HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1902-12-4, Page 1Vol, 31;
No. 21
W. H. K.ERR, Prop,
New Advertisements.
Loaab—G, E. Icing.
Local—Miee Little.
Looals—H. A. Matehett,
Ganotiet lost—THS Pon,
Clot/Mug sale—A, Streobau,,
Looal—Dominion Garment Co,
$3040 aontraot—H. A, Matahett.
Sox and Rubbers—I. 0, Riobarde.
By.law No, 4—Village of Brueeele.
Ohriatmae goods—Moli;innon & Go.
Farm to rent—Joseph F, Redmond.
Loge wanted—Wingbam Furniture Go.
County Council oleotion—F, 0. Soott.
Mistirittg, ems.
Miee Jean Gray is on the eiok list.
Will. Turvey is up from Toronto on a
Mre. Ira Barkley Tiffs returned to
Clifford Pagb, of Brussel°, spent Sun•
day at his home here.
T. Oliver, of Toronto, is vieiting at the
home of John Burgess,
Mre. Smith has returned from a vieit
with her daughter, Mre. (Rev,) Scanlan,
Lois au1ed
at Winglam,
We are prepared to pay for
First—class Maple loge $14 per M
Firer—class Soft Elm loge 14 "
First—olase Rook Elm loge16
First—clam Basswood loge 15 "
Meat—ohne Beeoh loge12 "
All kinds and grades wanted.
Call and get our prion
The Canada Furniture Mfrs.
The Button & Fount Chair Factory
Dr, 0, A, Toole, of Bonnie, wan in the
village on Friday Iant,
Peter Wheeler and R, Ookridge and
eon have returned from the West.
Rev, D. Perrin, of Wingham,occupied
the pulpit in the Presbyterian obaroh last
Hartley Patterson lett last week for
New Xork. Hartley was general favor-
ite and will be ranch mieeed, Hie many
friends wieb him omen in the land of
the Stara and Stripes:
The Farmers' Ioetitute held a very
euooeeeful meeting here Monday evening.
Mine Maddook, of Guelph, gave a very
interesting talk on Domenic Science,
whish was much enjoyed. We hope to
have her with ns again. A Womane'
Inetitute wag formed by Mine Maddook.
Herb, Fogel returned from the West on
Monday evening of this week.
$1,00 peye for Tan Poem to Jan. let
1904. No nicer present oonld be sent to
an absent relative or friend.
Township Ooflnoil will meet here on
Monday, 15th, inst. This is the natatory
date for closing up the year's business.
Rev. J. E. Hunter was in oar village
on Monday. He has many warm friende
here who are always pleaeed to see him
Rev, 0. P. Wells preached Anniversary
sermons in last Sabbath. Hie work here
was taken by Rev. Mr, Borwaeb, of Wing -
The Methodist Sabbath School is bay.
ing daily practices for their Ohrietmae
Tree enc r air
e E 1 merit,b
T e will resent
a Detente entitled ed "Kuala's Surprise."
Rev. D. B. MoRae gave an excellent
discourse in the Presbyterian obaroh last
Sabbath afternoon from the text "Wheth•
er ye eat or drink or whatsoever ye do,
do all to the glory of God."
The Kellner farm was not sold at the
sale last week as the price asked was not
reaohed. There wan a good attendance
and the farm stook, implements &a., real-
ized well rep toward $800. The auction.
neer'° hammer was wielded by F. S.
Soott, of Brneeele.
An acetylene gas plant ban been instal-
led in MoAllieter'e cellar. Pipes have
been laid connecting it with most of our
bueineae planes. The following will -have
their buildings lighted ; Mesere. Longe.
way, Hanenld, Eokmier, Mitohell,Hetttb,
McDonald and McAllister. Gamete &
Son, of Milverton, did the work.
S. S. Dole's dwelling was moved to a
vacant lot opposite the eohool and adds to
thctappearanae of the East end of our
village. S. S. will soon be able to occupy
bin new building,which is one of the
beat planned houses we have seen. Jno.
Hunter, of Oranbrook, had the contract
Ready—made Sn!Is and Overcoals
No necessity of looking further for the ,-BEST BARGAING—
We have them and we give them to yon with every purchase.
