The Brussels Post, 1902-11-27, Page 1Vol, 81. No. 20 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THUB,SD Y, NOVEMBER 27, 1902 W. H,K,ERR, Prop, N e W Advertisements. arm of R. M. Douglae, 111th leased to Donald Ma/alluna of e line, for a term of years, he to ladles in Windsor wbo have purohaeed Property an Caron Ave. ie a pleasing addible') to the mueioal talent of the pity and we may probably in the future be enterleined bythe eietere on the violin "cello." Of this latter they possess an exceptionally fine toned iaatrument. The Pulttio Library wag iaspeoted by Dr, May two weeks ago. He was well pleased with the progreeo trade and gave a grant of 0160,00. The Library now gontaine upward(' of 700 volumes and it 18 inteuded to prooare about 200 more before the end of the year. The Committee is pleased that so many have availed themselves of the Library einoe it began, and would be glad to have ae many subeoribers as possible renewdar. ipg the early part of Deo. ae they moat have 100 eabaorlbere far the year in order to get oar second grant next year, Prohibition meeting in the Township Hall here on Thursday evening of tbig week. The speakers will be Rev, te. W, Closene and G. k', Blair, of Brueeele. New brick residences will be erected next season by Freda Oxtoby and Jpo, Holljnbaok, 9th con. Both will be modern otraoturos end the oontrecte will be in the hand's of Joo. Hunter, of Cram brook, who has a good record for eatie. faction rendered. A meeting of the Eaet Huron F armere' Institute will bo held here on Tneeday, Deo. 2, Following is the program ; Chairman'e addreee; corn and silage, A. Elliott, Galt ; bacteria and their effeot on the home and dairy, Klee Maddock, Guelph. Evening—Chairman'e addreoe ; areas beats, A. Elliott ; flowers ; their evolution and cultlpation, Mise Mnddook. A masioal program will be °applied at' the eveningsimian. Pacinnurzos.—There wag a goad apdi, arae in attendance at the Town Hull, Wednesday evening at the meeting palled to dieouee the new Liquor Apt and the 7ielerepdem, Appropriate and well rendered musical eeleotiona were elven by a union ohoir, Miss Mary Miller pre• siding at the Organ. Rev. Mr. Bluebell, B. A., of Woodetook, wan the epeuker of the evening and oertainly gave a tine addreee dealing with the various phaeea in a plain, praotioal manner and well Pima ingto hie auditors. Rev. A, I. MoKelvey epoko for a few minutes along the line of Individual rooponoibility. The chair was 000apied by W. H: Kerr, of Brugoele. The question is receiving a great deal of at. tention iced a good vote will be probably polled on Dee. 4. 61 A'rR[t[0014L.—An event which hue bre') looked forward to with maoh inter. eat was the wedding of Mies Minnie A. g Hemphill to Cornelia' Cook, of Heneall, which took plum at the home of the bride's parents, T. and Mre. Hemphill, on Wed ueeday afternoon at 3 30, Rev: I, A. Mo. Kelvey coodnpted the service in the preeenpe of a large company of telativee and frienda, The bride, who was given away by her lather, wee attired in a' gown of white silk and was unattended. After the ceremony a wedding breakfast was served, and the happy couple wee pre- aouted with hearty ooegratnlation0. Mre. Cook will be greatly missed by her young friends, amongst whom she was very molar. She has also held the position as organist in the Methodist Church for a number of geom. The young 000ple left on the four o'clock train for Chicago, alter which they will reside in Heneall, The bride'e going -away gown was of a doh snow flake tweed, with bat of white. dried appiee, trade 5 eta. Oar poultry pricer are :^Tgrkeye, 0 6o 10 ate per ib. Ducks, 00 to 70 oto per pear. Chigkene, 84 to 40 eta per pair. Geese 5i to Ga eta per Ib. Poultry to be undrawn and dryverypleasant p. poked. We do not guarantee 'these prices for any length of time bat for present delivery for poultry, carved et tbe home; of the bride's mother after which the bappy ooaple end guests departed for the home of the groom's parents in Morrie, where they spent a evening.The happybride and groom afterwards drove to thein own pie home, las Poste extrude eongratdla• tions. Netters Nomas,—Fine weather,—Wood bees are in night,—Wm. Healy her gone to work nearSagieaw, Michigan.