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The Brussels Post, 1902-11-27, Page 7
• OLIJ RUINS • 0ii EU01JESJA 2;41 . Or 4, 1/A4E ,S"II'OWIN(x ADVANCEMENT IN ARTS, 1t n interesting Paper by the Oler- ator of the Rhodesia • Mieeien, Mr. Frederic Philip Memel, X',G. S., the curator of tho Rhodesia„ Mu- , scum, Bulawayo, read nmost letter - citing paper recently to the mean - bora of the Authropologioal Seetien of the British Association at their meeting at Belfast on rho subject et "The i(halnl Patine ;rear Bulawayo." IIe said that •still over the territory between the Zambesi nett the Lim- popo, new known ns Southern Rho- desia, were numerous structures .. tes- tifying toa forrn'sr eeeupution of the cetentry by a race far more ad- vanced lu the ,arta than the Bantu tribes, who wore shown by Arab re- cords to have inhabited fire conn- try for fully 2,000 year's. The ]Cha- mi relies situated 12 miles from Bu1- awayO, might tie takenas typical. They consisted of about a, dozen sep- arate structures showing the usual. mol'laeless walls faced with oa1'olully squared granite I)jocics. about twice as large as an ordinary brick..'L'hes'e walls were about' three feet thick, and rose perpondiculoi'iy, without any batter as a rile, to height's. of 10 to 20 feet or luoro. The exterior walls roughly conformed to the shape of.,the• ground available, or wore more orless circular, but tho interior. ones ramified about in a most intricate manner. TEE PRINCIPAL RUIN had throe sots of walls at different levels. The main entrance had square endsto the walls on either side and tomtit excavations had re- vealed the fact that n series of stone - built stops led up to it from the foot of the slope. In other cases the walls. were .rounded off et the en- trances, and rounded buttresses sup- ported them at times. Other devices in the Way of decoration were the "chessboard" . and "herring -bone" patterns, formed by varying position patterns, formed • by the varying positions of the facing blocks and the introduction of dark -colored dol- erito blocks to contrast with the granite. It had been stated that these structures could. not have been roofed in, and in only ono instance out of many hundreds was 0 covered entrance known. At Tahlo Dlilo ruins, how- ever, there were the re- mains of wooden posts let into the masonry, and these )lad now aeon found at IChaini also. It. was possible that they were intended, In some cases at least., as supports for a roof. That the buildings 's were in- tended primarily as forts could be inferred from their inaccessible situ- ations, their narrow and well -coin - mantled entrances, and the fact that tbo sides of some of the hills on which they were built had evidently been artificially steepened. Many ob- jects of interest had been discovered al Khami, most ofwhich were now in the Rhodesia Museum, Bulawayo. The pottery and the articles made of copper and iron were probably in nearly all cases the work of later occupants of the ruins than the builders, Discrimination was ren- dered difficult by the obvious fact that the natives had copied the de- signs of • TIuni, EAIILXER WORKERS. This alight indicate either that they were the degenerate descendants of the builders of these remarkable structural or that their ancestors were forced to work for the latter as slaves, probably the correct explan- ation. Peculiar flat, oval-shaped Moues, sometimes pierced with a )tole near ono end, were among the ancient articles; and so were the humorous gold ornaments, which in- cluded chain and wire work, tacks for fastening beaten goal on to wood, and, gold beads of all shapes and sizes and in every stage of man- ufacttu'e. There were no inscrip- tions of any kind in any of the ruins, nor of iron tools, such es tnnst have been used in dressing the stone building. The tools might well have rusted away during the thousands of years that bad almost certainly elapsed glues they wore laid aside, but the absence of in- scriptions Was not so easy to ex - plain t plain if these structures were the work, ns had been contended, of the Sabaenns of Arabia. a rrcr(LE, Tommy - '141 Gennep, you teed ale last meek you lilted mo bettor'n you did any other boy, and now you're lettin' Dick Trotter shine up to you!" Lil-"l did like you best last week, but I've changed my mind. Does your papa keep a candy store?" Tommy -"No." 1,11 -"Well, Dick's papa does." L GRAINS OF GOLD. Superiority to circumstances is one of the most prominent characteris- tics of great men. -Horace Mann. Self -laudation abounds among the unpolished; but nothing can stamp a halt more sharply as ill-bred. -Bux- ton, Cheerfulness is lilac money well ex- am -Med in charity; the more wo dis- llenso of it, rho greater aur posses- sion.