HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1902-12-11, Page 1Vol, 31, NO, 22
W. H.KERR, Frog,
New Advertisements,
Local—G. p, King,
hovel—A, R. Smith.
For ogle—John Oober.
Card—TIro0, Newsome.
Looal—Robs. Titomoon.
Loomis—H, A. Matohett, .
Bull for sale—Geo, Robb,
1'erfumoo—Hereley & Go.
Ohrietmna again—Jae, "Fax.
Grass Seeder—Simon Grant.
Ohoico groceries --L. G. Kruse.
8 weeks more—H. A, Matehett,
Boarders wanted—Mre. Niobole.
Ohriotmae greeting—T. Fletcher,
Xmas opeoialtieo—Geo. Thomoon.
Boar for service—Wm. Duncanson,
Tbord bred,' for eale—James Speir,
Don't target—Listowel Bug. College.
Winter term—Central' Boa. College.
House furnishings—MuKtneon & Go,
No use for Banta Olane—D. 0. Russ.
Grass Seeder.
I am out again with the New
Model Gratia Seeder. Without any doubt
it ie the best 'hand Seeder for Bowing
small seeds ever offered to the people.
That is the teetimooy of more than one
hundred persona wbo have used them
during last Spring and Summer. Any
person wishing to have one of these very,
useful ertiolee can be eonplied by nailing
on me.
i oil ra, t9
Sole Agent for the Townships of Grey
and Morrie.
PRICE $1.00.
1tiol e*two rat ,.
Gold weather has come in earnest and
the wheels have given plana to 00000rs.
A baby boy baa come to the home of
Jno. Meiklejohn, of oar village, Ooograt-
Wm. Hayden and sons are finishing
threehing for this season at W. MaKee's
LIN week.
Rev. T. W. Coons, of Broesele will
preach a Mieeionary sermon in the Metho.
diet Church next Sunday.
There will be a Public Sobool entertain.
moot in the salmi on Deo.. 22nd, at 7 80
p, m. Come and the eaholare will enter•
twin you. Admiseion10 and 15 Dente.'
Vt,rroxeter .
Mise Alioe Hamilton has returned
from Brussels.
D. Sanderson, of Harrieton, was in the
village on Thursday.
Mre. W. Belden returned to 'Toronto
JunctiotiTh a
n Y a
0 1 nr da laet,
Miee Lizzie Noolsee, of Gerrie, spent
Sunday with her Meter here.
Mies Minnie• Miller, of Hotgiok, is the
guest of rolativ, e in the village,
Moe. R. Blank, of Bluevale, visited her
parents, Jae. end 'Mrs. Robertson, for
several days.
John Gibson left for Teeeevater on
Monday where be will work in a saw mill
for a few weeks.
Smith McClure, of Arthur, general
agent for Frost & Wood Co. was in the
village last week.
Joe. Cowan, Deputy Returning. Officer
of thie village, delivered his ballot box in
Goderieh on Friday.
The monthly meeting of the Woman's
Foreign Missionary Sooiety was held at
the home of Mre,. T. F. Sanders on Thurs-
day afternoon.
Au notion eule of 10 vows and 20' head
of two year olds was held at the Gotten
House ou Wedoeeday, J. Willtame being
the proprietor.
The Frost & Wood Co'e, business in
thin locality during the part year was
very large. The district agent Hy. Arra-
strong working op a busineeefar beyond
hie expectations,
OUR store ie a dazzling display of Elegant Gonda imitable for Xmas Presents.
We always carry the LARGEST end BEST Assorted stook of Watobee,
Olooke and Jewelry, The secret of the swoon of oar business in CLOSE BUYING
and giving our Caetomers HONEST GOODS. Our motto in "Uniformly Low
Prioeo." We buy direct from the Manafaotarere for cash and Dan give our Caetom•
ere the (Monet Bargains.
