The Brussels Post, 1902-12-11, Page 6MAe}.lip.i}npr,4�}!r}".,p.,pl.}n},t}•,R••p ,},ip..�n}.'nM�p,fie
,M,}opus ,pap"p„p„p ,p..4•r4np,Nnp 4 ,}n1„p,.}ei"4.
'Phe motor has now been degraded
tc the employment of assistans, to
the organ grinder l the itinerant
musician has a motor attached to
the handle of his piano organ to
,(slava him of the grinding.
01d nowspaiiors can be turned into
milk -white, plain printing paper by
a proses•invented by a Gorman
professor, The process is rapid; the
paper is reduced to pulp and freed
from ink la a short space of time,
A French military officer has in-
vented a method of rendering in-
audible the report of 1rearrus, even
that of big cannon ; tits same do-
vie° hides the flash and the smoke..
The invention is now being tested by
the 'Wrench 4lovernnwnt,
A new machine now being set in
hl>eration in Indiana is intended to
Supersede glass-blowing by hand sod
mouth, The machhiss blow any de-
scription of glass and glass vessels,
and perforin the work much more
quickly than the most skilled opera-
By a new electrical apparatus pic-
tures on any opaque material are
projected on a screen, Even a view
of the object itself may be magnified
and thrown on the screen without
any lantern slide. This will affect
the business of lantern slide pro-
A new lock -stitch for sowing ma-
chines is the invention of an Am-
erican convict while undergoing a
long terra of imprisonment, The
idea, according to expert opinion,
will make lock -stitch machines much.
mere simple and considerably cheap-
er and give them greater efficiency.
A Dutch clock maker has produced
a clock that winds itself. This is
managed by the use of alcohol,
which expands and contracts accord-
ing to the rise and fall oI the tens-
peruture during the twenty-four
hours. The nue%ement of expansion
and contraction actuates the winding
The latest proposal in connection
with electrical waves is to steer
balloons by their means. A British
scientist declared in Ilerlin recently
that it would be possible to steer an
unmanned balloon by working on
these waves, sanding the balloon
fifty miles and bringing it back to
the starting point.
The new electrical target is made,
up of metal plates, each specially
connected with an electric buttery.
When the target Is struck on. any
sue of its 11141113, plates a circuit is •
comlttei and the exact spat struck.
by the rirojectile is shown on a
separate annunciator. The targets
are made to represent human beings.
A novel method of getting rid of
tl ck smoke, and, at the file time,
s -rr :1y. it to le':0 tical 1180, is new
Lc:.�_ adapted n ereee Belgian ii
sf110>,0 10', 11';:�11 1':,' 1:10s
info a 1'r('18 r-. eje t:fee owe' atl:;cb
flews a eerie= c1 1 - _ u^a .0 ell:
ilex , -':.i a i_eiese
ce alt. deee
ghee' greet i,.. _.e enn .,_.
reef. _ __.
I..,„ r 7.'77 ..711 t ,
the .. 1r c
rnctc r
lar,_t17 I r r
The Gollernment of the Punjab
Province of India, under Sir Charles
Ilivaz, ' 11.O S.1., has, just unde;'taken
What sway be described es the big,'
gest ry>aoteriplogieal enterprise the
world has yet scan. Qonvilscad that
inoculation is the only effect -nal
means pf fighting the plague, it hae.
undertultep the gigantic task of in-
oculating '7,000,000 of the people
during the out five months. blur-
geon-Major Bannerman, Superintond'
oat of the Government Laboratory
tic Bombay, hair received instructions
to bo` ready to supply plague serum
at the rate of 60,000 doses a day.