-Victor osses-sion.-Victof IIugo. EVERYBODY GET UNDER. "That will of Jenkins' was a sbady piece of business," "Indeed?" "Yes; 1e loaves only a family tree,", } 1h.1n500 (amazed) --"That your uncle 1 Why, you told me that your un lc had both his loge carried aWay in a battle 7iiilson :its` ho slid. 1 -la carried them away himself - ;pretty fest, I tell you." ]17rs. T'lannigan-"01. hear that sthrappin' Mrs, O'Rourke rules her ]husband wid a rod ay iron." ill's. Finnigan-`tiihe do not; she towlod me 11crself: tllot 0,11 she Ivor useson bin is a rolltn'-pin, A NECESSARY QUALIFICATION, A Scheel ilepeOtor 10 England ask. ed a child in a poimalm school to tell hien 00 nearly as posa'lbie What le understood a pilgrim to bo:. "A pilgrim is a 10011 who . goes about 1t' good deal," was the Veiny, '1'hie seamed not quites atisfnetory to the inspootor, and he said, "i 'go about a good deal,' but 1 rata 1101 a pilgrim," "Please, sir, T moan a good man" ryas the eager addition, An acro of 0110111) in the Milted Stales produces an average crap 0f 12 bush0)0J 11111 ne00 fn England grows 27 bushels. T f9 Q111A1VB WORN, OFTEN LEADS TO A; BR1ITAlt. DOWN IN IIEALMFX. Severe Iieadachee, , Loss 0f Ap- petite, Dizziness, Palpitation of the Ilsart and Other Dis- tressing Symptoms Fol- low, Wolnan'S cares about the house- hold are many and often worrying, and it is no wonder that the health of so many give way tinder the strain, :To weak, tired -out, depress- ed women everywhere, the story of Mrs. Geo.' L. Horton, the wife of a well known .farmer living nett' Fen- wick; Ont., will come as n message of hope, 1'o . a: reporter who inter- viewed her on the esubject, Mrs. Felwiel( said :-"Yes, I ala quite willing to giro my testionony to the groat good Dr. 1Villiauis' Piffle Pills lueve done me, me my experience may help some other sutfel;er. A couple of years ago my health began to give way, and I suffered from anaemia, with most ofthe depressingsmile- toneof that trouble. I Coteme much emaciated, had dlstressitng bead - melee, and a very poor appetite. At first X thought the trouble would pass a1ay, but in this I was mis- taken., as I continued to grow worse. My heart begun to palpitate violent- ly at the least exertion; my rest at night was broken and filially a bad cough set in, and I was scarcely able to do a bit of work about the house. An aunt in England who had been 111 had written mo that Dr. Wil:liauss' Pink Pills had restored her to health, and 1 determined to give the pills a trial. After the use of a few boxes I noticed a distinct improvement in my condition, and after using the pills for a few weeks more the trouble had completely left me. I could sleep well at night, t ic cough lest me; the headaches that had made lee so miserable vanished, my appetite returned, and I could again perforin my housework with ease. I shall always feel grateful for 3 what Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have done for lee, 0ncl strongly recommend themto outer ailing women," Dr. Williams' Pink fills have ac- complished just such good results in thousands of other cases among ail- ing men and women, and sufferers from any of the numerous ailinents resulting from poor, watery blood, who will give these pills a fairtrial Will soon be on the high road to. health and strength. Imitations are sometimes offered by unscrupulous dealers, who caro more fol' their own Profit than for their customers' health. Be sure that the full 11117110, "Dr, R'illiains' Pink Pills for Pale People," is found on the wrapper around every box you buy. If your dealer