HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1902-12-11, Page 5Y1 et .i• • s. I Ifilie 1!It•, 1992 TR* SHOOS BUSINESS CARDS. � ONEY TO LOAN AT 5 PER aunt, • LS. SCOTT, Brussels. W1L MoORACKEN--' • Teener or Marriage Lieenees, of, dee at Grocery, Turnberry street, BrueO018. M. MORRISON! aerLicense issuer of Marriage a r g B, WAL,TON, ONT., T M. O'CONNOR. U v GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT for some of the beet and sufeet OOMPur les in Canada for Piro, Aooldont and Plate Glass, Office over I, 0, Richard's store, liruasele, 18.3m MISS JEAN M'LAUCHLIN, -TEACHER OF - PIANO - AND - ORGAN. SIRSTr31=..=1Z6, ROBERT CUNNINGHAM* IN°a0ANOE, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. E. Estelle Griffin TEACHER OF VOIC2. CULTURE Pupil of Mies Eva N. Roblya. of London. Pupils prepared for Couservatory dxnme. r i"N111 visit Brussels every Tuesday. - Lessons given at the home of W. H. Kerr, John street. J. LECKE, LIFE AND FIRE INSURANCE, LOAN AND REAL ESTATE AGENT, MONET TO LOAN AT 4i, 4i d0 5 Per Cent. Odloe over Hurele0's Drug, Store. Nov. 9rd, 1902, 30.9m Brussels. Wellington Mutual Fire Insurance Co., neTADLIeHRD 1840 Insurance taken on the oath and premium note system at current rates. Before tuaur• ing elsewhere call on the undersigned Agent of the Company. GEORGE ROGER8, Brussels. AUCTIONEERS. 'S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION- • nun, will sell for better prices, to better mon, In leas time and lees (Merges than any other Auctioneer in East Huron or he • always be arranged at this offioeoor by personal application. VETERINARY. T D. WARWICK— . Honor Graduate of the Ontario Vet- erinary College, is prepared to treat all die - eases of domesticated animals in a compet- ent manner. Particular attention paid to VeterinaryDentistry. Cells promptly at- tended -Four North of bridge,, Office bndlerry at., Brusselsdoore LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING, NIT M. SINULAIR— ` • Barrister, Solicitor, tOonveyaneer, Notary Public, &e. Uffioe-Btewart'e Block 1 door North of Central Hotel. Solicitor fortbe Standard Bank. GF. BLAIR, BARRISTER, • Solicitor, &o. Office over Stand- ard Bank. Solicitor for Village of Brussels. Money to Loan at lowest rates. MEDICAL CARDS. DR. O. AMBROSE TOOLE. RESIDENCE Aim OFFIOE- MILL ST, EAST, BRUSSELS. J. A. M'NALIGHTON. M. D., C. M., Trinity University, Fellow Trinity Medical College, Member Collage of Physicians and S urgeons,Ont. Licentiate of the Royal Col..legs of 'hysioiane and Licentiate of Mid. wifery, Edinburgh. K-i'Tolepbone No.14, Reei'denoe-MBI street, Bromide. DENTISTRY DR. R. P. FEILD. DENTIST Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario and Firet.olaes Honor Graduate of Toronto University. Office next to Brewer's Photograph Gallery, BRUSSELS. AGENTS WANTED. Either on Fttlt or Part Tinte. Are you satisfied with your income? Ie • your time fully 000upted 1' :It not write ns'. We can gtvo you. employment by the month on good terata or contract sect re nay you well for each business as you both for ns' at odd times. Wo employ both mace and female representatives. .,The next three months t- • thevery beet time to sell our goods s No de- posit is required ; outfit Is absolutely free. We have the lamest nurseries in Canada - over 800 acres, -A large range of valuable new as replttee, and all our etoan to guaran- teed erno- teedaeropreaeuted. If you want to repro• sent the