—Our prices for $12.00 Suits or Overcoats are now $9.90 ;
$10.00 for $8.25 ; $8.00 for $6.60 ; $7.00 for $5.50 ; $6.00 for
$4.95 ; $5.00 for $4.00 ; $4.00 for $3.80 ; $3.00 for $2.50 ; $2,50
for $2.00 and $2,00 for $1.65. These are
off previous good values and not marked away up for the purpose of
cutting prices. We aim to give our customers BETTER VALUES
than they can get elsewhere.
. We will be pleased to let YOU have first choice.
Sox and
• • •
No matter how
cold or slushy the
weather is, your feet
• will be snug and
warm in a pair of socks and rubbers,
Thick, warm, fleece -lined socks and stout snag -
proof rubbers—that's a combination that can't be beat
for out -door winter work.
We have them in all styles and sizes..; They are
priced down to rock bottom, too.
This is how we sell thein :—\
—Men's from $1,25 to $2.75. But the Special Brand which we have the
Agency in Brussels for is the J. D. RING STUBB PROOF whioh is without
doubt the Beet and Moat Durable Rubber in the market. Every pair ie
guaranteed to give satisfaction. See them with no, and buy them as none other
will give yott the same wear.
—Repair° in Rnbbere, Boots and Shoes done promptly.
—HARNESS D11IARTMEST.—Full stook idarnese, light or beavy. Alec
Robe°, Blankets, Bolla, Trunks or Satohele.
—Collars and Haman repaired.
1. C. RIC HA R DS.
and lie heti given another example of hie
excellent workmanehip,
11. Pearson oaten home from Victoria
University, Toronto, to poll bis vote in
favor of the Prohibition cause, Good for
him and hie example le worthy of imita.
The Ferman' Institute meeting on
Tueaday afternoon was well attended,
In the evening the Township Hall was
packed to thedoore. Mies Maddoakspoke
on Flowers, while Mr. Elliott explained
the growing of the sugar beet. Inatra.
meatal eeleatione were given by the
orchestra composed of Minn le. and L,
Spence, Slemmon and Davies, and Mesere,
0. Eokmier, R. MoKay, A. Lamont, W.
Eokmier and W. Spence. Well rendered
salve were given by Meson. A. Lamont,
Avinon, Davies and Spence, while Wee
Ida Cole gave a Temperance reading.
Tbe Chairman, Thos.' McMillan, made a
few remarks regarding "The Liquor Act"
and the meeting wan brought to a aloes.
The conduct of a few gentlemen (0) at the
door and onteide the building allowed the
great necessity for Prohibition. It is
really too bad that these young men no
far forget themselves that they will not
listen to an intereeting program nor allow
any one near them to hear it.
Crean breek.
Jno. and Dan. /Nether have purohaeed
a new driver.
We are having splendid weather now,
hope it continues.
1,00 willpay for or THE POST to Jae, Tat
1904. Dont borrow9 n more.
a ao.
J. Calder goes to Goderioh next week to
serve se juror at the Fall aeeizoe.
Mies and Mr. Ritchie, of Belmore,
epeut a few days with friends here.
Mr. Laird and Mr. Baeker, of Lietowel,
spent Sunday with friends in Cronbrook.
Mre. (Dr.) Turnbull, of Goderiob, was
vieiting at her home here daring the past
week. She wee a welcome visitor.
Next Spring's) assizes at Goderioh will
thresh out a farm property case in which
people in this locality are interested.
The dredge will have a few weeks'
work yet to complete their contract
Quicksand hae delayed operations some-
Mies Maggie Semon, who hae been vie-
iting under the parental roof, bee return•
ed to Listowel. Mies Hoetber aacompan•
ied her.
Mica Maggie Hnether who has been van
Ring, Mien Semon and Mre. Chrie-
Zilliax, of Listowel, for the past week,
has returned home.
Rev. D. B. MoRae and W. Cameron.
attended a public Prohibition meeting at
Monorieff on Monday evening. It was
held in Bethel obaroh,
Last Sabbath morning Rev. D. B. Mo -
Rae touched up the Prohibition question
in Knox church and Rev. Mr. Ooeens
gave it a rally in the Methodiet 'thumb.
MATntamajor,.--The Toronto World of
last week contained the following from
Hamilton having reference to a former
resident of this locality':—It was reported
Wednesday that Mre, Harry Kautz,
widow of the wealthy brewer, was mar-
ried today, the lucky groom being Gideon
Perrie, formerly world'a champion ath•
lete and trainer at BoaEono'
U lvereit
News of the happy event ed
g was
given the World Wednesday night. Mr.