11r. L. Lussier, of Sorel, Tells
Plow Se Overcame the Trou-
ble After •Repeated 1iai1-
There is no trouble more dangerous
to life than disease of the kidneys,
for the reason that before any Bpi: -
tial symptoins have made.thenisodves
manifest, the disease has usually as-
sumed a formidable character. The
symptoms that first manifest them-
selves are usually tvoakness in the
small of the back, pales in the re-
gion of the loins. '111e urine le some
times highly colored, while in other
MESS it is extremely pale, frequently
depositing a sediment. As the trou-
ble progresses these symptoms grow
more severe, and frequently termin-
ate in dropsy,' ilright's disease or
diabetes. Dr, Williams' Pink Pills
me 0sPecide forall kidney troubles,
and have cured many cases after all
other medicines have failed. :hlr. L,
Lussier, a wellknown navigator of
Sorel, Que., gives his experience for
the benefit of other sufferers. Ile
says 1 -"For several years I suffered
very much from kidney trouble. The
symptoms usually made themselves
manifest by severe pairs in the back
and kidneys, and sometimes they
would be so had that I world be
confined to my bed for several days
at a time, I tried a number of dif-
ferent medicines, recommended for
the trouble, but got no relief, and
finally became so discouraged that I
thought a cure was impossible, and
stopped taking medicine.. Shortly
after this I rend in our local paper
of a case of kidney trouble cured by
the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills,
and this induced me to try this
r11011eine. h soon felt that. these
pills. war not like the other medi-
cines I bad been taking, for in the
course of a few weeks I began to
ext crienee great :relief. I continued
taking the pills for a couple ofi
months, by which Time all symptoms
of the trouble had disappeared,- and
I have net since had the slightest
ret'.rn of the disease. There pills
eleo etrengthe>:ecl nm in other ways
end I belie're them to be the best of
all me:.ticincs."
Dr. Willietxx ' P'nk Piles enrich and
nourish the blood and _trengtl•en the
rerves. It Is thee : t1:at they cure
• 1' troubles as dysrejesia. kidney
E I?.uenis, rheumtl'isas pari.: s cera-
' heart t 7"c 117.08..„ .08... St. ti itua'
dss re end the ,.,h_ _,..a that make
1' e elese rf ec:testy wex'1'0 a
▪ t . z: , net take ally
▪ "reels f. ,-.nee I:r
seters Peek Isfeeefar Pale Pr e'--
' e?-er E 6 rti tre
1*rz. ' al •e iir__:e dressers or
ase t , -isSe et 'is cg.ests z lace or
L• = s e -,a -ti-:iz' Lc.,
£retk te, Lilt.
leg a clan-, t
connect them 0n RC {l Kr(t?�j1't1113 f1N r FAE347.
ed Into ar. cylil.f,c., ted . t(O_l UL re le U?i 11.11) t -en,
eel heat of the e.,t111 ;.t t l 71tt'Y w yr i7T neer, sa _
of the huge tulle wilt turn ter rc.,te FOP_ S Al D BLOC' eC 01
into steam, which will rise irum BARKS IT IS IN ATeC`3LE•
the other tube. —
The, musical chandelier is the latest
novelty. ]t is a well-known physir•al
fact that when gas is burnt in a
tylindrieul chimney of certain dimen-
sions it prnchlres a musical note. The
Idea is to have a chandelier with
sal:out thirty gas jets ill suitable
chimneys, so as to arrange a c11t•n-'
entitle scalp. When the chimney is
tilted so as to alter the angle the
singing, crawls. A keyboard is se-
creted in 0 corner of the room, and
is electrically connected with the
ctriunu3ys, and by manipulatissg tins
keyboard it Is easy to make the gas
jets play a tune, to the astonlsh-
I nicht of visitors.
Harvesting in Lincnln8hirr, Eng-
land, has been conducted with 1.11e
aid of a petrol motor' specially in-
aenled ler farm ase. Tile motor,
attached to 0 reaper and hinder, cut
a 11el1 of barley at Trowell. in ex-
pellent style. The mat/bine also
dr1..wel the laded wagons front the.
field rind is es
alIv adoptable for
meting chelf, peeing ,soils, atld
grinding corn. 11 Ilan also been i
tried successfully with a doehlr sor-
row plough, TIS ademetnge over
horse labor is that there are no cin
lee's, end the cost of fuel is conoid
trebly cheaper.
