HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1902-12-4, Page 8HURSLE'Y'S Cod I$ver Oil E /rA v L. I O Builds up the Fatty Tissues of the Body, Increases Your Weight Often more than a lip. per week, Gives great heat and energy to the Body and is a good Preventative against COLDS, INTERNAL CHILLS, CONSUMPTION, PNEUMONIA, ETC. It is as easy to take as milk. Prices 40e and 750. HURSLEY'S DRUC STORE BRUSSELS. nxaI Pius Pots. A ohiel'e amang ye takik' notes, An' faith he'll prent DECEMBER, GET your taxes ready for Collector Halliday, BOHooL Board on Friday evening of next week. CHRISTMAS will be three weeks from Thoreday of this week. WEDDING stationery always on hand at Tun Poem Publishing House. Mommnzi Horse Fair Thursday of next week in Braeeele. Don't forget it. Mean Mies' Flannigan's sweetest Bolo, "Lo l Hear the Gentle Lark." Town Hall, Deo. 8. Co. COUNCILLORS BOWMAN AND KERR are attending the sessions of the Go. Council - this week at Goderioh. . 10 Fancy Dress Patterns all wool goods sold regular at 35.50, Saturday's prioe $3.00 at Matobett'e New Store, Brussels. A gang of turkey piokere went from Brussels to Wroxeter on Monday to assist R. Thomson in getting a ehipment ready. A. 0. U. W. meet Friday evening of thie week. The meeting following will be the annual nomination of officers for the next year. Tax County Connell adjourned from 3 p. m. on Wednesday to 8 30 Thoreday to permit the members to go home to vote au the referendum. HORSE blanket lost between Brueeela and Jameetown. Owner will be =oh obliged if it ie left at THE Poem or W. Innes' etore Jamestown. BoeaxxNDUM RETcnae.—THE POST is published too early tbie week to give the returns from the various douotiee bnt we hope to have a fall report for next ieeue, THE Toronto Globe Saye : "Mise La Della took the house by etorm and re. ceived doable encores for nearly every number. Hear her Monday'evening, Deo. 8. Jas. BeaL&emakm, grocer, has received a supply of granulated eager from the Ber- lin Beet Sugar factory. It ie a choice article and for oolor and flavor compares favorably with the beet. DARDS are out for the marriage of R. W, Matheson, a well known Lacknowite, and one of Brussels' fair daughters, in the person of Mies Lyda Oraoks. Next Wednesday evening will be the eventful ocoasioa. THE funeral of young Mr. Ashton, from near Bluevale, who died by the inroads of that fell destroyer -consumption -took place to Brussels cemetery on Sunday afternoon. Rev. R. Paul took the service at the grave aide. Deceased was a former resident of Morrie township and was a fine young man. Anoka the Militia noticee iesned from Ottawa, appears the following, which has as' local interest. Thirty -Third Huron Regiment—To be medical officer, with rank of anrgeon•aaptain, J. W. Shaw, I11. D., of Clinton, vioe Honorary Surgeon• Lieutenant Colonel W. J. R. Homes, retired; to be medical offiaer anpernumer• ary, with the rank of Sargeor•Lieutenant A. 0. Ranter, M. D., of Goderich. STEADY employment ; good wagee ; for young women, girls and boyo who are without good paying positions. Nide work, pay weekly. Heade of families deeiroue of getting into a good locality with plenty of employment and oppor• taniti,s for advancement for themeelves and families should write al once. Good houses : low root ; progressive tows. THE R. FoRBES Co. LIMITED Worsted Knitting Mille Heepeler, Ont, LAND Fon VzoaRAws.—Last week Hugh R. Eeliott, J. Y. 8. Kirk and Joseph Thompeoo received the legal documents for completing the Government grant of 160 acres of land to each of the members of the volunteer force of other days. They have the ohoioe of lands in Nor- thern Ontario and Algoma. Mr. Elliott was a member of the Leith Co. at Owen Sound ; Mr. Kirk did service at Goderioh and Mr, Thompeon at Bowmanville, The olaimante will probably leave it to a company in Toronto to locate the farms. CLOSE CALL.