Our Mr. R. S. Fletcher, who has been connected with the largest Wholesale
Jewelry Hones in Obicago, has unlimited experience and understands the Jewelry
business in all -its branobea. Our Onatomere will receive prompt and careful
We are noady for the IIoliday Trade
Parchasere should make their selections while onr stock is
at ite;best. We on meat Every Want at the Lowest Price.
Ladies' Gold See our Gente' 12 size Open Face and
and Gold • Hnotiug Gold Filled Watobeo
Gents' Gold
and Gold
W etches
Gen tai,
Boys' and
Girls' Bit.
ver and Silverio,' Watches
Gent,' 18 and 16 size Vanguard 21 and 23
Jewelled Movements
Gents' 16 size Rivoreide Maximus 21
Jewelled Movements
Also 17, 15, 11 and 7 Jewelled Movements
in Elgin, Waltham, Deuber•Ramp.
den and Omega makes
Swine and Englieb Watches kept in stook.
Sole Agents for the Dauber -Hamp-
den Watches
We have in stook a very fine line of Mantle Clocks in
Marble, Iron and Wood—Onyx finials. Oak and Walnut
8 day Ulooks, Fancy, Gilt and Alarm Clooke.
RINGSGem bRees ganseGwiteh e. Diamsds,RiOsetPwDmd,
Garnets, Oarbuoolee and Blood Stones. Also Initial and
Sooiety Rings. See our Birthday and Baby Ridge. Solid Gold Rings from 50o
to $100.00 each.
LADIES' CHAINS AND BRAOELETS—A beautiful display of Ladies' Long
Watch Chains, Gents' Maine, Ladies' and Child's Bracelets, Ouff Linke, Ouff
Batton,', Baby Pine, Necktie Pine, Brooches, Charon, Sooiety Pine, eto,
GENTS' AND LADIES' LOCKETS set with Pearls, Opals, Rubies and Rose
Diamonds. See thein—they are BEAUTIES. Ladies' Neoklaoee, assorted
lengths. Also an elegant line of Solid Gold Br000bes, set with Genuine Pearls.
—Five Piece Tea Sete —Cake Knives
—Three pieoe Tea Sete —Sardine Forks
— Fern Coasters —Jelly %nivea
—Baking Diahee —Cold Meat Forks
—Sugars and Oreame—%oivoe and Forks, Al
—Berry Dishes —Cake Forke .
—Cake Baskets - -Pie Knives
— Biscuit Jere —Cucumber Perko
—Piokle and Batters —Jelly Spoons
—Bon Bon Dishes After.Dinner Ooffee Spoons
—Berry Bpooue —Soap Ladles
—1847 Rogers Brea.' A 1 Goode.
—A full line of Sterling Silver, Flat Ware and'Noveltiee.
—A grand display of Fanny China, in Japanese Ware, Crown Derby & Wedgewood
Thie Department is well looked after by Mre. Fletcher,. Consultation free. Eyes
properly tested. Frames at ALL Prioee,
We will be pleased to have yon look through our Stook. Our Prides are the
Lowest—We can eave you money, Our Speoialties are WATOHES and RINGS.
J 'Watch and Jewelry repairs promptly attended to—Satiefaotion guaranteed.
of Mennen. FLETCHER, .117 YR6BttH YRiOFI
P, S,—Lioeoseo and Wedding Binge mold privately,
A cumber of the members of the frfetho.
diet oburolr assembled at the home of
Thee, and Mrs. Appleby on Beturday
evening and preeauted them with two
may chain, it being the 50th' anniver-
sary of their wedding day,
Jitaneral.O Was
Connect Thursday evening of thle week
in Victoria Hall. Good program.
A few trona tbie locality attended the
convert in Brunie on Monday and pro
nonnoed it very good,
HYMENroL.—Wednesday evening of last
week at 5 o'oiook, Rev. Mr, Lowe, of Wing.
ham, tied the matrimonial' bow between
Wm. Wright, of hie locality and Miee
Rosen, daughter of Henry and Mre.