Perriecould not he found but the report.
er had a talk over the telephone with Mre.
Kuntz. The handsome widow declined
to either deny oroonfirm the story. She
said some "busybodies" had evidently
been talking. Mre. Rnntz'a husband
died three months ago, leaving an estate
valued from $300,000 to $500,000.
Wall ton.
A number of young people from Walton
spent a very enjoyable evening at Mre.
James Murray'. ate Tuesday.
James McMillan and family removed
last week to a farm East of Brussels
which he will manage during the ensuing
year for Geo. Beet. We are sorry to
lone them from among our villagers.
Dr. J, M. Armstrong and family re•
moved this week to Harrieton where the
Dr. will practice. We wish them success,
Dr. and Mre. Armstrong leave many
worm friends here after their reeidenae of
10 years.
The Ladiee' Guild of St. George's
°horde, Walton, will hold their annual
exhibition of klieeionary work, in the
Workman's Hall on Thursday, Dea.11th.
A dainty luncheon will be served in the
Hall, after which a good program will be
The annual meeting of the Farmers'
Institute of East Huron was held in the
A. 0. U. W. Hall here on Wednesday.
The audience was large and wee well
repaid for attendanoo by the interesting
and inetruotive addressee given by the
different speakers. A musical program
enlivened the proaeedinge at the evening
Goon ENTnn000aarnNT: Last Friday
evening the Methodiet ohurob waa filled
to the doors with an inte reeked audience
in connection with the Musical and Liter-
ary entertainment under the auspices of
the oboir. Rev. T. W. Ooeene, of Brea.
eels, a former pastor, made an A 1 chair•
man and gave a abort address. Tbe
program was varied, well rendered and
and greatly enjoyed. It wanes followe:—
Ohorns, by Choir : ohnirman's address ;
Bolo, Mies Allie Dundee • quartette,
NUMB Smith and Rose and Meseta. Jones
and Kerr, Brneeele ; reoitetion, Mina
Lizzie Barrows ; nolo, "The River of
Tears" David McGill, Blyth ; Ineten•
mental, H. L. and Mrs. Jaokeon ; drill,
by little girle ; solo, Mies Carrie Short
reed ; °borne, by eboir ; instrumental, H.
L. and Mre. Jackson; Bolo, Jamee Jones,
Bennie ; address, Rev. M. G. Jarrow ;
"Something for Thee," Bruesela Quer.
tette ; instrumental, H. L. Jackson ; solo,
"Dreams of my own Land," D. MoGill ;
olnbswinging by little girle ; anthem by
choir, The e000mpanieto were Mieeee
Kinney, Forbes, and MoLauohlin. In
the scoff drill, in whiob the red, white
and bine were oonepiouons, the girls tak.
ing part were;—Lottie Sperling, Clara
Dennison, Mamie and Lena Bennett,
Dolly McKenzie, Lily Fraser and Tena
McKenzie. They performed their part
splendidly. Cora White, Ethel Denni.
eon, Dora Scott, Lottie Sperling and
Jennie leinn were the club awingere and
went through the various evolutions
in Asst °lase atyle. Both exhibitions
were creditable to the girls and their
inetrnotor, ,After the entertainment
was over those who took part in
the program from a distance were treated
to a tasty leach, Proeeede l of the en-
tertainment will be devoted to the organ
fend of the obaroh. The choir ie to be
congratulated on the ehaceee of their
undertaking although the admieaion fee
wait too low for as good a program.
W a-oxeoter-.
Wm. McLeod returned from Manitoba
0o Saturday,
Rev. R, S, G. Anderson hae returned
from Olifien Springs,
Thou. Rae shipped a oar Tondo! turkeys
to Montreal this week,
Ino. Douglas hae received hie first oar
of herd coal for this Pall.
W. Trenob °hipped a oar -load of hogs
from thie station on Monday.
Mre. Maleolm, of Kincardine, was the
guest of friends io the village last week,
Mies Grace Stewart, from near Brus-
sels, is visiting relatives in this vicinity.
Mine Jessie Robertson hae taken a
position in the office of W. S. MaKeraber.
R. Miller is attending the meeting of
the County Oounail in Goderioh this
Knowleon and Mies F. Elliott, of Gor.
rie, were gneete of Mre. G. Harris jr„ on
Mise Maggie Robertson gg
Raba n returned from
Boiesevain Mao. on Friday, where she
hese t I
peat the Icon
three months.