largest, most popular and best known nursery, write us. It will be worth your while. • STONE & WELLINGTON, "Canada's Greatest Nurseries," 17.3m Toronto, Ontario. SHINGLES British Columbia Red Cedar Shingles 881-` North Shore Pine and Cedar FOR SALE AT THE Brussels Planing I1ills Also Doors and Sash of all Pat tone on hand or madeto order at Short Notice. Estimates Furnished for all kinds of Buildings. Workman - °hip and. Material Guaranteed. P. AMEJTT. Winter Term *in Jan. 5 . STRATFORp ONT. A 18090, pro$reeet50 sotleol and One of the best on thio Continent, This Ie a strong statement but it is a true one nevertheless. The reason our 5011004 11ne a -large attendance is beoanee It 19 a wlde.awake, hustling, working, re. sult•produoiug 8049001, Resent grad. uateehave aooeptod positions at 4µ10r. les ranging from 845 a mouth to 9850 per annum. Write for our nes oilta W, J. ELLIUTT, Principal. t:`ien 4,7 knee, itlistrict eels, Gorriee. Cecil Day is gradually improving. His many friends will be pleased to hear of hie recovery. David Cather°, of the 2nd con. has sold hie 150 acre farm to b1e brother-in-law, Wm. Bpotton, who now lives near Lake. let, The trntteee of 8. S. No. 6, Howiok, have secured the eervioee of Mies Mar• jorie Gillespie, of Seatorth, as teacher for 1909. Mrs. J. 811 arp and Mr.. A. J. Lowry, of Brussels, were the guests of Mrs. J. H. Day Tuesday and Wednesday of loot week. E31 v ch. Robert Stewart has taken a position fn MoMurobie & Ranoe'e bank. The taxes of C. H. Beene, grief) miller, amounting to 951.70 were remitted. Howard Alexander, of Winnipeg, is vieitiug at the home of Jame. Bentley. Elam Liviogeton was confined to the house for several days last week with ill. nee°. Mlee Lottie Bentley has resigned the position of teacher in U. 8, S. No. 12, Hallett and Morrie. A. new smokestack nee been erected at the Blyth flour mille to replace the one blown down a few weeks' ago. Mrs, E. D. Chamberlain has sold her residence on Dineiey career to Obarles Floody. The price paid was 9575. Frank Metcalf and A. H. Jaoobe were in Walkerton last web attending the annual meeting of the Ontario Fruit Growers' Aeeooiation. Rev. John Holmes preached anniver- tary termone in Dungannon Methodist ohurah on Handily. Ree. T. R. Mohair, of Dungannon, preached in Blyth church. G.oderloh. The name of E. N. Lewis is mentioned for Mayor. Chariio Wells ie building a 00neerva- tory at hie reeidenoe, Bayfield Road. B. D. Grant hew bad a eevere attaok of illness the past week, but was reported much better. Harry Craig's eagle met an untimely end. It flew over to Engineer Miller's reeidenoe, and attacking the ehiokens got shot for its paine. Evangelistic eervioee are being oon• dnoted in Goderioh by Revs. Messrs, Crossley and Hunter, commencing lean Sunday morning. A. Straiton, G. T. R. elation agent, ie Still laid up with illness. He le having a long siege of it. 1''radk Stewart, of Stratford, is now relieving tioket agent at the G. T. R. station. The dates of the Winter show of the Huron Poultry and Pet Stook Aeeooiation Neve been changed to January 20, 21, 22, and 23. Sharp Butterfield, of Sarnia, a well known expert, has been appointed judge. Charles Reid is the eeoretary of the Aeeooiation for this year. Of the seventeen pareele of land offered at auction by County Treasurer Holmes on Tuesday of last week, Tudor Marks bought three in Bayfield, F. 8. Scott one in Brussels, , and R, 0: Hays one in Wit