doesnot keep'theso pills sent) to the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont., encl. they will bo mailed post Paid at 50c. per box or six boxes for $2,50 SPARROWLESS SPOT. It may seem impossible to most readers that there can be a single place in the United Kingdom where the sparrow is never soon, and yet, on the authority of Prof. Newton, F. R. S„ there is such a spot -the moorland village of Shepstor, in Devon. Why 1,110 ubiquitous bird should shun this place is not explain- ed, but it is nn indisputable fact that it docs. It is all the more re- markable because the sparrow, like trade, "follows the flag," Wherever the British go there the sparrow is found. 1t has a tendency to grad- ually drive out all the native birds ofthe country in whish it 0110050s to settle. its pugnacity is well known, and it multiplies rapidly, the pro- geny of a single pair in ten years amounting to no fewer than 275,- 000,000 birds. WAKE 4 UP, BABY i A New Game for IVlothers. Baby's awakening ought to be looked forward to as a pleasure, not dreadeds n ascourge.' Pro should awaken bright, merry, and full of fun, refreshed by sleep, ready for a good time. 'Cow 0100y mothers dread his awakening howls, knowing that he will keep everyone miserable uutil he goes to sleep again or gels his food. These crying fits mien the terror of every laexpeienced mother. Mrs. Gabriel Barnes, Six Mile Lake, Ont., is 5 111011101 who has learned how this trouble can be best 111et, and writes us as follows : "sly baby suffered much from indigestion, attcl was cross and restless. I gave him several medicines',' but they did not help 111111. I, got to box of Baby's Own "tablets and they helped ham almost at -once, and have done hilt so much good that I would net now be without t11Cn1. 1 can rerolmnend Baby's Own '.Tablets to all mothers as the best medicine Ihave C r used for children," These Tablets. are guaranteed to 00)1tai11 no opiate or harmful drag, ar1(1 can bo given with safety absolu e h t Y t•o the youngest, weakest. infant, Solt) by all drug- gists or sent by mail, post paid, at 211 coats a box by writing direct to the Dr. Williams' 111odicine Co., Brockville, Ont., or Scltencotody, �Iw�'Lr�gLP� ex T'1Ergfsz 85p0 11®1)103 will bo paid by Leven Brothers Limited, Toronto, to any person who pan prove that this soap contains Iny form of adulteration whatsoever, er contains any injurious chenlleais, , Ash for Ilia Oeta3ton mar, urs PREVENTION OE ANTlRAX AHD ITS CUltXa IN MAN AND THE LOWER ANIMALS, Some Practical Marts by the Do- minion. Department of Age riculturo, In reply to rho question, "Is an - titres a danger to humanity?" - put 'recently by a daily newspaper, anthrax 18 a blood disease which af- fects all domestic animate. Carniv- ore or flesh eaters, dogs for example, enjoy a high degree of protection against it; but at times they, too, succumb, Alan himself is quite sus- ceptible, and sheep, goats, horned cattle, and Horses are especially lia- ble to contract it. The result de- pends upon the 1(0111onl of the body that is affected. If the poison passes the stomach and develops in tho intestines death follows. If in the case of a man a wound on 1110 ]trine or the leg giros the poison en- trance into the body; then malignant pustules form. Of- tentimes such patients re- cover; possibly one in live may die. The same may be said of horned stock, but sheep and goats, with one 00 two curious `exceptions, have little or no resisting powers, and anthrax once in a Roel. often clairns one-half its number as vic- tims. The cause of this disease is a plant too small by far to be seen by the eye unaidod. Under the microscope it looks like It rod about Ave times as long as it is thick, Five thou- sand of those rods or bacilli put end to end alight measure one inch in length. This rod-like plant goes to seed under certain circumstances, a point to be remembered because it is this peculiarity which gives it almost unlimited power for causing losses. These seeds (spores) can stand both heat and cold, and can lie for years in a dry place SVITIROUT LOSS OF VITALITY. moisture, 1 inll.ti e A coni] on of h nL and food, such as the