A number of young people of this village
attended a party at the home of R.
Miller, Jamestown, on Friday evening.
Alvin Hemphill, of Walkerton, visited
for a few daya at his home here, while
attending the wedding of hie sister, Mies
Minnie Hemphill.
The rink has been let to E. Barnard
for this season. Ed, is an old hand, and
has always given the beet of eatiefaction
in his management.
Jo.m e,eto w n .
Don't forget the concert next Thareday
Rev. R. Pani, of Braeeele, preached in
Victoria Hall Ian Sunday night.
James and Robert Simpson arriv-
ed home from Muskoka last week.
They report a pleasant time although
game, they nay, was a little eoaroe in
their neigbborhood.
Tneeday evening a fine Temperance
meeting was held in Victoria Hall.
Thoe. Stramban occupied the chair and
spoke wine words'. Splendid addreeeee
were giveg by A. M. McKay and G. F.
Blair, of Brneeele, who rendered vain.
able 'service. Music was supplied and
added to the interest of the evening.
Last week James Lynn Bold hie well
improved 100 scree, Si Tote 24 and 25,
con. 1, Grey, to John McLennan. of the
Boundary, whose farm adjoins Mr.
Lynn's. The price paid was $4,700. As
Mr. MoLennan'e other farm was a long
100 and Mr. Lynn's square it will snit
him well. There are good buildings on
the newP urchase and the farm 0 ie io
and well fenced. Mr. Lynn
contemplates the purchase of a 200 acre
farm and will probably not go very far
away, which will be pleasing information
to the many friends of the family aa they
are first class people.
Farm Bales continue.
Statutory Oounoil meeting ou Monday,
Deo. 15.
Min Annie Bray is visiting relatives in
Mise Florence McKay and her brother,
Will., ate visiting relatives in Bt. Marys.
Mies Saunders, of the 10th von., has
been vieiting at David Oenningham'e,
15th coo.
Don't forget R. M. Douglas' auction
Bale, 15th eon., on Friday afternoon of
this week.
Min Hattie Cameron, of Kippen, bee
been engaged as teaoher for S. S, No. 9
for the year 1903.
Last week Jno. Pepper arrived home on
a visit from Sault Ste. Marie, Ont, He
has spent the pant few years there and
thinks it ie a hustling plaoe.
Mr, and Mre. Harris, of Muskoka, have
returned home after vieiting relatives
and triende on the 15th aoo. Mrs. Harris
is a daughter of Alex. MoKay, 15th non,
School was withdrawn in Shine's, Whit-
field'°, Dukes', Bryan's and Monorieff
nobool houses on Thursday of this week
to permit of polling in the school houses
in oonneetion with the Referendum.
Mre. Harry Attwood, 4th oou. has
been quite poorly with an attack of la
grippe bat we hope she. will Boon be as)
smart as anal. Mies Annie allows little
improvement we are sorry to state.
The auction Bale of Wm. Bray, 16011
von., last week footed up to something
between $500 and 8000. D. K. Living.
°ton, of the same line, on Friday Bold
about $1100 worth. F. S. Scott, of Brae.
eels, was the anotioneer,
Our oongratulatione are extended to
Rev. W. A. and Mrs. Smith, of Oil
Springe, Ontario, over the arrival of a
baby daughter on Nov. 22nd. The rever•
end gentleman ie a former resident of
Grey, Trueman Smith being hie (ether.
BRrann CHnngH.—A •well attended
Prohibition meeting was held in Bethel
church, 16th eon., on Monday evening.
The obair was ooanpied by Rev. D. B.
McRae, of Oranbrook, who also gave a
forceful addreee, The other epeakera
were G. F. Blair and W. H. Kerr, of
Braeeele, who dealt with the questions at
1'seas in this campaign at ooneiderable
length. A vote of thanks was pained.
Mise Florence Robertson presided at the
organ in the praise °ervice.
INTnRRanrNo GATHE010ta.—Tbnreday
evening of last week a meeting was held
in Union oheroh in the interests of the
Temperance Campaign. The chair wan
onaapied by Rev. 0. P. Wella, B. D,, who
added an 000asional pointer as the meet•
ing progressed. Good addreeeee were
given by B. Gerry, of Brussels Rev. • D.