wanoeh and a portion of one iu Howiok. Over half the ladle advertised were re deemed before the tale. The by laws voted on were carried by good majorities, the vote in favor of the Eleotrio R. R. being larger than was generally expected. This bylaw needed about270 votes, and a majoriiy of those oast, to carry it ; it received 448, sod there were 105 seeded it, a majority of 843. The Organ Factory leen by law needed about 486 votes and received 512 26 over the required number to make it law. IJetalorth. Co. Councillor Hays will not be a can. Mate for another term. Seatorth gave a majority of 71 in favor of the Liquor Aot of 1902. Jno. and Mrs. Landeaboro' are home from an extended visit to Manitoba and the Wed. Anniversary eervioee in aonneotion with the Seatorth Presbyterian church were held on Sabbath oondoated by Rev. Neil McPherson, of Hamilton. The anniver- sary tea.wae held on Monday evening. It is raid Mrs. Twist will have a writ issued claiming 915,000 from the Bea - forth Electric Light Go. for the death of her husband. He was found dead in T. Coleman's stable with hie hand hold. ing the eleetria light wire. Mrs. Twist has eleven children. Harold Broadfoot, eon of Mayor Broad. foot, wbo has been °sebier in the head office of the Canadian Furniture Mano• [enterers, at Toronto, has been appointed to a good position in the office of the company in Liverpool, England, and leaver early in the new year to take up hie new duties. The annual meeting of the Seatorth Auxiliary of the Woman's Foreign Mitt. denary Society, of the Preobyteriao church, woe held on Monday evening of, last, week when the following officers were elected for the ensuing year t President, F. H. Larkin ; let vice president, Mrs. Arab. Boort ; 2ad vioe•preoident, Mrs, A. Forbes ; norreeponding searetary, Mrs. W, Bomerville ; recording eeoretary, Mre. M. Y. McLean ; treasurer, Mrs. L. L. MO. Foal ; Tidings secretary, Mrs. J. A.rohi. bald. The auxiliary' has a membership of'boot eighty, and althongh the volume for the year are not all in as yet, the treaenrer'e report allowed that over 9200 had been raieed by the auxiliary, besides having sent away a large box of olothing. The of ioere of the Snnahine Minion Band for the coming year are President, Mies Norma Diokeon ; vine• president, Mise Helen Wileon ; secretary, Miss Nettie Wilson ; trea0urer, Mies Minnie Laidlaw.. The 8ovoreign bank, of »limon, have give» a trophy, in the ensile of a gold good 'diver cup, to be oompeled I lr by the marksman of the oeanty, The M. and oompetltioo 5001 p"ane hi ()Upton oe Wednesday of last wank. The ehgoting wee what is 'mewls as trap (booting, with artifloiol birds, The epooeoefal Pempea.. for en tltis oggaeion was Jelin Decide, of Seefortlt, and he had the honor of taking the aup home with bim end it le now in kite window of Other Neil's reetanrant, It is a very pretty artiole. When won live times by one individual it beoomee hie properly. The firotto win was Mr. Hoovey, 5i Olidon, and Mr, Donde is the ee00std winner, The next teat will e at Clinton on the first Thursday in January, The competition is open to the oonnty. 