Theinn t: v,11f
tuhle handkerchief duct nn
the world belongs to Queen Mitrgirt
Re f Rely. a o la It, ismade • t
n sof the II
est old Venni inn isle,, null It is in
perfect condition in spite of the fact
that it was made in the fifteenth
couture% I1: is probe bly worth $101-
000 or $14,000,
"There is very little dltierence bc-
tvvicen ,you and the old lieu, i-lrfib-
bier. You both scratch for a 11v-
ing," "Yes, but. the old hen scratch-
es for one, and genu it."
hfother --• "Why ere you not as po-
lite and ronsidereLe es utile Toltuny
Mad'?” Small fon - "7 s'pect
tW(ybc ho war, ],roughs up In sonic
anent where the other boys Was
bigger than him.”
Synopsis of Address by T. C. Ray- -,
nor. Before St.
Farmers' Institute
Yiherever a farmer is building mew
burns, or changing his stables, the
gulden of the use of cancreee for
flours and walls is a live one.
In a country where lumber is com-
paratively cheap, concrete is not
likely to conte into getlerul use for
masking walls of barns, but for floor-
ing it is without question the best'
and cheapest stubstance that can be
employed The first, great quality is
its durability. Properly put down
it is practically indestructible. Then
it is water titjlft, and will help in
saving alt the liquid \'oklings of the
animals, and this in farm practice
to -day is a most important matte.
Fully 50 per cents of the fertilizing
value of the manure is in the liquid
portion. By having concrete floors
and Using plenty of nbsorbenls this
can all be saved and put on the
land where it will do the most
Cone>•e!e 15 a mixture of clean
grevel 01- pure send and content.
There are seurt1 kinds of centred-
iis .In
()Maxie they have natural rock
cement, which ie. inunefactured fit
Clw•enston and Thorold, and this
while not 08 strong es the Portland
elnrtd, Is Cheaper and does very
well. in solve sn:Lions the Pot•tleed.
cement will lie the best to use.
does not require skill \Odell an . in-
Celli tent Tarnier 11/1111011 sl>ppty,
First make a solid smooth floor, 13
rtl w
feet t i ,u c, t n inch lumbar pre-
f rr .d. Then a box without a bot-
tr a sl oatbe mule to which to InLe
>l shoed r
the; gravel end cement. 'This can he
made of such a size as to act:urntely
measure the gravel 00 sand, The
gravel and cement are then put into
title box in the proportion required,
the box taken off, and the mixing of
Cement and gravel or sand thor-
oughly done with a shovel. It
Should be shovelled over testers at
any tate, while it, le dry, and sho-
velled up into a cows ; then before
applying the water the CO10 should
bopn 1 n ki the mixture
pulled 'down na ng
in the form ot. a ring, leaving a
hello*/ in .the centre bare to :the
floor. Into this water should be
Results from coo Soaps
eczema, coarse hands, ragged
clothes, shrunken flannels.
Ek fo'.
3:ra Iox,r1szo
oho P4leIIon nor
poured, find dry gravel and cement
turned from the outside of the ring
to the centre. This will be pulled
out again from the centro and more
water added until the mixture be-
comes of the consistency of thick
Porridge, soit will run down but
not be soft. The proportions 10
which gravel or cement can be used
depends somewhat 00 1110 strength of
the cement. With good Portland
cement, ono part of cement to six
07 ((0V011 of gravel could be used for
the 1 floor, ut this
h solver art of theU
should bo covered with a' swims of
0110 Part of content to two of clean
'sand, 11 all extra line Bard finish
is required use equal parts of cement
.and sand,
Before laying the stable floor a
good foundation should bo prepared,
It shook/. ho made firm and solid by
the addition - of gravel or small
stones thoroughly pounded down and
the boar shaped as Is required for
the stable. It is Lest to have a
slight slope from the manger to the
gutter. The pian of cow stable
which is generally preferred has 'a'
square gutter two feet wide and
eight incites below the level of the
stall 11.onrs. This gutter is first
masse and the cement laid in it.