B, MoRae, of Oranbrook; and A. M. Ma.
Kay, of the carpet town, and the different
Oman of the Act, ohjeotione raised by
the opponente, and the duty of the hong
were empliaeized, A very olteery pro.
gram of mnefa was rendered by the
charob choir. Before oloeing a oolleotion
WWI taken and literature dietribnted.
The Union Sabbath Soltool bald in the
Smith School home S, S. No, 3, oloeed
last Sabbath afternoon after a very eua•
panful term. Mrs. N, 111, Riahardnon is
tho faithful Seperindentand was beaked
op by an energetic stall of belpere. The
school will resume operations next
Miee Jeeeie Rae, teaoher in S. S. No. 5,
intends holding an entertainment and
Ohrietmao Tree in the eohool on the even
ing of Friday, Deo. 190h. A good pro
gram be beipg prepared in whiob besides
music, vocal and instrumental by Listo•
web and local talent, dialogues, roar,. ion
&o., will he given by Mr, Garratt, of Gor•
rie, is expected to ansist.
zoite an enthaeiaatio Temperaooe
meeting was held at the home of R.
Mills'con. 6, on Tuesday evening of laet
week by Rev. 0. P. Wells, of Ethel. The
nature of the Liquor Ant was carefully
explained by Mr. Wella, showing how the
weak points in former ante were guarded
against in this. He was aeeisted by Robt.
MoKay, of Ethel, who gave a etirring
temperanoe address. Several literary
and musical selections were given which
contributed _to the interest of the meeting.
Min Belle Miller was the organist. The
large crowd present speaks well for the
temperanoe Douse in that part.
Writing from Fowlerville, Mich., in re•
newing for Ton Poem John Kerney, for.
merit, of the 8th aoo
Grey, ➢e :—We
are alt1
we 1. This is a very'oh
rt part of
Michigan, although the past season was
so very wet the farmers did not have a
ohaooe to get their Drops saved. Many
had their beano spoiled, a great lose this
year as they were worth $2.25 per bushel.
Corn is also grown in large quantitiee
often 35 or 40 acres on a farm but it did
not turn oat nearly so well an the former
year. Wheat and oats are also cultivated
but very little barley or pose this season.
They are very particular about seed
grain as to wild seeds and when it ie
threshed it is ready for the market. The
land here is easily worked and it ie most.
ly aandy soil. For Dorn or beans the
ground ie plowed, rolled and harrowed
once, then the marker is used. It seemed
strange to me ea first but I like the people.
If they paid the same attention to epirit-
nal matters that they do to their work it
would be better although there are many
worthy Obrietian people. We have e
nice little town with a population of 1600.
There are 4 ahurohee, Methodist, Baptist,
Brethren and Roman Catholio. The
Marquette railroad rune through here.
About 12 trains a day run and there is a
tremendous traffic. In the League here
there is an attendance of about 60 mem•
Mole oworth.
Lytle Elliott returned home from the
Went last week.
Rev. Ino, Rose, B. A., of Brussels,
preached in the Presbyterian ahurah on
Sunday morning and evening.
Andrew MOKee has bought a farm at
Fordwioh. We are sorry to lose snob a
good neighbor but our
lass will be Ford.
wioh'eg ain.
Wm. Menziee, who finished his appren.
tioeship, in the blacksmith shop here left
this morning for Galt, wbere he expeate
to find a oituation at his chosen vocation.
We wish him manse.
The Farmers' Ioetitote meeting held
in the hall on Saturday was a grand auo.
apse. Addressee 000tainie0 practical in-
formation were given by genre. Elliott
and Armstrong and Mies Maddook. The
latter euooeeded in organizing a ladies'
Institute in this plane.
There has been three weeks of revival
servloes held in the Methodiet obeech
ooadnated by the pastor, Rev. J. E. Han.
ter. Too math cannot be paid of the
worthy manner in whish he as a young
man 000duoted his Lord's work through
rain, now and darkness. The attendance
grew larger night after night and many
souls were led to the Saviour and added
to the aharob each as we believe shall be
eternally saved.
M o r rl,o.
Mies Lindy Clegg spent Sunday at
Herb. Russell visited Biyth friends on
Mise Mabel Watson is visiting with
Belmore friends.
Go. Councillor Bowman is attending
Huron Co. Oouooil this week.
