HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1902-12-11, Page 414 1k i
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T.1.1URSAAY, .USC, I.1, 1902.
Tho oentre of a regular Vuleen storm
TTespied fella oe the end, the melon being
n apogee on the eama dale Ail the
month comae ill tale temperature will be
phanging to warmer in Western parte,
the barometer will fall Bret in the same
eectione, and from the Ind to the 4th in.
elneive oloudineee, with rain and snow,
Will pave Beat wardly aoroee the country.
If you fled the , weather growing warm
paid bright East of the etorm oentre,
don't be put off your guard. Keep au
eye on your barometer and hygrometer,
and be ready for the approaoh of the rain
and snow chariots, which are pretty sere
to arrive, pressed close on the Weeteru
flanks by some stiff, boreal winds and big
big drop iu temperature. If the Monne
of a given period are' a few boar° ora day
or ea ahead of the normal time, or if they
are delayed beyond their ordinary, time,
the practical man or woman le not going
to be dieconoerted by moll slight varia-
tions. The warm, open weather preceding
the etorme will not dealeve, and the rash
of the alarm and the cold wave following
will not be surprises. The oold weather
sure to follow the drat storm period of the
month will moderate on and touching the
7th and 8th, the barometer will fall, winds
will drop around to Southerly, and more
rain, turning to scow West and North,
will pave Eaetwardly across tbe country.
On and about the 8th, general rains with
possible lightning end thunder Southward
are probable, ac on thie date the moon
passes over the celestial equator, very
close to ite first quarter. The Winter
eoletiae period ales Bete in at this time.
In all reasonable probability, a wide and
general oold wave will spread over the
country from about the 9th to the 12th.
A regular storm period is central on
the 14112, covering the 12th to the 17th.
The disturbs -noes of this period will reach
a crisis within forty•eight boars of the
time of fall moon on the 14th, naturally
after rather than before that hoar. Dur
ing this period many very decided Winter
etorma will visit the North Atlautio
Oaean, making navigation perilous and
unpleasant. In fast, a long and severe
spell of boreal storms and storminess, ere
peaially on the arae and along the
Northern meats, will set in about this
time, and continue well through the re.
minder of the month. Very deoided
blizzards in the North end Wert will be
very natural on and about the 14th and
15th. Behind these etorme look for a
very high barometer, with severe Winter
gales from the Northwest, and a oold
wave that will be felt in varying degrees
to the Southern ooaets,
All through this part of the month
continued teodeuoy to Winter etorma
will prevail but a marked return to storm
conditions, with general rain and snow,
may be expected about the 194b to 21st.
Oo the 21st these reactionary storms
will culminate in possible winter thunder,
wind and rain, especially to the South,
but it will be wiee to look for a sudden
Change to snow, sleet and freeziog, as the
centre of the low barometer works well
to the East.
The lest storm period for Daaember
and the year 1902 is central on Christmas
day, the 25th, Storme of this period
may have developed in Western eeatione
by the 25th but central and Eastern
• parte of the country will moat likely have
fair and moderate weather Christmas
Day. From about Friday, the 26th, to
Monday the 29th rain and snow will ad•
vanae Eastward quite acroea the country,
leaving very sold weather behind them
over most of the couutry as the month
goes oat.
ii wood.poile plvor weenie tel bare th' same
flaypr es e drink out iv a glees at Ib' bar.
Wadp't it be itrand t'in ev a tell oud
take tin or bwilve drinks an' not ,loge
poaeieeion iv hie bis Leet 7" "Ye end
work that airy •enOunb;' imps Clancy.
"Idow wad ye do it?" I says, '"Rut more
wether in it," gays Qlantf7,
C9o tippbd from Pae1
nor applianeee for this work. Two of
the deaths due to exposure would have
been avoided if we had better ecoommo•
dation for the ineane here as it eeeme
impossible to get them removed to any
aeylum. I made a,thorough inveetigation
about these oaeee end did' not deem it
neoeeeary to hold inqueete. There ie one
ease at present in the Hpuee of a young
manwith a nop.uuited fracture of the
thigh of 8 weeks standing when admitted,
that will req'iire another operation.
