HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1902-11-27, Page 8%' 1 z U L J PQ T H .,C F' $ L. Yr' $ Cad vel. xl E !MI U L S! V N Builds, up the Fatty Tissues of the Body, increases Your Weight Otte„ more thee a Ib, pereek, Gives great heat and energyto the Bodyw and is a good g Prventative against COLDS, INTERNAL CHILLS, CONSUMPTION, PNEUMONIA, ETO. It is as easy to take as milk. Prises 400 and 750. HURSLEY'S DRUG STORE BRUSSELS. raxal Stbas Jtem: , A ohiel'e among ye takit' notes, An' faith he'll prent ie. BEAD the advte. 'Noon is sortie. FINE Fall weather. Oo. Commie opens next Tuesday. Comm meeting next Monday evening, THE flax mill have oommenaed watch. inM•ogrnaa Horse Fair on Thursday, Deo. 11. A, OOneLEY and P. Ferguson got a fine fox as a reward of a half day's hunt. WEDNESDAY gave ne a little touch of Winter and the white mantle was spread. F. B. HORSLEY, draggiet, bee a new assistant. Hie name ie Easley. THE POST oordially welcomes him to town, A 29 pound turkey was delivered at Brussels for Robt. Thomson on Thursday of this week by Wm, Bateman, of Grey. ORGANIZER TORRANCE, of Lietowel, is here this week booming the 0. 0, F. Be bas been very euooesefal along this line of work. A new office is being fitted up in R. Thomeon'e Egg Emporium that will add to the comfort and convenience of the proprietor. MAHLER'S Apple Evaporating factory will have work for a month yet. They have had a buoy season and handled a large quantity of fruit. A lively bueineee is being done at F. Adams' factory, Mill street, in turning oat model butter printe. He Belle to the wholesale trade entirely. JNo. LECKIE and W. H. Kerr were in. vited to attend a public meeting at Goderioh on Monday evening to boom the proposed Eleotria Railway bat neither were able to accept. A 85 bill, tied in the corner of a hand- kerobief, was lost last week. The lady who lost it will be greatly pleased at ire return act it did not belong to her. If the finder will leave it at THE POST, he will be heartily thanked. P. BaoTT and W. F. Scott are away to New York to attend a big Bale of horses held by the leading breeders of the United Staten. Our townsmen are on the look out for a couple of choice bred mares with a good show of speed. They are expected home on Friday night or Saturday of this week. VOTING- on the Lookridge Broe. Loan By-law will take place next Monday from 9 a. no. to 5 p. m. Property owners are the only potions allowed to vote and there must be a majority of the voters on the list to carry the By-law. In our judgment no voter who desires the prosperity of Brussels ebonld vote againet it. Dtaoreesn.—The Daae against Mre. Geo. McKim, of Walton, charging her with selling liquor without lioenee, same np for hearing Friday afternoon, in the Council Chamber, Brussels, before W. H. Kerr, J. P. The defendant plead not guilty and two witnesses were examined by Inspector Miller who swore the liquid wan lemon soar. Case was diemieeed by Magistrate. STEADY employment ; good wages ; for young women, girlie and boys who are without good paying positions, Nice work, pay weekly. Heade of familiao deeiroue of getting into a good locality with plenty of employment and oppor- tunities for advanoement for themeelvee and families should write ab once. Good hoaeea : low rent ; progreeeive town. THE R. FoRBES Co. LIMITED Worsted Koitting Mills Heepeler, Ont. To MlaaraoN CITY.