Then a hoard mould is put up and
the cen:ens put in behind the boards
and the boards left there until the
cement gets firm,
0111y as much as can bo conveniently
reacher], Say a piece four feet square
should ,bo ]aid at one time. All the
studding necessary in the 000510u0 -
tion of the stalls should be set on
flat stones and the cement put rotted
them. Great care should bo taken
when ]oying cement to thoroughly
pound it down. After the -floor is
finished it should be sprinkled with
water especially, if the weather is
dry. This should be done every day
for a month. D. will probably take
from a month 10 six weeks for a
floor 1.0 harden properly and suffi-
ciently to use, and it will not be-
come thoroughly hard for sit or
seven months triter having been put
in. Large stones can and should be
used in- the construction of a con-
crete wall, if pains are taken to see
that they oro covered with at least
two incites of cement on either side.
A concrete wall one foot thick is
sufficiently strong to carry any
barn. 'I his makes a thoroughly dry
and warns stable wall. Pine stone
from a stone crusher is an excellent
material from which to make con-
cretc. A barrel of rock cement will
lay 53 sgvare feet of 4 -inch floor.
Goo:1 quell -tits of Portland cement
should do more than that.
By the use of corrugated sleepers
merle like railway rails it 15 quite
erect a le to make a good floor
whim would form the ceiling of the
etc? 1_lew. The _sleepers should
Irl er 'y Le made of iron, and laid
sulnci fitly close to make the stree-
seee eceirl. Such ti floor prevents
r .t t1reugh the space be-
eec. _.-
F. W. > OPSON,
L1:e Stock Conuniesiouer.
Dearness LS11'aot 1)e G0r01
br:.,ce- rpe ': roar.. as they GHaet roach ib0
dives,! 7Ct1: crlne a-. There Ia only one
way S., afire d,ttaro. and Chas is by eeasllru-
1,,-1- ,medianrliotu'11 1- tensed by an
E<.a r4 008i' fes of -Ire mucous lining of the
Zen a1 Tal~- lt70en skis robe 13 18'.
,•,crest To -t Care z880. send cr ironer
tett lon
afig. ane schen it is entr8iy closed
draft -e..-. is 172a rcah_ and vales. the inflate.
leaden 8811 b*- ar-n ort and arts tube restored
le 1101,0 mal con8.1i n, beari->g will be de-
rJ'O-l- t,raver; nitre cads oat of ten Are
evnrei aye rarrb. w'rich ss nothing bat mata—
dors—ea eaa11(11on of the mamas fur ace .
We van: give Ono Hundred Dollars:or any
cane or Ima.ns s tmt"•t=ed 17 cal rrlo that earn
fl,c be earedby ultra Catarrh Cure. Easel
for circular s.fret.
I.J.CHENEYL:CO..Toledo. O.
Sold by Dr:tert.', lfe.
ifan'• l umf y 1.111. are the beat.
Of the Sovereigns of Europe, 21.
have no direct male heir.
191e0rd'S lilirlael GUMS c1Or0,1 In COs,
e20 pounds of wheat and 150
pounds of meat is the average con-
sumption of food by a .Briton in ono
eo`eaee.e arm. • ,..wale •oeea.a..a•.•eu
Ha mdse to the abdc e
po nci F to crd I-
ps ml
icons have been shade Cu.hro'i being
Minor h
a e e:
cured b LG A. 1'j� TOOTHACHE,
8'i'SCA D EU 0
011 be all p bild. far -Which
an enemas . can 1>o ho have 16 never
tecta td ncur, atbethThousands olio have been ave
clawed incurable r hutch and tong cared
risingthrovSr.decor's crutches, PDi bectl8 caned after
assns r. dCOOea Olt. ip bottle.