—Last Saturday afternoon as Mrs. Wm. Brewer, daughter and son, were driving into town from their home, 8th line, Grey, they did not notice the incoming express from Kincardine until they were nearly to the grossing, The train whizzing past frightened the horse who upset the boggy in the rapid torn round throwing the 000apante out. The ehafte breaking let the equine away and it ran up George street to the etorehoneee. Fortunately Mrd. Brewer and children eeoaped without ranch damage but it was a very close call indeed that makes a person shudder when they contemplate it. LooanrnGE BY LAW AGA/N.—Aa will be seen by the Connell minutes in this Mane the Lookridge Woollen Mill By-law will be submitted to the property owners again on Municipal election day. The vote wee so olooe last Monday viz only loot by 3, and so few expressed an unfavorable opinion -21 in all—that the Council is of opinion that another opportunity should be given. It is namely fair that the absent should oonnt is a gneetion of this kind bat snob is the 0000 as 3/5 of the total vote of owners moot be recorded favorable. A public meeting should be held before the next polling where persona should be asked to epeak who bad looked into the matter carefully so as to cover all the ealient palate, WATCH oat for Ewan & Do's. advt. of cotters next week. THE ranee on Church street, beside St. John's church has been removed. Tnene was quite a scurrying round on Thursday in polling the non-resident vote. BARRISTER Burn and F. S. Soott attend• ed Divieion Court 50 Wroxeter on Tues- day of We week. Bekaa, etorise, monologues, Imltatione, impereonatioue, ballade, eto,, Brussels' Town Hall, Deo. 8. Tan Ontario Provincial Winter Fair opens at Guelph next Monday and will conclude on Friday. TDBODAY F. S. Scott won a snit in Wroxeter Court againet R. MoHelvey for oommieeion of 825 00 on sale of a farm. Ax additional engine had to be drafted into service on Thoreday of last week to help out the morning freight Eastward. AT Matobetl'e New Store, Ready.to- wear clothing is going with a rash, you certainly can wave money in buying there this month. F. S. Sam will sell for M. J. Williams. at•the Town Hoose, Wroxeter, a number of mild' oowe and young oattle on Wed• needay afternoon of next week. A. Coueley is on the siok list and was unable to attend to bis duties at the Divie. ion Court or as Deputy Returning Officer on Thursday. Wm. Grower took his place in the latter. MILLINERY BALE FOR DxCEtmnx.—Mise Little will, daring December, sell at redeeed prices the balance at her trimmed and untrimmed millinery, fanny feathers, &0. MIee E. R. LITTLE. Wo areeorry to see that Geo, Aodereon, of Atwood, formerly of Brussels, hoe found itaeae sear to make anassignment. n y Hie hardware and tinware store was recently destroyed by fire. FOWL WANTED.—Good Turkeys, dry picked and undrawn 10a. Dried Apples 5o. a Batter 17o. We buy for cash or trade. A 85.00 prize given away weekly. Gno. E. KING, Wingbam. SonanenT Tons the leading tenor soloist of the Metropolitan choir, Toronto, says reepeotiug Mies' Teresa Flannigan. She is one of the very best soloists in Canada and has a great future before her. Hear her next Monday evening in Brussels Town Hall. A trip ie fn proepeat by our enterpris• ing townsman, J. Leckie, to Dresden, Wallaaebnrg and Berlin to look into the workings of the beet sugar manufactories. He will likely take a ran into Raleigh township, Kent Co , to see the oil wells and perhaps drop over to one or more sugar factories in Michigan, A linen ebower party was given at the residence of J. and Mrs. Leckie, Thum day evening of lest week in honor of Mise Lyda Crooke. Everybody had a good time at the party and the going home part of it was beyond description. Mies Crooke received a One supply of choice linen. SHIPMENTS this week were :—A. 0. Dames, oar hogs ; Alt. Seeker, oar of wheat, 5 Dare hay ; W. F. Vanetone, aur hogs ; R. Graham, car of wheat and oar of Date ; Geo. Beet, oar lambs ; W. W. Harvie, car of cheese ; J. Mootgom• ery, oar scrap iron ; J. Joynt, oar ashes ; Balt Works, 5 ears Balt ; T. Belden, oar turkeys. MR. SMITa, representing the Metroplitan Bank, one of the new monetary inetitn tions of the Province, was in town last week looking over the ground with an idea of a branch of the Bank being opened in Brussels. Mr. Smith had a private bank here after the Molntoeh & MoTag gart bank closed a few years ago eo he knows the Iooality well. We did not learn whether a deoieien was arrived at or not. MRS. MILLOY DECEASED.