—Taeeday afternoon of this week Dr. A. W.L. Gilpin, ordinar• ily called "Fred." left Broeeele for Mich- igan City, Indiana, where he opera a dental office on hie own amount. He has event the past 6 months assisting Dr. Oavanagh, hie uncle, at Owen Sound, going there after his graduation at Chicago. Miobigan City ie located on Lake Michigan, about) 60 miles from Chicago by land and 28 by water. It has a population of 18,000 and growing fast and in a good bueineee oentre. The Miobigan Central railway have their oar abope, round house!, &a, there. We expect to hear of Dr. Gilpin doing a good praotioe as he is well up in his profession, will take his part in musical and literary oiroleo and is not averse to a good game of base ball, TIM Poor wishes him en00eae in hia new home. R. M. DICKSON DEogeoEn,—The sad in. telligenoe was reooived here on Thursday of last week that Robert Melvin Diokaoo, a former well known resident of Brussels, bad paid Nature's debt at Langdon, North Dakota, on Wednesday at 9 o'clook p. m. Typhoid, fever was the pause, a hemorr. hage being the fatal turn of the disease. R. M. was in hie 88th year and was widely known and most highly respooted. He was a Barrister by profession .and un- married although a matrimonial alliance was in Contemplation in the near future, we understood. The funeral service took place at the residence of W. B. Diokeou, Barrister, brother to the doomed, well known to many of our readers, on Sat- urday afternoon last, interment being made at Langdon cemetery. Simon Grant, of Brunets, was an uncle to Mr. Diokeon. Many regrets are ex. primed here over the Budden demise end sympathy telt for the bereaved vela• uvea and friends. A new metallic roof has been planed upon R. Maioprize'estable this week. PHILIP Amer has enlarged and im• proved his fine reeidenee and extended tbo verandah. He hue a nice home, Bonen blanket lost between Braeeele and Oon. 16, Grey, on Tuesday evening Nov. 26. The finder will oblige by leav ing at L. Ma'Dooald'e Walton. TBE introduction to Tennyson's won. derful poem, "In Memoriam," will be continued at Melville Young People's Society next Monday evening by Mien Jean Ritobie. Evens anpolled vote on Deo, 4 counts against the Prohibition measure act the Aot eeye 212,723 electors moat vote. Every elector should nee his franchise in either Yee or No. THE Deputy Returning allure for the Referendum vote on Deo. 4, in Brussels, will be A. Coa0ley, Geo. R ,gars and W. F. Scott. Polling in the usual piece! from 9 in the morning to 5 o'olook in the afternoon. • THE new plate glees to replace the one broken in Jae, Fox's drag store window on Hallowe'en night dams to hand and was planed in position on Monday. fine• pinion rests upou a oertain few as to the atone throwing that broke the gleam but no arrests have been made yet. Tumors DELrvnar,—All pereone who have sold turkeys to the undersigned are asked to deliver them at Brussels on Tues. day, Wednesday or Thursday of next weak, Deo. 2, 3 or 4. Am open to purchase all the turkeys yet unsold. R. THOMSON, Brunets. EVERY owner who desires to promote the advancement of Brunets aheald vote for the loan to Lookridge Broe. next Monday. The amount to each ratepayer for interest -is a very small sum, viz about 22 ciente on each 81,000 aeee0ement, an. nnally, or 11 saute on a 5500 aaaeeement. SOMEBODY i6 going t0 get themeelvee into trouble over intertereuoe with con. veyanoes at the Methodiet church ahede. Last Sabbath Home small sealed thief took a good whip from the rig of R, Hoover and eabetituted a relic of other days. Saepiction pointe to a, certain perry and if proof Dan be obtained an example will be made in short order. GED. BEST now bee a fine epee of blaoke. He bought back a mare formerly owned by Geo. Cardiff, of town, and traded a Borrel pacer oolt to the same gentleman for another blank he had recently our• chased near Seatorth. Mr, Beet ie quite a horse fancier and generally drives a good animal but the new team will do the work on the farm principally. BHrnpnto.-5 Cara of Salt were ehipped this week from Brussels ; other shipments were :—Jno. Grainger, oar of cattle ; Geo. Henry, oar honeehold furniture : A. Beaker, oar of hogs, oar of baled hay and 2 oars of oate ; R. Graham, oar of oats ; J. Montgomery, or of sorap iron ; A. 0. Dames, car of cattle ; Joo. Ament, oar of household effeote ; R, Thomeon, butter to Sydney, Cape Breton. MATRIMONIAL.