HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1902-12-4, Page 5Olt
, '4
MO. 4, 1DQ2
vent. 1'.R. SCOTT, Bruneote,
11. MoOgA0ICEN,-
co atpC4roeory,Turnbezry street, 10rueaole.
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
TR40EEli CF—
aV;ro'-ax,s, ozrz.
E. Estelle Griffin.
Pupil of Mise Eva N. Roblyn, of London,
Poplin prepared for Conservatory exams,
r-S"'N ill - visit Brussels every Tuesday.
Lessons given at the home of W. H. Kerr,
John street,
MONEY TO LOAN AT 41, 41 & 0 Per Cont.
Oflloe ovor Hor•sley's Drug Store,
Nov.8111,1902, 30.8m Brussels,
Wellington Mutual
Fire inoIuanne Co.,
Inneranco taken on the mash and premium
note system at 0(0•11,611 rates. Before Wear -
tug elsewhere call on the undersigned Agent
of the Company,
GEORGE 11,0GERS, Brussels,
L. 0. M.,
Academic graduate of London Conserva-
tory of Music, also Member of the Associated
Musicians of Ontario, is prepared to receive
a limited »mber of pupils for instruction
on the piano, Qualifier] to prepare pupil a for
the Principal's Form in the Conservatory of
Brneeelo, Ontario,
EEn, 18111 0011 for batter priooe, 10
be other is less time and leas obarges
be w n't charge anything. Dain tes and t isorders
can always be arranged at Chia ofaoe or by
personal application.
J• Honor Graduaro of the Ontario Vet.
(ninety College, is prepared to treat all die -
eases of domesticated anlmale in a compet-
ent manner. Particular attention paid to
Veterinary Deutletry. Cane promptly at-
tended to. Mice and Infirmary—Four doors
North of bridge, Tornberry et., Brussels,
• Barrlster, Solicitor, 10onveyancer,
Notary Public, &o. Office—Stewart's Block
1 door North of Central Hotel.
Solicitor for the Standard Bank.
• Solicitor,,00, OBlce over Stand-
ard Bank, Solicitor for Village of Brnesele.
Money to Loan at lowest rates,
IL D., C. M.,
Trinity University, Fellow Trinity Medical
Ooilege,Member Collage of 13306010ns and
Surgeons, Out, Licentiate of the Royal Col-
lege of Physicians and Lieenttate of Mid-
wifery Edinburgh. ITelepbone No.14,
Reeidenoe—Mill street,. Brussels.
Graduate of ]the Royal College of Dental
. Surgeons of Ontario and Giret•olaes Honor
Graduate of Toronto University. Office
next to Brewer's Photograph Gallery,
Fall Term in the
Begins Sept. 1, 1902
Students may enter at any time. Terme
reasonable, Two courses—Commercial and
Shorthand. Saud for Journal.
Preoideut, 'Secretary,
Brit,isle Columbia
Red Cedar Shingles
Pine and Cedar
Brussels Planing Mills
Also Doors and Saab of all Pat
*erne on hand or made to order
at Short Notioe.
Estimates Furnished for alt
kinds of Buildings. Workman-
ship and Material Guaranteed.
Attend the liest It Pays
F1 T R
, NT e
1 R000ptereduatos have ;weep6od good
positions at 040, 045, 000 and 000 per a
meth, apo allow M9'66600 an eupnea. .
tion was received 01000109 ono of our
ti90µ16000a .'Eh term a salary of rrld. .
8you m, 1 Ole to the kind of best
}'Q 0800 you n attend, look fag !orae to the beat
talogue free, En.
ipo01.'.e telleAT Pklnalp al.
root Sekro Pius.
04440Lr1n10 Water OoigiLiTo. — The
Arthur Ensor rine of Nov. 6th ea' s ;—
The Royal Mone Cement oo., O. H.
Conery, 00ntra0t01 and manager, will
finish Op their whole job to day, and the
men will dieperee to their reepeative
bomoe. They have completed over 60,•
000 sgaare feet of granolithio sidewalk,
whioh will Qoet $6,500. ' So tar en we are
able to judge, the company have made
good, boneet, and substantial work. The
contractor ban abeam a desire to give
satisfaction in every reopeet. They have
done an extra fine piece of work, at the
front of Reeve Mitchell's residence, They
have built a verandah wall 4 feet high, of
rook famed atone cement, and it would
take no mean expert to distinguish it
from the real rook faced atone. It looks
very handsome and it is well worth going
to see. We are ears there will be more
of it next season. We wiob Mr, Conary
moose. He has been a good citizen,
while in Arthur.