animal body ofr'crs, 1nay cause the seed to germin- ate and develop an epidemic anew. Once within the animal body, an- thrax plants multiply without send formation, and 11 they cause the death of the animal, and it is buried without a dissection or inatilation, which would allow air to come into contact with .the blood, then, in a short time, the plant dies, and noth- ing remains to germinate future trouble. Almost invariably, imme- diately after death, however, blood exudes from MI the natural open- ings of the camas of nil authrax victim; therefore it is the duty of the farmer to take caro that the carcass is cremated immediately life is extinct. In no case should the carcass be skinned or the plague may extend not only among the adjacent flocks and herds but to the tannei.'s and their helpers who take part in removing time hicks from the animal. Last year a' bulletin was issued by the Dominion Department of Agri- culture dealing with anthrax, and demonstrating the efficacy of the use of Pasteur's vaccines to pro- duce immunity. Tho anthrax bacilli themselves aro easily killed, but their sports resist tiowysa 'i111s i Wo offer Ono Hundred Dollars Reward for any un::c of Catarrh that cannot be cured by ldalt's Catarrh Cure. 1'.- J. 0111)NI11 A, 00., 'Toledo, U. We, the undersigned, have known 14`. J, Uhoney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable In all business transactions tutu financially able t0 carry out any obligations made by their arm t. 1 I,44'1' S, 1JtIJAX, 1Vholesale Druggists, !Voiotia, 0. )AL111NU, KINNaN 0 t1 ARVIN, Wholesale Druggists, 01000, Ilnll's Catarrh (tetra is token .inter- nally, acting directly upon rho blood anti mucous surfaces of the syste111. Testimonials scut free. 1'rica Tiro. per .,ott(e, Sold by all druggists. hall's Family 1'itls afro the best. ordinary germicides, and even such degrees of lent as 1(111 other spores of bacteria. If the disease be left unchecked and preventive measures be neglected, not only may present serious losses be experienced but the land itsier may bo roadered infective for conturioa. The spores of the ba - cities in some citie iet into the way get ground and remain there in n dor- mant state for many years. The skin, hair, wool, hoofs, and 11 OrnS of infected animals, if soiled with blood, are contaminated with the ba- cillus. 1't is en infection the very reverse of that of contagious pleuro- pneumonia., which requires the con- tact of living diseased animals with living healthy animals, whereas an- thrax infection rarely takes place from living animals, unless the blood containing bacilli be allowed to con- taminate the food, or inoculate a wounded surface. The carcass and excreta are to be dreaded as the SODUIlCES OF INFECTION, 1f after death the blood be con- fined within the body, and dis- charges from the natural oponings'be prevented by plugging them with tow saturated with a twenty per cent, solution of eorbollo 0.01(11 and the carcass 50 carried, not dragged, to the place prepared for burning it, no infection is likely to take ,front it. As a precautionary Vaca o t 1 ,Y measure, however, the stall end sur- roundings where the 'death occurred shnlild be thoroughly disinfected, ns well as the cart, 01' wagon in which it hes been carried. Afa.er burning the Carcass bury the ashes deeply with 'lime, The 1',8o', 4 0I#A.r.t.e't.rsetYtAetesetesYse rrrz F it 1 Ceylon Tea is the Finest Tea the world produces, and is sold only in load packets. l�eic, Mixed and Green. 'Asan tea drinkers try 'Sadada" Green to , W.oesssrwrrneszoC•at'.