—On Wednesday after- noon of lest week, at five o'clock, the home of Lewis and Mre. Bolton,Lietowel, was the scene of a pretty white chryean- themnm wedding, when their only daugh- ter, Annie, was married to Russel Alex. ander Climie, youngest son of the late John M. Gliwice. The ceremony was per- formed by the bride's oonein, Rev. C. Bolton, St. Catharines, aeeieted by Rev. Mr. Oliver, Listowel. The bride, who was given away by her father, wore a handsome gown of white duchess satin with embroidered lace net over dreee. She wore a tulle veil with a wreath of orange blossoms and a carried a lovely bouquet of white rosea. The ribbon bear. ere were Missies, Amain and Master Ane• tin Roes, niece and nephew of the groom, The bridesmaid, Mies Lily Tabberner, wore a pale green gown with trimmings of white chiffon and real laoe. She car• ried a boquet of American Beauty rueee, and wore a pearl ring, the gift of the groom. Mies Margaret Sutherland play• ed the wedding marsh. Her gift from the groom wee a chatelaine wrist bag with long chain, and the ribbon bearers each received a gold chain and locket. The groom was supported by Roy Hack• ing. Atter the oeramony Mies Wigle and Mise Doan, of Kingsville, Bang very a0 oeptable eetentions. The drawing -room wan beautifully decorated in red and white, the Dolor scheme beieg carried out even to the favors each guest received. In the reception room manes of palms and ferns with the white 'mama' made a delightful spot where the bride and groom received hearty congratulations encu good wishes. Mre.Bolton, mother of the bride, wore a gown of black grenadine over black satin with trimmings of areamohif. fon lane. Mr. and Mre. Olimie left on the evening train for Detroit, Cleveland and New York, Mrs. Olimie'e going. away gown wee of green canvas sloth, etrape of green broadcloth and buttons being the trimmings. Her hat wan of white oloth and green trimming. She also wore a handsome mink ruff, the gift of the groom, About eighty guests were present, The out of town gaeeta were ; A. and Mre. Doan, Gorda ; Dr. and Mre. Brawn, Mr,' and Mre. Hemp. hill, Wroxeter ; Mies Doan and 111r. Doan, Palmerston ; Mktg Doan and Mies Wigle, Kingsville ; Miee Walker, Inger. soil ; Mies Adams and Mr. Bolton, Tor. onto ; Mrs. Lush and E. Lnnb, New• market ; Rev. Chao, Bolton, St. Gather. Ines ; Mr. and Mra. Roes and Master A. Rose and Mies Roee Brussels. Omens and elelgbe were running 913 Tllureday. 00O0B 0A14-14.. Blobardaon tooknu overdose of opium on Thpreday morning of thio week to induce sleep and required medical attention to help him ever the danger spot. 48 new plots have been surveyed in Brneaels cemelery, The silentolty of the dead le erre gf ire inoreaae and the rapidity with width thie bakes place in one of the strongest proofs of mens mortality, BoAFouTn only Sed 10 vase recorded against their 510,000 loan to their woollen mill. Lal °wears of property in Brua. Dela give it eimilnr verdict next Monday and ooh the tan minority in two if not wipe it out altogether. Bruseele needs a hustling Woollen industry ao don't wait to be ooaxed but in your own intereete vote early for the Bylaw. TIM Bowling Club are giving en enter- tainment in the Town Hall on 8th Deo, having eeoared Mies Marietta La Dell, Danada'e favorite entertainer and Mies Teresa Flanigan, 0anado'o eweeteet soprano, in versed and misaellaneoue pro. gram of song and etory in Irish, German, Sootoh and other dialects, "Maistly Scotch." Don't mise hearing them, DELINEATOR FOR DECEMBER,—To do jos. tine to this number, which for beauty and utility touches the highest mark, it would be neaeeeary to print the entire list of contents. It is euffioient to state that in it the beet modern writers and artiste are generonaly represented. The book contains over 230 pages, with 84 fulbpage illustrations, of which 20 are in two or more colors, The magnitude of this December number, for which 728 tone of paper and six tone of ink have been used, may be understood from the fait that 91 presses running 14 hours a day have been required to print it ; the binding alone of the edition of 719,000 copies representing over 10,000,000 eeo- tfons which had to be gathered individual- ly by human hands. Tne Be eor.