in eleven
IanOuaCea accompany ave: � total.
a 1u/;"°1
W P C 111.51
Ceylon Tea Is the bales
Tea the world producers,
and Ie sold only In load
Black, Mixed acid Green',
'aeon tea drinkers try (,Salado" Green tea,
'Under circumstances which the Liv-
erpool Post reports, l'ro'essor Blank,
who was born dry, and is prone to
thrust his dl,yne_ss upon others, re -
cantly achieved additional dryness
for himself,
Ile was among a largo party
shooting on the moors of Scotland.
Suddenly a heavy storm of rain
came on. No shelter was at hand,
and the sportsmen were drenched.
A11, at least, but Professor Blank,
lie had mysteriously disappeared
when the rain earns on, and rejoined
the party when tbo sun was shining
again. To their amazement, dile
erudite one was as dry as one of his
own books,
"Mow did you manage to escape a
wetting?" growled one of tho dip-
ping HPo't0ulefr,
"As soon (le the -rain came 'on I
went o17 by myself," returned Pro-
feasor Blank, blandly, "slipped off all
my clothes, alio sat .down on them
till the shower wap over.".
CAS11ONLY. • '
1'n a certai u•, ter ata
n court, t; filo other y,
a badgering counsel found a tartar
in the person of a witnessin a case
where a clothier sued a customer for
a suit of clothes.
The counsel's point was that the
action ,las irrelevant,and his client
was entitled to at least three
months ' in ,which .to pay the bill,
and it n'as bort-y that time since
tho clothes were got.
"Now, sir," said the counsel to
the witness, "bad I got the clothes
instead of lily client, would you
have snnlrnolled me to court at this
"Igo, sir." •
"Ah! Any evby, pray?:'
"Simply because in your case the
transaction would have been a cash
No more questions were asked.
Philadelphia, Atlantic City, Balti-
more, Washington, Old Point Cour
fort, and the. South via Lehigh Val-
ley Railroad and its connections.
t"our fast express trains daily ' for
Washington, Asheville, Southern
Pines, Charterton, Sava:naSl, Jack-
(onv5lle, St. Augustine, Palm Beach,
Pampa, Miami, Nassau, Cubo and all
Florida - and winter resorts south.
Excursion tickets now on Sale. For
full particulars, illustrated literature,
,naps, etc„ call on or address Robt,
H. Lewis, Canadian Passed -ger Agent,
$3 Yonge street, Toronto, Ont.
The earth is gradually losing
speed owing to the friction of the
es. The days ars now half sec-
ond longer than they were in 1802.
N. W. Ayer & Son, the "Keeping
Everlastingly At It" Advertising
Agents, of Philadelphia, have found
it necessary to move into new and
larger quartere at. 800-308 Chestnut
street in that city. This announce-
ment will interest many publishers,
because - Ayer k Son are so widely
known es promoters of newspaper
publicity. They began business
thirty-three years ago, with two
people and an annual business of
$15,000. They now have one hun-
dred and ninety employees, 1:nd have
Mr years done the largest advertis-
ing business in the world. The dif-
ference between then and now is,
they say, simply the result of mak-
ing newremper and mugazipe adver-
tising Puy their customers. .
7'h+ average Russian loses 21 days
in 0. year from illness, an English-
man less that. 11 days, and an Aus-
tralian only 8 days,
For Orr? Stat? renrs.
Ax flan AND 'LerrThlin 25015007. - Urn
wmstor,•1800tbing8yrup has hemmed for ever filmy
rose+ by millions of mother, for their children whr'e
1po15 r, with perfect Femme. I1 soothes' the child
letters lie rums.,.Ilayc all pain, cures wind colic, anti
lathe brat remedy for Manila:17 la plemani to (ho
nae. sale by dnt[phtr in entry part o1 the war d.
rwenty.sre eee>u • lrrmle, 11n ,8(o. SA iroAoniahle.