0. Klemm and A Stull left for Btrat• ford, where they have twined good posi- tions. Adolph & Bonnett have bought out D, Bowyer'° stove and tinemithing business, mrd will carry it oil in 000ueotion with their hardware trade. R. A. Mimic with Mrs. Olimio on ra turning to town from their wedding trip, was presented with a handsome Morrie obair by the member° of the Listowel C,ub. NW. E. Binning returned to town on Tuesday evening of bet week after !pond. ing a month in the Northwest, venting hie sone, at Moose Jaw, Medioioe Hut and Calgary. J. A. Hume has sold hie interest and good will et the Maeeey•Harrie Ooy's local agency at thio plane to Wm. Ellison of Palmerston, who hail taken charge of the Coy's baeiness here at the old eland. A bylaw is being submitted to be voted on by the ratepayers of Listowel on January 5th, the same date as the Munioi pal eleotiooe, to establish a water worke eyatem, and also to sanction the taking over of the oieotri0 light plant. The °etimated omit of eetabliehing a complete water•worke eyatem utilizing the present. system so far as practicable, ie 921,600. The coat of taking over the electric light plant, based on the report of H. H. Powell, of Woodetook,40 91,500. Construction of the °ewerage worke hes been laid over until next Spring, owing to arrangements not having been completed for the pnrohsee of the land for the filtering beds, which it had been decided to looate on the Liviogeton farm. The oontraotbr, P. Pigeon, of Stratford, was an hand and ready to begin on Toes. day of last week, but the land and right of way not yet having been acquired by the corporation, it wits decided cot to Primed with the work until next Spring, Atwood. Mies Minnie Hamilton ie at preeent quite seriously indiepoeed from stomach trouble. Roy Pelton left for Kincardine where he will relieve David Aleir as G. T. R. baggageman. Lemuel Pelton and eon John went to Innerkip to attend the funeral of Stephen Pelton, who wee a brother of the former. James .Struthers, jr., arrivedhome on Monday evening of last week from Mani. tole after a visit of a couple of months. Methodist Bnoday Bohool will hold their anneal .Xmas entertainment on the evening of December 28, in Mitchell's new hall. Mr. Craig, of Wingham, is relieving agent at the G. T. R. daring the absence of Harry Moore who is at preeent re. lieving•at Galt. Eli Moore has undergone an operation for appendioitie in a Toronto hospital, and It has been entirely enoaeeetal we are pleased to hear. There died in Woodstock hospital Sat- urday, Nov. 29, Stephan Patton, of Innerkip, brother of oar townsman, Lemuel Pelton. Mr. Pelton bad been a sufferer from rop are trouble for some 30are. He leaves a widow, three sone and one daughter. The children who survive him are : Refuel, on the home• stead ; James, who ran a pump shop in oonneotion with the farm ; Roy, employed to assistant in the G. T. R. station here, and Myrtle, wife of Jas. W. Dickson, 8th non. Thio is the third death in two Year. in 5490 tatpiiy of Felten brotltere, viy: Gibson Pelton, of Innerllip, who died about two years Pee of tl phoid 5 John Pelton, of Wingbotn, who died of cancer in California, and Bt, Onus Pelton, of Innerkip, School Reports 2019 THE MONTH O2 NOVIE Itint, FiTHEL, Ben Dept. -5th olaee,-Examined in Arith,, Hid., Gram„ Oomp. ; total 876 : D Davies 209 ; E Hanouid 202 ; 111 Mo. Allister 171 ; L Simper» 161 ; E Mason are. -Exams ed 160• G la 46. 4th s l n Lnlay • in Geog , Hist.,Spell„ Read, and Arith , Wel 400 :-B McKee 205 ; G Gill 268 ; 0 Raynard 251 ; W MoAllieter 948 , L Fogel 284 ; G Wanner 169 ; M Elliott 120 ; W Badgfev 107 ; A McDonald 68 L McLeod 27 ; R Dilworth 18. Sr. 804 olaeo.