throughout the most part .of the County and who huebad business with a large air - ole of farmers inandaround thi'e locality,, bogs to inform the community that he baa taken out an Auotioneer's Lioonso for the County of Enron and offers hie services to all purposing to hold sales, THOS. NEWSOME, Brunelle. IIORTHORNS AND C.LYDES- nALEe,—For bale 2oun bulls 11 and 17 months old. The former took let prizes at Brueeels and Aelgrave Fall Faire and 2nd at Blyth, and the latter was also a Prise winner at Brussels. Also ono yearling licifer. All are sired by Roan Duke, 96,768, whichhas token 1st prise for past three years in olaseoa of home bred and imported stook. The dams of these young animals leave repeatedly taken honors in the prise ring. WIllalso sell two Clydesdale fillies, with 4 and 6 crosses of imported stook, roe- peotively, aged 1 and 2 years. Easy terms of payment. P. ROBERTSON. Lot 6, (Jon. 9, Grey, 1741 Brussels P. O. , I S MAS fAI w 1110100780011008011/10 ( P -F A . 001 F ' �' Store s Drug � e 'x"O 4.l OAN T ---Toys of all Wade,. —Pioturo and Song Books, Dolls in great variety, —Celluloid, Plash and Leather Goode, —Photo, Albums, a fine 00eortmen1, —Porno, Chatelaines and Wrlet Bags, —Mirrors in all shapes and eines, —Work Boxes, Jewel BOXee and 'Writing pato, -Plaques, I?later° and Photo, Molders,' —Xmas Cards, Booklets and Cafendare, Bibles Hymnals and Hymn Books. We shall be pleased to have you come variety of our stook, at , FOX'S in and see the great DRUG G S ,J,. ORE. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE 1,1 the Village of ERMel. A desirable property. ;liorpartleularo este price, terms, 80 , apply on tbo premises to 010111018 P'OGAL, or Ethel P.0, 16.9m �"' OR SALE. -5 SHE ARLING; Name ;' 1 two-year-old and ^2' Ram. Lambe. - Pure bred Letoeeters, tGood, cues (IA low prices. AlsoShort Horn Bulls, Goles and Boilers at very moderate:'prices and easy. termer D. MILN74 & BON, Ethel. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR Sale in the village of %u@801'8. I will sell, on easy terms, my dwellingbouoo, out- buildings, &o,, with about ei acme of laud, which has a frontage on Frederick St„ or. if yin prefer to build will sell # acre front- age ou Frederick 8t., with stable and about 7 sores immediately behind and extending to the limit of the salt .blot& Westward. This would leave dwelling house, a stable, alsowith ( dare frontage and over 1 acre immediately behind for mule separately. There le no bettor location in Brueeels. Tbe land is well drained and in a high state of cultivation. The eo11 is exeelient either for gardening or farming. Choibe fruit en the place. Will sen the whole for a little more than the cost of the buildings. 19-tf G, A. DEADMAN, Brussels, NOOD YEAR OLD STEERS. 7 Wanted, suitable for much purposes, Apply to '170. BEST, Brussels. II'10R, SALE—LOT 207 AND ' dwelling thereon, North-west oor0er William and Albert streets, Brussels. .. ,41/41 J, LEOR0E. County Council Election. COUNTY OF HURON. ' • - PUBLTG S00ICE is hereby given that a meeting of the elootore of County Division No, 0, composed of the Municipalities` of the . Townships. of Grey and Morrie and the Vil- lage of Bruesole, will bo held In the Town Hall, Brussels, en Monday, Dooember the 22ud,1902, at the hour of 1 o'olook pp m., for the purpose of nominating candidates to repreeent•there in the Oounoil of the County of Huron for the years 1909 and 1904, and that .in ease a pollis demanded, voile will be 'opened on the 0th day of January, 1909, in each polling eab-division at the time and place fixed by By -Law of the Municipalities in. the said County Division: F. S. 80GTT, Nominating Officer for County Council Div. No. 0, Dated this 10111 clay of Nov.,1002. 3 lArE.IMIC,0 IVIC)PrE3 Enormous Selling of. dy-made1s l king dib` „xxxxxl.l xr"b,!ax x One Week of December past and a great week it has been in our Clothing Department. The Stupendous Bargains we are offering has been a surprise to the Shrewdest Buyers. We ask you to look through our large stock. $5,000 worth of the Fine>3t Clothing on the market to choose from. If the prices are not lower than you can buy fox elsewhere, don't buy here, Is that not pretty fair. Dress Goods Xmas is almost here and what is more appropriate or more appreciated than a nice Dress Pattern for Mother, Wife or Sister—as nice a present as you can give. We are offering 12 of the Choicest Dress Lengths of the Season, regular $3000 price $5.50, while they last Remember only 60 days lett to Blear this Complete ,Stook. The Goods roust go Regard- less of Cost. Boots, Shoes, Underwear, Linens, Flannels, Tick ings, Sheetings, Towelings, Hats & Caps, in many cases at less than Mill Prices. Butter and Eggs taken as Cash, A N N InicHEirs GARFIELD BLOCK, rC RUSSELS,