Wheeler, Turnberry, There was a large
company at the ceremony which tools
'place atebe bride's father'e, Miee Nettie
MoNaugbton played the Wedding Marob.
A large number of beautiful preeentn
were made. Hearty congratulations were
extended and an elegant supper served.
The evening was spent in eoaial ohat,
music and dancing. - Mr, and Mra. Wright
have taken Tipou R. H
0utt a farm 2
od eon Grey,where they
commences married life
with many good
cif r
Council meeting next Monday.
Several weddings are looming op be.
tween now and January let.
Grey township rolled up 407 of a major.
ity for the Liquor Aot of 1902.
The usual eervioe we,e held in Bethel
Oburoh last Sabbath evening.
Daniel Glassier and Juo.Oalder were at
Godericb thio week noting as jurors.
Jae. and Wm. Noun are away attend•
ing the funeral of their uncle at Brant-
Wm. Palmer is overhauling his.mill
and getting' things in shape for the sea.
eon's work.
Mien Bell Smith ie visiting at Oil
Springs with her brother, Rev. W. A.
Smith, B. D.
This week Oliver Turnbull attended
the Winter Fair at Guelph, going on Tries.
day afternoon.
It is rumored that a wedding will take
plane between a young lady of the 16th
con., and a gentleman of the 141b von.
A tboro' bred Yorkshire hog has been
pnrohaeed by Wm. Duncanson, and will
be kept at Lot 12, con. 14. He is a fine
It iemaid 3, F. Redmond will be employ.
ed next year with Wm. Rutherford, wbo
line on the Easterly aide of Grey. Mr.
R. is a good worker.
Mrs. Hartwell Sperain, 15th con,, is
not enjoying very good health we are
sorry to State but we hope improvement
will soon be noticeable. -
Miss Bettie.Armetrong,of Bracebridge,
is visiting at bar ante's, Jae.-Armetroug,
10th con. Norman Searle, of Auburn,
was also a visitor over Sunday.
The Union Sabbath School that met in
Shine's School bonne daring the past
Summer bee contributed $3.50 to Brae -
seta Branch of the Upper Canada Bible
Last week Elton Rozell, 10th von., ar•
rived borne from an extended visit with
relatives in Michigan. His health was
greatly improved by his stay we are glad
to know,
At Monorieff polling division Thursday
of last week the vote stood for the new
Ant, 80 for and 12 against, with one spoil-
ed ballot, the voter writing "Yes" inatead
of making an X.
Rev. Ohne. V. Lake, of Toronto, who
has bean holding evangelistic meetings at
Belgrave and Blnevale circuits, was a
visitor at Jno. Lake's, 4th con. The gentle.
men are distant relatives.
The trustees of S. S. No. 10, have se -
oared the services of Samuel T. Lamont
at a eatery of $355 who will comme000
hie duties after Ohrietmaa vaoatioo. Mr.
Lamont is teaching in Morrie this year.
He is n good teacher and we wish him
Business is developing so with some of
on merchant's that they are kept so busy
during the week they don't get time to go
to see their beet girl till Saturday night.
That ain't too bad however when they
oan stay two nights and a day.
Lent Friday afternoon Doogald Mo.
Taggart bad a very enoceaefnl wood bee.
Upwards of 40 cords were ant and in the
evening the yonug folks tripped the light
fantastic till the wee ems' hone of the
morning. Music was supplied by Messrs.
Dnoneon and Taylor while tbo Minn
Long and McTaggart presided at the
The Bethel S, S„ 15th von., intend
bolding their annual Xmae Tree entertain
meat op the evening of the 22nd inst. A
good program is being prepared.
Edward Smith, who bee been visiting
at his nobs, John Bielopia, 14th on.,
has returned home to Chiango after a
pleasant vfaft with hie triende. His
mother, when maiden name wan Miee
0,tbertne !King, will be remembered
by many, was a teacher in 5, S, No, 6.