—Want. ed ; Every man to go out and vote on 4th Deo. Every eleo6or i8 responsible for what he does.—Before another lease of TICE Poor ie publiehed the great battle will be about over.—Mre. Alex. Njohol, er. is very ill this week,—R. B. Al000k, 6th line, ie somewhat improved in health. A comber 01 neighbors gathered on Taee. day of this week and oat 0p a good pile of wood for him,—Peter Oantelon had a bee on Wednesday of tate week drawing Y baled hay to Braaeeie,—Geo. Hood ie at Fordwich and Molesworth thio week at- tending the Farmers' Institute meetings. He's very enthaeiaetie and exact is hie duties au Secretary. The t bee bee. n the nam pees, get pees will re .North tortape. hold an of next implem hear of away h prosper! Mast eeth, a tee mid dale Fa the mar Mise M prospero of the 13 some alt phrygian MacNab oeremon the relat very las After b stowed o company ding din valuable populari The eta various all retur and Mrs nese and Swim evening , tainmen School n S. No. 3 easefully man and nounoed joyed by prayer 1 tation, , alphabet on the pi Bolo, Mr, photo ga non ; sol Smith ; drill by L Avieon, ] reoitatio Arthur ; scarf dri recitation. "Amaria Each pet didly. 7 credit ar ton, aleft opinions preoente papists 1 Smith, 1 Laoohlir freshmet the perm appearar the tree i bare of tl ted !reel wee reali. oonoerne 8000000 c Loo l—R bt s Mare r e—Thorn on, are a Pala Goo. Shiele., Shoedop dfoot & Hays. Shoe do artmon6—MaKtonou & do,and Polo bin'- . A,M t Ready-Madet 6 Li _..etc a t. ' a ` X XXX' Rhys, ' * 109 or rtes. Mrs. Thus. Maunders is visiting her daughter at Bebringville, Mies Julia Frain, of Grey, wee viaiting at Jae, Bharpe'e last week. Min atm of the last meeting of the Township Council may be read elseebere in this leans. A little bird soya a wedding to oo the lapis at the East rad of the 5th la .c, to eventuate before long, We regret to bear of the carious illness of Mre. P. Barr, 5th line, but her many ,tierce hope for her speedy eunvalescenoe, Jaokeon oharob Sabbath school annual entertainment will be held on Tneeday, Deo. 23rd, A good program will be rico- dated. Miss Line MOACter arrived back from Hartney, Manitoba, last week. She end her slater will likely move to Brueeele and make their home. Leet week James and Mre. Hall arriv- ed home from a very enjoyable visit with relatives and friends in Manitoba and the Wert. They visited on Toronto friends on tbe way book. Leat Monday Richard Cardiff, eon of M. M. and Mre. Cardiff, 5th line, left for Tomato wbere he takes a position in a commission house. We expect he will do well as be ie a bright, obliging young map who will serve his employer faithfully. Fame BOLD.—Thos. Skelton diepoeed of his 100 scree, 7111 line, to James Kelly, of the same line, the prime being 06,300. Mr. Kelly gate poseeeeion on Maroti let. Mr. Skelton has brought 160 from Wm. Jackson, 8th line, for 07,200 and as a eon- oegnenoe Mr. Jaokeon has annoanaed an emotion sale of farm etook, &o., for Tam- day, Deo. 9th and the probabilities are Mr. and Mre. Jackson will move to Bras- eels and make their home there. Goon Moorneo.—A very interesting meeting was hold in the Jackson Church, 8th line, on Tuesday evening in the inter• Bete of the Prohibition campaign. The ohoir was taken by Wm. Jaokeon, the municipal chairman and tiptop addreesee were given by Barrister Blair, of Brae. sale ; end Reeds. Meyers. Jarrow and Mao/slab, of Walton. The new law was dealt with ; the absurdity of the anti• prohibitionist ones about revenue, the lose to farmer, &o., were made clear, There will be a good rally to the polls oo Deo. 4, and Yes will be the deoieion of not a few. Choice mueioal selections were rendered daring the evening. Kznrv—MoLaoonl.xN.—Patrick Selly, a highly respected young men of this township, was netted in the holy bonds of matrimony on Tuesday, 18th inet., in 8t. Miobae�'a church, Blyth, to Mies Margaret McLaughlin, one of Blyth'(' popular y000R,ladiee. Rev. Father Mo- Meoamin offioiated. The bride wore a very pretty gown of blas and white satin neatly trimmed with white silk applique. A very beaatifal wedding breakfast was Bluo attar.