—About 10 o'• cloak Saturday morning, at her home, Alexander street, Brueeela, the spirit of Isabella Gill, wife of Neil Milloy, took its Sight. The oaase of her demise was typhoid fever of four weeks duration followed by heart failure. She was 67 years of age. Mrs. Milloy was a daughter of the late Joeeph Gill and wan born in England, coming to Canada in her girlhood. She was a resident of Braeeele for the peat 20 years moving here from Blyth. In addition to her husband she is survived by two sone (Paul, of Memphis, Tennessee, and Wm. of London) and one daughter (Mrs. Ed. Coleman, of Toronto Janotian.) Another daughter (Mrs. Jae. Stewart) died of typhoid fever in the same house a few weeks ago. Mrs. Mil. ley was buried in Braeeele cemetery on Monday afternoon of this week. Rev. R. Pant oondaoted an appropriate service at the house and grave. FINE BRED Meas.—Monday afternoon P. Scott, a well known boree fancier of Brussels, arrived home from New York, where he bad been attending the "Old Glory HOCee Seie," with a fine 4 year old mare, "Countese March," She ie bred from Delmarah, a full dieter to Baron March, 2.15, from Inez Wilkes by Baron Wilkes. and dam Inez by Jay Gould. Inez is the dam of Col. Baser, champion of Europe. Mr. Boott'e par. obese is a bright bay with blank pointe, ie 15 hands and 3 inches in height, and coat $500. There were over 1000 horses sold. Robert Shine, accompanied Mr. Scott and brought home a bleak 3 year old stallion for Dr. McKenzie, of Monlrtoo. He 15 bred from Chimes out of an M. moharob dam. The bringing in of Bret olass etook into • any oommaniby ie of great advantage and should be enoonraged. We hope the gentlemen who have invested their capital will reap correepouding bene3be. T 1 tl e b N PQe Tuoert thinking of taking P Beeineee oouree should gab a jourugl of the 1110. towel Business Qollege. A WON/PRUDE Oirrgnxeo, 20 boon Womon'e heavy onion vow and•drawere meld regular at 050, Saturday prioe 20o pt Matubett'e New Store, Gartleld Wools, Brueeela, Beoxsoi,R lady agents wanted to take orders for the beet mob= made dreee skirts and walking Skirts in Canada, Write quickly, DOMMi9N Galustnac Go , Box 209, Guelph, Ont. R. Mamma woo in Toronto this week and purchased a new Wbeeloak tandem compound engine,100 h.p. ft was bought from H. W, Petrie and mannfaotured by Goldie d MoCnllooh, of Galt, There will be a great Moreau() of power when the change le made, Tan sidewalks were very Joy for a few days and not a few said "Good day I" to the grauolitbio and at the risk of being taken for Irish took down the middle al the street. Some of the lade took ad. vantage of the ice on the walks and enjoyed a skate, Bnusenas Lawn Bowling Club has se. oared the Le Delle—Flannigan Coaoert Go., who will give one of their highly prizes entertainments in the Town Hall on Monday evening next, Deo. 8. Plan of Hall ab Fox's Drag store. Tickets for sale by members of the Club, To WHOM IT MAY Coeoje e.—The under- signed, who ie well acquainted through- out the moot part of Omuta' and who bee bad business with a large circle of far - mere ill and around tbia locality, begs to inform the community that he has taken oat an Auctioneer's License tor the Goan. ty of Huron and offere hie services to all p urpoeing to hold eelee. Taos. Newsome, Brussels. 0. H. BAaTLIFF has diepoeed of hie grocery and oonfeotionery businese, thio week, to L G. Kruse, of Seaforth, who is now in possession. Mr. Bartliff and family will remove to Olinton. Their decision to remove from town will be re- gretted by many as they are firei-olaes residents. We wish them every success, THE Poer also bide Mr. Kraoe welcome to our town and hopes be will do well. THE Lookridge Bylaw was voted on last Monday and was defeated by 3 votes as the following returns will show :— Poll No. 1....43 for 8 against 2....64 9 " 8....53 " 4 " Total 160 21 Necessary to oarry Bylaw 162 or 3/6 of the total ownere on list. Aa will be seen elsewhere the Bylaw will be submitted again on mnnioipal election day. K. 0. T. M.