It ie said there may be a content for
the Reevesbip of Grey, between Connell.
for Rob'.-Livirtgetone and ex.Deputy
Reeve Edward Bryan. The names of
Pater %, ffer, Joseph Whitfield, Jim, K,
Baker and Wm. Oameron are mentioned
ars pnesible now candidates tor Beata at
the hoard.
Township Uounoil will meet next Mon-
242 was the majority Morrie township
gave in the Referendum vote.
Ernest Monudere is home from Albert
College, Belleville, for the holidaye.
This week Jas. Shortie 18 in attendance
at the Winter Fat Stook show at Guelph.
Sunshine Methodist Sabbath ecbool
entertainment oa Wednesday evening of
next week.
Last Sabbath W. Hunter took his
brother's appointments on the Trowbridge
oirouit. The latter was at Weetmineter.
N. Flats and family, who have resided
on the 5th line for a good many years, -
have removed to the vicinity of Belgrave.
We wish them prosperity.
Thera ie little municipal election talk
and the probabilities are this year's
Council will be re elected byacolamation.'
They have looked after the business very
Last week Oouuoillor George Jackson
disposed of 50 acres of land Booth West I
Lot 17, Con. 8, to Wm. Skelton, of the
same line, for $1900. The purchaser has
a farm aerobe the read from the 50 aoree
Our reporter last week said Rev, Mr.
Quante, of London, was the preacher at
Jaokeon's ohurob on Sabbath Nov. 30,
but it was Rev. Mr. Jarrow, of Walton,
He gave a flue dieoouree and will be wel-
come bank.
The young man Haggitt, who bad hie
leg broken a couple of month,' ago by
being ran over by a threshing engine, is
now in the Hoene of Refuge at Olinton,
The bons has not knit and an operation
will be necessary to aid in the reuniting.
The auction sale ab Wm. Jaakeun'e, 8th
line, last Tuesday afternoon, attracted a
great attendance and prices rated bigh.
Cows ranged from335 to 55 • valves 715
0 $
to $25 ; horses 3150 ; yearling colts- x$85
and $106 ; Spring ooite, 353 and $60 ;
brood sows $30 eaoh. Bale totalled $2,200.
J. Brawn was the auctioneer. Mr: and
Mre. Jackson will be greatly missed in
the community and no where more than
in the ohuroh and Sabbath school. They
are likely to locate in Brussels.
Statutory meeting of the Township
Uounoil will be held on Monday of next
week in the Hall here,
Robt. Barr and family have got nicely
settled in their comfortable new home.
We wieh them many happy, proeperena
Ethel polling sob -division maintained
rte reputation for Temperance by polling
95 "Yee" votes Thursday of last week
against only 9 "No's". It looks as if the
treating system must go.
The reverend gentleman referred to in
the item is a brother to Samuel Ames, of
Ethel ;—Rev. Wm. Ames, of Woodstock,
father of A. E. Ames, of Toronto, was 83
years old on Monday and is enjoying good
Last Friday Township Clerk McIntosh
and the other Deputy Returning Officers
went to Godericb to make the Retain.
dam returns. If the Returning officer
collected these instead of calling so many
men to do it a more bneinese-like arrange.
ment would be reached.
0o Saturday afternoon of next week
the annual meeting of the Ethel obeeee
,factory will be held in the Township
Hall, commencing at 1 o'olook. -A very
eocoeeefol season has just oloeed, the out•
put being 57 tone as compared with 35 the
year previous. Ootober cheese sold for
14 cents and Nov. at 11 oente. The last
cheese was shipped on Wednesday of
last week. Ethel factory took 3rd prize
on white cheese at the great Industrial
Fair at Toronto last Fall and won let at
Brunets Fair. J. K. Brown, the hust-
ling proprietor, deserves credit for the
Choice Groceries
For -Xmas
Having purchased the business of C. H. Bartliff I wish .to
call attention to seasonable goods consisting of
New California Seeded Raisins—
pound packages
New Sultana Racine
New Table Raiaina
Now Oalifornia Prune
New Table Figs
New Shelled Almonds,
New Evaporated Apricots,
New Peels—Lemon,
Orange and Citron
New Valenoia Raisins, finest selected and
four.orown layers,
New selected Raisins, Arguimban
Finest Filiatra and Pootizzae
Ohoiae New Stook of the
Vary Nioeet Confectionery,
Nate, Bananas, Fancy Bieoaits,
Bargains in Canned Goode
and Teas.