•books A'mnetin of (be East Heron g Farmers ;nictitate will bo hold here oa Monday, Dap, 1: Following is the program : After. loon—Oha[rman a addreee ; porn grow- ng and bolter faator[ee and batter cows seeded, A, Elliott, Gait; domesticeoienoe, Vim Maddook, Guelph. Evening— Dhairman's addreee ; making the moat if our forme, A, Elliott ; bread making, tliee Maddock. Musical program will se eu lied at the avoain •aas'aon, pp g . rttiitbroolc. G. Dicke of London, spent a few days last week with hie sister, Mre. J. W. Switzer. Mies Lizzie McRae arrived home on Monday from a vjeit of a few weeks with her Meter at Listowel. A new windmill is being pat up on the farm of P. Ament near this village. It will be utilized in camping water for stook, &o, A selection of a teacher for the 2nd Department of our pablio school for 1903 , has been made by our trneteee but we have not beard whether aooeptanoe of appointment hae come to band or not, Last Sabbath sermons were preaobed in the Preebyterian and Methodist (March. 8e by the respective pastors. Both were straight et the target and should aid in encouraging electors to mark their bal. Iota in the "Yee" column. There was a good attendance at the public meeting in Knox obnroh in this place on Monday evening of thie week, Rev. D. B. loioRae oo0upied the ohairand m•tde a few appropriate remarks. A fine addreee wag given by G. F. Blair, of Brussels, who dealt at length with the Liquor AM 1902. The other speaker was Rev. E E Mareball, B. A. , of Wood. etook, who, in a most agreeable. manner spoke for about sof an hoar on varioae pha000 of the question to the front in the Temperanoo campaign. Good music wee rendered by the ohoir. Before diemieeal a collection was taken to aid in meeting expenses of the campaign, 0ranbrook and localitywill do their duty me .There- day of next week we trust. _ W roxeter•. Mre. F. V, Dickson is spending a few days in Toronto; Mre. W. S. IktoKerober and children have gone to Ioivit for a few weeks' visit. Mre. John Bray has returned from Michigan after an absenoeof two months. Mies Laurel McLaughlin, of Brown City, Mioh., is viaiting friends in this vicinity. "a ' Mies Ella Sanderson has gone to Tor. onto where she will visit relatives fog some time. Mre. A. Campbell and children, of Lon- don, are gueete of the former's mother, Mre. Leckie. Mise Annie Martin lett for Toronto last week, where she will continue treatment for her hearing. John MoKelvie returned from Owen Sound on Monday where he has spent the last two weeks. A. number from the village attended the funeral of Mies Edwards, of Belmore, wbioh took pleoe to tide cemetery 00 Tuesday afternoon. Owing to the continued illness of Rev. R. S. G. Anderson, Rev. Dr. Tolling, of Toronto, who has occupied the pulpit in the Presbyterian Church for the last two Sundays, will again take charge of the servicer on Sunday next. A. very paiofai accident 000urred oo Monday afternoon, while a party from the village was ort rabbit bunting. Joe. Heyworth was unfortunate enough to stumble on a log, hie gun going off and took off the first joint of three fingers on his right band. A Gerrie Dr, dressed the wound which ie progressing as favor- ably ae can be expected. Hy1toOoaz.—The marriage of David Weir, of Howiok, to Miee Annie elm Michael, daughter of tbe late Aroh. Mo• alieha81,. took plane on Wednesday of lael week, in Howiok, at the home of the bride's mother. The bride wore a be coming dress of white eilk, and wag no. attended. On aomount of recent bereave. meat in the family only the immediate relatives were present. Rev. I. A. Mo. Kelvey 000dnoted the service end Mre. John Hartley, sister of the groom, played the wedding marob. The young 'maple will settle down to the realities of their new life on the groom's farm on the Bel- more road. Semler th. Seaforth carried the by-law to lend lobo Dick, of Toronto, $10,000 to operate ,he woollen mills. The vote was taken to Monday and resulted in 368 polling in favor of it and oply 10 against. John Twin, for some yearn in the em- iloy of T. F. Coleman, salt manufaotar- 1r, was instantly killed Saturday morn- ng in Mr. Coleman's stable.. When ound hie band was holding the eleotrio igbt wire, to which was attached an in. tandeeoent lamp. Deceased leaves a reidow and eleven of a family. - Grev. Mime Minnie Elnoat and Leslie Criob, of