-Examined in Geog„ Hiet, Read.; Lit., and Arith ; total 480:-LChambers 872; H Wilhee 885 M Imlay 980; B Eokmier 287 ; M Stemmon 288 ;11 Coates 280 ; N Simpson 279 •,'1' MoAllieter 273 1 G Freeman 252 ; I Hogarth 286 ; E Eokmier 216 ; M McAllam 148, Jr. 8rd clave.-Exumiuod in Geog., Hist., Read„ Lit. and Arith. ; total 360 :-D Wanner' 184 ; E Eokmier 170 ; E McKee 168 ; G Molise 119 ; J McCarthy 47. Br. 2nd. class.. -Examined in Geog„ Spell,; Read,, Comp. and Arlth. ; total 400 :-F Imlay 335 ; B Bateman 809 ; G MoAllieter 299 ; aMcAllister 2s E Du,b r 288,N 9,P Bremner 266 ; W Barr 210 ; J MOAlium 200 ; L Cooper 199 ; W Pearson 189. Geo DOB°oN, Teacher. Junior Department -Jr. tad claew.- L Strachan, V McLeod, R Love, R' Fraser, 0 Haneuld, A Cooper, R Eokmier, H Eokmier, J Pearson, 0 Davidson. Pt, 2nd ciaee.-A McKee, R Wilbee, I Heath, 0 Dane, R Gill, A Fletcher, J Cooper, E Thompeon, A MoAllieter; Sr. PL 1st alae°. -W Eokmier, J Bremner, A Barr, A Dobson, P McKee, J Routley, F Free. man, V MoOall, H Fogal, R Thompson. Jr. Pt. let olaoe.'--A MoAllieter, F Mc. Callum, V Pollard, E Dobson, R Costes, S Btradian, P Gill, E McLeod, 0 Eck. tinier, 0 Dunbar, 0 Davidson, W Yeo, V Pearson. MI9e Los SHANNON, Teacher. No. 1 GRE1. IV Claes-J Randa 82 ; W Stevenson 76 ; M Hoggard 72 ; L Grant 63 ; L Btake 59 ; H Rozell 68 ; 8 Armstrong 46. Sr. IIL-F Lawton 91 ; G Hoover 68 ; J Diokeon 86 ; J Stevenson 66. Jr. III -J Armetroog 80 t S Bteveoeon 75. Sr. II - M Stevenson 98 ; F Al000k 89 ; A. Grant 86 ; 0 Armotrong 81 ; J McCallum 65. Jr. II -L Glassier 92 ; L Switzer 88 ; T Diokeon 88 ; W Hoover 80 ; H Hoover 80 ; R Gregg 70. Iit Claes-A Engle, A Lawson, J Alcoa, W Hollinger J Steven• ion. MOO ANNIE RING, Teacher. CRANnaooR. V Oleee-Wm Cameron, Athol Mo. Quarrie, Annie Cunningham, Russell Porter. IV Claes-Norma Sperling, Em ma Heather, Wm Smalidon ; ABie For• reet, Annie Alderson, Minnie [denary, Fred Hanker, Ernie Hunter, Maggie Fox. Sr. III --Amelia Mctnnie, Myrtle Bparl. ing, Lavinia Alderson, Roy Cunningham, Hartley Menzies, Martin McDonald. Jr. III -Ida Sharpe, Myrtle McDonald, Tom Smalidon, Jr. Dept. -Sr. II. -0 Schnook, E Han• ter,$ McDonald, 8 Alderson, M Fox, V Sperling, M McNichol, B Alderson, L Baker. Jr. II. -A Dark, D Perrie, A Fax, M Clark. Sr. Pt. II. -0. Fieoher, H Smalldon, J Baker, V Long, N Ray• mann, G Smalldon. Jr. Pt. II. -G Schnook, W Baker, A Kreuter. Sr. 1.- P Guhr, L Dark, B Alderson, 0 Fischer, J Menzies, E Smalldon. Jr.I.-31 Sper- ling, L Sperling, L Perris, L McDonald, F Fteober, 0 Stein. Nine MARGARET CALDER, Teacher. 8. S. No. 9, Moneta. 6411. Claes.-H, Skelton 118 ; M. Tay• for 106. 4th Class. -0. McArthur 989 ; R. Jackson 818 ; N. McArthur 910 ; 0. Jaokeon 271 ; M. Fear 268 ; J. Ma/Aber259. Sr. 3rd clave. -J. Bell 329 ; D. Jaokeon 248 ; S. Stubbs 225 ; D. McLean 188 ; E. Evans 181 ; E. FargohereoN 172 ; HIGH GRADE WATCHES AT LOWEST PRICES. OUR STOOK CONSISTS OF WALTHAM WATCHES HAMPDEN WATCHES ENGLISH AND SWISS WATOHES The very highest gradee kept in stook. We are offering special - inducements for you to buy now before the Christman rush. See our 23 and 21 Jewelled Watohes', the finest yet produced. ELGIN WATCHES HAMILTON WATCHES Ladies' Gold and Gold Filled Watches For 30 days at Speoial Prices. A large aeeortment to choose from. We can save you money and future annoyance by pur• chewing of rte. All Watches personally iospeoted and guaranteed to give eatietsotion. High Grade Goode at CLOSE PRICES. H. L. Jackson JEWEL -ER. Spoiled a Good Baking you have many a time by using an interior grade of flour. Your bread will always be light, white and sweet when using the Venue. It ie always of sup. orior quality, with no variation, and is carefully made from the best grown Manitoba wheat. Try this satisfactory brand far your bread, cakes and pies, and you will never use any other. DON'T FORGET' THAT THf' �..