Evangelietio services are being held in
Ebenezer oherah, Browntowo, by Rev.
F. Swann, of Bluevale.
Some of our farmers, like the old
woman who lived in a shoe, have eo
many turnips they hardly know what to
There will be no sebool io the lamas.
town eohool, the atone school boon,
Button's and Goeman's on Thursday of
this week owing to the Referendum vot•
ing taking piaae in them.
OUnrernrae TREE.—Saoebine Methodiet
Sunday school will bold their annual
Ohrietmae tree and entertainment on the
evening of Deo. 17th, 1902. Everybody
omen and bave a good time.
We are pleased to bear that Gavin
Bewley, formerly of thie township, has
taken a position in a private Bank in
Alameda, le, W. T. He should fill the
bill to a nicety and will no doubt do well,
The annual pubiio school entertainment
in connection with the Anderson eohool,
Ord line, will be held on Friday evening,
1904 inst. They always have a good time
and a No.'1 program will be arranged for
the above date.
Last Sabbath afternoon Rev. Mr.
Quince, of London, preached an eloquent
and praotfoal Mieoionary sermon in the
Jaokeon ahurah, The pastor, Rev. J,
Holmes, was preaohing for Rev. S. J.
Allis at Loudon.
Dian. --Friday of last week after a
heroic struggle for life Thole, Ashton, paid
Nature's debt at the early age of 24 yeare
a prey to the white plague, consumption.
He was a eon of Frank Ashton, of this
township. but died in Tdroberey. It ie
said he was contemplating matrimony
had ill health not coma and the young
woman who was to have been his bride
was true to him to the last and rendered
many kindly o3laee as nurse during hie
Mane. 1'be fallen' took on Sunday
afternoon to the family plot in Brunelle
cemetery. Rev. F, Swann took the ear•
viae at the hoose and Rev. R. Paul, of
Brussels, a4 the cemetery.
The aoobion Bale of farm stook, imple.
meaha, &o., belonging to Wm. Jaokeoo,
8th line. will be held on Tuesday atter.
noon of next week, He is selling off
everything as) be bee disposed of his Yarm
and purpoeee giving ap farming. With
good weather a big crowd ie aotioipated.
Brussels Council.
The regular meeting of Bruseels Council
was held last Monday evening. All the
membere preeent.
Minute° of last meeting read and
Following aoaouote were presented :—
A. MoLauohlin, salary $26 00
R. Denbow, gravel, 9:75
Wm. " grading, 1.50
Braeeele Cemetery, grave, Rate
Warren, 4 50
Ewen & Oo. account 6.85
R. Henderson, drawing engine,.50
Dr, MoNnughton, attendance on
Kate Warren, 23 00
Dr. MaNaughtoo, attendance on
Ned. Wileoo 8.00
Moved by Donaldson, amended by
Henderson that the above amounts be
paid exoeptiog Ewan & Oo., Brussels
Cemetery, and Dr. MoNaughton'e and
that they be laid over for further expiate.
alio° and oonaid r '
e alto°, Carried.
By.law No. 3 fixing polling planes and
Deputy Returning °Seers for the Muni.
cipal election as follows :—No. 1, A.
Coseley ; No. 2, Geo. Rogers ; No. 3, W.
F. Scott, was read three times and pass-
The Lookridge By Law was dieoueeed
and the vote recorded on Monday report•
ed, It was moved by S. Wilton, eeaonded
by N. F. Gerry that the By -Law be re-
submitted to the property owners on the
day of the Municipal Eleotion. Carried.
Connell adjourned to meat on Monday
evening, 15.h inst., as per Statute.
Reeds. Crossley & Hunter will hold
evaogelietio services io Goderioh next
Rev. T. W. Cosecs ie away this Week
at Westminster to poll his vote in the
Monthly Missionary service will be
held in the Methodist Sabbath Scbool in
Brunelle next Sunday afternoon.
The Methodiet Ohurah ie asking $50,•
000 in eabeariptione for missionary work
in Northern Ontario and Western Can.
Rev. Jno. Roes, B. A., and Rev. D.
Ballantyne, of Molesworth, exchanged
pnlpita last Sabbath. The Prohibition
theme was taken by each preacher.
Mies Maude Qaerrin was vieiting at
Lietowel last week.
Garf.anal nit
V o of Wingham, was in
town on Wednesday.
Mies Ruby Plum entertained some of
her girl friends laet Thursday evening.