Tuokeremith, spent Sunday with R. M. and Mrs, Douglas, 15th con. James Hoover and wife and Wm. Steakhouse and wife, of Weotfietd, were visiting at the home of R. and Mre, Hoover, 9th non, Mre. A. Townshend, of Tuokeremith, wbo woe viaiting at R. M. Douglas', 15th con., for the past two weeks, has returned borne. Sbe ie Mrs. Douglas' grand- mother. Mise Louise Liddy, of Harrieton, was visiting at the home oL James Elliott during the present week. She is the sister of Mr. Avieon, the teooher in Smithat school, A pablio meeting for the dispassion of the Prohibition gaeetion will be held in "Union" ohuroh, 12th'oon., on Thursday evening oL this week, Addresses are expected from Heyde. 0, P. Wells, D. B. McRae, B. Gerry and- A. M. McKay. Music by the oboir. Last week Archie Lamont and Jno. Bishop arrived home from their deer hunting expedition bringing with them their allowed quota, 2 deer eaoh. They say deer is plentiful but very shy and the made next to impaoeible owing to so much rain. Rxrnaxoouoo,—Next Monday evening, commencing at 7.90 o'clock, a public meeting to disease the Liquor Aot of 1902, on which electors will vote on Deo, 4, will be held in Bethel church. Ad• dresses will be given by G. F. Blair and W. H. Kerr, of Brussels, and othere. Opposition speakers invited to take part. RuNAw,Y.—Leat Saturday afternoon as Alex. Stewart was driving np the 16th con. hie horse took fright at a oat and dog fight and ran away. The buggy was run against the fenoe and the shafts brok- en when the horse and rig dieeolved part- nerehtp. Mr. Stewart was thrown out - rather unceremoniously but fortunately escaped serious injury. The horse was captured near by bat had undressed itself as far as harness was weaned, It might easily have been worse. Walton.. Next Sabbath Rev. A. MaoNab M. A., vial preach another sermon on the Pro sibition movement. He addreesed leveret meetinge during the past week. A meeting of the Emit Huron Farmers' 'netitnte will be held hereon Wednesday, Dec. 3. Following is the program ; afternoon—Ohairman'e address ; Dorn and silage and how to maintain moisture nd fertility in the 00i1, A. Elliott, Galt ; Iomeeti0 eoieaoe, Min Maddock, Guelph; Reding oattle, G. Mnrdie, Seaforth. Iveu1ng—Chairmen's addreee ; making ae most of our farms, A. Elliott ; flower'; heir evolution and cultivation, Mies 4addook. A musical program will be applied at the evening session. The following account of an entertain. neat in Windsor. Ont, will be of interest o the people of this locality ae favorable nention ie made of former Waltonians ; —"The 0000ett at the 'school room at 'All Sainte" last night was a brilliant iaooeea. The Lodine' Aid of the Chapel if the Ascension are very grateful to hose who contributed to the entertain. neat at the school room. Each number vas well reoeived by the large audience and without dietinotion enthaeiaelioally ,000red. The novelty of the mueioal 'tittles and glasses as well ea the sweet n0alo so artistically performed by Mre. .nd Mies Sage, who have delighted ,ndienaeo in most of the large cities of )anada and the United States, wag in videnoe here, and largely contributed to he enemas. The residence of these amine Arrangements are being completed for the Olde Tyme Concert in the Hall here on Thursday, Deo. 11th. A.goodprogram will be presented. Last Sabbath evening Rev. W. J.Weet, M. A., of Bluevale, preached in Victoria Hall. Rev. R. Paul, of Brussels, will bo the offioiating olergyman next Sunday. A wedding is on foot here for next week. Jamestown is a favorite spot for matrimonial fever, bat there are still as good fish around as have been caught, so come along boye. James Thynue, who has been erigaged in the threshing bpeiuees for years, has 'added a blower to the outfit and puts the straw in the mow or elsewhere with neat- Hees and dispatch. He'e a hostler and looks after hie business b first-class 81318. Next Tuesday evening, commencing at 7.30 o'olook, a public meeting will be held in Victoria Hall here in the intereete of the Prohibition movement. Thor. Straoban will ocoppy the chair and ad- dresses will be given by Rev. Jno. Rees, B. A., and others. Opposition speakers invited to take part. The Jamestown more hes in a fall line of