�sroW�r faun) piece to got ratio for your meeey, Opens Jan, 6th, 1903, Two ooereeo-Com, modal sue Bhorthagd. Send for College Journal, O. A. F LEMING, A. L. MoINTYRRE, President, Secretary, Ods lVailled at wiagnarn, We are prepared to pay for First-ilase Motile loge 914 per M First -ohm Soft Elm loge .,14 Firet-olaee Rook Elm loge16 " Firet-olase Basswood loge 16 " Firer-olaee Beeth 'loge 12 •' All kinds' and gradee wanted. Call and get our prices. Mfrs. M a. The Canada Furniture Limited OPERATING The hits & Fallant Chair Factory WINGHAM, ONT. J. Taylor 99 ; 0, Shortreed 54. Jr. 3rd olaes.-A, McCall 390 D. Mc- Caughey 300. Sr. 2nd. -N. Jackson 872 ; H. MoOal l 887 ; R. Grey 834 ; F. Bell 237 Jr. 2nd. oluee.-A. Skelton 260 ; J. Mo0anehey 231 ; W. Sholdioe 224 ; J. Rose 178. Pt. 2 -G. Fear 318 : R. Bell 813 Br. Pt. 1.-•M, Jaokeon 110 ; M. McCaughey 99 ; A. Watson 86. Jr. Pt. 1.-F. Stubbs 96 ; R Bird 54 ; D. Sholdioe 80. Hanauer BiELRv, Teacher. 15 MONTHS FOR 83. The Editor of The Toronto World Makes Our Elteadere a Spacial Offer. W. F. Maclean, M. P., is desirone of immersing the oiroulation of The 'for. onto World to 30,000 •before the end of the year, The World is considered the brightest newspaper in Canada. It is published every weekday morning at 4 o'clock. Its market -reports are the most aoourate, partioalarly those in which the farmers and merchants are interested. Any reader of this paper who mentione this offer, and who sande $3 before the end of the year will receive a receipt op to April 1, 1904. The reenter price of The World ie 93 for one year. It is the only one -cent morning paper published in Canada. A sample copy of The World may be seen at this office. Orders with the 93 should be Bent by registered mail or by p08101 note. l 1 ll I 1 1 1) 1 ,i 1 McKi 331.1.2.r171.sTcE HOUSE FURNISHINGS, Perhepe yon want to tone up your borne before Ohrietmae with is New Carpet, Ammeter Agee, Art Squares, Lime Curtains, Silk Table m Oovere, Golden Draperies, Eto, If eo we are fully prepared to supply the de pod, and to quote epeeist prioee till after the holidays. -Usti n Carpets, Yard wide,goad colort, worth 805 for 250 Heavy YUnio Oar, pet, yard wideri varietyof patterns at 3 0, 450 and 500. Ae e l line of Tapestry Carpet, in good patterns and ootore, regular 66o for 600, Wool 0arpete, yard wide, in a variety of patterns at 66o, 76a and 950. Art Squares, woven in one piece, in different gime up to 4 yards wide by 41, yards long, with border all around, will fit an ordinary sized room without matching or eewiog, and will soot no more than any other carpet. We have them in three (panties. Aek to see them. Laoe Cortaine, in all qualities, from 26a to 92 60, . , Art Muslim and Oartaine Sorime, So, 8o, 100 and 15o. COV J RRC®ATS We show a large stook of Swell Overcoat's for young men is sew Raglaoette style whish ie now so popular, froln 96 to 910. . Men's Bleak and Navy Beaver Overooate, in all eizee, from 95.60 to $10. Mep'e Heavy Frieze Uleters, high storm collar, heavy warm lining, at $8 76, 94 60 and 96. We carry a fall range of