-e„o unawzamaaW risks that are run byany careless nems in dealing with the eareass from 181)101) millions of millions of infective spores may be given off, 17111011 many years after infect and destroy cattle, sheep, swine, and horses, and enormously reduce the value of the farm, must be obvious.' Vaccination or protective Inman, - lion should not be Undertaken by any fn0xperieneed person, and on no account shoe's/a old or doubtful lymph bo used. X'rotective lymphs may bo obtained through the Domin- ion 'Department- of Agriculture at a discount of oue-third on the ordin- ary retail price, -4 DID NOT WONDER TIIAT Ii1'; SNOT. An old Scotch woman had imbibed so thoroughly the ancient doctrine that music in the church was sinful that when she came to this country she refused to fall in with the gen- eral sentiment in faVOr of choir sing- ing, One day in church the choir was singing 11. very elaborate anthem which was new to her. Sho scowled,' and turning to her neighbor, com- plaine(' of the evil of modern ways which permit a Newfangled piece of concert music in the sacred walls of a church, ''But," protested her neighbor, "that anthem is very old and very sacred, Why, David sang it before Sault" "Woe), weol," answered the old lady, "1 un'orstand noo why Saul threw a javelin at David when the lad sang for him!" Ho -"l suppose you think I'm act- ing like a fool." Sho-"No, indeed. I know better than that." 110 - "You do?" She -"Yes. I 110011' the difference between acting and the real thing." When washing greasy dishes or pots and pans, Levers Dry Soap (a powder) wilt remove the grease with the test ease, greatest The rarest of flowers is candor, - Racine. ENGLISH SPAWN LINIMENT removes a.11 hard, soft or calloused_ LAUD 50 end Blemishes from. horses. Blood Senate, Curbs, Splints, sting Bone, Sweeny, Stifles, Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, arc. Save eco by use of one bottle. War - rad the onderful Blemish evor known, Sold by all druggists, Cure One golden day redeems a weary year.-Oolia Tbaxtor. MInard's LIniment Cures La Grippe The misfortunes that are hardest to bear are those that never happen. -Lowell, "Dr. August Koenig's Hamburg Breast Toa," writes Mr. F. Batsch, of Horicon, Nis., "enabled mo to get rid of an obstinate cough ; we feel very grateful to the discoverer of this medicine." Columba sense is instinct, and en- ough of it is geniis. -1l: W. Shaw. FROM TORONTO and Canadian paints, to New York and Philadelphia. Tihe best route via Lehigh Valley Itn'hlroma Ser- vice the best, scenery unsurpassed, Pullman palace sleeping cars, din- ing car service, meals a la carte. The trey line front Canada landing pas- sengers near all European steam- ship docks in New York, saving pas- rengors for Europe a long anti ex- pensive transfer. Route of the Black Diamond Express. Day train, try it. I' -or tickets. Pullmans end further pat•ticuiars call on Crgnd Trunk Agents or on Robt. S. Lewis, Canadian Passenger Agent, 33 Yougo steeet, Doatd of Trade build- ing, Toronto. Ile who believes in nobody knows that 110 hin+eclf is 1101 to be trust- ed.-Auerbach. rust- ed.-Auerbach 't• t IL BS POSITIVELY CURES Rheumatism Neuralgia Backache Headache Feetache All Bodily Aches AND CONQEERS PAIN A i l ?Sime tertk;.`1n ratantYt41:�1`ktxi'SR tM P o 11155 • MOLASS11S C1UI7.'5D OA1trCWE4, A correspondent writes from 11llto- kay,'l ueonslana, describing to a Sydney paper "tenet is believed to be e shnplo and wonderful cure for cap. W." Ire states that a resident who had what had been dlsguosod as a cancer under his tongue casually ap- plied some molasses to the affected part, rind suffered intense pain for about an 'hour, Then the pain abat- ed, 01zd the spot i11 his mouth felt less troublesome than before. After a further daily course .of molns5os 110 was "completely cured." Another resident whose carse had boon diag^ nosed as 101001lal rancor also claims to have been cured by taking a des - r r 1 t spoonlal of raly, n 01005es five times a day for five weeks, ONE MORE CURE N CARLE TON COUNTY, POSTI,IASTER BI'ILYEA TIII'ZS DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS FOR KIDNVEY TROUBLE, And Now IIe Joins all the Others in Praising Them -Eo 51ad Suf- fered for Years and is now Com- pletely Cured. Lower Windsor, Carleton Co., N.B. -Nov. 17, -(Special) -Carleton coun- ty people have long recognized Dodd's Kidney Pills as a sure cure for all forms of Kidney Disease, and as a consequence there is a marked decrease in, the number of those suf- fering from Pain in the ]Jack, Lmn- bago, ilheumatism, Diabetes, Bright's Disease, and all those other ailments resulting from diseased Kidneys. Still 0.0 each fresh cure is reported there is revived interest 111 the mat - tor, and there are more praises 