"DANDY HAL" Ie NOa9Eto&11.—The Iden.
tity of the peeer which John. Woods, of St.
Catharines, oampaignod ae Dandy Bal
through Ontario and Western Penneyl-
vanla last Summer, and ter whioh Woods
now stands oommiltedfor trial on a charge
of fraud, ie no longer a mystery. "Dandy
Hal," with no record when be started
out last Spring, proves to be Norseman,
with a mark of 2 14} on a half -mile track,
The daeoription of the horse that bed
beta eirottlated all over America by the
National and American Trotting Aseooia•
ai011e at the: suggestion of Secretary Evans
of the Hamilton FairAoeociatiou, Eell uo•
der the notice of Waiter D. Palmer, Seo
rotary of the Ottawa, Illinois, Driving As-
000iallon, and a well known trainer and
driver, and was instantly recognized by
him as fitting the peeing horse Norseman,
2.14 ;, whioh had been advertised for sale
in The Chicago Horse Review of Deaom-
bar 10, 1901, by 0. Galena, of 862 West
Adams ,treat, Illinois. Mr. Palmer at
ohne communicated with Mr. Cairoe and
learned that the horse had been sold to
some parties in Canada late in the month
of January. Mr, Palmer lost no time in
coming to Hamilton, and Monday he,
Seoretary Evade and J. P. Stanton, legal
representative of the Amerioau Trotting
Aseooiation, repaired to St. Catharines to
examine the horse. At first Woods re.
fused to produce the borne but when legal
premiere was brought to bear he oondaot-
ed the party to a barn about three miles
fromCatharines wbere t. Mr. Palmer
made a minute examination of the alleged
Dandy Hal, and positively identified him
ne Norseman. Mr. Palmer has frequent.
ly raced against Norseman in the Weet,
and drove him himself no later than
January 15 last. Mr. Palmer returned to
hie home Tuesday evening and the Am.
erican Trotting Aeeooiation will now brace
every movement made. by the horse
Norseman since he left the hands of Mr,
Cairns in Chioago. While in St. Catbar.
iuee Meeers. Evans and Stanton got an
affidavit from a man named William
Burrell, who was with Dandy Hal from
June to Angeet 1. Burrell swore that
Dandy Hal was razed at Erie, Pa., win.
oiug the first heat in the 2.20 Maga in
2 171. After the beat some man approach
ed Woods and told him that if the boree
won another beat "the whole p,rty would
be pine/Jed." Continuing, Barrell stated
that James McPhee, the driver, told him
at Titusville, Penn., that "they were
getting away with it pretty well." Woods
will aurae up -for trial next month, and
the ease will be of international interest.
This bores wee at the Broseels' races
last Sommer.
A golf ground ie what is being lookod
for nowadays in town.
Eleotrioian Stevenson of the Eleotrio
Light Oo„ has been busy installing wires
in the station.
0. 13. Hale reaoived bis official notifi-
cation of his appointme0t as a Notary
Public in and for the Province of Ontario.
The new post office ie now assuming
the proportions that show it to be a very
nice boiiding for its purpose, and a decided
ornament to that part of the town.
Mies Barbara Oook, for nearly five
years assistant motion of the Hone of
Refuge, has givers up her situation, and
has returned to her home in Laoknow.
She has given the best 0f eatiefa01i0n, and
it is with regret that 6,1r, and Mrs, Ji'renoh
part with her.
6laKlnLOr COUNCIL—flounoil met in
Uhrietopeer White's, Leadbury, ou Wed-
uemlay, 19th Nov. Members of Council
allpresent. hlinatee of former meeting
road and adopted. Aoaoan0e were passed
and paid amounting to 61465 88 for jobs
on roads, ou'verte, abotmente, drains and
awards, Oemeet abutments have moat
this year $1,936.00, beside filling ap•
proaohre. Steel bridges ooet 01,266 00,
beaido 110orii3O andother expeneee.
Ratepayers will see where part of the
tuxes are going. The oontraotor on Win-
tlirop drain hoe received for work done
$1,000. The Reeve was authorized to
send F. W. Faruoomb, Engineer, to settle
boundary of Logan line question at
boundary of Grey. The Reeve and Olerk
were authorized to seal drainage deben•
three to party making beat offer. The
petition of Bernard O'Connell and others
was read for a drain soder the Municipal
Aot, from lots 4 to 8, a011. 1, and Iota 5 to
11, moo. 2, and the same was received and
F, W. Faruoomb, 0. E., of Lgodon,
appointed to make a report and plan of
survey in aaoordanoe to said petition.