Stanfield'° Unebrinkable Underwear. Beware of imitations whioh are said to be just as good as Stanfield's- none genuine except stamped Stanfield's. ry_ JtGJ�v�issd•�s�m��3 S�'� ,-red I Sox and Rubbers. • • • No matter how cold or slushy the weather is, your feet will be snug and warm in a pair of socks and rubbers. Thick, warm, fleece -lined socks and stout snag - proof rubbers -that's a combination that can't be beat for out -door winter work. We have them in all styles and sizes: They are priced down to rock bottom, too. - This is how we sell them :-- - Men'a from 91.26 to 92.75. Bat the Special Brand which we have the Agency in Brueeele for ie the J. D. RING BTUBB PROOF whish is without doubt the Beet and Most Durable Robber in the market. Every pair is guaranteed to give satiefaction. See them with as, and boy them as none other will give you the same wear. -Repair° in Rabbere, Boote and Shoes done promptly. - HARNESS DEPARTMENT. -Fall stook Harness, light or heavy. Also Robes, Blankets, Belle, Tranke or Satchel°. - Dollars and Harneoe repaired. 1. C. /\ICHARDSa .Always the Lowest Strictly One Price HONEST ADVERTISING AND RELIABLE MERCHANDISE Are two great reasons for the wonderful success of this business. We will. not sell trashy or unreliable goods. No matter how low a quotation we advertise you may depend that the goods are thoroughly reliable and that reductions are exactly as represented. This Week vie have These Special Bargains - 8 pieoee 52 inch pure wool Homespun, in shades of Blaok, Novy, Mid, Grey and Oxford, regular pride 75o ; Special at - 56 inob Pure Wool Bell Warp Coating Serge, very enitable for Slrirte and guaranteed not to spot, in Black and Navy only, real value 9100, Special at -15 pieoee Beet Canadian Flannelette, all new stripes and fast oolore, heavy weight, 36 inohee wide, regular value 12}c per yard ; Speoial at - 10 dozen heavy pure Linen Hook Towels, with red border and fringe ends, size 20 x 43 inches, regular prior 35o ; Special at - 2 dozen Ladies' Black Meroerized Sateen Under ekirte, with full flounces and three email frills, regular pride 91.60 each ; Special at -12 dozen pairs of Ladies' Abeototely Pure Wool Cashmere Hoee, 'spliced heel and toee, worth regntar 86o ; Special at .50 .65 .10 .25 1.00 .25 -8 boxes Colored Velvet Cords, ehadee Fawn, Black and Brown, regular price 40o ; to clear at per yard -5 dozen Flannelette Night Gowns, in Pink, Blue and Grey effects, egaare yoke back, pleated collar and band cuffs ; Special value el -2 dozen Flannelette Night Gowns, trimmed around nook band and miff, colors Pink, Blue and Cream, real value 91.00 ; Speoial at .20 .50 .75 Ladies' Tailor - made Skirts at 3.60, 4.50 & $5 00 At these prioee we can give you a big range of styles. They are meetly made of All Wool Homespun and Freize in Grey, Navy and Blank. Some are trimmed with ratio folds and buttons ; others have oording over hips ; all are strictly up to•date, unlined; fit and finish is perfeot ; pride are low ; you eave the price and trouble of getting them made. 88 60, $4 60 and 96 00. Special Sale of Two Cases Mill Ends Flannelettes, widths 82 and 86 inches, all perfect goods, worth regular 8c. and 10c, length 8 to 14 yards, which we place on sale Saturday morning at 10 a. m at 5}c & 61c. We would advise customers wanting these lines to be on hand early, although the quan- tity is large, but at such prices the entire lot will soon be picked up. J. FERGUSON & CO.