This is an hospital Daae and should never
have been Beet here. There were few
aaoidente during the year, the chi. t one
waa a fractured arm. One birth took
piece in April and both mother end eon
are still in the Houee. I made 56 vieite
doriug the period.
J. W. Sneer, M. D.
21,1LE11'a REPORT.
Herewith I submit to you my report of
the number of prisoners eobfined in jail
at present : Michael O'Mara, Goderich
township, insanity ; Robt. Grier, Gode-
rich, insanity ; Thos. Shannon, Spring-
field, Ila„ insanity ; Robt. Wallace, Tuck.
ersmilh ; John Parker, Perkdale ; Joshua
Craven, and Francis Myers, Montreal,
the four letter being vagrants.
Following is report of crops grown on
Industrial Farm during past year ;—
pate 470 buehele
Barley 260
Beane 12 "
Onions 150
Turnips 665
Tomatoes 5
Cauliflowers 150 heads
Oelery 240 "
Hay 10 tone
Garden rewrote 25 bushels
" beets 20
On The Referendum.
"How are ye goin' to vote on th' Rifer•
iodum?" °aye Clancy to me a day or two
befoor Ib' votin'. 'Are ye wid it or are
- yo ¢gin it?" he Bays. "I haven't fully
med up me moind yit," I Baye. "I don't
ba'ave in eayin' a pig in a poke. I can't
say that I t'oronghly nnderehtaud it.l
Are we to have no whiehky at all or
what ?", I trays, "Ye'll have some," says
Clancy. "But it'll not be by th' glass
utilise ye pour it oat iv a areal oil oan.
Ye'll drink it in bulk, an' that'll suit ye
betthar; " be says. "Ye'll git it in a
roundabout way. They'll make it in
Watherloo art usual an' ship it to Quay•
bio; thin ye'Il Bind to Qoaybio fur yer
little noine gallons or so, an ye'll ax me
in to eee yer new aarpit, ye nnderehtaud. "
"But won't we be able to git anny in
town?" I Bays. "Ye will," says Clancy.
"At th' drug shtore. Ye oan git it there
fur mediebinal or mechanical parpose0."
"An what do ye mama by meobaniaal
purposes 2" I aaye. "To oil th' grind.
ehtone, I suppose," says Glancy. Tell
put yer Dame down on th' Pizen Book an'
it'll rade eomet'icg loike thio ; May faint,
1904, Pathriok (Nanny, to one half pound
Paris Grene, paid. Dennie Grogan, to
one pint mold rye, charged, That's th'
way it'll rade," he says. "Do ye t'iuk it
will carry," I says. "Th' indycationa
pint to a heavy ebnow fall t'ronghont
Oaterq on th' fourth," he says, "wid
marked depriseion in th' lower lake and
timperanoa diehtriote." "An' will ye vote
for it?" I aaye. 'I may an' I may not," say?
Clancy. "That depinde. 'Tle this way;'
he nays. "I'm not Iselin' viry well, we'll
say, an' I t'ink perhaps a small snifter
wud do me no barrom, Bo I ehtip into
some place or other an' I met Finnerty,
we'll say. We case th' toime o' day "WI
negotiate wid th' bar•tinder fur two re-
vivers. I feel betther. So does Finnerty.
Prieintly Finnerty opens his heart tin
Dints worth, 1 feel rich, me prospiete
broighter, th' mortgage ie lifted off me
r house an' I own th' vacant lot nixt door.
Thin th' bar -tinder does th' oharity ant
an' I am a dlahtant relation iv Carosygy'e.
Thin a McKillop millionaire who has jiet
diebposed iv three gaarthere iv a oord iv
wood fur eight eivinty-foive ehtipe in an'
buys th' liquids for th' crowd. An' thin
I imagine that Jim Corbett wad be
makin' tit' grand tniehtake iv his loife av
he'd ehtand ap befoor me for two
minotee. Thin th' Tarot thug I know
Some wan gives me a dift in 111' ear an'
that settles it till nixt moraine" "An'
how do ye feel nixt morning'," I says,
"That'll what I'm gittio' at," pays Olenoy.