The report end plane on petition of Isaac
Bolton and others w read and Clerk
authorized to notify wed.,
iotereeted to
attend nsxt meeting of Council. The
Bicycle By-law, setting apart the East
si de of roadbetween ditch and fence from
Soaforth to Walton, per motion 640, for
J n bioyolo path, and wbeelmen to make
and repair acid path, mud teeing and rifle
to keep off It y and blcyofe rider'. if on
the road, in meotiug or pasting to loo, to
take told path ; on a'1 other roarle biay.
e t it f e
o e
ridere o oarC I lo, i f wheal
r1 la t ro tt a h e
Y g
after night and a he i to give warning io
peestng Mame or riga i all learnt and rifle
to give half the road and in euoh Q600 the
bieyole rider to keep at least S foes (refill
icily Florae in paging, Any i f v1i0
q of
thea 13y law 1.4 be liable to the line in
Uhap. 260 relating to travelling on high.
w e, ala .la to be lead a t tf
a S 13 W 1 1 ra
Y 13y
atest meeting. All aro re nested
to send le a'u,iun1t end pay taxes before
Deo, 12. Oomtoil adjourned to meet in
Ohrietopber White's, Leadbury, on
Monday, Dea, 15, at 9 o'clock a, m.
Jae, 0. MonafeoN, Clerk.
i71 S
IXmatt Sale.
Wm, Consit, of Rillegreon, is spoken of
en a candidate for County Commit honors.
Much anxiety bee been felt notonly
among the members of hie own 00091080.
tion, but alBo lunoa hort
fha village
generally, over the condition et Rev. Dr.
Medd, who ie still lying ill at hie brother's
house in Clinton, We are pleaeed to
state that he ie recovering, though Slowly.
The remains of Wm, Kyle, formerly of
Hay Tp., were brought here from Fort
William on Thursday mooing and taken
to the residence of hie brother-in.law in
Tuokoremith, from whioh place .the
funeral took plane on the fallowing day.
The deceased was about 25 yeure of age
and had been working on the railway
near Fort -William for some time.
Dl orrrths.
San000 REPORT.—Tho following ie the
standing of the pupils of 8, 63, No. 3, for
the month of November. Average at.
tendanoe for the month 42. V Claes—
Pearl Sharp 70 ; Beeaie Watson 60. IV
Class—Jane Shedden 74 ; Gusty Wheeler
70 ; Alex. Speir 67 ; Chester Wilkinson
65 ; Cecil Wheeler 65 ; Ann Douglas 54 ;
David Knight 50. Sr.III—Ethel Watson
68 ; Maud Wilkinson 62 ; Frank Little
60 ; Elva Stephenson 00 ; Andy Platt 57 :
Jesse Wheeler 54; Laura Wheeler 56I
Elsie Speir 46. Jr. IIs -Robbie Miobie
62 ; Earl Bernard 56 ; Willie Speir 55 ;
Alex, Cameron 55 ; Clifford Sherrie 41.
Br. II—Selena Wheeler 76 ; Maggie
Michie 78 ; Aggie Knight 66 ; Stanley
Weteon 64 ; Dora Watson 60 ; Alex.
Oonnon 40. Jr. II—Florence Shedden
44 ; Wesley Shedden 44 ; May Little 43 ;
Maggie Connon 36 ; Nettie Speir 35.
Pt, 1I—Ella Clark 54 1 Riobard Alooak
45 ; George Al000k 45 ; Lilly Watson 44 ;
Kenzie Sherrie 43. Pt.I—Mary -Speir
60 ; Myrtle Wheeler 59 t Gertie Stephen•
eon 69 ; Elsie Flatt 64 ; Jae. Nichol 40 I
Willie Connon 39 ; Hazel Nichol 33 ; Jane
Connon 32 ; Jane Al000k 30 ; Ernie
U ,rdiff 30 Maggie Speir 30 ; John Little
25 ; Aggie Bradshaw 25.
M. BLtox, Teacher.
Taaogoanv Ooneom,—•Minutes of Conn -
oil meeting held Nov. 24, 1902. Members
of Council all present ; the reeve in the
chair. The minutes of last meeting were
read and adopted on motion of Maeere.
Mitchell and Mot/grove. The reeve re.
ported having let a job of rebuilding eel.