01 Dodd's' Kidney Pills. One of the lat- est, cures reported is that of Post - muster T. Ih Belyea, of Lower Windsor, and he is spreading broad- cast the good news. "1 had a very had spell of Kidney Trouble," says the Postmaster, "which had bothered me for some years. I tried several kinds of plas- ters and medicines, and did not seem to get much lasting baneflt. But hearing Dodd's Kidney Pills so high ly- recommended for Kidney Trouble, 1 thought I would try them, "I received more benefit from Dodd's Kidney Pills than any other medicine I ever tried, for they seem to have made n complete cure, as I am as well as ever. X believe Dodd's Kidney Pills are the right medicine for Kidney Trouble." "Why is it that a girl can never catch a ball like a man ?" "A man is so much larger and easier to catch." THE WABASH RAILROAD Is the great winter tourist route to the south and west, ,noludtng the famous Hot Springs, Ark„ Old Mexico, the Egypt of America, Texas and Califoruia, the lauds of sun- shine and flowers. Your particular attention is called to tl:o fact that passengers gcir.g iia Detroit and over tlhe Wabash, reach their des- tination hours in advance of other lines. The new and elegant trains on the Wabash are the finest in this country, everything Is i:rst class in every respect. A11 round trip winteh' tourist tickets are now on sale o. lowest rates. Time tables, maps, and all in;orn:a- tion about this wonderful railroad cheerfully furnished by any ticket agent, or J. A, Iiichard;;on, District Passenger agent, northeast corner King ge Youge streets, Termite, and St. Thomas, Ont. The highest exercise of charity is charity towards the uncharitable. - Bucluni.nisfer, Mloard's Liniment Is the best, "I don't care for loops or riches," she said, "The mail I marry must be a )hero," "You are right, my child," said her father, "11e must." sOMETIIING To REMEMBER. When traveling you 511011ld bear in mind the road and the trains that will take you to your destination in the fastest time, and in the most comfortable manner. The Grand Trunk service excels in both parnt ticulars and passengers from To- ronto to Montreal, Buffalo, New York, Detroit and Chicago, R'il1 find the day trains equipped with wide vestibuled coaches, handsome Cafe Parlor and Ditiug Cars serving meals "a la carte." The night trains carry Pullman sleeping cars to all. above points, You min leave Toronto for Montreal and east at 9 a. m. and 10 p. m, for Buffalo add York ok q S, r at , a. m., 4.50 and 6.15 p. m. and to Detroit and Chicago at 7,35 a. m., 4.50 p. 111. rind 11.20 p. m. Tickets, reservations, etc., nt city office, northwest corner Icing and Yaugo streets. Ti.o object of slats ativortfsemeast 1a to 1.1141405 you t CEYLON '.CE,4'o islet a package ; it really merits a trial. Packets, A11 grocers. aCaraV916'ffiT,9-son t OUR BRANDS. Killgr EMS ail 66 tleacliigilt" Fwe nn9e G; -G;-2009 51 Victoria" "Little Comet" Lead HULL, Most of our swallows winter as far south as Sierra Leone, Swal- lows arrive in Natal in November and leave early in Dlarclt. bard' Lloimentthe e' Minor best Nalr Bestow ICnicker-"Were there any sus- picious characters about ?" Docker - "Only two policemen." 3.10 ADMIneeLe 00012 15011(TA[tnitG 11013000 :MALTS Teacher --"Johnny Stakes, how many make a million?" Johnny - "Very few 011 dis earth, mum;" For Ores. Sixty 'rears. AN OLD AND 17gr,e-T,,3oo 00510Dr. - lira Winslow, Soeth!nr Syrup has been used for Ora 54* Years by millions of mothers for their children will's le0Lhine, with perfect euncera. It 0,011,, the child, sonans the gums, alisys ell pahs, cures Irina collo, and le tho boat remedy far niurr7,oa. I„ pleasant to the lasts. Sold by druggists 1n every part of the wend. Twentynve coots abot,le• Its vats is irDelou:able, Se sure and ask for Mrs. Wlo,:on's Soothing Syrup. and take moocher kind. The Icing is the first British mon- arch to play golf since the days of James II. erete,..ewaaltind. F8'a.5 Mamma. rn 11Ie ars, C. C. diehards Se Co. Gentlemen, -Theodore Dorais, S customer of mine, was completely cured of rheumatism after Ave ycare of 50(10)ing, by the Judicious use of afINAIW'S LINIMENT. The sh000 fact can be verified by writing to ]Lim, to the parish priest or any of his neighbors. A. COTE. Merchant, St. Isadore, Que. May 12111, 181)8, Dolly Swift -"Mamma is almost sure she heard you kissing me last night," Young Jogalong-"But I have never given her any cause to think so."Dolly Swift -"Welk, don't you thick it is about time you did ?" i? 10) LI BY'S NATURAL FLAVOR - FOODS Aro t00d. �0. G attest lo. ?A tiS FeliOl.