"Av iver I vote fnr Prohibition 'tea be
mixt morniu'." "It's a quare t'ing;' I
says, "but a drink out iv a bottle belioind
Potatoes 258
Table turnips 55 "
Barrer beets 2 acres
Cabbage 1100 heads
Red raspberrise1800 quarte
Apples 40 barrels
Fodder Corn 1 sore
We erected 18 rode of wire fence and
pat in 50 rode of 4 inlet] tile drain. Sugar
beets were Bold to Berlin Sugar Faotory,
and reabzed about 9100. $380.50 wee
tbe ae,gregate of produce Bold.
D. Femur, Keeper.
Co. 0 erk Lane reported that 75 erode
of cord wood was contracted for with A.
J. Goldth .ape for the jail at $4 34 per
cord. Ns eoal has been °entreated for ea
yet but will be required at once. Half
dozen pair of handcuff. are also wanted
for Co. Constables.
The following be the roport of W.
Coate, Inapeotor of the House of Refuge,
for 1902, as submitted to the Oonnty
Commit ;—
Total number of inmates admitted
since opening of House 241
No. of inmates on Jan. let, 190278
No. admitted during the year (3 re-
admitted) 23
Born in Hoose 1
No. of deaths duriug the year 9
No. absconded during the year 2
No dieoharged during the year 9
No. inmates in Hoose let Dec.190282
No. of males 53
No. of females 29
No. admitted during 1902 from rural
municipalities .—
Townehipa—McKillop 1, Grey 1, East
Wewanosh 1, Colborne 2 (1 readmit-
ted), Stephen 1, Goderioh township 2,
Usborne 1, Ashfield 1.
Towne end Villages—Goderioh 2, Sea.
forth 5 (1 re -admitted), Brnseele, 1,
Wingham 3 (1 re -admitted), Bayfield 1,
Blyth 1.
Nationality of inmates admitted daring
1902 ;—Sootland 6, Ireland 8, Canada
11, Germany 1.
No. of days board of inmatee 26217
No. of days board Keeper's family
and help 1241
Average No, inmatee daring 1902 78 5
With Keeper's family ee help added 82,18
Total expenditure on House and
Farm $3951.36
Add value of provieione and fuel
on hand let. Jan., 1902 91181.85
Add ten per Dent for depreciation
of implements 975 00
Total expenditure $5208.21
Deduct expenditure on capital
amount 9351 76
Permanent Improvement,65 92
Provieiooe, produce, new sloth
hag and fuel on hand, let Deo.
1902, ea per inventory 1210 06
Produce sold daring 1902 and
other reaeipte 380 50
',Received from paying patients 76 50
Unexpired inearanoe 86 17
92120 91
Amount expended for support
of inmatee 93087 30
"In addition to above reaeipte from
paying patients $500 was paid to the
County on account of Mies Brown. No
a000nnt of the eame has been taken in
above figures.
i met the Road and Bridge Commis -
sinners of Counties of Lambton and
Middlesex at London on Sept. 17 for the
purpose of arranging for erection of bridge
et the Aux Bauble at the boundary of the
three interested Counties, • There we
were enformed that Boaangaet townebip
had not yet seemed the right of way for
a road to connect with the proposed bridge
on the West aide of the river. Therefore
we could not and did nob take eotioo on
the matter. The Ktoaerdine Bridge Co.
have failed to exeoute the °entreats of
the two iron bridgee in thio Co. Hera
written them to Bend oorremt etabement so
as to report to Council. Aleo asked re.
presentative to be present te, explain
delay. Abutments for Stanley bridge
were oompteted IaetFa ), and approaobeo
were made end eoperetraotare ie now
t awaited, At Wingham all the work hoe
been dope .at oement abutmentt that 10
PPoeeible before removal of
old bridge,
Vie DId bridg@ will li ely oytr pilla
ter present Winter, We are also tieing
old bridge in Qtanloy. KAYO bud about
usual repairs Iaet pee ee end bridgee are
new in a good orate. Beate Oo, bridgee
now 20 feat between abutments might be
shortened when rebuilt. 'Think ;be ,Bert.
miller bridge should be rebuilt In 1003
Have paid out since )ant report $x,610 02.
and total tar year up to Dee, 1, 92780 81,
Wee received from sale pg
iron from
old bridro.