Se sure and rah for Mrs. Winnow a 8e.rhmg Syrup,
Ind tale no other brad.
Britain's largest tighlhonse is the
Skerryvo•o. It contains 4,808 tong
of masonry and cost £'00,208, It
was built In 1844,
Monkey Brand Soap makes copper
like gold, tin like silver, crockery
like marble, and wil,dows liko
Marie -"Why is Mr. Puffer in such
a hurry to marry Maud 1" Arthur
-"Ile promised her ho vvonldll't
smoke while they were engaged."
Mesar"s;"" C. C. Riehai ds ,C Co.
Gentlemen, -My three children were
'dangerously low with diplhthe'ia. On
the advice of our priest my wife be-
an the M'IN
NI -
M N1. In two hours
greatly relieved, and in five days
they were completely well, and I
firmly believe your valuable Lini-
ment saved the lives of my ehil'
Gratefully you's,.
)fair's Mills, June 10th, 1809.
A. full-sized cigar contains as much
as two grains of nicotine; a, pipeful
of tobacco not more, as es rule, than
Use -thirds of a grain,, -
Mleard s Llolmdnt Cures Distemper,
When Lord Dundonald entered with
the mounted troops into Ladysmith,
IL portion of the garrison wont out
to Weleoule the re/loving force, and
OM advance party was under tho
command of a young 01311or noted
throughout the xlcusohoid Brigade
for his ealnmess of demeanor. While
the relievers and the relieved sheered
wildly as they met, this offices' rode
quietly forward, and, after saluting
Lord Dund011a111, said, its coolly as
though it had been a snore casual
greeting in pond street, London-
tTallo, ])undonald, hoes are you 7
Pleased to 500 you, White is about
somewhere." Por sheer stoicism this
wants`somo boating.
Suffered Terribly Front 'Kidney
Complaint,: but Was Speedily
Relieved r
12 o and Cured by Dodd's
Kidney Pi11e.
Rat Portage, Ont,, Dec. 1,-(Spo-.
-sial)-Everybody in Rat Portage
snows 1i. S. Barnes, father of a
'keener mayor, and one of the oldest
Inhabitants of the metropolis of New
Untarlq. 'Though seventy-nine years
of age, Mr, Barnes belch younger
lean many men of many fewer years+,
and is 'possessed of wonderful vital-
and activity..
A pioneer of this district, Mr.
Barnes tells ninny tales of early life
In the wilds of New Ontario, .but
none more interesting than 1110 fol-
lowing 1
"I was terribly troubled with
Kidney Complaint. 1 suffered severe-
ly with pains across my back, and
with a scalding, burning sensation
when 'urinating that was very pain -
"Though I had little faith in pro-
prietary medicines, I had a box of
Dodd's Kidney Pills • in the house
that I had procured for my wife, and
commenced taking thein, with good
It was not long till my acquaint--
cquaint-tunes star5eii to greet ,no on the
street with 'IIello, Mr. Barnes, how
young you are looking.' They were
not astray. I felt smart too, and
feel younger and in better health
than I have been for years. My
Kidney Complaint was completely
aired by Dodd's Kidney Pills."
On January ist the earth le about
,three million .miles nearer to the
stn than it is on the 1st of July.
Minard's Liniment Ceras Colds, etc.
Sheffield uses two million ring-
bones of oxen yearly for knife
removes all hares, soft or e°allonseri Lamps
and Blemishes from horses, Bleole 1'ietwill,
Curbs, Spllsts, Ring Bone, Sweeny: Stifles,
F-prahts, Sero mad Swollen Throat, Collets,
ate. Save 053 by 1,1s0 of sue bottle. War-
ned:od the most woneerinl Blemish Caro
ever knewn, Sold by ell druggists.