'vett on Morrie Boundary to E. Elliott at
$6 00 also let a job of gravelling. on Wing.
ham Boundary to H. McKinnon at 20o.
yd., contractor topayins eotion.
peroon r
The following aacoanta were passed and
abegoes on Bank of Hamilton issued :—
H. B. Elliott, printing, 52 50; T. Pearon,
gravel, 61.02 ; Hugh MoKinnoa, gravel-
ling, $31 40 ; Hngb McKinnon, work on
W. boundary, 527 00 ; Gavin Wilson,
insp. same, $3 00 ; Hugh McKinnon,
work on R., $30.00; Wm. Carruthers,
indpeotiog on road, 62 00 ; Wm. Chant].
ler, inep. and brash, $7.50 ; John Woode,
repairing bridge, 02.50 ; H. Wheeler,
gravel eta., $8 00 ; J. Mangrove, damaged,
$1.00 ; Joe. Ansley, gravel, $1.50 ;• James
Powell, repairing culvert, 50o. ; Jamee
Elliott, ao. L. B. of 611., 66.00 ; Peter Me.
Laren, pt. eatery, $50 00 1 Wm. Bernath,
aa. L. B. of H., $4 00 ; George Fortune,
aa. L. B. o! H.,$4 00 ; Wm. Orniakehank,
L. B. of H., 84 00 ; Joo. Burgess, aa. L.
13. of H., $6.00 ; Paul Powell, pt. salary,
$30 00 ; Dr. Agnew, M. H. 0., 65.00 ;
Jno. Bargees, pt. salary, $50.00 ; estate
Ino, Diment sang ing„ $1,00. Ceen0ii
adjourned to meet In olol•k'o oMoe, Blue. 1
vela, on Mopdey, Duo. 15666, 1902, at 10
o'vloall it. III Jxo.13Qltereo, 0lerlt,
( r.
IL'ace >
Wm. Balkwill wag at Grand Bend last
Meekk eka0CIp4 a Pottage P
u lite arkh
gidei dn
r D r,Anerap P
The 7th anniversary of the Main street
Methodist ahnreh will beheld 00 Deo, 7th
and 8th. On Sunday Rev. R. Hobbo, of
Wfn ham will Pre ch OPMPadv
. ing the anneal a0nivereary tea 1011I ba
held Mine Eva N, '.Itoblyn, of Londoe,
will give some vocal eele0tioue after the
A Missionary 'Ilea was held on Nov.
12, at the home of Mrs, E. J, Speokmau
whioh wee to every roepe0t a grand no.
0000. Following the transaction of the
meeting, tea wag served, after whioh a
well rendered program watt given to the
delight of all present. Following are the
officers eleoted for the year ;—Pres„ Mrs.
Joe Uobbledi
k • let Vice
Dire. W. G.
Blneett ; 2nd Vice., Male B. kar eoll'
8eo'y., Mre. Ander,on ; Oor. Seo'y., Mies
Harvey ; Treae., 61ra. 0. 13. Snell,
Plat wawa.
George Cranston, V. S., fe fax from be
log well thele days.
T. Follarton, township clerk, ie lying
ill from an attaok of pleurisy.
David Bell is nursing a Bore band
whioh looks like blood poisoning.
The Government Beale inspector wee
in our village on Tuesday of last weak.
The new pump plaoed on the town wall
by L. Patton is a good one. It aim till
a pail in four etrokea.
Wm. Ellaoolt, jr., hes returned from
Manitoba, looking as if hie sojourn in Ibe
West bad thoroughly agreed with him.
Alex. Simpson hoe arrived home from
Fannyetelle, Manitoba. Mr, Simpson
sold hie farm, and will take ap farming
in Elma,
R. B. Hamilton spent a few days with
Iriende in town. R. B, bee obtained a
good position as bead alerk in a more in
E.ma and Mookton shipped the last
half of Ootober cheese from Atwood on
Friday morning Nov. 2let. The price
realized was 14o, and MoLaren Bros.,
Ingersoll, were the buyers.
Oa Monday evening of last week as a
special freight train was passing through
our town, it game in contract with a
spaniel dog belonging to Mre. Hudson.
Tbe poor animal was out to pieoee.
Widdie Jac/limn bag returned from
Manitoba. Mr. Jaokeoo looks the picture
of health and reports everything boom.
ing in the West. All .the land enrronnd•
ing his property is being bought up by
Americans who are flocking to Manitoba
in large numbers. The man who spoon
latee in Manitoba land ie almost sure to
make money.