JNo ANaLOY, Co, Cummieeioper,
ROAD AND 001000 00al0IZTTRE
We reoommend that Co. Eogineer'e
report be adopted and printed in
eninutee, We adviee that recommenda-
tion of Engineer as to Beumiller bridge
being rebuilt teat year be accepted and
that tenders be asked for, to be laid before
the Council at January eeeeian, and that
euperetruotore be steel or iron on con-
crete abutments, We also recommend
that tenders be asked for cement and
plank lfuorieg. With reference to all im
portant oornraote henceforth we reoom-
mend that 5% of contract be deposited to
oennre completion of work in time r•tatod.
Regarding 0 inion and Wingham bridgee,
re oommunioation from Hueter Bridge
Go„ we reoommend it be referred to
Warden and Solicitor,
Hume GRANNDEne, Chairman.
We examined the Court Horne and
found everything complete excepting
neceaeary repairs to the Go, Treasurer's
office which will be done forthwith ;
recommend that telephone in D. MODon•
aid's aloe (used by all Court House
oHoialo) be chentiad to a long `dietaries'
phone, to coat $5 additional each year •
visited jail•and found everything .all
right with the number of prieonere
corresponding with Jailer's report ; re
commend that Jailer's report be printed
in minutes; found everything in fair
shape at Registry office.
D. CANTELON, Ohairmae.
1902, OF THE
Village of Brussels
In the County of Huron.
To authorize the Corporation of the said Vil-
lage to borrow the sum of 05000.00 and to
provide for the issue of debentures for
that amount and to lend each amount as
can be obtained from the sale of the said
debentures, to William Lookridge and
John Loekridge, and eacheraone as may
be associated with them, for a working
capital to be used in the development of
a woolen min business in the said Village
of Brussels.
Whereasthe said William Lockfidge and
John Lockridge have made application to the
Municipal Council of the said Village of
Brussels, stating that they are prepared to
purohase the property known as the Howe
Woolen Min and at same out as a one -set mill
with new and modern machinery and active-
ly operate same to the extent of its reason -
lend them the sum L Five Thousd andaDollars
in Debentures of the said Corporation, bear-
ing interest at four per sent. and repayable
is ten equal annual instalments of principal
and interest, the said Coporetion to pay the
interest on said debentures.
And whereas the establishment of the said
Woolen Mill business, will enhance the value
of the property in the said Village, and will
materially increase the local trade thereof,
and it is considered desirable by the 'said
Council to comply with the request for a loan
on the terms and conditions hereinafter set
And whereas in order thereto it will be
necessary to issue debentures of the said
Municipality for the sum of 85000.00 as here-
inafter provided Which is the amount of the
debt intended to be created by this by-law),
the proceeds of the said debentures to be
applied to the purposes aforesaid and to no
And whereas it is desirable to issue the
said debentures at one time and to make the
principal of said debt repayable in equal
auoua, instalments of principal and interest
during the period of ten years next after the
iseue•of the said debentures.
And whereas the total amount required by
"The Municipal Act" to be raised annually
by special rate for paying the said debt and
interest as hereinafter provided is $015.45.
And whereas the amount of the whole rate-
able property of the Village of Brussels ac-
cording to the last revised and equalized ae-
eessment roll thereof is $901,085.00.
And whereas the amount of the existing
debenture debt of the said Municipality ie
054,128.90 and no principal or interest is in
Therefore the Municipal Council of the
Corporation of the Village of Brussels enacts
as follows: -
1. That the Mnuelpal Council of the said
Village of Brussels shall make n loan of
$5000,00 m debentures of the said Corporation
bearing four per cent. and repayable in ten
equal annual instalments of principal and
interest to the said William Lockridge and
John Lockridee and such persons as may be
associated with them, and for the purpose of
raising said sum debentures of the said Vil-
lage of Brussels to the amount of 05000.00 as
aforesaid in sums of not leas than $100.00 each
ahall be issued on the 19th day of January,
A.D., 1909 each. of said debentures shall be
dated on the day of the issue thereof and
shall be payable in ten equal annual instal-
ments of principal and interest at the Stand-
ard. Bank in the said Village of Brussels.