The more perfect, a piece of work
the morn imperfections the imperfect
can see in it.
Minard's Liniment Coles Qlp hfheria
P '
The Liverpool docks will hold 20,-
000 vessels of ordinary dimensions;
those -of London -about 22,000.
The best way to cure indigestion
is to remove it, cause. This is best
done by the prompt use of Dr.
lioenig's Hamburg Drops,. which re-
gulate thestomach in an effectual
Young Sprigg-"Mr. Bidquictc, I
am worth $2.5,000 and I love your
daughter." .Aft-. Iliclquick (retired
auctioneer) -"'Solt! 1"
TIO = R3 087 POPULAR D00715(1105,
Pritervee the tooth. Sometime the breath.
• Strmrglhena tho tuna.
The youngest soldier who has
served at the front, Drummer -boy
lt'lIIio Sturgess, youngest son of
Sergeant -Instructor Sturgess (Prin-
cess -of Wales' Own Yorkshire Regi-
ment) has Mist returned to North-
allerton, -- has.
ITO was only
18 years
old when he went LouL lastSt
MI AO01(855 ! ('00b
4404 e —
a4" /'.'i'/140444e 4,41-114 a406
.r,.raowswasc. rr•700---" [der®
Kin Edward
7 00}
" Headlight"
it Eagle"
-loo} Zoos
" victoria"
Little Comet
Tlw Lcstholtday itfteare rho fiestas (lt. 13verx
home nhonid have •,good Thalmann-. This year why
lot give some ono a
International' Dictionary
of ENGLISH, Biography, Geography, Fiction, etc.
The One Great Standard Authority.
r7Wiilesirs onwnNew Plain611rhrronnirA lrsrea
Lel Us Gond You F , EE,
A Main Pronunciation"
Allard pleasant and iw erset151 ent,Otalnnmst,
83no ofsibsteen(shout 7rL 7771etlens505.
100el t<taraso. air.eeeu•odeluelusir'PS
1Lt.0rP rr: n rarm1Cery AL 0 Flan
6, k G. i,IEGBIAM CO., Pubs., Springfield, Ulu.
• Preparing � for a iv
p ( University Coarse '
should make mks u enquiries about
Residential Univers.ity
'trinity offers the ]ong•dcdred escape L
'from the dangers Incidental to se>u1-. sr
]ng young. lads o; girls. straight �1
els from tiro High Schools and from N
homelife to the lonely r
conditions at banding.
house life in a
strange ohs. 01'
2n order to masse its
as complete Impassible, and to place t1��.•
the Education a3F'rded by Trinity W
University in the. very (feet rank of •
T the Unh orsities of Canada, some of `
0i the business mon of Ontario are ex-
panding this sum of a quarter of a ;a
million 0011ars for thele perposes,
w It 00111 interest eon to know )row thin
.• inoncl/is being expended in the interests
of grist• 80110 avut dn.1pld0I8, end to bora
information about the v 1(0111 sllnrca 11(0 „3
' es
and e(2z eleen-(l , inolPresgO she d
• Shidensa onD 101 many
others s which
55100 t Students, and many oLhcrs welch oro
span to students of alloroeds and ct heti
a A postcard, addressed as below. will M
Abring you by return mail an Illustrated
t nook (free) showing the University and l•
College Buildings - and Grounds, And
ruing much va cable ieformurion nboat
J the ceurees of wady. The Unlvcr,I1'
Calendar may also be obtained by ad -0.
'2r droseing,
other and
,fifIENTS.WAN1TED.OrrSinn1.81a gloms.
}13[L V! [.Y of ttra' 1Gngn Ooronq.
Lion and South A,nmm
WrituwU:aar. HaT5{,rt iinytopp _�n8een
We want ro,00p
Turkeys, fe.oao
W Gesso, 2,000
' • V Ducks, & ,o,000
Chickens to fill
el our orders. If
tb you have any it
will pay you to
ty ship us.