1 solicit a shat° of Public Patronage and Will give your orders my
betas attontion.
L. G. KRUSE, Bartliff's Old Stan.dt
management, The ebeeee maker was J.
I. Coeeue and the salesman J. Ii, Baker,
Annual report will be presented at the
meeting on the 201h inn., when every
patron should be present to hear the
varione items dioouesed.
We aro pleased to bear that A, Baohan•
an, a youth of 12 or 14 yoare, who bad a
legamputated rottenly at the Stratford
Hospital, is getting along nicely. The
operation woe rendered negeeeary from
an injury caused by falling from an apple
tree oauerng a canning 0000. It ie expect.
ed that Alex, will return home shortly,
He is a son of Mre, D. Donli.
The exchange of properties between
the Methodist ohuroh and Jno, Oober wee
completed this week, the latter receiving
$550 to boot. Paseeesioa will be given
next Spring as J. McDonald, mexohant,
is Mr.Oober's tenant at present... The
pastor and hie family will have a very
oommodioas and comfortable borne and
al the pride it was enured at it certainly
was not dear. Er. 0o1)er offers the old
parsonage for sale.
The returns from the voting on There.
day of last week are not oomplete yet bat
the fact baa been clearly proven that
there ie a strong tide of public opinion
running in favor of more stringent Pro.
hibitory legislation in dealing with the
liquor traffic in Ontario. At the time we
go to prase the latent reports show as
For the Liquor Act of 1902.. 162,180
Against 86,974
Majority for 75,206
It is expected however that the major.
ity will yet reaoh 80,000 or thereabouts.
Oat of 97 oonetitnenoiea 77 have reported
favorably with an average majority of
over 800 votes. While the 212,723 re-
quired to put the law into effeot has not
been secured. very largely by the indif.
torenoe of the people, a eafficiently large
vote has been polled to demand numerous
changes along the line of amendments to
the present °rookie Aot if nothing more
and a better enforcement of the same.
The official fignree for East Riding of
Huron reoeived from Returning
SheriffRe volae, ,'bow good majorities
for the proposed new Aot with the ex•
aeption of Mo%illop townehip whioh gave
2 against. At the South Easterly division
only 10 Yee votes were polled while 109
voted No. Returns are es follow°
Polling Maj, Maj.
D,viaion. No. Yee No Yee No
Taruberry.. 1 .... 70 72
.. 2 .... 93 11
' .. 3 .... 82 10
" . 4 .... 85 6 282
Howiok .... 1 .... 86 7
it 2 ,., 73 32
" 3 .... 115 21
4 .... 134 15
5 .... 98 16
.... 6 .... 77 18 479
1 .... 78 14
2 .... 50 9
3 .,,, 63 13
4 .... 80 12
5 .... 95 9
6 .... 86 10
7 .... 58 36 407
McKillop .. 1 ....
„ ,. 4 ....
Morrie .... 1 .,..
Hallett .,., 1 ....
Brussels.... 1 ....
Wroxeter .. 1 ,...
10 109
89 23
655 65
55 14 2
50 47
49 16
53 21
45 17
73 11
88 8 243
63 15
74 7
11 44
82 28 136
34 18
41 31
35 21 40
55 27 28
2386 773 1616 2
773 — 2
Majority for Aat..1613 1613
Maj. for. Maj. Agit.