�ifat, nit oalhd 10 000 Tenn"' D" htr aitap deliciously as Orel. Pat un 30 000!001 ei311d ke,- enio coo�. Askyu5oa ar.I'tnt:ofoste.t, 50 will ordorft at ur ro ues1. Ped aced ems 1 LIBBY,htcNEILL & MEW, CHICAGO Tho World's Greatest Caterers. Our now adalet .t "10(10' Ta>0Arn (1058 lswos m Ear" Dour Eros(.0(00 aal:ta . 0 g r1t Experiment with other and inferior brands, USE EDDY'S ,aR .ia, OANACA. , .... In the last 30 years Japan has built 4,000 miles of railways. Minard's LIolment for Bheumatfsm' Two hundred and twenty-seven difs ferent insects have been classified which feed on the sugar mane. Q 18000 POPULAR P_NTIFR1012, CAlLVE RT'S CARBOLIC POWDE R., Preterit= rho teeth. Sweetens the breath. Sa•oost/ions the gums. HAVE A LAUGH by sending for one of aur LSUGIIING OA1, ERAS,Ooarex Mirrors, the Tuneless attract tion in every 010050ln, Your friends groi tesquely phntozreehcd, sad 1001105 object; present the most ludicrous pictures finagle( tibia. Four Dobie in011e5 of solid fun. 91 a grow tat fromArldlaughter. 25 cents by mall( postpaDept. 8, VIM SUPPLY CO., Hamilton, Cnt Pclains If you have ono or; more carloads of8 oock Potatoes to offeti quote Lis, or it yell pat your price on 1 we will place it fo you. If you have any 1t, Cranberries �el'rleu wilI.payyoutoshin( them. Demand good. Consignments knds ®d,f pre l The DAWSO71 COMMISSION c0., LimlteoS TORONTO, AGENTS WANTED orlCClneistete5praph of ahs 05110 Corom Mon ani South A'rican \Par. L'o t px1•In^ sgeno ADE1LwOot : Ult& rain \Vrito far farms. U 4'iT\ 4ruF,n. eR Alo!ahle St. R„ Taranto. Ont .wOOD 4 PHOTO.ENCRAVING J. I -JONES ENG.C? ' 168 ta.AY'5TPFET,-TO12(3NV() Gouts' Suits Gleaned r or Dyed; also Ladies' Wear of a0 kinds, and nous, gangints, of every description. GOLD MEDALIST DYERS, EinriuSi7 Al 01111I0AN DYEING' CO'S,. Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa 4 Quebec. C Teachers V 9 AN E1 E 1S9!F' To send for our Com, piote Sheet 1'Auslt Catalogues and Special Rates. Ws aro equipped to 'supply every SIooie Teacher in Canada. .; WHALEY, HOME cif CO,, EFIi11t0) 356 ](Rain Street, 355 Yong., 9y:42, WINNIPEG, MAN. TORO\1_l, ONT. Dominion Lino Stearnsi '' ?dont:col u Liverpool, noslon to Liver. pool, Portland to Liverpool Via Quetta. town. Lil ctadEastSteontsro, Superior 11,1 Stmodnor, for ill chases of qSwint r. to sit ion hens and Stateroom} aro econd5hoo end T irI'Okon has tuni given to t]1 Second Saloon and 1'hirrtloo)s s, apply oaany Poi )atom of convene and all pnrtinumrs, apply to any ogeet at cue Compnns. of aiokardor �li;le 4 Co, D. Torrence 400.. 77,1,1,01. Boston. Montreal and, Portland. Poultry Iliamted alive W4. send empty Grata,. pay highest prieoo, and re- mit promutly. Os'rAaro Pout'av Co., 13 Carinwtine., Toronto. :1004 -e'en d: G1 c1) - 1Zaa3-e lkiE0 -BY USING-- Stal1dard American Wicks -AND-- Sarnia .a lap Oil. Wholesale Only. SAMum. ROGERS,pats.TGRONT0.+ To increase our alrendy large Mail Order business, we will deliver free Of all freight charges, t© any station in Ontario) (proportionate allowances to all outside points) one of these handsome Parlor Suites at general wholesale prices. We ship you direct from our factory, thereby saving you all middle- man's profits. Remember FREIGHT min TO ANY STATION 1551 ONTARIO, T8-II3 840.00 5 -PIECE PARLOR SUITE The parlor suites aro handsomely upholstered ie. the best French velours, fringe, cord, etc„ to matclo, best tempered steel spring seats. This suite is exactly as illustrated, and consists of Sofa, Platform Rocker, Arm Chair, and two deception Chair's. NOTE :-Send for our Xmas Catalogue of Furniture, everything freight charges prepaid. THE BUFFFETT FURNITURE CO., LIMITED, Wholesale a^.&iL "Eri6i110O. 0 sad Beton, ant 2, a, s, s, to & 12 Could Sk, TORONTO TO*