—A good deal of diroueeion has been on the go relative to the form of the ballot to be aced on Deo. 4, hence we give on outline of it ae foilowe :— Are You In Favor 01 the bringing Inco force of the Liquor Act, 7902 ? yes NO Xv On the above marking the voter has marked his ballot for "The.Lignor Aot of 1902" whioh is the title of the new law. Had he pat his x in the No column he would have voted against the prepoeed prohibitory measure and ooneegnently for theretention of the present liquor Act, familiarly known as the Orook'a Aot. Every elector should vote on either one side or the other on Deo. 4, so that as fair a consensus of opinion as poeeible may be obtained. If you vote in the "Yea" column you poll for the wiping out of the lioenee system witboat any doubt, no matter how some people may try to mystify. Fres A000aoaE.—Taeeday evening, in oonneation with the public meeting held in the Town Hall, Brussels, the building was filled to the doore. Well planned thoughtful addreeeee were given on the Prohibitory measure before the Province. Thos. McMillan, of Buffett, was the first speaker and for about three quarters of an hour diaoneeed the new Aot, show- ing its advantages over all past legislation and then proceeded to deal with objec- tions raised by those opposed to it. He eertninly did well and spoke with good effeot. Rev, E. E. Marshall, B. A., of Woodstock, 000apied about the same time and in a olever, clear out, diepaesiooate manner dealt with the subject at issue. Different persona have expressed them• selves that it was One of the finest ad. dresses they ever heard on the emotion. A. Hislop, M. P. P., was the last speaker. HB referred to the Act ; spoke of his own intention of voting "Yee" on Deo. 4 and said he was not in favor of compeneatioe. Daring the evening in addition to a num- ber of campaign songs being Bung, choice solos were well rendered by Messrs. Stewart, of Wiarton, and Avieon, of this locality. W. H, Kerr wan chairman. The meeting oonoluded with singing "God bless our canoe" and the Benedio• tion by Rev. Jno. Roes, B. A. No small amount of good will be the outcome of Taeeday'a splendid meeting, People We Snow. Rev. D. Ballantyne, of Molesworth, was a visitor in town on Tuesday. Mre. J. H. Sperling and eon, of White• church, are vleiting friends in town, Mies Mary Forbes is assiotiag in Bar- rister Sinclair's office ae type writer, rho, Earl Baeker is learning the baking business at Jae. Ballentyee'e. He should make a good hand, Mre. S. Smale leaves this week for Buffalo, N. Y„ where she expecte to [Teed the Doming Winter with relatives. Mrs. T, L. Hamilton, of Listowel, and Mise Jean MoPhernon, of Olinton, are visitors with Mre. J. Leckie this week. Mre. A. J. Lowry entertained her Bab. bath School elans of young men al her home on Thursday evening of last week. Mre. Dovey and children, who recently left town for California, reached their destination in safety we are pleaeed to hear. Herbert Cunningham arrived home last week from a trip to the Wait. It evidently agreed with him by the way he inoreaaed in avoirdnpoiee. Mre. fe, F. Herman arrived from litho. .bone, Idaho, and will visit her mother, Mre MoNiohol, Queen et. Mr. Herman is expected later. Mre. Wm, MoOall, John street, took ill on Wednesday night and the doctor bed to be called bat we are pleaeed to hear that she ie better again. Inepeotor Louden made hie offioial visit to Braeeele Branch of the Standard Bank this week, He favored Tam Poor with a call on Taeeday afternoon. Mies Adams, of Toronto, is the gueet of Mre. J. Leokie at Kelven Place, Wil- liam street. The visitor is a Meter of Mies Adams, who was a teaoher in Brun. eels Public eoboel at one time. Mre. Neil Milloy is very dangeroeiely 111 we regret to say and fears are enter- tained for her recovery. Her daughter, Mre, Coleman, of 'Toronto, was