Charles Secard, of Pilot Mound, Mani-
toba, who left here over 20 yearn ago, is
at present on a visit to Lnoknow friends.
The Deputy Returning Officers for
Lnoknow on the Liquor Aot vote on
Thursday next are Alex. Lawson and
Angue MoQuaig.
Mrs. J. W. Oox, of Kinloss, had a
narrow eeoape from death on Tuesday
evening. Wbile getting out of a buggy
her dreee caught on the step and the
horse started on a mad gallop. Mro.
Oox woe dragged along dietanoe, and the
only thing saved her was that her skirt
was torn from her,. She was picked up
on the road ooueiderably bruised, but not
eerionely injured.
Tbe Metbodiet congregation of the
Hackett's appointment, Ashfield, are now
in possession of their new eburob. The
total value of aharob and completed ehedo
will be 52600. The Trueteee are now in
a position to purchase the proposed new
organ, to complete reoonetrnetion of abed
and leave all financial obligations fully
covered. The oboroh is a solid white
briok building upon a atone basement,
Size ie 43 feet x 30 feet with 13 Leet 6
inch aide wall and 9 feet atone work. It
is well balanoed and onteide presents a
pleasing effect to the eye. The inside
finish hi of aeh, oiled and varnished and
ie fn appearance described as neat and
The very highest grades kept in stook. We are offering epeoial
inducements for you to boy now before the Christmas rush.
See our 23 and 21 Jewelled Watches, the finest yet produced.
Ladies' Gold and Gold Filled Watches
For 30 days at Speoial Prioea. A large aoaortme,nt to choose
from. We ova save you money and future annoyance by per.
phasing of us, All Watchee personally inspected and gnaranteed
to give eatiofoation. High Grade Goode at CLOSE PRICES.
H. L.
Spoiled a Good Baking
you have many a time by aging an
inferior grade of flour. Your bread will
always be light, white and sweet when
using the Venue. It is 8iwaye of sap.
erior quality, with no variation, and in
carefully made from the beet grown
Manitoba wheat. Try this satisfactory
bland for your bread, cakes and pies,
and you will never nee any other.
ALF. 1349,ETCE1 9
oomfortab'e, Ile, Beating eapeoity if$ 9110
filo baea,n , tt ha0 elagervam arra, gement
with Mali a doors 408 10111 00 11 1'IQaoant
Marna to ,ii•• rlondoy 086ao1 and League,
1'hs passu,, Irueteenand oangregalion are
to be oonl iimented upon e eg00000 of
the undertaking, Gam. 0tptbere was
the 00p0aetor,
10,000 Tarheye and Geese wanted
and 6,000 Dunks and Young Obiokepe,
for whioh the highest mob pries will be
paid, For plertioulare as to prime and
date of 10662017 apply to
g Ross'
We've Got
Your Eye
for just a minute. We'll
be brief. Be sure and
see our range of
and Winter.
PRICES -51.00 TO
$6.00 PER SUIT.
D. G. Ross
Either on Full or Part Time.
Aro yon satisfied with your Income 6 Is
your time fully ooen pied? ;If not write 119.
We can give you employment by the month
ou good terms or contract to nay you well
for such business BB you secure for us at odd
times. 'P0 employ both male and female
representatives. aThe next three month, is
the very boat time to Bell our 00040 Ne de-
posit is required ; outfit is absolutely free.
We have the largest nnrseriea in Canada—
over 800 agree, A largo range of valuable
0018 speoialtlee, and all our stow is gaaren-
toed ae represented. If you want to repro -
sent ;the largest, most popular and best
known nursery, write u0. It will be worth
your while.
"Canada's Greatest Nurseries,"
17.3m Toronto, Ontario.
c+�^�a=�e�•' 'sem=^�S*'t��-^CSc���aJ
1 CAS,rt
S Q .f
�" �or
During the last few montho we have been making great pl'eperalioue
for the Obrietmes trade. Several menthe ago we gave a largolmport order
for Japanese Silke and Fancy Silk Chrietmao Goode. By importing divot
we get better goode, ae well 40 a great reduatio0 fn primes,. We effect a
saving of from 10 to 16 per Rent, lu this way, and we always give our
ouetomere the benefit.
a t.