Mre. Wm. Turnbull, of Grey, ie vieiting
her parents, Geo. and Mre. Crooke,
Qneen street.
Mrs. Alex. Hunter and Mies Myrtle
returned last week, from a two weeks'
visit at Trowbridge.
Mrs. (Dr) Turnbull, of Goderioh, was
calling on Mre. J. H. Cameron and other
friends in Brunets Inst week.
Rev. Jno. Holmes, of Blyth, was in
town this week. He oars to poll his vote
in oonneation with the Referendum,
Jno. F. MoOrae, of Toronto, was a
visitor with relatives and friends in Brew.
eels for a few doge during the past week.
Mrs. J. Grieve was visiting at Owen
Sound for several days last week and
was greatly pleased with that prosperous
Mise Mary Kelly, of Dundee, is visit.
ing Mre. W. H. Kerr, and renewing old
friendships as she was a resident of Brew.
eels for several years,
Mrs. J. A. Creighton went to Hamilton
on Monday this week, where ahe
expects to spend the Winter with her
eon, E. B. Creighton.
W. J. Norton, of Listowel, was bete
last Monday polling hie vote on the
Loakridge Woolen Mill Bylaw, as a
property owner in Brumaire,
Mre. and Blies Hamilton, of Wroxeter,
were the guests of Mre, F. H, Gray, last
Friday and assisted her in looking after
her numerous lady visitors at a very en.
joyable At Home.
Thos. Bradwell, from near Clifford,
was in town on Monday. He is a former
well known resident and is still a property
owner. For a man over 70 years he gets
about pretty lively.
Barrister Sinclair was in Toronto this
week iu connection with arguing the
appeal oaee of McNabb vs. Zilliax. At
the anima in Goderioh the plaintiff won
and this action was to set aside or reverse
the verdict. The appeal was not sustain-
Mae. C. H. Swallow, of Day Billie, Al.
goma, is vieiting at B. Gerry'°, Mill
street. She ie o daugbter of Wm. Bar-
rie, a former well known resident of
Breesele. Mre. Swallow in accompanied
by her 9 months old eon, a bright little
C. P. Cross, who has been the Junior
in the Standard Bank here for the past 2
years, left for Brantford thin week where
be will enter upon a wider sphere of bank.
ing. We wieb him manse. He is sao-
aeeded here by Mr. Wolfe, of Bradford,
whom we welcome to town.
The Trunk Line Axeoofation bee satin.
fled the Board of Trade by adding three
grades for Canadian grain.
Dr. Bryne, at the meeting of the Pro.
vinoial Board of Health, said the present
law regarding vaooination is a failure.
Sir William Macdonald, of Montreal,
has given an additional $25,000 towards
the Macdonald Institute of the Ontario
Agricultural College.
Coneignments of fruit from Se. Joseph•
du Lac and Cherry Valley, were seized
by the Fruit Ioepeotor et Ohbawa, undor
the fruit marks Asia
Additional Local.
Trios. Newsman, of Bruaaols, bas taken
oat a license as Go. auctioneer and ie pre•
pared to respond to venlig in this line,
Bann Asbnaohan fur gaentlet lost on
Monday of this week, between G. A.
Deadman's residence and the Brueeats
Poet Office. Fiuder kindly leave it at
THD Poem Publishing House.
A WRITER in an exchange claims that tt
cloth saturated in turpentine and hung
near sleeping ohildreu efillated with
whooping Dough will effect a speedy cure,,
It is a cheap remedy and worth trying.
Rev. T. Da Wive TALMA°n speaking of
the La Delle Oonoert oompany nye :
bave heard yon, and may say tient T will
wait with the utmost impatience for your
retard that I may again enjoy your
delightful and artistic programme."
Hear them at the Town Hall, Monday
evening, Deo. 8.
ALAE for the ingratitude of hnmauity I
The local newspaper° regularly and per•
eietently urge the people to parches°
goods from the home merchants, wbfle
in several iostanaee these same merchants
write their lettere and maize out their
accounts on stationary purchased in the
oltiee, the product of labor which never
returns one farthing to the merchant.
Tian premium given by the Weekly
Globe, namely, Ontario Provinoial Gov.
errors -1 21 2
79 90 is one that ba should
commend itself to all lovers of Range
t, e
historical, h
a The pictures are reproduced
from original paintings and the premium
should adorn the walls of every library iu
the province. The Weekly Globe and
Pon till the let of January, 1904, for
THERE is only one way to advertise and
that is to hammer your name, your bad.