called home on account of her mother's Berioa' condition. Mrs, Ira Barkley, a former Braeeelite, who baa been a resident of Ypsilanti, Miob., woe renewing old friendehipe in town on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Barkely are moving to Battle Creek, Mich,, whore theyiutend making their home. Will. Stelpenny, of Neepewap Manitoba, is visiting bie sister, Mrs, Al. H, Moore, He bee beau laid up with iuilammatiorl of the knee tar tome time and is home on a recruiting vaaatiop, We hope he will soon be tee well as ever, Jna, Halliday, of London, wee visiting relatives apd friends in team during the part week,• It is aver 18 yeare tines lily. Halliday and family removed from Bette. Obi bat he and Mee, Halliday areremvm. bared by not a few Of our 011 0•l'0. Jno, Ament and family will remove to Millbank next week- Their many Mende in Brussels and Igoaliby wish them many happy, prosperous yeare In their new home, The distance ie not so great but that they may ocoaoionaly take a run book to Brnetels, While vleiting in Miobigan Jno, Wynn met with Jno, Golding, at a place called Whittemore, The person referred to was a resident of Brussels 41 years ago being a carriage maker with whom Mr. Wynn worked. It was a pleasant and unexpect- ed meeting to both partial. CHURCH 'MIMES - The woman's Mieoionary Auxiliary will take °barge of Epworth League ler• vies next Sabbath evening in the Mello. diet °unrolp. Bt. Matthew Srd chapter and 2nd verse "Repent ye for the Kingdom of heaven is at band" was the text oboeen by Rev. Mr. Webb at St. Johu'c cherub last Bab - bath evening from whish a flue discourse was given. Jae. Jones eang "Beyond the gates of Paradiee" in good voice. Leet Sabbath morning Rev. Jim. Roes, B. As, discussed the Prohibition question in Melville Chorob, from the text "0 1 thou man of God there is death in the pot." He likened theliquortraffio to the death•dealing herb preparation in Elieba'e experience and preeeed to a very praoti. oal oompletion the disasters wrought to the industrial, physical, moral and spiritual interests by drink. The duty of the Christian voter was set oat and the foot made plain that the 84g -et -hornet] vote against the new Act.. The reverend gentleman preached in the Methodiet Ol,uroh in the evening along the same line and with good effect. RevT. W. Orleans took as the subject of hie Prohibition eermou last Sabbath morning, in the Methodiet Mach, "The goring ox," and gave a dieooaree that will not soon be torgot'en, The liquor treffio wee depicted me the ox and the destruction to the oommunity and the Nation amplified. Who was the owner 7 was the interrogation that brought the matter very close home to the individual elector who by the lioeneing system be. 000300 a partner in the- beakless. An argent appeal was made de to the personal responsibility in this oempaign and the 000080015 for duty doing. Rev, Mr. Cosene 000apied Melville Cheroh pulpit Sabbath evening taking as his theme "The curse of Meroz" in which trouble was brought to pave owing to indifference. Dr. Fred. Gilpin sang "Guard while I Bleep" at the evenidg service in the Methodiet Cheroh. THE REFERENDUM VOTE. To Whom it May Oonoern (And. They Are Many) :— That the liquor traffic ie responsible for a very large proportion of the orime and misery which exiete in our country, is an undoubted fast, as testified by magietratee, judges, jail and aaylnm offs. Male, &o„ &o. That it should be prohibited by law he a moat reasonable and wise decision, and demands our eerione consideration. The act which we are to vote on no soon is not all that many desire, yet is aoknowiedged to be "tbe strongest piece of legislation, on this question, ever entered upon the statute books of Can. ada," and it gees as far as the jariediotion of the Proviooe will allow. It will abolish the open bar, and ooneegaently the treating eyetem. It is very explicit and comprehensive, making it illegal "for any person in the Province of Ociario, by