Brussels 40
Wroxeter 28
Howiok 479
Turnberry 282
Morrie 243
Grey 407
Hallett 138
McKillop 2
Total majority1615 2
As the total vote favorable polled was
2886 for the Riding the limit asked by
the Aot a000rding to vote 0f 1898, 2169,
was more than ranched. The completed
returns for the other ridings are not to
band when we went to preen.
Yee No
Stratford 774 796
Ellice .,,., 100 378
Elms 660 165
Wallace 431 84
North Eaethope 157 80
Mornington 319 200
Milverton 77 47
Listowel 274 165
2692 1915
Maj. for the Aot, 777
Total vote cast, 4607
Yee No
St, Marya 891 155
Blaoehard 454 27
Downie 299 508
Fullerton 376 79
Hibbert, .....,..,290 152
Mitchell 191 136
Logan. ,,,,211 287
South Ieethope� . 92 184
2303 20
Maj. for 1175
Vo u•A rose,.
L. MoDonald is ou the sick list.
Mr. Young, of Seafortb, preached in
the Methodist obarch last Sabbath.
Jonathan Moore, suffered an exceed.
ingly painful injury to big knee on Thurs.
day of last week, He is recovering nice.
'Lost on Main street, Walton, a e
lad ' 9
gold waktob, Finder will be liberally
rewarded by leaving same at the Walton
We are eorry to bear that Dr. Arm-
etrang had three ribs broken by being
thrown oat of hie rig when moving to
Harrieton but hope he will soon be fully
An auction sale of farm stook, imple-
ments, &o., will be held next Wednesday
afternoon at 1 o'olook at the farm of W.
T. Pollard, South of here. Sale without
reserve as ProPrratar has leved his
for a berm of Years and intends going
West for a time F. S. Scott will be the
the membere of the Walton Methodist
ohuroh assembled at the parsonage on
Tuesday of last week and presented Dr.
and Mre. Armstrong with the following
addreee on the eve of the severing of
their oonneotion with the Walton air.
o0it :—Al a recent meeting of the
Quarterly Official Board held in the
Walton Methodiet church the following
resolution was carried noanimoaeiy :—
That ae Dr. Armstrong, having sold out
hie practice and property here ie about to
remove from our midst this Board in
deeiroue of giving expression of our high
appreoiation of the genial doctor and hie
estimable Christian wife. Daring near.
ly tau years residence bare they have not
Daly proven themaelvee worthy and desir-
able citizen but have been cheerful help-
ers in ohuroh work Mre. Armstrong hay
ing filled important poeitio00 fn canna -
tion with oar Sooiety and being one of
the lady membere of this Quarterly
Board. While we are very sorry they
are removing from a0 yet we can none
Doctor and Mre. Armstrong that the beet
wishes not only of this Quarterly Offiaial
Board but also of their many friends will
follow them for their future happineee
and prosperity. Signed on behalf of the
Qaarterly Official Board,
Wnmoatt Ponevan, Reo-Steward.
Walton, Deo. let, 1902.
The December mission of the County
Council opened in Godericb on Tuesday
afternoon of last week. All the members
present, Warden Patterson in the chair.
Minutes of last meeting read and passed,
The Warden called attention to the
fact that the steel enperatruotures on Go.
bridges contracted for had not been pat on
and Mr. Ansley would, later on, give par-
ticulars. The question of grant to 33rd
Regiment will come before yon and also
the improved proposed eyetem of Good
Roads. A. W Campbell, Commieeioner
of Highways, will be here and will be glad
to meet the Ooanoil.
Oommonioationa were read from Ohae.
Sheppard, Secretary of Molesworth Public
Library asking for grant. From A. M.
Todd, President of Huron Poultry and
Pet Stook Mao., asking for a grant of $50.