—On Tuesday evening the regular meeting of the K. 0. T. M. was held in their comfortable rooms, when the following offioers were elected for Brunelle Tent ;—Paet Com., J. Wright ; Com„ H. R. Brewer; Lieut. Com., W. Griffith ; Record Keeper, A. MoGaire Finance Keeper, Ira Gerry ; Chap., H. Buneton ; Play., Dr. Toole ; Sergeant, A. Somere • Mater at Arms ll Glaseier - 151 MG., , M. G Colvin • 2nd M. GR. Wil Hanlon ; Sent., L. 8. Danford ; Picket, A. E. Fox. FOURTH DIVISION CODRT.—The first sit. tinge of the 4th Division Oourt for this year was held in Bulimia on Wednesday of this week before his honor, Judge Doyle. There were several eaeee heard, the docket being as follows :— Williams & Son vs. Barton, action on a000unt and damages for overdriving a horse. Verdict for plaintiff for full claim. Ament va. Bmale, etotion on amount. Verdiot for plaintiff. Forbes vs. Pepper, action for price of mower. Verdict for plaintiff for prioe of mower less defendant's oasts. McGee vs. Petereou, aotion to recover wages. Verdiot, by consent, for $10 to plaintiff with halt the coats. Blaehill ve. Peterson and McGee, for board. Verdict for plantiff, by ooneent, as againet McGee and against garnishee for 310. Hoy vs. Robb, aotion to recover wages. Verdict for plaintiff for full amount. Speiran vs. Redmond, action to recover balance due on hay. Verdict for plain• tiff for full amount but diemieeed a0 againet garniebee, C. Neable. Gill vs. Machan, aotion for damage for trespass by sheep and pigs. Verdiot for defendant. Conuselrepresented was R. Vanstoue, of Winghem, who took W. M. Sinclair's plaoe, the latter being in Toronto attend- ing Court and G. F. Blair. A. Causley, the new Clerk, was ill and unable to at- tend Court so Bailiff Boott attended to hie duties. HORN . BALLANcYNE.—In Blyth, on November 19, to Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ballantyne, a eon. KELLY.—In Morrie, on November 19th, to Mr. and Mrs. John Kelly, a son. SMITa.—At Oil Springs, Ont., on Nov. 22, to Rev. and Mrs. W. A.. Smith, a daughter. TAYLOR.—In Morrie, en November 20th, to Mr. and Mre. Charles K. Taylor, e SOD. TOLL,—In Eeet Wawanosh, on November 19th, to Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Toll, a eon. Tmennc.—In Morrie, on November 20th, to Mr, and etre. Aroh.'Tenney, a eon. MILLOY.—In Brussels, on Nov. 29, Isabel. la Gill, beloved wife of Neil Milloy, aged 57 years. ER'.+ -B BEI:..c— ACARK£^.r'$, Fall Wheat Barley Peas Cate Batter, tube and rolls Eggs per dozen Flour per cwt. Potaloec (per bus.) Apples (per bag) Hay per ton Sheep skins, :Moll Lamb skins each Balt per bbl., retail Hides trimmed Hideo rough Hoge, Live Wool 66 37 55 25 18 15 4 00 35 40 5 00 25 25 1 00 6 5 67 38 60 28 17 16 5 00 40 50 6 00 25 30 70 6i 6 6 50 6 65 11 12 avC'x'Iola TUeenAY, Dao. 9. Farm stook, imple- ments, &c. 8,7 Lot 18, don. 8, Morrie, Sale, unreserved, at 1 o'clock. Wm. Jaokeon, prop. ; Thos. Brown, allot. FRIDAY, DEC, 5.—Farm stook, ample - mento, &o. Lot 11, Con. 15, Grey, Sale, unreserved, at 1 p. m, R. M. Doaglae, Prop. P. 13, Scott, Auo. WgogpenAr, Alto.. 10, --Farm etaok, at 'Town's Hotel, Wroxeter, Sale unreeerv. ed ab 2 o'alesk. In. 3, Wilitoms, Prop, F, 5, Scott, Ano,. BY LAW NOe 4 19Q2, OF TNA;.' Village of Bio ssals In the County of Huron, Tp authorize the Corporation of the said Vil- lage to borrow the sum of 55000,00 and to provide ter the 1S8ae of debentures for that amount and to lend such amount as can beobtained from the sale of the said debentures, be William Looln•Sdge and John Lookridge,nd such persona as may be associated with them, for a Working capital to be used in the development of 0 woolen mill bualness in the onto Village of Brussels. Whereas the said William Lookridge and John Lookridge have made application to the Municipal Council of the said Village of Brussels, stating that they are prepared to purchase the property known as the Howo Woolen Mill and lit same out as a onset mill. with new and modern maohlnory and active• ly operate salve to the extent of ite reason- able capacity, provided the said Village will lend them the sum of Flve Thousand Dollars lu Debentures of the said Corporation, bear ing interest at four per cent. and repayable in tea equal annual instalments