himself, clerk, servant or agent, to expose for Bale, directly or indirectly, or npon any pretence, or upou any devise, to sell or barter, or in consideration of the par. oboe or tranefer of any property or thing, or to give to any other person, any in. toxioating liquor without having first obtained a droggiet'e lioenee, wholesale or retail." And any paean offending againet any provisions of the not, is liable for the first offense to a fine of nob lees than 5200. Hence to compare this with the Soott Aot is unjust. °onaerning what is being said about Prohibition proving a failure wherever tried, is simply untrue. We have over- whelming teetimony to the contrary. Maine, whioh is so often referred to, hae been enriched by it. To bring the aot into operation will require 212,723 votes. There are on the list of qualified eleotore, not lees than 550,000, and it ie certain that a majority are in favor of the Prohibition of the Liquor traffic. Doubtless there are more than 275,000 votere who oonld not be ',induced to vote for the traffic, hence there ought to be 0o difboulty in aeouring the neceagary 212,723, just about thirty-eight per oeut of the whole number on the voters lista. Friends of Temperauoe 1 Friends of humanity 1 let ae bear in mind :- 1—That our vote is a treat from God, His eye ie upon ua, 2—That we are our brother's keeper. Help to put the temptation out of hie way. 3—That fn this case, it we stay at home, we shall be assured as against the measure, 4—That we are not voting on the Aot itself, but on the question of bringing into force the Aot which has already been paned. 5—There le no time to lose—in a few days the opportunity will be goue by forever. 6—Tbat if the vote Palle short, there are those who will go into a drunkard's eternity, who might have been saved, and some loved one may be of the number. 7—Remember the wordeof Jaene Obriet "Every plant whioh my Heavenly Father bath not planted shall be rooted up" and we are Bare that the traffic is catch a plant. "Have faith in God." Work wide a will, and expect a glorious viotory. J. GREENE. Clinton, Harry Oowan, a Ove•year•old Ottawa boy, fell into the waterworks aqueduct and wan drowned. T. B. Flint wee sworn in as Clerk of the House of Oommone and entered upon 1 his duties Monday. Nov. 27, 1802 Tho Standard Baal of Cauda CAPITAL (authorised byAot cifPatllamgnt) ., ,,, 83,000,050.00 ratCAPITAL te Pul7Ny'Apa1d up) Locomen 88,000 TOTAL A.80/4T8 ,,, ,,, "",•, 18,017,804,00 HEAD QFFiCE, - „TORONTO 515), IP, HEM, General Maumee Lli7 ' '+ f `� .l NO1]f . Ae oelte reeetved, Loaua male to respell. V� l l Bit tt Lv V iL • able parties on favorable terms. Drafts and money erdere issued, payable at a y point, at lowest rates. Oolleettone promptly atteeded o, A General Bariklng Balinese traneaoted, Every faotllty alrerdal Ottatemert living ata dlottune. Sayings Bank Department Amounts of ono dollar and upwards rooglved and interest nt nighaal t nt rate allowed from date aogoue0 to soaped, and added to the prinaipel Shay 81sand and November 00112, Fanners' Sale Notes Oaebedootloor nreeelved for safe keeping and Ooll, Blank Note Boring Wree nu APPIlgatlon Sours 10 to 3, Saturdays 10 to 1, F. H. GRAY, AonuT. The Allan Liner Sioilian struck ground in the St, Lawrence below Quebec, and had to return to Mort for repairs. At different pointe in - the Province Snuday school children's demonstrations in favor of the liquor not are being ar. ranged for Saturday next. A private letter received in Ottawa stelae that Sir Wilfrid Laurier ie moll benefitted by hie visit to Hot Springs, Ve, He will return in three weeks.. Nioholae Swayzie, of Stony Creek, wee aooidentally ehot in the face while hunt- ing quail with a oompabion. It is feared be may love the eight of one eye. aor.szv , HuaenSY,—In Brussels, on Nov. 19, to Mr. and Mrs. F. s. Rureley, a eon. MAoNAn.—LI Walton, on Nov. 22nd, to Rev. and Mre. A. MacNab, a Baugh. ter. STnwenr.