WWo also want
ChickChickens any quantity of
ens new laid eggs.
1101 Hanson Commission Co" umlted
Te lend for our Coni'
plate Sheet Music
Cotatoguoo and
5 ectal ales.
SY � R
We are equipped to
au apiy cvvyy Music
�* }� ?� Ta her in Cnnacla.
V F 1" �>® �S CO., Limited
556 Main Street, 158 Yonge '3:e44,
WATCHES Bend us 81,10 byporhd note
A CHEC•7 or mane -order, andwnwill
mail you nice nickel -plated watmh, ivarae-
teed for one year. Doth truth and poor neo it
end are plea, ed with la. McKenzie & Co,, 98
RL. Peter St, Queboo; Oneida.
Dominion Line Stealnshipk
Montreal to Liverpool. Benton 10 L(ver,
pool. Portland to Liverpool. yin Querns.
S.vr sand Nnat 6lenmeilpa BupCertar neaonnnodetlon
[0r en 1(10501 of special
ott, Bnloes and iven'tgorpa
tre'anddshlpa, Oieelal ad-01am hue hemglv00 to of
econd Saloon and all
par Olen• •eeon,mooatioa F4t
Mice of para n and all parttculan, apply to my n[oal
01511• Company, or 11111.0 Oo, D. Torrance A00..
77 State St. lkrtea 1Seot,oei•ndlortlanS,
Men and born/lend your
r lbannaandportoaico
address en o ?mot surd,
23 III
88,5(3, 1y ,stem.
mal teesthhl0 (1181
will (01050al sant ol1epo•
titles pat e, 0001. Thin
(s nn fu.e,Jnn ,yore-
• 11111(5 you will ba 60.
t 01(05 to hoar and hare, 150(1, today. 32.10441,,
Dopt, D, VIM 11UPPLY 00.,
and all kinds of bons. Ilungle[e, Aso
virile to us about room.
ORITIBt1 AMERICAN 0TEIN0 CO., Box 155, MOntr]al
urnit re
to any station in Ontario, proportionate allowance to all outside points.
You save the middleman's profits. got your goods at city prices,
and have no packing or freight charges to pay.
$E5000 NUR OS lib GOUC '.j.ES
All Freight Charges Pall.
I lt, til',) rVf 111
Upholstered In the best I''rench Velours bun tutted, with the best
patent clamp buttons which never conte off. Best tempered steel springs
ali over, head, seat and edges, soft Its a cushion., best qunllty fringe
all round, beautiful roll head-piecr,making an exceptionally handsome
as well as mie of the most durable and useful pieces, of fu
rniLure, RT
leo pay all freight charges and guarantee to deliver (111.1110 Xmas
Eve it desired.
50.00 Upholstered
Easy Chairs
FnamtlT PAM,
1N tete 8
e etioss 8
D. Ike Bastedo &
SO Years in the Fur Trade
In Toronto.' 126-41"`u"-zo",4".,
Manufaoturets of Furs
of every bind.
Fag LA81118' ANO MLII'd WEAR,
Scud tar Cat8k {t.
Merchant. will find it pay to sort
we pay<'highoAi�yries• for RAW
Puna d GEN81pO. Prompt
returngs8ltte by 'apron..
Send for !Vigo List.
IJPholste7'od in beet English Tapes-
try, spring soat(s, bun' tufted hacks
and' arms, ; extra strong and com-
fortable. 'Delivered Xmas Eve if de -
Freight paid, $4.39
C11111087 P010,
Sold Oaks and Mahogany finished
frames, Best leather cobbler seats.
neatly •eatvod, well loafed, nalsing a
Trost stritablli Chair 101' any r0070 111
the "home. I)etivoroil 31111ao Eye it
Freight Paid, $3.29
341 VOICE STREET and 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 'and 12 COULD stow, TO1)ONTO,
NOTE.,. -Send for sus Catalogue of Xnae 1'ut'nituree
pe A4