of principal and interest, the said Ooporntion to pay the interest on said debentures. And whereoe the establishment of the said Woolen Mill business, will enhance the value of the property in the said Village, and will materially increase the local trade thereof, and it is considered desirable by the said Connell to comply with the request for a loan on the terms and conditions hereinafter set out. .And whereas in order thereto it will be necessary to issue debentures of the said Mnloiebpality for the sum of $6000,00 as here- inafter provided (which is the amount of the debt intended to be created by this by-law), t the prooeods of the said debentures to be app ed to the purposes aforesaid and to no other, And whereas it is desirable to issue the said debentures at one time and to make the principal of said debt repayable in equal annual instalments of principal and interest during the period of ten years next after the issue of the said debentures. And whereas the total amount required by "The Municipal Aot" to be raised annually by special rata for paying the said debt and interest as hereinafter provided is 9010.46. And whereas the amount of the whole rate- able property of the Village of Brussels ac- cording-to c• cording to the last revised and equalized as- sessment roll thereof 113 $303,085.00. And whereas the amount of the existing debenture debt of the said Municipality is 554,128.90 and no principal or interest is in arrears. Therefore the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Village of Brussels enacts as follows: - 1. That the Muncipel Council of the said Village of Brussels shall make a loan of $6000.00 in debentures of the eaid.Corporation bearing four per tent. and repayable in tea equal annual instalments of principal and interest to the said William Lookridge and John Lockridae and such persons as may be associated with them, and for the purpose of raising said sum debentures of the said Vil- lage of Brussels to the amount of $6000.00 as aforesaid in eume of not leas than 0100.00 each shall be issued on the 19th day of January, A. D., 1903 each of said debentures shall be dated on the day of the issue thereof and shall be payable in ten equal annual instal• meats of principal and interest. at the Stand- ard Bank in the said Village of Bruesele. 2. Each of said Debentures shall be signed by the Reeve and Treasurer of the said Vii• loge and shall have affixed thereto by the Clerk of said Municipality the Corporate seal thereof. 3. The amid debentures shall bear interest at the rate of four per cent. per annum pay- able yearly at the said Bank on the Nine- teenth day of January in each and every year during the currency thereof, and shall have coupons attached to them for the payment of each, which coupons shall be signed by the Reeve and Tree:Rarer. 4. During the currency of the said deben. tures, there shall be raised annually by spec- ial rate on all the rateable property in the said Village of Brussels the eum of $810.45 for the purpose of paying the amount due for principal and interest in respect of the said debt. 6. The said debentures or the proceeds thereof are only to be handed over to the said William Lookridge and John Lookridge and those associated with them on the pur- chase and equipment of the said Howe Wool- en Mill with new and modern machinery as a one -set refit and a lust mortgage thereon in favor of the Corporation for $6000.00 with- out interest, with the principal thereof re- payable in equal annual instalments of Five Hundred Dollars, in each year of the ten years succeeding the passing of this By-law, executed in favor of the said Corporation; the insurance of the said buildings, plant and machinery for such slim as can be ob- tained theron in the usual course of insur- ance in Companies approved of by the Cor• poratioby resolution of the Oouncilthereof, with loss (if any) made payable to the said Corporation and said policies handed over; and the execution bf the personal bond of the borrowers with one or more good sureties approved of by resolution of the Council of the Corporation and mode in its favor guar- anteeiag the repayment of the first five pay- ments of Five Hundred Dollars each on the said mortgage. 