—In Cbapleau, on November 1603, to Mr. and Mre. J. B. Stewart, formerly of Grey, a eon. xaaA.x xBIaa. CODA—HEMPHILL.—In Wroxeter, on Nov' 261h, 1902, by Rev. I. A. McKelvey, Mr. Cornelia. Cook, of Heneell, to Mise Minnie Hemphill, eldest daugh- ter of Mr. T. Hemphill, of Wroxeter. Were—MoMaista .—At the borne of the bride's mother, in Howiak, on Wed- nesday, Nov. 191h, 1902, by Rev. I. A. MoKelvey, Mr. David Weir, to Mine Annie Padill heel, both of Howiok. =ME9- DloxeoN,—In Langdon, North Dakota, on Nov. 19, Robert Melvin Diokeon, formerly of Brussels, in his 38th year. EDWABDe.—In •Belmore, on Saturday, Nov. 22nd, 1902, Sarah A., daughter of Wm. Edwards, aged 22 yeare and 10 montbe. WETrLADFER.—In Blyth, on November 19th, Miele Sybillia Wattmeter, aged 19 yeare. AVCTIOST FRIDAY, Nov. 28 —Farm stook, im- plements, &o. Lot 27, Con. 15, Grey. Sale, unreserved, at 1 o'clock. David K. Livingeton, Prop. F. S. Scott, Aum. FRIDAY, Dno.5.—Farm stook, imple. menta, &o. Lot 11, Con. 15, Grey. Sale, unreserved, at 1 p. m, R. M. Douglas, Prop. F. 8. Soott, Arlo. Tumults, Dna. 9.—Farm etook, imple. menta, deo., Si Lot 18, eon. 8, Morrie. Sale, unreserved, at 1 o'olook. Wm. Jackson, prop. ; Thos. Brown, aunt. ONE CENT A WORD COLUMN. GUMEnon servant wanted at once. Apply to MRS, LEMUE. Goon Milo) now for Bale. Apply to JAB. MoARTER,Brueaele• Gm80eAr, purpose mare, 7 yeare old, for sale.. GEO. Balms, Brueselo. GnNEaAL atore for sale. For further paionlare apply to J. H, THOM80111- Hen- Gyn. WANTED.—A thoroughly reliable nurse girl,- MRS. F. H. GRAY, Corner Turnberry and Queen eta, 0russel0, THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. BREEDING EWES, EWE Lambe and Ram Lambe, Leleeatere, for sale Eligible for regietratlon. OLIVER TIM/MULL, Lot :10, Oon. 10, Grey. Wal. ton P. 0. 16.11 WOOD CUTTERS WANTED. —The outran of cutting 200 cords of etovowood In tlee baeb will be let on anvil. cation to SAMIIEL BURB:E,6111 Line,Mor. rte. Brussel[ P.0, DOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE in the Village of Ethel. A desirable property. ;For particulars as to prise, terms & , apply on the premises to MORRIS FOCAL, or Ethel P, O. 18.8m FOR SALE. -5 SHEA•RLING Rams - 1 two-year-old and 2 Ram Lambe. Pure bred Leieeeters, Good ones at low prices. Also Short Horn Bulls, ()owe and Heifers at very moderate prices and easy terms. D. MILNE Cr BON, Ethel. _. T M. O'CONNOR,—..--__-- • GEAERAL INSURANCE AGENT for some of the beat and safest Companies iu Canada for Fire, Accident and Plate Glass. OfBee over I. 0. Richard's store, Brussels. 18-3m WOOD WANTED. Tenders will be received until December 12, 1902, for the delivery of 100 cords of good sound green hard wood, 22 inches long. to be delivered at the Brnaaela Public School before the 101 dny of Maroh,1903. R. ROSS, Secretary Publio'Bohool Board, Bmeaele,Nov, 19,1902. MEETING OF THE HURON COUNTY COUNCIL.—. The Council of the Corporation of the County of Huron will meet in the Cnunoil Chamber, in the town of Godericn, on Tues- day the gad day of December, next, at 3 o'clock p, m. W. LANE, Clerk. Dated at Goderioh this 16th day of Nov- ember, ovember, 1902, - PINGPO1VG (TABLE TENNIS) The Newest and most Popu- lar Game. Either 2 or 4 can play it. Complete direc- tions with each set. Price from 60o. up to $1.90. F X9 S DRUG STORE. SHORTHORNS AND CLYDE$. .wIts For sale 2 young bulls 11 and 17 months old, The former took let prizes at Bruseele and Belgrav8 Fall Faire and 2nd at Blyth, and the latter was also a prize winner at Bromide, Alpo one yearling heifer. All are aired by Roan Duke, 86,788, which has token tat prize for past three yeare iu classes of home bred and imported stook, The dams of theseyoung• animals have repeatedly taken honors in the prize Nog. Will alae sell two Clydesdale fillies, with 4 and 6 Drosses of imported stook, ren inactively, aged 1 and 2 yeare. Easy terms o1 payment. P. ROBERTSON, Lot 8, Con. 9, Grey, 17.11 Brussels P. 0. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR Bale in Mae Village of Broeeele. I 0111 sell, on easy terme, my dwelling house, out- buildings, &o., with about Bi acres of land, whish ban a frontage on Frederick 8t„ or if you prefer to build will sell a acre front- age on Froderioli Bt., with stable and about 7 aoree immediately behind and extending to the limit of the Balt bleep Westward. This would leave dwelling house, a stable, also with it acre frontage and over 1 aore immediately behind for sale separately. There in no better looatlon in Brussels. The land is well drained and in a high .tato of cultivation. The soil is excellent either for gardening or farming. Choice fruit on the place. Will sell the whole for a little more than the oast of rho buildings. 19 -Et G. A. DEADMAN, Brussels. N THE SURROGATE COURT OF THE COUNTY OF HURON. In the matter of the Gdardianehip of Mary Ellen Wilkinson, Henry Wil. kinson and Andrew Wilkinson. NOTICE lo hereby given that applioation will be made to the Snrrogate Court of the County 00 Enron before the Judge of such Courtin Chambers at the Court House in the Town o1 Goderleb, after the expiratioi, of 20 days from the first publication hereof on behalf of Charles Berry Wilkinson, the uncle and ono of the next of kin of the said minora, who reside in the Township of Mor- ris in the County of Huron, for Lettere of Guardianship appointing the said Olparlee Berry Wilkinson, Guardian of the said Mary Ellen Wilkinson, Henry Wilkinson and An- drew Wilkinson during their minority. Dated at Brussels this 26th day of Nov. A. D.1902. PROIIDFOOT & HAYS, 20.3 Solicitors for Applicant, %arm MI"- el& 410o. Always the Lowest Strictly One Price HONEST ADVERTISING AND RELIABLE MERCHANDISE Are two great reasons for the wonderful success of this business. We will not sell trashy or unreliable goods. No matter how low a quotation we advertise you may depend that the goods are thoroughly reliable and that reductions are exactly as represented. This Week we have These Special Bargains —8 pieces 62 Mob pure wool Homeepun, in shades of Black, Navy, Mid, Grey and Oxford, regular price 75e ; 8peoial at .50 —56 inoh Pure Wool Bell Warp Coating Serge, very suitable for Skirts and guaranteed not to spot, in Black and Navy only, real value 5100, Special at .65 -15 pieces Beet Canadian Flannelette, all new stripes and fast colors, heavy weight, 36 inches wide, regular value 12to per yard ; Speoial at.10 — 10 dozen heavy pure Linen Hook Towels, with red border and fringe endo, size 20 x 43 inohea, regular price 860 ; Special at — 2 dozen Ladies' Black Monetized Sateen Under• skirts, with full flounces and three small trine, regular price 51.50 each ; Special at — 12 dozen pairs of Ladies' Ab,olntely Pnre Wool Oaobmere Hoee, spliced heel and tole, worth regular 85o ; Special at • .25 1.00 .25 —3 boxes Colored Velvet Cords, shades Fawn, Black and Brown, regular prise 90e ; to clear at por yard —5 dozen Flannelette Night Gowns, in Pink, Blue and Grey effects, square yoke bank, pleated collar and band cafe ; Special value at —2 dozen Flannelette Night flowerer. trimmed around neok band and ooff, adore Pink, Bine and. Cream, real value 51.00 ; Special at .20 .50 .75 Lathes' Tailor - made Skirts at 3.50, 4.50 & $5 00 At these prime we on give you a big range of Styles. They are meetly made of All Wool Homespun and Freize in Grey, Navy and Black. Some are trimmed with satin folds and buttons ; othere have cording over hips ; all are strictly np to date, unlined ; fit and finish is perleot ; prises are low ; ,you have the peke I11.11 trouble of getting them made, 50 60, 54 60 and 55 00. Special Sale of Two Cases Mill Ends Flannelettes, widths 32 and 86 inches, all perfect goods, worth regular 8c. and 10c, length 8 to 14 yards, which we place on sale Saturday morning at 10 a.im at 5le & 6e. We would advise customers wanting these lines to be on hand early, although the Tuan- tity is large, but at such prices the entire lot will soon be picked up. J. FERGUSON & CO.