2. Each of said Debentures shall be .signed
by the Reeve and Treasurer of the said Vil-
lage and shall have affixed thereto by the
Clerk of said Municipality the Corporate seal
8. The said debentures ehall bear interest
at the rate of four per cent. per annum pay-
able yearly at the said Bank on the Nine-
teenth day of January in each and every year
during the currency thereof, and shall have
coupons attached to them for the payment
of such, which coupons shall be signed by
the Reeve and Treasurer.
4. Daring the currency of the said deben-
tures, there shall be raised annually by spec-
ial rate on all the rateable property in the
said Village of Brussels the sum of $018.45 for
the purpose of payingthe amount due for
principal and interesin respect of the said
6. Tfa said debentures beuha or the proceeds
said Ware only k handed over lc the
said those
Lockridge and John Lockridge
andthose associated with them on the pur-
chase l new and modernof the said. Howe W ool-
o one'¢ with new and mo r machinery as
0 ort of 111 and a rata women e thereon
favorincathe Corporation prn for principal
i h ere f outre-
interest, with nhe princippal thereof Five payable Ineq nalannual i yeareate of Five
Dollars, in each of the ten
yenta succeeding the ptheing of this By -naw,
exeonted in favor of the said Corporation;
the insurancie of the said buildings, plant
and machinery for such sum as can be ob-
tained theron to the usual carv=e of insur-
ance, in Companies approved of by the Cor-
poration by resolution of the Council thereof,
with lose (if any) made payable to the saidf
Corporation and said policies handed over;
and the execution of the personal bond of the
borrowers with one or more good sureties
approved of by resolution of the Connell of
the Corporation and made in its favor guar•
anteoing the repayment of the first five pay-
ments of Five Hundred Dollars each on the
said mortgage.
6. This By-law shall take effect on the
Nineteenth day of ;January, A. D., 1903.
7. The votes of the electors untitled to vote
on said Bylaw shall bo taken theron at the
followingtime and laces, that is to say;—
On Monay, the Fifth day of January, A.
D., 1903, commencing at the hour of nine
o'clock in the forenoon and continuing until
the hour of five o'clock in the afternoon of
the same deyy In polling division No. one,
in J. J, Gllpin's implement shop A. Coueley,
Deputy Returning Ofiieor' toppolling division
No. two at the Town Hall, George Rogers,
Deputy two,
Officer; in polling dfvipion
No, three,le the dwelling he t Peewee
Birt, Weter heheScott, PepPenny,'SIoD10rdug
On Monday, the 24th day of Deeeneber,
.4.'D, 1000 the l;peva of the paid Viliu go el}sii
attend at the Council Member at ten o'olouk
In the forenoon to appoint pwropna to attend
at the various polling plaoee aforesaid and ab
the summing pp of the vette by the Clerk, on
beltpl1 of the ppeweina interepte,0 iii Prouteth)g
or opposing tue peeing of th0 eaj'd llylaw
reepecbiv0 y
9. The Clerk at the Qouuioil 01 the eau
Village of Brusoola shalt attend Fit the Coen.
oil °ltpnrber, in IDs Town Mali. ut ten o'clock
in the forenoon, on Tuesday the sixth dey
u the um.
' i fir A D. 1 t i h n
a J 1
f ai u 990, q sem
y, A.
hen ofn votes forth a in o the said Bydew.
Read the Firsttimei c open L, uutiilD.,1 and
passed the t any Connell December a ti lass.
Read in open 05 Dthe =coon. time 1 2nd
passed the let dayof December, axially
Iy lass.
these. iu opyof ounoll and >0.. 5),,1902.passed
dna 1OO1IVA
That the above ie a true copy of a proposed
By.law, whish has been taken into consider•
atiou, and which will be finally passed by the
Conned of the Muniolpslity lin the event of
the assent of the electors being obtained
thereto) after one month from the first publi-
cation in Tim BR1ieser.9 Pp60, the date of
which first publication was the 4011 day of
Dooembee, A. D.,1002, and that the vote of
the eleotorc of the said Municipality will be
taken thereon on the day and at the hours
and pisses therein fixed.
In the matter of file Guardian -hip of
Mary Ellen Wilkinson, }leery Wil•.
kineon and Andrew Wilkinson.