0. This By-law shall take effect on the Nineteenth day of January, A. D., 1903. 7. The votes of the electors entitled to vote on said Bylaw shall be taken theron at the following time andlaces, that is to say On Monday, the Fifth day of January,, A. D., 1903, commencing at the hour of nine o'clock in the forenoon and continuing until the hour of five o'clock is the afternoon of the same day. In polling division No, one, in S. J. Gil m's implement shop A. Cousley, Deputy Returning Officer • in poising division No. two at the Town Hall, George Rogers, Deputy Returning Officer; is polling division No. three in the dwelling house of George Birt, Walter le. Scott, Deputy Returning Officer. 8. On Monday,the 24th day of December A. D., 1902, the Reve of the said Village shall attend at the Council Chamber at ten o'clock in the forenoon to appoint persona to attend at the various polling places aforesaid and at the summing up of the votes by the Cleric, on behalf of the persona interested in promoting or opposing the passing of the said Bylaw respectively. 9. The Clerk of the Oouneil of the said Village of Brussels shall attend at the Coun- cil Chamber, in the Town Hall, at ten o'clock in the forenoon on Tuesday the sixth day of January, A. b., 1903, to sum up the num- ber of votes for and againet the said By-law. Read the First time m open Council and passed the let day of December, A. D., 1002. Read in open Council the second time and passed the 1st day of December A. D., 1992. Read in open Council and finally. passed the day of A, D., 1922, REEVE °LERk TAKE NOTICE That the above is a true copy of a proposed By-law, which has been taken into consider- ation, and which will he finally passed by the Council of the Municipality lin the event of the assent of the electors being obtained thereto) after one month from the first publi• cation in Tun BRUSSELS POST, the date of which first publication was the 4th day of December, A. D., 1902, and that the vote of the electors of the said Municipality will be taken thereon on the day and at the hours and places therein fixed, F, S. SCOTT, Or,ERE, ONE CENT A WORD COLUMN. GENERAL servant wanted at once, Apply to MRS. LEWITT), GENERAL purpose mare, 7 years old, for eels. GEO. SHIMS, Brussels, GENERAL store for Bale. For further Dartianlars apply to 3, H. T80MSON Hen• Iryn. a-te WANTED.—A. thoroughly reliable nurse ands Quelen Ste, Bruoeele; corner TOr abOiry 4, .1990 The Standard Bank of Canada 0APPraf, (authorised by clot of Patliamentl $x,900,000.00 CAPITAL (fully Haid tip) ... ,,, 1,000,000.00 RE8ERV31 FUN17 ,,, '" 0OTAI 4883008 „ ' ' 10,m7 804 W HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO Gee, 11, epee, General Clanger l3.lt USS E les xis, A NCfi Deydelta reef/Wed, Loane made 19 respon• elble partied on favorable tortnp, Drafts IMO money orders issued, payable at any point, at lowest rates. Oollestlons promptly attended to, A General Banking Basineea trapeaoted, Every !agility afforded Ouslemem 'Piing at a diebanee, Sayings Bank Department Amauntoof ops dollar andupwarde reooivsg npd lutereet at hi heat currant rate snowed from date account i9 opened, and added to tbo prinetpal May Wet and Ndvsmbor 30th. Farmers, sale Notes Caebed or received tor safe keeping and 1 OoIieotlon. Wank Note Ferias Free on Application Hours 10 to 3, Satatdays 10 to 3.. p'. H. GRAY, AGENT. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. COOD ..YEAR OLD STEERS Wanted, suitable for ranch purpoeee. Apply to GEO. BEST, Brussels. 1 OR SALE—LOT 207 AND dwelling thereon, North-west corner William and Albert ebreets, Brussels. 49-tt J. LEOXIB. LOT TO RENT, BEING LO 29, Com 10,Grey. There are 100 aeree, 20 under cultivation. Apply to JOSEPH F. REDMOND, on the premieee, or Monorieff P. 0. 21.10 J"e M. O'CONNOR, GENERAL. INSURANCE AGENT for some of the best and safest Companies in Canada for Fire Accident and Plato Glace. Office over I. 0. Richard's store, Brussels. 18.gpl SIIORTHORNS AND OLYDES• DALES.