OEM, BO 000s0aotly, so persistently, BO
thoroughly, into the people's heads that
if they walked in their sleep they would
constantly taro beads to your stare.
The newspaper is your beet friend in
spite of your aribieom. It helps to build
ap your community, whiobsupporta you.
When the day (tomes that the newspapers
are dead the people are near the edge of
the grave, with not one to write their
epitaph.—John Wanamaker.
Ton bills of the new Metropolitan bank
are very handsome and beautifully in -
graved, The denominations are five,
ten, 20, 50 and 100. The chief design ou
the face of the note are two femalefiguree
reclining in flowing robes and represent•
ing industry and literature. Between
them is a cupid representing a young
country, and holding two lights, lighting
up both figures. The face of rho note is
tinted in colors of old rose,, with a sug-
geetioo of chocolate. The reverse aide is
in green, showing the royal arme and
pretty filigree work.
TUE Ontario Agrioaltnral Oollege is
again offering a free Winter course in
Stock and Grain Judging and Poultry
Raising to meet the wants of those who
are anxions to extend their knowledge
and improve their condition, bat cannot
afford the time for a regular course at
College. The e acerae for the former will
begin on the 8th of Jannary next and will
last for two weeks and the latter will bo -
gin the 9th of January and last for four
weeks. No tuition fee will be charged,
nor any entrance examination required,
Any farmer or farmer's eon may enter
the Stook and Grain Judging Course,
while any man, woman, boy or girl may
enter for the Poultry Ralstog course.
MATnioeoxrw.—A very pretty chrysan•
themom wedding was celebrated Wednes•
day evening of last week in Stratford at
he home of Jno. and Mre. Hislop, when
Mre. Elision's sister, Mies Florence May
6t. John, was united in marriage to Rev.
Thomas Sawyer, of Tesawater. The
ride wag given away by her brother•iu.
aw, Mr. Hislop. The Wedding March
was played by Mre. W. May, of Stratford,
od the ceremony was performed by Rev.
W. J. Aebton, of West Lorne. Little
Mies Bessie Hislop and Glare Bell Web•
ter anted as maids of honor. The bride's
adding costume was of Japanese silk
rimmed with chiffon. The bride xe-
eived many baodeome end ooetly pre°.
nts, indicative of the high esteem in
biota both bride and groom are held.
iter a wedding breakfast the bridal
arty left for Teeswater, - where they will
aka their home. Many friends were
reeenb from London, Woodland and
there plane nearby here. Mrs. Sawyer
as) served her apprenticeship as atrained
area in West Virginia, U. S. and will no
unlet prove a helpmeet indeed to her
erioal husband. Tern POST extends oou•
TRH LATE R. M. DrmraoN,—The Lang•
on, North Dakota, Ooorier•Demoorat,
Nov. 27, gives the following obituary
the late Robt. M. Dickson, formerly
Brussels, who reoently passed over to
e great majority .•—Robert Melvin
'neon was born at Roxboro', io Heron
aunty, Ontario, on the 1211, of January,
65. Hie early lite was spent in that
rt attending school until he entered
yon the study of law at Brussels iu the
Mae of Dickson & Hays. He afterwards
ole a three years' course in the Detroit
liege of law, graduating with the de-
n of L. L. B., in June 1897, Soon
ter this he began the practice of law in
e o0ioe of Hon. P. T, Vanzile, dean of
e college, with whom he remained until
pril, 1899, when he name to North
akota and joined his brother in prectioe
this city, baviog first beau admitted
on certificate from the attpreme court
Michigan. He was a alosestudent and
careful and oonaaeotions advieor at
ase who oame for advice. He was thor.
ghly equipped for his work and well
reed in pleading and praotioe, Had his
e been spared he would have been ono
esfulin his profession. Mr. Dickson
as hind and ooarteons to all, Nob given
Baying unkind things of any one. Tbns
made many (Mende and few enemiee.
e death caused sorrow to all who knew
m. Hie presence will be missed in the
Dial oirole as well nit in the church ` of
hive he was a member. The kind,
ntle unassuming man that he wax will
seen no more in Our mittat. But he id
Iter off. Life's fitful fever has ceased
d he hae entered the rest that remain.