Fanny Silk Cushion Tope, In colors of nils green, pink, reside, Dar•
dioal, canary, eta., embroidered with sick and gold, extra value at 50o, 65o,
$t and $1.60,—Japanse Silk drapes, embroidered ends, in colors of light
bine, pink, tprquoie, reside., ails, cardinal, canary, K:a , very epooiat at 50o,
65a and $1.—Silk Table Oovere, in colors of sky, nile, cardinal, reside,
pink and lnrgOoiee, with heavy knotted fringe, embroidered with silk and
gold. They make a nice Ohrietmae present, at 51 50, $1 95 and 82.---8110
Bloudiugs, in bine and white and pink and wbite lace etripee, worth 500
for 40u,—Brocaded Waist Silks, in new designs, in all the new adore, very
special at 75a—Fancy Brocaded Silk Waist Goode, in white, pink, blue
and mauve, worth 51.25, for 51 per yard.—A epeoial line of Heavy Braced-
ed Bidre for waists, in a variety of colors, makes a superb waist, regular
pride 0150, for a1.25.—Plain Japanese Siete, in all ooloro, worth 30e, for Id
25a.—French Flannels and Silk Mixtures, in fancy stripes and floral de. aa•,
1) Bigne, at 50e, 750 and $1.
Swell Top Co '. ts.
Just take a look at ours—you can't help but notice
how different they are from the kind most stores show,
They have that smart, natty, "built for you alone" ap-
pearance. We claim our garments'to be the perfection of
tailoring and we assume all risks. Nothing pleases us
more than to have a customer examine closely the fabric,
the lining and the workmanship. Such buyers appreciate
our Clothing.
Great Variety in Top Coats this Season.
Some short, some medium, blacks and mixtures. We have all the
right styles. We sell a good Top Coat for $5.00, and run along the
line up to $12.50 for silk lined, Top Coat elegance. Lots of splen-
did gtylesjinfbetween, at $6.50, $7.50 and $10.00. Come in and
take a look just to see what's what.
D. C.
Leading Clothier.
liar. Ir o
always the Lowest
Strictly One Price
Are two great reasons for the wonderful success of this business. We will
not sell trashy or unreliable goods. No matter how low a quotation we advertise you
may depend that the goods are thoroughly reliable and that reductions are exactly as
This Week we have These Special Bargains
—8 pieces 52 inch pnre wool Homespun, in shades
of Blank, Navy, Mid, Grey and Oxford, regular
prioe 76a ; Special at .50
— 66 inch Pure Wool Bell Warp Coaling Serge,
very suitable for Skirts and guaranteed not to
spot, in Black and Navy only, real value 91 00,
Special at .65
—16 Meow/ Beet Canadian Flannelette, all new
stripes and fast colors, heavy weight, a6 inohee
wide, regular valve 120 per yard ; Speoial at
—10 dozen heavy pare Linen Hook Towels, with
red border and fringe ends, size 20 x 43 inobee,
regular prioe 35a ; Speoial at
— 2 dozen Ladies' Sleek Meteerized Sateen Under•
skirts, with full flounaeo and three small frills,
regular prioe 91.50 eaob ; Speoial at
—12 dozen pairs of Ladies' Abaolulely Pure Wool
Cashmere Hose, epliaed heal' and toes, worth
reenter 35a ; Speoial at
—3 boxed Colored Velvet Cords, ehadee Fawn,
Black and Brown, regular price 40a ; to clear
at per yard
—5 dozen Flannelette Night Gowns, in Pink, Blue
and Grey effects, egnare yoke back, pleated
collar and band anffe ; Speoial valve at
—2 dozen Flannelette Night Gowns, trimmed
around neok band and cuff, actors Pink, Blue
and 0ream, real value 81.00 ; Speoial at
Ladies' Tailor - made Skirts
at 3.50, 4.50 &-$5 00
At these prices we can give you a big range of styles.
They are mostly made of All Wool Homeepuu and Freizo
in Grey, Navy and Black. Some are trimmed with matin
folds and buttons ; others have cording over hips ; all aro
atriotly up to -date, unlined ; fit and finish le perfect ; prices
are low ; you save the prioe Bud trouble of getting tbom
made, $3 50, 54 50 and 05 00.
Special Sale of Two Cases Mill Ends
Flannelettes, widths 32 and 36 inches, all perfect goods, worth regular 8c. and 10c,
length 8 to 14 yards, which we place on sale Saturday morning at 10 a. in at 5zc & 6 c.
We would advise customers wanting these lines to be on hand early, although the quan-
tity is large, but at such prices the entire lot will soon be picked up.