From Robt. Leach, of Auburn, asking for
$50 for damages to horse by breaking
through Manchester bridge. Allan Ma-
Leod, of Luoknow, wrote caking for $12
damages to horse by going tbrough a Co.
bridge. Letter from Lieut. -Col. Varooe
relating to grant. Col. Varooe addressed
the Council. $600 was voted last January
by the Ooanoil on the assumption that a
full oontingent would attend Camp but in-
stead of 300 to 400 attending, by a change
in ioetraotione, offioere and orderlies only
attended, going to Niagara. All these
communications were referred to Exeon.
tive Committee.
A number of accounts were referred to
Finanoe Committee.
A petition, signed by 47 residents of
Fordwioh, was presented asking for in•
corporation as a Police Village. Wm.
Watters to be the first Returning Officer.
Petition was Bent to Exeontive.
On motion the Condit adjourned un-
til Wednesday al 10 a. M.
The Warden took the chair at 10 a. m.
After minutes were approved a letter was
read from the Clerk of Bayfield relative
to a Mrs. Brown, an inmate of the House
of Refuge, now deoeaeed, as to why she
was allowed to leave that institution,
Sent to Hoene of Refuge Committee.
A number of ascents were read and
sent to Finance Oommittee.
Reports of the Inspector, Phyofoan and
Keeper of the House of Refuge were read
and referred to House of Refuge Com-
Co. Commissioner Aneley's report was
read and Bent to Road and Bridge Com-
Atter the dieoaaeion of several subjects
Council adjoarued until 1.30 o'olook.
Wednesday afternoon, A, W. Campbell,
the Government Road Oommieaioner, ad.
droned the Uounoil at some length on
the Good Roads topic. Mr. Oampbeil
clearly explained the oonditione of the
Ontario Government's Good Roads Act,
wbereby $1,000,000 w00 set aside to nein
rural mnnioipalitiee in the improvement
of existing roads and the opening of new
ones, Under it the County of Huron is
entitled to a grant of $40,000 onoondition
that they supplement the grant by ex-
pending 380,000 for a similar purpose.
Thie offers of the Government ie open for
reooeptanoe till the end of 1903, after
whioh the township municipalities will be
allowed to take advantage of it. The
council in aooepting the grant would be
required to designate the roads to be im.
proved, Mr. Campbell said that the
policy of the conetraation of permanent
roads by the county should be (tarried
farther and applied to the oonatrnotion of
permanent roads. He pointed on the
advantages of having the money eeoured
and expanded by the coanby 00 a whole,
'nandofby tbe'townehip °ounoits, One
advantage woold be that the towns and
villages would oontribute 6.7 per vent of
the noanty'o expenditure, while if the
grants were expended by the towaehipe,
the towns and villages would onatribnt@
nothing. Mr. Campbell pointed out the
interesting fact that the amount expend.
ed on roads in Ontario coot mora thou alt
the otber pablio works in the province.
A hearty vote of thanks wars passed to
Mr. Campbell atter the [subject had been
quite freely disoueeed,
On motion of Keene. Fergus n and
Lookbart the Council ad]oureed at 3
o'olook to permit of membere going to
their respective mauioipalitiee bo vote on
the Reterendam.
Connell resumed, all the membere
present. Minutes of last meeting read
and paned, Several accounts and 0001-
muniaatioae were read and referred re
Committees after which an adjouromeub
was made to allow Committeeato meet.
Uounoil met at 10 o'oiook. Reports of
and Road and
Haase of Refuge, Finn.
"trees read and dealt Bridge Oommtwith
in Committee of the whole with Messrs.
Torranoe, MoLeau and Hays in the chair
Dr. Matheson and R. S. Box, of St.
Marys Collegiate Institute Board, ad-
dressed the Connell relative to the Go.
paying fees for pupils attending that
school from Huron. Fee charged each
pupils is $10 but the ooet is $28 so the
Board want the Comity to make up the
difference. 7 pupils have been attending.
The Statute providers for this 000ree,
Moved by Mr. Miller, eaconled by Mr.
Ferguson that the Oo Commissioner ex-
amine wing wall at Wroxeter bridge and
report at January session of the Oo.
Oonnail, carried.