ROME to hereby given that applloation
will be made to the Surrogate ,;curt of the
County of Huron before the Judge of such
Court in Chambers at the Court House in
the Town of Goderioh, atter- the expiration
of 20 days from the 11,01 publication hereof
ou behalf of William Berry' Wilkinson, the
cousin and one of the next of kin of the avid
minora, who reside iu the Township of Mor-
rie In the Conuty of Huth a for Letters of
Guardianship appointing the raid Charles
Berry Wilkinson, Guardian of the said Mary
Ellen Wilkinson, Henry Wilkinson and An-
drew Wilkinson duriugtheir minority.
Dated at Bruesela this 25111 day of Nov.
A. D,1102,
20 3 Solicitors Inc Applicant,
DEnMIMNED offers for Bale Lot 6, Con, 8,
Grey, containing 110 acres, 75 acme
of whish are cleared and iu a good
state of cultivation. lid ldiocs and
formes good and an abundant supply of
water. Term a liberal. Fcr further podic •
slam as to price and Lerma apply to TRUE -
MAN SMITH, on the premises, or Bruoa els
P.O. 12-t t
1. West I Lot 10, Con. 17, Grey. eon tale -
in g 50 sores. 47 acres cleared, balance bush.
There is a good frame house, with stone
sellar ; good barn 45x52 feet, with stone
stabile e, orchard, well, dc. Farm well lou'
cad mantO wall ,irnioed. Only 4 mile from
school and 22 to Church and poet office. The
farm is in good shape and now seeded to
erase. Possession given on Jan. 1st For
price, tome, dc., apply on the premises, or
it by letter to Walton P.0,
17.11 Proprietor.
, 1.002
Use. For
The Magnetic Attraction of our HOLIDAY
and Low Prices Push
theOldMan Man Asir e,
We are Proud of Our Barzains for Christmas Buyers
No matter how hard you are to Suit, we can Suit you, in New and
Beautiful Selections of
7 & Boy? Clothing
I at$, Caps, and Gents' Furnishing Goods.
Our stock is W ell Assorted, and Comprises the Greatest Gathering of Desirable Merchan-
dise we have ever offered our Holiday Patrons.
You are Cordially Invited to Come and See what
We Can Do for you before you look Elsewhere
All that is Newest and Best awaits your - inspection and Approval, and the Prices
on all our Goods are Extremely Low.
MM. 40. MEM 41100
Leading Clothier and Furnisher.
Downing Bros. 7
Shoes for Fall
or mountain climbing are
what we're featuring just
now. They're seasonable,
serviceable, stylish. Our
lines of Footwear include
all the leading makes.
Have them in all shapes,
sizes and widths, to suit
every taste and purse.
And every pair warranted
as to make and material.
Downing Bros.
11M11 -111g Suits and OEMS
No necessity of looking further for the BEST BARGAING—
We have them and we give them to you with every purchase.
—Our prices for $12.00 Suits or Overcoats are now $9.90 ;
$10.00 for $8 25 ; $8.00 for $6.60 ; $7.00 for $5.50 ; $6.00 for
$4.95 ; $5.00 for $4.00 ; $4.00 for $3.30 ; $8.00 for $2.50 ; $2.50
for $2.0 and $2.00 for $1,65. These are
off previous good values and not marked away up for the purpose of
cutting prices. We aim to give our customers BETTER VALUES
than they can get elsewhere.
We will be pleased to let YOU have first choice.
+I EXTBA rci
i' 011.. F
Just arrived—One car load of PENNOLINE and SILVER
LIGHT AMERICAN OIL at 20o and 25c per gallon. Try our
Pennoline at 25c per gallon and you will buy it again.
In Robes
We carry in stock a first-class assortment of
Grey Goat, Saskatchewan, Black Galloway,
Grizzly Bear and Mountain Bear.
Rubber, Wool and Plush Rugs
Of excellent value.
P1ctn,s s IM =NTS
All Kinds.
Big Stock of Single Harness
from $7.50 up, also Team Harness and Collars
that cannot be beaten.
Fine range of Trunks, Valises, &o. • Satisfaction guaranteed.
John Donaldson