goods for Winter ea come and compare sampler and prime. We are now in a position to take batter for cash or trade the following are our prime at present :— Batter in nice rolls, oaeh 15 oto—trade 16 ole. Tallow, trade 5i} ole. Bright l thel. Mrs. Scott, of Lakelet, has been the guest of Mre. 8. Howlett. The cheese factory olosed down on the 116th Met. They had a good season, Jonathan and Mrs. Wright were vieit ing relativee at Oremerty, Hibbert town• ebip for a few days. Jno. Molntoeh, Townehip Clerk, has been appointed a Jastioe of Peaoe and will deal out the law 00 occasion demands. He should 1111 the bill all right. A stirriug sermon on the Prohibition question was preached in the Presbyter• lan church here last Babbitt] afternoon by the pastor, Rev. D. B. Mollie. It was well directed. next lkiarob. Mr, Douglee move to Park River Dietritt, Dakota, where he will try hie Owing 6o this deoieion bo will auction sale on Friday 3108000 0 weak and dispose of farm stool', Dela, deo, Many will regret to Mr. Doeglse' deoielon to "tote ut will wish him and his family 3. ttotexar.,-0n Wedueedey, Nov, very happy event took plane at canoe of Mrs. J. Ramsey, "Oodar- rm", con, 17, the accession being mart of her estimable daughter, Pry J., to Jemee D. McNair, to ue, and highly respected farmer it con. The bride looked bond, fired in white and wore white themams in her hair. Rev. A. M.A., of Walton, performed the y at 4 p. m., in the presence of fives of the bride and groom in o Met • deoorated drawing room. he • oopgrotulatione were be, ▪ the newly wedded pair, the partook of a well prepared wed. new. The wedding gifte were and useful which bespoke the ty of the oontrooting parties. ening was enjoyably spent in I of amusement after which ed to their homes wishing Mr. . McNair many years of 11appi. prosperity. I'FIIL I'loTRRTanotowr. — Friday f last week the annual enter. t in connection with the Sabbath lmating in the school hoose in 8. was held and resulted very sue. • P. A. MoArthur was the chair. lbe following program was am by bim which was greatly en• the large audience ;—Hymn ; opening ohorue by eohboll real. Sdam Bowman ; Temperance Primary clam ; Inci, "Prayer or" ; recitation, Jennie Bowman ; Avieon ; dialogue, "Scene in a Very" ; recitation, Elia MoKin• 0, D. Stewart ; recitation, Hugh reading, S. Lamont ; military { boys ; male quartette, Messrs. Lamont, Stewart and McArthur ; by 4 boys ; solo, Mies May Mo. reoitatioo, Mise Louise Liddy ; I1 by 8 girlo 1 solo, Mr. Avieon ; o, Mies Louise Liddy ; dialogue, h and his sone" ; olosingiohor0s. son performed their part splen - he local talent did themselves d Miss Louiee Liddy, of Harrie- r to Teacher Avieon, won golden in her recitations. Both drills d were well done, The e000m• or the evening were Miesee Belle 3elle McKinnon and Jean Mo• . An abundant comply of re. rte was served. Santa Claus, in n of Oliver Smith, made hie oe and dispensed the gifts from n orthodox faehion. The mem- ae Sabbath School were admit - and even with this gratuity 614 zed from the entertainment. All d are to be congratulated on the f the entertainment. atehett's - ewto et III _'a,._ql1 ,, :1. -el 'ir -rl- .A 300000, C0]T 'II IRCT To be filled during the month of December, 1902. On Monday, November 24th, we closed a contract with a Cloth- ing Manufacturer in Montreal to sell for him during the Month of December, $3,000.00 worth of FINE READY- TO -WEAR CLOTHING 1 This Immense Stock consists of Men's Fine Worsted and Tweed Suits, Men's Overcoats, Men's Odd Pants, Boys' and Children's Suits and Overcoats. This Gigantic Selling must and will be done during December, 1902. We Make Money if this Amount of Clothing is Sold. We Lose Money if this Amount of Clothing is not Sold. Our instructions are, "Sell these goods at 20c. on the Dollar less than Manufacturers' Prices." This means Dollars Saved on every Suit or Overcoat you buy here during the Month of December. Away goes all other Lines of Goods, they join in this Great Procession of Slaughter Prices : Dress Goods, Linens, Shootings, Towolings, Flannels, Underwear, Bats, Caps, Boots and Shoes. DOLLARS SAVED IN COMING DiRECT TO THE MONEY SAV/NG SPOT. H_ A_ MATCHETT�S� The New Store CARFIELD BLOCK, BRUSSELS