Oounnil adjourned to meet at 1.30
On resumiug the Exeontive Committee's
report was submitted and considered ' in
Committee, with Mr. Lamont in the
chair, and passed.
By Law No. 8 was read three times and
passed dealing with the taking of a vote
to constitute Fordwioh a Polioe Village,
W. Watters will be the Returning Offioor
and the vote will be taken on Municipal
Eleotion day.
Warden Patterson expressed his thanks
to the membere of the Council for tbeir
oonrteey and application to bneinese dur-
ing the year. This was followed by a
vote of thanks to the Warden after which
the Commit adjourned.
Your Committee has met once sinoe
the June session, viz Deo. let, and foond,
ars MAIM, the House mean, well kept and'
everything eatiefactory ander the circum-
stances surrounding it. There are 82
inmates, the full oapaoity. We would
recommend that the rales regarding
admission of inmates be made more
apeoifio as we find some inmates—one
eepeaially—who should have gone to a
hospital instead of where be now lies.
In examining the roof of the building we
find the gutters are leaking very badly at
the windows, the water going through to
the ceilings. Instructions were given to
Mr. French to have the work attended to
at one. A mowing machine was par.
chased and has given good eetiefaotion.
The Inspector wan inalruoted to purchase
a waehiug machine. There ie quite a
large amount of coal cm band and we
recommend that other pnrohasee be de-
layed until prices reduce. The average
expense per day of inmates, as reported
iu Inepeotor'a report, ie ander 12 00010 to
be exact 11.95. Last year it was 12 1/12
tante. Total ooet of maintenance woe
somewhat less than formerly. Vonohara
and 'tenants from Noe. 920 to 996 were
examined and found 0000001,
Roux. Mahan, Chairman,
E30000003 COMMITTEE.
Approve of the tender for 75 cords of
cordwood for -jail let to A. J. Goldtbrope
at $4.94 per cord and recommend that 10
tone of coal be purchased at onoe for use
of Court House and jail. In reference to
application of Molesworth Paolio Library
for grant. We recommend no anima
antic January aeasion when these grants
are made. Recommend $25 to Huron
Co. Poultry Winter Fair. In reference to
A. McLeod's olaim of $12 for horee in-
jured by
idge. We
o310 ing topn d, noir admitting
any liability. Mr. McLeod is a livery
man at Looknow, and we have reoeived
fall particulars. Robs. Leitch, of Auburn,
asked $50 for horse injured on Manchester
bridge and Veterinary Howson $5 for
services rendered. We recommend the
matter be left over that further partials.
lore may be encored. In the matter of
the grant to the 83rd Regiment. We re-
oommed no action as the of toere were
drilled this year instead of the men. We
recommend that the prayer of the
petition of the ratepayers of Fordwioh be
granted 0s to their voting on the question
of being constituted a Police Village and
that a Bylaw to tbat effeot be passed
making W. Watters, Returning ()Maar
and voting on Municipal election day.
We recommend the ptrahaae of 2 pair of
handcuffs and urge Reeve and M00ioipal
Clerks to see that these articles are not
taken away by Constables in removing
from the County. In regard to the ap-
plication of Dr. Matheson and Mr. Box
re St, Marge Oollegiate fees we advise the
dealing with hie question at the January
session when other school affairs come
up for disoueeion.
W. H. KHnn, Chairman.
i herewith submit my report for the
past 11 menthe. The severe Winter was
acoountablefor a good deal of Oioknees,
many casae of is grippe resulting. There
were 9 deaths, the oaneao being canner, 2 ;
apoplexy, 2 ; exposure, 2 ; organic bears
dinners, 2 ; gangrene, 1. Average ag.,
was 75 years. Many inmates are Bent
for the purpose of operations and being
fitted up with tresses and appliances and
as soon as oared skip out. As many as .6
oases came tinder this clan during the
post year. These oases ehonld be exclud-
ed as we have neither the a000mtnodation
(Continued on page 4.]