—For sale 2 young bulls 11 and 17 menthe old. Tho former took let prizes at Brussels and Belgrave Fall Fairs and 2nd at. Blyth, and the latter wee also a prize winner at Bruesele. Also one yearling heifer. All are aired by Roan Duke,35,788, which baa taken lat prize for pasthree years In classes of home bred and imported stock. The dame of these young animals bave repeatedly taken honors in the prize ring. _will also sell two - Clydesdale fillies, with 4 and 5 drosses o1 imported styyock, res - of ptayment. 1 avid ROBERTSON, terms Lot 8,000-9, Grey, 1741 Brussels P. O. weammermannerses 00 UOD CUTTERS WANTED. —The contract of euttlpg 200 eorde of etovewood in the bush will be let on appli- cation to SAMUEL BUR518, 6th Line,Mor- rio, Brunetti P, 0, HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE In the Village of Ethel, A desirable property.:Nor partleutare as to prime, terms. &o., apply on, the premisee to MORRIS TONAL, or Ethel P. 0, - - 18.3in T'OR SALE.-($ SHEARLING Rams • d two-year-old and 2 Ram Lambe. Pure bred Loioeetare. Good ones at low prices, Also Short Horn Bulls, °owe and Heifers at very moderate prices and easy terms. D. MILNE & 80N, Ethel, County Cbuncil Election. COUNTY OF HURON. PUBLIO NOTICE to hereby given that a meeting of the electors of County Division No. 0, oompoeed of the Municipalities of the Townehlpe of Grey and Morris and the Vil- lage of Brussels, will be held In the Town Hall, Brussels. on Monday, Deeembor the 20nd,1002, at the hour of 1 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of nenumMing oandidatee to represent them in the Council of the:0ounty of Huron for the years 1903 and 1904, and that in ease a poll is demanded, polls' will be opened on the 8bb day of January, 1903, in each polling sub -division at the time and place fixed by By.Law o! the Munioipelltree In the said County Divleton. F. S. SCOTT, Nominating Officer for County Council Div. No. 0. Dated this 10th day of Nov.,1902. PING-PONG (TABLE TENNIS) 4161, The Newest and most Popu.- lar Game, Either 2 or 4 can play it. Complete direc• tions with each set. Price from 60c. up to $1.90. FOX'S DRUG STORE. WOOD WANTED. Tenders will be received until December 12, 1902, forthedelivery of 100 cordo of good. Sound green hard wood. 22 inches long. to be delivered at the Brussels Public School before the 1st day of Mareh,1908. R. R088, Secretary Public School Board. Brussels, Nov. 19, 1902. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR Sale in the Village of Brussels. I will' sell, on easy term e, my dwelling house, out- buildings, &o., with about 9ktmores of land, which hasa frontage on Frederick St., or if you prefer to build will sell 4 acre front- age on Frederioh St., with stable and about 7 aoree immediately bebind and extending to the limit of the salt block Westward. Thio would leave dwellinghouse, a stable, also with @ acre frontage and over 1 acre immediately behind for sale separately. There le no better location in Braeeele. The land is well drained and to a high state of cultivation. The soil is excellent either for gardening or farming. Choice fruit on the place. W1l1 sell the whole for a little more than the cost of the buildings. 19.10 G. A. DEADMAN, Brussels. Matchetts New Storc A 3000 Contract To be Filled d During the Month of Decemb'r 1902 On Monday, November 24th we closed a contract with a. Clothing Manufacturer in Montreal to sell for him during the month of December $3000.00 worth of Fine Ready-to-wear Clothing. This immense stock consists of Men's Fine Tweed and Worsted Suits, Men's Overcoats, Boys' and Children's Suits and Overcoats, Odd Pants and Vests. This Gigantic Selling Mist and Will be done during Bomber, 1902 We Make Money if this Amount is Sold. We Lose ' Money if it is not Sold. Our instructions are "Sell these goods at 20c on the Dollar less than Manufacturers' Prices." This means Dollars Saved on every Suit or Overcoat you buy here during the month of December. Away goes all other lines, they join in this great procession of Slaughter Prices : • Dress Goods, , Linens, Sheetings, Towelings, Flannels, Underwear, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes. Dollars Saved in coming direct to the Money Saving Spot. H. A. MATCHETT'S TIIE NEW STORE, Y • GARFIELD BLOCK, BRUSSELS,